January 7, 2020

"If that’s what the law is, I like to obey the law."

Said President Trump, seemingly rolling back what had been, apparently, a threat to hit cultural sites in Iran.

Quoted in the NYT.

This has been a confusing subject since Saturday, when Trump spoke of targeting 52 sites in Iran, some of which were "important to Iran & the Iranian culture." Later, officials said that none of these sites were "cultural sites," as if there were sites "important to... culture," that were not themselves "cultural sites."

What was this confusion about? I had the idea that it was a game of drawing out elitists — people who endure the usual death and mayhem but cry out in horror at the destruction of art. Did it serve Trump's interests to light a fire under these people and get them to lecture us legalistically about international law?

Now, I see his "If that’s what the law is, I like to obey the law." Such a casual attitude about law. He'll follow the law, if he can, whatever it is. As usual, he doesn't seem too interested in the law, but he gets that some people have a fetish about it, and he's not above taunting them for a while, until it's uncomfortable for him, and then it's, oh, yeah, big deal, your law, yeah, I'll follow that thing.... and I'll do it because I like to.

What a strange man! I never believed that he really would blow up treasured art and architecture. The question for me was why did he go there? Why did he taunt people about that? I assume it's something deeper and craftier than sheer jackassery.


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Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eric said...

Don't talk to me about culture and cultural sites if you were totally fine with taking down and removing the Confederate flag.

It's ok to destroy our culture but not Iran's?

You can just f right off.

jimbino said...

Why is it that we feel a need to prioritize protection of "art" and "innocent women and children"? Nonsense. More worthy of protection is any armed paladin fighting for liberty. God himself conspired with Satan to torture Job and kill all his children, servants and livestock while leaving Job's wife there to continue to question and torture him.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

ThunderChick, you are correct. I should have said US government. Like most people the Iranians can distinguish between the whack jobs that occasionally grab power and the people who have to put up with it.

YoungHegelian said...


Can you grasp the concept that the our government does not look like the good guys to a lot of nations?

Yes, I can. Can you grasp the idea that many nations "national myths" as promulgated by their regimes are historically made-up bullshit?

Currently we have Trump's son-in-law regularly fellating the Saudis, the regional enemies of the Iranian people and the perpetrators of 9/11.

What the Hell did the Saudis ever to Iran? I don't like the Saudis, but that we were supposed to pave them over when 17 nutjob citizens carry out an act of terrorism on our soil seems to me strange, to say the least.

It is an indescribable embarrassment to our country, to be so supine in the face of these fanatics. Yet here we are.

Note to ARM: Yes, the Saudis are Wahabi nutjobs, but the present Iranian regime is its Khomeini-ite Shi'ite mirror image. The Iranians also have a mythic self-image of their glory days of the Persian Empire, which combines with the apocalyptic spirituality of Shia Islam to prove very toxic indeed. It's also mixed with a racial history where it's the Persian Aryan people against the Arab "Sand Niggers". Since you seem to know about modern Iranians, you must know about what they think of Arabs. It ain't pretty.

FullMoon said...

Inga said:
The things he says are paranoid and not normal."

Pretty sweet coming from the genius who claimed the Benghazi patsy filmmaker was a Muslim Moby, intentionally creating problem for USA

Drago said...

ARM is an expert on the psyche and thoughts of the Iranian people in the same way Admiral Inga is totally up to speed on military strategy and tactics.

Francisco D said...

Trump's actions have unified the Iranian people behind the clerics and the military. Obama's didn't. It's not complicated.


I cannot think of a media commenter who would dare to say such a stupid thing, but you never know.

ARM is simply pulling chestnuts out of his ass. It's actually pretty funny. When he cannot think of a lie, he comes up with ridiculous bullshit.

I suggest a donation game, sort of like a drinking game. Every time ARM or Inga come up with nonsensical BS we donate $50 to the Trump campaign.

C'mon folks. You can't save that money forever.

BUMBLE BEE said...

See also Sun Tzu The Art Of War. Heads up for the trolls. Not available from Classics Illustrated or Dell. Losers gonna lose and winners can smell them at a distance.

Drago said...

YH (to ARM): "Note to ARM: Yes, the Saudis are Wahabi nutjobs, but the present Iranian regime is its Khomeini-ite Shi'ite mirror image."

Isn't it strange that someone, ARM, who self-identifies as Althouseblog spokesman for the thoughts and dreams and beliefs of the Iranian people, would not know this?

Qwinn said...

Francisco: At that rate I'd have to refinance my mortgage by Saturday.

David Begley said...

Per Fox, US bases in Iraq under missile attack from Iran.

Destroy Iran’s nuke infrastructure this week.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

What Iranians think about Arabs is no different to what is said here on a regular basis. It could be the basis of a beautiful friendship if weren't for the neocons.

If we can give the Saudi's a pass for funding and perpetrating 9/11 then I think we could maybe be a little more rational when assessing Iran. Is that really so wrong? Next time when Trump's son-in-law travels over to give the Sauds hideous rulers another blow job maybe he could stop off at Iran as well.

Drago said...

BUMBLE BEE: "See also Sun Tzu The Art Of War."

This is something these lefty/LLR-lefty idiots have no clue about but Trump understands intuitively.

Trump leaves NOTHING off the table for our enemies to ponder and worry about. Nothing. Meanwhile the idiot lefties demand Trump stand there in public and lay out all his plans and objectives and time tables etc etc etc.


Sun Tzu: Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

Trump clouds everything he does so that the enemy cannot effectively plan against it and it keeps these enemies off balance.

What Trump has done with China in particular with this combination of geo-political, economic and military moves is absolutely brilliant, which, by the way, how many of our Sino-experts say the Chinese see Trump. Trump is engaging them on every single possible front.

The real question is not why is Trump doing this. The real question is why no other President has when the advantages of the US in any of these situations are so clearly apparent.

Well, actually we already know that answer.

Lots and lots of people from both sides of the aisle got very rich doing nothing about this.

