January 26, 2020

"Imagine looking out at a class full of Schiffs."

I say out loud as I'm overhearing MSNBC where somebody's interviewing Laurence Tribe and saying "Adam Schiff was a student of yours."


Quaestor said...

Wall-to-wall Andy Kaufman lookalikes.

Quaestor said...

All pretending to sing the Mighty Mouse song.

Schiff's been coming to save the day so long the sun has already set.

Here I come to save next Thursday! (Assuming you're still interested.)

The cats always win in the cartoon starring Adam Schiff.

tcrosse said...

And Ted Cruz was a student of Dershowitz. How about a class full of Cruzes.

narciso said...

Seems a better deal


Wince said...

"Imagine looking out at a class full of Schiffs."

Bob Boyd said...

"Imagine looking out at a class full of Schiffs."

The stuff of nightmares.
Like a zombie movie only with bobblehead dolls.

narciso said...

The cabal was planning much earlier


Bob Boyd said...

Instead of brains they want your thyroid gland.

narciso said...

Oh well lets skip this


madAsHell said...

Why do we find so little diversity in their academic backgrounds?

Sebastian said...

"Imagine looking out at a class full of Schiffs."

Tribe would have liked it. Mad Dem liar, eager to promote the prog cause by any means necessary, shameless and ruthless -- what's not to like?

Iman said...

A school of rock cod...

Leland said...

When this is all over, the legacy that will have suffered the most damage is Tribe's.

Bob Smith said...

And Larry didn’t teach Adam why grand jury testimony is confidential?

Amadeus 48 said...

The idea of a class conducted by Larry Tribe full of Adam Schiffs creeps me out.

Thank heaven for Obama. He made Larry’s professional life worth living. He has a BS quotient as high as Larry’s. Read David Garow’s book ( Rising Star) and think about the Obamameter.

Chuck said...

Imagine a class full of Louie Gohmerts.

Imagine a class full of Jim Jordans.

Imagine a class full of Marsha Blackburns.

Birkel said...

Or a class full of racist fopdoodles.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GatorNavy said...

Nightmare scenario, a classroom of Schiff’s all asking each other, “when did you stop beating your wife”. All overseen by the walking ego that Tribe

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Adam Schitt coordinated the entire show with the whistle-blower.

it's all a fraud. The Trump haters do not care.

Oso Negro said...

@ Althouse - Did you have this experience at Wisconsin, or do you imagine Tribe did?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In impeachment trial coverage, liberal media heap praise on Schiff and Democrats prosecuting Trump

Media are now playing super sekrit tape of Trump saying "Get rid of her." - referring to corrupt ambassador to the Ukraine under Obama, and the media are treating it as some sort of bomb shell.

The president has every right to fire corrupt ambassador. They serve at the pleasure of the prez. even females who cry on Q because they lost their cushy government whore job.

Media= garbage.

tcrosse said...

it's a Narrenschiff.

Michael K said...

I would have trouble with all the bug eyes.

Drago said...

"Imagine looking out at a class full of Schiffs."

A "magnificent" and "brilliant" dreamy LLR-lefty paradise.....

Chuck said...


After a battalion’s worth of eff bombs this past week, Captain Pompeo is Tweeting scripture on Sunday:


The replies are effing hilarious. People are going to hear about this.

robother said...

So, do we credit Tribe with Schiff's innovative prosecutorial technique of arguing to a jury that if it acquits, the jurors will be charged as accessories or co-conspirators?

mccullough said...

Like a classroom full of Chucks.

OldManRick said...
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OldManRick said...

