January 3, 2020

"President Trump’s political operation headed into 2020 with nearly $200 million on hand..."

"... according to party officials, giving him a financial war chest that vastly outstrips the resources of his Democratic opponents weeks before primary voting begins. Trump’s reelection campaign, the Republican Party and two joint fundraising committees together raised a record $154 million in the final three months of the year, party officials told The Washington Post, a massive haul they said was fueled by backlash to the House impeachment of the president. Of that, more than $72 million was collected by the Republican National Committee, driven in part by big checks from wealthy donors — a sign of how much of the moneyed class that shunned Trump in 2016 is now embracing him. Small donors also continued to give to the party and to Trump’s reelection campaign, which pulled in $46 million, far outpacing leading Democrats vying for their party’s nomination. Among them, the biggest fundraiser last quarter was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who raised $34.5 million. Since the impeachment inquiry began in September, the president’s campaign and RNC gained 600,000 new donors, officials said. In all, Trump and the RNC together scooped up a staggering $463 million in 2019, party officials said. In comparison, then-President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party raised roughly $220 million in 2011, the year before his reelection."

WaPo reports.

The news this morning is making me think of 1984. Not the book. The election. Remember that?

Biggest difference: The ex-Vice-President who got his party's nomination to fend off the hated, show-biz, imposter President... was so fresh-faced!

By the way, that man still walks the face of the earth, and he's not all that much older than Biden.

ADDED: Elizabeth Warren has finally revealed her 4th quarter number — $21.2 million, down from $24.6 million in the 3rd quarter and less than the others in the top 4.


MadisonMan said...

God Bless Mondale for knowing when to exit Public life. Would that many many other politicians would follow his example.

Meade said...

"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience...”

Amadeus 48 said...

Mondale is like Hubert Humphrey: just because you disagree with him is no reason to dislike him. And I guess you can flip that: just because you agree with Trump is no reason to like him. The question is, how do you cast your vote?

In general, I vote for people I agree with. Sometimes, I get lucky and both agree with and like a candidate--Reagan being exhibit A. Trump is hard to like, but his opposition makes him more likable every day.

By election day, Trump could be that most likable candidate of the 21st century.

rehajm said...

Wait- we’re skipping over the Democratic primaries. Gary Hart. Where’s the beef? Back in the day when Democrat voters were turned off by sexual shenanigans and Soviets. Now they want to blow those old timers.

Eric said...

One of the things I remember from 1984 is the bumper sticker "Honk if Mondale promised you something." They've come so far.

Ann Althouse said...

"Trump is hard to like"

I like the way he offers what he has to give and says, you don't have to like me. There's freedom in its being perfectly okay and even encouraged to dislike (or even hate) the President). We didn't have that with Obama. And GWB was hated but seemed burdened by the hatred. I like that about Trump, and I wouldn't like him otherwise. It's quite a trick. Like a fat person who can dance very gracefully.

gilbar said...

Walter should enter the race! i've Already made a bumpersticker for him!!
Mondale 2020 Hindsight is the way to go!"

John henry said...

Mondale is a great example of why not to nominste a vp or former vp.

Gore, ford, humphry, nixon, lbj, bush are others.

John Henry

Michael K said...

Trump is so fortunate in his enemies. Reagan was more likeable but so were Democrats in those days.

le Douanier said...

There were plenty of folks who expressed dislike/hate re BHO.

And, it is not true that DJT doesn’t care if folks express dislike/hate. He’s extremely thin skinned re any incoming.

The big difference is that previous presidents felt pressure to not be circus clowns. Althouse jabbering about her approval of a circus clown as POTUS would at least get the basic facts right.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amadeus 48 said...

There is no question in my mind that all the pop psychologists who have fallen for the "Trump, the outsider, craves respect and acceptance" line are completely wrong and are peddling nonsense.

I think Althouse is exactly right. Trump plays the "this is what I offer, you don't have to like me" line perfectly. Part of his success is his outer-boroughs persona. Blustery, feisty, you don't have to love me, but you gotta see what I got.

Laslo Spatula said...

Maybe it's just me, but the figures all seem kinda small in context of a Presidential election.

A big movie now makes more than that (here, from 2019):

Toy Story 4 - Domestic Gross: $432 million
The Lion King - Domestic Gross: $530 million
Avengers: Endgame - Domestic Gross: $858 million

Not arguing that even more money should be thrown into politics, just that more money was thrown at the Avengers movie in 2019 than all the main candidates combined (give or take - I'm not bothering with math yet today).

