January 9, 2020

"CBS News has learned U.S. officials are confident that Iran shot down the Ukrainian passenger jet that crashed Wednesday in Tehran, killing all 176 on board."


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madAsHell said...

Clean up in the loose ends aisle!!

JAORE said...

It has been reported, the plane crashed at the approximate time the Iranians fired their isseles. It is easy to envision a nervous commander seeing a radar blip and thinking the Great Satan was firing back.

pacwest said...

My question would be why were any commercial flights allowed while Iranian anti air defenses on high alert.

mccullough said...

So Iran did what the US did in 1988.

They should retaliate against themselves for their stupidity.

Greg Hlatky said...

The Democrats aren't mourning them.

mccullough said...

Prime Minster Blackface should be all over the Ayatollah for this.

But he’s a pussy.

Pro tip. Don’t travel to Iran

Temujin said...

The fog of war.
Who cleared a commercial flight over a war zone?
And did the flight crew and passengers not realize what was going on around them?

narciso said...

they have less of an excuse, it took off from their own airport, some crack air tracking and missile system though, from a company in mystiki russiam

FullMoon said...

so, CBS only a day behind everyone else? Not too bad.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It was probably caused by Trump withholding aid to Ukraine, or making comments in a phone call to Zelensky that his superiors didn't authorize.

FullMoon said...

Prediction, "If Trump had not ( ),this would not have happened.

Narr said...

This is the world-threatening crafty Persian at work, people!

Probably in cahoots with the L/libertarians, who could care less about air-traffic safety

FullMoon said...

Great minds, etc.

narciso said...

this is the surprise, zarif didn't tell liz Sherman,


Anonymous said...

Expect the usual suspects to go full TDS.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

What great minds?

FullMoon said...

Somebody panic and think it was a jet bomber?

Best for Trump to come out and say it was a terrible accident, kinda let I=killers off the hook, ease tensions.

Lance said...

"US officials" are confident, but apparently not confident enough to go on record.

Not even the President is willing to come right out and say it was definitely Iran.

FullMoon said...

What great minds?
Well, mine and yours.

Levi Starks said...

It seemed to me like that correspondent was showing quite a bit of hair under her “headscarf” is that allowed ?
The only thing missing from this story is an Epstein didn’t kill himself meme.

Lewis Wetzel said...

56 killed in a stampede at Soleimani's funeral.
176 killed when the Iranians shot down a commercial airliner in their own air space.

Compare this to what you've heard and read from the MSM since Friday: WW3 was imminent, the Iranians can attack US targets at will throughout the world, The Iranians have "sleeper cells" in the US prepared to carry out attacks on US civilian & military targets.
Trump was right, the ninnies in the media and the intelligence services were wrong.

Achilles said...

This was never really a question.

What I am curious about are the conveniently timed earthquakes near those reactors.

How common are 4.9 earthquakes? Wikipedia lists 2-4 per year above 5.

Not even I expected Iran to be so contrite.

More is going on here.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Russian TOR-1 missile system is now 2-0 vs airliners associated w/ Ukraine in some fashion

mccullough said...

Might as well blame Trump for The Who-concertesque stampede at The General’s Funeral that killed 100 or so Iranians.

Persia has been in decline since The Arab Muslims invaded them in the 7th century

Jersey Fled said...

If a U.S. aircraft was in fact attacking Tehran, the SAM site would have never seen it coming.

Just preempting the soon to come excuse that they thought it was a U.S. attack.

Yancey Ward said...

Would have been a hell of a coincidence otherwise.

Of course, Trump will now be blamed- it has already started in the media, and will swell enormously if the evidence supporting the claim grows.

mccullough said...

It was a Boeing plane. So it would have crashed anyway

narciso said...

in the case of kal 007 and iran air 655, it was foreign aircraft crossing into a restricted zone, they bogied their own here,

Quaestor said...

So Iran did what the US did in 1988.

If the Iranians made at least 10 attempts to contact the Ukranian civilian passenger flight before launching the SAM that destroyed it, then it will be what the US did in 1988.

Quaestor said...

Obviously, those Ukrainian infidels were spying.

Kevin said...

Did they actually cut into programming with a special report to report that?

I haven't seen TV in years so I didn't even know they still did that, in the age of 24 hour TV news networks and 24 hour internet news. It seems like a non-critical story to be doing that for.

AustinRoth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

They got jumpy.

Big Mike said...

pacwest asks a damned good question.

In the case of MH17 it was a while before the Dutch investigating the crash positively identified the SAM as a Russian BUK. In this case it took only hours before the SAM was known to be a Tor M1. Wikipedia says that this missile is designed to bring down highly maneuverable aircraft with advanced electronic countermeasures. Other sources say that the missile systems are very expensive. Has to be an accident because there is no need to waste an expensive, highly capable, missile on a passenger aircraft.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

mccullough said...

"It was a Boeing plane. So it would have crashed anyway."

A rare literal LOL...Which is pretty sick considering my wife is about to board one in New Orleans and my daughter just got off one in Memphis.

FullMoon said...

Protests scheduled in San Francisco bay area. It is raining today, no war started, Iran killed the 727. Expect minimal turnout, crazies only.
Here is one of the Chuck, Inga, Cook type messages by one of the organizers.

"Anti-diplomacy and warmongering have defined Trump's presidency, but his most recent reckless, illegal acts of aggression have brought us to the brink of all-out war with Iran, a disastrous, unacceptable outcome that we must do everything in our power to stop. Join us with the rest of the nation to show Trump you will not stand for his war with Iran."

MikeR said...

This was a very irresponsible act by the Iranian leadership, bringing the country to the brink of WWIII with the Ukraine.

mccullough said...

Are people going to defend the US incompetence in 1988? Thought a civilian commercial plane was a fighter jet. It was a total fuckup, which is why Reagan wrote the letter and the government paid out $60 million to the victims’ families.

Gimme a break. Our governments list of fuckups is pretty long. It’s ok to criticize them and Iran. It really is

Mike Sylwester said...

Conversation at Iran's surface-to-air missile site:

Lieutenant: Whatever you do, Sergeant, don't push this button.

Sergeant: Which button?

Lieutenant: I said, don't push THIS button!

AustinRoth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

This will be added to the dems/LLR's Articles of Galactic Sham-wow-peachment.

mccullough said...

Ukraine will definitely have to retaliate. After they borrow more money from the US.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Least shocking news of the day. We all kind of knew this already...

Kevin said...

Adam Schiff looking into why it was a Ukranian plane.

