Senior Iraqi defense officials who work with the United States command said no Americans or Iraqis had been killed in the attacks. American officials did not, however, confirm if there were any casualties....So... we can have peace now?
“Iran took & concluded proportionate measures in self-defense under Article 51 of UN Charter targeting base from which cowardly armed attack against our citizens & senior officials were launched,” [said Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif]. “We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression,” he added.
In a tweet, President Trump [said]. “All is well!... Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good!”
ADDED: Here's Giuliani (from 2-minutes after I published this post):
The Ayatollahs’ 40 year #REGIMEOFTERROR is, and has been throughout, the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) January 8, 2020
The Obama-Biden administration practiced appeasement.
The Dems want to return to appeasement. The only way to avoid war is to stand up to them.
AND: The peace plot thickens:
Ok, look: if Finland had this, the US did. Lack of American casualties probably owes a lot to removing personnel from harm’s way.
— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) January 8, 2020
Seen on Facebook (because I posted it!): We smoked a terrorist. 56 Iranians dead in stampede at funeral. Iran fires 15 rockets, zero U.S. casualties. Current score is 57-0
Do hope Trump postpones further action until it's clear the Iranians have completed their "revenge." It's their move -- if they escalate, then we follow.
Using the prestige and offices of Saint Urho as a backchannel.
OK, Iran
Face saving maneuver, a feint, or trap? I say we plan as if it is a trap.
On the playground or the world stage, those inclined to oppress will probe for weakness.
One can best insure peace by demonstrating the absolute willingness to fight and, if necessary, to escalate if provoked.
This is a lesson learned in childhood. Those domestically who believe and behave otherwise have ulterior motives.
I hope it's over.
That It? That all ya got?
Pathetic. Put em out of their misery.
Have they rescinded that $80mil bounty?
World War Tres™️ is even more boring than I expected...
It makes perfect sense in the game theory result that if you genuinely want peace, you meet aggression with aggression and conciliation with conciliation (roughly stated). This was conciliation from Iran, for Iranian domestic consumption only. Which you have to allow them.
Unless, as always, there is something big and important here that I don’t know this is a huge win for America. Now if Trump attacks them in any serious way, I will be sorely disappointed in him but I am thinking he will take his winnings and leave the game.
"Have they rescinded that $80mil bounty?”
Keep hope alive!
It reminds me of letting a bully save face by yelling insults as they run away. Iran tried to minimize damage in their counter attack because they fear a reprisal.
So now there appear to be bullet holes in that plane that crashed in Tehran.
"OK, Iran" ftw
As much as Iran's response was impotent, firing ballistic missiles in the general vicinity of a neighboring country is not proportional or de-escalation.
Also 100% agree with "Ok,Iran".
"wouldn't you want (at Least) SOME black people there?”
First you would have to know some.
If Trump wants to escalate then he will say the Iranians fired on American troops. If he wants to de-escalate he should say they fired at Iraqi bases.
Aunty Trump at 5:54 AM in the morning with the direct hit.
Breezy said...
Have they rescinded that $80mil bounty
Fatwa on Rushdie still operative I believe.
Cancel not possible as Ayatollah is Dead.
Trump is casino boss. He won't let Iran Walk out so easily
Iran will pay for our Green zone in Baghdad.
Thank goodness, the Finns don't have to go to war with Iran.
"If YOU were going to organize a protest, wouldn't you want (at Least) SOME black people there?"
Ya just can't rely on em anymore since Trump run em off the plantation.
Seriously though. Trump. Treating people like individuals instead of a voting block. Winning.
Perspective from an Iranian woman on the death of Commander Salami
The people of Iran are happy he’s dead
Current score is 57-0
Can we invoke the slaughter rule to end the game early?
At only 5AM wildswan wins the day.
Iran has been fucking with the United States on a consistent basis since February 14, 1979. Don't buy into another Lefty narrative.
This flare-up may be over, but it is not over-over until there is a regime change in Iran.
Interesting question posed by Stephen Green on Instapundit: “How would you tell the difference between “retaliation” for the Suleimani killing, and whatever attacks on us Suleimani already had in the works?”
No peace till they retake Jerusalem. You learn nothing from Okinawa?
"Iran has been fucking with the United States on a consistent basis since February 14, 1979. Don't buy into another Lefty narrative."
The U.S. started it in 1953.
"It reminds me of letting a bully save face by yelling insults as they run away. Iran tried to minimize damage in their counter attack because they fear a reprisal."
