A truncated defense would likely reflect a decision not to contest facts or defend Trump point by point, but rather to try to diminish the legitimacy of Democrats' overall case and end the trial as quickly as possible.How many "points" are there? Seems to me — and I'm listening to precious little of the proceedings — that the Democrats have been repeating themselves quite a bit.
You can respond on every point in MUCH less time than the Democrats have consumed laying out their case, and I think it's better to be confident and pithy, not to pad and elongate. It makes me think of all the exams I have graded in my life. I usually had a page limit, but students who wrote to the page limit usually seemed to have less to say and to be trying to cover that up by making it LOOK like they had material. I was MUCH happier to see something shorter, where every sentence had strong material and there was no repetition.
Less is more.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 387 of 387Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Top comment on another Reddit thread:<
So, ARM gets his info from reddit. Good to know.
Schiff: See, this should be an impeachment. This is the impeachment.
Pelosi: What?
Schiff: Trump. Just talking.
Pelosi: (dismissing) Yeah, right.
Schiff: I'm really serious. I think that's a good idea.
Pelosi: Just talking? Well what's the impeachment about?
Schiff: It's about nothing.
Pelosi: No story?
Schiff: No forget the story.
Pelosi: You've got to have a story.
Schiff: Who says you gotta have a story? Remember when Trump made that call to the Ukrainian President that time? That could be an impeachment.
Pelosi: And who is on the impeachment? Who are the Managers?
Schiff: I could be a Manager.
Pelosi: You?
Schiff: Yeah. You could base a Manager on me.
Pelosi: So, on the impeachment, there's a Manager named Schiff?
Schiff: Yeah. There's something wrong with that? I'm a Manager. People are always saying to me, "You know you're a quite a Manager."
Pelosi: And who else is on the impeachment?
Schiff: Lofgren could be a Manager. Nadler..
Pelosi: Now he's a Manager. (Pause) So everybody I know is a Manager on the impeachment.
Schiff: Right.
Pelosi: And it's about nothing?
Schiff: Absolutely nothing.
Pelosi: So you're saying, I go in to NBC, and tell them I got this idea for an impeachment about nothing.
Schiff: We go into NBC.
Pelosi: "We"? Since when are you a whistleblower?
Schiff: (Scoffs) Whistleblower. We're talking about an impeachment.
Pelosi: You want to go with me to NBC?
Schiff: Yeah. I think we really go something here.
Pelosi: What do we got?
Schiff: An idea.
Pelosi: What idea?
Schiff: An idea for the impeachment.
Pelosi: I still don't know what the idea is.
Schiff: It's about nothing.
Pelosi: Right.
Schiff: Everybody's clamoring for something, we'll give them nothing.
Pelosi: So, we go into NBC, we tell them we've got an idea for an impeachment about nothing.
Schiff: Exactly.
Pelosi: They say, "What's your impeachment about?" I say, "Nothing."
Schiff: There you go.
(A moment passes)
Pelosi: (Nodding) I think you may have something there.
Chuck's "devastatingly effective case" apparently backfiring (also note that Inga left this part of the quoted poll out):
Pre Senate hearing, 49 percent supported Trump's removal while 46 percent were opposed
Now, 47 percent of the public support removing Trump from office and 49 percent do not
Questions for the Dem persecutors:
When you voted for impeachment, did you do so on the basis of clear and convincing evidence?
If the evidence was clear and convincing, why do you need additional witnesses now?
If not . . .
lol, that was inspired kevin,
Schitt needs a stint behind bars for his lies and treason against democracy..
Well done, Sir! I grant you a seat on the Board of Kramerica - Ukraine office!
we're in 'pink lady and jeff' and 'manimal' territory of nbc btw,
Mandy Pepperidge best described our impeachment duo:
‘A wimp and a blimp.’
peach mint, like ben and jerry's ice cream,
Mandy Pepperidge best described our impeachment duo:
I always liked Mandy. Is she the Universal tour guide or Mrs Blutarsky? I get them mixed up.
Will no one rid me of this meddlesome [Ambassador]?
Blogger Jersey Fled said...
Yavonovitch wasn't fired until 13 months after the allege phone call directing a subordinate to "get rid of her".
Sounds kind of flimsy to me.
It doesn’t appear to be an assassination order. And if it was an order to fire Yovanovich, it is something that a President can do with impunity.
But what remains, and is now basically beyond dispute, is that Trump is once again shown to be a laughable liar when he claims that he didn’t know who Lev Parnas was. And even more alarming, that the President was discussing the removal of an ambassador in a sensitive post like Ukraine, with a freelance dirtbag like Parnas.
The President is a colossal fucking liar; and up to his eyeballs in scandal when it comes to diplomatic relations with Ukraine.
‘7 Important Things’ Schiff ‘Had Exactly Wrong’
He's right. Schiff got each of these "exactly wrong". It floors me he's the face of impeachment.
Just enter a Motion for a Directed Verdict.
"It doesn’t appear to be an assassination order."
You're sure about that, Chuck?
That’s perfect, Kevin - well done!!
If nothing else, the Trump presidency has been a lot of fun.
Nadler really fucked up by pissing off Murkowski.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who has been seen as a swing vote, appeared wary of a legal fight, characterizing House Democrats as trying to get the Senate to go through a legal battle they bypassed.
"It's kind of like the House made a decision that they didn't want to slow things down by having to go through the courts," she said. "And yet now they’re basically saying you guys need to go through the courts. We didn't but we need you to. That's kind of where we are."
Big trouble for Nancy.
66% of Americans couldn't identify Adam Schiff if he showed up on their doorstep.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
If nothing else, the Trump presidency has been a lot of fun.
Exactly. When Bill Ficker took out a new boat racing, he said"We are just going out to have fun and there is nothing more fun than winning !"
I doubt ARM knows who Ficker was but he won the America's Cup.
she seems to be the other one,
66% of Americans couldn't identify Adam Schiff if he showed up on their doorstep.
Confirmed by the great Alex Trebeck on Jeopardy!
Let me get this straight - since this is the newest pile of bullshit the left is crapping out today - Trump wants the Ambassador to Ukraine removed. Taken out. Something that each and every President can do. Without question and without reason. Period.
Said Ambassador is 'taken out' what, 13 months later? Thirteen?
And these stupid, stupid people are debating whether or not Trump's words hinted at an assassination of this person? Is that about right?
