The actual sunrise time was 7:24.
You may ask, did it really look like that? The answer is no, it was more unusual with a very striking, brilliant vertical and horizontal light — a distinct cross. The camera did not capture that. But the camera (the iPhone camera) did detect colors that I could not see. I've turned down the light a bit to keep the sun from washing things out, but I left the color saturation where it was.
I had not done a sunrise run since January 15th. I wanted to go out each day, but either there was the kind of new snow emergency where the police ask you to stay off the roads or the wind chill was below zero. This morning it was about 15°, which is perfectly fine. There was snow, but it was trampled down, so the only problem was a little bumpiness (because footsteps don't pack the snow down exactly evenly).
Anyway, I'm back to my ritual, and I regret that I could not record the huge vivid cross in the sky. You can say it was only in my head, but I saw it.
The best yet. Maybe the solar cross was a sign that everything will be alright. Looking for signs from the heavens because the signs from here on earth aren’t comforting.
"...it was more unusual with a very striking, brilliant vertical and horizontal light — a distinct cross...
Did your light adjustment perhaps obscure an in hoc signo vinces written somewhere in the solar display? Sure God isn't trying to tell you something? (Got any challengers to your blogging dominance hanging out by a nearby bridge looking for a fight?)
It’s super frustrating when you photograph something that looks so amazing to the naked eye, but the camera is unable to capture the details you’re actually seeing, or in some cases gets it entirely wrong. Photography isn’t the only medium capable of getting it wrong, either. That’s why I find some comfort in the fact that there’s still no substitute for real life.
Harry gets flying lessons
Love the colors!! I do have one request: would y’all please keep the cold weather up there where it belongs? Today’s high is only 34° and that’s unacceptable. ☃️
Larry David wore a red MAGA cap on last night's season premier of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Althouse will want to watch the second episode.
"It's hard to take a person seriously wearing shorts."
A perfect 10. Or was it a perfect 15F?
It's no "Firefall” at Horsetail Fall in Yosemite National Park, but nice.
The wife gave me a Stornoway Harris Wool flat cap for Christmas, and yesterday was the first time ATL got cold enough to were it. She insists it is adorable with my blonde hair coming out from under the front. But that sounded "cute" to me. I will say that wearing it inside was OK, except the others in the Restaurant stared a lot.
The economy is still at full throttle at ,of all places, The Olive Garden Restaurant, which was on the gift card someone gave us for Christmas. Olive Garden has really improved of late. The menu is much better and the wine selection is too. They had a La Crema chardonnay carafe for $12.
And every race , color, and creed was dining and/or serving there, and all were very happy and friendly. When everybody is making money and eating well, there will be no revolution happening except in the fantasy reports of the MSM/DEMs.
Better a Stornoway Harris Wool flat cap than a red MAGA hat. Wearing that Inga won't be offended but President Trump's mother's homeplace still gets honored.
"Oh, what a beautiful mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feelin'
Everything's goin' my way"
Oh, what a beautiful mornin'
"Did your light adjustment perhaps obscure..."
I tried every possible adjustment (in Photos anyway) but nothing got anything like the image I saw very clearly for many minutes.
I love how the shape of the brightest part of the sun and the Capitol building are very similar. Also I can make out the spire above the bright spot it looks like a fairly narrow shaft of lighter Orange that makes the gestalt look somewhat like a cross to me
I propose a new tag, "Strawman Trump", to be used for lefty characterizations that do not fit the real Trump, but only to the "Strawman Trump" that exists only in their own fevered minds.
To be used for things like racist, homophobe, mentally unstable, and "lies all the time" to name but a few.
ἐν τούτῳ νίκα
I regret that I could not record the huge vivid cross in the sky. You can say it was only in my head, but I saw it.
You and Constantine.
Probably some kind of atmospheric halo, caused by ice crystals of a certain size in the upper air. Did it look like this?
They're pretty faint. You set the exposure to avoid blowing out the sun, so the halos were lost in your sensor's noise floor.
Sun dogs and halos really aren't that rare. You usually see them when the sun comes through slightly hazy air-- even in the summer time. The ones I've seen often have some rainbow color action going on too.
Just another one of those neat things out there that we rarely notice.