Drago said...

ARM: "Next time when Trump's son-in-law travels over to give the Sauds hideous rulers another blow job maybe he could stop off at Iran as well."

Well, I guess you simply got tired of pretending to know what you were talking about, didn't you?


Don't worry amigo, we recognized your lack of knowledge, dishonesty and complete hackery long ago. So, no worries!

Jaq said...

Whether Trump planned it or not, he sure got lucky in his political enemies. Getting them to defend a guy who has been responsible for killing hundreds of our soldiers and thousands of Iranian protestors.

"Trump's actions have unified the Iranian people behind the clerics and the military.” He knows it’s true because he saw pictures on the internet and the Mullahs have vouched for them. Doesn’t Putin back the Mullahs? I can never keep straight who we have always been at war with.

narciso said...

I know this is his performance piece, but what excuses Elizabeth palmer, or david muir or whoever is NBC's new hack,

Hypothetically if one were to go after the Saudis which would be the targets, how quickly would there be gnashing of teeth over the haramain mosque or any of a hundred others, the head quarters of the iiro,

Drago said...

Aunty Trump: ""Trump's actions have unified the Iranian people behind the clerics and the military.” He knows it’s true because he saw pictures on the internet and the Mullahs have vouched for them. Doesn’t Putin back the Mullahs? I can never keep straight who we have always been at war with."

So true. So true.

Filed Under: When Lefty Narratives Collide.

Trust me though, the cognitive dissonance with this crew is off the charts.

FullMoon said...

An expression of some subconscious desire. Go for it, you only live once.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Yet we have the embarrassing spectacle of Trump's son-in-law regularly fellating the Saudi royal family, for reasons known only to the family.

1/7/20, 4:05 PM

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

... Currently we have Trump's son-in-law regularly fellating the Saudis, the regional enemies of the Iranian people and the perpetrators of 9/11. are.
1/7/20, 5:12 PM

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Next time when Trump's son-in-law travels over to give the Sauds hideous rulers another blow job maybe he could stop off at Iran as well.

1/7/20, 5:31 PM

YoungHegelian said...


What Iranians think about Arabs is no different to what is said here on a regular basis

No. American dislike is simply prejudice, like against any other ethnicity. Iranian dislike is deep-in-the-bones national self-image. Big difference.

If we can give the Saudi's a pass for funding and perpetrating 9/11

Wait! You think that the Saudi government funded and perpetrated 9/11, as opposed to an Islamic religious faction operating, among many other places, within Saudi Arabia?

Some of the perpetrators lived in Germany on welfare while planning the attack. Does that make the German government a funder & perpetrator of 9/11?!

You flatter yourself on the depth of your "Reasonableness".

Michael said...

Althouse sez: The question for me was why did he go there? Why did he taunt people about that? I assume it's something deeper and craftier than sheer jackassery.

After 4+ years on the campaign trail and in the Oval Office, Why are people still trying to figure out Trump when it's crystal clear he likes to create chaos to keep everyone off balance. This gives him maximum room to operate.

He's not the first person I've witness operate in this manner....but he is the first President I've seen do it.

Michael K said...

Drago, what do you think the average Iranian sees when he looks at the US government?

It depends. If he looks at a Democrat he sees a supporter of the tyranny of the mullahs.

If you knew anything you would have read Mark Bowden's "Guests of the Ayatollah," and you might have read the part where he is leaving the old embassy, which is now a museum, and the guards said, "George Bush" and gave him a thumbs up.

But you don't. You seem to have no idea of the IRGC and their role as the Gestapo equivalent in modern Iraq. You would have read things by Michael Ledeen and Ruel Marc Gehrect and would not be so ignorant.

narciso said...

of course suleimani coordinated with gru and the wagner group, when they were in Syria, they've been sent to Libya and sudan, less demanding work to a point,

Inga said...

“Per Fox, US bases in Iraq under missile attack from Iran.”

Are you surprised? What did you think would happen? You can thank your Cult Leader. Hopefully no more America troops gets killed for Trump’s folly.

Chuck said...

Blogger Beasts of England said...
“Then there is the matter of the Trump fans who wrote admiringly about Trump’s now- withdrawn threat. How does that shit taste now?”

Still waiting for a Trump quote that made such a threat.

This was my gripe from the beginning of this particular Trump idiocy; what exactly was Trump saying? And I would have been quite happy for the Trump Cult to choose. Was it a threat against cultural sites? Or was it trash talk? Just decide, and then let us know what the clear meaning is.

What I see in the Trump Cult is more mindless mendacity. Where the bloodthirsty Trump cultists crow about how tough Trump is with threats to illegitimate “cultural” sites, while the legalist Trump cultists claim that Trump didn’t actually threaten anything.

As I posed it previously; this is like the “shithole countries” scandal, where half of Trump World thought it was great that Trump said it, while the other half of Trump World denied that he ever said it at all.

FullMoon said...

Inga said...

“Per Fox, US bases in Iraq under missile attack from Iran.”

Planned weeks ago..

Bobb said...

I am amazed that where the topic is the legality of destroying cultural sites, no one (not even the former law professor whose blog it is) looks up the law. The applicable treaty is the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. If you actually take the time to read it, destroying cultural sites that are merely "important to Iran & the Iranian culture" aren't protected by the treaty. Rather, the cultural sites must be "of outstanding universal value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological point of view."

FullMoon said...

Chuck said:
As I posed it previously; this is like the “shithole countries” scandal, ..

Couple of notches below Pecan Pie, Store Bought or Homemade Scandal. News at 11:00

David Begley said...

I’m waiting for the Dems and Fake News to praise Iran for the attacks on US bases. I’m sure justified in their eyes. Or Trump’s fault.

In addition to vaporizing their nuke infrastructure, take out their oil refineries.

narciso said...

as opposed the other dozen of attacks that were not answered, this what the regime does why they weren't worthy of receiving 1.50 much less 150 billion dollars and change

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "What I see in the Trump Cult is more mindless mendacity."