These things always lead back to Russia.

Drago said...

Jeff Brokaw: "Least shocking news of the day. We all kind of knew this already..."

What we do not yet know is how the dems/LLR's will blame it on Trump, though that too is a certainty.

Kevin said...

So CBS is back to believing the intelligence community?

Just yesterday it was inconceivable to trust anything that came out of this Administration.

walter said...

Funny stuff there mccullough.
If only Bush had pursued green tech.

Quaestor said...

Iran will never admit any responsibility, nor will any compensation be paid to the families of the victims. The theocrats will mumble "Mashallah," and turn their backs.

Drago said...

mccullough: "Are people going to defend the US incompetence in 1988? Thought a civilian commercial plane was a fighter jet. It was a total fuckup, which is why Reagan wrote the letter and the government paid out $60 million to the victims’ families."

Well, it was a screw up but there are quite a few active factors that should be considered when analyzing the Vincennes shoot down.

The civilian airliner took off from a Miliary/Civilian joint use airbase (ironically, the home base of the Iranian F-14 squadron that we provided to the Shah prior to the revolution), the Vincennes Helicopter was under small arms fire from Iranian swarm boats, the USS Stark had just suffered a direct missile hit within the previous year in this part of the gulf, and there had already been multiple combat events between the US and Iran during the previous year.

Further, the US Navy had already NOTAMed everyone telling civilians which frequencies to monitor in order to deconflict.

Again, it was a screw up but there are massive scenario/context differences in the context of these 2 incidents.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm wondering who on the flight had dirt on Hillary?

Quaestor said...

Off-topic, more or less: Why J. Farmer's argument about Obama's cash shipment to Iran is horseshit.

mccullough said...

Hopefully the debris from the plane didn’t hit any Cultural Sites.

Limited blogger said...

'welcome to the party, pal!'

wendybar said...

DUH??? Who honestly didn't think that???

Nonapod said...

I guess it hasn't really been Iran's week.

frenchy said...

"Again, it was a screw up but there are massive scenario/context differences in the context of these 2 incidents."

But posing false equivalencies are so much fun! Spoil sport.

Drago said...

Nonapod: "I guess it hasn't really been Iran's week."

On the contrary. The Iranians got the entire democrat party and LLR lap poodles to publicly praise their terrorist leader and side with Iran over the US.

Not bad for a couple of weeks work.

walter said...

But you know..a deal is a deal.
Even if the regime you made it with is overthrown, replaced by sworn enemy.
Especially after decades of good behavior.

narciso said...

what our security services have been up to,


rhhardin said...

Obvious from the start. A missle or a bomb. Bomb a lot less likely than a missle, given the timing.

Otherwise the aiplane keeps flying for a while.

gspencer said...

Muslims, showing their incompetence yet again.

1400 years of cousins marrying cousins really does an adverse impact of society.

Chuck said...

Kevin said...
So CBS is back to believing the intelligence community?

Are the Trumpists back to believing the intelligence community? All those "deep staters" who just want to #resist PDJT?

Today, after a classified briefing in which the Administration could not tell the assembled members of the United States Senate exactly what the "imminent" threat was that led to the killing of General Suleimani, and after Vice President Pence stated that he could nlot answer any specific questions about the matter for fear of disclosing sources/methods, Trump blurts out that Iranian agents were plotting to blow up and/or "bomb" the US Embassy.

Here. We. Go. Again.

I actually think that Trump has not gotten used to the fact that when he says such things, he is inviting 1000 more questions that he will not be able to answer. Like targeting cultural sites. Like his claim that he "had calls from numerous senators and numerous congressmen and women saying [the briefing that was criticized by Senators as diverse as Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Chris Murphy] was the greatest presentation they’ve ever had..."

Huh? Which Senators said it was the greatest presentation they ever had? Names, please. How did the cultural sites trashtalk go? And now, what was the intelligence on a polt against the embassy? No reason to not know hold open Congressional hearings on the matter. There's no more secrecy. Trump blew that up.

This will be like the Alabama hurricane warning. Everyone will be watching now for the slightest sign that since Trump made the claim about a plot against the Embassy, the Administration may be tempted/directed/ordered to fabricate some intel to support the statement. It's a no-lose proposition for Democrats. If Trump proves the case of an "imminent" attack on a US Embassy that was foiled by the killing of Suleimani, it's fine and Democrats can accept it. But if not, Trump will have exposed himself to the worst imaginable blowback on the eve of an election.

Ray - SoCal said...

Good link on the M1 Missile, also known as the SAM 15.

It is designed to go after cruise missiles. Cruise Missiles are basically unmanned planes.

Ray - SoCal said...

Great Link Narciso on the Attkinson lawsuit!

What a small world, one of the people involved is now at Crowdstrike.

JPS said...

Mike Sylwester, 12:29:

"Lieutenant: I said, don't push THIS button!"

I was thinking more The Bedford Incident:

[Spoiler alert]

Scary Captain: "Now, Commodore, the Bedford will never fire first. But if he fires one, I'll fire one!"

Jumpy ensign, stressed the hell out by Scary Captain: "Fire one!"

Robert Cook said...

It may be true, but given how often "U.S. officials are confident" of shit that isn't true, (they turn out either to have been totally wrong or totally lying), convincing proof must be produced before this can be accepted as conclusive.

Bob Boyd said...

This is odd.
Hassan Rouhani tweeted this before the Ukrainian plane went down:

Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655
Never threaten the Iranian nation.

10:25 AM - Jan 6, 2020

#IR655 was the Iranian plane shot down in 1988 with 290 casualties.
Not sure what "52" refers to.

narciso said...

like I say a single cruise missile aimed at Baalbek might have changed the whole ball game, 36 years ago, we were told there was an Iranian network targeting the Beirut embassy, we lost a whole division of operatives in one fell swoop, Beirut rules tells the grim tale,

narciso said...

so mike lee the one who had a temper tantrum, was home schooled by harry reid, apprenticed at sidley and Austin, that's the firm that gave michelle Obama her big break, and was chief of staff, for john huntsman, a pattern emerging here,

walter said...

Unknown said...
It may be true, but given how often "U.S. officials are confident" of shit that isn't true, (they turn out either to have been totally wrong or totally lying), convincing proof must be produced before this can be accepted as conclusive.
Therefore, release the black box.

Darrell said...

Not sure what "52" refers to.

Chuck's adjusted IQ.

n.n said...

Why J. Farmer's argument about Obama's cash shipment to Iran is horseshit.

