I don't care enough about movies and TV shows and awards to watch the Golden Globes, but I almost did, just to watch Ricky, and I kind of regret missing it. And I missed it hard, because I was sitting with the remote control within reach when I knew it was on, and I knew I could record it and then just watch the Ricky parts, but I actively held back, because I didn't want to see the Hollywood faces in the audience, phonily howling at jokes (or otherwise making faces, if something crosses whatever line they're able to calculate has been crossed).
But NBC gives us the whole monologue on YouTube, so I have no regrets:
ADDED: The stars object to SO many of the jokes. Now, that's pretty funny. I like the grace with with Martin Scorsese takes the joke at his expense. Scroll to 4:29 to see that segment.
AND: Don Jr. loved it:
OMG🔥🔥🔥 If you watch one thing today watch this. It’s about time someone in Hollywood says is it. RT!!!pic.twitter.com/DhGeMvyWNZ
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 6, 2020
Hollywood just got smoked worse than Qassem Soleimani.
Meh, it won't make much difference by the end of the day. The clueless will continue to scold us and consider themselves ever so much better than the deplorables.
No how many times they are lampooned, they will close their eyes and cross their hearts and pinky swear that they matter, they really do.
He's very funny. They're just jokes. We're all going to die soon and there's no sequel...
Because the Golden Globe broadcast followed the football game on the same channel, I happened to catch the opening. Normally, I don't watch these things anymore because I despise 95% of those people when they are pretending to be real so why would I subject myself to that? When it pleases me, I watch them for my own entertainment in movies and TV when they are pretending to be someone other than themselves. I was pleasantly surprised with the Gervais' monologue and watched off and on all the way up to when one of the Arquette sisters, I can't remember her name but it is the obese one, started vomiting her lecture and then I moved.
I'm not good enough at lip reading to get the Judi Dench joke, but it must have killed.
The stars can dish it out, but not always take it.
I have not watched an awards show for years. I mean...years. But I love Gervais. I turned it on the beginning hoping he'd do a Ricky Gervais monologue. He did not disappoint. What made it great was that he did not stop at a few zingers. He got right to the heart of it- both their preachiness and their hypocrisy with Epstein.
The best was the looks of discomfort or disgust from the likes of Tom Hanks and others. Screw them.
I did not stick around beyond the monologue. Nothing much of interest to me after that.
That was a roast routine. Sadly appropriate for this day and age. A jester's role is to puncture the ego of the self-important, and they were abundant.
In addition to Slate, Vox posted before the show a helpful guide of when Gervais was to not-PC for comfort. It's like they *knew*.
DiCaprio took his jab pretty well, too. Tom Hanks looked like he wanted to go all Pope Che on Ricky’s hand...
He was good in Ghost Town (2008) but I couldn't watch The Office, as too boring and stupid. Someday I'll try another one he's in, as people keep saying he's very funny; and obviously from this he can be. I just didn't understand the script perhaps.
My experience was pretty much like Mid Life Lawyer's. I saw the opening monologue of Gervais, was pleasantly surprised that he got in some politically incorrect jabs and let the show play on in the hopes of catching some additional Gervais snark. Didn't feel compelled to stay watching when some of the female winners indulged in virtue signaling about their pet causes. And, frankly, if there was any real sincerity in that industry about man man global warning, the whole thing should shut down. They should all stay home and just learn to code.
I've never watched an awards show. Why would I?
Those who watch the leftists' movies or shows are enablers. That's fine with me - it's your money and time - but you are enablers. Might as well write a check to the DNC.
I watched the video and wasn't impressed. I'm just not into 99% of the People From Hollywood Crowd.
Ricky is a dick, but give him his due, he has the courage to speak truth to power.
This is the Dench part:
“Dame Judi Dench defended [‘Cats’] saying it was the role she was born to play because she — I can’t do this next joke,” Gervais laughed before continuing. “Because she loves nothing better than plunking herself down on the carpet, lifting her leg, and licking her own minge.”
The truth to power is slightly reduced by Weinstein not being the scandal he's made out to be.
There's crimes and then there's casting couch. They're not the same.
I guess when you're a dick, stars like Tom Hanks want you to grab them by their pussy.