Friends, Romans, Never-Trumpers, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to impeach Trump, not to praise him.
The silly tweets that men do live after them;
The good policy is oft interred when they are expelled from office;
So let it be with Trump. The noble Shiff
Hath told you Trump was abusive of power:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Trump answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Shiff and the rest–
For Shiff is an honourable man;
Who would not lie about having incontestable evidence of collusion or
Dissemble about a phone call for which we had a transcript
So are the MSM all, all honourable men–
Who present both sides of a story not the taking points of the DNC
Come I to speak in Trumps’s removal.
He was my president, faithful and just to me:
But Nader and CNN says he was a Tyrant, a Racist, a Warmonger;
And they are all honourable men and women
Who somehow have not been imprisoned by the Tyrant.
Trump hath brought many benefits home to America
Whose 401Ks did the stock market fill:
Did this in Trump seem a Tyrant?
Was that like the Tyrants of Venezuela and Cuba
Who enrich them selves at the expense of their countries?
When that the poor minorities have cried we want jobs, Trump hath wept:
And reformed the tax code, trade treaties, and regulations to give them jobs
Racism should be made of sterner stuff:
When the enemies of our country rattled their sabers and threatened us with destruction
He confronted them, and North Korea, and Iran sheathed their sabers and de-esclated.
Worst Warmonger ever
Yet Shiff says he withheld information based on executive privilege;
And Shiff is an honourable man.
Who won’t use the time honored process of contesting executive privilege
You all did see that for Mueller’s investigation
Trump ordered cooperation with the council,
Which was legally constituted: was this withholding information?
Yet Shiff says he was abusive of power;
And, sure, Shiff is an honourable man.
Who leaks what he wants, hides exculpatory information,
And runs his committee with the iron fist of tyranny
Knows well about being abusive of power.
I speak not to disprove what Shiff spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love him once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?
O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;
My heart is being removed there with Trump,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

---- Apologies to William S.

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (WHO WILL FIGHT YOU!): "The replies are effing hilarious. People are going to hear about this."

I've GOT YOU NOW my Pretty!.....

Drago said...

robother: "So, do we credit Tribe with Schiff's innovative prosecutorial technique of arguing to a jury that if it acquits, the jurors will be charged as accessories or co-conspirators?"

Partial credit only since its been the Lawfare group who have, since 2015, coordinated with the obama admin, deep state establishment types (revolving door govt-to-Lawfare and reverse), Chuck's leftiat media collaborator pals, Dem legislators staffs and judicial branch lefty activists to thwart and set up any republican (then specifically Trump).

This is why LLR-lefty Chuck has spent 4 years boosting every far left marxist Lawfare narrative and opinion: because its all been designed to make permanent democrat control of govt at all levels, which is the ultimate goal and if a republican happens to somehow sneak into office to cut their power off until Chuck's dems can regain power.

So again, Tribe only deserves partial credit for the work of this leftist army.

Iman said...

Meanwhile, "the latest Fox News poll shows:

Should the Senate convict and remove President Trump from office?

YES 50%

NO 44%

That survey of 48 Democrats, 42 Republicans..."

Lurker21 said...

As frightening as that prospect may be, the New York Times was reporting back in Schiff's days at Harvard Law, that the school was "divided" and "polarized" over "Critical Legal Studies." If that's true, maybe professors would be reassured to see just one person staring back at them over and over again, however pencil-necked and goggle-eyed.

Schiff got elected because the incumbent spent too much time trying to impeach Bill Clinton. Probably he won't be defeated for this, but I'd have thought he'd have been more cautious about becoming the fact of impeachment.

Adam Schiff's parents wanted him to become a doctor. I'm not sure how that would have turned out. It doesn't seem like he would have a very reassuring bedside manner.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

The Democrats will leave a schiffstain trail marking this time in American history...

Iman said...

Chris Wallace arguing Constitutional law with Dershowitz: you can't make this up.

LA_Bob said...


Nice job. I don't recall seeing any Shakespeare parodies here on the blog.

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (WHO WILL FIGHT YOU!): "The replies are effing hilarious. People are going to hear about this."

As Geoffrey Rush as "Walsingham" explained to Ecclestons "Norfok" in the movie "Elizabeth" after Norfolk claimed his actions would be remembered forever: "No. You will be forgotten."

As with this latest "crisis" hyped by our rather sad LLR-lefties.


Drago said...

Iman: "Chris Wallace arguing Constitutional law with Dershowitz: you can't make this up."

Actually, Dershowitz is arguing Constitutional Law. Wallace is simply parroting democrat political talking points.

Therein lies the disconnect.

Michael K said...

Schiff got elected because the incumbent spent too much time trying to impeach Bill Clinton.

Actually, Rogan had beaten Schiff twice but the Clinton impeachment brought a tsunami of money into the third election and Schiff won.

Drago said...

As noted elsewhere on "Teh Interwebs":

Impeachment Managers that voted AGAINST Aid to Ukraine:
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)

Impeachment Managers that voted against aid for Ukraine in the NDAA:
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)

I dont believe this has ever been mentioned by LLR-lefty Chuck.