Sensibly so. If we had has much sense, we would also fear escalation of tensions to the point of a full on war with Iran.
So now there appear to be bullet holes in that plane that crashed in Tehran.
Not bullet holes. The pics show shrapnel damage, based on the shape--according to my experience. Did the engine explode? Did the turbine fans fracture and "explode?"
The U.S. started it in 1953.
Right, Comrade.
As much as Iran's response was impotent, firing ballistic missiles in the general vicinity of a neighboring country is not proportional or de-escalation.
Yes. The United States kills Iran's terrormonger so Iran lobs missiles into Iraq?
We seem to be the only ones to see that disconnect...
Aunty Trump and Rusty responded to my questioning the white bread Impeachment rally, saying...
First you would have to know some...
Ya just can't rely on em anymore since Trump run em off the plantation.
yes, but as Barry O'Bama used to say, it makes Bad Optics.
The fact that this protest is COMPLETELY an old white woman thing, makes it Even MORE desirable to have token black folk there. Not only weren't there Any on their "REMOVE TRUMP" line, there didn't seem to be Any in the milling crowd behind (which, seems likely... If they'd had Even ONE person of color, they would have put them on the line, for "Optics".
for the eleven person "REMOVE TRUMP" line, they SHOULD have had:
2 Black folk (male & female)
1 hijab wearing, yet Obviously Attractive mideastern woman
3 adorably cute kids
with a well spoken teenaged girl to talk to reporters, giving them the party line
The revolution will be televised... I can't believe that the organizers didn't Know this;
can only assume they couldn't FIND token black people...
maybe they should have found some Toking black people and hired them
56 Iranians dead in stampede at funeral.
Inbred populations never fail to entertain.
"a 100" people walking in circles in the Senate building lobby, protesting President
See above, ha ha. Also, the letters on their signs spell "Preterm Ovum".
The U.S. started it in 1953.
26 years before 1979: 1953 is the beginning of (Iranian) time according to progressives like Cook.
R C Belaire said...
Do hope Trump postpones further action until it's clear the Iranians have completed their "revenge." It's their move -- if they escalate, then we follow.
Iran needs to change the way it relates to the world. If completing their revenge means returning to business as usual, then no. We need to respond to every violent act Iran engages in regardless of how they describe it in the media.
They will respect the strong horse.
It would be a giant mistake if Trump didn’t now totally destroy Iran’s nuke infrastructure. They will keep working on it and have a working nuke soon.
Robert Cook said...If we had has much sense, we would also fear escalation of tensions to the point of a full on war with Iran.
If only everybody in the world thought like Western liberals, then liberal solutions would work out super duper!
But no, everybody who's not a Western liberal has to be an idiot.
As expected by all sensible people, as opposed to the entire media. Iran would like to strike back, needs to appear to strike back, but can't really strike back effectively. They know that if they would somehow manage to do so, they would lose something really serious, like their oil refineries (Lindsay Graham).
They probably could manage to take a hostage sooner or later, but one hostage would bring a massive response. "civis romanus sum"
So they find a way to strike that might not irk the US and Trump enough to smash them. I surely don't think it really happened, but if Trump and Khamenei had spoken by phone, this is exactly what they would have worked out together. Friends!
Re: The Ukrainian plane that went down in Tehran, the timing alone makes it unlikely that it just happened to be an accident. Probably some local Iranian air defense type was a little too jumpy about retaliation coming back and made a big mistake.
It would be a giant mistake if Trump didn’t now totally destroy Iran’s nuke infrastructure. They will keep working on it and have a working nuke soon.
Iran's nuke sites are in deep underground hardened sites. Unlikely any conventional weapons could take any of them out. Using nuclear weapons to do so is out of the question. The only alternative is ground troops. Can't see that happening.
I'm just curious as to how many Burisma board members were on that plane.
NB: Iranian Nuclear weapons are our target. They were the target yesterday, are today and will be tomorrow. Whatever works. But the land war scam is a mega feast held for stealing money by the forces Trump is fighting here at home.
Expect the Stable Genius to be governed accordingly.
Robert Cook said...If we had has much sense, we would also fear escalation of tensions to the point of a full on war with Iran.
Yeah, if only we were as sensible as Iranian leaders. Maybe the US should promote and fund massive terrorist operations. Then we could be sensible.
does this really need a sarcasm tag?
Trump now will probably not do anything open an d obvious but screw down the sanctions tighter.
