January 8, 2020

It makes absolutely no sense?


Jupiter said...

"compromised my IP address"?

AllenS said...

Sure, Paul, sure.

robother said...

The lonely lives of Nobel Economists.

Lucid-Ideas said...


This makes me ask a few questions, the most important of which is when is the stock market going to recover? I was assured by Paul it never would.

Economics is a science, and I'm still waiting for the bull to come back.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gahrie said...

Geez...he should have gone the "I was studying it so I could write an article about it" route instead.

Jim at said...

Is this a great day, or what?

FullMoon said...

Next up, his security tells him to purchase gift cards and send the codes..

...or, he is on verge of arrest ..

Mike Sylwester said...

Qanon me?

QAnon is Eric Trump, who informs the public with the knowledge of his father President Donald Trump, who is QAnon+.

The last I knew, QAnon has been disabled for several months because of various cyber attacks on the host.

I might have to go read Praying Medic to get back up-to-date on the QAnon situation.

pacwest said...

Krugman's into kiddie porn?

iowan2 said...

Carlos Danger was attacked exactly the same way. Sounds right to me.(How many times did Krugman party with Epstein?)

Drago said...

Hmmmmm, the same thing happened with 2 other LLR-lefty Chuck favorites, Anthony Weiner and Joy Reid.

Also, Kurt Eichenwald of the literal $1 Total Market Value Newsweek FakeMag somehow had tentacle porn on his computer for, like, totally innocent reasons.



Nothing to see here.

BTW, anyone else catch the latest Bill Clinton-Epstein Lolita Express photos from the 2000's? Very chummy indeed.

Ghislaine Maxwell is quite wise to remain in a secluded and undisclosed location.

madAsHell said...

Krugman is an idiot. You can't steal an IP address.

Hackerz have stolen my mega-hurts!!

So, he's been caught looking at child porno, and this is his alibi??

J Melcher said...

Carlos Danger could not be reached for comment.

At least the toaster is loyal.

chuck said...

I'd love an explanation of how that could be done.

Curious George said...

"They also used it to buy a van and some candy!"

Beasts of England said...

Former Enron Advisor Paul Krugman, ladies and gentleman!

George said...

Aaah. Thé Weiner defence.

Lucid-Ideas said...

His IP was stolen by the well-known hacker Pierre Delecto with assistance by Amran Ilwan using passwords whispered by Eric Ciaramella.

Incidentally, Krugman, Bernanke, Timothy Geitner and myself were at dinner a few years back discussing how no one likes a name dropper. I'm sure that has something to do with this.

mccullough said...

The Best and the Brightest

Beasts of England said...

Did the esteemed economist call the FBI, re: this incident?

Drago said...

From Ace Of Spades HQ:
You know who Paul Krugman blames for child pornography? Sexy, sexy children.

Mike Sylwester said...

On November 11, Praying Medic published an article titled Hatred of 8chan and Q Leads to Libel Litigation. My understanding is that omehow, 8chan is being attacked, and so QAnon (i.e. Eric Trump) has lost his host (8chan) until that situation is resolved. Frankly, I don't understand the situation.

Anyway, Krugman's expression "Qanon me" does not make any sense to me. What is Krugman's understanding of that expression?

JAORE said...

I know I live a sheltered life. But.... "tentacle porn"? WTF?

If it is what it sounds like, please, please tell me this is something only practiced by 5 or fewer people on the planet.

YoungHegelian said...

This may not be as strange as it sounds.

A lot of folks who don't properly secure their wireless networks have hackers who get on the wireless & then start doing all sorts of mischief. It's a classic technique for folks who want to download child porn to find an open network because it makes them more difficult to trace.

Often the victims discover that they have been hacked when the FBI knocks on their door & tells them that they've noticed a lot of traffic between their router's IP address & servers on the Dark Web that are known child pornography servers.

It's been my experience of 30+ years in the computer biz that pompous dicks like Krugman are the absolute worst at computer security because you, computer support schlub that you are, can't tell Mr. Big-Swinging-Dick-Nobel_prize winner absolutely fucking anything. You tell Wanda the secretary if she gets caught as responsible for the security breach, she'll be fired, and she listens right up. But, someone like Krugman, fuggitaboutit! Just like John Podesta's password was "p@ssword". Podesta's the same kind of pompous dick.

