My statement on the killing of Qassim Suleimani.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) January 3, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
My statement on the killing of Qassim Suleimani.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) January 3, 2020
Very very safe comment.
The left/LLR-left is not going to like it.
The American politicians are quaking in their loafers about what Iran might do in response.
It's not a good look.
I give Warren some tactical credit.
She tweeted her position. Buttigieg and Biden tweeted attached statements. Less likely to be read. Looks more like the work of a Committee.
Trump tweeted the US flag.
Mayor Pete votes 'present' on the assassination.
Shorter Dem response: He was a terrible person. We were not consulted. Any repercussions can and will be used against Trump in the court of public opinion.
mccullough: "I give Warren some tactical credit.
She tweeted her position. Buttigieg and Biden tweeted attached statements. Less likely to be read. Looks more like the work of a Committee.
Trump tweeted the US flag."
Amazing isn't it how Trump instinctively cuts through. He slashes one Gordian Knot after another.
All these douchebags keep saying The General was responsible for killing “hundreds of Americans.”
That’s a fairly paltry number given our presence in the Middle East.
Maybe The General’s Men can step up and give him credit for more. I’m unimpressed with “hundreds.”0
I’m glad Pete is no longer in our military, and will never be president.
Does Buttigieg really want to tout his intelligence officer experience in Afghanistan?
Like bragging about batting eighth for the Seattle Mariners
"this must not be the start of another endless war"
Have no fear.
Trump doesn't seem interested in fighting those kinds.
In a way it's sort of dumb that candidates have to make these official, formal statements about these things. I mean, really? Why can't you just use your word hole to make noises. Why does it have to be some carefully composed missive on (what looks to be) your offical stationary?
If Buttigieg were an expert on Afghanistan, he’d be calling for US withdrawal.
Char Char Binks: "I’m glad Pete is no longer in our military, and will never be president."
Pete was not a warrior. He was an intel guy in the rear with the gear.
Least trusted guys are the intel types and you learn quickly that whatever they told you before you launched on your mission was wrong and was designed to kill you.
They can't, they just won't, give the guy any credit for leadership.
Here Butt Boy acknowledges the duty of the president to protect American lives, and then adds the predicable "But" (the one with one 't' not 'tt').
"But there are serious questions how this decision was made . . "
He’s now Former Mayor Pete. Term ended a few days ago. I look forward to his successor running for president in 2024.
"But there are serious questions how this decision was made . . "
Can't argue with the result, so its time to argue process!!
Remember, the last time Trump did something militarily the lefties/LLR-lefties could not politically assail, what did they do?
They claimed the action was taken "in spite of" Trump and "not because of" Trump.
It was out on the Journolist wire and you can montages of all the lefties saying it over and over again.
It certainly worked on a particular LLR-lefty commenter here at Althouse.
CNN put out a tweet saying Schumer wasn't notified in advance.
Dinesh D'Souza:
"Neither were the Iranians and for pretty much the same reason".
Love it.
I can't believe people think this nonsense is anything other than gibberish.
"While it seems on the surface this action was the correct one to take, there could be unforseen repercussions. Therefore, before we ever make such decisions, we will form a committee that will report to the stake holders who will advise the triumvirate and will ultimately come to a decision on when our first meeting will be held to arrange the schedule."
Shut up.
Unsurprising. Buttigieg has been pushing the liberal interventionist bullshit for a while. Just a couple of days ago he gave a statement on Syria that was incoherent. It pretty much amounted to "we have to do something in Syria. This is something. Let's do it."
Lots about reactions on the blog today.
How about Rose McGowan?
Since the beginning of me too I have sharply criticized Althouse's trust in McGowan. Curious to know her current standing with the hostess.
Did you read Biden's statement? It's not that different--OK with the idea that the general's actions merited the outcome, questioning whether the decision to kill him serves our national interests or was reached through an appropriate process.
Why does he say "there are serious questions" - he has no idea what process was used to decide on this.
Likely Soleimani has been on a carefully vetted "approved kill list" for a number of years, and the opportunity presented itself now.