There is no way in hell this country comes back from the brink when you have people who actually believe this shit. None.
You want to take about thugs and history, Inga? Look straight into the mirror and own it.
24 hours is too damn long to listen to these Congressional bloviators and bullshit artists.
Can you imagine having to listen to Jerry Nadler talk for 24 straight hours about his new Keto Diet?
That's how it feels.
Joe Biden's son Hunter has an Arkansas judge after him for failing to comply, for the third time, to submitting a financial statement so as to determine how much side support he need to pay for the child that came of his congress with an Arkansas stripper.
Can't imagine what he's hiding. Joe has told everyone who will listen that any and all corruption allegations have been debunked.
that's more painful than the brain slugs of ceti alpha 6,
Asking the uninformed, like you, can bring about asinine polling results that have nothing to do with reality. You, like Pelosi, are either stupid or willfully ignorant. It was the House's obligation to put on a trial with witnesses and documents, not the Senate. The Senate are the jurors who decide if the House has done its job and put together a case to be put to the jury for decision. Alan Dershowitz, one of America’s foremost constitutional scholars, has made this point ad nauseum but you refuse to hear it. Get lost. You are wasting our time
That's a good way for Trump to cover pulling Dershowitz from the lineup. That would be a good move, as Dershowitz arguing that Trump can abuse his power all he wants without Congress being able to remove him from office was not going to go over. Trump's lawyers don't have anything on the "but Biden was dirty defense" so they don't need the time that they had allocated for that. And since the 53 Republicans all voted not to subpoena the witnesses and documents that were the subject of Article II of the impeachment, they are pretty much guaranteed to get 53 votes to acquit on that.
The Pence coup plotters will have to move up their time schedule. It's been fun to watch them playing the Scarlet Pimpernel, working crossword puzzles and making paper airplanes.
"BTW, I've discovered Schiff is a lot easier to take with the sound off.
Most times I see Adam Schiff I think there's a horror movie somewhere in search of its awful, revolting monster.
Other times I just see a bobble head about to bust its spring.
I agree but Biden will not be the nominee.
Biden was never going to be the nominee. Obama picked him out of the refuse pile because he was a washed up Senator who would not take the spotlight from the Exalted One.
Biden has been running for the nomination for nearly forty years. Do you think Democrats see this as a plus? He was a loser who now has significant cognitive decline on top of his corruption. Trump would love for Biden to be the nominee, but it will never happen.
The impeachment hoax is rooted in tying up the Senate, even if it is at the expense of Biden. He is totally expendable.
Pence has been to see the Pope and get his blessing for the coup:
“Thank you, Your Holiness, you have made me a hero ... God bless you.”
Where does President 6’3” Bone Spurs rank on the BMI?
Michael K said...
Nadler really fucked up by pissing off Murkowski.
No, he didn't.
This is a political show trial, not a real one. The LAST thing they want is the Senate calling witnesses. Because if they started with bolton, they'd end with Biden, H, Biden, J, and Schiff
And then it would be a matter of indisputable public record that the Democrats had no case, and Trump was right to want Biden investigated
They WANT the Senate to dismiss. It lets them cry to their base, while getting as little backlash from moderate voters as possible
The Democrats are screaming "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!"
I'm not watching the proceedings. All I'm doing is reading analysis. What's truly fascinating is reading random threads from threadreaderappdotcom. Apparently there are two different impeachment shows on. In one, Trump is "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!" and the House managers are nailing down the coffin lid on Trump's presidency. In the other show, the House managers have "Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!" and are embarrassing themselves with their spouted inanities.
The "Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!" crowd actually uses quotes and facts. Do they matter?
There is more at stake here than some L1's grade. AA is trivialising a coup attempt.
"Do you want more witnesses" is one of those leading questions that people who don't know a thing about the subject reflexively say yes to. Because it sounds like the right thing to do. I wouldn't put to much faith in that poll.
"Apparently there are two different impeachment shows on. In one, Trump is "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!" and the House managers are nailing down the coffin lid on Trump's presidency."
I'm afraid Chuck and Inga are headed for another 'Mueller Moment'.
But what do I know? Chuck's the real expert here. He's hiring himself out at $1,000/hour.
Screen crawl now: "Schumer Dares Republicans to Call Hunter Biden"
What's that about? What's the risk to Republicans?
does ted stryker 'pull a rabbit out of a hat'
we have given you plenty of opportunity to find more hospitable climes,
“It floors me he's the face of impeachment.”
Why? The point is not to get a conviction, which they know will never happen, but just to throw stuff at Trump in the hope of inflicting damage. It’s essentially one big DNC campaign ad, but with no one having to say “I approve of this ad.”
Well, we can at least determine from this thread who is smarter- Chuck or ARM.
Congratulations, Chuck- you are officially smarter and more sane than ARM. I know, this is low bar to clear, but at least it is something.
If I were on trial and the prosecution felt its own case was so weak it demanded I call witnesses, I too would decline much of making a case.
They don't have to call Hunter Biden, just lay out the evidence that is completely uncontradicted about his arrangements with Burisma and other entities, and play that tape of Joe Biden bragging about getting Shokin fired, and then read Shokin's affadavit about the affair. That is solid evidence that is far removed from the realm of opinion.
No, he didn't.
This is a political show trial, not a real one. The LAST thing they want is the Senate calling witnesses. Because if they started with bolton, they'd end with Biden, H, Biden, J, and Schiff
Maybe you are right about them wanting the dismissal but they had a potential ally and alienated her and the other women. Straight party line vote weakens their argument of coverup, especially if Sinema and one or two others cross over.
Michael K said...
Nadler really fucked up by pissing off Murkowski.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who has been seen as a swing vote, appeared wary of a legal fight, characterizing House Democrats as trying to get the Senate to go through a legal battle they bypassed.
"It's kind of like the House made a decision that they didn't want to slow things down by having to go through the courts," she said. "And yet now they’re basically saying you guys need to go through the courts. We didn't but we need you to. That's kind of where we are."
Big trouble for Nancy.
There was no error here and no trouble for Nancy.
This is Murkowski discussing strategy with her team.
The Senate will probably punt this back to the house so the house can get a do over and drag this through the courts.
Murkowski and Graham and the other 30 or so Republican Senators who had their hand in the foreign aid slush fund. Yeah Biden was obviously corrupt but he is the tip of a huge iceberg.