Remember, I may wax eloquent on philosophy here, but dis shit is how I've paid my bills for 30+ years. I know of what I speak.

Drago said...

If history is any guide, I predict an avalanche of smears from the Althouse LLR-gang accusing Trump and republicans of kiddie porn trangressions.

JAORE said...

Oh yeah:

Jeffery Epstein did not hack Paul Krugman's computer.

MAJMike said...

Think Mrs. Krugman will buy that?

Just asking.

rhhardin said...

Might be he's got a virus that's downloading it, not necessarily even saving it, just to get on the logs monitoring it. But it's not usual right wing behavior; has he got enemies on the left.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

yeah, that whole 'elites into underage sex' thing is so...Qanon-ish

Troves of video from Epstein's NY and Fla. homes

Why do you think Schiff et al, MSM push the 'deep fakes' thing?

Damage control/getting out in front of a story?

smearing with a 'conspiracy theory' label?


Balfegor said...

Perhaps it is unfair of me, but whenever I see wild claims about hacking like these from media people, I am . . skeptical. I probably have more sympathy for pedophiles than the average person (not a high bar, but pedophiles don't choose to be the way they are), but this still makes me a little ill. If in fact it wasn't him, he should report it to the FBI, and be completely hands-off from there.

Curious George said...

"Comfortably Smug
When you hear the coughing from your jail cell, it means Hillary is coming"

LOL love the internet.

George said...

Seems like Paul might soon be too busy to criticise Trump.

rhhardin said...

It takes some tech intuition to avoid clicking links offered that don't look normal. Any number of people might be sending them to Krugman.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

So he's telling law enforcement that someone must have hacked his computer and that's why he has all that child porn on it. I'm sure they've never heard that defense before.

Many, many years ago, when the Internet was still relatively new, I worked with a guy who had some how discovered nearly two gigabytes of porn on the family computer under his teenage son's account. The son explained to his father that hackers must have broke into his computer and were using it to "serve" porn. When the guy told me about this I just said, "Obviously." I was not able to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

Beasts of England said...

’...and be completely hands-off from there.’

In more ways than one... :)

mccullough said...

Thanks YH.

So the kiddie porn shouldn’t be on any of Krug’s devices. It should only have passed through his router onto someone else’s then?

rhhardin said...

That is, I'd be inclined to believe Krugman on this one, albeit not his technical explanation. He's too exposed a target to use normal odds.

PB said...

Sounds like someone trying to get ahead of a really bad story about to come out.

whitney said...

Paul Krugman is a pervert. Really not surprised

Curious George said...

"Balfegor said...
Perhaps it is unfair of me, but whenever I see wild claims about hacking like these from media people,

Don't lump Sharyl Attkisson into a group with Joy Reid. Reid (and others like her) were using it as an excuse of why their name was connected to something damaging. Attkisson had no such skeletons to hide. SHe was hacked.

AllenS said...

Krugman needs to learn how to code.

madAsHell said...

please tell me this is something only practiced by 5 or fewer people on the planet.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time I've heard of tentacle porn, but I thought you had to be Japanese.

Drago said...

CG: "Atkisson had no such skeletons to hide. SHe was hacked."

By the obama administration, naturally.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Well, some kid hacked Brennan's AOL* account recently and held it for ransom, so who knows?

*Yeah, I LOL'ed, too!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

YoungHeglian and rhardin are correct that people do break into home wireless networks or they just get people to hit links in email.

I would just add that sometimes the links download malware that allows the hacker to take remote control of your PC. But if that was the case, if Krugman is an innocent victim, why would he publicize it on twitter? In fact, law enforcement would not want him to do so. It alerts the criminals.



Drago said...

JAORE: "please tell me this is something only practiced by 5 or fewer people on the planet."

Lots of LLR-lefty Chuck's lefty hero faves have ... "interesting" .. uh...habits.

Quaestor said...

PB nails it.

Buh-bye, Paulie.

YoungHegelian said...


So the kiddie porn shouldn’t be on any of Krug’s devices. It should only have passed through his router onto someone else’s then?