It is unlikely that U.S. would ultimately have been obligated to hand over a single deutschmark to the mullahs. For one thing, the U.S. had its own counterclaims over Iran’s many violations — which, in total, exceeded the amount supposedly “owed” to it. Obama, in his obsessive goal of placating Iran to procure a deal, unilaterally dismissed a stipulation held by the previous administration that the United States wouldn’t release funds until other court judgments held against Iran for its terrorist acts on American citizens were all resolved.

Obama's quid pro Bo as a segue to progress in the greater Middle East and unrelated but tangential conflicts, quid pro Joes, etc., not limited to Libya and Ukraine.

Nichevo said...

Bob, PDT referenced 52 targets in memoriam for the 52 U.S. hostages at the Embassy in Tehran. So yeah, I'm wondering if this was intentional at some level. Big Boss says, let's kill us a US airliner. Underling who replaced Soleimani sez, Oh look, there's a Boeing taking off right now. Good enough.

Nichevo said...

Hey narciso, if I take an IT job with Sidley Austin, am I a bad guy? Just checking.

n.n said...

First, the people... persons whose lives were tragically aborted. RIP.

Hopefully the debris from the plane didn’t hit any Cultural Sites.

That would be an unforced error. A dark irony.

bleh said...

What is this "imminent" standard all about, Chuck? What were the "imminent" threats or plots that justified the U.S. government's assassinations of Baghdadi, bin Laden and al-Awlaki?

Soleimani was the operational leader of a designated terrorist organization. He was officially a marked man. No reasonable person could deny he was involved all around the Middle East in arming, training and plotting with proxy militias and terror groups -- some of the worst and most hostile forces in the region -- and he would've continued to do so if left alive.

As long as he was operational he was fair game.

narciso said...

well one point is coincidence, two is accident, three is enemy action, I'm guessing that the final tip came from a source inside the pasdaran, and the dod doesn't want to give that up, we saw how compromised the Yemeni cell was, for a time, thanks to john brennan,

narayanan said...

JAORE said...

It has been reported, the plane crashed at the approximate time the Iranians fired their isseles. It is easy to envision a nervous commander seeing a radar blip and thinking the Great Satan was firing back.
Fake News - why they don't provide or try to figure timeline or geog coordinates.

---- time the Iranians fired their missiles ~~ 1 am local time from West Iran (far away from Teheran).

---- plane crashed at ~~~ 6am local time >>>> Teheran airport

narciso said...

made the advancement track, a little smoother,


I'm not saying ghaani was responsible, but i'm not denying it either,

Bob Boyd said...

PDT referenced 52 targets...

Okay, that makes sense. Thx. Weird coincidence, but probably just that. Who knows?

Lewis Wetzel said...

I still do not understand why Obama was not impeached over his filling the pockets of the mullahs with cash. The executive is not allowed to spend money unless congress authorizes it. Does Trump have carte blanche to spend seize money in the fed's accounts as he wishes? Obama did not get congressional approval because he could not have gotten it.

Inga said...

“Prediction, "If Trump had not ( ),this would not have happened.”

Well that certainly does deserve a duh.

Iran did the same thing that the US did, how terribly sad. How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani. Poor judgment by Trump and poor judgment by Iran, that’s what gets people killed.

Original Mike said...

"Today, after a classified briefing in which the Administration could not tell the assembled members of the United States Senate exactly what the "imminent" threat was that led to the killing of General Suleimani,"

Don't care. This guy had killed our soldiers in the past and certainly would again. I doubt even you deny this.

narciso said...

where do you think the money went to, in round about ways,


they shot down a plane, taking off from their own airport, not the same,

Inga said...

“I still do not understand why Obama was not impeached over his filling the pockets of the mullahs with cash. The executive is not allowed to spend money unless congress authorizes it.”

The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money.

walter said...

"decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."
Perhaps merciful. Soilyman had a penchant for drilling holes in victims prior.

Meade said...

"Hopefully the debris from the plane didn’t hit any Cultural Sites."

Yes. Even worse — 52 (not more/not less) cultural sites. Because that might make Chuck's head explode. Talk about debris!

And then? Well, Katy bar the door.

(Not that the site of Chuck's head is technically a "cultural site," but let's be fair — it is a site at a very high level & important to Chuck & the Chuckian culture.)

readering said...

This may do more to hurt the Iranian economy than whatever additional sanctions are being put into effect by the US. Who will want to travel to Tehran on business if they think they are in real danger of being shot out of the sky by incompetent Iranian air defense?

bleh said...

"How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."

You're one sick puppy.

Inga said...

“Today, after a classified briefing in which the Administration could not tell the assembled members of the United States Senate exactly what the "imminent" threat was that led to the killing of General Suleimani,"

Hopefully Republicans like Mike Lee and Rand Paul and others will join Democrats to uncover the truth.

narciso said...

as day follows night:


walter said...

"The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money."
see Quaestor?
A deal is a deal! We owed them.

chuck said...

Not the worst case of newsreader voice, but not a trivial case either. I should probably be happy that those poor souls who suffer from the disability can find good paying jobs.

narciso said...

as the jay Solomon piece noted on the other thread, they had been asking for that money since 1980, Obama and Cameron and hollandaise, were the ones foolish enough to give it to them, remember the cache, in casino royale, this was 1,000 fold,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pelosi and Schitt and the Ayatollahs are all on the same page.

mccullough said...

Mike Lee and Rand Paul are under the misimpression that they matter.

Inga said...

‘It was terrible. It was an unmitigated disaster," Lee told Morning Edition host Rachel Martin Thursday.

Lee says his frustration is not over Soleimani's killing.

"It was instead about the possibility of future military action against Iran. And it was on that topic they refused to make any commitment about when, whether and under what circumstances it would be necessary for the president — for the executive branch of government — to come to Congress seeking authorization for the use of military force," he says. "I find that unacceptable."

Lawmakers pressed the administration officials on scenarios and circumstances that would require an congressional authorization for use of military force. They refused to answer, Lee says. "I think it was unprofessional, inappropriate and reflective of a certain cavalier attitude toward the Constitution," he says. "Ours is not a system in which we can be taken into war by the executive, and it never should be."’

This is amazing stuff coming from Republicans. There might be hope.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Quaestor said...

Off-topic, more or less: Why J. Farmer's argument about Obama's cash shipment to Iran is horseshit.

1/9/20, 12:44 PM


Darrell said...

The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money.