LA_Bob said...


Schiff was also pudgier 20 years ago.


Skeptical Voter said...

Well one would hope that a tsunami of money---no make that two tsunamis of money would flow into Schiff's district in November 2020.

The 2000 tsunami meant that the Schiff-Rogan contest in 2000 was the most expensive House campaign in history to that point in time. The Democrats really wanted to make Rogan disappear for the crime of being the floor impeachment manager to remove Billy Jeff.

I doubt that the "challenger" can beat Schiff this November. Two gerrymanderings of Schiff's district by Democrat partisans in Sacramento mean that a Democrat is a mortal lock to win this district throughout time and eternity. It's not probable that the moribund Republican party in California will ever revive.

Iman said...

In the old man spirit of Rick...

Out, damned schiff; out, I say.
One, two,—why, then ’tis time to do’t. Hell is awaiting.
Fie, my lord, fie, a manager and afeard? What need we fear who knows it when none can stand the geek?
Yet who would have thought the pencil neck to have had so much schiff in him?

Ice Nine said...

>>Bob Boyd said...
"Imagine looking out at a class full of Schiffs."

Like a zombie movie only with bobblehead dolls.
Instead of brains they want your thyroid gland.<<

That's funny, Bob (though probably only to medical people).

ga6 said...

"Adam Schiff's parents wanted him to become a doctor."

Adam as a ob/gyn? Any comments

Bob Boyd said...

Bobblehead Apocalypse would be a good name for a band.

Clyde said...

As the twig is bent...

Seeing Red said...

Adam Schiff continued to push smears and lies on Saturday about Russia collusion in the 2016 election.Of course, none of that is true. Not one word of it. The Mueller attorneys dug into every single detail of President Trump’s campaign and found ZERO evidence of Russia collusion. However, the same could not be said for Adam Schiff. Now is a good time to remind Americans that it was Adam Schiff who was palling around with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Adam Schiff flew to the Aspen Security Forum with the Russian ambassador in 2016....

Via Lucianne.

Bob Boyd said...

Adam as a ob/gyn? Any comments

Dr Schiff never had to spank a new born. As soon as they saw him they started screaming.

Scott said...

The bug-eyed burned out former prosecutor from North La La Land has his moment in the sun, blathering before the Senate.

In his moments of reflection, assuming he has them, does he ever have the stray thought that what he is doing might be a little mocus?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“That survey of 48 Democrats, 42 Republicans..."”

Thanks. That made me laugh out loud.

“People are going to hear about this.”

Oh, dear. People. It continues to crack me up that the bloviating Left has no idea how social media works and what it signifies. Chuck seems to think that Pompeo is an Ivy League professor who mis-pronouned a tranny student.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

A class full of nasty little backstabbing suck-ups? I would expect that was something most law professors would have encountered quite frequently.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Michael K said...

Actually, Rogan had beaten Schiff twice...

Wow! I read that and immediately had a mental image of Joe Rogan beating the tar of Schiff!

Thanks, Doc! You just made my morning!

Iman said...

“ That's funny, Bob (though probably only to medical people).”

No, it was funny to this layman who has wondered whether the geek is afflicted with Graves’ disease.

Iman said...

“Adam Schiff's parents wanted him to become a doctor."

Obvious guess would be a proctologist, as he’d just be another asshole.

Jaq said...

I read that on my smartphone as “Imagine looking at a glass full of shit.” Same difference.

narciso said...

just another acme exploding rocket


gadfly said...

Larry Tribe disagrees with Allen Dershowitz, who is famous for representing OJ and for helping Jeffrey Epstein in raping teens. Lately Dersh has earned a Fox News paycheck for defending the gangster Donald Trump. Fox has no problem with the charge that Dershowitz is a rapist - and apparently Trumpists like him.

But somewhere in the MSNBC interview with Tribe, the subject had to be his objection to Dershowitz's claim that impeachment is a dangerous constitutional precedent. Somehow Dersh found nothing wrong with Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1998.

So why would the mention of Adam Schiff set off the Althouse reaction? Schiff spent about four hours presenting the detailed House case to the Senate and gets personally attacked while Pat Cipollone, the presidents lawyer, gets a pass for telling two quick lies in his short presentation for the defense on Saturday.