Yes, unless Krugman had some sort of Network Attached Storage device that the guy was using as a (probably temporary) repository. If it's on Krugman's PC or laptop, then best chances are Kruggy's a perv.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maddow is to Russia Russia Russia

as Paul Krugman is to... 'the economy will never recover because not-Hillary' + child pron.


Chick said...

Professor, might be right time to publish a paper on the economics of pornography. It worked for Peter Townsend.

Real American said...

Krugman often goes by the username "Little Kid Lover". That way people will know exactly where his priorities are at.

Greg the class traitor said...

Gahrie said...
Geez...he should have gone the "I was studying it so I could write an article about it" route instead.

Nope, that one is a guaranteed loser in court.

1: He calls in the FBI
2: None of his devices have any on them OR
3: He's got some serious, and know, malware on his computer that has a known profile of downloading the abd stuff and leaving it on the user's machine

Then he can get out of this in one piece

Violate both @ & 3? Guilty, baby

Beach Brutus said...

Kinda reminds me of The Slanderer by Anton Chekhov. https://americanliterature.com/author/anton-chekhov/short-story/the-slanderer

Balfegor said...

Re: Curious George:

Don't lump Sharyl Attkisson into a group with Joy Reid. Reid (and others like her) were using it as an excuse of why their name was connected to something damaging. Attkisson had no such skeletons to hide. SHe was hacked.

She may have been! That's why I conceded that it is perhaps unfair of me. But when she first made those claims, my immediate reaction was skepticism, and I continue to be skeptical.

Wince said...

"My Dad loves your shit."

Openidname said...

Is that even possible? To take over (or spoof) someone else's IP address?

Scott Patton said...

Jupiter called it. "Compromised my IP" doesn't even make sense. It's what scammers on a hacked website or ad server flash up on the screen to induce panic and prep poor schmucks to be separated from their money.

Curious George said...

"AllenS said...
Krugman needs to learn how to code."

Nah, he'll die in jail.

YoungHegelian said...


Is that even possible? To take over (or spoof) someone else's IP address?

Oh, yes. What's even more common is installing malware that does deliberate DNS misdirection e.g. instead of www.something.org going to its real IP address,let's say, it gets sent to another IP address e.g. for nefarious purposes.

daskol said...

“Take over IP” translates to “downloading stuff from my public IP address,” eg as others have said hacked his no doubt poorly configured home network. To whoever is observing the data stream, it’s the public IP address associated with his account that’s downloading the offensive material. I can’t stand Krugman, but I would explain this tweet as grandiosity: he assumes he’s being targeted for who he is, and not how easily his network was hacked by some dude driving by scanning for WiFi.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

was his name on Epstein's flight manifests?

Matt Sablan said...

At least the toaster is loyal.

Jake said...

I learned about tentacle erotica from Mad Men. The Bert Cooper character had the octopus felating the woman painting. The Peggy Olson character inherited it after Cooper died.


Curious George said...

"Balfegor said...
Re: Curious George:

Don't lump Sharyl Attkisson into a group with Joy Reid. Reid (and others like her) were using it as an excuse of why their name was connected to something damaging. Attkisson had no such skeletons to hide. SHe was hacked.

She may have been! That's why I conceded that it is perhaps unfair of me. But when she first made those claims, my immediate reaction was skepticism, and I continue to be skeptical."

Again, unlike Joy Reid, who had homophobic stuff online, and other like Anthony Weiner who had stuff to excuse away, Attkisson had no such motive.

Jim at said...

Surprised he didn't blame it on the TEA Party.

Ralph L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

Caleb Hull
Replying to
Just going to say it now: Paul Krugman didn’t kill himself

Ron Winkleheimer said...

as others have said hacked his no doubt poorly configured home network.

There is a thing called wardriving (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wardriving) where people actually drive around detecting wireless networks and upload information on their names and locations to publicly available websites (https://www.wigle.net/). From a strict security perspective you shouldn't be broadcasting your ssid. But, the problem with that is that you have to manually connect your smartphone to your wireless network every time you come home. You can't have the phone do it automatically because it won't know its available.

And on that note, its pretty common to give out your wifi network password to friends when they are in your house so that they won't have to use their data plan. I've even seen a couple of instance where people put it on a sign in a publicly viewable area in the house. How do you know that some of your friends, relatives, neighbors, service people, etc aren't pervs? You can't.