Of course, if Sanders wins, all movies will be free. I think that's how it works.

I am Laslo.

Mr. Forward said...

Mondale won Minnesota and the District of Columbia. McGovern won Massachusets and the District of Columbia. A Mondale-McGovern ticket would be a sure thing in the District of Columbia. I know McGovern is dead but that never stopped a Democrat.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Since the impeachment inquiry began in September, the president’s campaign and RNC gained 600,000 new donors, officials said. In all, Trump and the RNC together scooped up a staggering $463 million in 2019, party officials said. In comparison, then-President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party raised roughly $220 million in 2011, the year before his reelection."

See. Trump's is twice as big.

The GOP phone solicitors have been dialing the Amadeus house nonstop (we never answer). Trump 2020 won't fail for lack of money.

Impeachment has been a slap in the face to the republic, the Constitution, and the American people. The only way to respond is to administer an electoral beating to the Democrats that they won't recover from for 60 years. (See Presidential elections from 1860 to 1912 for the Dems and House of Representatives elections from 1932 to 1994 for the GOP).

Mr. Forward said...

There was a another t in Massachusetts but they threw it in the harbor.

rehajm said...

Maybe it's just me, but the figures all seem kinda small in context of a Presidential election.

It's Bloomberg and Steyer couch cushion money...Remember all the whinging from Democrats about the money in politics and how it buys elections? Steyer has cornered the market in local political ads, all to no gain...

Amadeus 48 said...

anti-de Sitter space--I don't think you have Trump figured out right. He isn't thin-skinned. Obama was thin-skinned. Trump has a policy of always punching back--hard!

Those jokers from Tehran weren't available for comment yesterday--not even their incinerated, smoking remains raised a peep.

Temujin said...

They should run Fritz again.

Mr. Forward said...

"Trump is thin-skinned".
Have you seen the other guy?

MountainMan said...

"Since the impeachment inquiry began in September, the president’s campaign and RNC gained 600,000 new donors...”

I mentioned back during the 2018 elections how my formerly apolitical wife had really been upset by the Kavanaugh hearings. As the impeachment business got cranked up this past fall she got even more irritated. We have only occasionally donated to political campaigns but as soon as the hearings started she said one evening while watching the news “I think it’s time we started donating.” So I went to the Trump website and started to set it up, asked how much she wanted to donate, and then also casually mentioned “There is a checkbox on here if you want to make it monthly.” “Really?” she said. “Then make it monthly.” So, we are monthly donors through the rest of the campaign. I imagine there may be quite a few in that 600K doing the same thing.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Mondale is 14 years older than Biden, so Biden has time for 2 or 3 terms.

bwebster said...

I've been saying for months that the Left has been setting things up for a 1984-like re-election for Trump. I don't think the election will be as overwhelming, but I am pretty sure at this point that Trump will not only have a major Electoral College win, but he will easily win the popular vote as well -- at which point, I expect the Left to start (continue) screaming about vote fraud and The Russians.

stevew said...

I don't see any way MA will give its Electoral vote to Trump. H.W. Bush is the last candidate for president I voted for because this state always goes for the Democrat (In my voting lifetime, other than that Reagan election). I plan to vote for Trump this time, but am pretty sure it won't matter.

M Jordan said...

Reagan pretty much gave Mondale his home state and only win, Minnesota by not campaigning there. He told his team to let Mondale have it.


M Jordan said...

Althouse wrote: “ There's freedom in its being perfectly okay and even encouraged to dislike (or even hate) the President). We didn't have that with Obama.”

That’s a really good point and one I hadn’t thought of. Upon reflection I’m thinking it’s a big part of the reason I despised the guy: he was Mr. Off Limits. You couldn’t joke about him (ask the Missouri rodeo clown about that), criticize him (racist!), or, as Ann points out, hate him. You weren’t allowed to even dislike him. You must adore him.

What a straitjacket we were in for those 8 years.

Tommy Duncan said...

The best part of the Democrat fund raising is that they will be using their money to attack each other while Trump builds his campaign fund.

CJinPA said...

...pulled in $46 million, far outpacing leading Democrats...

Ah, but the vast majority of all political monies raised goes to getting out a message, and the Democrats get billions of dollars of in-kind contributions from the media industry.

