January 2, 2020

"How is this different to a million other things? Airlines, Uber, property. It’s called supply and demand."

One response, quoted in The NY Post, to Mayor Bill De Blasio's tweet, "Jacking up your prices on people trying to celebrate the holidays? Classy, @dominos.... To the thousands who came to Times Square last night to ring in 2020, I’m sorry this corporate chain exploited you — stick it to them by patronizing one of our fantastic LOCAL pizzerias."

A Domino's deliveryman was bringing pizzas out to the crowd in Times Square on New Year's Eve and asking and getting $30 a pie — about double the normal price:
[Deliveryman Ratan] Banik ran between the parlor and Times Square, balancing a stack of hot pies on his head while touting his cheesy wares — some hungry revelers tapping him on the shoulder to ask his price.

“Pepperoni, cheese, onion!” Banik called before being mobbed by starving tourists waiting in giant holding pens in Times Square, many having camped out overnight.

“He is our Santa,” said Amit Zanwar, 31, from New Jersey, who was with two friends for the spectacular and didn’t pack any food. “He came a little late [for Christmas], but we were happy.... It’s absolutely worth it. It was hot. It seems like it just came out of the oven... If he comes back, I will buy some more.”

The tens of thousands of tourists who decided to ring in the new decade in Times Square arrived as early as Monday evening and were not allowed to leave once they were in holding pens — meaning many were employing rather degrading tactics to last the distance....
Were the "fantastic LOCAL pizzerias" bringing pizza out to these people who were enduring the city's "rather degrading" detention of human beings in "holding pens"? If they were, were they charging less than an extra $15 for delivery to the site? De Blasio talks like a teenager. And he tweeted that from the official Twitter account of mayor of New York City.


Chris N said...

I see filthy corporate raiders exploiting The People again, just like the potentially fascist police target marginalized People Of Color.

Real Dominos are played on the streets, where real Italians like Danny Aiello make amends with Spike Lee. Do you happily eat local, folded Pizza Pies, smiling as if on a People’s mural?

As your new Mayor, I will liberate you from the shackles of free enterprise and law.

-Bigger Bill De Blasio. More real. More woke. Now 15% taller. Graffiti-admirer. Definitely More pink. ***Made with the parts of real and lesser Council members,.

gilbar said...

Mayor Wilhelm thinks that pizzas should be like gasoline
There are laws that prevent "price gouging" of gasoline during emergencies

SO, in an emergency (or, potential emergency) THE FIRST THING YOU WANT TO DO,
is go top off your gas tank; 'cause real soon, gas will run out ('cause of everyone topping off)
Then, if you need gas.... YOU ARE OUT OF LUCK

Gas companies can't make extra profits, so they WON'T make extra efforts
It's a Great System... If the Idea is to make people run out of gas.

Hypothetical: In an emergency, would you rather buy gas for $10/gal; or HAVE NO GAS?
If gas prices (or pizza prices) increased in 'emergencies', people would only get the gas (or pizzas) that they needed/wanted; unlike now, where you get AS MUCH as you can... 'cause they'll run out soon!!

Shouting Thomas said...

99% of LOCAL NYC pizza is awful crap, dripping with excess fat and dosed with way too much salt.

The emphasis is on cheap and big. If you're in training for heart disease, LOCAL NYC pizza is the way to go.

There are a few very good pizzerias in the Village and in Brooklyn, but they aren't really oriented toward delivery.

rehajm said...

De Blasio loathes economics...

I agree with Shouting Thomas- most NYC pizza is dreck. I’ll take New Haven, thank you...

Bob Boyd said...

Pepperoni is made from ground hog. Coincidence?

tim maguire said...

You’re right, prof. It's not a supply and demand issue, it’s an incentives issue. Carrying hot pizzas around that crowd is not fun and no one would do it without a premium. If $15 was too much, others would be doing it for less.

Bob Boyd said...

You probably could have sold PBJ's for 30 bucks in that crowd.
Fantastic, local PBJ's, not the awful corporate kind.

Wilbur said...


Try PBRs.

Paco Wové said...

Presumably DeBlasio is just using the "evil capitalists" meme to try to get ahead of the "tourists in cages!" meme.

Wilbur said...

NYC gets the mayor it deserves.

chuck said...