There were legal claims in court seeking restitution for expropriated assets, personal injury, and damages that exceeded the amounts in foreign banks. Iranian assets were being held to pay such claims as the court cases were decided. Obama had no right to usurp the court's authority. He should be held financially liable at the very least.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "Hopefully Republicans like Mike Lee and Rand Paul and others will join Democrats to uncover the truth."

Inga and the dems want to make sure the Iranians get access to the intelligence we used to target Soleimani.

Democrat Tammy Duckworth just today said the US "victimized" the poor little terrorist Iranians who killed hundreds of American soldiers....who happen to be Putin's client state.

Once again the dems side with our enemies.


FullMoon said...

Inga said...

“Today, after a classified briefing in which the Administration could not tell the assembled members of the United States Senate exactly what the "imminent" threat was that led to the killing of General Suleimani,"

Hopefully Republicans like Mike Lee and Rand Paul and others will join Democrats to uncover the truth.

How stupid can some people be? Obviously there was a plan prior to the elimination to fire missiles at our guys and allies and to shoot down an airliner. Anything happens from Iran in next six months has already been planned , that is why we took the guy out. Enough is enough !

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money."

Wrong, as usual. And once again, surprisingly (?), in favor of our enemy.

Darrell: "There were legal claims in court seeking restitution for expropriated assets, personal injury, and damages that exceeded the amounts in foreign banks. Iranian assets were being held to pay such claims as the court cases were decided. Obama had no right to usurp the court's authority. He should be held financially liable at the very least."

Quite so.

But remember Darrell, Inga can't remember anything that happened before this morning so she neither knows nor can even understand a single thing you wrote.

Inga said...

“Democrat Tammy Duckworth just today said the US "victimized" the poor little terrorist Iranians who killed hundreds of American soldiers....who happen to be Putin's client state.

Once again the dems side with our enemies.“

War hero Tammy Duckworth who lost both her legs in Iraq? What are you accusing her of? You need to apologize.

Drago said...

Remember how, not that long ago, Trump was being criticized for violating international "norms"?

And here we had US interests in the international court pressing their cased legally under international law and obambi short-circuited that completely.

Number of posts from lefties complaining about obama blasting away at international court proceedings? ZERO

narciso said...

we failed to act for 16 years, and hundreds perhaps thousands died, the body count with mugniyeh, was a little less, after 36 years, largely in gaza,

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "War hero Tammy Duckworth who lost both her legs in Iraq? What are you accusing her of? You need to apologize."

I accurately quoted Duckworth.

The fact that you freak out immediately is due to how indefensible her comment was.

I'm not apologizing to anyone who protects and defends the murderous totalitarian islamic supremacist regime in Tehran.

Darrell said...

Once again the dems side with our enemies.

Take all the Democrats outside and hang them from the lamp posts.

Henceforth this event shall be known as The Crapture.

So shall it be written, so shall it be done.

mccullough said...

He’s accusing Duckworth of being a partisan stooge. Which she is.

When her benefactor Obama did this shit, she was silent.

Drago said...

You know who else served honorably?

Carter Page.

You know who was proven to have served honorably and performed valuable work for our CIA?

Carter Page.

You know who called Carter Page a treasonous traitor and Russian spy?


Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

the death toll was probably higher in Israel proper by proxy,


Inga said...

Drago defends Carter Page and accuses Duckworth of siding with the enemy.

Delusional, or Adderalled?

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "It wasn’t at all obvious to Mike Lee or Rand Paul from the piss poor briefing they got. So are Rand Paul and Mike Lee going to be labeled as traitors now too? As siding with the enemy?"


Paul and Lee were not questioning the existence of a plan dummy. Their specific complaint, which you are too dense to understand, is that they wanted to know specifically under what future hypothetical situations the administration believes would require the administration to come back to congress for pre-approval for operations.

Had nothing at all to do with whether or not there was a plan as both Lee and Paul made perfectly clear last night and this morning.

God you are stupid.

narciso said...

he was a victimizer, not a victim, a large reason why this engagement of the war, was so bloody, and it nearly came stateside with the café Milano incident,

FullMoon said...

Apologies if redundant:
"Senator Lankford noted the briefing included examples of 90 incidents of Iranian proxy attacks against the U.S. and coalition forces in the last month-and-a-half; ultimately leading to the killing of an American. It was after the final attack when POTUS Trump ordered the elimination of Qassim Soleimani."
Senator James Lankford Calls Senator Mike Lee a Fibber….

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "Drago defends Carter Page and accuses Duckworth of siding with the enemy."

The IG proved Carter Page was innocent.

Duckworth issued her statement publicly.

Both are now a part of the public record and are objectively true.

But if you are like Inga and have spent 3+ years pushing a now exposed lie, that security blanket lie may be hard to let go of.....

Sebastian said...

So, how is Canada going to get even? Eh?

Drago said...

narciso: "he was a victimizer, not a victim, a large reason why this engagement of the war, was so bloody, and it nearly came stateside with the café Milano incident,..."

And it wasn't just that planned attack in the US either.

It really makes one wonder why so many democrats are going to bat for a murderous islamic supremacist leader of a global terrorist organization that is responsible for the murder of hundreds of American soldiers.

What is it about this killer of Americans that the left so admires and loves?

Chuck said...

bleh said...
What is this "imminent" standard all about, Chuck? What were the "imminent" threats or plots that justified the U.S. government's assassinations of Baghdadi, bin Laden and al-Awlaki?

Soleimani was the operational leader of a designated terrorist organization. He was officially a marked man. No reasonable person could deny he was involved all around the Middle East in arming, training and plotting with proxy militias and terror groups -- some of the worst and most hostile forces in the region -- and he would've continued to do so if left alive.

As long as he was operational he was fair game.

I am seeing a lot of this. The unquestioned fact that Suleimani had the blood of hundreds of Americans and thousands of others on his hands. That he was a uniformed general, but also a true, confirmed terrorist leader.

Okay. Got it. And I also got the part about the fact that in the days before his own death, an US Citizen contractor was killed and others were wounded, and the US Embassy in Baghdad was attacked by a mob.

If those were the reasons for the targeting of Suleimani, the Administration could have said so. But what the Administration said was, the targeting was imperative because of the threat of an "imminent" (the word used repeatedly by every senior Administration figure in too many interviews to list) danger to US military, diplomats and others.

The Administration started the talk of "imminent" threats because there are principles of national defense and international law that legally require an "imminent" threat as a standard. I think it also relates to whether the targeting falls under Title 10 (generally a military action) or Title 50 (generally a CIA action) of the U.S. Code.