Birkel said...

Trump will win Minnesota.

Freder Frederson said...

You weren’t allowed to even dislike him. You must adore him.

Did you even read the comments on this blog about Obama. Obama hatred was rampant. Hell, I even had to point out to Ann that leaving a comment up that joked about assassinating Obama might not be a good idea.

Freder Frederson said...

BTW, I know "not that much older" is a very vague phrase, but Mondale is fourteen years older than Biden (and Biden is four years older than Trump).

Big Mike said...

I plan to vote for Trump this time, but am pretty sure it won't matter.

@stevew, actually it could very well matter. Not that Trump will carry the state of Massachusetts, but that if you and other New England Republicans go and vote perhaps he will carry the popular vote despite New York and California and Democrats will no longer be able to claim a “popular vote victory.”

Michael K said...

Did you even read the comments on this blog about Obama. Obama hatred was rampant.

Did you ? I know Field Marshals don't have to remember stuff. A lot of us thought Obama was an empty suit (He is) but there was nothing like the Trump hate we see. Nothing. Remember the rodeo clown who got fired for wearing an Obama mask ? Of course not.

Birkel said...

Freder Frederson equates the comments on a blog to the total signal control exercised by the MSM.

I never felt so powerful. /s

Big Mike said...

What I remember most about about the election of 1984 was Mondale forced to suspend national campaigning In the final week and campaign exclusively in Minnesota to try to hold his home state despite his having been a very popular Senator.

Gahrie said...

There's no way Trump wins New York or California, so no repeat of 1984. However it will be the biggest win since 1984...I've been predicting 40 states.

Freder Frederson said...

Remember the rodeo clown who got fired for wearing an Obama mask ? Of course not.

And I'm sure if there was an instance of a rodeo clown wearing a Trump mask, you all would find it very amusing and not the least bit offensive.

Gahrie said...

Hell, I even had to point out to Ann that leaving a comment up that joked about assassinating Obama might not be a good idea.

They made movies and wrote books about assassinating Bush, and one of Althouse's heroes famously paraded the severed head of Trump on these pages.

Gahrie said...

And I'm sure if there was an instance of a rodeo clown wearing a Trump mask, you all would find it very amusing and not the least bit offensive.

I'm willing to bet that there have been several rodeo clowns wearing Trump masks the last five years.

Freder Frederson said...

There's no way Trump wins New York or California, so no repeat of 1984. However it will be the biggest win since 1984...I've been predicting 40 states.

I'll take that bet. Trump's popularity has not budged since he was elected. There is no way with a reasonably competent opponent (and they all will run a better campaign than Hillary) Trump exceeds his electoral vote haul of the 2016 campaign. I am not stupid enough to predict a Democratic victory (I was always afraid Trump would beat Hillary).

bagoh20 said...

Steyer has blanketed Las Vegas with adverting for months now, and the only thing I ever hear anyone say about him is how much they hate his ads. Great Job!

They really are bad, but I don't know what you can say as a Democrat. They are actually forced to say they will fix the best economy in our lifetimes. Who the hell wants that fixed? It's like your brother-in-law telling you he can fix your brand new Ferrari.

bagoh20 said...

How did Reagan win those blue states? The country has changed so much, and those places are more in need of change than ever, but they are even less likely to choose it now. The media has done the American people such a disservice. It's almost like they are our enemy.

Freder Frederson said...

Who the hell wants that fixed?

It wasn't that long ago that conservatives were worried about $1 trillion plus deficits. Hell, Trump, in one of his most forgotten campaign promises, said he would eliminate the Federal debt in eight years.

If the economy was indeed as strong as you claim, deficits would be shrinking, not exploding.

Tom T. said...

Laslo, I recall reading somewhere that Americans spend more on potato chips than presidential elections.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
"Like a fat person who can dance very gracefully."

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "If the economy was indeed as strong as you claim, deficits would be shrinking, not exploding."


Please run with this one in the campaign.


Gahrie said...

I'll take that bet. Trump's popularity has not budged since he was elected.

Every poll I've seen lately shows that not only has Trump's approval rating gone up. (especially among minorities. I've seen numbers as high as 30% among black people for Trump. If Trump gets anything close to 30% of the Black vote it will be a Labour style disaster for the Democrats) Given the incessant attacks on Trump by the media and popular culture, I'm surprised his approval numbers aren't negative. I bet they're higher than Congress's numbers. (and the MSM's)

There is no way with a reasonably competent opponent (and they all will run a better campaign than Hillary) Trump exceeds his electoral vote haul of the 2016 campaign.