They can't handle the truth. Then you have pregnant Michelle Williams bragging about murdering her baby, WHILE she is pregnant with another. She tries to claim abortions are great because of MEN or something. Men LOVE when women like her kill their babies because then they don't have anything to worry about, and they can still screw her whenever they like.
You’ll watch when my “Bride of Frankenstein” is nominated.
He didn't go far enough.
Well, I enjoyed that. The audience reaction was interesting, a combination of hearty laughs at good jokes and sheer terror as to what might be coming next.
"We were going to do an In Memoriam this year, but when I saw the list of people that had died, it wasn't diverse enough. It was mostly white people and I thought, 'Nah, not on my watch.' Maybe next year."
I too, actively avoid these types of TV shows. For a short period, I did watch, but always felt exactly the same. 100% a waste of time. Thanks to technology, IF, I feel the need to listen to this Ricky guys zingers, I don't even have to look them up, you have already done the work for me, and I only need hit play. We went and saw Knives Out, yesterday. I was all but sold out in the Des Moines Metro area on New Years Day. It is hours of good entertainment.
As far as the Award shows, Its all deep inside baseball for me, don't care, and can't make me care. Too busy to hit play, now. If it still lurks about my consciousness in the future, maybe.
The furries have long had to live their lives in darkness and shame. Finally, Hollywood produces a movie that celebrates their life style, and Gervais feels compelled to dump on it. If Judy Dench wants to dress up like a cat and lick her minge, that's her own business. Who is Ricky Gervais to judge. Gervais also made a joke about her spitting up a hair ball, but that doesn't happen. Weinstein never spit up any hair balls after going down on those untrimmed starlets..... I just hope that Taylor Swift was not pressured into furry cosplay by one of the closet furry producers in the Hollywood power network. That would truly be a scandal, but I like to think that Taylor chose her outfit because it was in good taste and advanced the narrative of the plot.
Michelle Williams gave a speech while visibly pregnant about how if she hadn't killed her last baby in the womb she wouldn't be up here winning this award. That's Hollywood 2020. Smod
rh: There's crimes and then there's casting couch. They're not the same.
Doing casting couch doesn't preclude doing crimes, though. That's the part you have a lot of trouble understanding.
I can see how doing a lot of casting couch transactions can lead to some confusion about the line between transaction and crime, though.
"I couldn't watch The Office, as too boring and stupid"
I didn't like this, either, but did enjoy "Extras." Only 12 or so episodes.
What was the second thing NBC silenced, near the end after he told them they were in no position to make speeches?
he was properly savage to them, then the Russell crowe went all skydragon, as they accepted an award for him, for his poorly watched slander of roger ailes,
What was the second thing NBC silenced,
They censored it? Figgers, that's an instinctive MSM habit.
I read a transcript...hint hint.
Someday, with the magic of InternetIsForever, Michelle Williams will have to explain to her son or daughter or whatever that mommy killed off the sibling, because mommy wanted to be in a movie.
What's with Tom Hanks expression? It seems he either forgot to put in his teeth, or he is still playing Mr. Rogers.
My take away from Gervais v. Hollywood is the exposure of the pathetic weakness of the PC Culture that has the stars captive. Instead of lecturing the world to fear the latest PC gods, Gervais lectured them and laughed without fear.
The second silencing was for the f word. "So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God [and fuck off, OK?] It’s already three hours long. Right, let’s do the first award."
Full transcript at The Hollywood Reporter.
How Hollywood sees itself: dedicated craftsmen, important artists, world thought leaders. How Ricky Gervais (and everyone else) sees them: criminals, perverts and dopes — a gang of pretentious jerkwads who dropped out of high school when people noticed they were pretty, then mistakenly started to think their insights on world affairs matter. "
The truly funny jokes got little or no laughs. And what's with the Slate Headline? Oh I forgot, making fun of Rich liberals is "Dickishness" and "Mean" - making fun of everyone else is "Cool" and "edgy"
Let's have this guy as the keynote speaker at the Democrat's convention.
because it was on them, Gervais called in an alpha strike, ferguson the dyspeptic scot is similar,
Below is the best line by Frau Althouse. No relation to Ann Althouse. I just needed a German name.
"Don't pay me in politeness. How about some francs for this information?"
Might change it to "remember to use the Althouse Amazon portal."
