Adderall toot. #TheTrumpBump.— Ken Olin (@kenolin1) January 8, 2020
ADDED: I just wanted to cross-reference my October 2019 post, "Are almost all journalists on Adderall?"
I like to know when someone I'm listening to is on drugs. If I don't know, and they are, they are stealing from me. That's how I see it. I'm not talking about people with a genuine mental disorder who take a prescribed drug that's supposed to get them to the medical profession's idea of normal. I respect their privacy. But somebody taking drugs to get a lot of writing done? I want a warning before I spend some of my life's precious time absorbing their addled — Adderalled — verbiage.ALSO: I listened to the speech on the car radio, and from the beginning, I was exclaiming about the sound of his breathing, which, to me, seemed to be that he was out of breath and emotional. I wondered if something had happened, that there was more to the story than he was able to tell us. He was late coming out to speak, so I thought maybe he was just briefed about something — the plane crash? — or was engaged in some difficult problem or rushed to the room.
I remember Trump breathing noisily at debates in 2016. Here's a contemporaneous article in Forbes looking into the causes. It quotes a tweet from Howard Dean (who is a doctor), speculating that it might be cocaine. The Forbes writer lists possible reasons for the sniffing: allergies, sinisitis, irritants (such as perfume), medications (such as for high blood pressure), a tic (which could be caused by a disorder such as ADHD or by stress), crying, head trauma, nose picking, bleeding disorder, or an object in the nose (such as a peanut).
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Well, that does it. Not sure, what it does, but that does it.
Uhhh, last time I looked winter is cold season.
If you had spoken to me two weeks ago, I would have been a sniffly mess, too.
This is all they have left.
That's all folks!
See you in November!
Yeah, call me crazy, but I tend to focus on the public words spoken by the Commander-in-Chief, after a serious military confrontation:
No American or Iraqi lives were lost because of the precautions taken, the dispersal of forces, and an early warning system that worked very well. I salute the incredible skill and courage of America’s men and women in uniform.
For far too long — all the way back to 1979, to be exact — nations have tolerated Iran’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond. Those days are over. Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world. We will never let that happen.
Last week, we took decisive action to stop a ruthless terrorist from threatening American lives. At my direction, the United States military eliminated the world’s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani. As the head of the Quds Force, Soleimani was personally responsible for some of the absolutely worst atrocities.
He trained terrorist armies, including Hezbollah, launching terrorist strikes against civilian targets. He fueled bloody civil wars all across the region. He viciously wounded and murdered thousands of U.S. troops, including the planting of roadside bombs that maim and dismember their victims.
Soleimani directed the recent attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq that badly wounded four service members and killed one American, and he orchestrated the violent assault on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. In recent days, he was planning new attacks on American targets, but we stopped him.
Soleimani’s hands were drenched in both American and Iranian blood. He should have been terminated long ago. By removing Soleimani, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists: If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our people.
Can't wait for Chuck to provide the deeper meaning behind this.
I would be very surprised if Trump took any sort of substance like that. Especially given what happened to his brother with alcohol. And I think his brother's death is probably one of the defining moments of his life.
Then send them all a barrel of this wonderful Aderall.
I'm waiting for Secret Agent Inga to provide the deeper meaning behind this.
More from Trump's speech:
Iran’s hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013, and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash. Instead of saying “thank you” to the United States, they chanted “death to America.” In fact, they chanted “death to America” the day the agreement was signed.
Then, Iran went on a terror spree, funded by the money from the deal, and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration. The regime also greatly tightened the reins on their own country, even recently killing 1,500 people at the many protests that are taking place all throughout Iran.
The very defective JCPOA expires shortly anyway, and gives Iran a clear and quick path to nuclear breakout. Iran must abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its support for terrorism. The time has come for the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China to recognize this reality.
They must now break away from the remnants of the Iran deal -– or JCPOA –- and we must all work together toward making a deal with Iran that makes the world a safer and more peaceful place. We must also make a deal that allows Iran to thrive and prosper, and take advantage of its enormous untapped potential. Iran can be a great country.
NOW we have him! This is too far. Our all-powerful psychic readers and medical/psych diagnostic team has registered a POSITIVE for drugs. Add that to the numerous, indisputable, insanity findings, hiding his fatal heart attack, the size of his hands and various other issues with his aura, he MUST go!
Lord I wish I could find these insane jackals funny again. But it is far beyond that.
Gee, think how happy they'd be if they could get a whiff of one of his cheeseburger farts!
You'd sniff too, if you ate 2 scoops of Ice cream at the same table with giant salt and pepper shakers.
Well let's focus on anything other than the content of the speech.
And I heard every single "snuff" just because I am hyper aware of stuff like that. My take was that he speaks in "bursts", taking a breath through his nose and then he delivers the next bit. And I'm going with an issue tied to nose breathing - deviated septum, nasal polyp, allergy, whatever. Fact is, he's taking a breath through his nose, and it's audible.
Not like he's snorting coke or popping opiods...
Millions of us in Texas are suffering from seasonal Cedar Fever, the result of clouds of Mountain Juniper pollen being inflicted upon us. So much is airborne that even folks who are not allergic are suffering the effects.
I suspect similar pollen events in the Great Swamp of Capitol City.
@Karen of Texas
"Not like he's snorting coke or popping opiods…"
Everyone in NY, DC, and the press corps are doing one or both though. Projection. It's like grade school analogies run amok:
Everyone in DC does drugs
Everyone in the press corps does drugs
I do drugs
I'm in DC and the press corps
Trump is in DC
Therefore Trump does drugs
When/if journalists are on adderall it’s bad, when/if a president is on adderall it’s really bad.
This is how he always speaks. It's not new. He has a very nasal delivery and does talk in bursts.
I don't give a shit if he is on Adderall and if 85% of the Washington press corps is on Adderall.
After Trump knocks out Iranian terrorist, here's leftwing media two-step:
1. Gin up fears about Iran's retaliation;
2. If retaliation claims American lives, blame Trump. If retaliation is feeble and doesn't claim American lives, focus on trivial distraction, like Adderall.
These bozos have been exposed. We know how they operate.
Maybe he has a cold. Jesus. They need to get over their TDS. It's getting stupid.
He also said "tolerized" instead of "tolerated" and "acompliment" instead of "accomplishment". He's been taking diction lessons from Bush 43.
At least he didn't say he's been to 57 states with 2 more to go!!!
These journolists (and lefty commenters) wish POTUS was as fucked up as they are.