"Larry David wore a red MAGA cap on last night's season premier of Curb Your Enthusiasm."
That was pretty, pretty, pretty funny.
It shows the ridiculous intolerance of rich, Brentwood liberals. Just wearing a MAGA hat, and you get shunned, even though you have DONE nothing.
Wearing a MAGA hat on the BART train in Oakland? Sheeyit, I ain't gonna try it!
But it is quite telling that the left cares about the OPINION you hold more than what you say or actually do.
The Tribal left!
@Char Char, μολὼν λαβέ
(N. B., Google translate is having problems with “νίκα“ — a little help?)
Jersey girl, that is a fabulous idea. You people really should have a cheat sheet for talking point catch phrases. Then you will all be on the same page.
I used to work for a software company that was aligned with Adobe and we got their products for free. There was an owl in the tree while we were sitting by a fire, I pointed the camera up and took a picture, no owl. But with Adobe Lightroom, maybe it was, or Creative Suite, I was able to bring it out. I don’t have any such software anymore, or I would give your picture a shot. I am pretty sure that what you saw is still in there, you just have to have more precise control than your software is giving you.
Ackshully, after reading the comments before posting, Phiddipus is right:
"They're pretty faint. You set the exposure to avoid blowing out the sun, so the halos were lost in your sensor's noise floor.”
The way to do this with a more sophisticated camera is to take multiple pictures at different exposures on a tripod and marry them together with software to increase your dynamic range and have both the sun and the details. HDR(High Dynamic Range) can be a lot of fun, but it is easy to overdo and some people make some pretty ugly (IMHO) pictures with it of which they seem very proud. But it is a lot of fun to take, for example, a snow scene at night with a lit subject, to recreate what the eye sees. Both the snowy darkness, and a well lit little store in the village or something.
Here we go:
Look at the pictures of the St Louis Arch lower down the page.
Aunty Trump is right about bracketing. Additionally, I don't have an iPhone nor know anything about them, but evidently with some models you can shoot in RAW format instead of jpeg; maybe you need an app to do that, dunno, but in delicate lighting situations like this, you should.
"Tap the camera icon at the top of the screen. By default, the camera will only capture JPGs. To capture RAW files, tap the little RAW icon in the bottom left. If it's dimmed, you're capturing JPGs; if it's solid white, you're shooting RAW."
Shooting in RAW, plus bracketing, will at least give you a shot at correcting the result in post.
Finally, since you enjoy taking these dawn pic, Ann, maybe pick up a real camera that gives you more control. Possibly something used. Check pawn shops or large camera stores...
75 in Tucson again today. Rain tonight.
BM, In hoc signo vinces
Real cameras are still better than phone cameras but you can't run with five pounds of expensive, delicate equipment that you have protect from shock and keep warm all the way through or it will fog. So I guess the cross was a special for you.
I really like the sunrise series because it shows how much happens and how much is different and in how many beautiful ways even in repeated events. You see this with flowers, too, and how they unfold.
A few nights back, the wife and I were on our nightly walk, and we saw an unusual cloud formation.
It looked like God had dropped a pebble in the sky, and the clouds were arcing out from a center point. You could see the stars between each band, and it covered at least half the sky.
Ten minutes later, it had broken up, but it was magical. I've never seen anything like that.
End times, we are in!
Yeah, I don’t want to carry anything other than the iPhone. I do have a couple good cameras, but I can’t be carrying them on this journey.
Yesterday Aunty Trump challenged our lefty friends to identify Trump's biggest lie. None responded. I've done the same thing several times over the past few months re: Trump is a racist. Others have done the same.
The response from our lefty friends?
My premise is that here exists a Strawman Trump that only exists in the fevered minds of Howard, Inga, and others here. Hence the proposal for a new tag labeled Strawman Trump.
Come on Howard, give it your best shot. And none of your made up half truths pretending to be the truth. Defend your work.
The iPhone can do the three photo HDR thing. I’ve messed with a few images in photoshop and while it isn’t the same as with an SLR there’s lots of data there.
That said, you probably blew out the cross in the highlights. You might check out the tonal curves in photoshop but I’d reckon the detail is blown...
And now for something completely different.
Has anyone here read the "Southern Reach" trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer?
