So I'm taking a walk today and a middle-aged guy in a pickup stops alongside me and asks if I know where the local adult video store is. Swear to God, this is the second time this has happened to me this year and it's freaking me out a little. Why me and why is our little city a magnet for out-of-town Onanists with poor wifi?
Godly folks are only shown in 3 color lithographs on heavy paper. Lots of yellow, orange, blue and brown. The ungodly are shown in trains and factories.
The reporterettes anecdote doesnt ring true, shes a labeled fiction writer one spy thriller (featuring a thinly disguised john brennan) and a crime novel of sorts
So I'm taking a walk today and a middle-aged guy in a pickup stops alongside me and asks if I know where the local adult video store is. Swear to God, this is the second time this has happened to me this year and it's freaking me out a little. Why me and why is our little city a magnet for out-of-town Onanists with poor wifi?
You look like a guy that hangs out at the local adult video store?
"a guy that hangs out at the local adult video store?
Maybe time for a complete makeover"
Well, I figured that, as a middle-aged White guy with a black jacket and a black baseball cap pulled low, they thought I looked simpatico.
More seriously, it got me thinking about subcultures and how, the smaller a subculture is, the more opaque it's information loop is to outsiders. Perhaps AVS customers of a certain bent know that our local AVS caters to that bent. How would others know that?
Coronavirus spurs a run on face masks. But do they work?
'...The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that any health-care workers interacting with coronavirus patients or suspected cases wear a stronger kind of mask, known as the N95 respirator, along with other gear such as gloves and eye protectors.
The N95 filters out 95 percent of pollutants and is “highly effective” in preventing the transmission of viruses, Sexton said. However, these masks must be specially fitted and therefore are not commonly worn outside of the health-care setting.'
'...U.S. face mask manufacturers told The Washington Post that they also are dealing with a jump in demand.
“We are experiencing a surge in demand for our protective face masks in North America, Europe and China,” Honeywell International, based in Northern Carolina, said in a statement. “We are increasing production at multiple facilities globally, and we are fulfilling all current orders.”
3M, a major manufacturer based in Minnesota, also reported an increase in production after a rise in demand from China for respiratory protection products.
As The Post’s Lena Sun reported, the U.S. government has several secret storage facilities holding drugs and supplies that are part of a $7 billion Strategic National Stockpile ready to be used in the case of a bioterrorism or nuclear attack or an outbreak of an infectious disease. The medical contents of the repository held nationwide would cover more than 31 football fields if laid out.'
3M N-95 dust masks now seem to be out of stock (online) on Amazon, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. Probably because of stories like this:
Is Beijing suppressing the true scale of infections? Nurse treating coronavirus sufferers says 90,000 have been infected as Chinese president warns spread is ACCELERATING and death toll hits 55
The level of hysteria is concerning. Maybe I'll just stay in doors.
Except for walking the dog,.
Are all Democrats crazy ? This is a new phenomenon. When I was on the CMA's Commission on Legislation, we mostly worked with Democrats. They were not crazy then.
NPR has the whole interview on audio. It was semi-short, and Pompeo basically cut it off when Kelly asked Pompeo why he hadn’t defended Ambassador Yovanovich as part of the State Department, following Department protocol (or formally charging her with misconduct if she was not), and Pompeo would not answer. She pressed him for a direct answer to a direct question, and Pompeo quit answering.
Then, apparently thinking they were off the record, Pompeo went off on her. Dropping repeated f-bombs; telling her that Americans don’t care about fucking Ukraine. And Pompeo taunted Kelly, who has a degree in European Studies from Cambridge along with more than ten years covering the national security beat. Pompeo challenged Kelly to find Ukraine on a map. And Pompeo directed one of his aides to get a blank map, to test Kelly. The aide got a map, and she correctly pointed out the area of Ukraine.
An enraged Pompeo continued to berate Kelly, with more f-bombs, and warned her, “People are going to hear about this.”
Afterward, when Kelly reported on the interview, Pompeo attacked Kelly further, claiming that he had not agreed to an interview on the subject of Ukraine. Now, NPR has released emails between Kelly and the State Department clearing the interview. Ukraine was not off limits.
And then the State Department tried to claim that Pompeo’s blowup was off the record and should not have been reported. NPR and Kelly say, “Nope; there was no such agreement,” and neither Pompeo nor State have since backed that up with anything.
