January 21, 2020

"'Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him'... it's not only him, it's the culture around him. It's his leadership team. It's his prominent supporters. It's his online Bernie Bros..."

"... and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women. And I really hope people are paying attention to that because it should be worrisome that he has permitted this culture — not only permitted, [he] seems to really be very much supporting it. And I don't think we want to go down that road again where you campaign by insult and attack and maybe you try to get some distance from it, but you either don't know what your campaign and supporters are doing or you're just giving them a wink and you want them to go after Kamala [Harris] or after Elizabeth [Warren]. I think that that's a pattern that people should take into account when they make their decisions.... Then this argument about whether or not or when he did or didn't say that a woman couldn't be elected, it's part of a pattern. If it were a one-off, you might say, 'OK, fine.' But he said I was unqualified. I had a lot more experience than he did, and got a lot more done than he had, but that was his attack on me. I just think people need to pay attention because we want, hopefully, to elect a president who's going to try to bring us together, and not either turn a blind eye, or actually reward the kind of insulting, attacking, demeaning, degrading behavior that we've seen from this current administration."

Said Hillary Clinton, quoted in "Hillary Clinton in Full: A Fiery New Documentary, Trump Regrets and Harsh Words for Bernie: "Nobody Likes Him'" (Hollywood Reporter). The quote within the quote — "Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him" — is from the documentary. The rest is from the Hollywood Reporter interview.

ADDED: She's talking about Bernie the way Democrats talk about Trump.

AND: Nobody likes you is a classic childhood taunt.

PLUS: How much do you care whether the politicians like each other? Does that benefit Us the People or is their inwardly directed cliquishness a danger? Do they like us?


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tim in vermont said...

Which is fine, because Trump has turned out way better than I could have hoped. Usually when you flip somebody off, as I was doing Washington by voting for Trump, nothing comes of it. He’s been great though. I know that privately Republican Senators hate him, but so what, they are all as corrupt as Biden, and they hate having a light shown on it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Trump isn't pure enough - so I'll side with the leftwing government whores"

-Bill Krostol.

hey - if Schitt can do it.

tim in vermont said...

Romney, who has been in the Ukraine cookie jar, of course, is the lone Republican holdout on the rules resolution.

What a scumbag, I would vote for Bernie over that quisling ass-covering bastard.

Todd said...

Bay Area Guy said...

So, Hillary can have her little HULU documentary and the Obamas can have their little Netflix deals, and as long as they are out of power, is a good day.

1/21/20, 2:40 PM

It would be a better day if the lot of them were behind bars.

Dave Begley said...

Ann's tag "Hillary goes away" has turned out to be wishful thinking. Why can't Hillary go away? She'll never be president.

Her answers in that interview are delusional.

tim in vermont said...

Schiff seems to think that looking into Ukraine corruption will lead to the “complete destruction” of Congress. That might be the first true thing he has said.

Bay Area Guy said...

And, may I add, that every day that Senator Pierre Delecto is not President, is also a good day?

narciso said...

Exhibit 112, how they are 'on the other side'


Milwaukie guy said...

Chuck is not a loose canon. It's the LLR/MSNBC canon. Also, a loose cannon can hurt you. I know. I have a 10# Parrott.

Iman said...

“No one like him”

What is he... chopped livah!?!?

Beasts of England said...

’Romney, who has been in the Ukraine cookie jar, of course, is the lone Republican holdout on the rules resolution.’

It’s difficult to imagine a bigger cuck than the Mittster. He’s the poster boy for geldings everywhere...

gilbar said...

Milwaukie guy said...
I have a 10# Parrott.

huh? Explain? why/HOW did you get a Parrott riffle? Where do you get your shells?
What do you pull it with? Do your neighbors complain? Or, are they too intimidated ?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Nanopod said: Maybe I'm a hopeless optimist but I still believe that if Bernie ends up being the Dem nominee that it'll be a bloodbath for the Dems with Trump ending up easily winning not just the electoral college but also the popular vote by a large amount.

This is my hope as well. Someone like Warren or Biden can pretend to be more 'normal' or centrist and still have bad intentions.

Bernie is not normal and even though he may not think so, his intentions are bad and dangerous. He is a true ideologue and will be unable to pretend.