The left, including members posting here, have very short attention spans.
McConnell'a procedures will have them in a drooling frenzy by Monday.
Asking “Who started it?” In a Middle East conflict requires a deep knowledge of history and a willingness to admit “Well, its complicated.”
Sensibly so. If we had has much sense, we would also fear escalation of tensions to the point of a full on war with Iran.
How would Iran sustain a "war" for more than a week? Munitions, planes, In short maintain supply lines for necessities of life, ignoring necessities of war?
The question is, does the United States have the stomach to fight a war that involves killing 1/2 million Iranians in the first days? Creating an aerial picket line around the country for a couple of weeks would be doable. Fighting an old fassioned war is doable. I don't know if the people of the United States is willing to support it.
Per Instapundit link, it appears the Iranians are refusing to turn the black box from the plane over to Boeing.
Maybe the *entire* board of Burisma was on it.
There is a lot of speculation that Iran shot down that Ukrainian jet. Ukraine has now withdrawn the statement that engine failure was the cause. It has also stopped any flights to Iran. 63 Canadian passport holders killed but many may be Iranians.
With 56 Iranians killed in riots at the funeral and 180 on the plane, the Iranian "retaliation" is certainly adding up a death count.
But the lefties here already bought their giant banners with "We welcome our Iranian overlords! Let us collaborate with you!" on them.
Iran may have burned through Obama's $150 billion by now and that may be what this was about.
"Yeah, if only we were as sensible as Iranian leaders. Maybe the US should promote and fund massive terrorist operations."
Uh, you don't think we do? Or that our military invasions of and drone bombings in various Middle East nations are not terrorist operations?
"Darrell said...
So now there appear to be bullet holes in that plane that crashed in Tehran.
Not bullet holes. The pics show shrapnel damage, based on the shape--according to my experience. Did the engine explode? Did the turbine fans fracture and "explode?"
Shrapnel holes are completely consistent with an expanding rod type anti-aircraft missile hit.
At least Cookie has the guts to call us terrorists!! You must be terribly upset that we didn’t lose any lives in last night’s skirmish. Keep hope alive!
How can we get more Iranian funerals packed full of terrorists, becuase that appears to be a deadly effective and precise weapon. We should pay for the refreshments and advertise it.
"Uh, you don't think we do? Or that our military invasions of and drone bombings in various Middle East nations are not terrorist operations?"
Do we target civilians, ever?
Iran used the oldest, cheapest missiles in their arsenal, and the lack of causality was deliberate.
They even warned us 2 hours before the attack. A face-saving measure that requires no retaliation.
Red lines are clear and understood, now diplomacy can move forward.
Somehow we survived Trump's 3rd WWIII.
Has Cookie sued Iran for using his ‘Death to America’ chant without permission? He must be owed significant royalties...
I doubt it’s Robert Cook who’s upset today.
We all know who’s really, rally sad.
Shrapnel holes are completely consistent with an expanding rod type anti-aircraft missile hit.
So are the other circumstance. No Mayday call. No black box. Crash within range of the airport.
Alternate theory: You launch 20 duds in a row and realize the Israeli's have been messing with your targeting software.
Good news, right? Are the Mad Mullahs really done? Trump smelling like roses. Like I said before go big or go home. right now it looks like the hill that the Democrats have to climb just got in the higher.
The Ukrainian plane crash was just a crash, right? I think so
But I was told Trump had committed the biggest foreign policy blunder in the history of blunders — how can it just end with Iran shooting some expensive missiles into the Iraqi hinterland?
Iran and America Are Suddenly Both Naked. Interesting column from Lee Smith at Tablet that is worth reading.
"Do we target civilians, ever?"
I am interested in Robert Cooke's response. I hope he provides one.
Rudy isn't sanctioned by the Corrupt Deep STate.
Arrest him!
"Per Instapundit link, it appears the Iranians are refusing to turn the black box from the plane over to Boeing." Not really a news item. Flight data recorders, cockpit voice recorders, wreckage, etc. are routinely seized by the relevant country's aviation investigation body. Technical experts from the aircraft, engine, and avionics manufacturers may be brought in as consultants. Same for representatives of the operating airline. It's all at the investigating body's discretion. And if this was an Airbus airplane, Boeing won't be involved at all.
This yes a big win, bleach bit bimbo. Why so cranky? I was looking forward to seeing you smile this morning ;^)
’Do we target civilians, ever?’