It's never too late to get help, folks.
does it put you in a good mood?
Check out this chart to see Suliemani's disposition at strike time!
Trump appears to be from a land-dwelling species. Made the leap from gills, probably
Might be amphibious though.
Can they impeach him over the sniffs?
Schitt? hello? Schitt. Calling Schitt.
Interesting, no TDS tag on this post.
I noticed the difference in his delivery too. He looked tired. I am assuming he spent some pretty long hours the past couple of days.
Mole hair, obviously.
First, the psychos project. Now, the medidramatics without ethics. Progress.
wendybar has it right. Maybe he has a cold.
These people are insane with TDS.
Inga writes: When/if journalists are on adderall it’s bad, when/if a president is on adderall it’s really bad.
So when did you kick your Adderall habit?
Or are you still popping?
Very amusing. Now do one of every time Obama said, "Uh."
I stopped reading Alkon due to the Adderall. She was quite open about it and explained she has this special problem and really, really needed it. And by God she has so much energy! So productive! And keeps her weight down!
No shit. Wouldn't we all!
The one general behind him looks like he’s scoping out the place for exits.
I remember when Ritalin was all the rage, but the voices and loss of large chunks of time was a real bum side-effect for most people, especially journos with deadlines.
Then Adderall came along and saved the day! Nothing makes you focus like a m*therf*cker for 10 hours straight while sipping from Smirnoff cordials to nurse your raging hangover. Then heading to Lincoln to do lines off their conveniently large and well-cleaned copper washed toilet roll dispensers before heading to nerd-prom.
Why don't other Americans get this? This is what life is like when you reach the top. This is what life is like when you know you've made it.
oh FFS, they've gone from histrionics to ululating lately
Everybody that I know has this years 3 week cold which is a nuisance post nasal drip that never stops.
Admiral Inga: "The one general behind him looks like he’s scoping out the place for exits."
When all else fails, pretend you can read minds to generate more favorable narratives.
I'm very very very sorry your dreams of a Massive World War III Conflagration did not materialize Inga.
This is what? The second or 3rd world war that you guys were telling us we would be in by now with Trump?
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Meanwhile, at this point in his Presidency obama had already launched an unnecessary war of choice against Libya, for whatever reason, and that has led directly to an islamic supremacist takeover of Libya, open air slave markets across that nation, and massive outflow of refugees into Europe further destabilizing the region.
The dems/LLR-lefties must be so very very proud.
Admiral Inga: "Interesting, no TDS tag on this post."
You and LLR-lefty Chuck are walking-talking TDS tags.
The dems claimed Trump would start WWIII and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.....
FTR: saying that someone has an illness is one of 5 Slander Per Se categories of speech in common law.
The question now is, how will the dems/left/LLR-left "salvage" this horrific peace-y outcome?
Well, look no further than Time Magazine.
Time provided a very "helpful" synopsis of how we got to this point in the US/Iran relationship.
And since Time is just a bunch of lefties/LLR-lefties, guess what they left out of that synopsis?
If you guessed EVERYTHING BETWEEN 1979 AND 2018, you would be right.
Literally, the "explainer" piece jumps from 1979 to 2018!!
Talk about THE perfect example of how lefties/LLR-lefties "explain" things.
traditionalguy: "FTR: saying that someone has an illness is one of 5 Slander Per Se categories of speech in common law."
Every communist nation and every communist group has always labeled their political opponents insane.
Every single one.
Without exception.
I hated, I mean really hated thirtysomething.
All that is wrong with males today can date back to there. Ken Olin example #1.
When/if journalists are on adderall it’s bad, when/if a president is on adderall it’s really bad.
Smart people - who've been wrong all week - would probably choose today as a good time to shut up. Those who aren't will continue to run their mouths.
Jim at: "Smart people - who've been wrong all week - would probably choose today as a good time to shut up. Those who aren't will continue to run their mouths."
They can't.
The dem/lefty/LLR-lefty Smear Machine must be fed every 15 minutes to keep the little morons in line.
I wonder what Mike Lee is so upset over?
Trump : (sniff)Smell that? You (sniff) smell that?
Press : What?
Trump: 'Winning', son. Nothing (sniff) else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of winning in the morning. You know, (sniff) one time we had a terrorist bombed. When it was all over, the smell, you know that 'good news' smell? Smelled like...(sniff) victory. Someday this war's gonna end."
Admiral Inga: "I wonder what Mike Lee is so upset over?"
He did not like the briefers!
Gee, I've never heard that before......
Sight unseen I'd side with Lee given what I know about some of these briefers.
Imagine trying to ask that little toad Vindman to explain himself!!
“He did not like the briefers!”
Indeed he didn’t. Because they told them not to debate the war powers act on the a Senate floor. That’s why.
Sounded different than the debate sniffing.
I took at stress/nerves.
General scoping for a crazed reporter to storm the podium/lectern/speaky thing.
Just think how far Inga's and LLR-lefty Chuck's talking points have fallen in just 72 hours!
72 hours ago Trump had completely destabilized the Middle East, put American at risk of being murdered across the globe, triggered WWIII and would lead us inexorably into a ME conflict that would consume 10 years/1,000,000 combat personnel/Trillions of dollars.
72 hours later: Inga pretends she can read the mind of General Staff Officer.
Funniest Part? Inga thinks we will forget all this and she can begin anew tomorrow talking about the "next" world war Trump will supposedly start!!
Hey, everyone remember the global nuclear war Trump triggered with North Korea?
Yeah, me neither.
“He said he "walked into that briefing undecided" on whether to support a war-powers resolution being pushed by Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia. The resolution would limit the Trump administration's ability to take further military action against Iran without congressional authorization.
"That briefing is what changed my mind," Lee said. "I'm now going to support it.”
Admiral Inga: "Indeed he didn’t. Because they told them not to debate the war powers act on the a Senate floor. That’s why."
Hey dummy, didn't you watch your own farcical democrat House impeachment hearings?
The staffers think THEY run the show and the elected officials should just shut up and do what they are told.
Funniest part? Just a couple months ago Inga that was fine and dandy when it came to the elected executive! Inga praised and praised and praised the permanent deep staters when they "stood up to" that horrible elected official named Trump!
But now, when we have an example of the establishment permanent staffers lecturing OTHER elected officials, suddenly its all so very very wrong!!
How funny is that?
Inga continues to not impress.
General scoping for a crazed reporter to storm the podium/lectern/speaky thing.