I am not arguing that the Suleimani killing was illegal. I am not claiming that it was legal. The fact that it occurred in Iraq (and the Administration might have actually been waiting and hoping for him to enter Iraq) I think makes it more justified, at least under Title 10 and the AUMF for the Iraq theater.

None of that actually matters to me for purposes of this discussion. What matters is that beyond any doubt at all, the Administration began with its own description of the justification as being for an "imminent" threat. I am only holding them to their own description.

As always, if there is more detailed information that would help the President or his Administration, let's hear it. Have a press conference, and answer lots of hard questions. Brief Congress extensively in a classified setting if that is what is required.

Just don't expect anyone to take Trump's word for anything. If they have the information and the supporting intelligence, I am all for hearing it. I'll believe it when I see it and hear it.


Drago said...

And now you have both Warren and Sanders participating with Iranian front groups in the US to coordinate strategy.


Inga said...

“God you are stupid.”

God you are Adderalled.

Howard said...

Let's play 52-pickup

narciso said...

I know it's an act on her part, but it stinks, about duckworth, I've described the value of her contributions to veterans issues in the past, and her role in the Alexandria snipe hunt, has yet to be determined,

Rick said...

Inga said...
How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani.

To anti-Americans all errors are America's fault. No one else is responsible for their own actions.

Inga said...

“If those were the reasons for the targeting of Suleimani, the Administration could have said so. But what the Administration said was, the targeting was imperative because of the threat of an "imminent" (the word used repeatedly by every senior Administration figure in too many interviews to list) danger to US military, diplomats and others.

The Administration started the talk of "imminent" threats because there are principles of national defense and international law that legally require an "imminent" threat as a standard. I think it also relates to whether the targeting falls under Title 10 (generally a military action) or Title 50 (generally a CIA action) of the U.S. Code.”

Exactly so. So why weren’t the Senators given a decent briefing on what this so called imminent threat actually was?

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Just don't expect anyone to take Trump's word for anything. If they have the information and the supporting intelligence, I am all for hearing it. I'll believe it when I see it and hear it."

Chuck, unsurprisingly, calls for the US to expose its intelligence operations and results publicly.

Gee, I didn't see that one coming.....

Needless to say, any failure of Trump to expose active intelligence operations and measures publicly means Trump cannot be trusted........and if Trump DID expose active intelligence operations and measures in answer to democrat/LLR demands then Trump would be guilty of.....exposing active intelligence operations and measures and would need to be IMPEACHED for such a breach!!


These lefty/LLR-lefty idiots consider this latest ploy of theirs to be "clever".

Anonymous said...

Does your crying yourself to sleep every night affect your coding schooling Chuck? That’s the future for all you Fredocons, so you better snap out of it.

404 Page Not Found said...

Inga seems to be a garden variety brainwashed, hare-brained housewife.

narciso said...

we have very particular targets who have wrought a butchers bill of dead and maimed americans and others across the Euphrates down the Jordan river valley,

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "God you are Adderalled."

No dummy.

I am a Saudi Agent! You said so!

Of course, this presents a problem for you since you spent 3 years calling me a russian agent!!

The problem being the Saudi's and russians aren't pals.

So now, what to do? What to do?


Michael K said...

I pretty much agree with this analysis.

This was Trump's farewell letter to the Middle East.

Not interested in Farmer's opinion.

readering said...

The cash sent to Iran (exaggerated in amount) was in repayment for debt owed by US (mostly interest since the Revolution).

Most of the big dollars frozen in banks (also exaggerated in amount) was owed, pledged and paid out of the accounts by Iran to creditors.

To the extent funds are not pledged, creditors, including victims of terrorism tied to the regime, have no legal right to attach or execute against those funds without a final enforceable judgment. They cannot get prejudgment attachment against a foreign sovereign.

404 Page Not Found said...

for all who might be taken in by Obama's hoary old chestnut that we had to send billions to Islamic terrorists because "it was their money":

We never “owed” the Islamic Republic any money. This is a myth. In 2016, the United States was in the middle of an unresolved dispute in front of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague over cash advanced by the Shah for military equipment we refused to deliver after the 1979 revolution. You might recall, this is when Iran began prosecuting its war against the United States, taking hostages, and killing service members.

It is unlikely that U.S. would ultimately have been obligated to hand over a single deutschmark to the mullahs. For one thing, the U.S. had its own counterclaims over Iran’s many violations — which, in total, exceeded the amount supposedly “owed” to it. Obama, in his obsessive goal of placating Iran to procure a deal, unilaterally dismissed a stipulation held by the previous administration that the United States wouldn’t release funds until other court judgments held against Iran for its terrorist acts on American citizens were all resolved.

Let’s remember, until the Wall Street Journal reported that the administration had secretly airlifted $400 million in ransom payments for four Americans detained in Tehran — seven months after the fact — we were never informed about the cash transfers. And Obama never offered any legal justification or accounting for the billions he transferred. Nor did Obama ever explain the fiscal calculation of tacking on an extra $1.3 billion in interest payments. The president, in fact, risibly claimed that the agreement had saved “billions of dollars.”

Reporters like to point out that “$150 billion,” the amount Trump likes to claim Obama transferred to the Iranians, is almost surely the high-end estimate, or likely an exaggeration. But we don’t know for sure because institutional media didn’t mobilize its considerable resources to find out. If reporters had spent as much time talking about the ransom payments — or the 600 soldiers murdered by Iran — as they do fact checking Trump’s ransom assertions, the public would be a lot better informed.

Michael K said...

if Trump DID expose active intelligence operations and measures in answer to democrat/LLR demands then Trump would be guilty of..

That's Schiff's bag of tricks.

Drago said...

And who could have guessed that lunatic lefty Admiral Inga and "principled conservative" LLR-lefty Chuck would once again, AGAIN(!), find "common ground" for their lefty talking points?

I mean, LLR-lefty Chuck mouthing the latest lefty talking points as he has done each day for the last 4+ years! Who could have seen that coming?

Francisco D said...

America's warriors in the War on Terror must sometimes wonder if it is worth it when they hear of fellow Americans like Inga and Chuck.

They don't realize it because of stupidity and obsessiveness, but Chuck and Inga are seeking to criminalize the actions of those who defend us from terrorists like Soleimani.


narciso said...

Effendi suleimani, muhandis et al, are dead, some elaboration in joscelyn's thread, waiting for this rabbit warren, that calls itself the senate intelligence committee, to make up it's considered judgement,

effinayright said...