And now finally, Pompeo has started gaslighting in an oddly Trumpian way. Pompeo has muttered something about “finding Bangladesh on a map.” Now, Pompeo hasn’t claimed that Mary Louise Kelly mistook Bangladesh for Ukraine. He just threw that line out there.
Pompeo needs to answer questions under oath and in front of a judge.
It's so funny when a nation, in search of defensive or offensive weapons, attacks themselves. I think bio is the only example. No nation has been hurt in the large sense, by a nuk test.
Jeezus Chuck, that must have been a hell of a divorce to make you so bitter. Ran off with your best friend? Got the house and most of the savings and investments? All the friends took her side?
Man, that must really suck. But does explain a lot.
The Atlantic on why reporters believe Mary Louise Kelly:
"Pompeo needs to answer questions under oath and in front of a judge."
Yeah, non-cooperation with a hostile reporter. He obviously thought he was there to give an interview on Iran policy and lost his cool when asked to apologize to Yakonovitch. Probably a felony, but at least a misdemeanor. He belongs in court for that. The game isn't played that way anymore.
Pretty typical behavior for Pompeo. The guy is a thin-skinned, blustering blowhard who can only keep so many talking points in his head at one time before he goes into meltdown mode. The guy's a joke.
"Making a mountain out of a molehill is an idiom referring to over-reactive, histrionic behaviour where a person makes too much of a minor issue. It seems to have come into existence in the 16th century. "
"The idiom is a metaphor for the common behaviour of responding disproportionately to something - usually an adverse circumstance. One who makes a mountain out of a molehill is said to be greatly exaggerating the severity of the situation."
@Chuck - Chuck. Chuck. You were invited to leave. It was nice without you. But you came back. What's this about? A perverse desire to participate in a community that finds you unbearable? Are you paid to do this? Are your opinions that important? Have you no other outlet that affords you such self-gratification? Is it a form of masochism?
All interviews of politicians should be "hostile." That's good reporting. Otherwise, it's merely public relations.
He obviously thought he was there to give an interview on Iran policy and lost his cool when asked to apologize to Yakonovitch
He was not "asked to apologize to Yakonovitch." He was asked whether he believed he owed her an apology. Pompeo could have easily said, "No," and then explain why he didn't an apology was owed. Instead he threw a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat.
Franklin foer then at the new republic allowed scott beauchamp to out right lie a decade he pushed fusion propaganda under his byline at slate and now at the atlantic does the same with crowdstrikes successor.
Farmer, I assume Pompeo has made a plan which will play out. The only reason to dis him instead of waiting to see his results is if you want to influence opinion against him and thus stop his plan before it matures. I challenge you to make a prediction of what will happen under his plan, and let it be judged against the future.
wholelottasplainin' said... Cheeesy Chuck wrote: Pompeo needs to answer questions under oath and in front of a judge.
FOR WHAT? Being rude???
First of all, Pompeo should be answering the GAO’s questions on the Administration’s violation of the ICA. From the final page of the GAO report: Page 8 B-331564
OMB and State have failed, as of yet, to provide the information we need to fulfill our duties under the ICA regarding potential impoundments of FMF funds. We will continue to pursue this matter and will provide our decision to the Congress after we have received the necessary information. We consider a reluctance to provide a fulsome response to have constitutional significance. GAO’s role under the ICA—to provide information and legal analysis to Congress as it performs oversight of executive activity—is essential to ensuring respect for and allegiance to Congress’ constitutional power of the purse. All federal officials and employees take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution and its core tenets, including the congressional power of the purse. We trust that State and OMB will provide the information needed. Thomas H. Armstrong General Counsel B-331564
And after that, with all of the documents out, Pompeo can sit and be crossed by Daniel Goldman with Chief Justice Roberts watching.
Pompeo having been director previously had a much better understanding of what ukraines needa and capacities were as well as when he was on the intelligence committee.
Farmer, I assume Pompeo has made a plan which will play out. The only reason to dis him instead of waiting to see his results is if you want to influence opinion against him and thus stop his plan before it matures. I challenge you to make a prediction of what will happen under his plan, and let it be judged against the future.
I honestly have no idea what this comment means or what it has to do with anything.
Now weasel schiff he doesnt evince any intelligence of either kind. But thats wht they put him up there, not that trey gowdy was much of an improvement.
Without Chuck, how would we know all this stuff? Now I'm not certain he's accurate, but he does have a lively imagination. And he is impressed with people who have degrees from Cambridge.