Curious George said...

"How do you know that some of your friends, relatives, neighbors, service people, etc aren't pervs? You can't."

Or even your Nobel laureate economist.

DanTheMan said...

Those darn Russians...

Greg the class traitor said...

And on that note, its pretty common to give out your wifi network password to friends when they are in your house so that they won't have to use their data plan. I've even seen a couple of instance where people put it on a sign in a publicly viewable area in the house. How do you know that some of your friends, relatives, neighbors, service people, etc aren't pervs? You can't.

That why you have a decent router, that lets you set up a Guest network, with different password than the home network.

You turn it on for the party, then turn it off other times

Known Unknown said...

I think it's quite possible Krugman is being truthful here, but to advertise on Twitter is still stupid.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The way this sort of thing usually works is that if you have been hacked, you find out about it when the police swat team hits your house in the wee hours of the morning, securing everyone in the house so that they can't try to dispose of any evidence (not that that would work unless you have some sort of powerful degausser.) They then arrest the supposed perv and every single electronic device in the house that is capable of storing digital images is confiscated as possible evidence to be imaged and examined by a computer forensics specialist in a lab, not, like in so many tv shows, a detective who "knows computers" in a squad room. Also, the router and any other wifi access points will be seized and their logs will be examined. If no kiddie porn is found on any of the seized devices and there are mac addresses in the wifi and/or router access point logs that don't match up with any of the seized devices then the idea that someone hacked the wifi network is pretty probable.

Gk1 said...

Guilty until proven innocent. Those are the new tribal rules. The thing is he always struck me more as a scat porn guy, really. Hope he gets the help he really needs.

Nichevo said...

whitney said...
Paul Krugman is a pervert. Really not surprised

He is a coprophage. This is apparent from his NYT column photo for years now, though I think he may have updated it. Still, nothing could surprise me more.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

That why you have a decent router, that lets you set up a Guest network, with different password than the home network.

You turn it on for the party, then turn it off other times

You are giving most people way to much credit. Maybe its because I'm helping out older people with the computers/home networks, but I can't imagine them being able to do that. I've ran into people that don't know what I'm talking about when I refer to their "browser." To them, that's "the internet." And when I try to impart a little knowledge, they get pissed off.

Megthered said...

I thought if someone hacked your IP address, they would use it with their own computer. How did they download porn to his computer without being physically on that computer? It would seem to be nearly impossible to download porn to someone else's computer without the computer owners knowledge, like through an email attachment.

YoungHegelian said...


For those not in the computer biz, a mac addresses is not the address of your MacIntosh computer. Here's a description.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

and there are mac addresses in the wifi and/or router access point logs that don't match up with any of the seized devices then the idea that someone hacked the wifi network is pretty probable.

But then again, somebody really smart could set the device to use a mac address other than the one that's actually burned into the network card, so that has to be checked also.

Drago said...

Future Paul Krugman Announcement: I plan on devoting a significant portion of my money and time to taking on the NRA!!!!!

Nichevo said...

Gk1 said...
Guilty until proven innocent. Those are the new tribal rules. The thing is he always struck me more as a scat porn guy, really. Hope he gets the help he really needs.

1/8/20, 5:06 PM
Nichevo said...
whitney said...
Paul Krugman is a pervert. Really not surprised

He is a coprophage. This is apparent from his NYT column photo for years now, though I think he may have updated it. Still, nothing could surprise me more.

Great minds think alike!

Drago said...

We are just days away from Paul Krugman "voluntarily" checking himself into a "rehab" facility under Hunter Biden's brother's identity!!!!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

How did they download porn to his computer without being physically on that computer?

There is malware available on the internet that, if you can get it installed on someone else's computer, via trickery or otherwise, makes it possible to make a remote desktop connection on a Windows computer and control it remotely. In fact, there are legitimate programs to do that. I use a combination of vpn and remote desktop connection to access my pc at work. I suppose its possible that somebody could have hacked his computer and used it to download kiddie porn, which was then copied over the network to the hackers pc, but that's going to leave digital traces. And if it is happening you don't want to alert the internet that you know about it. That will cause the hacker to quit doing it and start trying to cover his tracks.

FullMoon said...


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

maybe 2 Nigerians in MAGA hats did it to his computer?