"While it seems on the surface this action was the correct one to take, there could be unforseen repercussions. Therefore, before we ever make such decisions, we will form a committee that will report to the stake holders who will advise the triumvirate and will ultimately come to a decision on when our first meeting will be held to arrange the schedule."
Translation: This could be good. Or it could be bad. Let's gather all the supposed experts together and spend weeks and weeks carefully discussing and deconstructing all the possibilities before doing anything. Because being decisive is overrated... or whatever.
"Let's gather all the supposed experts together and spend weeks and weeks carefully discussing and deconstructing all the possibilities before doing anything."
And check a few public opinion polls ... because that's what real leaders do.
I wonder if Soleimani left his toaster plugged in?
"We came, we saw, he died." - Hillary Clinton crowing about the death of Qaddafi.
They really are the other side.
The Hard Left will go apeshit if Pete is the nominee. Biden is an old horse. He’s been in DC since the early 70s.
But Pete is a Millennial. He’s a traitor to the Hard Left
mccullough: "The Hard Left will go apeshit if Pete is the nominee."
Trump gets 30% of the black vote if Pete is the nominee.
Scalpel reciprocity. #NoSocialJustice
The American politicians are quaking in their loafers about what Iran might do in response.
A phobic response that may have been forced by the exposure of quid pro Bo. Not unlike their acutely phobic response to scrutiny of quid pro Joe.
They're selling fear as the best political play.
Rick said...
CNN put out a tweet saying Schumer wasn't notified in advance.
Dinesh D'Souza:
"Neither were the Iranians and for pretty much the same reason".
Nor was Yamamoto, although he was a nicer guy than this one.
Shorter Dem response: He was a terrible person. We were not consulted. Any repercussions can and will be used against Trump in the court of public opinion.
That's fair.
While it seems on the surface this action was the correct one to take, there could be unforseen repercussions
A waffling he will go. That said, the system is chaotic, life (e.g. people... persons... whatever) is chaotic ("evolutionary"), now what?
Scalpel reciprocity. #NoSocialJustice
Nor was Yamamoto, although he was a nicer guy than this one.
He didn't hide under the privacy of proxies.
From Wikipedia on Mayor Pete's 'MI' experience:
"In 2007, while volunteering for Barack Obama's presidential campaign, Buttigieg joined the military; he said he was prompted to do so after witnessing the disparities between communities that had large amounts of youth missing because of military service and those that had barely any serving.[48] Buttigieg became an ensign in the U.S. Navy Reserve in 2009 and began training to become a naval intelligence officer. In 2014, he took a seven-month leave during his mayoral term to deploy to Afghanistan.[49][50][51] While there, Buttigieg was part of a unit assigned to identify and disrupt terrorist finance networks. Part of this was done at Bagram Air Base, but he also worked as an armed driver for his commander on more than 100 trips into Kabul. Buttigieg has jokingly referred to this role as "military Uber", because he had to watch out for ambushes and explosive devices along the roads and ensure that the vehicle was guarded."
In other words Mayor Pete has as much MI experience as my cat. He wasn't involved in targeting, or CWEAT, or HUMINT. His own words, "military UBER"...Give me a break.
Now don't get me wrong, intelligence and financial forensics is important, but he makes it sound like he's James Bond. Come on.
Naval Reserve Officer in a landlocked country. Tits on a boar hog.
He wasn't "iced". He was exonerated, planned, chosen. And it wasn't just a single indigenous Iranian general, but also foreign proxies that occupy other nations. Scalpel reciprocity. #NoSocialJustice
Unknown: "Naval Reserve Officer in a landlocked country. Tits on a boar hog."
Actually, there were many Naval Reserve officers activated/volunteered for service in Iraq/Afghanistan and cross-trained/deployed as security officers and other dangerous occupations. And I do mean "many". Not to mention the Reserve Navy Special Forces/snake-eater lads that were obviously activated to do what they do.