“The fact they came here for 24 hours and hid evidence from you is further evidence that they don’t really believe in the facts of their case,” he said. So who refused to hand over key evidence throughout the entire impeachment process and has refused to allow for additional witnesses and documents.

Cipollone also misrepresented that the Mueller investigation was a failure when the Trump Gang, including the Republican Senators, saw to it that Billy Barr became Attorney General in order to shut down the special counsel investigation.

narciso said...

so it's take a year to get an ambassador fired, whereas they managed to get rid of shokin, in weeks, precisely because he was investigating burisma,

Chuck said...


I posted, “People are going to hear about this” as pure sarcasm of Pompeo. I posted it quickly and without much thought of putting it in quotation marks, which would have made the sarcasm more explicit. And in fact the exact Pompeo quote per Mary Louise Kelly was, “People will hear about this,” as he threatened her.

So I did give some thought to repeating the Pompeo line, in quotations; but then I thought better, hoping that one or even several ignorant Althouse commenters would attack me for such a threat.

So thanks! Have a nice day and thanks for making my day such a special one!

I was recalling last September 11 (2019), when I blandly posted, without quotes or attribution, the words of an old and now-deleted Donald Trump Tweet (“ I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”). That was it; my entire comment a verbatim Trump quote. The result exceeded my fondest wishes, with bunches of the Althouse commentariat attacking me for such a boorish, insensitive and even hateful posting. And I rode it for hours before others made the joke — on them — obvious. They were Trump’s own words from 2015.

TJM said...

Gadfly, are you under psychiatric care? If not you should be

narciso said...

the girl of the hour,


I found her anonymous sources, amusing, like bridget jones at the boston globe,

narciso said...

munich wasn't a one off,


hstad said...

Blogger Iman said...Meanwhile, "the latest Fox News poll shows:Should the Senate convict and remove President Trump from office? YES 50% NO 44% That survey of 48 Democrats,42 Republicans..." 1/26/20, 10:12 AM

And your point is what? A poll taken before the other side gives their defense - real cool! Instructional data for you, Iman, Gallup says the opposite?

"...Polls are great. They give the brain dead leftist scum hope that the country will turn into the 3rd world commie state they so want. Then on election night, the polls they so held dear, yank out their bloodless tiny little hearts and shove them down their throats in defeat as they flood the streets with their liberal tears to the sound of republican laughs..." Blogger - Martin Deano.

narciso said...

how accurate was gallup four years ago, same for fox news,

Francisco D said...

Fox has no problem with the charge that Dershowitz is a rapist - and apparently Trumpists like him.


I understand your confusion about Pat Cippolone's presentation because you are are not very bright and you take the DNC talking points as gospel.

However, calling Dersh a rapist is a bit much.

hstad said...

"Iman" I did forget to add this little vignette" After 4 years of numerous phony accusations, politically driven investigations, many attempts to smear, remove this president, his polling is still better than Obama's at the same time of his presidency. Interesting stat?

hstad said...

"Iman" check out this quote from Axelrod on Impeachment: "...Former Senior Advisor to President Obama David Axelrod noted voter disinterest in the impeachment sham, describing how even in a focus group of Democratic voters, “impeachment didn’t even come up, no one volunteered it, for 80 minutes…and we’re right in the middle of the trial...”

Chuck said...

Blogger narciso said...
how accurate was gallup four years ago, same for fox news,

Haha! Gallup elected to not do any horse-race polling in 2016.

As for other polls, they got it mostly right. Final polling numbers per the best single summarized numbers — the RCP average of all polls — had the national vote at Clinton 46.8 - Trump 43.6 (Clinton +3.2). And the final election percentages were Clinton 48.2 -Trump 46.1 (Clinton +2.1). The polls nailed it to within less than 1.5%. A very good performance for national polling and pollsters.

narciso said...

in other news,


Beasts of England said...

’A very good performance for national polling and pollsters.’

It’s 50+ separate elections not a national election, so the accuracy of the national polls is as meaningless as the popular vote.

Here are two examples of state polls by CNN conducted five days before the election: Clinton +4 in Pennsylvania and Clinton +6 in Wisconsin. Of course, she lost both. 😂

Michael K said...

Allen Dershowitz, who is famous for representing OJ and for helping Jeffrey Epstein in raping teens.