This was written by someone who proudly declared his purpose on this blog to be smearing and lying.


Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "As I posed it previously; this is like the “shithole countries” scandal, where half of Trump World thought it was great that Trump said it, while the other half of Trump World denied that he ever said it at all."


Once he starts lying, he really can't stop.

But again, its good that he no longer even tries to pretend he is some sort of super principled conservative. That wasn't going to fly any longer after a few of his gin-soaked evenings posting where he gave the game away.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
Beasts of England: "I’m upset with Drago for addressing Obama without the proper and reverential adjective ‘magnificent’."


Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck is really going to let me have it later on for that one!

Chuck will not countenance even the slightest mild or tangential criticism of his beloved "magnificent" obama.

You’ve never quoted me on that. Never linked to anything I wrote like that. Because you can’t.

You worthless, hateful sack of shit.

narciso said...

how was it Reagan said it in the evil empire speech 'they reserve the right to kill, to steal to lie' that is what these holy men do,

Leland said...

Are you surprised?

Nope, they've been doing this with Hamas as a proxy for about a decade in Israel. I might be a little surprised if they actually hit anything that is American or of military value.

readering said...

Bobb: What makes you think Trump wasn't talking about the latter? There are 22 sites in Iran on the UNESCO World Heritage list of cultural sites. The list is regularly being updated.

Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran (2008)
Bam and its Cultural Landscape (2004)
Bisotun (2006)
Cultural Landscape of Maymand (2015)
Golestan Palace (2013)
Gonbad-e Qābus (2012)
Historic City of Yazd (2017)
Masjed-e Jāmé of Isfahan (2012)
Meidan Emam, Esfahan (1979)
Pasargadae (2004)
Persepolis (1979)
Sassanid Archaeological Landscape of Fars Region (2018)
Shahr-i Sokhta (2014)
Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil (2010)
Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System (2009)
Soltaniyeh (2005)
Susa (2015)
Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex (2010)
Takht-e Soleyman (2003)
Tchogha Zanbil (1979)
The Persian Garden (2011)
The Persian Qanat (2016)

Drago said...

Inga: "Are you surprised? What did you think would happen? You can thank your Cult Leader. Hopefully no more America troops gets killed for Trump’s folly."


Inga, when she isn't busy falsely accusing Military personnel of being russian agents, believes this is the first time rockets have been fired in the Middle East.

Bless her heart.

Inga said...

“You’ve never quoted me on that. Never linked to anything I wrote like that. Because you can’t.”

“Once he starts lying, he really can't stop.” - Drago talking about himself in the third person.

narciso said...

there is a commonality of interests in totalitarian regimes, whether Marxists or islamists, the odd thing is how the western media, academia, all cater to them,

Drago said...

readering: "Bobb: What makes you think Trump wasn't talking about the latter? There are 22 sites in Iran on the UNESCO World Heritage list of cultural sites. The list is regularly being updated."

What would be your guess as to how many of those sites are being used as cover for military purposes?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Francisco D said...
I cannot think of a media commenter who would dare to say such a stupid thing
ARM is simply pulling chestnuts out of his ass. It's actually pretty funny. When he cannot think of a lie, he comes up with ridiculous bullshit.

There are literally dozens of articles in this vein, because it is so bleeding obvious. Now, is FranD lying or is he talking smack about something of which he knows nothing? A sad little man who, once again, failed to avoid invective in his incorrect response. Does he so completely lack self-control that he can't make a post without invective?

In killing Soleimani, Trump’s only success is the uniting of a once divided Iran

Iranians Close Ranks Behind Leaders After U.S. Kills Popular General

Soleimani assassination sets back opposition to Iran’s regime

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "“Once he starts lying, he really can't stop.” - Drago talking about himself in the third person."

Inga still believes Trump colluded with Russia.

Inga still believes Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.

Inga still believes Russia handed the election to Trump.

Inga still believes Carter Page is a russian agent.


pacwest said...

Do you think we could get him to blow up Piss Christ. That's cultural isn't it? Or maybe he just meant the cultural sites in Iran. I hope not.

Drago said...

ARM: "There are literally dozens of articles in this vein, because it is so bleeding obvious."


This Just In: Lefty media outlets agree with each other!!

Shocking and unprecedented, but true.

Later tonight: More on Journolist and what its purpose happens to be.

Rabel said...

"I am amazed that where the topic is the legality of destroying cultural sites, no one (not even the former law professor whose blog it is) looks up the law."

Well, Bobb, some of us did look it up and found that the matter is far, far more complicated and involves many more laws, treaties, precedents and international agreements that the single UNESCO convention you cited which actually has little to do with the destruction of cultural sites during an armed conflict.

narciso said...

the same people who whitewashed the holomodor, the killing fields, who recently downplayed the damage Mugabe had done to Zimbabwe, 'it's no surprise at all, is anybody listening,'

Leland said...

Drago, I think you missed Inga still believes Nicholas Sandmann is a racist thug trying to pick fights.

narciso said...

I think that exhibit has moved on, it's probably in the Smithsonian now,

Quaestor said...

Now, I see his "If that’s what the law is, I like to obey the law." Such a casual attitude about law.

And why not? The law, especially, international law is a mutable thing; that's why we have law-makers as well as law-enforcers to unmake laws that no longer suit us or fail to produce desirable results. So far, the treaties that were enacted to protect cultural sites from destruction by acts of war have not protected all parties equally, which ought to bring the eminence of those treaties into question.

There is another principle of international law that can also be at work in this situation — reciprocity. In war, the violation of a Law of War statute by one signatory side absolves the other. For example, in WWII Hitler ordered that captured Allied airmen be handcuffed until delivered into the custody of the German POW camp system. Apparently, he wanted the propaganda value of captured airmen being visibly treated as criminals. This was a clear violation of the 1929 Geneva Convention. Following the principle of reciprocity, the Allies announced their intention to handcuff Axis POWs, which could result in them being so restrained until they were transported thousands of miles by sea to camps in the United States and Canada, a period lasting weeks, perhaps months. Consequently, Hitler rescinded his handcuff order. Clearly, reciprocity worked to preserve the goals of international law in that case.