Obama killed a bunch of innocent people via drone at a wedding reception, but that doesn’t count because (D).
Blogger gilbar said...
so, there's "a 100" people walking in circles in the Senate building lobby, protesting President Trump.
Redeployed Capitol Singers?
WHY are we constantly getting involved in the middle east? Can we PLEASE just get the hell out of their once and for all?
First film of Ukrainian airline plane crash
You be the judge.
"Obama killed a bunch of innocent people via drone at a wedding reception, but that doesn’t count because (D)."
I don't remember the details. It was an accident, no?
you could ask the Kurdish dissidents in berlin, and Greece, about that, iran was and thinks of itself as a revolutionary power,
rose mcgowan
Verified account @rosemcgowan
15h15 hours ago
Men in power who need viagra have brought us to this point.
To this point, she is rocking major cleavage in her twitter pic.
Nice tits Rose! #boobs
’It was an accident, no?’
It was bad intelligence, as the terrorist they were targeting wasn’t at the event.
Thanks Browndog. No exploding until impact. Fucker was obviously full of fuel.
Don't believe a damn thing in the MSM when it comes to Iran. They are creating hysteria out of thin air.
Case in point: Trump is going to address the nation? Holy shit! Right?
Fake news:
Kaitlan Collins
Verified account @kaitlancollins
Aides are making urgent preparations at this hour for Trump to address the nation, per @jeffzeleny. The specific timing TBD & could be delayed given we are still learning info but two officials say a speech is being prepared and plans are being made for Oval address.
The Press Secretary responds:
Stephanie Grisham
Verified account @PressSec
13h13 hours ago
Stephanie Grisham Retweeted Kaitlan Collins
This is not true - was never true - & no one even attempted to confirm with the press office before tweeting. In a race to be first to break news, the public once again falls victim to irresponsible “reporting” by @CNN @jeffzeleny @kaitlancollins
"It was bad intelligence, as the terrorist they were targeting wasn’t at the event."
Obama was willing to take out the wedding party to get a terrorist? Yikes, maybe Cooke has a point.
LINDSEY GRAHAM TO IRAN: “You continue this crap, you are going to wake up one day out of the oil business.”
Damn it, he gave them an out.
They’d still be waking up.
Oh, well, it’s mercy.
But the lefties here already bought their giant banners with "We welcome our Iranian overlords! Let us collaborate with you!" on them.
The idiots are too stupid to understand what China has planned for them.
Shrapnel holes are completely consistent with an expanding rod type anti-aircraft missile hit
Iranian missiles have the right-of-way, according to Iranian law.
Robert Cook said...
The U.S. started it in 1953
And you believe this why?
Because Mossadegh was "democratically elected"?
By who? In what election?
If he was not "democratically elected", if he was appointed by the Shah to serve at the shah's pleasure, wouldn't that have been a coup by Mossadegh?
We and the Brits defended the Iranian constitution in 53.
Mossadegh tried to usurp it with his coup attempt.
And somehow you think we are the bad guys? What a twisted world you must live in.
John Henry
"Iran will reportedly refuse to hand over black box data from the Boeing 737 that crashed over Tehran last night to Boeing, stoking speculation that the aircraft was shot down by an Iranian missile."
10h10 hours ago
There is absolutely no way that the Ukrainian plane crash in Iran is due to mechanical difficulties.
Which mechanical failures immediately drop all ADS-B transmissions on a new plane in a conflict zone? None.
Data looks similar to MH17.
Interesting take. Sort of Trump drains the swamp from afar:
We and the Brits defended the Iranian constitution in 53.
Mossadegh tried to usurp it with his coup attempt.
And somehow you think we are the bad guys? What a twisted world you must live in.
Ease up on the guy. Stalin is dead and the USSR is no more. Sadz.
5 failures for blogger so far. 6 7
Mary E wrote: “Imagine if America went nationalistic, and we started focusing our bounty on rebuilding America's infrastructure at home, and securing our own borders.“
It requires a vivid imagination to think Democrats would permit this. Remember how Obama was going to do all that?
Agree with Mountain Man and Hombre, A+ Article:
Iran and America Are Suddenly Both Naked By taking decisive action against Soleimani, Trump showed that Iran’s power is an illusion generated by D.C.’s willingness to look the other way
By Lee Smith
Amazing how Trump is again and again, showing how the Emperor has no Clothes! I realized it was big that Iran was being directly confronted, but I did not realize every President since Carter, including Reagan with a minor exception with the Iranian Navy, has been deliberately not directly confronting Iranian backed anti US attacks.