Seriously, the "don't take payment in politeness" is a reference to Baltasar Gracian's "The Art of Worldly Wisdom." Three allusions to his work.
I watched it this morning, since I never watch these Hollywood mastubatory events in real time.
It was glorious!! The best was all the pinched looks on some of the "stars" faces when Gervais would hit the bullseye.
Tom Hanks in particular. Maybe some Metamucil will help you out with that mental constipation problem Tom. LOL. Meryl Streep. HAH HAH HAG!
About time someone punctured their smug little egos. Less education than Greta Thunderbutt Oh that had to hurt.
Ever since #metoo there have been no more nip slips. That used to be the best part of the award shows. Oh pale McGowan the world has grown grey from thy breath.
The stars object to SO many of the jokes. Now, that's pretty funny.
They are actors who were acting because they knew they were being filmed, er, videoed.
If Gervias would have lit a match and locked the doors on his way out - it would have been even more perfect.
Thank you, Ricky.
Fuck Hollywood(D).
From what I saw of the awards last night.
Arquette and Williams were the most tendentious.
Renée Zellweger and Joaquin Phoenix got the "get out the hook" orchestra music, but the rambling Phoenix did ultimately tell the assembled to stop being hypocrites in their lives.
"They are actors who were acting because they knew they were being filmed, er, videoed."
Some of them, but I believe Jonathan Pryce was genuinely pissed. Tom Hanks did not like the Felicity Huffman joke, either.
Best line" "You are in no position to lecture the public ..."
I retract my last comment. There was apparently a lot of cleavage on display, but,from what I read, it was mostly done by stars over forty. I guess it's empowering for stars over forty to flaunt it, but when starlets under twenty five do it, they're being exploited. Again, I apologize. It's so easy to come to the wrong conclusion when you don't do proper research.
I never watch hillarywoodland award shows. Pack of leftist a-holes self-congratulating each other while they lecture us on their crap political BS.
Look at smug a-hole Tom Hanks. He pimped himself to the WASHINGTON POST. The offical propaganda rag of the D-corruption party Schitt-show.
F U Tom Hanks.
Tom Hanks was so pissed.
"baby yoda" - LOL.
I watch the Ricky opening and about 3 minutes thereafter (that was all I could stand). I thought he was irreverent and funny.
But no sooner had he said something like: “no political messages, no one cares what you think. If you win, get your award, thank your god and your agent, and Fuck off”
One of the first awards goes to Russell Crowe and the presenter has to read his acceptance speech which is full of “make no mistake this fire in Australia is a result of climate change, its real, blah blah blah.
That’s when I turned it off.
Fuck off indeed.
The real reason the for the room full of scowls - Everything is an opportunity for D-party D-pimp and propaganda. opportunity, lost.
"Jeffrey Epstein, shut up, I know he's your friend but I don't care."
Laugh out Loud.
Wilbur said..."Those who watch the leftists' movies or shows are enablers. That's fine with me - it's your money and time - but you are enablers. Might as well write a check to the DNC."
So very true.
After hearing about this roast, I had the impression that it was ill-received by the audience but it sounded in the videotape as though at least part of the crowd was appreciative, which comes as a pleasant surprise. It was a funny monologue and well delivered. One would hope that his admonition about political pontificating from the stage would take root with at least a few.
Reduce the copyright period so it matches the 20-year patent period. Take away the trust fund they sit on.
"... but they all have one thing in common, they're all terrified of Ronan Farrow. He's comin' for ya, he's comin' for ya." And then the camera goes to Spielberg.
I guess whoever was directing the camera shots has heard the rumors too. Still a bold move.
I’m 53 and there are three things that I’ve never watched on tv: the Olympics (summer or winter), a beauty pageant, or an awards show.
I watched that clip and thought it was extremely funny. Tom Hanks looked like he was sucking a lemon.
I love his comments about sweatshops. Perfect. Pack of woke-hypocrites, indeed.
Pack of billionaires who would all Q up for Bernie the millionaire who became a millionaire off of tax payers. Hillary, the private server international money hoarder. Biden, the old eye-bleeding with a perfect son who is an international money-launderer with a home in the h-hills. or Warren - the billionaire-slayer.
Hypocrites, all.