When Durham starts indicting people half of them will be republicans. When Murkowski/Graham/Romney/McCain/Burr... staffers start getting popped they are going to point fingers even faster than democrat staffers.
Republican staffers have a much lower suicide rate.
But I want them to call Hunter. Let's have some fun!
Poor Chuck. He is reduced to trolling.
The Senate will probably punt this back to the house so the house can get a do over and drag this through the courts.
Nope. Not even I am willing to go that far into conspiracy theories.
Wow. I am unavailable for a couple days and I return to dem/left/marxist/LLR-lefty accusations that include Trump assassinating a US Ambassador (I have to assume that one is a Lawfare/Soros gambit pushed by LLR's to mitigate Benghazi for Slow Joe), Pence seeking approval from the Pope for his coup, 20 republican Senators conspiring with Roberts to remove Trump and Chuck being even more Lefty than usual, which I had thought impossible.
Yep. Nothing insane at all about our resident lefties/LLR-lefties.
Welcome to Mueller II - Impeachment Boogaloo!
This time even More "Walls Are Closing In"-ier!!!
one could call other directors of burisma, I think cofer black might not be agreeable but still,
some of gabe Sherman's fan fiction,
"66% of Americans couldn't identify Adam Schiff if he showed up on their doorstep."
...30% would call law enforcement and the remaining 4% would be undecided between grabbing their gun or a large claw hammer.
He looks like Gollum.
Original Mike said...
Screen crawl now: "Schumer Dares Republicans to Call Hunter Biden"
What's that about? What's the risk to Republicans?
Are you serious right now?
Watch Lyndsey Grahamnesty speak and tell me with a straight face he isn't scared shitless that the American people find out how much money he and his circle made in Ukraine. And many other countries. You know Murkowski and Burr are dirty. It is already public domain Mitt Romney had staffers working with Burisma.
OMG. Absurdist theatre. Waiting for Godot. Has he arrived?
well quantico went crazy, its puppetmaster turned out to be the speaker of the house, who ultimately was working for the Russians quelle surprise, he had eliminated the competition in the preceding seasons,
"66% of Americans couldn't identify Adam Schiff if he showed up on their doorstep."
Three contestants on Jeopardy didn't know who he was.
Unfortunately, no one asked them if they "wanted witnesses."
@Achilles - Now I really want witnesses.
Bring on the witnesses!
The Senate will probably punt this back to the house so the house can get a do over and drag this through the courts.
That is the Constitutional response to an agreement to call witnesses that involve executive privilege.
The job of the House is to create the impeachment. The Senate's job is to judge the impeachment (and Trump as a result).
Just because the House rushed through this charade doesn't mean the Senate can or must clean up their mess.
I think that the Senate should reject the Impeachment articles and tell the House if they want witnesses, they need to start over and do it right. That means no secret basement hearings.
Blogger Matt Sablan said...
If I were on trial and the prosecution felt its own case was so weak it demanded I call witnesses, I too would decline much of making a case.
No one is demanding that Trump call witnesses.
A supermajority of Americans are asking that the relevant witnesses be heard from.
I don’t give a flying fuck about Trump’s defense. I’m just sick and tired of Trump’s telling the Democrats which witnesses they can or cannot call. I want all of the documents that the House asked for. And all of the witnesses needed to explain that evidence.
I t comes down to a 51-49 vote in the Senate, to issue subpoenas to certain witnesses. A Senate impeachment subpoena, that would be signed by the Chief Justice under the authority of a Senate majority. No federal court will quash that subpoena. Under (Walter) Nixon v U.S., the federal courts would likely not interfere at all. So we get Bolton testimony to start; he will voluntarily comply with a subpoena. Then, potentially after Bolton powerfully implicated him, testimony from Mulvaney, and OMB staff. And the house of cards starts to fall for real.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (WHO WILL FIGHT YOU!!): "I don’t give a flying fuck about Trump’s defense. I’m just sick and tired of Trump’s telling the Democrats which witnesses they can or cannot call. I want all of the documents that the House asked for. And all of the witnesses needed to explain that evidence."
I want a goose that lays golden eggs!!! And I want it now!!!
The House had a chance to call their witnesses and a chance to go to court for their documents. They declined. The Senate isn't here to do their homework.
in other news
Furthermore, people get the assumption of innocence. You don't get to assume if the prosecution didn't interview people or pursue investigations that they can the accused. That just encourages lazy prosecutors. The House went forward unarmed and ill prepared and will have to face the consequences.
"the relevant witnesses”
Yes, “relevant” means those for the prosecution. There is no need to hear from any witnesses that might weaken the case though. Those witnesses are “irrelevant.” This is what the House did. They claimed that all of the witnesses that the Republicans wanted to call were “irrelevant” and blocked them. Schiff even admonished witnesses not to answer “irrelevant” lines of questioning, as determined by Schiff, from Republicans. The operative question being “What does that have to do with making our case against Trump?"
That they damn the accused not can. Though, kind of amusing auto correct.
’I don’t give a flying fuck about Trump’s defense. I’m just sick and tired of Trump’s telling the Democrats which witnesses they can or cannot call.’
Sounds like you need a Snickers™️.
I’m just sick and tired of Trump’s telling the Democrats which witnesses they can or cannot call.”
It’s the Democrats who decided which witnesses could and could not be heard. They rushed the vote to make it the anniversary of the Clinton impeachment, now hear they are. Three days to talk and nothing to say.
These stinking tabloids just won't give this great man any peace.
'Get rid of her! Do it!' Rudy sidekicks Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman - who Donald Trump denies knowing - RECORDED him telling aides to fire Ukraine ambassador - and now Feds have tape
Also. The Democrats had the House to try and call people. Trump had little to no say there. If these witnesses were so important that was their chance.
Blogger Achilles said...
Watch Lyndsey Grahamnesty speak and tell me with a straight face he isn't scared shitless that the American people find out how much money he and his circle made in Ukraine. And many other countries. You know Murkowski and Burr are dirty. It is already public domain Mitt Romney had staffers working with Burisma.
What I have always wanted more than anything in the era of Trump, is for Maj. Leader McConnell, and Senator Graham, and Romney/Collins/Murkowski/Alexander/etc., etc., etc. to understand exactly how much the Trumpist base hates them. Why bother trying to satisfy them?