De Blasio for fairy godmother.

Laslo Spatula said...

1. How much more expensive were hotel rooms near Times Square on that night?

2. How much more expensive is any item in Times Square on any day of the year?

3. How can we make it Trump's fault?

I am Laslo.

Leland said...

You should see the prices charged inside Yankee stadium.

gilbar said...

The Real Question

Is WHY would people voluntarily lock themselves up for new years?
It does NOT sound fun... I heard there aren't many bathrooms.... And Pizza costs $30!

Laslo Spatula said...

I imagine hookers charge more on New Year's Eve, too.

Sometimes it costs a bit more to ring in the New Year with a three-way.

I am Laslo.

Bob Boyd said...

NYC tax-gouges people because so many want to be there.

rehajm said...

How did the NYT commenter get that one past the censors?

wendybar said...

They wear adult diapers so they don't have to worry about finding a bathroom.

rhhardin said...

It's called price gouging, and is bait for mob action; it's actually an economic good but the mob likes rage more than anything.

Important and entertaining podcast on price gouging by Mike Munger

back when econtalk was good.

Bob Boyd said...

Sometimes it costs a bit more to ring in the New Year with a three-way.

One reveler said, "He came a little late [for Christmas], but we were happy.... It’s absolutely worth it. It was hot."

Temujin said...

"De Blasio talks like a teenager."

That says all there is to know about the entirety of his Mayoral terms. He's not bright. He's a city pol and has friends. If he actually looked around his city and had to live in the city as normal working people do, he'd quickly notice that everything in that city is ridiculously overpriced and mostly because of the taxes and fees and payoffs that businesses have to pay out to operate there.

Unlike the businesses in the city, those people in the crowd on NYE did not HAVE to pay for a pizza. It was a choice. Those who bought one, wanted one. Figure dinner for 2-3 at $30. In NYC that's a steal. De Blasio spend more than that on the blue cheese olives in his martinis.

Fernandinande said...

"New York City?!?"

Doug said...

More of this nonsense coming to NYC, SF, and Chicago, because that is what their voters repeatedly day that they want from their elected officials. Give it to them - good and hard.

AMDG said...

I have never understood the appeal of being in Times Square on New Years Eve. It has all,the appeal,of riding around Europe in a cattle car.

JAORE said...

Every threat of a hurricane in the Gulf brings out the NO PRICE GOUGING notices. I always note how counter productive this is.

Now I'll just say, "No pizza for YOU!"

Fernandinande said...

"different from" is about 20 times more correct than "different to".

John henry said...

I read the article and am unclear who was getting the extra $15. Was it the guy or the store?

A couple other points

Nobody complained, according to the article

This has been going on for 15 years

They sold about 50 extra pizzas this way

No mention of risk. What happens if the guy goes into the crowd and someone decides to liberate the 10 pizzas the guy is carrying? It's OK because capitalist ripoff, right? But then there go much of the profits.

It would have been interesting if they had gone to a couple other pizzerias, delis, c-stores and the to see why they were NOT doing the same thing.

John Henry

James K said...

"different from" is about 20 times more correct than "different to".

Brits say "different to," Americans say "different from" or "different than." Not sure about the rest of the British empire.

daskol said...

Compare with and compare to also worthy of debate.

Ralph L said...

Isn't letting pizza deliveries into the holding pens a security breach? Probably the pens are only there to discourage more tourists from coming.

daskol said...

I always felt "contrast with" and "compare to," but there's a lot of variation to be seen.

daskol said...

In the interest of avoiding a dangerous underestimation of one's opponents, I'm loathe to write off characters like deBlasio as simply not very bright. I'm not sure there's any other explanation for him, though. Which suggests he is likely pretty ruthless, because he's not smart and definitely not slick.

stevew said...

DeBlasio is just affirming that he is a socialist, possibly communist (uses "exploit"), and thoroughly anti-capitalist. This is not a surprise to anyone that pays attention to him. Agree that he is childish.

Gk1 said...

DeBlasio is a communist jock sniffer. Of course he wouldn't understand supply and demand. He's never held a proper job in his life and has no idea what he's talking about.

Francisco D said...

Nobody complained, according to the article

If you don't like the price, don't buy the pizza.

Same thing goes for BMWs.