God, you are a despicable creep.

narciso said...

and boies represents Weinstein, now, theranos then, his firm gave both hunter and miss rudnik (nee gillebrand) their start,


narciso said...

boies floated a trial balloon before the guiffre deposition was made public, oddly afterwards he didn't address who she actually named, Epstein involved Hoffenberg and wexner, leon black as well as the Maxwell heir, just too many pillows to deploy,

narciso said...

then we could reference nxim and gillebrands connections, the Bronfmans, vicente fox and the clans of his predecessor, the real hellfire club,

Chuck said...

Blogger Beasts of England said...
’A very good performance for national polling and pollsters.’

It’s 50+ separate elections not a national election, so the accuracy of the national polls is as meaningless as the popular vote.

Here are two examples of state polls by CNN conducted five days before the election: Clinton +4 in Pennsylvania and Clinton +6 in Wisconsin. Of course, she lost both. 😂

I said, “A very good performance for national polling and pollsters.” I meant what I said, and what I said was correct. In one state, pollsters — whoever it may have been in Wisconsin — got it wrong outside of any expected margin of error. In Pennsylvania, it was borderline (outside the margin of error) and while Trump was behind Clinton in late polling in Michigan, the polls and Trump’s razor thin margin of victory was actually within the polling margin of error.

I was responding to a comment that did not ask about state polling and instead asked about “Gallup” polling, which didn’t even exist as we are discussing here for 2016.

Beasts of England said...

What you said was meaningless, Chuck. National polls - as I accurately quoted you - are of no importance in state races.

narciso said...

the gortari and the fox clan, me thinks we were played for fools,

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

Blogger Beasts of England said...
What you said was meaningless, Chuck. National polls - as I accurately quoted you - are of no importance in state races.

What I said was true, and was in direct response to someone asking about “Gallup.”

Also, I expect that what I wrote was not what you wanted to read. Good. As intended. It happens a lot. I hear friends of mine laughing about how bad the 2016 polling was. And I very quietly — so that they have to strain just a bit to hear — point out the RCP closing averages and final vote numbers and how accurate all of that was, which is a reminder how Trump lost the popular vote as polling predicted. That always rubs Trump fans the wrong way, and the retort is usually along the lines you suggested. To which I say, again quietly, “You asked about polling, not the electoral college.”

Iman said...

“ which is a reminder how Trump lost the popular vote as polling predicted.”

Yes, he lost California.

Iman said...

Not surprised, hstad. This shows how the Democrats and their media operatives (which are legion) are fervently hoping that they can somehow resuscitate this turd of a traveshamockery.

Birkel said...

Racist fopdoodles continue to defend polls that were Hillary +10 two weeks before the election - when the goal of the polls was to sway, not describe, public opinion.

Remember, the polls are run by Leftists in the hopes of depressing Republican and conservative turnout. And simultaneously bolstering Democratic and Leftist Collectivist turnout.

And then in the final polls they admit reality hoping their work is completed.

IOW, the polls are a predictable scam. That's why Carter was +10 in 1980 just before losing 44 states.

Drago said...

Remember, LLR-lefty Chuck predicted a hillary blow-out, which was about the 20th time up to the election that Trump had proved all of LLR-lefty Chuck's establishment "experts" wrong.

And Chuck has never recovered....and will never recover.

And it is gloriously fun!

The liberals and most leftists stopped arguing about the polls being "mostly right" long long ago.

But LLR-lefty Chuck? He cant let it go!

Drago said...

Btw, LLR-lefty Chuck still thinks Paul Krugman is a rock solid investment advisor!!

Drago said...

Personally I am much more interested in LLR-lefty Chuck's (and his mini-me Gadfly's) hilarious "assassination" conspiracy theories that they were pushing so hard just the other day.

Sounds "big"...if true...


Matt Sablan said...

I notice a lot of the discussion on this topic has, per usual, been sidetracked.

Matt Sablan said...

"Media are now playing super sekrit tape of Trump saying "Get rid of her." - referring to corrupt ambassador to the Ukraine under Obama, and the media are treating it as some sort of bomb shell."

-- After this and Bush having issues for getting rid of attorneys who serve at the pleasure of the president, sorry. Any Republican president that doesn't purge every appointee that they legally can when they enter office is making a giant mistake.

narciso said...

Less than meets the eye:


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