I've often wondered if the casting couch is the only reason we had to endure Gwyneth Paltrow as the female lead in every movie 1995-2005. One can only hope her blowjobs were better than her acting.
BleachBit, your 9:02 comment would solve the problem. If they kept the cameras rolling, it would be the all-time most watched video evah!
"Do we have an award for most ripped junkie?"
He calls them all racist. heh. That is some sweet revenge.
I wanted the camera to pan back to Tim Cook after Gervais did the sweatshop bit, but that was probably forbidden by the producers.
Loved it.
Haven't cared about Hollyweird in a long time, and those eight minutes must double my acquaintance with Gervais (I do note others have strong opinions) but to that piece I say
Hear! Hear!
I may watch it again
Gervais is the only one who understands that there are only 200-300 people in the room, who all have the same opinions, but there are millions watching on TV who don't.
The flesh colored fabric of Kate Blanchett's dress made her under-boobs look creased and wrinkled .
"Do we have an award for most ripped junkie?"
"No point. We know who'd win that..."
I don't. Seems like a wide open race.
If ISIS started a streaming service, they'd all call their agents.
No mention by AltCommentators of Selma Hayek's glorious cleavage? She won Tits Of The Night going away.
"Blogger Infinite Monkeys said...
'... but they all have one thing in common, they're all terrified of Ronan Farrow. He's comin' for ya, he's comin' for ya.' And then the camera goes to Spielberg."
Spielberg married Kate Capshaw after they "became close" during the filming of "Temple of Doom." I wonder what she thinks of #metoo?
My first thought about 'most ripped junkie' was Robert Downey Jr., but it could be lots of people to whom Gervais referred.
Gervais as host was a big factor but most surprising was the thin quantity of Trump hate. In an election year. Have they finally recognized the negative economic impact of TDS?
word is that the leftwing circle jerks in the audience booed Ricky at the end. why?
“Bringing Sandra Bullock on stage to announce the final award, Gervais said, ’Our next presenter starred in Netflix’s ‘Bird Box,’ a movie where people survive by acting like they don’t see a thing. Sort of like working for Harvey Weinstein.’ After the crowd erupted in boos, Gervais replied, ‘You did it! I didn’t, you did it!’”
Nice swipe at Meryl Streep.
The comic book genre is sooooo tired, and an easy target and glad he made it a target.
The genre makes the leading men filthy rich. They don't care.
and he's right - it's not acting, it's wearing tight jumper and a cape and spending most of the day at they gym in preparation. Shame on the world for paying the price of admission.
How about some movies on Chinese torture, Chinese sweat-shops, NoKo torture and work camps?
nah - Hillarywoodland supports those things. Makes Hillary and Biden rich.
Ricky Gervais is the Donald Trump of Hollywood.
I'm looking forward to tweeting this at him to see if his head goes explody.
I've not always been a fan of Ricky Gervais, but I have to say I absolutely loved After Life on Netflix. One of the best shows of the year - funny, insightful, moving, awkward, sometimes all at the same time. Brilliantly written, and surprisingly thought-provoking. Even if you didn't like his other stuff, I highly recommend After Life.
Oh, and Tom Hanks? Mr. Nice Guy? Henry Winkler does not like the guy. Let that sink in for a moment.
Ricky is an atheist liberal. Once again a liberal comes to the fore to slay the culture of political correctness. It's heartening that you people like and listen to liberals. It gives me hope for the planet.
I watched the opening bit only just to see him rip the righteous. Well worth it.
I'm very much liking Gervais these days. Not only his causticity at the self-appointed elites, but he's pushing back hard on cancel culture. And his "After Life" is wonderful. I never saw The Office.
"Reduce the copyright period so it matches the 20-year patent period. Take away the trust fund they sit on."
Can't. Too many bribed Congressmen. Especially the R's. totally bought by Hollywood.
OH boo-hoo, Slate. If Gervais was roasting the GOP like this, they'd be all about "truth to power".
Hollyweird just got a taste of their own medicine. A bunch of moralizing perverts and literal career whores who moralize their trendy political positions as if someone elected them Pope.
They all covered for Weinstien and others just like him when it was convenient to their careers and their denunciations and #metoo pearl clutching bullshit is still merely about their careers.
Howard said...