However, when Bernie becomes POTUS, prices will be controlled. DeBlasio wants to be Price Commissar.

Tommy Duncan said...

It seems to me a national chain saw an opportunity those wonderful local pizza joints missed. Were the consumers forced to buy the pizzas from Domino's?

Also, why does New York need all those local pizza joints when the government could more efficiently produce pizzas in federal factories and ensure everyone gets the same delightful sausage and cheese product delivered cold to their doors?

Howard said...

De Blazio is swanged his Trump schtick and struck out. As a former working stiff, time and a half was the standard for overtime and bumped to double time on a holiday.

Michael said...

Holding Pens

Just affirming once more that our government considers us little more than livestock.

rcocean said...

Del Blasio is considered a smart, centrist Pol in NYC. Which tells you a lot about New YOrkers. And these are the people who read/write the New York Times.

rcocean said...

Does anyone remember that "the Blase" ran for President? that seems like a million years ago.

tcrosse said...

I'll believe De Blasio is a Socialist when he advocates seizing all Manhattan real estate and redistributing it to the Workers. Otherwise, he's a dilettante.

rcocean said...

Like Comey, De blasio is absurdly tall. We get a lot so stupid TALL leaders because people are impressed by height.

tcrosse said...

Charles De Gaulle was 6'5"

Maillard Reactionary said...

"De Blasio talks like a teenager."

That's because he thinks like a teenager, and not a very bright one.

Howard said...

It's only freakishly tall if you're pathetically short. It's the paralax skew

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

I assume this is DeBlasio's way of assuring us that none of the NYC police, transit or sanitation workers on duty during the celebration were receiving overtime pay.

Scott Anderson said...

Price signals are an amazing technology. We overlook their unreasonable efficiency because they seem like such a normal part of life.

Hannio said...

When my son was in college he delivered pizza for Papa John's. One year, he and a friend made over $1000 in a weekend by selling pizza by the slice outside the entrance to the Austin City Limits Music festival. They bought pizza at cost from PJ's and sold each slice for $1. I told him he should have charged $5 but he thought that was excessive. Eventually the police showed up and told them they couldn't do that.

Anyway, it was at that moment that I stopped worrying about my son, who had always been a very lackluster student in high school and college. He showed some entrepreneurial spirit and initiative, something I did not have at that age even though I was an excellent student.

bflat879 said...

What I can't figure out, from reading the story, is if he's employed by Dominos or he was buying them for $15 and going out and selling them for $30? It's quite possible he bought a couple, figuring he'd make some money, and it went a lot better than he thought.

I can imagine going into a restaurant, in New York, during the celebration, would have cost considerably more. Does anyone know the answer?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. I thought it was NYC law that tourists existed only to be exploited by locals?

Michael K said...

A federal judge has granted an injunction against the new CA law on gig workers. It would put 70,000 independent truckers out of business.

Reality bites. Democrats and economics do not mix.

SGT Ted said...

"Come to NYC to Celebrate NYE and we'll put you in a detention camp until it's over!"

It escapes me why people vote for Progressives at all.

Caligula said...

In DeBlasio's world, it's better that no one can have pizza than that it is available to those willing and able to pay that higher-than-usual price to obtain it.

In extremis, this attitude produces Venezuela supermarkets: prices are low (because it's unlawful to sell above the price caps), but, the store shelves are empty. So no price gouging, and even inequality is banished: problem solved!!

Paul Snively said...

Between DeBlasio and Lorena Gonzalez, author of California's disastrous AB5 law, I have to wonder how such economically pig-ignorant people get political power?

Guildofcannonballs said...


Try PCP.

Mark said...

Public transit jacks up its prices during times of high demand (i.e. rush hour).

GingerBeer said...

Way back in the '70s I saw the "Stones" at JFK in Philadelphia. It was a crappy, rainy day, so we stopped by a Pathmark in South Philly and picked up several boxes of large, black trash bags. We cut holes, arms & head, and sold the rest for a $1 a bag. I think the tickets were $15 or $20. We ended up making $200 selling the bags. I wonder if DeBlasio was one of those saturated to the bone who was bitching about the price?

RonF said...

Doug said:

"More of this nonsense coming to NYC, SF, and Chicago, because that is what their voters repeatedly day that they want from their elected officials. Give it to them - good and hard."