George Lopez
"I find it insulting; I find it demeaning" to the Senate and the Constitution, the senator added. "It's un-American, it's unconstitutional, and it's wrong," he said after adding that the people who briefed senators on Trump's strike said the lawmakers could not debate the merits of the measure.“
Sorry I went off topic, but I was just so shocked by what Lee had to say.
Hey Inga, for your next hoax "trump will start a war!" set of lies, why not pick someplace fun to visit?
I mean, its all a bunch of nonsense you're peddling anyway, so why not make it good?
Hey Everyone!! Did you hear? French Polynesia is threatening the US!! And it's one particular resort that is at the center of it all!!
Let's get there quick and take them down before the evening beach party starts!!
Admiral Inga: "Sorry I went off topic, but I was just so shocked by what Lee had to say."
You need to get out more!
"I find it insulting; I find it demeaning" to the Senate and the Constitution, the senator added. "It's un-American, it's unconstitutional, and it's wrong," he said after adding that the people who briefed senators on Trump's strike said the lawmakers could not debate the merits of the measure."
You know what else is unconstitutional? Ukrainian holdover staffers from the obama administration attempting to dictate Ukrainian foreign policy instead of the elected Executive!!
It's so cute that Inga just stumbled upon the Constitution and the relationship between elected leaders and staffers.
Adorable, really.
The stock market seems to be on Adderall or some such stimulant.
Traders look for reasons to sell (e.g., WWIII, China trade) and reasons to buy (e.g., one of the best economies in a while). Those of us whose retirement funds are in the market should be happy with the Trump economy.
Of course, Obama wants to take credit, as always. Winning the Nobel prize without a single accomplishment must have gone to his head.
You know what's really really unconstitutional?
The outgoing President ordering his team to use the powers of the state to spy on domestic political opponents and then to leak classified information to the public for political purposes.
But whatever, right?
No Americans were killed.
It's a bad day for Inga.
Ivanovich got kid gloves treatment. Almost no attention paid to the parts of that call about her.
Trump is better at being an extemporaneous speaker. In a formal setting like today, he is likely nervous and trying to be especially careful to not make mistakes or commit some heinous verbal trespass like maybe not saying the words correctly.
When you are reading a speech..... And especially one you haven't had the luxury of practicing.....your tempo and breathing is off. Hence the big breath through the nose and then the burst of words.
Anyone who has ever acted in a play or performed singing in front of people will know this type breathing is difficult. Breathing in this fashion in front of a microphone will only enhance the sound.
So Trump inhales through his nose, big deal.... and the microphone picks it up. Of course, if he were to breath through his mouth, then Inga and Chuck would scream at the top of their lungs that he is a mouth breather. Nyah nayah nayah.
Try listening to his words for a change.
Since I have become accustomated to Trump’s snorting and snuffling and general word-slurring. So I could tolerize this speech. Many people say that they tolerited it.
Other interesting Mike Lee quotes (To IG Horowitz):
"I find the conclusion, that some have raised, that, your report Mr Horowitz, somehow exonerates the FBI in this matter, to be crazy. Absolutely crazy."
The lefties told us Mike Lee was part of the coverup and was attacking our institutions when he said this.
But that was then and this is now and history began 15 minutes ago for our lefties so suddenly Mike Lee is the nazi/mormon/white supremacist that Must Be Listened To!!
Too funny.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Since I have become accustomated to Trump’s snorting and snuffling and general word-slurring."
I, on the other hand, have become quite accustomed to Trump and America (they seem to go hand in hand, don't they?) WINNING!
Again LLR-lefty Chuck, I'm sorry for yours and Inga's World War Fever Dreams loss.
Thoughts and prayers for you two during this difficult time.
The Gin speaks!
DBQ: "So Trump inhales through his nose, big deal.... and the microphone picks it up. Of course, if he were to breath through his mouth, then Inga and Chuck would scream at the top of their lungs that he is a mouth breather. Nyah nayah nayah.
Try listening to his words for a change."
They cannot.
Trump's words just destroyed about 2 to 3 weeks worth of lefty narratives and talking points.
And remember, this is right on top of McConnell shoving it down LLR-lefty Chuck's lefty dem pals throats on impeachment and winning.
Right on top of the new economic numbers blowing the dems out of the water.
But this is my favorite part of Trump's speech (which Inga and ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck will not want to hear): The US is now Energy Independent.
This was passionately, fervently, almost religiously(!) denied by the lefties at Althouse blog just within the last 48 hours!
Trump is now converting Democrat/Lefty/LLR-lefty Narrative assaults into massive losses for the dems/LLR's within days now. Just days.
Its amazing to watch and even better knowing that the dems/lefties/LLR-lefties are incapable of adapting their behavior to this well established reality.
walter: "The Gin speaks!"
LLR-lefty Chuck is our "Bunga"-Gin!
"He was a much worse man than I, Bunga-Gin!"
I know that Adderall is the brand name for a popular amphetamine and I expect that this is why you use it. So not really a complaint, more of a suggestion.
Shouldn't we really be referring to it as "amphetamine" or "speed"? Maybe "Black Beauties", though I don't think they are actually black in their current incarnation. Might be racist if they were.
Adderall is very little different from methamphetamine. I had a fair amount of experience with both in the 60's as well Dexidrine and Benzadrine. The only real difference is that one is pharmaceutical and predictable, the other is homemade and can have all sorts of other shit added. Some people like the unpredictability but it may depend on the mood you are in at the time.
When it comes right down to it, is there any difference at all between the stereotypical hillbilly speeding around on illegal meth and the journalist speeding around on pharmaceutical amphetamine (Adderall)
Other than that the hillbillys are probably more honest and a better class of people.
Remember the wise words of Canned Heat:
Your mind might think its flying, baby
On those little pills
But you ought to know it's dying, 'cause
Speed kills"
Perhaps all those drugged out journos are the reason for so much fake news.
John Henry
I wonder if LLR-lefty Chuck has caught up on the latest with his hero Paul Krugman and to say this(?)....."small" (as in child) "problem"?
As Ace of Spades HQ relays (this is a conservative site, so LLR-lefty Chuck will be utterly unfamiliar with it): "If someone were to ask me when Paul Krugman's reputation will recover, I think a good first-pass answer would be "never."
'yeargh' dean, the dyspeptic squirrel, it is to laugh, so telling the truth, means you are on drugs now, well Jason leopold and aaron Sorkin have been, but that hasn't been the pattern,
Alcon used to make a belladonna and opium suppository. Very popular in the gay community, according to Lenny Bruce ("If heroin is a monkey on your back, what is an opium suppository?".