First in the trilogy is "Annihilation" which the movie of the same name was loosely based on.
What did you think?
You have an eye for this sort of thing. I, for one, am glad you are back to your running photo publishing.
Real cameras are still better than phone cameras but you can't run with five pounds of expensive, delicate equipment that you have protect from shock and keep warm all the way through or it will fog. So I guess the cross was a special for you.
When traveling, I gave up on my SLR and got little battery cameras that fit in a shirt pocket. Then I took three teens to Paris and they each had a different charge cord for their cameras and lost them so I bought cameras with batteries that were AAA. Problem solved.
Auntie Trump: "HDR... is easy to overdo and some people make some pretty ugly (IMHO) pictures with it of which they seem very proud."
And how. They are hideous in their own special way. But for some reason, many photo show judges seem to like them. I can only conclude that they hate photography and would rather look at something else.
Regarding AA's picture itself, it looks cold. I've been out on days like that at a similar hour, but not running of course. Our Hostess must be very brave in this connection. One warms up quickly but that initial shock is a doozie.
Hmmm...not even a mention of today being Martin Luther King Day? DEMOCRACY NOW is playing an excerpt of the MLK speech that some think marked him for death: the "Beyond Vietnam" speech, delivered April 04, 1967 at Riverside Church in NYC. (King was shot dead a year later, to the day.) The speech excoriated condemned our murderous involvement in Vietnam, and is as true and apt today as it was then.
I tried the HDR setting on my iPhone 7 just now in the coffee shop, and it is not the same as what I could have done with my SLR. There was a sign that was black lettering on pure white well lit, and there was no way to keep it from being blown out. In fact I could hardly detect the “HDR” feature, but I would try it anyway next time. Hit the HDR on the screen and turn it to "on" before you shoot next time. You will get two images with one click. Mess around with the HDR one. You might have better results. IDK, I am sure that later iPhones have improved the feature.
Communists killed over 100 million people in the past century in pursuit of that dream you have, Robert.
@Cookie, An African-American responds to you.
Gun rights rally in Va. capital concludes without reports of violence, injury: A spokesman for the Capitol police said there have been no reports of arrests or injuries despite previous threats of violence
Trump should make the point Charlottesville was a vestige of the Obama years, and so three years ago.
A FENCE, GUARDED BY ARMED MEN, PROTECTING THE LEGISLATURE FROM THE PEOPLE: There’s One Huge Irony Gun-Rights Activists at Virginia Rally Keep Pointing Out.
Great Shot!!!
Robert Cook said...
Hmmm...not even a mention of today being Martin Luther King Day? DEMOCRACY NOW is playing an excerpt of the MLK speech that some think marked him for death: the "Beyond Vietnam" speech, delivered April 04, 1967 at Riverside Church in NYC. (King was shot dead a year later, to the day.) The speech excoriated condemned our murderous involvement in Vietnam, and is as true and apt today as it was then.
And after we left and the socialists were unopposed they killed an order of magnitude more people than we did.
But wiping out a few million people is a feature to the left, not bug.
Oh, good idea. Now the others have to agree.
Stark Contrast – Bernie Sanders Says He Will “Look At” Tearing Down Existing U.S/Mexico Border Wall…
Joe is hip, man. Up to date, brother. On the cutting edge.
Joe Biden calls game developers “little creeps” who make titles that “teach you how to kill.”
Unfortunately it is not polite to mention Martin Luther King, Jr in certain circles.
The left is well on its way to cancelling MLK for sexual assaults and unPC comments on being race blind.
Oh well. Maybe we'll get Presidents' day back. It was nice to have a holiday in February.
The speech excoriated condemned our murderous involvement in Vietnam,
Hey. Comrade Marvin, just out of curiosity, how would you describe the USSR and Communist China's involvement in Vietnam?
Oh well. Maybe we'll get Presidents' day back. It was nice to have a holiday in February.
I still get both birthdays off. Most people still get president's day. I still get MLKjr's day too..they just extended the work year one day instead.
Oh well. Maybe we'll get Presidents' day back. It was nice to have a holiday in February.
Shhh. Presidents' day traditionally brought snowstorms to the Washington, DC, area. Am I far enough west to be safe these days? Perhaps, but probably not.