So far international law has not worked to restain the actions of Iran, either its direct actions, such as the 1979 invasion of the American embassy and the subsequent hostage-taking, or the actions of its proxies. International law seems to restraint anyone except those inclined to act in harmony with its goals without respect to its sanctions.

Clyde said...

A cowboy, an Indian and an Iranian were sitting around a campfire. "Once we were many, now we are few," said the Indian sadly. The Iranian laughed and said, "Once we were few, now we are many!" The cowboy just looked at him and drawled, "That's 'cause we ain't played Cowboys and Iranians yet."


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FullMoon, how would you like to describe what Trump's son-in-law is doing in Saudi Arabia? It is the most disgusting debasement of American values I have seen in decades, yet he gets a pass here because he's Trump's son-in-law. You have no standards.

And yes it was the Saudis who funded, planned and perpetrated 9/11 and they did so with the full support of their insane religious ideology. Iranians weren't involved.

narciso said...

didn't cnn tout saddam's 90% election total, and eason Jordans sheepish admission that access was the key to such slavish coverage, sy hersh, of course tried to rationalize the hostage taking by citing some disgruntled analysts, the late helen Thomas cries over the chief mullah of Hezbollah,

Drago said...

Leland: "Drago, I think you missed Inga still believes Nicholas Sandmann is a racist thug trying to pick fights."

Well, given the number of Inga smears and lies (there's a reason she and LLR-lefty Chuck get along so well online) against innocent individuals that she launches, it's hardly surprising that I will miss some when offering up examples.

For instance, in this very thread Inga has gone on and on and on and on about her respect and concern for our military members but she did not hesitate to repeatedly lie and call Carter Page a russian asset and treasonous traitor, even though Carter Page was an honorably serving officer in the very branch of service that Inga claims her daughter belongs to.

To this very day, even AFTER Carter Page has been utterly and completely exonerated, Inga refuses to acknowledge this fact and simply presses forward with her russia collusion delusions.

It took us 3.5+ years to finally get Inga to even sinuate, once, in a very tangential way, that the hoax dossier that she screamed from the rooftops was true True TRUE was in fact a load of bull that anyone above the age of 5 and with a functioning brain could see was a lie.

So, whenever Inga starts going on and on and on and on about how much she respects the military (LOL), she should be reminded that she should not call honorably serving members treasonous traitors.

Rosalyn C. said...

Regarding some of the commenters comparing Iran to Saudi Arabia and claiming they are exactly the same: One difference is that Iran is openly declaring their intention of global domination by Shia Islam and threatening to annihilate Israel while attempting to carry this out through covert measures. Saudi Arabia has openly spent a lot of money to spread their version of Islam around the world, including mosques and universities in the US; Sunni Islam does have the same ultimate goal of world domination, but they are not openly threatening violence.

They are not the same and have to be treated differently.

YoungHegelian said...


And yes it was the Saudis who funded, planned and perpetrated 9/11 and they did so with the full support of their insane religious ideology.

Stop being disingenuous, ARM. That's not what I asked. I asked if you thought the Saudi government funded & perpetrated 9/11. You still haven't answered that question. You just danced around it.

n.n said...

Drago, I think you missed Inga still believes Nicholas Sandmann is a racist thug trying to pick fights.

Diversity breeds adversity. CNN is, not socially, but justly, paying for their liberal indulgence of color judgments. An outcome that may herald, not monotonic, but positive change.

Sebastian said...

"What a strange man!"

You mean, you don't like the law? It is "strange" to say so?

"I never believed that he really would blow up treasured art and architecture. The question for me was why did he go there? Why did he taunt people about that? I assume it's something deeper and craftier than sheer jackassery."

Nah. He's a man. He's a man in a fight. So he fights. Crafty, yes; deep, no. "You just don't understand."

Drago said...

Quaestor: "So far international law has not worked to restain the actions of Iran,..."

Last time I checked, it was supposed to be against international law to attack embassy's of other nations.

But not a single one of our lefties/LLR-lefties has the slightest problem with Iran attempting to do in Baghdad what they did in Tehran.

Not a single one.


tim maguire said...

During the Iran-Iraq war, Iran maintained an army of children whose job was to clear Iraqi minefields by walking across them. The children wore a plastic key around their necks that they were told would unlock the gates of heaven when they arrived.

But we must respect their culture.

Clyde said...

I wonder if they consider electrical power stations to be cultural sites? Because that's the first thing I would target. Black out the entire country.

narciso said...

those were the basij, they grew up to shoot down neda sultan from a motor bike,

n.n said...

Do you think we could get him to blow up Piss Christ.

PC, yes. Also, PP, Chambers, etc. which are culturally unprecedented in leftist societies, past, present, and progressive.

Qwinn said...

ARM: I've sworn off even looking up what you're talking about in your accusations against Trump and family, having proven repeatedly that you are always, always completely full of shit.

But I'll make you a deal on this one.

I'll look up and see if I can respond to whatever accusations you're making up about Trump Jr. and the Saudis, if you can even come up with - let your imagination run wild! - if you can actually make up a plausible legitimate non-corrupt reason why Burisma would pay Hunter Biden 4x the going rate of a board member of Exxon. It doesn't even have to be true! Just *plausible*. Some special skill he has, besides snorting coke and cheating on his brother's widow with strippers while impregnating both, I mean.

Betcha can't do it though.

Jim at said...

I’m waiting for the Dems and Fake News to praise Iran for the attacks on US bases. I’m sure justified in their eyes.

No need to wait. They're right here on these pages.

And yet they somehow think we're insane when we consider them the enemy.

Rabel said...

Some reports say that the attack on the al-Asad air base minutes ago consisted of ballistic missiles fired from inside western Iran. We'll know soon.

If correct, then get ready, Iran. Here comes the Boom.