You seem to hate Republicans, Achilles. Let me assure of at least one Republican hating you right back. Hatred; contempt and revulsion in equal measure.
I've read the complete transcript of Schiff's widely admired closing statement. And these are the points Schiff makes that the WH defense team needs to rebut (regarding the first article of impeachment).
1. Our ally can’t get his foot in the door.
2. Trump withheld money and the meeting. He covered it up. He obstructed us.
3. He’s guilty.
4. The President is capable of doing things that he is charged with.
5. He believed Rudy Giuliani over the FBI director.
6. Suppose something bad happens in the future – will Trump protect us?
7. I don’t know if Russia tried to hack Burisma.
8. Suppose something else bad happens in the future – will Trump protect us?
9. If right doesn’t matter, we are lost.
Points 2 and 3 are probably the points most in need of addressing by the WH lawyers.
Nowhere is there an explanation for how Trump's actions in point 2 are different from or worse than the actions of every other President.
“Then, potentially...”
LO Fucking L. They rushed the vote. They hadn’t made the case, they had control, and they ceded it by not doing their job.
"exactly how much the Trumpist base hates them. Why bother trying to satisfy them?”
Given the choice, as long as they don’t stab Trump in the back, they have our votes, and they know it.
Top comment on Reddit:
Remember, the most charitable interpretation of this is that an unregistered foreign agent successfully convinced the President to fire a career State Department diplomat, and did so in an environment so insecure he could record it on his phone.
That's the best-case scenario.
(Who registers foreign agents?)
Now do Clinton's Wife's email server.
Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck: "So we get Bolton testimony to start; he will voluntarily comply with a subpoena. Then, potentially after Bolton powerfully implicated him, testimony from Mulvaney, and OMB staff. And the house of cards starts to fall for real."
Sweet Jesus! Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck is making Left Bank sound positively brilliant by comparison!!
You can really tell the reality of what is really happening to Chuck and his beloved dems is just now beginning to ever so slightly creep into Chuck's nearly impenetrable and moronic brain and the festering violence and irrationality that resides there begins to ooze out in the most hilarious and child-like outbursts like the one above.
Trump broke LLR-lefty Chuck and his fellow dems so thoroughly and completely and, it must be noted, so incredibly effortlessly, that I suspect Trump's re-election will drive Chuck and a good portion of his far left allies back into intensive psychological therapy and perhaps committal to an appropriate facility.
The good news? Even while incarcerated Chuck's lefty pals will make sure he continues to vote straight democrat.
Even better news? Thursdays are applesauce day in the sanitarium!!!
Collins can’t possibly win without the support of Republicans. I trust her. I think she is serious. I think she easily sees through this nonsense shampeachment, after her Kavanaugh speech, I am not worried about her. If ever there was a defense of due process, that was it.
These stinking tabloids just won't give this great man any peace.
As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.
"Top comment on Reddit:”
Shouldn’t that be “over the top comment”?
Chuck should listen to her speech again, then when she votes to acquit, he will understand where she is coming from.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck is very very very very disappointed in the entire contingent of Senate Republicans and House Republicans while being very very very very proud of every democrat in both chambers.
That sort of indicates something, I think....but I cant quite put my finger on it.......
"You seem to hate Republicans, Achilles. Let me assure of at least one Republican hating you right back. Hatred; contempt and revulsion in equal measure."
I'm thinking he hates corrupt public officials. You, not so much I guess.
"5. He believed Rudy Giuliani over the FBI director."
Who doesn't?
Blogger Aunty Trump said...
It’s the Democrats who decided which witnesses could and could not be heard. They rushed the vote to make it the anniversary of the Clinton impeachment, now hear they are. Three days to talk and nothing to say.
It’s Trump, who ordered the entire executive branch to not produce any documents.
It’s Trump, who is blocking witnesses and promising a court fight with the House. But a court fight with the House in an inquiry is different from a Senate subpoena in an impeachment proceeding, with a subpoena signed by the Chief Justice. Under Nixon v. U.S., et al. With 51 votes in the Senate, we are off and running and any presidential opposition won’t last long. The courts won’t block it. They won’t even waste much time saying “No.”
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (WHO WILL FIGHT YOU!!): "It’s Trump, who ordered the entire executive branch to not produce any documents.
It’s Trump, who is blocking witnesses and promising a court fight with the House."
Isnt it funny how seamlessly LLR-lefty Chuck has fully adopted the far left marxist Lawfare theories on how defending yourself against leftist charges should be criminalized?
Almost as if that "journey" to the legal marxist left wasnt really much of a journey for Chuck at all.....
"With 51 votes in the Senate, we are off and running “
I get the strategy. Send a half baked impeachment to the Senate and throw the problem of gathering evidence over the wall on the hopes that it will pan out. Plus hope to block any witnesses that Trump may want to call. That second part may be harder than the first, and I am not sure that the case presented even needs any witnesses to rebut it.
’It’s Trump, who is blocking witnesses and promising a court fight with the House.’
Trump exerted executive privilege, as is his right. The House choked and folded its tent.. The impeachment investigation is over.
How did the Mueller investigation pan out, and that one had the “advantage” of being run by one of Hillary’s fucking lawyers?
IF they vote to agree to allow the subpoena of a witness, that witness will first be deposed, then cross examined.
After that, and only after that, "The Senate will decide if that witness should testify".
It's going to shock a lot of people that didn't read the Senate rules.
I don’t see how the Senate doesn’t just judge the case on its current merits. The House is just goign to have to impeach him again, is my bet. But I am open to the possibility that this could get drawn out in a lot of meaningless chasing down of witnesses that are irrelevant to the fact that A, Trump had a right to demand his day in court, and B, the “case” is nowhere near compelling, which is why you and Schiff are panicking.
And the importance of a vote on witnesses in the Senate is not lost on the White House, which is reportedly threatening each possibly wayward Republican in the Senate that “your head will be on a pike” if they vote against the President.
YouTube capture of the CBS Morning Show reporting:
The witnesses will really be cross examined, too. None of this shutting down lines of questioning by the Democrats.
OK folks let's start by tossing out all the second, third and fourth hand testimony. Let's call it what it is, rumor.
Now let's look at the guy with first hand information. He claimed a LOT of bad things Trump did. When asked how he arrived at each of these so-called facts he testified, under oath, that he assumed. ASSUMED!