Ricky is an atheist liberal. Once again a liberal comes to the fore to slay the culture of political correctness. It's heartening that you people like and listen to liberals. It gives me hope for the planet.
Well, Howard, it's like this: we judge people based on what they do, not who they are
I understand that, as a racist yourself, you can't understand that other people might not be the same as you. That other people might judge a person's performance based on the quality of the actual performance.
Hopefully, one day, yo'll become a better person, and stop being such a bigot
Until then, we're going to still enjoy life
rhhardin said...
The truth to power is slightly reduced by Weinstein not being the scandal he's made out to be.
There's crimes and then there's casting couch. They're not the same.
In an age of sexual harassment laws, yes, they are the same.
"If you want the job, you'll have sex with me" is sexual harassment. it's illegal, even when the target is more than willing to have sex with you in order to get the job / promotion / whatever.
The fact that Hollywood has been allowed to get away with it for decades does not make it any less criminal.
"How's harmed" you ask? All the people who aren't willing to have sex to get the job, but would have gotten it if the "casting couch" was not allowed. Plus all those who felt they had to give in to the quid pro quo, because others are willing to give in.
And Weinstein did not JUST do the "casting couch", he is also accused of forcing women. That's rape.
That's Hollywood
Tom Hanks in particular. Maybe some Metamucil will help you out with that mental constipation problem Tom. LOL. Meryl Streep. HAH HAH HAG!
I thought I say Meryl Streep laughing the time he went after her. Did I see that wrong?
I don't like her, but I do try to give credit where it's due
golden globes ratings were still down, because michelle Williams and others were allowed to bloviate as is their want, but it's probably higher than where they might have been, thanks to Gervais,
via insty:
Ricky Gervais: why I’ll never apologize for my jokes
The idea that comedians have a responsibility to convey ‘the right message’ is more prevalent than ever. Following the announcement that Ricky would be returning to host next month’s Golden Globe awards after four years away, he was taken to task by one young American critic for his supposed ‘transphobia’ — I put to him that this is the kind of charge that could have been laid by Mary Whitehouse at the height of her ‘Clean up TV’ campaign 50 years ago. ‘Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it?’ he replies. ‘The new puritans aren’t 60-year-old women in twinsets and pearls, the Christian right trying to make us turn off our televisions because they don’t like it. It’s a younger crowd with trendy haircuts, who you’d think would have left-leaning liberal sensibilities, who have invented this new term “hate speech”.’
* * * * * * * *
When the Twitter mobs come, he is never tempted to apologise. ‘You mustn’t, because that’s the end. The end of satire and the erosion of freedom of speech based on people’s feelings will have a catastrophic effect. It’s not just that comedians will be a bit grumpy or won’t be able to say things. It’s not the same as not allowing Bernard Manning to say the N-word on TV. It’s something much, much darker and more Orwellian. It really is.’
He considers ‘hate speech’ to be the invention of those who ‘feel they shouldn’t have to hear something they don’t agree with, and want to complain. They can call the police because someone’s wearing a T-shirt they don’t like. This is actually happening.’
That's just it, Howard. It's your creepy leftwing side doing all the shutting down of speech on behalf of their precious proggy feelings. shaming speech you don't like as "hate speech", promoting liars like Adam Schitt, Howard Stern giving Hillary Clinton a soft-ball interview. Blasey Ford and the army of liars etc on and on... Orwellian freak show = the modern left.
Never apologize to the assholes. never.
I get a daily briefing email from the NYT on today's stories. Their write up of the Golden Globes doesn't even mention Ricky Gervais.
Ricky was involved in the best joke of 2019. It was on Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. While driving, Gervais observes:
RICKY GERVAIS: I love New York. I love Manhattan.
GERVAIS: It's vibrant--
GERVAIS: You can do what you want. There's never two people the same. I just people watch.
SEINFELD: That's true everywhere. Where are- where are people the same? All the same?
SEINFELD: China, maybe?
AP at 10:30 or so beat me to it, but I must add my recommendation of After Life on Netflix. Some of the best TV I've seen in years, better even than Penn and Teller's Fool Us.
Meh. Didn't watch it, and won't.
But the amount of outrage I'm reading today from the usual suspects reveals just how out-of-touch these assholes really are.