And if this attack killed any Americans then it will be a Big Big Bada Boom.

FullMoon said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FullMoon, how would you like to describe what Trump's son-in-law is doing in Saudi Arabia? It is the most disgusting debasement of American values I have seen in decades, yet he gets a pass here because he's Trump's son-in-law. You have no standards.

Heck, I didn't even know he was in Saudi Arabia. Pretty ignorant on the subject. My comment related to your obvious enjoyment of imagining homosexual oral sex.

Personally, I like nice breasts but make no judgement on your sexual fantasies.

Inga said...

“Almighty and eternal God,
those who take refuge in you will be glad
and forever will shout for joy.
Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties.
Protect them with the shield of your strength
and keep them safe from all evil and harm.
May the power of your love enable them to return home
in safety, that with all who love them,
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.”

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FullMoon said...
I like nice breasts

I am glad that you are so anxious to defend Trump's son-in-law. His wife's breasts are fake, however, just like his patriotism.

tcrosse said...

The Law is that which Hillary and H>er myrmidons, and nobody else, are above.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ARM - News-flash! lots of westerners do business in Saudi Arabia. Doesn't make them criminals.

Qwinn said...

Oh, and ARM, just to set the conditions for my challenge above:

Whatever reason you come up with for why Burisma would pay Hunter Biden a million a year has to be *equally or more* plausible then "So his daddy could shut down an investigation into the company, which we know he did because he bragged about it on tape."

Have fun.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Ayatollahs and their goons are forcing people to protest in the streets of Iran. Pulling kids out of school.

Beasts of England said...

’This was my gripe from the beginning of this particular Trump idiocy; what exactly was Trump saying?’

What a pathetic dodge. You claimed he made a threat, so you thought you knew exactly what he was saying. Still waiting on you to provide a quote for the ‘threat’ you insisted that he made.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "Almighty and eternal God,
those who take refuge in you will be glad
and forever will shout for joy.
Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties.
Protect them with the shield of your strength
and keep them safe from all evil and harm.
May the power of your love enable them to return home
in safety, that with all who love them,
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.”

...and if any of them survives this conflict and dares to become a republican aide, give Inga the strength to falsely accuse them of being insane and suffering from PTSD and being russian spies and treasonous traitors....

Drago said...

ARM: "I am glad that you are so anxious to defend Trump's son-in-law. His wife's breasts are fake, however, just like his patriotism."

See? I told you ARM couldn't keep up the facade.

Seeing Red said...

FullMoon, how would you like to describe what Trump's son-in-law is doing in Saudi Arabia?

Breaking bread with Israel?

Drago said...

ARM: "I am glad that you are so anxious to defend Trump's son-in-law. His wife's breasts are fake, however, just like his patriotism."

Boy, those lefties really aren't hiding their anti-semitism anymore, are they?

The party of Tlaib/Omar/AOC at work ladies and gentlemen.

Next up for ARM: The Rothschilds are secret funders of Jared Kushners international Jewish conspiracies!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

YoungHegelian said...
I asked if you thought the Saudi government funded & perpetrated 9/11.

"A madrassa is an Islamic religious school. Many of the Taliban were educated in Saudi-financed madrassas in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism, a particularly austere and rigid form of Islam which is rooted in Saudi Arabia. Around the world, Saudi wealth and charities contributed to an explosive growth of madrassas during the Afghan jihad against the Soviets. During that war (1979-1989), a new kind of madrassa emerged in the Pakistan-Afghanistan region -- not so much concerned about scholarship as making war on infidels. The enemy then was the Soviet Union, today it's America."

Yes, the Saudi government is ultimately responsible for the ideology that its clerics and people propagated across the Islamic world. Osama bin Laden was part of the Saudi elite and reflected views held within that elite. Fortunately we now have Trump's son-in-law regularly giving them rim jobs so I guess things are A-OK now.

Beasts of England said...

CNN settled with Sandmann today!!

Rabel said...

"it was the Saudis who funded, planned and perpetrated 9/11"

Drago said...

You know, anti-semitism as a rationale would go quite a long way in explaining the behavior of today's leftists.

Thank goodness the majority of the British public figured out what Corbyn and the Corbynistas and the entire Labour party was all about.

Drago said...

Beasts of England: "CNN settled with Sandmann today!!"

And, given Inga's performance in the Carter Page matter, I doubt she will ever take back her lies and smears of these highschoolers as white supremacist nazi's.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It's anti-semitic to say a man's wife has fake breasts? This would seem to be the grossest kind of stereotyping on your part Drago.

Drago said...

Rabel: "it was the Saudis who funded, planned and perpetrated 9/11" (Links to obama's full bow to the Saudi king while on the Obama Global Hate America Apology Tour)

Rabel, I don't know if you caught ARM's earlier comments but I can tell you from experience that he will be along shortly to explain the obama bow as the most "courageous" bow to a Saudi Ruler in the History of the World....because everything obama is "courageous" by definition.

Particularly Red Lines and permanently refusing weapons systems to America's allies.

Drago said...

ARM: "It's anti-semitic to say a man's wife has fake breasts? This would seem to be the grossest kind of stereotyping on your part Drago."

Given how you exposed yourself with your comment (very LLR-lefty Chuck-like), I suppose that is the best you can do to try and salvage it.

Iman said...

Fer chrissakes, again the birdcage lining NYT...

effinayright said...

Even as I write, huge "Cultural Site" signs are being erected and pointed skyward at Iran's oil refineries, munitions factories, nuclear facilities , missile bases and the like.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"President Barack Obama has never had a great relationship with Saudi Arabia. Obama has cast the Saudis as "so-called" allies; bemoaned the terrorist-inspiring version of Islam they practice; and even suggested the oil-rich Arab state learn to "share" the Middle East with rival Iran."

Obama took a balanced view of the region, he didn't feel the need to regularly toss the salad of the Saudis, like Trump's son-in-law.