Jussie Smollett investigation: Judge orders Google to turn over a full year of the actor’s data as part of special prosecutor probe


AustinRoth said...

Pretty much only people in the computer industry (and in reality a sub-set of that - those involved with network security) know how to properly secure home wi-fi.

And even then, unless you are willing to go to extremes it will still have vulnerabilities, but only to a dedicated, motivated and sophisticated hacker.

AustinRoth said...

“ maybe 2 Nigerians in MAGA hats did it to his computer?”


FullMoon said...

I get calls and emails about my apple products being compromised. Don't have any apple stuff, but sometimes keep the guy on the phone for awhile, for fun. They always have an accent.

From elsewhere:

"The way I've deciphered this whole thing is that he got a popup saying his computer had a virus and went the way of clicking the popup for help. He's probably on the phone with some "Computer Security Expert" in India who told him his IP is downloading child porn. So, best case scenario, he's an absolute idiot. "

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
whitney said...

Blogger Beach Brutus said...
Kinda reminds me of The Slanderer by Anton Chekhov. https://americanliterature.com/author/anton-chekhov/short-story/the-slanderer

Good story. Uncannily appropriate . Thanks for the link

Ron Winkleheimer said...

FullMoon is probably correct. I used to get calls from people who could barely speak English who would tell me that they were from Microsoft and they had detected a virus on my computer. The endgame is for them to convince you to give them access to your computer over the internet so that they can upload all kinds of malware on to it. These days they probably want to make it a part of a bot net to mine bitcoin.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

thanks @Austin!

look for "getting Qanoned" as a weasel 'conspiracy' re-framing

from those about to be exposed in the future

Ron Winkleheimer said...

These days they probably want to make it a part of a bot net to mine bitcoin.

But then again, pjmedia isn't going to DDoS itself.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"by 2005 or so, it will become clear that the internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's" -- P. Krugman

oh... and this:


Olson Johnson is right! said...

1998 Paul Krugman: "By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."

Ok Boomer.

Balfegor said...

Re: Fullmoon:

Seem to remember a rumor of somebody asking redditors for advice to clean Clintons server. Any inside info on that?

No inside info, and this isn't my area of specialty, but here's an article on Paul Combetta (aka Stonetear) asking for advice on Reddit. Combetta is the fellow who lied to investigators about his destruction of evidence, but was never prosecuted.

FullMoon said...

Here is another

Hillary's IT Guy Asked Reddit To Help Him Delete Hillary's ...

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

How often is Pauline “The Beard” correct? Not sure why he still has a NYT column.

I do understand why he’s a Leftist. Leftists love those who love children in alternative expressions of loving children. After all, it’s all for the children.

Leftists never judge. Never. Nope. No way.

Paul is just another person who may do horrible things, but believed in all the right things, giving him immunity.

Patrick said...

It all just makes me sad. Whether Krugman is involved or not, there's still a lot of kids being exploited and having their lives destroyed. I hate things that remind me child p**n exists.

narciso said...

well there's pornhub marshall, and hentai eichenwald, and other stable folk,

Spiros said...

It seems more likely that one of Mr. Krugman's neighbors hacked into his Wi-Fi network and was using it without his permission.

Eirik said...

I can think of a couple reasons why he might be releasing this information, whether it's true or not. I could see a blackmail situation, for example, where his computer was legitimately hacked and someone had threatened him with exposure. This also works if he was hacked and such information was found. He could be trying to get ahead of it either way. Works especially well if he wasn't even on the FBI radar and he contacted them.

William said...

I don't know anything about his guilt or innocence, but if you phoned central casting asked them to send up an actor to play a white collar kiddie porn enthusiast, then he would be the first choice. He just comes across as someone who's got a few guilty secrets.

Matt Sablan said...

"How did they download porn to his computer without being physically on that computer?"

-- Could be that he shares his computer on his network.

Matt Sablan said...

(Of course, that assumes he was "hacked." I am... not persuaded.)

Narr said...

We got hacked on the home computer a few years ago--someone claiming that our computer had been hacked and was being used to traffic kiddie-pron. And they sent a link to the DOJ website for that topic to scare us. Now I've surfed the interwebs, and found pron, but never downloaded anything, and I'm not THAT pervy.