Chuck, when Obama took out Bin Laden, did he have to offer evidence of an "imminent" threat as a justification?

Drago said...

readering: "The cash sent to Iran (exaggerated in amount) was in repayment for debt owed by US (mostly interest since the Revolution)."

Looks like the lefies and LLR's are going to stick with this thoroughly debunked lie in order to cover up obama and the dems financing Iran's terror activities.

Color me....."surprised".....

Michael K said...

I think it also relates to whether the targeting falls under Title 10 (generally a military action) or Title 50 (generally a CIA action) of the U.S. Code.”

Rush today said the Democrats are acting like Iran's defense lawyers.

Thanks for the example even though you would make a damned poor lawyer,

Drago said...

wholelottasplainin: "Chuck, when Obama took out Bin Laden, did he have to offer evidence of an "imminent" threat as a justification?"

Uh oh.......you just called out LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved "magnificent" obama!

Heads up, incoming....

BTW Wholelotta, if you have any small children near you I would make sure they are properly supervised now that you will have angered LLR-lefty Chuck.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Iran expected retaliation. They expected to be facing cruise missiles shot from the Gulf or air launched. Cruise missiles fly at high subsonic, so take longer to reach their targets, but have the benefit of being hard to detect and scary accurate. This incident occurred a few hours after the last missile salvo fired by Iran, right around the time a likely retaliation would be arriving in the area if one had been ordered. Air defenses on high alert, possibly even in "Automatic" mode, and either a human operator or a computer program deciding the airliner met the parameters of a valid threat.

There is another theory, which I am skeptical of, that Iran shot down this plane on purpose to somehow blame it on the US, but because we did not strike back (unless we had something to do with those earthquakes), there was nothing for them to blame it on.

Early on I speculated that maybe the airliner had blundered into a cruise missile stream, and had a midair collision with a Tomahawk - because to me, the timing seemed to match when a strike would be arriving and I severely overestimated the competence of Iranian air defenses. I'm still quite confused as to how such a mistake could be made over one's own territory, but looks like the Ayatollah done fucked up big time.

narciso said...

like senior chief Gallagher, dorrance, major goldsteyn, we want the most resolute of them, to continue fighting but they are thrown under the bus,

Inga said...

“America's warriors in the War on Terror must sometimes wonder if it is worth it when they hear of fellow Americans like Inga and Chuck.”
I’m in alignment with Senator Tammy Duckworth, I couldn’t be in better company.
“Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), a former Army lieutenant colonel who lost both her legs in Iraq, ripped Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) Thursday for comments he made the day before that Democrats are “in love with terrorists.”

“I'm not going to dignify that with a response. I left parts of my body in Iraq fighting terrorists. I don't need to justify myself to anyone,” Duckworth said on “CNN Right Now.”

Collins made the remark on Fox Business’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” Wednesday, in response to Democratic criticism of Trump’s handling of the killing of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad.”

The Hill

Michael K said...

Looks like another 200+comment thread with Inga about 30%. Ritmo should be along as soon as his shift ends.

My book is calling,.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"God I hate being right all the time."

- Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park

Drago said...

I notice Inga doesn't dare provide the Duckworth quote where Duckworth said Trump "victimize Iran".

Iran. The "victim".

According to Duckworth.

Iran and Soleimani, who are responsible for hundreds of US soldiers deaths and thousands of injuries.

Iran. The "victim".

Because, of course.....

What's next Sen Duckworth? A nobel peace prize for Soleimani?

narciso said...

there's an interesting thriller set in prague by magnus fyte, which centers in part about Beethoven,


Iman said...

“Protests scheduled in San Francisco bay area. It is raining today, no war started, Iran killed the 727. Expect minimal turnout, crazies only.
Here is one of the Chuck, Inga, Cook type messages by one of the organizers.”

Minimal turnout, but maximum poop on the ground...

Qwinn said...

Did Duckworth lose her limbs to an IED?

If so, when she says she lost her limbs fighting terrorists, she pretty much literally lost them fighting Soiledremains himself.

So if she's actually arguing against the killing of the guy who blew off her legs.... uh.... yeah, an explanation beyond "I won't dignify that" is pretty much necessary. Sorry. Because that is seriously fucked up.

Drago said...

Maybe we should just follow the Admiral Inga example and call Duckworth an Iranian spy and asset in the same way Inga does with Carter Page.

Why not?

What would be the difference?

Inga said...

I’m disgusted. I would never, ever use Gold Star families, military men and women or their families as any pawn in any political game. Let me tell you something: This issue is about America’s national security. It is not a partisan political issue,” Duckworth said.

“My concern is, is America safer today than it was before the president made this rash decision without considering the consequences and having a plan in place to handle the consequences? And my answer at this point is no.”

“I am not sad that this man is dead. I am glad that he's gone to meet his maker and that he will get his just desserts,” she added. “But at the end of the day, because of the poor handling of the White House and the consequences of their actions, American troops are now hunkered down, American forces are now under greater danger of attacks from Iran and other hostile forces in the Middle East.”

The Hill

404 Page Not Found said...

“I'm not going to dignify that with a response. I left parts of my body in Iraq fighting terrorists. I don't need to justify myself to anyone,” Duckworth said on “CNN Right Now.”

Losing both of your legs doesn't somehow exempt one from responsibility for making comments like hers. The left does, in fact, seem to hate Trump far more than murderous Islamic terrorists, and needs to be brought to account for same.

Drago said...

Iman: "Minimal turnout, but maximum poop on the ground..."

Sometimes these lefty "spontaneous" (LOL) "rallies" simply crap out.

Drago said...


Inga avoiding the relevant Duckworth quote like the plague!!

I wonder why that is?

Oh, right. Because its simply indefensible in how it supports Iran and its terrorist actions.

And to think Duckworth called Iran a "victim" when the Iranians were pulling another embassy attack on the US.


Iman said...

“ The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money.”

Iran lost any claim to that money when they took American hostages and held them for 444 days.

Drago said...

404: "The left does, in fact, seem to hate Trump far more than murderous Islamic terrorists, and needs to be brought to account for same."

Oh, this long predates Trump.

The democrat/western lefty alliance with islamic supremacists has been going on for decades. Its simply more noticeable now that Islamic supremacist activity is reaching critical mass in lots of western nations.

narciso said...

well she signed off on this jizda, didn't she along with durbin, who cried for mohammed al quahtani, whose fondest wish was to turn capitol hill into a funeral pyre,

Drago said...