Little known fact: that time period coincided with a reshuffling of reserve units and billets to move the Navy Reserves to a war footing vs what it had been for decades: a hang around place where you waited it out to retirement.
To get promoted to O5 and above you had to actually show real activity and screening for promotion became much more rigorous.
"the icing of Suleimani"
Inside Professor Althouse is a gun moll trying to get out.
My suspicion is that this guy was already targeted, decision-made, waiting for opportune moment.
Not just another Trump-whim/mob-pleaser, or the mission would have been made to fail.
Democrats and their pet mediaswine are seditious, cowardly morons. All we hear about is their fear of retaliation. We hear little about the lives of our servicemen and women and others that will be spared because this monster is out of action. Iran has been continuously disrupting the ME and killing people financed by Obamadollars.
How do grownups behave as though this is an attack on some revered man of peace? Answer: Grownups don’t.
It's awfully hard for me to give a Flying Fig what Mayor Pete thinks about this.
First, any response from any Democrat must address Barack Obama's flouting of the War Powers Resolution with respect to Libya and Clinton's previous flouting of the War Powers Resolution in 1999 with respect to Kosovo. Both Democrat presidents kept the (What was Obama's term of art? Ah, yes ...) "kinetic military actions" going well beyond the 60 day deadline for acting without a formal Congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force and I recall no .
Second, when Mayor Pete writes that he "was trained to ask the hard questions" and that "A Commander-in-Chief must do the same." But this presupposes that Trump did not ask "the hard questions" and consider the possible range of responses from Iran. Mayor Pete no doubt believes that Trump is an impetuous fool, but there's damned little any unbiased observer can point to that confirms his beliefs, and considerable evidence to the contrary.
Third, in calling for consultation with Congress and our allies, Mayor Pete raises the word "disingenuous" to new heights. With whom in Congress should he consult? Adam Schiff? Nancy Pelosi? These individuals have gone out of their way to proclaim their interest in thwarting President Trump no matter what the cost to the American people, have they not? Consult with allies? Which would not leak his intentions to the Iranians?
Fourth, there are times when the time to act is immediate. The opportunity is right there, right now, and will not be there for long. Perhaps Mayor Pete is too used to Barack Obama's dithering, but when there is a window of opportunity to act, then the time to act is before that window closes.
"Now we must deal with the consequences of this action." Yes, and so must the Iranians and the Iraqis.
Somehow, I don't quite see our young gay mayor of South Bend as having the gravitas to be Commander-in-Chief.
exhelodrvr1 said...
Likely Soleimani has been on a carefully vetted "approved kill list" for a number of years,
More Likely Soleimani has been on a carefully vetted "approved DO NOT kill list" for a number of years DURING BUSH AND OBAMA ADMIN.
Maybe Trump should just declassify that list as *Threat not Warning*
Pete tries to run through the rain without getting wet.
Suleimani was endorsed by the 300 members of the establishment including key obama administration officials, the ones whohave botched every key challenge for 30 years.
@Ken B, I remember Rose McGowan dressed pretty immodestly for someone who adores Muslim extremists.
"Congratulations to all involved in eliminating Qassem Soleimani. Long in the making, this was a decisive blow against Iran's malign Quds Force activities worldwide. Hope this is the first step to regime change in Tehran."
- John Bolton
"Fucking Hell!"
- Kim Jong Un
That second quote is speculative.
How absurdly Orwellian to refer to starting an endless war that has already been going on for 40 years.
But there are serious questions about how this decision was made.
Pompeo: Suleimani's sitting in a Toyota at the Baghdad airport and we have drone over head.
Trump: Oh really? I want to blow that motherfucker up. Should I blow the motherfucker up?
Pompeo: Why not? I mean, it ain't gonna hurt nothin'.
Trump: Alright then. Tell 'em to squeeze the pickle. Can I watch?
Pompeo: No problem.
Trump: Nice.
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Lincolntf: "How absurdly Orwellian to refer to starting an endless war that has already been going on for 40 years."
Well, this is just par for the course for the dems/LLR-lefties who also officially blame republicans today for slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation.