Turns out they wanted to sell us a $400 router to ensure it never happened again.

Anyway, these things really happen, and we had to get Microsoft support (?) to help us make sure we weren't infected.

No opinion on former Enron-advisor Krugman

Anonymous said...

If you were some tech savvy anarcho-hacker, would you target Carlos Danger, John Podesta and Paul Krugman or would you be targeting the President of Liberty U or the Dean of Bob Jones?

Ken B said...

Actually, there is a situation in which it would make perfect sense.

dreams said...

Fake hate crime, maybe...

bagoh20 said...

Says it's for the children. That works for everything.

TJM said...

Looks guilty to me! (I am just following the Dem’s approach to Justice Kavanaugh)

FullMoon said...

Ok,ok, I figured it out. Scammers called in order to trick him into paying for security help AND coincidentally, he actually has downloaded kid (stuff)to his computer.

Darrell said...

Aren't kids too tall for him?

jimbino said...

Just destroy them. The Library of Congress ought to have two copies saved of each, in case you care to retrieve them.

Drago said...

Have the dems/LLR's added "Hacking Paul Krugman's computer" to their Hoax Articles of Galactic Sham-Wow-Peachment?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Spiros said...
It seems more likely that one of Mr. Krugman's neighbors hacked into his Wi-Fi network and was using it without his permission.

No it doesn’t.

Btw you ever seen Krugman’s house? I doubt the WiFi reaches past his lawn, anyway. It’s the size of a refugee center, with of course no refugees. It’s fucking Princeton.

Skeptical Voter said...

Having to read Krugman is ugly and punishment enough. I don't care what kind of kiddy porn (if any) is on his computer.

Anonymous said...

Fame and fortune besets. Can any of us get through this life without being damned. Not many. I don't want to have to come back, but yeah, I've got to come back and start over. God... please make it easier the next time. At least I'll have Mike K to talk to. Meade and Buwaya will advance, at least as far as I know. Oh...Althouse...see you at the mixer.

Anonymous said...

BTW...upon Paul Krugman's advice 11/09/16, I maxed out my 401k. Retired last year. Thanks Paul!

Roughcoat said...

I admit it, I had to look up "coprophage."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kirk Parker said...


You're thinking of Robert Reich.

Bunkypotatohead said...

If you read through he already deleted his original complaint. The guy doesn't know what he's talking about...in multiple realms.

Kirk Parker said...


Time for a Greek-n-Latin vocab refresher course!

Birkel said...

A Dean at the University of Florida was arrested in Xis office, Xis work and home computers impounded, and convicted for this sort of behavior.

Krugman should have waited 20 years until Democratics started to claim Pedophilia was a "normal" sexual state.
Krugman is ahead of Xis time.

Krugman should Epstein Ximself.

walter said...

"he already deleted his original complaint"
As did PPPT

bagoh20 said...

The NYT is the Special Olympics of Journalism,

Lewis Wetzel said...

Krugman did not attain his position as a thought-leader of lefty economics by learning and skill in the field of economics. Economics is a liberal art, not a science. Your average A student in physics at a small state college knows more math than a PhD Harvard economics grad. What economists do is tell a story. Unemployment can be lowered if you do this. Interest rates will go up if you do this.
The modern economist I have the most respect for is J.M. Keynes, because he understood that economics was not a science. It all depends on the individual perception of something called "value" which human institutions cannot control.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I don't know what other people on the internets are saying about me, but please be aware that my IP address may have been compromised by Russian H4k3rz. See what I did there? I spelled 'Hackers' H4k3rz." They'll never figure that out, 'cuz I am so much more clever than they are.

Spiros Pappas said...

Krugman is a very, very good economist. Very good. We conservatives have trash economists that talk mostly nonsense about the Laffer Curve and supply-side economics. It's embarrassing to listen to right wing economists.

Drago said...

Spiros: "It seems more likely that one of Mr. Krugman's neighbors hacked into his Wi-Fi network and was using it without his permission."


Wink wink

Hundreds of federal prisoners read Spiros and immediately say "hey, yeah, that's right! Me too! Uh, but not #MeToo, if you know what I mean...."

Drago said...

SP: "It's embarrassing to listen to right wing economists."

Oh, I'm sure you're used to being embarrassed by now.