That's because the people who don't want that are moving out of Chicago; in fact, they are moving out of the State of Illinois. They see that they are and will stay outnumbered by the people who see them as resources to be exploited so that they can get "free" stuff.

When I moved into Illinois in the late '70's we had 24 Representatives in the House. Now there are 18, and the 2020 Census will result in that going down to 17. The State is actually losing population, one of only 3 States to do so.

Unknown said...

"99% of LOCAL NYC pizza is awful crap, dripping with excess fat and dosed with way too much salt.

There are a few very good pizzerias in the Village and in Brooklyn, but they aren't really oriented toward delivery. "

I don't that pizza was intended for gay people.

Gordon Scott said...

Here's another thing the dumb ass mayor doesn't understand: Domino's may be a national chain, but the stores are owned by local people. The profits from a Domino's sale go to someone in New York, the same as those local joints.

Yes, the ingredients come from a corporate warehouse. So what? The flour in a local pizza wasn't grown or milled in NYC. Nor were the tomatoes, or the cheese, or the spices. They were all grown or made elsewhere, and purchased from a warehouse operated by a corporation.

Earnest Prole said...

De Blasio talks like a teenager. And he tweeted that from the official Twitter account of mayor of New York City.

I'm shocked, shocked to find teenage tweeting on official twitter accounts.

Michael K said...

When I moved into Illinois in the late '70's we had 24 Representatives in the House. Now there are 18, and the 2020 Census will result in that going down to 17. The State is actually losing population, one of only 3 States to do so.

California may lose a House seat this year. First time in history. The census has to ask about citizenship to prevent the cheaters,.

ZZMike said...

"... different to ..."????? Is the Times now the arbiter of English?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The commie mayor is opposed to the pizza man getting paid extra to work on New Year's Eve.

JaimeRoberto said...

I bet NYC has a bunch of taxes like hotel taxes intended to exploit tourists. And that's all year long not just on New Year's Eve.

Seeing Red said...

It was cash and no taxes.

Clark said...

Are there regions of the USA where it is standard to say "different to"?

Seeing Red said...

When I was born, Chicago was the 2nd largest city. I believe by the time I die, it will be 4th largest. Houston will be third.

Tomcc said...

Wow! And people accuse Mr. Trump of tweeting without thinking! If Mr. DeBlasio believes that this helps his appeal to the "working man", then he clearly won't connect with the "working man" selling those pizzas.

Steverino said...

If Comrade DeBlasio thinks inflated prices for pizza in Times Square on New Years is bad, then he should look into inflated prices for everything in movie theaters. Let him begin his socialist revolution there, first!

Thorley Winston said...

You should see the prices charged inside Yankee stadium.

Or at an airport.

Or at any convention or concert where people are not allowed to bring in outside food.

And unlike Domino’s they don’t bring it out to their customers.

If the concern is really “price gouging” for pizza (because people don’t have agency), then there’s a whole list of much worse offenders ahead of the Domino’s guy who sold pizza to people in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

Lazarus said...

You lost me at "different to".

I guess that's Britspeak.

rcocean said...

"it's only freakishly tall if you're pathetically short. It's the paralax skew"

This has to be the stupidest thing I've read. Its like saying someone who weighs 500 lbs is only fat to some one who's pathetically thin. Or running 9.9 100 is only Freakishly fast to someone who run as 15 second 100.


rcocean said...

Shorter Howard: I'm just a old boomer troll, who says stupid shit.

bagoh20 said...

I cannot figure out how the same city that hired Giuliani then hired this clown, but they are kinda of a manic/depressive bunch.

bagoh20 said...

It's pretty obvious the mayor overcharges for his work, and a lot more than just double its value.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Did Rachel Maddow cry for all those held in pens, like animals, by that fascist DiBlasio?

john burger said...

I like the last line in the article telling us the franchise owner has had to pay fines on two occassions for underpaying employees. Nice. No only dies he take advantage of poor, destitute New Year's Eve dwellers, he steals from his employees. A right-dishonorable Ebeneezer that one.


ccscientist said...

Communists like DeBlasio don't understand the free market. On New Years Eve you are lucky anything is open and delivery of pizza is never free anyway. I understand that people mobbed the delivery guys--does that sound like exploitation? Personally, it sounds reasonable.

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