Drago said...

wholelottasplainin': "Even as I write, huge "Cultural Site" signs are being erected and pointed skyward at Iran's oil refineries, munitions factories, nuclear facilities , missile bases and the like."

With this fine print: "Paid For By The Democrat National Committee"

Achilles said...

Inga said...

You know Achilles, there is HELP for veterans suffering from PTSD or mental health issues.


Democrats passed initiative 1639.

In Washington State if I want to buy a gun I have to sign a waiver waiving my HIPAA rights so the State can look at my medical records.

We know why Democrats want to label their opponents crazy.

Because they are totalitarian pieces of shit like Inga whose only goal is to disarm us and persecute us.

Beasts of England said...

I hope there’s no mention in this thread of Obama bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia. That would be awkward...

Drago said...

ARM: "Obama took a balanced view of the region, he didn't feel the need to regularly toss the salad of the Saudis, like Trump's son-in-law."

You're not very good at rewriting history, though you do try.

obama wants Iran to be a nuclear power and to threaten Israel. obama had to support Shia Iran over Sunni Saudi Arabia as a condition of sucking up to the mad mullahs.

Unfortunately for ARM, history only began yesterday for him, Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck. Most of the other commenters can remember things prior to Jan of 2017.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think there's this weird obsession attempting to guess what Trump is really thinking.

John henry said...

Many years ago I read a book by a national socialist army officer about the invasion of Russia. He told how his unit had taken over a Russian civilian hospital, moved all the patients upstairs and used the ground floor to set up firing positions. Anti - tank guns iirc.

He was outraged, really livid and went on at some length that the Russians shot back at them. With tank cannon! At a clearly identified hospital! With Russian civilians inside!

He argued that it proved what uncivilized barbarians the Russians were and deserved what they got.

Not a weird about the Germans using the hospital as a fortification and the barbarity of that.

John Henry

I can I'm

FullMoon said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FullMoon said...
I like nice breasts

I am glad that you are so anxious to defend Trump's son-in-law. His wife's breasts are fake, however, just like his patriotism.

Piss poor Ken M imitation, your pastor displeased, downvote.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

So, Obama, who was regularly chided for being very cool on the Saudis, is the problem but Trump's son-in-law, who routinely eats jam and poundcake with the Saudis and cleans up their kitchen, gets a pass?

Achilles said...

Drago said...

...and if any of them survives this conflict and dares to become a republican aide, give Inga the strength to falsely accuse them of being insane and suffering from PTSD and being russian spies and treasonous traitors....

The goal is to use "red flag" laws to disarm us after they declare us crazy.

It is a simple totalitarian play.

Howard said...

Blogger FullMoon said... Inga said...
“Per Fox, US bases in Iraq under missile attack from Iran.”

Planned weeks ago..

I bow down to the master

Howard said...

The Iranian response seems weak. What's their game here?

Playing to democrat leaders by goading Trump into disproportionate response?

FullMoon said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

So, Obama, who was regularly chided for being very cool on the Saudis, is the problem but Trump's son-in-law, who routinely eats jam and poundcake with the Saudis and cleans up their kitchen, gets a pass?

Too subtle..downvote

bagoh20 said...

People study, discuss, and fight over Trump's words like he's a religious profit talking in some cryptic code.

Isn't it obvious that he said what he said because he thought it would scare people he was trying to warn out of doing something stupid? What the hell else could he be saying. It was a threat that maybe he wouldn't or couldn't carry out, but the target never knows with someone like Trump, that's the advantage of being so crazy and evil that half the country catches a debilitating psychological syndrome that makes them crazy and evil too. Powerful medicine, man.

Unfortunately, like they always do, the Democrats try their very hardest to assure our enemy that they have their backs and that there is nothing to worry about if you want to attack us somewhere. We won't let that big bad Trump hurt you if you do.

Michael K said...

ARM: "Obama took a balanced view of the region, he didn't feel the need to regularly toss the salad of the Saudis, like Trump's son-in-law."

I didn't read all the comments as I have a weak stomach but we need a smarter class of leftists.

They cannot be devoting much brain power to these nasty stupid comments,.

FullMoon said...

Howard said...

The Iranian response seems weak. What's their game here?

Response was a sternly worded letter. Iran media broadcasting they have retaliated for assassination. Quid pro quo, it's over.

You break all the windows in the neighbors car, he let's the air out of your tire "We're even now".

bagoh20 said...

The retaliation has begun with Iranian attacks on US bases in Iraq. Check your news. We're up to bat next.

Iman said...

“Playing to democrat leaders by goading Trump into disproportionate response?“

Well, they understood the Democrats would have a press release condemning POTUS all prepared and ready to excrete in the event of an Iranian response.

Drago said...

Howard: "The Iranian response seems weak. What's their game here?
Playing to democrat leaders by goading Trump into disproportionate response?"

That's not a bad guess.

We should ask John Kerry what he advised the Iranians to do in his meeting with them in Paris 2 weeks ago.

FullMoon said...

From elsewhere

"We sent one missile. Iran sent many. Will the UN condemn Iran for a disproportionat retaliation?"

John henry said...

So pdjt "likes to obey the law"

I suspect that all of us here make a good faith effort to obey the law in our daily lives.

I also suspect that every one of us broke at least one law today.

1 there are hundreds of thousands of federal. Nobody knows them all. Just because you don't know about a law doesn't mean you didn't break it. Also hundreds of thousands of state and municipal laws to know and obey.

2 many laws are ambiguous. Even if you know what the law says, we daily see 2 judges interpreting it differently. Or even the same judge ondifferent days.

3 laws are contradictory. Sometimes complying with one law can force violation of another. In the 70s my company made opium suppositories. OSHA requirements for the mixing room violated DEA. Complying with DEArequired an OSHA violation. (we violated osha and regularly got fined since that was all osha could do. Dea could pull our license to buy raw opium)

So pdjt's answer is spot on. He, like all of usmakes a good faith effort to comply with all laws. He, like all of us, sometimes walks up to the edge of the law. Or so it appears with 40+years of no violations.