The Dems think we presume Trump is a shoot from the hip with no plan dummy. They believe their own propaganda. But that is what the other Generals accused Patton of being. In both cases the accused was way over their heads in planning and executing attack plans.
Judge by the outcome, DJT is a great wartime Commander.
Very very safe comment
It's even safer, and smarter, to say that you don't have access to the classified intelligence needed to judge the wisdom of this decision. If you want to be partisan, then you praise the US military if it's a success and blame POTUS if it's a failure.
Mayor Pete can deliver for Domino's when he is done with politics.
They are trying so hard to hide their hope that something terrible will happen to America that can be blamed on Trump. It's palpable and it's disgusting, becuase our enimies see that too. It temps our enemies to do something terrible to hurt Trump's reelection. Our enimies and the Left are on the same side. Both see Trump as far more dangerous to their interests than any Democrat would be, and they are right.
Trump, reading a statement, manages to sound not too terribly idiotic. Although you can tell he wants to do more than just read from a teleprompter. And you can tell that every instinct on the part of Trump is to try to say more than the written statement says, right down to his inflection and emphasis.
I haven't read all the various posts/comments on topic. It's just too fucking absurd. Fringie Righties used to worry that The Democrats were going to shuffle them off to camps. Instead the Donks are busy shuffling LIVs off to the polls to vote for Trump. I'm not complaining but, Jesus, is it crazy.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck, fresh off his pro-Iranian terrorist riffs earlier today, decides now would be a good time to engage in some patented Admiral Inga-like mind-reading.
And to equal effect.
Well, when reality isn't working for you, why not just jump feet first into the supernatural?
Well done LLR-lefty Chuck!
I've lurked this blog comment section for years but have never posted.
Just felt like it was important today to give my sincerest condolences to J. Farmer. Sorry for your loss
"Congratulations to all involved in eliminating Qassem Soleimani. Long in the making, this was a decisive blow against Iran's malign Quds Force activities worldwide. Hope this is the first step to regime change in Tehran."
- John Bolton
Here's hoping that the entire month of January is devoted to the entire nation's listening to Bolton. Under oath, in the Senate, and otherwise.
Mattis on Iran:
"...Iran’s regime is populated by thugs who only understand getting clubbed, former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said at the Reagan Forum on December 7."
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Here's hoping that the entire month of January is devoted to the entire nation's listening to Bolton."
Oh you fickle boy! You were just telling us how its the "brilliant" non-foreign policy/non-military "expert" Justin Amash (I-ChiComs) that we had to hear from!!
Well, I'm sure you'll have it figured out by the time the Maddow Show kicks off!
@The Children Are Old Enough to Read Icculus:
I've lurked this blog comment section for years but have never posted.
Just felt like it was important today to give my sincerest condolences to J. Farmer. Sorry for your loss
Continue lurking. We already have plenty of dumbass commenters. No need to throw your hat in the ring, too.
The answers to the challenges of this world arr not to be found in the chimp circus that is the intelligence committee.
Farmer: "Continue lurking. We already have plenty of dumbass commenters. No need to throw your hat in the ring, too."
Whoa whoa whoa there tiger. Just breathe. Breathe. Expand..contract. Expand..contract.....
narciso: "The answers to the challenges of this world arr not to be found in the chimp circus that is the intelligence committee."
Burr is a wholly-owned creature of Warner.
Give Farmer a break, he's had a pretty rough day
Drago said...
Unknown: "Naval Reserve Officer in a landlocked country. Tits on a boar hog."
Actually, there were many Naval Reserve officers activated/volunteered for service in Iraq/Afghanistan and cross-trained/deployed as security officers and other dangerous occupations. And I do mean "many".
They might be there but it's hard to find them on the casualty lists..excepting SEALs.
Hunter Biden USNR Public Relations....'nuff billets for politicians or politicians sons who want to be politicians.
Thats certainly part of the matter,
Suleimani--Chcck's pal--was the architect of the I.E.D bombing program in Iraq that fucked up so many lives as well as taking them. Limbless Chuck can spend eternity in Hell as an itch on his nose builds and builds.