Iman: "Iran lost any claim to that money when they took American hostages and held them for 444 days."

I'll bet Duckworth has an excuse for that one too.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Just don't expect anyone to take Trump's word for anything. If they have the information and the supporting intelligence, I am all for hearing it. I'll believe it when I see it and hear it."

Chuck, unsurprisingly, calls for the US to expose its intelligence operations and results publicly.

What I am doing right now, is what many in the media are doing; asking if there was a planned imminent attack on a US Embassy. I am asking if the members of the Senate were briefed on a plan for an attack on a US Embassy, that was imminent before the killing of Suleimani. I am asking what is the intelligence backup for that story.

The reason that I am asking it is because Trump brought it up. I am asking why, if the protection of intel sources and methods prevented briefers from informing the Senate, why did Trump blurt it out himself?

I am asking, what is the real story; did we kill Suleimani to foil a specific imminent threat, or did we kill him as revenge/retribution/international deterrence as a result of past actions?

All the Trump Administration has to do is (a) be clear with the American public with deference to sources and methods; (b) be clear with Congressional leadership of both parties up to and including classified materials and (c) comply with the Constitution and War Powers Act.

One last thing; I want to say as I have said before, that Suleimani was a bad actor, that my heart goes out to the US servicemen that were killed or maimed by Suleimani's networks, and that I think that his killing may very well have been legally justified. I hope it was justified. I'd like to hear definitive information indicating that it was justified.

And I say all of that as something that I would like see shoved up the ass of Rep. Doug Collins. However, because Rep. Collins has served in the U.S. Military (chaplain's service, I think), I'd hope that in shoving it up his ass we could avoid killing or maiming Collins.

walter said...

" This incident occurred a few hours after the last missile salvo fired by Iran, right around the time a likely retaliation would be arriving in the area "
So, as others mentioned, why wouldn't air travel be halted..if only by Ukrainian pilots?
News lockdown?

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "One last thing; I want to say as I have said before, that Suleimani was a bad actor, that my heart goes out to the US servicemen that were killed or maimed by Suleimani's networks, and that I think that his killing may very well have been legally justified. I hope it was justified. I'd like to hear definitive information indicating that it was justified."


Do you really think this BS is going to fly after your performance over the last 4 years!!

Too funny. Sorry Chuckie. Your comments over the last 4 years puts the easy lie to this latest nonsense.

But I do understand that when you write such drivel that you are only hoping to fool some reader who might be popping in here for the first time.

FullMoon said...

One last thing; I want to say as I have said before, that Suleimani was a bad actor, that my heart goes out to the US servicemen that were killed or maimed by Suleimani's networks, and that I think that his killing may very well have been legally justified. I hope it was justified. I'd like to hear definitive information indicating that it was justified.

If it was not "legally justified", was it still a good thing?

Inga said...

“One last thing; I want to say as I have said before, that Suleimani was a bad actor, that my heart goes out to the US servicemen that were killed or maimed by Suleimani's networks, and that I think that his killing may very well have been legally justified. I hope it was justified. I'd like to hear definitive information indicating that it was justified.”

Indeed! senator Tammy Duckworth and I and most Democrats want the same thing.

walter said...

I have heard Soilyman was restricted from being in Iraq.
Any info on that?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

WISN radio has a great segment they air every day called "Democrat or Terrorist". They read quotes from Democrats and terrorists and callers try to determine who said it. As you would expect, it's impossible to tell the difference.

Drago said...

Wow. LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga once again in "surprising" agreement and supporting each others talking points on the same thread.

Gee, that's something you only see every single day.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- are you disgusted that the man-children who run the nation of Iran, shot down 176 innocent people including many Canadians?

You're more concerned about an asshole goldstar prop?

404 Page Not Found said...

Inga, exactly what type of law is it that you and Tammy Duckworth think you need to justify the killing of Islamic terrorists who have declared war on the US and its interests?

Is this like claiming that sure, Hunter Biden received millions in payments for no discernible reason other than that he was Joe Biden's son, but there's no law against this sort of flagrant bribery? There are laws, of course; they simply are not enforced.

Sheridan said...

Where's Hunter? My neighbor thinks he was on that Ukrainian plane. Would solve a lot of Papa Joe's problems.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cold pizza said...

In order to retaliate for Iran shooting down a non-aggressor flight, we should respond accordingly. I propose bombing San Francisco would be a good start. Conventional munitions, not nukes, as the Bay Area is still a pretty nice place to live. -CP

Inga said...

“Inga- are you disgusted that the man-children who run the nation of Iran, shot down 176 innocent people including many Canadians?”

Of course, are you? Or do their deaths give you some talking points?

narciso said...

early in this part of the war on terror, jags prevented targeting of a cluster of Taliban, we know the rest is history,

Drago said...

Rep Doug Collins is a conservative republican with an honorable service record who does not put up with democrat BS.

Strike 1, 2 and 3 from a LLR-lefty Chuck perspective, hence Chuck's vicious attack on him.

Compare and contrast that with LLR-lefty Chuck's absolutely loving and passionate defense of Stolen Valor Dick "Da Nang" Blumenthal who repeatedly lied over many years in many different venues about his service record.

If you do that you begin to see the weird Freudian thing going on with Chuck against any conservative republican who has served honorably. Chucky really really really doesn't like them.

Which also explains LLR-lefty Chuck's vicious attacks against Tom Cotton while praising Dick "US troops are Gestapo" Durbin.

Very telling.

Drago said...

Inga: "Of course, are you? Or do their deaths give you some talking points?"

Inga is so disgusted by these deaths she simply neglected to mention them at all and now that someone else did Inga wants to make sure they aren't mentioned any longer.

Gee, Inga sounds "really disgusted" by these deaths...eh?


narciso said...

furthermore iran knows prime minister Zoolander arranged for a 10 million dollar gratuity to that Egyptian lad who shot specialist Christopher speer, I don't know if that figured in their thinking,

Jason said...

INGA: The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money.

Are you naturally this retarded? Or are you making an extra special effort today?

Original Mike said...

"My concern is, is America safer today than it was before the president made this rash decision without considering the consequences and having a plan in place to handle the consequences? And my answer at this point is no.”

Duckworth knows the consequences were not considered how?
Duckworth knows there is no plan how?

I think this action was taken exactly because the consequences of Soleimani alive were weighed against Soleimani dead. And the Iraqi response, at least so far, indicates they got it right.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"American forces are now under greater danger of attacks from Iran and other hostile forces in the Middle East.”