As for me--and several of the other posters here who have one or more advanced degrees--I'm not so impressed. I've known a lot of highly educated and credentialed fools in my life.
Blogger J. Farmer said... OK. What’s with the Mike Pompeo/Mary Kelly story?
Pretty typical behavior for Pompeo. The guy is a thin-skinned, blustering blowhard who can only keep so many talking points in his head at one time before he goes into meltdown mode. The guy's a joke.
A friend of mine who used to be an independent, and who is now firmly allied with Democrats because of Trump, knew I was a Republican and so asked me about Pompeo because she knew I was attuned to all things Republican.
I told her that Pompeo was smart; first in his class at West Point, Harvard Law and Law Review; four years at Williams & Connolly; some aerospace and oil production equipment businesses in Kansas, then a rapid-rising career in the House. All pre-Trump.
I told my friend that Pompeo was smart and that made him dangerous; dangerous to everyone including Mike Pompeo.
Now, ever Pompeo interview for the foreseeable future needs to include “Bangladesh.” And of course it is now only s matter of time before someone produces a blank map and a Sharpie and asks Trump to identify Ukraine. Or, uh, South Carolina.
Thanks, Stephan. I havn't heard that wonderful song in a while. I share your love of hymns completely- I don't know how many times I have listened to my copy of the Vaughan Williams Hymnal (Trinity College Choir).
Farmer, I assume Pompeo has made a plan which will play out. The only reason to dis him instead of waiting to see his results is if you want to influence opinion against him and thus stop his plan before it matures. I challenge you to make a prediction of what will happen under his plan, and let it be judged against the future.
" I honestly have no idea what this comment means or what it has to do with anything. "
"Blogger J. Farmer said...
OK. What’s with the Mike Pompeo/Mary Kelly story?
Pretty typical behavior for Pompeo. The guy is a thin-skinned, blustering blowhard who can only keep so many talking points in his head at one time before he goes into meltdown mode. The guy's a joke."
My reply:
1. You dis Pompeo in ad hominem terms.
2. You claim he has intellectual challenges and is funny in his actions.
3. You claim these facts in advance of the results of his policy.
4. I ask you to make a prediction based on your claims.
you dis someone in non ad hominem terms by making intellectual arguments.
Dissing someone, by its definition, is an ad hominem. And you seem to be confused. I was criticizing Pompeo's behavior, not his policies. Though there is plenty of that to go around, it wasn't the point.
Oh, right. That's who I figured you were talking about, but I thought you were referring to a more recent back and forth. Yeah, I remember being a little bummed about that, because I thought it was a pretty good back and forth. It's like snapchat for blog comments. Read em before they delete em.
Ot star trek picard, is terrible andis expected to get worse.
Damn! I haven't watched it yet but had high hopes. I grew up on Next Generation. My father was a devotee of the original series. We were doing Kirk vs Picard before it became the ultimate nerd question.
Read the transcript of Mary Louise Kelly’s interview with Pompeo. Pompeo has an unusually blunt way of not answering questions. His favorite thing is to not answer a question by saying, “As I’ve already made very clear...” Or, “As the President has made very clear, ...” and then repeating a non-responsive talking point.
Pompeo normally does this in such a blandly determined way, that it might not get a lot of notice. But with Kelly, hr let slip, and tried to intimidate her, and now he’s been caught in a laughably Trumpian way. Replete with the gaslighting denial “Bangladesh,” that only proves that yeah, he had an aide get s blank map to test her. And he won’t actually say that she pointed to Bangladesh.
Ah well; Mary Louise Kelly didn’t know Ukraine. And of course Donald Trump didn’t know Parnas and Fruman; didn’t know who they were or anything about them. They may have been people who wanted photos with him. He takes pictures with thousands of people. Trump knows nothing about Parnas or Fruman. Riiight:
Ever notice that the only people Farmer never criticizes is the Iranian mullahs?
That's not true. I also never criticize the government of Turkmenistan, either. Or the Chinese politburo. Or the Kim regime. Or the government of Gambia.
You want to know why? I'm American. And that is the country I actually can have some influence in. To paraphrase John Quincy Adams', I am the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all but the champion and vindicator only of my own.
US Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Filed In 2015 Was Granted In 2018
"...China’s very first biosafety-level-4 lab is located just 20 miles away from where this outbreak supposedly originated. And a news report about this lab from a few years ago specifically stated that it would be “studying the pathogen that causes SARS”. Of course, SARS was caused by a coronavirus, and now a “new coronavirus” has been unleashed in the only Chinese city where coronavirus research was being conducted."
I thought it was the Tamil Tigers who put suicide bombers on the map. And come to think of it, how come I've never heard Ken criticize the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. I wonder what sinister motives this omission suggests.
Asymmetric warfare must be considered in many categories. sometimes it wins sometimes it loses. If you blow up a wedding it may make them all mad or it may make them all scared.
what-- this guy's never heard of the Democrat Party??
Top Iran official: We must use the race issue to divide Americans Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi of Iran's Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution & a top regime strategist says it's time to influence US public opinion by using the issue of color & race.
“Come on, I need you guys to pray. We cancel every surprise from the witchcraft in the make-believe kingdom. Any hex, any spell, any witchcraft, any spirit of control, any Jezebel, anything that the enemy desires through spells, through witchcraft, through any way that is manipulation — demonic manipulation — we curse that. We break it according to the word of God in the name of Jesus.”
We come against the marine kingdom, we come against the animal kingdom [unintelligible] … we break their power in the name of Jesus and we declare that any strange winds — any strange winds that have been sent to hurt the church, sent against this nation, sent against our president, sent against myself, sent against others, we break it by the superior blood of Jesus right now.
In the name of Jesus, we arrest every infirmity, affliction, fatigue, weariness, weakness, fear, sickness, any self-righteousness, any self-serving action God, let prides fall, let prides fall, let prides fall. In the name of Jesus, we command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now. We declare that anything that’s been conceived in Satanic wombs, that they will miscarry, they will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm.””
"I'm American. And that is the country I actually can have some influence in. To paraphrase John Quincy Adams', I am the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all but the champion and vindicator only of my own."
Good answer. It's something the "America, FUCK YEAH!" types can't understand, as they are too emotionally invested in their "America: Love it or Suck it!" infantilism.
“I have not heard of Ms. White. Does she indeed occupy the office of "Presidential Spirit Advisor?"
WASHINGTON — Paula White, a Pentecostal preacher and longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, has been tapped to head the White House's Faith and Opportunity Initiative, a successor to previous administrations' faith-based office that coordinates outreach to religious communities.
"Paula White is the Advisor to the (White House) Faith & Opportunity Initiative," read a statement from the White House sent to Religion News Service. A White House spokesperson later said, "She is heading up that initiative."
Yes, Ms. White is quite well known, as her Without Walls church was founded in my hometown, Tampa. She, like her good friend Benny Hinn, is a bullshit artist. If you're an evangelist and a multi-millionaire, you're probably a piece of shit.
Our elites largelywish the Soviet Union hadnt gome away, that was certsinly true of academia which has imported many of their practices, and entertainment. They arent keen on modern Russia but it largely set against that model only stephen cohen didnt get the memo.
Funny how some people are worried about someone who fights the devil. I don’t see the harm in it. And that same worried person is a devotee of Marx who everyone knows is not the devil. Just a good old boy trying to help the less fortunate. Because he knows better. And it’s all for the greater good. But yeah, a believer in a different religion is problematical....
What does prosperity theology have to do with fighting the devil? I must've missed the part in the Gospels where Jesus told his followers that God wanted them all to be rich and that the best way to do so would be to donate to his ministry.
“In the name of Jesus, we arrest every infirmity, affliction, fatigue, weariness, weakness, fear, sickness, any self-righteousness, any self-serving action God, let prides fall, let prides fall, let prides fall. In the name of Jesus, we command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now. We declare that anything that’s been conceived in Satanic wombs, that they will miscarry, they will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm.”
Anyone been singing the praises of paula white, not really im fairly orthodox in my preferences. Graham and stanley and jeffress are more in my wheelhouse.
Star Trek series seem to be degrading just like Star Wars movies. It isn't a one way trend, but the overall trend is down, down, down.
Star Trek OS, slight decline to Star Trek TNG (at least only slight if you ignore the first two seasons of TNG, slight decline to Deep Space Nine, moderate decline to Star Trek Voyager (but again, you have to ignore the first two seasons), a slight improvement to Star Trek Enterprise, a slight decline to Star Trek Discovery, and though I haven't watched it, the description of Picard sounds really awful to me.