Gee, I wonder if the round the clock praise and adoration of Soleimani by the dems/left/LLR-left will be used in the general election campaign by Trump's team?
I wonder if that will increase the already strong military vote majority Trump enjoys?
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck is NOT going to like that one bit. Besides, he already despises military members who vote republican.
Give Farmer a break, he's had a pretty rough day.
Yeah, I remember when I used to get attacked on this blog for opposing the Iraq War. Time has a funny way of vindicating my position. I guess I’ll just have to wait for the rest of you to catch up.
Iran planted some stars on a terrorist's shoulders who decides to take a ride in an un-armored vehicle in a nation that is not his employer -- a nation that is armed to the teeth with real "weapons of war" on every street corner. What national leader would not take advantage of the situation (oh wait, European nations come to mind)?
The deceased was not scouting for vacation spots, he was not there to plan a peace solution for Iraq; he was up to no good -- regardless that he has a visage that sometimes resembles that of the former Bond movie star that is loved so much here in the West.
Former mayor Petie Boy was not in on the intel. His response means nothing. Our response to this "general's" audacity was spot on in light of recent events.
Pompous Pete is a total windbag poseur. What he says means nothing, there's no there, there. He leaps w/ heavy breathing at ANY opportunity to mention his 'combat military service'...HA! He was a low level desk bureaucrat in an air-conditioned office behind miles of barriers and real soldiers protecting his lunch at the base BurgherKing....the way he talks you would think he was a Marine or SF or something - he was a desk-tool in the landlocked Navy!!
Give Farmer his due, he's consistent. Wrong, but consistent.
The only thing the Middle East understands or respects is power.
In other breaking news, LLR-lefty Chuck and his dem pals are outraged that POTUS consumed ice cream on the day of the strike.
This disturbing factoid has now been combined with other breaking reports that Trump also consumed some food and beverages during the day and evening hours despite the precedent of democrats fasting for 72 hours prior to any strikes during democrat administrations in solidarity with our troops on the ground.
This previously undisclosed "fasting" fact was put out by Hillary and obama spokespersons to demonstrate a contrast with the horrific Trump staffers who sometimes not just ate and drank, but also conversed with each other. (Biden's spokespersons were unavailable as they were attempting to locate the former VP who had just wandered off naked in search of a swimming pool in hopes that some female observers would watch said swimming)
This "conversing" by Trump staffers also violated the previously undisclosed 72 hours of silence precedent established by our magnificent and dreamy and brilliant democrat staff elites.
Needless to say it is likely both of these violations of our constitutional norms will be included in the Forever Revising-Never Reaching The Senate Articles of Galactic Impeachment.
"as a Democratic candidate is likely to get." I'm trying to picture the _right_ response. How about, I don't have intel briefing, but I'm assuming the President properly prepared for any fallout from this action. If so, good job.
Give Farmer his due, he's consistent. Wrong, but consistent.
The only thing the Middle East understands or respects is power.
Yeah, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. Thank god the country didn't listen to my wacky ideas. And so long as we're keeping score, I also said that North Korea would not give up its nuclear arsenal and that Juan Guaidó would not succeed in ousting Maduro from power despite Washington going all in on him.
سن سجواني 🇦🇪 Hassan Sajwani
Verified account
Follow Follow @HSajwanization
#BREAKING : Reports US Marines capturing #Iraq militia leaders Qais Khazali of Iraqi #Hezbollah and Hadi Al Ameri in Jadriah district of #Baghdad- Al Arabiya sources are reporting.
Can we get a leader whose branding doesn’t involve a childish nickname?
1 or 2 scoops?
Schumer and Pelosi weren't notified. What a lack of respect!
And thoroughly warranted.
Its amazing how these useless Senators and Congressmen who are uninterested in passing legislation that helps the American people, and can't pass a balanced budget or a decent spending bill, ALWAYS want to butt in on Foreign policy. If they're not passing useless Resolutions, they're whining about Trump not "consulting" them. Losers.