The real danger is the group of also dedicated and radical Communist/Socialist who have already laid their cards on the table. Wishing death, concentration camps, and promising mayhem if they don't get their way.

Should it be Bernie as the Dem candidate, I hope, that the rest of the country who are not radical or who are experiencing better times lately will be able to take a good look at what a future under Socialism and Bernie Bros would be like.

If the media were truly interested in reporting news instead of propaganda, the truth would come out. My fear is that the media snow storm and hiding of any negativity towards the Democrats because they hate Trump so much, will fool many into thinking...Well. It isn't THAT bad.

Then it will be too late.

Let's hope that you are right!!!!

gilbar said...

The story county courthouse had a 12# Napoleon, but they never did anything with; just let it sit there and rust (or tarnish, or whatever you call it with bronze

Seems a waste to me, to have arty that you don't even use

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm trying to listen to Adam Schiff speechifying on the Senate Floor.

It is difficult. The man is a dangerous moron. He speaks grammatically correct, fluent English, but is such a dishonest weasel, that it's hard to take him seriously.

Chuck said...

So what does a Trump/Bernie voter say about the following:

Lower corporate taxes, or raise them?
A larger defense budget, or smaller?
A national single-payer health care plan, or not?
A national civil rights bill for the LGBT community, or not?
Was Citizens United correctly decided?
Was Obergefell v Hodges correctly decided?
Was Roe v Wade correctly decided?
Should the President nominate more federal judges like Sotomayor and Kagan? Or Gorsuch and Kavanaugh?
Was moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem a good idea?
Should there be a national law that approximates a system of “card check” for unionized work places?
Was Dodd-Frank a good law or a bad one?
Is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a mostly good thing or a mostly dangerous bureaucracy?
Is it necessary to enact extensive federal regulations, and to negotiate extensive new international treaties on climate change, or not?

I want to know where Trump-Bernie voters are on these questions. If they can read.

mockturtle said...

BAG reports: I'm trying to listen to Adam Schiff speechifying on the Senate Floor.

I don't understand why these House weasels are allowed to speak in the Senate at all.

tim in vermont said...

I wanna know why a "life long Republican” thinks we should get rid of Trump when he is doing so well.

rehajm said...

I don't understand why these House weasels are allowed to speak in the Senate at all.

It’s looking like Kavanaugh redux in indulging every stunt, whim, complaint and whinge of the Democrats. All in the interest of ‘fairness’.

Either that or Susan Collins really runs everything...

Drago said...

I see that our resident Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck once again demands answers to questions that were long ago answered and repeatedly explained as a rather juvenile means of avoiding having to explain how it is that supposed "principled conservatives" are now fully on the side of far left marxists who seek to fundamentally transform our nation into a permanent democrat controlled socialist "paradise".

And all that after lecturing in the most condescending and dishonest of manners to our gracious blog hostess which is in keeping with the behavior that led to his being banned from the blog in the first place.

tsk tsk

It appears that Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck is no more capable of change and adaptation than his House Impeachment team heroes.

robother said...

Chuck has smoked me out! I cast my first 3 Presidential votes for Humphrey, McGovern (God help me) and Carter. In 1980, like a lot of other Democrats I voted for Reagan. I guess not everyone is so pure as to be born a Life Long Republican. Who knew the Republican Party was really just Skull and Bones? Chuck and Mitt need to work on a test that can be administered before someone is allowed to vote Republican. I see above that work has already begun.

Drago said...

rehajm: "Either that or Susan Collins really runs everything..."

It appears all 53 republican votes will hold throughout the amendment process, so McConnell has his team on board at least thru this phase.

I see that Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck's democrat allies are already amping up their attacks on McConnell as a clear russian asset and traitor, which is something LLR-lefty Chuck claimed he would speak against if he ever heard it.....but gosh darn it, LLR-lefty Chuck simply hasn't heard any of the army of democrats uttering that charge utter the charge they've all been uttering for weeks on end now.

Because if he had, LLR-lefty Chuck, being true to his word, would certainly stick up for McConnell......



Isn't it wonderful how this latest democrat sham sideshow has finally and fully made all the actual operational leftists like Chuck come out into the open?

Perfect timing heading into the 2020 election.

Absolutely perfect.