I don't particularly like progressions that go back in time (see Star Wars prequels)- this was my main objection to Enterprise and Discovery. I thought what the series really needed after Voyager was huge leap into far more distant future- it might have given writers more freedom for actual innovation and imagination, but, alas, they wanted to stick to known "history" of the series. Boring.
People like Paula White and her predecessor Joyce Meyer would do better to pray for better outcomes from their godawful plastic surgeries. All is vanity!
Yet another reason not to trust the media. Local reporter states that the Delta B777 fuel dump rained "100,000 gallons of fuel" over the communities. That would be a total of 650,000 pounds of fuel. The max gross weight of a 777-200 is 535,000 lbs. She should have said 100,000 POUNDS of fuel, which makes more sense.
That in addition to reporting it as dumping only on schools, as though they were targeted singularly and intentionally.
I have been a hand-washing MFer for many years and all this news - along with watching that "Contagion" movie the other day - has spurred me to new heights!
It must be a generational thing. And I get that you said "slightly," but to say that Next Generation is a decline from the original is like saying Tim Burton's Batman was a decline from the Adam West version. Maybe that's true! But I guess it's just impossible for my millenial mind to comprehend it. I liked Deep Space Nine quite a bit but started losing interest with Voyager, though admittedly my interest did perk up once Jeri Ryan joined the cast. I haven't seen any iterations of the franchise since then.
I like Enterprise somewhat better than Voyager, but there just wasn't an opportunity break what I would consider new ground because it was set in the past of the previous 4 series. Other than that, I thought the series was fairly well written, acted, and produced. However, I like Discovery a great deal less, even though the production values are good. It just bores me a lot more than Enterprise did.
Who ripped off who in that case? The two series premiered a month apart, didn't they? I distinctly remember wathing the premiere of Deep Space Nine before Babylon 5.
I loved both series- I thought Babylon 5 did a better job building a world, and I look forward more to each episode- especially early on in both series first two seasons, but then Deep Space Nine had one pre-manufactured by TNG to work off of.
I liked the original ST because my grandmother forbid me to watch it. I thought DS9 was stupid. I liked Picard and Data in TNG. I did not like Janeway but liked 7 of 9 alot. I watched Picard on CBS now and did not get too angry.
"All interviews of politicians should be "hostile." That's good reporting. Otherwise, it's merely public relations.
Bullshit. The object of a reporter should be to get information into the public square. Being hostile to the subject is unlikely to further that goal. There is a distinct difference between digging aggressively for more info, and hostility.
"He was not "asked to apologize to Yakonovitch." He was asked whether he believed he owed her an apology."
Why would the the word apology even come up in an interview on the administration's foreign policy? Listen to the interview again. Tone. She was openly hostile. But I see your mind is set. Cynicism is easy.
"And you think the way to get information to the public is to ask politicians only questions they want to be asked?"
Now you're just playing games. What part of digging aggressively for info don't you understand? Nor does it mean you are going to get all the answers or info you want. I'd love to be privy to a lot of private and conversations and plans. Or we could just waterboarded them if they don't give us what we want.
There is a place for an aggressive press. That isn't what this was. I'm not trying to defend Pompeo's later behavior here, but it's hardly worth putting him in jail.
There is a place for an aggressive press. That isn't what this was. I'm not trying to defend Pompeo's later behavior here, but it's hardly worth putting him in jail.
Great. Now show me where I said he should be put in jail for it.
"Great. Now show me where I said he should be put in jail for it."
My response in the original comment was to Chuck. 'Hauled into court'. I'm off to an overdue bed. We'll play again some other day. How about them IR-8's! What do they figure? A decade to advance that far?
You have to apply a "there is no budget and special effects haven't been invented" filter to TOS. Once you do that, there is no comparison. I can't imagine Kirk calling a staff meeting to discuss a problem to death. He is going to kick the problem's butt, and seduce its woman.
Poor Marie Yovanovich! Poor, POOR, Marie Yovanovich! Discovered too late that serving at the pleasure of the President means he can fire your worthless ass at any time for any reason. She must have been out recovering from a hangover when they went over that in class.