Unlike speed (Adderall) it slows you down. Everything is groovy. They might even come around to thinking "Orange man cool"
Perhaps we need to wean journos off speed and onto B&O suppositories. Probably available semi-legally through Mexico
John Henry
Maybe Trump is following Hillary's advice on Alternate Nostril Breathing?
Trump's speech was full of his usual mendacity about the Iranian nuclear deal:
-The deal was signed in 2015, not 2013
-The $150 billion figure is bogus, and the funds were frozen in the first place because of sanctions the Obama administration pursued
-The notion that Iran "created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Iraq" is absurd considering that (a) It was Saudi Arabia and Emirati support for radical jihadists in Syria that prolonged the Syrian Civil War and led to the rise of ISIS; and (b) The death and destruction in Yemen is the result of the war Saudi Arabia launched against it in 2015 to reinstate Hadi, who is currently sitting in Riyadh under house arrest.
What's the over/under for how long its going to take for Martha Raddatz to cry on camera again?
Blogger Drago said...
Every communist nation and every communist group has always labeled their political opponents insane.
Marx pre-dated psychiatry but if you read him, Capital for one but some of his other works, you will see why.
Marx thought that anyone who did not believe in his economics was crazy. He was not quite as explicit as others but he did feel that the only way communism, esp his brand, could work was if you got rid of the crazy people.
It is why I've said on various occasions that large scale murder is baked into Marxist socialism/communism. Marx was right about it not working with non-believers present. But he was the crazy one, not the non-believers.
John Henry
And you can't hear the teacher with beans in your ears.
John Henry
John Henry: "It is why I've said on various occasions that large scale murder is baked into Marxist socialism/communism. Marx was right about it not working with non-believers present. But he was the crazy one, not the non-believers."
Well, there was "early Marx" and "later Marx". And "later" Marx was quite upset with how much "early Marx" got 180 degrees wrong about human nature and getting that darn "state" to just wither away!
As he got older and others bought into his moronic theories, Marx and his pals became angry at the world for failing them so they said "screw it!", lets just whack anyone who doesn't agree.
'cuz that's just a whole lot more "efficient" in delivering "utopia" on earth.
the facility in cuba, for political conditioning was mazorra, I'm sure there are analogues in khmer, Vietnamese mandarin, from one of Gordon Thomas's books which focused mainly on mk ultra, there was the anecdote of the Iranian born soviet trained doctor, who drugged the Hezbollah conscripts and interrogated William buckley,
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like...victory!
Well, yes, Drago. No real disagreement there. But murder was baked into Marxism from the get go. When he decided that people trade for things of equal value. Then his whole labor theory where value is determined by how much labor is "crystalized" into a commodity. Then he builds on that.
The problem is that in the real world people never exchange things of equal value, only things of lesser value for things of greater value. Value is subjective, not objective.
But for even early Marxism to work, value has to be objectively determined. People don't do that so they have to be forced. Any force ultimately leads to murder, actual or threatened, by the forcer of the forcee.
Murder is baked into Marxism from his very earliest works.
John Henry
I can't think of anything Trump has been through which was more stressful than this episode with Iran. After having gone through the stress of confronting Iran and risking everything I gained a measure of appreciation for the safety of Obama's policy of appeasement. What Obama did was soooo much easier, maybe even smarter from his point of view. However my greatest respect goes to Trump who took on the terrible responsibility of making the decision to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, not just delay it several years, as he openly confronted their covert program of terrorism and territorial imperialism. This story is far from over and Trump has not kicked it down the road for some other president.
Iran said after the missile attack that the ball is in the US's court but I think it is still in Iran's court. The Ayatollah Khameini has said before that all he wants is the US completely out of the Middle East, but that's not going to happen any time soon, so it's up to them to accept that or continue to pursue their goal of global domination.
Adderall is the equivalent of a couple strong cups of coffee, so stop hyperventilating.
He should have some pecan pie a la mode. 3 scoops.
Poor J. Farmer.
Everything about your world view is wrong.
Even odds that Iran makes a real deal with Trump and it actually stops funding all the proxy wars.
Iran wouldn't have been able to attack people without that money.
And it is pretty clear Iran is at the end of the road.
The Bernie Trump 2020 match up has become much more likely over the last couple days.
Michelle and her handlers will likely make the calculation she has no chance against Trump.
If they are going to lose to Trump anyways, they might as well deal with the Bernie nonsense and get it over with.
"are almost all journalists on Adderall?"
arent most journalists all adders?
Asppirin wont help when they spew their venom
Everything about your world view is wrong.
Care to identify which of my points above is incorrect?
Even odds that Iran makes a real deal with Trump and it actually stops funding all the proxy wars.
Bet you a thousand dollars this doesn't happen. Interested?
I would say vipers, but your mileage may vary,
Everything about your world view is wrong.
Yeah, immigration restrictionist, economic nationalist, anti-interventionist. Gee, where have I heard this worldview before?
The Left, Congressional Democrats and their operatives in the Western media are openly cheering/pulling for Iran. Disgusting.
TDS is real.
Very serious people. Just what we need to be listening to.
Well now Inga survived WWIII. God does have a sense of humor!
"Yeah, immigration restrictionist, economic nationalist, anti-interventionist. Gee, where have I heard this worldview before?"
Nazi Germany, 1937.
Ann you are a phony . Here the "weird" trump gave a very presidential speech and you talk about sniffles. You sound like a typical yenta. Your meme about a weird, strange, jackass trump always meets defeat.Now you sound like a jackass instead of a law professor. Now we know why you never talk about issues because you have no viable stand on issues, only sniffles.
What happened to Sen. Mike Lee?
It wasn't long ago he was the darling of the conservative conservatives. The wanted trump to put him on the Supreme Court.
Somewhere along the line he turned into Susan Collins.
Nazi Germany, 1937.
Nazy Germany was anti-interventionist in 1937?
Ann you are a phony . Here the "weird" trump gave a very presidential speech and you talk about sniffles. You sound like a typical yenta. Your meme about a weird, strange, jackass trump always meets defeat.Now you sound like a jackass instead of a law professor. Now we know why you never talk about issues because you have no viable stand on issues, only sniffles.
How can you possibly know Ann's style and make that critique?
Trump's speech was full of his usual mendacity about the Iranian nuclear deal:
You are starting to sound like Chuckles. Your examples of Trump's "mendacity" are either trivial or moot.
Is this one of those threads where everyone gets lectured by Farmer? Especially if you agree?