Unfortunately it is not polite to mention Martin Luther King, Jr in certain circles.
Nobody in those circles is worthy of licking the soles his shoes after he walked through a cow pasture.
This is a piece of arthur anderson
Really enjoying your sunrise series Professor. Never spent much time in cold country myself, but the beauty of the early morning hours comes thru so well. I'm up before dawn every day, it is a pretty magical time.
Glad you are back at it, and braving the low temps. Seems brutal, that cold, but I suppose it is all in how you deal with it.
You don't want to walk and talk about Jesus
You just want to see His face
--Jagger, Richards 1972
"God Almighty!" the man said "Take the vote and get it over with!!"
FLASHBACK: The liberal media hated the idea of calling more witnesses during Bill Clinton's impeachment, saying it was a "distraction" and a "sham."
Yes, Virginia, there is a Second Amendment
"Look punk, we know what you're about, you're an infiltrator, get the f out"
Left-wing Antifa infiltrator in Richmond, Virginia tries to incite violence and law abiding rally-goers were not having it.
Seattle Antifa Militants Protesting an Event Hosted by Black Trump Supporters on Martin Luther King Day.
bad day for Media-ntifa
Awesome-- libs getting a 'dressing down' from a drag queen
african illegal alien has died VOMITING BLOOD ONTO POLICE
african illegal alien has died VOMITING BLOOD ONTO POLICE
Beautiful picture! Just downloaded my Profiles in Corruption book staring joey Biden
“...the signs from here on earth aren’t comforting.”
Wassamatter, sackcloth and ashes backordered from Amazon? Is it the peace or the prosperity troubling you?
It was your cross to bare.
Aunty Trump is correct on this one: HDR is the way to go for such shots. I have been working with this medium since 2006 and use it for all such landscapes. It takes some practice to regulate the settings to match what your eye sees in a scene, but the results CAN be as close to your experience as possible.
The issue lies in the rigid stupidity in the camera's programming and how the light meter averages a scene to see only 18% grey.
Unfortunately, portable phone cameras just cannot render the scene properly even with the HDR settings. They come close but no soap. You really need to work with a dSLR and bracket the photos.
I have used Photomatix (https://www.hdrsoft.com/) successfully for years. I recommend it over HDR in Photoshop or Lightroom. Lots of options and excellent control over light and contrast (as well as saturation).
As for portability, there is really no excuse for that. There are many light weight camera backpacks on the market in which to carry your lightest dSLR on your back while you jog that will not rattle the equipment while you jog. Maybe the extra weight will add to your training. https://www.omnicoreagency.com/best-camera-backpacks/ (you can even get the one you like through the Althouse Amazon Portal.
You have an excellent eye for saturation, contrast, light. The small sensor of the portable phone is no match for your dSLR. Like the grammar you insisted your students use when writing briefs, quality work is done with quality tools.
Your sunrise/sunset images are by definition High Dynamic Range given the large differences in exposure between what is above and below the horizon. Use the appropriate tool for the job. HDR.
Just saying.
Sunrise is one of the best times to shoot with a drone. You get some amazing effects as the sun light hits the leaves of trees.
Sunrise, the birth of a new day.
"Good morning, America, how are you?
Say, don't you know me? I'm your native son"
Galen Rowell used to run with a 35mm SLR film camera. Runners say that they can get into a zone of inner stillness and thought-free awareness when they're out there. I imagine that could help with photography if you have the gear with you.
His solution to the subject brightness range problem was a graduated neutral-density filter. With color transparency film especially and digital sensors you need that.
You can't do multiple-exposure HDR with moving subjects, by the way. The results can vary from strange to ludicrous sometimes.
Going out for your morning jog with a Nikon is going to be, I think, a rarity. If you're looking to solve this type of problem, maybe you could get a drone to follow you around and run the SLR camera for you. You spot your special scene, take a picture with your iPhone (etc.), and an app cues the drone to take the same picture of the same object, properly tweaked as you say.
I wholly agree that there are colors that cannot be captured by photography. I remember watching the second plane hit the tower. You will never, ever see that blue on television.
Ann's witness of that sunrise illustrates why Kant thought the aesthetic experience of natural beauty is far superior to that of any human-created art.
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