Schumer and Nancy should go back to their important business, passing useless impeachment articles and wasting time.
Is Congress even back in session yet?
Looks to me like they don't resume until next Tuesday.
walter: "1 or 2 scoops?"
Probably no more than 2.
My God! Can you imagine LLR-lefty Chuck's reaction if Trump had 3 scoops of ice cream! We would no doubt be forced to alert the Secret Service to the increased danger to Trump and his family's physical safety.
Byron York
Verified account @ByronYork
3h3 hours ago
McConnell on Democratic criticism that he cannot be impartial on impeachment because has 'discussed trial mechanics' with White House: OK, I talked with the defense. Can Schumer be impartial when he is 'openly coordinating political strategy' with the prosecution?
Will Senators vying for Trumps job be impartial?
Roasted Peach Mint Ice Cream
Some decisions can't be made by a group of several hundred feckless politicians. Schiff would have been text messaging Iran before the meeting was over. The perfect opportunity for a strong response to the embassy invasion presented itself. The dems had the chance to handle this problem for 8 years and failed.
Then the Dems should impeach Trump for not giving them a heads up.
I guess their Whistleblowers were out of the loop.
From Arizona's conservative Senator:
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema said that Iranian "aggression should be checked" following the American drone strike against Qassem Soleimani.
The Arizona Democrat released a statement Friday afternoon that stood in contrast to many other Democrats who have condemned the attack against the Iranian military commander as a dangerous escalation in the Middle East.
“The country deserves, and the administration must provide, a coherent effective strategy to safeguard our national security,” Sinema said. “My highest priority is the safety of Arizona families. Soleimani was a terrorist, and I stand with all Arizonans in honoring the Americans killed and harmed by his actions.
"Iran’s aggression should be checked, and we must protect all Americans at home and abroad," she added.
Donald Trump is dangerous and reckless. He's escalated crises and betrayed our partners. He's undermined our diplomatic relationships for his own personal, political gain. We cannot allow him to drag us back into another war. We must speak out.
Liz Warren
Our world has been set on edge by an erratic, unstable, and dangerously incompetent commander in chief. The stakes could not be higher. Every day that Donald Trump directs American national security is a dangerous day for the United States and the world.
Joe Biden
"Donald Trump is dangerous and reckless. He's escalated crises and betrayed our partners. He's undermined our diplomatic relationships for his own personal, political gain. We cannot allow him to drag us back into another war. We must speak out. After all, all that stuff is our job!"
I might have added that last part.
Trump's dangerous escalation brings us closer to another disastrous war in the Middle East that could cost countless lives and trillions more dollars.
Trump promised to end endless wars, but this action puts us on the path to another one.
Bernie Sanders
Can you say "Party-line" boys and girls?
If Trump had consulted Congress it would have been in the papers within hours. The Dems are not patriots. If they can get political points the country can go hang.
"Farmer: "Continue lurking. We already have plenty of dumbass commenters. No need to throw your hat in the ring, too."
Whoa whoa whoa there tiger. Just breathe. Breathe. Expand..contract. Expand..contract...."
Yes. That was an ungracious response to a sincere expression of sympathy.
What’s taking Angry Amy so long to issue a statement?
It’s premature to say this Cold War with Iran is escalating. No one knows. The Mullahs have backed down before. Might be nothing more than the US reminding them where the line is. They crossed it. And their Golden Boy General got clipped.
she lost her comb, give her some time to react.
"Pompous Pete is a total windbag poseur"
But he sounds "serious"! And he's gay! And he's ex-military, so he "expresses American values"! He'll be irresistible to Althouse.
I mean, she found poseur windbag O "pragmatic" back in '08, and Pete has a few other things going for him, so this vote will be easier to rationalize than '08 or '16.
The Mullahs need to remember their response to Operation Praying Mantis.
Max Boot describes Trump's foreign policy as....
"Bellicose Interventionism"
he pointed out the increasingly Salafist character of the saddam regime
November, 2011; citizen Donald J. Trump goes on video to claim that President Obama would start a war with Iran in order to get himself re-elected.