Browndog: "What happened to Sen. Mike Lee?"
I dont think its anything new. Mike Lee was given the stiff arm by Pompeo and Esper regarding what circumstances the administration believes would require congressional approval under the War Powers Act.
Pompeo and Esper then said what every executive has said for 40 years: we dont answer hypotheticals (as a way of protecting Executive perogative).
And they must have done it in a particularly snooty way.
Wow. Shocker.
So Lee gets pissed and walks out ticked off and lets people know about it and to threaten using the leverage he has to push back: the vote.
Of course, Lee said tonight that Trump has been the MOST respectful of congressional participation of any President in Lee's lifetime.
I imagine Pompeo will call Lee and say "I was tired" and "I apologize for being so short" (potential Bloomberg joke!) Etc. Time to unruffle some feathers.
Isn't "addled....verbiage" redundant?
I wrote my book on Adderall (generic). Probably could not have done it without it. But I've been off it for over two years now (due to Obamacare) and my ADHD is off the charts. Now that I have insurance again, I need to schedule an appointment. Strattera and Vyvanse worked better but no generic for Vyvanse.
Trump subdues the mullahs with one nostril tied behind his back.
@Francisco D:
You are starting to sound like Chuckles. Your examples of Trump's "mendacity" are either trivial or moot.
They were Trump's points. Meant to build a case for a certain posture towards Iran. That case is made of gossamer.
Is this one of those threads where everyone gets lectured by Farmer? Especially if you agree?
No, sadly, I will not have the energy for that tonight. But I'll take a rain check.
Idle threats.
And your little dog too!
"Yeah, immigration restrictionist, economic nationalist, anti-interventionist. Gee, where have I heard this worldview before?"
Failed Historian Inga: "Nazi Germany, 1937."
Nazi's were anti-interventionist?!!!
That is an amazing and astonishing claim....well, maybe not for Inga.
The Nazi's invaded 20+ nations, but I guess it was in a bizarre "non-interventionist" way....
Yesterdays lefty hotness: Trump the Nazi will get us into wars everywhere!!
Todays lefty hotness: That darn Trump the Nazi refuses to get us into wars!!
Inga thinks no one notices this stuff.
I'm going with "peanut in the nose" because the thought of that as a possibility made me laugh. Then I thought about the even stupider theories I've heard about why Trump does Trump things and I stopped laughing. In comparison to some of them, a peanut in the nose sounds pretty reasonable.
What got me about Lee is when he said he was "undecided" as to the validity of taking Sulaimani off the battlefield.
Like I said right after, it was a good speech. He looked like he pulled an all nighter. They might want to feed Adderall to Unka Joe
Wow. Multiple Senators calling Mike Lee out for misrepresenting what occurred in the briefing.
Yeah, immigration restrictionist, economic nationalist, anti-interventionist. Gee, where have I heard this worldview before?
Alexander Hamilton? John Adams?
"Nazy Germany was anti-interventionist in 1937?"
Ja. Als sie nicht nach Ländern suchten, in die sie eindringen konnten, waren sie sehr antiinterventionistisch.
Ja, ich scherze mit dir... hahahaha!
Drago, you must now apologize to Inga. She is finally blameless.
"Failed Historian Inga: "Nazi Germany, 1937."
Nazi's were anti-interventionist?!!!
That is an amazing and astonishing claim....well, maybe not for Inga."
Learn from this. Figure out what would make you misidentify Iman and Inga. Calm down.
I agree with pacwest and DBQ. Trump sounded off, and I had to look at the video again to see that he was using a teleprompter (a "tell 'um prompter"?). So he was reading a prepared statement.
As for J. Farmer's corrections: if Trump was reading a statement, I'd guess someone wrote it for him, with or without his input, and it was the writer who got the facts wrong, which might be more unfortunate than Trump extemporizing and getting the facts wrong.
We'll have to wait for Bob Woodward's Trump-tell-all bestseller to know for sure.
Wow. Multiple Senators calling Mike Lee out for misrepresenting what occurred in the briefing.
Isn't he a mini-Romney? I seem to remember some r=previous incidents,
Ja. Als sie nicht nach Ländern suchten, in die sie eindringen konnten, waren sie sehr antiinterventionistisch.
Ja, ich scherze mit dir... hahahaha!
Ha. Visit Germany before Germany visits you!
What an incredibly dumb, empty and useless post.
JF you are correct that Ann's style is style but sometimes she lets the mask slip and shows her 60s liberal core along with a true disdain for the "lowly" Trump. Take the mask off Ann and show your true colors instead of trying to be sly about it. Now it could be that most of her readers are right of center and that would reduce readership.
I want to take 100 mg of Adderall and watch a movie about cats on Prozac.
After finally watching "Joker", I suspect there isn't a drug made that will smooth that ride.
Sure; “LLR” Mike Lee claims to be a Republican. Does anybody believe that? He says he voted for PDJT; riiight!
And how often has Mike Lee criticized PDJT’s Iran policy? Only all the time. All. The. Time.
When was the last time anybody saw a comment from “Senator” Mike Lee (has anybody actually counted the votes from his last election?) where he criticized Crooked Hillary, or Stolen Valor Blumenthal, or Dick “Nazi Storm Trooper” Durbin? Never has that happened. Only never.
Lifelong lefty Mike Lee isn’t fooling anybody. Obama is Mike Lee’s “magnificent” hero. Like Mia Love; from where? That’s right; Utah. Mia Love gave PDJT no love. She doesn’t want to make America great again. She hates America. Utah; gave us LLR-lefty Mike Lee, GOP-e Orrin Hatch, and Mittens Romney. Nothing but lifelong lefties from Utah.
Blogger Browndog said...
What got me about Lee is when he said he was "undecided" as to the validity of taking Sulaimani off the battlefield.
I need to correct that and quote him directly:
"As to the substance on the hit on Soleimani, he was a bad guy. But, I've yet to take a position on that"
Mike Lee’s American Conservative Union voting record score for 2018 (the last year calculated): 100%.
In more absolutely horrific news for LLR-lefty Chuck and his dem allies, over 1,500 Ford and GM temporary workers have just been upgraded to full time employees.
This is the direct result of the USMCA trade agreement (which LLR-lefty Chuck said was an impossibility) and represents a further increase of manufacturing jobs in the US under Trump (which LLR-lefty Chuck said was an impossibility).
Once again, the Axiom holds true: What's good for the USA is good for Trump and horrific for LLR-lefty Chuck.
My condolences Chuck. This has just become an even worse month for you and your lefty/islamic supremacist allies.