Obstruction of Congress? Get real. Like all modern Presidents, Trump said he'd claim executive privilege. Like Obama, Like Bush, like Clinton, like Bush the father, like all the others. Those others were challenged by Congress IN COURT. You know the third CO-EQUAL branch of government. But we are told the danger was too dire to wait. So they rushed impeachment through. A "slam dunk", a "iron clad case" we were told..... and.... then..... the house waited..... and waited.... an waited to even send the articles to the Senate.
Now, now the House managers say the Senate must do the investigation the House could not be bothered to do. The wait? Oh, that's irrelevant.
To quote Joe Biden, "Give me a break".
We rest our case. Let's get this farce to a vote.
Face it Chuckie, your heroes Schiff-ty Schiff and Nads Nadler are so astonishingly repulsive (even compared to you!) and incredibly terrible in their non-stop lying that they've driven the few remaining republicans you lied about supporting right back into the sane republican fold.
Cue Sad Trombone!!
Dont worry Chuckie!!! I am quite sure one of the next 4 or 5 impeachments will go slightly better for you and Team AOC/Tlaib/Omar.
"Courage", as "straight arrow" "journalist" Dan Rather might say.
Btw, anyone catch the hilarious video of Stephanopolous (one of LLR-lefty Chuck's favorite democrat activist "journalists") doing the throat slash motion to cut the cameras away from Sekulow at the microphone and, immediately upon being caught doing it, whips out the creepiest and slimiest used car salesman smile you ever saw?
Comedy gold my friends.
Comedy. Gold.
"wayward Republican in the Senate that “your head will be on a pike”
Sounds about right. And it will be Trump’s solid support among Republicans, present company excepted, that will enforce it. If a Senator is in a tight race, they can’t afford to betray their base in the hopes of picking up votes from people who would much rather vote Democrat, like yourself.
"Now, now the House managers say the Senate must do the investigation the House could not be bothered to do.”
Right, that’s the nub of it. Without a solid grounding in facts, which Chuck is admitting with his fevered plea for more witnesses who will “potentially” back up the Democrats’ case, why should the Senate usurp the role of the House in this farce?
"Sounds about right. And it will be Trump’s solid support among Republicans, present company excepted, that will enforce it."
There remains precisely ZERO actual evidence that Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (WHO WILL FIGHT YOU!) is or ever has been a republican.
ALL evidence based on his postings of the last 5 years places him on the far far left of the political spectrum.
I won't go so far as to assert LLR-lefty Chuck is an actual marxist. Only that LLR-lefty Chuck consistently advances the talking points and policies of the marxist left.
But that could be coincidence.......
Now #Nadler is arguing that any vote to acquit removes all power of Congress forever more. Just called Trump a "dictator", and then saw #Schiff flagging him down, so quickly sat down. #SenateTrial
It’s a clown show, Chuck.
"It’s a clown show, Chuck."
Yes, but they're his clowns.
Drago said...
Wow. I am unavailable for a couple days
Hmmm. Fortunately we had Aunty Trump filling in for you in a remarkably similar style, so no biggie.
Are Nadler and Schiff secretly working for the Trump 2020 campaign? I vote that we let those two have five more days of presentations... 😂
"Let’s imagine the most powerful man in the world was asking a foreign nation to conduct a sham investigation of us.” - Schiff
This is another lie.
Can Trump's team do a "brief" morning and afternoon session on each of the allotted days to optimize its messaging, or is the the time allotted more in the nature of a continuous filibuster?
They should read the transcript and then run cat videos for hours.
Then vote.
ARM missed you terribly Drago. He was like a puppy waiting by the window all day.
Btw, the desperation of LLR-lefty Chuck and his dem pals is being driven by the complete senile dementia-driven collapse of Slow Joey Biden who just today "forgot" that he has voted to freeze Social Security in the past.
In Bidens defense, I doubt he could even remember his own name or where he was today.
Can you imagine how "pretzled" LLR-lefty Chuck is going to get attempting to shield and protect 5-deferment Draft Dodger Joe from his now daily astonishing string of corruption and lies?
I have to admit, it is going to be so wonderfully fun and entertaining watching our psychotic LLR-lefty Chuck try and pull this one off!!
I guess that Schiff is basing that lie on the fake transcript of the call he read at the hearing. You already admitted it was a parody, Stiffy.
Aunty Trump: "ARM missed you terribly Drago. He was like a puppy waiting by the window all day."
Well, I did give ARM a "kudos" for calling out a Shouting Thomas attack on me as, finally, a real "Great Awakening" because it was funny.
I suppose ARM was desperate and in need of some sort of positive feedback (most lefties and LLR-lefties are) that it was like being the one guy in the crowd tossing a bone to a homeless dog.
After that, the dog starts aching for more attention.
Original Mike said...
@Achilles - Now I really want witnesses.
Bring on the witnesses!
I agree. All of these shitweasels should get the Manafort treatment.
But my point is that the shitweasels are a majority in the Senate.
So you have to break down what they want and what they are trying to stop.
The democrats including those with a D next to their name and their cuck wing republican counterparts knew this Ukraine quid pro quo garbage wouldn't fly.
But when Ciaramella and Vindman heard that phone call they knew their corruption was being investigated. The word got out and the entire DC cabal lost their shit.
This is a spoiling attack. And they need to keep the attack going until the indictments start flying.
so trump suggests something be done, it takes a year, there's a meet between ciaramella and some Ukrainian officials, and shokin is gone in weeks steele hands some dubious memos to his state department liason, and she kicks it up to the top levels of the bureau, steele having a direct conflict of interest in the manafort case, strzok and page kept pushing this trash into a fisa warrant, and it kept getting approved, all the reporters dutifully say huzzah and deem 'it is good' the same reporters that vetted their copy before queen Hillary.
China is keen on the idea: One country, two systems. Here on the Althouse blog we have: One mind, two sock puppets.
Blogger Michael K said...
Maybe you are right about them wanting the dismissal but they had a potential ally and alienated her and the other women. Straight party line vote weakens their argument of coverup, especially if Sinema and one or two others cross over.
No, a "party line vote" just "shows all Republicans are corrupt! You must vote Straight Democrat Ticket to Save Our Nation!!11!"
Now, if Manchin, Sinema, or any other Democrat Senator crosses over and votes for dismissal, THEN it blows up in the Democrats faces.
I don't expect that to happen.
Oh, and Chuck?