And this clarifies what Trump is doing:
The Trump Doctrine: On Zig-Zagging, Keeping Hands Off Our People, and America First It’s coming together loud and clear to anyone who doesn’t prefer to plug his ears and cover his eyes by Dov Fischer - American Spectator
"Iran has been fucking with the United States on a consistent basis since February 14, 1979. Don't buy into another Lefty narrative."
"The U.S. started it in 1953."
Persians started it in 490BC.
Cookie has a point, regarding 1953. Of course if you’re going to go that far back, perhaps we should take it further, and go back to the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. Except for the period of time when Alexander the Great conquered Persia and Rome conquered Parthia, they’ve been a pain in the ass for the Western world for 2500 years. I can’t speak for Trump and Pompeo, but from where I sit either Iran stops pushing terrorism on the rest of the world or we need to kill the mad mullahs, and if their successors don’t stop it, kill them too.
I don’t see why we can’t apply the principles of terrorism agains terrorists and state sponsors of terrorism.
How long before the media blame Trump for the Iranians shooting down that passenger jet?
didnt Rouhani issue a veiled "Lockerbie" threat?
@CWJ, I guess great minds think alike.
What the US needs to do is float a rumor that we tested our earthquake-generating weapon near their nuclear site after developing it in. Alifornia and testing it in Vieques, Puerto Rico.
Are we getting heels on the ground reports from Martha?
The proper response is to bomb the building we believe the attack was planned from, during the day, while it's full of Iranian military
Iran is not a decent country. it has no honor, it has no legitimate pride
And every time they attack America, they should be slapped down, hard
The proper, the ONLY proper, message is "leave us alone, or die"
walter said...
Are we getting heels on the ground reports from Martha?
Is that "heels on the grounds"? Or "knees on the ground", as she blows the Iranian gov't?
Response from American Gothic duo?
"Do we target civilians, ever?"
This report was from 2013. There are other articles later than this reporting more similar events. Of course, Chelsea Manning was court-martialed and imprisoned for releasing to Wikileaks the video record from a US helicopter of an attack by the helicopter crew on a small group of civilians on the ground in Bagdad. This is also the reason the U.S. is so rabid to imprison Julian Assange, for his part in publishing this film of a U.S. military massacre of civilians on the ground.
Of course, we helped create what later became al Qaeda, we funded the Taliban, we have funded and aided ISIS at various times when it suited our purposes, etc.
Our so-called "War on Terror" has been, from the beginning, a War of Terror.
True. I assume there was a grateful minder off camera.
But if Iran is making this a win, folks should be out trampling each other, no?
"Obama killed a bunch of innocent people via drone at a wedding reception, but that doesn’t count because (D)."
Sure it counts. Obama increased use of drones. He is much a war criminal and mass murderer as Bush and more so (so far) than Trump.
for mullahs and ProgLibDems, yesterday wasnt your lucky day
"Interestingly, odds of earthquake (richter 7 or greater) are more likely (1 in 35714) than plane crash (1 in 11 million). The odds of both of those at same time is 1 in 393 billion. If odds of airstrike are 1 in 100 then odds of all three at same time = 1 in 39 trillion.**
** not our calculations
Thanks a lot, Mike. Vieques is only about 10 mile across the sound from my house.
We don't need any earthquakes there.
But you may not be joking. Remember how an earthquake destroyed the noko nuclear facility in 2017?
It happened again last weekend. An cearthquake" happened at the Iranian nuclear facility. No reports on how much if any damage.
Could be a coincidence, I suppose. Or, it could be a "rod from God".
Or. Pdjt may just be telling the Iranians "you know that recent earthquake? If you don't want more, behave yourself."
They may not know whether we caused it or not bu why tak a chance.
John Henry
Columbus, I think it was, once threatened some hostile Indians that if they didn't behave, he would turn off the sun.
He knew an eclipse was coming, the Indians didn't.
After they groveled a bit he graciously turned it back on.
FWIW, civilian plane crash not mentioned..
’Sure it counts. Obama increased use of drones.’
Yes he did, Cookie. In fairness, I believe you have in the past criticized Obama for that behavior.
John Henry,
It was a total lunar eclipse, I think.
Nobody is pure, but if you conflate the way American military chooses, plans and executes it's missions to terrorists, who regularly target civilians on purpose you are lying. The difference is the definition of terrorism.