Thoughts and prayers.
I wonder why Chuck has avoided every thread where he's been called out for falsely claiming "significant casualties" among Iraqi military. And that all of us in "Trump World" should be ashamed for not caring about all these fictional deaths.
So, remember, Chuck: When we say that you're clearly giddy with glee in hopeful anticipation of people dying if it can help you bash Trump... y'know, the sort of thing we say that gets you all angry and indignant... we now know that if reality won't supply you with the necessary corpses to beat on Trump and all his supporters... you'll just fabricate them. Talk about ghoulish. Did you actually salivate?
Nazi Germany, 1937.
Diversity, redistributive change, affirmative discrimination, social justice, Jew privilege, Pro-Choice, progressive.
Qwinn: "I wonder why Chuck has avoided every thread where he's been called out for falsely claiming "significant casualties" among Iraqi military. And that all of us in "Trump World" should be ashamed for not caring about all these fictional deaths."
I for one am perfectly happy to offer fictional "caring" for fictional deaths if it would make LLR-lefty Chuck feel better about how his dem candidates are collapsing before our very eyes.
Nazi Germany, 1937... political congruence.
Who would have thought it. Iran wants to make a deal.
Q Rumor has it that North Korea was a CIA controlled center for the nuclear weapon development, digital war, and ICBMs needed to start WWIII. But Trump and his Rods of God took out that base rum by Kim's handlers. And Iran has also been getting been its nuclear and rocket tech from that CIA North Korean base.
Now there are no more submarine launched ICBMs heading for Hawaii. And there will no more war.
NAFTA 2.0 is fine with me, Drago. It was fine with Mexico and Canada too, obviously. I’m not sure if there is another big city in America that was more confident in the benefits of NAFTA than Detroit, where our biggest trading partner by far is Canada, and where some modest modernization of an agreement as dated as NAFTA was welcomed.
But, uh, the new NAFTA isn’t even operational yet. It hasn’t been ratified. House Democrats got what they wanted out of it. But Senators from Bernie Sanders to Pat Toomey (another ACU 100% Senator) have said that they are unhappy with the proposal. It hasn’t yet gotten through the Senate. And you are already crediting it with US auto assembly jobs? Aren’t these recent staffing changes the direct result of the resolution of the fall GM strike?
I’ll continue to read the knowledgeable auto writers at the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press. You can continue to read the Conservative Treehouse. So that I don’t have to.
" It quotes a tweet from Howard Dean (who is a doctor), speculating that it might be cocaine."
Maybe it was cocaine that sunk Howard Deans primary campaign. "YEAAARRGH!"
Howard Dean is a politician with a medical degree who is supported by his wife.
I would not take his opinion on an ingrown toenail.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "NAFTA 2.0 is fine with me, Drago."
You cant rewrite history there tiger.
You arent fooling anyone.
“Blogger Drago said...
"Yeah, immigration restrictionist, economic nationalist, anti-interventionist. Gee, where have I heard this worldview before?"
Failed Historian Inga: "Nazi Germany, 1937."
Nazi's were anti-interventionist?!!!
That is an amazing and astonishing claim....well, maybe not for Inga.
The Nazi's invaded 20+ nations, but I guess it was in a bizarre "non-interventionist" way....
Yesterdays lefty hotness: Trump the Nazi will get us into wars everywhere!!
Todays lefty hotness: That darn Trump the Nazi refuses to get us into wars!!
Inga thinks no one notices this stuff.
1/8/20, 6:54 PM“
Oh boy, LOL! Drago in his haste to respond to any leftie commenter makes another error in identifying commenters in which to launch his manic responses to. He thinks no one notices this stuff. Too funny!
“You arent fooling anyone.”
LOL! Adderall mania Drago.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "But, uh, the new NAFTA isn’t even operational yet. It hasn’t been ratified."
Corporate strategic planning and investors months ago factored in passage of the USMCA which you and most dems and Trudeau opposed.
In the end Trump defeated you and your dem allies by stealing the union workers out from under your dems.
You've been losing to Trump alot lately.
How does it feel? Is it getting easier?
I see your democrat impeachment fever dreams took another big hit today. Iran didnt go the way you wanted.
Wow. Thats quite a litany of failures for you and Team Dem.
Admiral Inga: "LOL! Adderall mania Drago."
Its wise of you to avoid trying to write anything substantive.
Very wise.
Nice - good hate job.
“Blogger Drago said...
Admiral Inga: "LOL! Adderall mania Drago."
Its wise of you to avoid trying to write anything substantive.
Very wise.”
Oh Drago, don’t be embarrassed, anyone snorting Adderall could confuse me for Imam. Just take it easy on that stuff, you’ll blow a hole through your septum.
mockturtle: Farmer, you really are a tiresome sonofabitch.
Farmer: Exactly how am I tiresome? Be specific! And please show evidence that my mother was, in fact, a dog.
"After finally watching "Joker", I suspect there isn't a drug made that will smooth that ride."
Same goes for "Uncut Germs" which I saw this past weekend.
mockturtle @8:52 PM:
HA HA HA HA HA! Now THAT is funny!
Fuck you leftie assholes for projecting your vices on someone else. What are you, seven?
“Blogger Guildofcannonballs said...
"Failed Historian Inga: "Nazi Germany, 1937."
Nazi's were anti-interventionist?!!!
That is an amazing and astonishing claim....well, maybe not for Inga."
Learn from this. Figure out what would make you misidentify Iman and Inga. Calm down.
1/8/20, 7:09 PM”
LOL! Drago, when Guildofcannonballs makes more sense than you do, you may have finally overdosed on Adderall...or something.
Admiral Inga: "LOL! Drago, when Guildofcannonballs makes more sense than you do, you may have finally overdosed on Adderall...or something."
I'm not proud to admit it, but I have had about 2 pitchers of peach tea today. Peach tea from Melaleuca.
Pretty good stuff.
I've noticed the lefties seem to know quite a bit about all kinds of drugs as well as rather "odd" sexual practices. Like, very odd. I wonder why that is?
Are these things related?
Did Rush Limbaugh let you know when he was doing his own broadcasts on drugs? Did you quote him any less at the time?
LLR-lefty ?Chuck: "I’ll continue to read the knowledgeable auto writers at the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press."
Let's see now, Detroit News endorsed Gary Johnson and the Detroit Free Press endorsed Hillary (she's the "mature choice"! LOLOLOL)
Well, it certainly sounds like these 2 publications have their finger on the pulse of where the autoworkers are!!