1: Would you please name the President who never once invoked Executive Privilege to keep information from Congress?
2: The Democrats never followed any of the forms for a proper impeachment. Either Yancy or Bay Area Guy has beat on that in detail. Even if Congress had legitimate witness / document requests, they chose not to go about making them in the proper way.
Trump was absolutely right to tell them to go pound sand
Breaking News!
Third Article of Impeachment -- "Obstruction of Nadler"
Tried to swallow an entire roast chicken in one bite. Was very hangry.
ARM: "China is keen on the idea: One country, two systems. Here on the Althouse blog we have: One mind, two sock puppets."
I see you've given up actually trying to keep up with the real world.
Its good to understand and embrace your limitations.
Chuck said...
What I have always wanted more than anything in the era of Trump, is for Maj. Leader McConnell, and Senator Graham, and Romney/Collins/Murkowski/Alexander/etc., etc., etc. to understand exactly how much the Trumpist base hates them. Why bother trying to satisfy them?
You seem to hate Republicans, Achilles. Let me assure of at least one Republican hating you right back. Hatred; contempt and revulsion in equal measure.
Boring. You are a coward and a loser and you are a completely dishonest cunt.
I think you are the first person I have used that pejorative for. It just fits so well.
These other lifelong republicans have spent their life getting rich off of us and selling us out.
They are on notice. It is time to clean out the Aegean Stables. You guys can go easy or hard.
Personally I would prefer hard. I want an example to give future corruptocrats pause in ever trying this again.
’One mind, two sock puppets.’
Lacking any analytical skills, ARM is thus unable to discern the obvious differences in composition, voice, lexicon, and rhetoric between the comments of Drago and Aunty Trump.
I guess mental acuity isn’t in much demand at the DMV.
more civility,
Beasts of England, apparently unwilling to credit Drago with even the minimal amount of intelligence required to vaguely disguise his style in order to animate his sock puppet in a marginally credible manner.
Them sounds like fighting words to me.
eddie willers said...They should read the transcript and then run cat videos for hours.
No. One cat video on a loop.
Or this video.
ARM: "Them sounds like fighting words to me."
Like you're any kind of "fighter"!
Interesting how you flail when attempting logic, ARM. You should stay with your strength: cutting and pasting other people’s reddit comments.
is Schiff biden's sock puppet
Those rat bastards only have 2 hours left.
I can't wait for one of them to say "we need more time".
"cutting and pasting other people’s reddit comments."
Its interesting how much authority ARM and Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck attach to comments made by random social media posters.
Any port in a storm I guess.
I have to marvel at the idea that the senate would do anything other than shut down this clown show after both sides present. What, you think they want more of this half baked shit from the democrats in another few months when they try to impeach Trump again? Does the senate want to have to sit through days of horsehit presentations by shameless partisan hacks? They need to set an example so even the dimmest democrats can understand.
They have to nip this shit in the bud now and the best way is to vote a party line 'FUCK YOU' to the dems so they understand what happens with any other additional impeachment circuses. It's just a complete waste of everyone's time.
wait we were told it was prince salman himself, who authorized it,
Browndog said...I can't wait for one of them to say "we need more time".
The Wadler trying to work "Time is a social construct".
I need to thank Chuck for keeping it real. I would never want to live in a bubble so thanks. I am constantly reminded by him how batshit crazy people are; I suppose You could say that about anybody, but Chuck is on some other planet, where apparently almost half our citizens live. Reality is never simple.
WE have an emergency. ARM and Chuck need to report to the mobilization center.
The Defense Minister of Ukraine (times 3) , Lt Col Vindman, has been insulted by Senator Blackburn.
Tennessee GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn quoted the commanding officer of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman as saying that Vindman was a "political activist in uniform."</i>
Vindman, a National Security Council official, testified during House Democrats' impeachment inquiry last year that Trump's Ukraine dealings left him in a state of "shock," and Democrats were quoting from Vindman's remarks during the Senate trial on Thursday. Vindman has denied knowing the identity of the whistleblower who flagged Trump's fateful July 25 phone call with Ukraine's president -- a claim that Republicans have questioned, because under cross-examination, Vindman apparently admitted to leaking the contents of Trump's call to the whistleblower.
At the time, California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, presiding over the House impeachment inquiry, shut down GOP attempts to press Vindman as to whom he had leaked information about Trump's call, saying it would potentially reveal the whistleblower's identity.
Defense Minister Vindman is outraged.
This difficult moment in our country calls for seriousness and seriousness of purpose," David Pressman, a lawyer with Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP representing Alexander Vindman, said in a statement obtained by Fox News. "Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman has sacrificed enormously for our country. He believes in our country. And he believes in our country’s great institutions, including the United States Senate."
Pressman added: "That a member of the Senate – at a moment when the Senate is undertaking its most solemn responsibility – would choose to take to Twitter to spread slander about a member of the military is a testament to cowardice. While Senator Blackburn fires off defamatory tweets, Lieutenant Colonel Vindman will continue to do what he has always done: serve our country dutifully and with honor."
Oh, the humanity !
Boies was the Democrats go to man in 2000 and the hit man for Theranos.
Lt. Col Alex Windman aka Lt. Col Kent "The Dorf" Dorfman is outraged about something or other.
Hmmm. Seems to have a bit of weight problem a la Jerry Nadler. What's with you fat Army guys?
As Commander in Chief, under Article 2 of the Constitution, Trump should cut his rations, and make him do extra PT.
Unitary Executive!
"which is reportedly threatening each possibly wayward Republican in the Senate that “your head will be on a pike” if they vote against the President."
My understanding is that Nancy Pelosi gathered all the Dems and told them they would be primaried if the left the fold on the impeachment vote. So an anti-Trump outlet "reportedly" says...
You motherfuckers.
Lt. Col. Vindman completed the Army Ranger School, and the Airborne School. And tested his way to an Expert Marksman badge. He has a Combat Infantry Badge, and a Purple Heart as a result of an IED attack in Iraq. And he is still carrying shrapnel from those wounds.
20 years +, of distinguished service.
President Vindman is the real president, you motherfuckers. He calls the shots, man.
He's also a lying, seditious, fat bastard.
Via Rantburg:
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) told reporters during a break in the Senate trial of President Donald Trump on Thursday that several of the House Democrat impeachment managers had voted against bills providing "lethal aid" to Ukraine.