But he also realizes that a good faith effort is the best any of us can do.

Anyone who says they didn't violate any law today is full of shit.

John Henry

Leland said...

The Iranian response seems weak.

They wanted to do more but something happened to their best military mind after leaving the airport.

Drago said...

ARM: "So, Obama, who was regularly chided for being very cool on the Saudis, is the problem but Trump's son-in-law, who routinely eats jam and poundcake with the Saudis and cleans up their kitchen, gets a pass?"

Okay ok. We get it.

The Iranians should have nukes and be able to operate with impunity in the Middle East as Allah and obama intended it and we should all pretend strange and bizarre things like the Iranians gave us "zero" and thus have had a great impact on our space program.

Hence the primary mission objective of NASA during the obama admin being muslim outreach.

'nuff said.

Drago said...

John Henry: "I also suspect that every one of us broke at least one law today."

More like 3 laws, according to that book that I need to look up to refresh my memory on the title.

Iman said...

“ Hopefully no more America troops gets killed for Trump’s folly.”

Inga’s fervent hopes and sincerity could be felt for miles around. Really.

John henry said...

 Quotes > Quotable Quote

“Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.”

John Henry

Amadeus 48 said...

Trump likes what the English call “taking the piss” out of his critics. He likes to deflate them. “Oh, you got a thing about the law, do you? Well, I like following the law, so don’t get your knickers in a twist. Which law would you like me to follow? There are a lot of laws. I have lawyers that advise me. Talk to them.”

John henry said...


You really surprise me sometimes. I always thought you hated white Aryan nations. In the past you've expressed this sentiment pretty vehemently.

Now our president goes against them and you get upset?

When did you become an Aryan nation supporter?

And why?

John Henry

bobby said...

A. The Iranian mullahs and leaders mostly live in old huge mansions scattered about the cities. The Iranians have always referred to these as "cultural sites" - their own words. It's pretty obvious what Trump was threatening. The message to them was clear - and he could back down from that word usage in public after the fact with his message safely delivered.

B. I don't buy into the "diabolical genius" fable about Trump, but he always manages to say things that trigger leftists to jump in to defend the devil. Makes it very clear to non-Washingtonians which side those lefties are really on. Even here, on this blog, it's apparent which posters would choose to let my kids live under Iranian mullah rule rather than let Trump win anything.

Amadeus 48 said...

“Soleimani? That murderer? That was revenge, pure and simple. Bye bye sucker. Burn in hell. We were waiting for an excuse. You shouldn’t have staged that attack on the embassy. We got a few more tricks up our sleeve. That oil industry in Iran looks juicy. You might start thinking about reviving your carpet industry. That may be all you have left.”

Trump grew up where threats were routine.

pious agnostic said...

I see Inga is still dedicated to the practice of punitive psychiatry

Drago said...

pious agnostic: "I see Inga is still dedicated to the practice of punitive psychiatry"

As noted earlier, lefties gonna lefty and declare all political opponents mentally unsound.

It's only happened in every single place every single time the left has become ascendant.

dustbunny said...

Trump is unpredictable. Inga is totally, dully predictable.

Quaestor said...

Now, I see his "If that’s what the law is, I like to obey the law." Such a casual attitude about law.

And why not? The law, especially, international law is a mutable thing; that's why we have law-makers as well as law-enforcers to unmake laws that no longer suit us or fail to produce desirable results. So far, the treaties that were enacted to protect cultural sites from destruction by acts of war have not protected all parties equally, which ought to bring the eminence of those treaties into question.

There is another principle of international law that can also be at work in this situation — reciprocity. In war, the violation of a Law of War statute by one signatory side absolves the other. For example, in WWII Hitler ordered that captured Allied airmen be handcuffed until delivered into the custody of the German POW camp system. Apparently, he wanted the propaganda value of captured airmen being visibly treated as criminals. This was a clear violation of the 1929 Geneva Convention. Following the principle of reciprocity, the Allies announced their intention to handcuff Axis POWs, which could result in them being so restrained until they were transported thousands of miles by sea to camps in the United States and Canada, a period lasting weeks, perhaps months. Consequently, Hitler rescinded his handcuff order. Clearly, reciprocity worked to preserve the goals of international law in that case.

So far international law has not worked to restain the actions of Iran, either its direct actions, such as the 1979 invasion of the American embassy and the subsequent hostage-taking, or the actions of its proxies. International law seems to restrain only those inclined to act in harmony with its goals without respect to its sanctions.

(reposted from 6:05 pm with typos fixed)

Quaestor said...

It [the American embassy in Tehran] could be considered American property, after all.

Could be? IS. There are binding treaties whenever diplomatic relations are established which establish the sovereignty of embassies and ambassadorial residences. By even the laxest, most Iran-friendly reading of international law, Iran's occupation and appropriation of the embassy is illegal. Iran has not sought a decision from The Hague international court that could, in theory, grant Iranian sovereignty to the builds and grounds because showing up in court would acknowledge the court's jurisdiction in the matter, which forty years ago ordered the embassy restored to U.S. control and the release of the hostages.

n.n said...

Personally, I like nice breasts but make no judgement on your sexual fantasies.

Equal and complementary, male and female sex, masculine and feminine gender attributes (e.g. breasts, sexual orientation).

YoungHegelian said...


Osama bin Laden was part of the Saudi elite and reflected views held within that elite.

And where was OBL when the attack was carried out? In Afghanistan, his second perch after having fled the Kingdom for Somalia. OBL was essentially in exile from Saudi Arabia. Now, why might that be, if his ideology was so much in favor at the court?

I don't deny that SA feeds & waters around the globe strains of Islam that I'd just as soon see go extinct. I think that over the years the royal family tried to use certain strains of Wahabist fundamentalism to bolster their credibility, and found that it was the Court that was being used & not the other way around.