Similar to how that Fake pro-military recently-Gannett-owned USA Today-Military Times (as we used to call it) had all the lefty talking points and fake polls to pump up the dems by fooling so many of you into thinking they understood where military members were politically.
I wonder if Paul Krugman will be able to get the Military Times in prison? Though I don't suspect the other inmates give the consumers of child pornography much "free time".....
Ritmo: "Did you quote him any less at the time?"
In the same way LLR-lefty Chuck is paid to promote lefty narratives by whatever lefty Billionaire happens to be in vogue at the time, Rush pays me to meet a minimum # of quotes per day.
But its when I actually link to his website, that's when I make out a little better.
However, I'm hoping in time to move up to the salad bar, 'cuz that's where the "real money" is......
It takes Drago’s special peach tea to give him all that energy in which to battle all the LLRs and Lefties 24/7. I thought Drago was just a high energy guy.
Now it could be that most of her readers are right of center and that would reduce readership.
Most of her commenters are right of center, but that doesn't mean that most of the readers are. Most of us are well aware of Althouse's ideology, and come here anyway. You see, unlike the Left we actually welcome debate and seek it out.
Kidding aside Ritmo, I caught Tulsi on Tucker's show again this evening and I recall what you wrote the other night about Wang and Tulsi being the only real choices and in watching her again this evening I thought that rang even more true.
I don't agree with her on Trump's role in this but she makes points that must be addressed head on because they come from a coherent world view that is a competitive viewpoint.
What I like about Tucker's show is that he will allow his guests time to fully flesh out their substantive points so that might be what makes Tulsi's appearances on that show so compelling.
I'm wondering why Wang doesn't go on there more often.
Admiral Inga: "It takes Drago’s special peach tea to give him all that energy in which to battle all the LLRs and Lefties 24/7. I thought Drago was just a high energy guy."
I am a naturally high energy guy. Played rugby well into my late 30's and played quite a bit in my 40's though at that age post match I would usually just curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep.
“I am a naturally high energy guy. Played rugby well into my late 30's and played quite a bit in my 40's though at that age post match I would usually just curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep.”
Uh huh, whatever.
Inga: "Uh huh, whatever."
You didn't buy the crying part, right?
“Blogger Iman said...
Drago, you must now apologize to Inga.”
I’m waiting.
It's hard to know if Mr. Carlson really has an audience in the market for what Yang's on to. They might be, but it's hard to see him able to message to them effectively. But I assume you're right that the opportunity's there.
In the meantime, Hillary is on Howard Stern's show after finally realizing how smart his advice was (and seeming more sympathetic in doing) while at the same time smearing Gabbard as a Russian plant. I guess some people never learn. Even with an interview that good going for her, she still couldn't resist explaining away the swing state votes as resulting from disinformation campaigns. Just when she started saying intelligent things and taking advantage of whatever Stern could do for her, she raises the white flag of political incompetence. I don't care how true it is or how steely her polling data, what a retarded thing to bang on about.
Drago made an error once and deserves all the fun be made of him.
Inga believed the pee tape nonsense. Inga beloved the worst about the Covington Kids. Inga believed the Russian Hoax nonsense. Inga believed the Michael Cohen in Prague lie. Inga believed the lies within the Steele Dossier. Et fucking cetera.
Drago should be ashamed. Once.
jfarmer: I think this was a bad move on Trump's part because X, Y, and Z
mockturtle: you're such a son of a bitch
jfarmer: Uhh, okay, great, but what about the point I was making?
mockturtle: Oh my god, enough! Why can't you just agree with everybody that you are, in fact, a son of a bitch?!
jfarmer: Yep, I'm a son of a bitch, now tell me why my argument was wrong?
mockturtle: Geez, you just want to argue.
What’s the difference eh Drago?
J Farmer,
We cannot argue you out of a position you Smugged your way into.
Farmer @9:31: :-D Admit it, though, you love to argue. I'll bet you have OCD tendencies. :-) Truth is, I often agree with you but I doubt you ever agree with anyone because there's no fun in that. Amirite?
Farmer @9:31: :-D Admit it, though, you love to argue. I'll bet you have OCD tendencies. :-) Truth is, I often agree with you but I doubt you ever agree with anyone because there's no fun in that. Amirite?
Guilty as charged. That's why what you said was so funny ;)
Where do you think they will put the laser pointer dot tomorrow?
Iman: "Drago, you must now apologize to Inga.”
Admiral Inga: "I’m waiting."
I'll apologize to Inga the moment after she apologizes for spending 3 years calling Carter Page, Naval Academy Graduate/Naval Intelligence Officer/CIA asset a treasonous traitor and russian spy even after Carter Page has been completely cleared in the IG Report.
I hope you will make note of the rather weighty difference in the 2 "transgressions".
Ritmo: "It's hard to know if Mr. Carlson really has an audience in the market for what Yang's on to."
Well, Tulsi's doing it and it seems to me that both Yang and Tulsi partially share the outsider lane in the dem primary, so there must be some value to it.
Plus, it would allow Yang the same opportunity to expound fully on his ideas which I have to believe can be used across social media.
‘I'll apologize to Inga the moment after she apologizes for spending 3 years calling Carter Page, Naval Academy Graduate/Naval Intelligence Officer/CIA asset a treasonous traitor and russian spy even after Carter Page has been completely cleared in the IG Report.’
I’ll apologize after you can prove I’ve been wrong. All your assertions are mischaracterizations. That’s the way you roll.
Drago owes no apologies, it was an honest mistake. Lighten up. I'm a kidder, so I kid.
My suspicion is that lefties are pro-Iranian and Soleimani because they feel they have to protect Obama's legacy and reputation. After all, if one is honest about Iran, what they've done in the past and what they've been up to since the deal, Obama looks like a dope or negligent as CIC.
I wondered if that explained J. Farmer's support for Iran or if he took the most ridiculous position about Iran because he enjoys making absurd arguments and seeing if anyone buys it. PS: nobody bought it.
Carter Page was an informant for the CIA.
The IG Report stayed for fact that Page was not a Tussian asset.
That much is undisputed.
At this point denying the above constitutes a lie.
Royal ass Inga is a liar.
Admiral Inga: "I’ll apologize after you can prove I’ve been wrong."
Sweet jesus.
She's still doing it!
IG Horowitz' investigation PROVED that FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith doctored the email response from the CIA which validated the fact that Carter Page had been working with the CIA as an asset.