Democrats have accused Trump of abandoning Ukraine by holding aid for several weeks over the summer of 2019. Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) even accused the president, falsely, of causing the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers.
In fact, Trump had previously sent Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, unlike President Barack Obama, who had only provided non-lethal aid.
Moreover, Ukraine did not even know about the hold on the aid until it was reported in the media several weeks later. And witnesses in the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry testified that the hold did not affect the Javelins.
Ernst made it clear she was irritated with what she portrayed as hypocrisy by the Democrats.
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), she said, voted against the most recent National Defense Authorization Act, "which included lethal aid to Ukraine." Reps. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Hakeem Jeffreys (D-NY), and Nadler (D-NY) voted against the last one, which also included such spending.
Chuck is outraged at criticism of Defense Minister (x3) Vindman.
Your sterling military record , Chuck, should shield Defense Minister Vindman from any criticism, justified or not.
Impeachment based on Adam Schitt's parody. Yep.
I believe that Chuck has said he is a Michigan Republican. Note that the Michigan Republican Party is very pro Trump.
In an exclusive report, Wednesday night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham revealed that the New York Times last May quashed a story about a White House meeting in January of 2016 between Obama administration officials‐including the so-called whistleblower‐and Ukrainian officials that addressed Hunter Biden’s problematic position at Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings.
Ingraham said she obtained a chain of State Department emails between NYT journalist Ken Vogel and State Department official Kate Schilling centering on the reporter’s request for comment on the story.
20 years +, of distinguished service does not inoculate anyone from serious political spite and error and foolishness. See John McCain III.
Jason Crow is a rat-fucked leftwing cock-sucking liar.
But her served in the military so he gets a pass on all those things.
“Lt. Col. Vindman completed the Army Ranger School, and the Airborne School. And tested his way to an Expert Marksman badge. He has a Combat Infantry Badge, and a Purple Heart as a result of an IED attack in Iraq. And he is still carrying shrapnel from those wounds.
20 years +, of distinguished service.”
Doesn’t matter to them. Once anyone appears to speak independently of the Trump mind-meld, it’s the end of that person. The Trump purity tests are very strict and unforgiving. Cults don’t tolerate dissent, cults don’t tolerate independent thought, cults demand unwavering loyalty. I don’t blame Trump for being Trump. I blame Trumpists for their weakness of character, weakness of principle, for not seeing their leader as he is, or worse, seeing him as he is, but not caring.
Chuck said...ou motherfuckers.
The gin speaks loudly in you.
Pace yourself.
Michael K:
Tell us exactly what part of Vindman’s testimony under oath was false, erroneous or baseless.
Looking forward to Trump’s testimony under oath, answering all the same questions.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (WHO WILL FIGHT YOU!): "20 years +, of distinguished service."
Precisely how many years of Active Duty service and what specific credentials and awards are required to make going outside the chain of command and colluding with democrats to execute a frame up coup against the Commander in Chief totally cool?
We really ought to establish the minimums on this.
Btw, anyone else recall LLR-lefty Chuck's vicious attacks on every conservative with a distinguished military record while passionately defending Stolen Valor Blumenthal and Dick "US Troops are gestapo" Durbin?
Cuz I sure do....
Now do Flynn.
"This is the real face of American liberalism: wickedly authoritarian and incredibly dangerous. "
Outlaw candidates and elections when they don't go your way. Democrats approve. Chuck agrees!
NBC News Goes Full Fascist: Voting for 'Racist' Trump Is 'Not Only Immoral but Illegal'
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (WHO WILL FIGHT YOU!): "Looking forward to Trump’s testimony under oath, answering all the same questions."
When everyone in the bar says you're drunk, you ought to sit down....
And thanks for your stellar 17 seconds of anguished hand-wringing at age 17 in struggling with whether or not to serve which you fully fleshed out for us in your 10,000 word essay: My Decision And How It Changed The Course Of History
Hey - I served in the Navy - I'm supposed to make fun of fat Army desk jockeys.
Lighten up, Chuck!
We are all Trump cultists and Russian Assets! obey the Vindman.
Raise your hand if you're a Russian Asset.
ooo me me me!
If you voted for Jill Stein, it turns out you voted for a Russian asset... which makes you a Russian asset. or a Russian Ass.
Leftwing cult B.
Just wait till LLR-lefty Chuck goes ALL IN on the unprecedented level of bravery demonstrated by Buttigrireeegettiigg in service.
For LLR-lefty Chuck, there is literally no democrat military record that is below Congressional Medal Of Honor level (including Blumenthal's!) and no conservative republican military record deserving even a brief note of recognition.
To date, LLR-lefty Chuck has NEVER praised the military record of any republican conservative who fights the dems.....ever.
Never ever.
Lt. Colonel Vindman serves in the army, and the US is a military dictatorship, so he outranks the president.
Char Char Binks: "Lt. Colonel Vindman serves in the army, and the US is a military dictatorship, so he outranks the president"
Vindman serves the democrats (like LLR-lefty "Private" Chuck) so he outranks the President.
Looking forward to knowing why Nancy Pelosi's son makes mega bucks with his Ukraine connections.
Looking forward to the Democrats admitting the truth about the Biden family mega-millions ponzi schemes and tax payer funded international money skimming of the entire Biden clan. via UKRAINE. Wow - there's than country again. Good thing no one is looking into it. It's illegal to know about Democrat corruption.
People are bored by old tired Clinton Corruption. So they get a pass. I lifetime of graft and rape and no accountability. Fine by the Leftist cult B.
Vindman was lobbied by burismas no 1 client naftogaz. He arranged general flynns visit to khodinka gru headquarters, which helped develop thr narrative that halper would exploit.
Lt. Colonel Vindman serves in the army, and the US is a military dictatorship, so he outranks the president.
Democrat media industrial complex sieg heil the Vindman. mofos.
Can you just imagine how badly Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck would vilify any military officer of ANY rank who dared spoke out about any democrat/lefty policy decision?
Vindman was there during the time obama refused to provide any military aid to Ukraine and Vindman "bravely" and "courageously" and with "great distinction" kept his wussy little mouth shut.
What a "hero"....
Chuck said...
You motherfuckers.
Lt. Col. Vindman completed the Army Ranger School, and the Airborne School. And tested his way to an Expert Marksman badge. He has a Combat Infantry Badge, and a Purple Heart as a result of an IED attack in Iraq. And he is still carrying shrapnel from those wounds.