Greater danger than when the contractor was killed and 4 Americans were injured in the rocket attack a couple of weeks ago?

0_0 said...

/k/ was discussing this even before Iran bulldozed the crash site.

Ken B said...

“No interested in Farmer's opinion.”
I am, forensically. Like I am interested, forensically, in Krugman's explanation of the stock market under Trump.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

cold pizza said...

In order to retaliate for Iran shooting down a non-aggressor flight, we should respond accordingly. I propose bombing San Francisco would be a good start

Well, if Trump would bomb the shit out of SF, it would turn the whole bay area red.

Drago said...

BREAKING: Justin Trudeau: "We have intelligence from multiple sources, including our allies and our own intelligence. The evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile."

"This may well have been unintentional." https://t.co/0lUcvfqWfZ https://t.co/3et3sP9MtK

Of course, Trudeau offered zero/none of the intelligence used to make this assessment therefore according to LLR-lefty Chuck (who never served but viciously attacks republicans who did) rules Trudeau is not to be believed.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."

LOL! That was actually one of the milder options presented to him.

Jason said...

COUNTERPOINT: Professor. They bought their tickets. They knew what they were getting into!

Inga said...

Adderalled Drago said...

“Inga is so disgusted by these deaths she simply neglected to mention them at all and now that someone else did Inga wants to make sure they aren't mentioned any longer.”
Inga said...
How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani. Poor judgment by Trump and poor judgment by Iran, that’s what gets people killed.

1/9/20, 2:05 PM

Drago is on manic mode again, he can’t remember what I said upstream so he makes shit up.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

There was nothing forcing Obama to hand over the cash to Iran. He used it as a bribe to get them to sign onto his nuclear deal.

From what I hear, bribery is an impeachable offense.

Drago said...

Inga has stepped into it again!!

Inga you were challenged about showing disgust against the Iranian regime shooting this plane down which you STILL havent done!!

Inga thinks her earlier blaming of Trump for what the Iranians did counts as a criticism of the Iranians!!

Rick said...

Drago said...
Inga is so disgusted by these deaths she simply neglected to mention them at all and now that someone else did Inga wants to make sure they aren't mentioned any longer.

Not true. First she blamed them on Trump. Then she criticized someone else saying "Or do their deaths give you some talking points?" not remembering she had already used to dead to score political points.

Day-drunk at age 75 isn't a good mixture for remembering.

FullMoon said...

"American forces are now under greater danger of attacks from Iran and other hostile forces in the Middle East.”

Ima go out on a limb and say Iran soldiers and politicians slightly more concerned that our guys.
We got a madman who eats ice cream while he kills generals.

A madman whose finger is on the trigger and who wants to test new artillery.

A madman who wants to start a war prior to the election.

A madman remotely diagnosed by experts as mentally ill psychopath who is strung out on Adderall.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Drago said...

All Inga could muster up against the murderous terrorist islamic supremacist regime which shot down the airliner was a bit of "poor judgement"!!!


Poor judgement eh?

And that was only offered up AFTER blaming Trump first in much harsher language!!

Too funny.

FullMoon said...

"the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."

...as opposed to bombing Tehran,right?

Michael K said...

“No interested in Farmer's opinion.”
I am, forensically. Like I am interested, forensically, in Krugman's explanation of the stock market under Trump.

You can read The American Conservative and cut out the middle man.

Drago said...

If anyone wants to know why democrat politicians like Duckworth and Pelosi defend and excuse islamic supremacist terrorist killers, its because the democrat base voters like Inga and LLR-left Chuck love that stuff.

It was the same when the dems defended Saddam and his rape rooms against Bush (that whole Matt Lauer rape room at NBC and weinstein and epstein cover up makes sense now, eh?) and it was also the same with the dems defense of the Soviets against Reagan.

Some things never change.

Qwinn said...

Has Chuck apologized for telling us we should be ashamed for not caring about the "significant casualties" among Iraqi military from their missiles?

Has he even acknowledged his lies about it?

I can tell you one thing, Chuck: It's not going away until you do.

Chuck said...

I am a huge fan of a great many military figures who served honorably in uniform, and who later served in Republican Administrations or as Republicans in Congress. From Dwight Eisenhower, to Bush 41 and Bush 43. From Don Rumsfeld to John McCain. From Gen. James Mattis to Gen. John Kelly.

I was a huge fan of Sen. Tom Cotton and my one criticism of him was when he lied about his attendance at the "shithole countries" meeting at the White House. A lie that served no purpose but to prop up Trump at the expense of Tom Cotton.

I've been a bitter critic of Sen. Dick Durbin but the one and only time I sided with him was his telling the truth about the "shithole countries" meeting.

I am not going to ever let my own partisanship cloud the truth of that story.

And with Senator Blumenthal, not only was I happy to defend him -- one single time -- but I have been proven conclusively correct from the time the story first broke. Blumenthal met privately with then-Judge Neil Gorsuch to discuss his Supreme Court confirmation. Blumenthal asked Judge Gorsuch about Trump's disparaging comments about some federal judges hearing cases that involved Trump. And as everybody now knows, Gorsuch answered (and was witnessed by others including former GOP Senator Kelly Ayotte) that he felt Trump's trash talk was "demoralizing" and "disheartening." Blumenthal then repeated those comments to the press. Trump then promptly jumped on Twitter to claim that Blumenthal misrepresented the remarks (to which Trump was not a witness). Donald Bone Spurs also attacked Blumenthal's record of statements about his Vietnam-era service in the Marine Corps Reserves. Years ago, Blumenthal misleadingly made campaign statements about his service "in" Vietnam. When in fact he never served "in" Vietnam but instead during the Vietnam era. Donald Bone Spurs did not serve in any branch of the service; not in Vietnam, and not anywhere else during the Vietnam era.

Just a couple of weeks later, Blumenthal (as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee) was questioning Gorsuch in his comfirmation hearing. He again asked the question about Trump's statements, now on the record and on live national television, and Gorsuch repeated his prior response, using the exact same two words, "demoralizing" and "disheartening."

Blumenthal had not "misrepresented" anything about his conversation with Gorsuch. Trump's claim that there had been a misrepresentation was itself a lie.

Beasts of England said...

If someone had predicted that in 2020 the democrats would be slavishly defending the death of a jihadist I’d have laughed my ass off, but here we are. Good luck with that and all...

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck is rewriting history to cover up his dem support.

Wont wash Chuckie.

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