May have been Yancey, it's been a long time and the memory is not what it was.
Sun, moon, the point is the same
John Henry
Do the Iranians have the surface to air tech to down an airliner? One of those point and shoot shoulder fired jobs?
Vieques is only about 10 mile across the sound from my house.
Sure it counts. Obama increased use of drones. He is much a war criminal and mass murderer as Bush and more so (so far) than Trump.
@Cookie, the point Beasts of England was making is that the media hastily buried the story because (corollary to the Jim Treacher rule) it made Obama look bad.
Do the Iranians have the surface to air tech to down an airliner? One of those point and shoot shoulder fired jobs?
Everybody has the latter--including drug cartels. Iran has Chinese/Russian tech for their other needs and wants. said...
Iran's nuke sites are in deep underground hardened sites. Unlikely any conventional weapons could take any of them out. Using nuclear weapons to do so is out of the question. The only alternative is ground troops. Can't see that happening.
I see John Henry has already mentioned rods from God in the context of earthquakes.
But rods from God can take out underground facilities without a problem. There are people who think we're already used them. In North Korea. Maybe other places. They'd show up as one or two mysterious radar blips - if they showed up at all.
Michael Moore
Verified account @MMFlint
6h6 hours ago
Soleimani’s gas attack in the Washington Metro!
The Iranian commando with an AK-15 who shot up that high school in Oregon!
The water in Flint! Soleimani poisoned the water in Flint! Of course, it all makes sense! What took so long to figure out he was the terrorist who did it!
59 replies 187 retweets 1,370 likes
Show this thread
Michael Moore
Verified account @MMFlint
6h6 hours ago
I’m frustrated that I can’t remember which of Soleimani’s suicide bombers walked into the Mall of America - or was it Six Flags? Trump Tower? Dammit - somebody help me!
Ok, but we all remember the cabinet member Soleimani’s sniper assassinated in Georgetown, right?
24 replies 107 retweets 718 likes
etc, doughnut, etc
Regarding the "Iran nuclear deal"- it was/is a multilateral agreement. Not just US and Iran. If Iran has stated that they no longer need to adhere to the terms (and I have no earthly idea whether they have been compliant to this point) what do the other countries do in response? Re-impose sanctions?
As of yesterday, they were scrambling to figure that out, Tom. said...
Iran's nuke sites are in deep underground hardened sites. Unlikely any conventional weapons could take any of them out. Using nuclear weapons to do so is out of the question.
No, it's not. If you're trying to get nukes, you're a legitimate target for nukes.
Esp. when, like Iran, you're a State sponsor of terrorism
"Nobody is pure, but if you conflate the way American military chooses, plans and executes it's missions to terrorists, who regularly target civilians on purpose you are lying. The difference is the definition of terrorism."
For everyone living in any war zone, war is terrorism. None of our military interventions in the Middle East of the last several decades were necessary or justified, so we, without cause, vomited 20+ years of terrorism, death, dismemberment, and destruction on the millions in those countries we have invaded, bombed, and destabilized.
Say what?
"There are demonstrations all over Iran for a big goodbye to Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
But the bulk of the demonstrators are there, not because they wish to pay tribute to the fallen martyr, but because they have to be. They have been commanded to be present, and, in addition to their fees, they are getting food and transportation to the various mob sites.
Note that Iran’s key allies, Russia and China, aren’t adding their voices to the calls for revenge against the Trump administration. China gave the United States the keys to a Chinese app that the Iranians had been using for their secure communications. Accounts differ as to whether the transfer took place before or after the most recent round of violence in Iran, culminating in the elimination of Soleimani, but it certainly wasn’t the sort of help that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was hoping for."
Iran's nuke sites are in deep underground hardened sites. Unlikely any conventional weapons could take any of them out. Using nuclear weapons to do so is out of the question.
If there were only some way to make those sites inaccessible.
we, without cause, vomited 20+ years of terrorism, death, dismemberment, and destruction on the millions in those countries we have invaded, bombed, and destabilized.
Cook is having a withdrawal today. Is it the anniversary of Stalin;s death or something ?
A SAM missile nose cone has been identified in the debris field from the Ukrainian airliner crash.
Tor M1 SAM nose cone.
Robert Cook: "we, without cause..."
I can think of two: defense of Israel's right to exist and oil. The latter is still a vital component of our economy, although we are much better at producing our own these days.
Peace? There will be no peace.
Curious...did Iran say "done" before or after the airliner shootdown?
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