And all on top of Trump laying down the law to those Greta-Thunberg Euro-morons.

Drago said...

Aunty Trump: "I wanna know why a "life long Republican” thinks we should get rid of Trump when he is doing so well."

Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck and the dems want to get rid of Trump PRECISELY because Trump is succeeding across the board.

If Trump were not succeeding across the board the 2020 election would take care of itself.

Alas, LLR-lefty Chuck's dem candidates are every bit as pathetic as he is and he knows what's coming....hence the sheer unadulterated desperation to dispatch Trump and literally keep him off the ballot.

tim in vermont said...

I would have voted for Bernie because I believed so much of the bullshit about Trump, Chuck. I know you think it is irrational to hate Hillary, after all, she, like Obama, is on your list of “intelligent” leaders, but I do, and she is likely the only candidate that I would have voted for Trump over. Unlike you though, I didn’t close my mind after the election and become blind to what is going on.

Chuck is a banana Republican, the kind that thinks that trumped up charges and bullshit show trials should outweigh elections.

narciso said...

they are still beating this dead horse:


narciso said...

honest lefties and interventionists like Stephen McIntyre got much of this story right;


rehajm said...

Republicans will get through the amendment phase but Collins has already made up her mind that she needs to see and hear more evidence- so no motion to dismiss for her.

How can the other cucks not follow?

narciso said...

yes shes not helpful;


Milwaukie guy said...

My Parrott is, of course, a replica. It's full-scale, etc., although it is not rifled, only smoothbore.

I bought it about 3 years ago. The cannon was assembled in the Ozarks. The 800# barrel ended up being cast in Montana because some closer foundry was having issues. The wheels were made by some Indiana Amish dude. My guy built the carriage and final assembly. It weighs 1650#. It cost $7500 and a trailer to haul it back to Oregon.

Thus far, I've only blown off powder and tried to learn how to back up 24' trailer. I need a new crew but I am the Sgt. Major on the Oregon Union battalion so I think I can get a new one. My old company, 20th Maine, fell apart and I'm newly 1st Minn.

I can make 3" concrete rounds in tin cans and fire them someplace near Bend but have yet to do it. Smoothbore, I think I can shoot a mile with minimum accuracy. We'll see soon enough.

Milwaukie guy said...

P.S. I'm the only guy in my neighborhood with artillery.

Drago said...

Milwaukie guy: "My Parrott is, of course, a replica. It's full-scale, etc., although it is not rifled, only smoothbore.


Andrew Weissman has a different kind of parrot. He calls it "Chuck".

Milwaukie guy said...

Weissman is a smoothbore. Can't really hit the target with much range. Kind of a spray and pray.

Seeing Red said...

BernieBros do love their gulags and cages.

narciso said...

and laogai umaps and whatever the Vietnamese version is,

as a latino from a country which suffered the scourge of communism, sanders is scarier, as is his understudy cortez, now Hillary made common cause with sds provocateur oglesby in her teens, with the panthers in law school with the guy who headed tikkun, (name escapes me now) in the 90s,

Derve Swanson said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...

Ann's tag "Hillary goes away" has turned out to be wishful thinking. Why can't Hillary go away? She'll never be president.

Her answers in that interview are delusional.

Do people with children think that if their child achieves something that they have achieved it via their surrogate?

Maybe she's still holding out hope for Chelsea?

tim in vermont said...

A Florida man allegedly stabbed and killed his Trump-supporting boss after a heated political argument, according to local law enforcement. William Steven Knight, 28, described by authorities as a “proud and outspoken American and pro-Donald Trump,” was killed by employee Mason Trever Toney following a political altercation, according to witnesses.

Inga’s “denazification” begins!

Ken B said...

Hillary won’t run. She is wedded to the lie that she wuz robbed. If she ran she’d lose and then her lie would lose credibility. And alas many do give it credibility still.

walter said...

"William Steven Knight, 28, described by authorities as a “proud and outspoken American and pro-Donald Trump,” was killed by employee Mason Trever Toney following a political altercation, according to witnesses. Police deputies found Knight dead with an American flag draped over him.

Witnesses say they initially heard Knight call for help and found Toney repeatedly stabbing him with a trowel. The witnesses told deputies they attempted to stop the attack, but Toney proceeded to jump into a truck and drove away, calling them "terrorists."