Who? Biden? They'll be throwing Biden into the back of vans half way through the campaign like they did Hillary last time.

Warren? Warren is a less evil version of Hillary. Trump might bet 30% of the Black vote if Warren is the candidate.

Gabbard is the only Democrat who stands a chance, and the party will never allow her to be the candidate.

Gahrie said...

If the economy was indeed as strong as you claim, deficits would be shrinking, not exploding

The strength of the economy has nothing to do with the deficit. The deficit is purely a result of the federal government spending too much money. The deficit has more effect on the economy than the other way around.

Andrew said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Trump wins the popular vote nationally, doesn't he also win California's electoral votes based on their new state law? Same with Colorado, iirc.

gilbar said...

Andrew said...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Trump wins the popular vote nationally, doesn't he also win California's electoral votes based on their new state law? Same with Colorado,

their laws all say that they Will NOT take effect, until 270 electoral vote's worth of states Also pass such laws. Since that hasn't happened, their laws are dormant

gilbar said...

Serious Questions
{Stipulating that EVERYONE that voted for Hillary votes for the Democrat...}
Who are the people that voted for Trump, that WON'T vote for him this time?
Who are the people that did NOT vote last time, that Will vote This time?
...Who will THOSE people vote for? (this includes dead and illegal voters)

rcocean said...

Not only is mondale still alive, so is carter - 96 years old.

Sebastian said...

"They are actually forced to say they will fix the best economy in our lifetimes."

Even lefties occasionally check their retirement accounts, don't they?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Minnesota - where brains sit frozen.

rcocean said...

People are far too optimistic about Trump winning. He's going to lose every Blue state on both coasts. The Northeast and West Coast are full of Yellow Dog Democrats. They will NEVER vote R. It will all come down to the Midwest, Florida, NC and VA. Blacks are still going to vote 90-10 D, they always do. Hispanics and Jews, 70-30 D, and Asians and other minorities 65-35 D.

None of this has changed. Trump may squeak by, or the D's may win back Penn, Winsc, Ohio, and Michigan. Never underestimate the stupidity of American voters.

stevew said...

@bagoh20 RE:Steyer ads. We get them all the time on local tv and radio, and they are terrible. Lots of the locals, regardless of political party, can't stand the ads or the guy in them.

Wilbur said...

I agree with rcocean; Trump does not have any easy path to victory under the best of circumstances.

One thing I liked about Mondale was the way he somewhat gracefully smiled and chuckled during the debate when Reagan delivered the crack about not using Mondale's youth and inexperience against him. He knew right then the election was over.

h said...

The winning Dem message is: "I'm not Trump AND I'm not Hillary". The path to losing involves saying ANYTHING else. (Well you can support in principle things like universal health care, addressing global warming, universal post-high school education; but you cannot advance any specific program to accomplish these. Just "I'll appoint a commission" "I'll work out a detailed plan" etc. But if you can keep voters focussed on "not Trump not Hillary" you cannot possibly lose.

JayDee77 said...

Remember - all this money is necessary because Barack Hussein Obama lied straight to John McCain's face when he agreed to take public funds in the 2008 general election. Once that was done, there was never any going back.

Francisco D said...

I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience...”

That was such a great line that even Mondale laughed.

Those were the days when Democrats at least seemed sane.

Andrew said...

Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of that.

I was 14 when Reagan won in 1984. I was the only one in my ultra-liberal family who was glad he won. I kept my head down and didn't say a word. 1984, indeed.

JaimeRoberto said...

It wasn't that long ago that conservatives were worried about $1 trillion plus deficits.

Fair point. The deficits are a problem. Unfortunately the Dems would likely make it even worse.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JohnAnnArbor said...

I think Mondale's the only person to lose elections in all 50 states. He was the replacement for Sen. Wellstone after he died just before re-election, which he probably would have won reasonably easily. The public reaction at the vicious politicization of Wellstone's funeral, with jeering and insults directed at Republicans who showed up to honor him (not Mondale's fault) caused the loss.

Jim at said...

Did you even read the comments on this blog about Obama. - Freder

Way to miss the point.

Would it ever occur to you why you read those comments here and not on every front page of every news paper and nightly newscast, talk show and all points in-between?

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