You have to see this video to believe it, today.
take a bow, slo jo:
and furthermore:
Trump trolled Obama during his presidency. No one cares. Obama got his money. And Trump got the presidency.
It’s what the president does that matters.
Words are plentiful. Deeds are precious.
He had her at gay.
Be interesting to see if Mayor Pete walks back his statement like Warren did.
Angry Amy is still waiting to see what everyone else says and what happens next.
I can see why Bernie has his loyal faction. It’s clear where he stands.
Biden has criticized Trump’s decision, which should make the rest of us feel better given that Biden is almost always wrong about Foreign Policy.
Jonah and Kristol and the rest of the Cruise Cucks Clan are still deciding whether to shit or go blind.
Ds spent last 4th of July in opposition to the Flag. Now for the New Year, they're siding w/ Iran. Saint Valentine's Day is going to be lit!
Also in 2011:
"Former President Bill Clinton said... presidents should be able to run for a third term as long as they take off some time after their second term."
Can we get a leader whose branding doesn’t involve a childish nickname?
I'm sure I knew a limerick about Pete, the Meat!!
It takes a special type of stupid to compare tweets from eight years ago in order to draw a comparison to Trump's response to a recent attack on our embassy.
this guy comes to Iraq to coordinate More terror attacks on Americans
the President orders an airstrike that takes him out; Before the terror attacks can begin
Serious Question:
If the President that ordered this was Barry O'Bama;
does Anyone think media/democrat response might be different?
but sunni and shia don't cooperate,
The General came to Iraq to die.
He was ratted out by someone high up
Also in 2011:
"More than 5,000 documents have been leaked online purporting to be the correspondence of climate scientists at the University of East Anglia who were previously accused of ‘massaging’ evidence of man-made climate change."
that's a likely consideration,
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck really really did not want this terrorist leader to die.
I'm sorry for your loss Chuck.
Soon we can recruit Marianne Williamson to smooth things over with...LOVE!
what this episode has shown us, is what a travismockasham, these debates and peach mint has been, the former would offer the same cul de sac of failure we've seen since 2001 with perhaps a few wrinkles, and the second is an utter waste of time,
He was a military intelligence officer on the ground in Iraq.
I knew some of those.
They bought all the shit at the PX.
Damn fobbits.
news from 2007
Drago said...
mccullough: "The Hard Left will go apeshit if Pete is the nominee."
Trump gets 30% of the black vote if Pete is the nominee.
But 104% of Philadelphia voters will still vote for democrats.
It takes a special type of stupid to compare tweets from eight years ago in order to draw a comparison to Trump's response to a recent attack on our embassy.
Even worse, Chuck, and others, is hoping to gloat over terrible retaliation
Fullmoon: "Even worse, Chuck, and others, is hoping to gloat over terrible retaliation"
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck despises active duty military members who vote for Trump. He has made that perfectly clear over the years.
So, the fact that Trump will once again win the vast majority of Active Duty military votes simply means that LLR-lefty Chuck obviously views potential US military deaths as a means of reducing votes for Trump and that's something that would make him very happy.
If the Iranians killed Joe Biden would it destabilize an entire region? I can’t see it...
Here is the opportunity for a Democrat to show actual leadership. Will any take it? Not so far. Have not heard from Gabbard yet.
"This was very clearly an act of war by this president without any kind of authorization or declaration of war from Congress, clearly violating the Constitution," Gabbard, a Hawaii Democrat who is running for president, said on Fox & Friends. "It further escalates this tit for tat that's going on and on and on, will elicit a very serious response from Iran, and [pushes] us deeper and deeper into this quagmire. And it really begs the question: For what?"
I meant to add that one shouldn't expect any type of hawkish statement from Gabbard. She's staying true to her isolationist ideas.
Representative Tulsi Gabbard said Friday morning that President Donald Trump violated the Constitution in his decision to authorize a drone strike against a senior Iranian military figure without congressional approval.