Clinesmith altered the email response from the CIA to read Page had NOT been a CIA asset, and thus Page's interactions with Russians was sufficiently suspicious to justify the FISA warrants.
But I shouldn't be surprised.
You still actually believe Trump colluded with Russia, don't you?
You also still believe Kavanaugh gang raped hundreds of women in Maryland over 2 decades, don't you?
Hey Iman, are you still sure I should be apologizing to this Inga person?
Admiral Inga: "All your assertions are mischaracterizations."
I asserted Carter Page was a CIA asset, not a russian spy.
The IG report proved it.
You still deny it.
To be fair to J Farmer, he pretends he is an isolationist and nationalist.
The fact that his preferences happen to align with Iran and against Israel 100% of the time is pure happenstance.
For Admiral Inga's benefit:
"An apology to Carter Page"
"Ultimately, special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of collusion or conspiracy by Trump associates or the campaign with those Russians intervening in the election. However, Horowitz found that the FBI never had any real evidence against Page before beginning its investigation, codenamed Operation Crossfire Hurricane. Soon after the investigation was opened, it became clear that Page had been wrongly accused and was, in fact, working for the CIA, not the Russians. Page himself later said he was working with the CIA, yet the media not only dismissed his claim but was very openly dismissive while portraying him as a bumbling fool.
It gets even worse. Throughout Operation Crossfire Hurricane, evidence continued to flow into the FBI that Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous dossier, was unreliable and working against the election of Trump. Not only was he known to be trying to get this false information to the press, but evidence mounted that he misrepresented sources and stated false information. While it took long, someone at the Justice Department finally decided to act on the FISA matter regarding Page. The official in charge of FISA applications, Kevin Clinesmith, was told to ask the CIA again about whether Page had been working for the agency. He was again told that Page in fact was, yet Clinesmith allegedly changed the CIA response to describe Page as not working for it. He is now being criminally referred by Horowitz for falsifying that information."
Admiral Inga: "All your assertions are mischaracterizations."
Inga thinks my name is Kevin Clinesmith.....
To be fair, Inga has no idea who or what a Kevin Clinesmith is.
To be fair, Royal ass Inga is stupid.
“My suspicion is that lefties are pro-Iranian and Soleimani because they feel they have to protect Obama's legacy and reputation. After all, if one is honest about Iran, what they've done in the past and what they've been up to since the deal, Obama looks like a dope or negligent as CIC.
I wondered if that explained J. Farmer's support for Iran or if he took the most ridiculous position about Iran because he enjoys making absurd arguments and seeing if anyone buys it. PS: nobody bought it.”
Farmer isn’t a lefty. And your assertion that lefties are pro Iranian is an overstatement. I’m curious why rightists are so pro Saudi Arabian, maybe because they protect Trump’s reputation? How about Russia, why are rightists so pro Russia? To protect Trump’s reputation?
No person could be or was identified as working with Russia, according to Mueller.
Royal ass Inga hardest hit.
Admiral Inga: "How about Russia, why are rightists so pro Russia? To protect Trump’s reputation?"
Still falsely accusing Carter Page of being a russian spy, eh?
Now, for your last moronic assertion, explain conservative support for fracking, conservative support for increased NATO spending by NATO members, Trump/conservative opposition to Nordstream 2 (you'll have to look it up), Conservative support for Trump pushing back on Russian client state Iran, Trump increased sanctions on russia (above obama levels), and...well, no more examples are needed though available.
You can't even explain the above because, as with everything else, you don't really understand any of it. That's why you can't let go of your Carter Page lie.
You just can't let go.
It took you 3 full years to let go of the hoax dossier....sort of......
I don't know that J. Farmer is either right or left or why he wanted to debate whether Saudi Arabia or Iran was worse. Again, I thought that his position on Iran was not legit. I never said "everyone" on the left is pro-Iranian, but wondered why only those on the left felt they had to honor Soleimani; for instance, Anderson Cooper suggested Soleimani was akin to Charles de Gaulle. A better comparison would have been Heinrich Himmler, but no one on the left would ever have said that.
Nobody on the right is pro Saudi Arabian. Here you are being reactive, not making a sensible argument. I can see why people are frustrated with you.
No amount of evidence will ever shake Inga's belief in the Russian story spun by Hillary and her allies.
@Rosalyn C.:
I wondered if that explained J. Farmer's support for Iran or if he took the most ridiculous position about Iran because he enjoys making absurd arguments and seeing if anyone buys it. PS: nobody bought it.
Your thinking would be a lot less muddled on this issue if you understood that there is only one country I support, my own, the United States. I am just as opposed to interventionism against Iran as I am against Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Turkey or Israel or China or Russia. You don't need to conjure up some mythical "support for" all of these regimes to explain this position.
Also, you should not make the mistake of assuming that opposition to militarism and interventionism is merely the purview of the political left. That is an association that came out of the Cold War. For most of American history, opposition to interventionism has come from the more conservative elements. Interventionist policies favored by the so called liberal internationalists or neoconservatives mostly have their roots in the foreign policy of Woodrow Wilson, hardly a conservative. Meanwhile, one of the most prominent anti-interventionists of the first half of the 20th century was Robert A. Taft, often known as "Mr. Republican."
Otto skorzeny, ruthless and deliberate, after the war he emigrated to spain worked i. Egypt with other nazis while secretly working for the israelis
One view
“...but wondered why only those on the left felt they had to honor Soleimani; for instance, Anderson Cooper suggested Soleimani was akin to Charles de Gaulle. A better comparison would have been Heinrich Himmler, but no one on the left would ever have said that.”
Anderson Cooper is an idiot.
“Nobody on the right is pro Saudi Arabian. Here you are being reactive, not making a sensible argument.”
Just Trump, eh?
Just Jared, eh?
Just Laura Loomer, eh?
@Farmer Right, that's why I said I did not label you right or left. The trouble with your absolute anti-interventionist position is that we have an obligation as the most powerful nation in the world to act at times. If you don't accept that responsibility to mankind there is nothing that would change your mind. That doesn't mean nation building or getting involved in everyone else's affairs, but at times we have to take on evil, like ISIS, for example.
Admiral Inga: "Just Trump, eh?"
Inga and her pro-Iranian pals are not very happy about the Israel/Jordan/Egypt/Saudi/Kuwait axis in opposition to the Iranians, is she?
I guess the next thing Inga will do is accuse Carter Page of being a Saudi spy as well.
As pointed out the qataris are trying to corner the market on ialamism hamas taliban boko et al, years ago they provided a safe house for zarquawi
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