Brian said...

From a strict security perspective you shouldn't be broadcasting your ssid.

Doesn't matter if you are broadcasting it or not. If you are using it the SSID is trivial to obtain.

If it's not being used then, yes, it offers you some additional security, but a network that is never used is useless. Might as well turn the router off.

Use WPA with a long passphrase. Good enough for non nation-states.

Quaestor said...

Narr writes: Anyway, these things really happen, and we had to get Microsoft support (?) to help us make sure we weren't infected.

Sorry pal, you've been had.

Earnest Prole said...

Althouse, the irony-free zone.

lgv said...

Blogger YoungHegelian said...

So the kiddie porn shouldn’t be on any of Krug’s devices. It should only have passed through his router onto someone else’s then?

Yes, unless Krugman had some sort of Network Attached Storage device that the guy was using as a (probably temporary) repository. If it's on Krugman's PC or laptop, then best chances are Kruggy's a perv.

Exactly. We don't the origin of the investigation. It may have been a sting that tracked IP addresses from a fake child porn website or an IP addresses captured by an actual porn site. If so, he has plausible deniability if no porn on any devices.

Robert Cook said...

What Krugman describes is entirely possible, plausible, and has occurred.

Robert Cook said...

"You are giving most people way to much credit. Maybe its because I'm helping out older people with the computers/home networks, but I can't imagine them being able to do that. I've ran into people that don't know what I'm talking about when I refer to their "browser." To them, that's 'the internet.' And when I try to impart a little knowledge, they get pissed off."

Yep. Most people use the tech devices and the internet without having any (or only minimal) knowledge of how they work. These things are just appliances now.

Michael K said...

Krugman is a very, very good economist.

Maybe he was but he doesn't even agree with the textbook he wrote now. Maybe you prefer Zinn's history, too.

Johnathan Birks said...

That gives new meaning to "liquidity trap".

M Jordan said...

It was Krugman that so irritated Nate Silver that, when Silver left the Times to start 538, he felt compelled to blasted the whole Times enterprise. Krugman triggered him most.

Le Stain du Poop said...

He has always looked like a creepy perv.....

Unknown said...

Net a packet, spoof a mac?

Narr said...

Q, we never paid anything and our support people were great.

Thanks for your concern.

I agree, we wasted some time getting it straight

Todd said...

madAsHell said...

please tell me this is something only practiced by 5 or fewer people on the planet.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time I've heard of tentacle porn, but I thought you had to be Japanese.

1/8/20, 3:56 PM

Well apparently for years now, we have been "turning Japanese"...

A number of Japanese men are also into videos of young Japanese schoolgirls, in their uniforms stomping on miniature town/city sets. The videos are shot from the bottom of the girl's skirts down. Nothing lewd in the videos at all. Kink comes in all forms...

Sam L. said...

Now, WHO would do such a thing to Paullie "The Beard" Krugman??

Narr said...

So here's a thing, speaking of uniformed Japanese schoolgirls stomping toy cities (which I'll have to look for now that I know it's out there, and isn't lewd)--

Many years ago a younger friend's even younger sister (who married recently after a life of sexual . . . variety, not to say excess [who am I to judge?]), who at that time was a college girl, made my jaw drop by complaining that music videos by such groups as Van Halen sexualized the traditional schoolgirl outfit, sported around here at that time ONLY by Catholic youngsters (or girls at toney private schools I never knew existed).

That moment epitomized something to me that I've never forgotten-- women TRULY do not understand that no process of "sexualization" is needed!

I dated some of those RC girls, and married one of them.

I wish she'd kept hers

walter said...

"music videos by such groups as Van Halen sexualized the traditional schoolgirl outfit"
Brittany Spears' video must have enraged her.

Todd said...

walter said...
"music videos by such groups as Van Halen sexualized the traditional schoolgirl outfit"

Brittany Spears' video must have enraged her.

1/9/20, 12:04 PM

It is different when girls do it because "shut up"!

Jim at said...

I suggest we give Krugman the benefit of the doubt.
Just like he did for the TEA Party after the Gabby Giffords shootings.

walter said...


Lazarus said...

Okay, Krugman ...

"Somebody" "stole" your IP address and used it to watch porn ...

And the dog ate this week's column, too ...

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