"This was very clearly an act of war by this president without any kind of authorization or declaration of war from Congress, clearly violating the Constitution,"
"Begs the question."
That garners a reaction from me.
Buttigieg's "We must, We must, We must" is so tiresome. We don't talk that way. Real Americans say, "We have to ..." or "We've gotta ...." Even Trump's "We'll see what happens" is a breath of fresh air in comparison.
The General came to Iraq to die. He was ratted out by someone high up
Maybe, but he was increasingly public in the past fifteen years because the US dared not hit him.
Reminds me of Michael Corleone convincing his people that you could hit a corrupt NYC police captain who was taking payoffs from a heroin dealer.
It is so much fun watching arm chair generals and a bunch of scrubby losers bitch about a "DANGEROUS ESCALATION" on their way to Starbucks.
Sulemanei was a piece of shit that needed to die.
Killing him does the opposite of escalation.
The world would be a better place today without him. It is a safer place. It is a more peaceful place.
it's good questions for the future:
Killing The General was not an Act of War.
We’ve been in a Cold War with Iran since 1979.
People need to get a grip.
The Deputy got promoted. The Quds Force needs to alter its playbook. If they were that dependent on one guy, then it means they really suck.
a summing up,
because the press only presents the now, speculates on the future, ignores the past,
their rank and file forces were decimated on the plain of Syria, stayed mostly out of sight, in yemen,
Good points.
Iran has overextended its military.
The US strategy of Obama giving them back some money and loosening sanctions then Trump coming on and sticking them with more sanctions has been good.
If the Deep State is that smart and competent, then kudos to them.
Hopefully, there is a Franco, Pinochet, or Al-Sisi in the ranks. We can deal with those guys.
Hoo boy! Tucker Carlson opens with a monologue and a series of guests suggesting that Trump is in the thrall of "neo cons" and that we are wallking into another pointless, endless war.
Good luck, Fox fans!
"State Department says Iran responsible for killing 608 U.S. troops during Iraq War.
Qasem Soleimani led all Iranian and Iranian-backed forces in those operations.
17% of U.S. troops killed in Iraq from 2003 to 2011 orchestrated by Iran, State Dept. says"
Not even counting all of our guys and gals who were severely injured, maimed, disabled.
Hey Pete!! Call back when you've reviewed the definition for defenestrate.
Jimbino said...
Even Trump's "We'll see what happens" is a breath of fresh air in comparison.
I'm surprised that you don't insist on "We shall see" vice "We will see."
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck's hero, Slow Joey Biden, just lied about his public statements opposing the Bin Laden Raid!!
Get this: Slow Joe now claims he never saud that thing he said on camera multiple times!
That would nake a terrific ad in the fall!
Well now. This is going to take a real effort on the part of the left to drown out. Something similar to how Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck lied repeatedly to try and cover for Stolen Valor liar Da Nang Dick Blumenthal.
Blumenthal lied repeatedly and consistently over many years about his service and LLR-lefty Chuck tried to push a "one time"/"mispoke" lie to cover it up.
Once again, "Aneurysm" Joe forgets he's saying all this on camera!
Everybody's talkin' 'bout
Soleimani, Pakistanis, dead jihadis, Hobby Lobby, Abu Dhabi, Rickey Bobby
This-hadji, that-hadji, hadji podgy
All Chuckie's saying is give peace a chance
All Chuckie's saying is give peace a chance
Gabbard rhymes with scabbard which tells me what she is.
Drago said..Slow Joey Biden, just lied about his public statements opposing the Bin Laden Raid!!
C'mon man! I used weasel words. Get it straight Jack. You're just trying to make it about me instead of Hun..Trump.
Three words:
No joke!
>> Maybe, but he was increasingly public in the past fifteen years <<
Swelled head syndrome? Happens to the best.
A guy with decades long history in supporting terrorist groups and governments hostile to US had a nerve to show up in Baghdad days after his allied mob invaded US embassy what is always kind of a big thing. Showed up like he lived there.
Just for such brazen behavior it was proper to blow the guy up.
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