A police affidavit says that Toney is outspoken about his political beliefs and believes the government is "out to get him," according to local media. Toney was placed under arrest and is being held in Orange County, Florida, without bond. "

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

A Flatulent New Documentary

Fixed it. I don't accept the press release hype.

Narr said...

Milwaukee guy (or Sarge?), that's awesome. I got to see a few hours of live firing from a variety of CW artillery, smooth and rifled, muzzle-loading and breech. This was at Camp McCain MS about 1993 (can it be that long?) and the Nat Guard had a family weekend including modern and historic ordnance displays and demonstrations.

I'll never forget the unearthly ungodly sounds of solid shot thrashing and bounding through scrub forest, sometimes like giant baseball bats hitting homers and other times with distinct metallic tones. Better to be on the berm behind.

The modern stuff was pretty cool too

n.n said...

It sounds like the DNC is progressing, again, and again, and again, to deny, perhaps gerrymander, even override, the vote. Given the viability of the diverse precedents, this is surely a double-edged scalpel.

John henry said...

Blogger gilbar said...

The story county courthouse had a 12# Napoleon, but they never did anything with; just let it sit there and rust (or tarnish, or whatever you call it with bronze

You're not that guy are you?

I heard a story about a guy who had a job polishing the courthouse cannon. Did it every day and kept it nice and shiny.

After 20 years he got tired of just getting a paycheck every friday so he bought his own cannon and went into business for himself.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Milwaukie guy said...

P.S. I'm the only guy in my neighborhood with artillery.

Is America a great country or what!
This is a clip of Piers Morgan when he was Larry King arguing gun control. He thought he scored a telling point when he asked if the woman he was arguing with where it would stop? "Do you think you have the right to own a tank?" he asked with a smug look on his face.

Apparently not realizing that tank ownership is completely unregulated in the US. The gun is regulated if more than 50 caliber but there are tanks on YouTube with the original gun rechambered for a 50 cal round. Probably not very accurate but impressive as hell.

In the 60s, in Alexandria, there was an Army surplus store in Alexandria VA that sold surplus cannons and anything else. M-1s were $30 or so. 2 of my buddies and I wanted to buy a fully functional 37mm anti-tank gun because it was really cool. Had we showed up with $250 and a truck, we could have driven home with it. Ammo too, I believe.(Imagine 3 HS Seniors with their own anti-gun.) Our parents put the kibosh on that idea.

I am so proud to be an American!

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"“He was in Congress for years,” Clinton says in the new four part docuseries debuting at the Sundance Film Festival next week. “He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”

Asked whether that assessment “still holds,” Clinton told the Hollywood Reporter, “Yes, it does.”

Yikes. Sounds like Republican talking points. All it misses is calling him a Soviet sympathizer."

oh snap!

Gahrie said...

Nobody has ever explained to me why the Democrats are allowing a man who refuses to call himself a Democrat run for the Democratic nomination for president.

Drago said...

"Nobody has ever explained to me why the Democrats are allowing a man who refuses to call himself a Democrat run for the Democratic nomination for president."

Bernie currently identifies as both a male and a biological democrat.

walter said...

Milwaukie guy,
Have ye any allies that would allow positioning said Parrot near/overlooking a certain ugly gathering due there July 13–16?

Gospace said...

walter said...
Toney was placed under arrest and is being held in Orange County, Florida, without bond.

I'm happy he was arrested in FL and didn't flee to NY. Where he'd have been released without bail.

John henry said...


More importantly, who has never raised money for the party.

I think what may have happened was that the party needed a Washington general to play against globetrotter hilary. It would have looked bad if Hillary had been totally unopposed.

So, Bernie. He'll make it look like a race and lose gracefully. Nobody expected him to actually put up a fight.

They could have stopped Bernie running in 15. They didn't and now it is way too late.

Passed the popcorn.

John Henry

tim in vermont said...

"I heard a story about a guy who had a job polishing the courthouse cannon. Did it every day and kept it nice and shiny.

After 20 years he got tired of just getting a paycheck every friday so he bought his own cannon and went into business for himself.”

That’s one of those you salt away for just the right moment. I am not sure what that moment will be, but it’s a funny story.

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