Yes, the Saudi government is ultimately responsible for the ideology that its clerics and people propagated across the Islamic world

So, the USSR is responsible for the Chinese Great Leap Forward & Cultural Revolution? It was, after all, the USSR's ideology that got propagated across the Socialist World.

The problem with your view that the Saudi government is responsible for 9/11, ARM, is that it quickly devolves iton Alex Jones levels of tin-foil-hattedness. That the US government, after such an attack, refused to topple the Kingdom & take the world's largest reserve of oil (which would have been a yuuuuuge strategic coup for the US in those pre-fracking days)from a people as universally despised as the Saudis (even the Muslims can't stand them) because of, well, what? That the Saudis have their digs into whom exactly? I mean, even the Filipinos who actually do the work in SA would have been happy to see us take over & murder the Saudis!

Matt Sablan said...

"Trump's actions have unified the Iranian people behind the clerics and the military. Obama's didn't. It's not complicated."

-- Except for when Obama backed down from assisting the Green Revolution and allowed said Iranian regime to massacre them.

Molly said...


Beasts of England: You are 100% right. My father was classified as a casualty of war because he committed suicide as a result of PTSD, and I too say Inga should keep her mouth shut.

Who with any empathy for the U.S. and its soldiers would keep attacking someone for having PTSD and keep calling them "bat shit"?

Also, is English not Inga's first language? She keeps saying bat shit, but that's not the English or American idiom.

Inga said...

I too say Inga should keep her mouth shut.“

You first. If you had any sense you’d recognize that the things Achilles accuses me and other liberals of is not what sane people would say. I gave him a link to where he can find help. And “bat shit” is merely a shortened way of saying bat shit crazy. So why don’t you fly back to your cave and hang upside down for a while?

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "You first. If you had any sense you’d recognize that the things Achilles accuses me and other liberals of is not what sane people would say."

You accused an honorable military officer of being a treasonous traitor and russian spy and even after that smear was utterly debunked you refused to take it back.

You and your liberal pals weep for terrorist leaders who have killed Americans and tell us that MS13 machete murderers have that "spark of divinity" while refusing to even recognize their victims.

You are the party of infanticide.

It goes on and on and on.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
I too say Inga should keep her mouth shut.“

You first. If you had any sense you’d recognize that the things Achilles accuses me and other liberals of is not what sane people would say. I gave him a link to where he can find help. And “bat shit” is merely a shortened way of saying bat shit crazy. So why don’t you fly back to your cave and hang upside down for a while?

We see you Inga.

We see who you side with. We see what you support. We see you trying to take our freedom every day.

Anyone want to look up Inga's response to Osama Bin Laden being killed? Or when Muammar Khadafi was killed?

We don't really have to it would be boring at this point. We know she doesn't really think about how obvious she is. She is such an obviously disgusting human being the host of this board asked her to stop posting here.

Keep up the good work. I know Ann wants you to stop posting because you are a piece of shit.

I don't want you to stop because everyone gets to see who you are.

Inga said...

“You and your liberal pals weep for terrorist leaders who have killed Americans and tell us that MS13 machete murderers have that "spark of divinity" while refusing to even recognize their victims.”

You sound as disturbed as poor Achilles. You need me to repost the link to get help?

Qwinn said...

George H W Bush betrayed the Iraqis by promising to back their rebellion against Saddam following the Iraq War. The rebels captured all but 2 provinces, I think 19 out of 21, and without our help. Then Saddam brought out the helicopter gunships, and H W let him tear the rebels to pieces with them.

The reason we weren't greeted more as liberators is because Poppa Bush suckered the bulk of the Iraqis that *would* have welcomed us to their deaths. Who knows how history would've turned out if not for his betrayal.

Between Obama screwing the Iranian rebels, and Poppa Bush betraying the Iraqi rebels, it sure seems like the Deep State *likes* seeing anyone who rebels against dictators get slaughtered. Culling the populations of deplorables?

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "You sound as disturbed as poor Achilles. You need me to repost the link to get help?"


The left has been holding rallies in support of Soleimani and lefties across the country have been apologizing to an islamic supremacist regime that murders homosexuals and shoots its citizens in the street and oppresses women under sharia law.

Meanwhile, Nancy and her crew and you all speak of the "spark of divinity" of MS13 members and other terrorists meanwhile the victims of these animals can't get the dems during a state of the union to even look at them.

And it's all on video, which makes your silly denials even funnier.

Achilles said...

"Turns out I am really good at killing people."

Said by the guy who killed Anwar Awlaki and his 15 year old son with a drone strike.

Number of democrat complaints: 0.0

You people are all so transparent and gross.

John henry said...

2 separate done strikes, achilles.

The son was killed 2 weeks later.

How does Team Obama justify killing him?
The answer Gibbs gave is chilling:

ADAMSON: ...It's an American citizen that is being targeted without due process, without trial. And, he's underage. He's a minor.
GIBBS: I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children. I don't think becoming an al Qaeda jihadist terrorist is the best way to go about doing your business.


Pretty chilling read.

John Henry

Crazy World said...

Thank you Lord for this President Amen

Rusty said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, because the left likes to hang on to certain facts and then ignore all others. Didn't the administartion of SA change hands recently? Did they not then decide to recignize Israel as a state? Were they not attacked by Iran? Did they agree to buy more military hardware from us?
Would these be good reasons to send the presidents son aas ambassador and salesman to Saudi?
Just wondering.

Qwinn said...

Rusty - oh, probably. Almost certainly, actually. ARM always lies. And since he once again couldn't be bothered to reply to what SHOULD be a very simple and easy question about Hunter Biden (unless the Left is full of shit as usual), I consider it safe to continue on under that assumption about his smears of Donald Jr.

Narr said...

As to the droning of the Islamic brat-bastard under Obama, it's one of the few decent things he ever did. Nits make lice.

The only Bahai I ever knew personally was a library colleague for a few months many years ago.

He was a Navy vet (journo) and always eager to let people know that he and other Bahai's were the finest examples of humanity one could ever hope to meet.

He overestimated as far as himself, anyway

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