20 years +, of distinguished service.
Everyone I was around on the numerous deployments and served with despised Obama.
We didn't go outside the chain of command and enter a conspiracy to unseat Obama like Vindman has.
Vindman is a fucking traitor.
No one has yet explained how a native Ukrainian speaker was assigned to the Ukrainian desk. If you're the least bit familiar with how clearances work in intelligence collecting, you're aware that native language speakers are NEVER assigned to collect or evaluate intelligence from any area that speaks that language. The United States has literally millions of Americans who speak Spanish as a native language. Millions. Many thousands of whom are serving in the military right now, some in military intelligence. And the Army sent my son and daughter-in-law to Defense Language Institute in Monterey to learn Spanish, and they both worked monitoring and interpreting Spanish language intercepts - sometimes in real time, or so I think. They talk about it as much as I talk about submarine operations... not much. None of the people they worked with were native Spanish speakers. They learned other languages, and monitored communications in those other languages.
There are very sound reasons for this. With lots of examples as to why.
And Vindman is such an example. From Politico, "Vindman says he told Zelensky not to meddle in U.S. politics". LTCOL Vindman works for the United States, not the Ukraine, and took an oath of office swearing allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, not the Ukraine. His job was to report on the Ukraine, not give them advice. That's something an ambassador could do, but it's not within the job description of a LTCOL. There are other reports that he advised the Ukraine government to ignore Trump, as he would only be in office temporarily. For that, if he did, he deserves court martial. Google has buried any search results for that.
7:11 Seeing Red
Leftwing cultists cannot be troubled with facts.
Was Vindman in the room with Trump during Trump's call to the President of Ukraine?
Was Vindman listening in on the phone call?
Chuck - Inga - what say you?
There are other reports that he [Vindman] advised the Ukraine government to ignore Trump, as he would only be in office temporarily. For that, if he did, he deserves court martial.
Ho ho ho ... "Quid Pro Joe" comes to Times Square.
"I said... You're not getting the Billion dollars"
Poor Chuck. He thought he could lecture an Althouse room full of veterans on the stellar Vindman service record.
Hey, you know who else the dems told us was a hero?
Max Cleland, democrat Senator from Georgia and triple amputee.
Why was Cleland a triple amputee?
Because the frigging moron accidently dropped a grenade and removed the pin while being well behind the lines in a secure area and blew himself up.
For that we were told we were not allowed to disagree with old max on any policy at any time.
No doubt LLR-lefty Chuck was a happy and gleeful part of the Cleland Must Never Be Questioned Crew.
Achilles said...
Everyone I was around on the numerous deployments and served with despised Obama.....
Substitute Clinton... When I retired in 1994 the PNs asked me if I wanted the retirement certificate signed by POTUS. I asked why. They said they were tired of picking them up off the deck after people threw them down and stomped on them, and if I didn't want it, they'd just shred it for me. I kept it. As one of the few remaining, I figure it will someday be a collector's item....
As an aside to that, stories went that early on his administration the JCS went to him and told him he HAD to sign the certificates, himself, no auto-pen. Apparently for the first few months, none were going out. May be apocryphal. May be truth with a capital "T". I got it from the same source that told me about Hillary throwing the ashtray at Bill, long long before it became public knowledge. And the reason she's not fond of the Secret Service? They took her aside and explained to her their job was to guard the President from any threat - including her....
Remember also that Chuck and his dem allies celebrated his beloved "magnificent" obambi when obambi held a ceremony in the Rose Garden to tell us AWOL-traitor-enemy collaborator POS Bergdahl was a hero.
“Everyone I was around on the numerous deployments and served with despised Obama.....”
My daughter was deployed to Afghanistan the night Obama won his second term. She sent pics of a room full of happy smiling and cheering troops. Maybe Achilles and his sort didn't associate with those minorities and women troops who overwhelmingly loved Obama.
Admiral Inga: "She sent pics of a room full of happy smiling and cheering troops"
Gee, an "entire room" eh!
I mean, a whole entire room?
Sounds like tens of thousands!
And just for good measure, Admiral Inga tosses out the racist and misogynist card!!
Because why not?
The Army is the least racist place in this country.
You are the racist Inga. You hate the Armed Forces. You vote for people who tried to get us killed. Fuck off.
And you are a liar. Nobody believes your stupid stories about Obama support in the armed forces.
It just isn't true.
And you have been wrong about everything for the last 4 years.
Every single thing.
Mueller found absolutely nothing.
Have you apologized to Michael Flynn or Carter Page who you wrongfully accused of being traitors and Russian agents?
Have you apologized to Trump who you wrongfully accused of being a Russian Agent?
Have you Apologized to Steven Scalise for telling him he should stop supporting the second amendment after he got shot by a Bernie bro?
You have been wrong about everything and this is no different.
Seems like only yesterday when Admiral Inga was telling us all about that horrible anti-semitic OrangeManBad.
I think that was about 1 Train Station, 1 actual town and several streets named-after-Trump-all-in-Israel-ago.
My, how time does fly.
Breaking on CNN!
In the end it's all about the flow of graft. Trump has caused an interruption in the flow.
All of the Biden stuff comes from Rudy. So, here's Rudy.
Rudy Giuliani blows past his own deadline to prove Joe Biden was corrupt on his new podcast but STILL promises: 'Get ready for it. I've got facts that no-one knows yet!'
He's got facts even he doesn't even know yet. This is the face of alcoholic dementia.
Silver Star
Bronze Star with valor
Purple Heart (2)
Combat Action Ribbon
Presidential Service Badge
According to Chuck, nobody is allowed, ever, to criticize the character or congressional testimony of the above-referenced marine corps veteran. Of course, it’s Ollie North. But it’s good to know he’s above all reproach.
Vindman is the fattest Ranger I’ve ever seen.
Yes, Professor- the more you say, the less you know.
ARM: "All of the Biden stuff comes from Rudy."
How did Rudy convince the obama State Dept in 2014/15/16 to take corruption charges against Joe and Hunter Biden seriously enough to prep ambassador candidates on the subject?
"ARM: "All of the Biden stuff comes from Rudy."
No. All the Biden stuff comes from Biden. The old man can't keep his mouth shut and the son can't keep his dick in his pants. It was only a matter of time before people started asking questions.
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