Once again a liberal comes to the fore to slay the culture of political correctness. It's heartening that you people like and listen to liberals.
Sure. I'll listen to a true liberal anytime. But the problem is today's Democrats aren't liberals. There is nothing 'liberal' about them. People like Scoop Jackson and Dixy Lee Ray would have nothing to do with today's Democratic Party were they still alive.
Today's Democrats are leftists. Totalitarian leftists.
Poking at self-important proggy pricks is the best entertainment out there.
that 8 minutes should we awarded the golden can of tuna.
His biting humor was simply telling arrogant people the truth about their hypocrisy and arrogance. What did he say that was anything but the truth. I loved it, but that's all he really did.
Also the type of humor never found on SNL or any of the late night TV pricks.
"Ricky is an atheist liberal."
Is there something wrong with that? It was precisely the liberal in him that made him want to skewer the leftist/fascists posing as a liberals today, and his religion is his own business.
No bag of water, it's cool that some libruls are getting through to you people by trying to fix a situation that sticks in your craw. I find that a hopeful sign.
Bimbo coughed up another hair ball.
Tom Hanks looked like he had a gold rod stuffed up his rectum
The basis of humor is Truth.
has Ricky posted the obligatory "I'm not suicidal" message yet?
#Gervais Didn't Kill Himself
Here's a 1990 (but evergeeen) quote from historian Paul Johnson on "Celebrities and Politics:"
"If a record is top of the pops, why should not the man who made it hold forth on the environment? Does not a stunning performance as Lady Macbeth entitle an actress to tell us about the rights and wrongs of the Gulf? If a man can force us to laugh until our guts ache, can't he tell us how to vote, too? So they kid themselves. In fact, the average dozen men and women you stop on the street are far more likely to produce political wisdom, or at least common sense, then showbiz personalities overburdened with self-importance, and soft touches for any kind of charlatanism around."
I'm thinking that Hanks is less a liberal scold than a prude. He wants desperately to believe in the '50s mindset as a matter of civility.
That he does this in the midst of Modern Day Gomorrah makes him sort of pathetic.
Hanks a pedo?
'salacious dossiers' and 'whistleblowers'??
CDAN (Crazy Days And Nights)
bonus vid: https://youtu.be/hgtmZGiDy6s
It's heartening that you people like and listen to liberals.
Let's not get carried away, it was just one monologue.
I enjoyed the look on Tom Hanks the second time they panned to him when he realized that Gervais was actually saying negative things about all the "important" people. I thought all rest of it was pretty mild except for the Greta Thunberg shot which was absolutely pitch perfect.
I like the grace with with Martin Scorsese takes the joke at his expense.
Uh, they ALL gracefully took jokes at their own expense. Or has being Trump's lap dog for three years made you forget what that looks like?
Not about Trump, dummy.
About smug elite leftist proggy wealthy hypocrites who make crap movies and fly around in private jets while they lecture the deplorables.
Lots of appreciative posts on Twitter, with the hashtag #rickygervais.
Then there are posts accusing Twitter of shadowbanning #rickygervais; it isn't listed as trending, even though it seems it should be. Those posts have the hashtag #wheresricky.
Yeah, they looked gracefully appreciative to me.
But they're actors, right?
Ritmo: "Uh, they ALL gracefully took jokes at their own expense."
Actually, they have not. The entire town has gone to DEFCON 1 Defense Mode. The industry editorials, "analysis" and social media out of H-Town are uniformly negative.
Many are calling Gervais the new Alt-right, a right winger, a conservative, etc.
Naturally, this makes thinking liberals (which you have shown yourself to be on occassion) worried that the woke left labeling anyone who makes a valid point at the expense of these hollywood morons a neo-right winger risks driving moderates into the Trump camp.
I've seen a number of liberals screaming "this is how you get more Trump!"
They arent wrong.
Shorter Gervais “Now will you stop asking me to host award shows?”
He was good in Ghost Town (2008)
He was perfect in Ghost Town. It's an amazing movie. Gervais plays a mean dentist and his personality is perfect for the role. And the movie is based on a spiritual understanding of the world. There is an afterlife, there are spirits, it's all true. You'd think Gervais the atheist would balk at this. And of course his character does balk at it. He can't believe this is happening to him. It's a brilliant movie. I love it. So funny.
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