When you keep in mind that Mike Pompeo’s three predecessors were Rex Tillerson, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton, well, his working assumption would naturally be that there’s a lot of bad apples aming the ambassadors he inherited. Yovanovich is probably not the worst, but “not the worst” is not much praise now, is it?
let's review Basic Facts The Original Series has Women in tight, stretchy mini-dresses The few women that aren't wearing TSMD's are Horny Aliens wearing Horny Alien outfits
The ENTIRE show consisted of these fine ladies, getting laid Hot women in Tight Stretchy Mini Dresses getting laid is THE BEDROCK of scifi
Now, compare All the rest of that crap. Those chix are ALL wearing loose pants Not Hot Pants; Not Yoga Pants; Not even Capri Pants.... Loose TROUSERS Now, Maybe if you hate women, and dig the idea of doing people in Loose TROUSERS...
TV series are a new genre of film, where the writers' bull sessions become visible. Complications thought up and discarded in a regular brainstorming session are not discarded but tried in series, for as long as the audience hangs on. Exposition and denouement are omitted and rising action/climax/falling action inserted seriatim, once for every idea.
The counterpoint variant, run two ideas slightly staggered in parallel at once, instead of one at a time.
Blogger Big Mike said... Poor Marie Yovanovich! Poor, POOR, Marie Yovanovich! Discovered too late that serving at the pleasure of the President means he can fire your worthless ass at any time for any reason. She must have been out recovering from a hangover when they went over that in class.
I don’t think anybody doubts the existence of Presidential authority. I know I don’t.
We just have a few questions about how it is being wielded these days. And Pompeo seems to have issues with answering tough questions.
Seems there always a mouthy teenage daughter who believes she's smarter than everybody else & puts all in greater danger. Oh yes, daughter has to be a decent sketch artist. All characters take stupid actions that increase danger in order for plot to continue. Yada yada yada. Determined single mum takes superhuman actions to save all. Sound familiar? Yes, over and over again. Give us something new!!!!!!
Why do I care about Pompeo/ Kelly? Answer: I don’t.
Too much hostility to my party from the press over the last 50 years has caused me to have contempt for all members of the press. They want to push a story, not get a story. My contempt has led to complete indifference, with occasional forays to figure out what they got wrong.
narciso said... "Thats still a serious slipup. How much fuel did they have to spare." Modern commercial jets can't land with full fuel tanks. It would destroy the plane on landing.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "I don’t think anybody doubts the existence of Presidential authority."
We are literally in the middle of a hoaxed up impeachment (which you support) over the President exercising his appropriate Presidential powers after 3+ straight years of you and your dem pals arguing Trunp cannot be allowed to exercise any presidential authority....because history began 15 minutes ago.
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1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»i miss windows 7
Stay safe John.
At least you all know there’s stuff needed in the warehouses.
OK. What’s with the Mike Pompeo/Mary Kelly story ? The B plot of the misogynist vs the unhinged
So I'm taking a walk today and a middle-aged guy in a pickup stops alongside me and asks if I know where the local adult video store is. Swear to God, this is the second time this has happened to me this year and it's freaking me out a little. Why me and why is our little city a magnet for out-of-town Onanists with poor wifi?
Trump is on the brink of doom.
Not this year but within the last year...
Why me and why is our little city a magnet
Jeeze! That's Creepy! Tell them to use the internet; like GOD intended!
"Blogger Spiros Pappas said...
Trump is on the brink of doom"
Speaking of out-of-town Onanists....
GOD went to All the trouble, of making people, that made the internet...
To IGNORE his gifts, is to Ignore GOD... And that Pisses Him off!
Godly folks are only shown in 3 color lithographs on heavy paper. Lots of yellow, orange, blue and brown. The ungodly are shown in trains and factories.
The reporterettes anecdote doesnt ring true, shes a labeled fiction writer one spy thriller (featuring a thinly disguised john brennan) and a crime novel of sorts
So are we at the stand, andromeda atrain or world war z contagion.
I'd be more afraid of a contagion coming out of LA than China, but that's just me. Maybe Seattle, also, from what I saw last time I was downtown....
Well it could find an easy growth medium there.
Don't know if this has been posted or not, but it should be used as a training video to teach Erin Kaplan how to deal with people.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
So I'm taking a walk today and a middle-aged guy in a pickup stops alongside me and asks if I know where the local adult video store is. Swear to God, this is the second time this has happened to me this year and it's freaking me out a little. Why me and why is our little city a magnet for out-of-town Onanists with poor wifi?
You look like a guy that hangs out at the local adult video store?
Maybe time for a complete makeover!
My weekly hymn, everybody's favorite:
Morning Has Broken.
Chuck. Inga. Discuss.
Occam's razor applied to the news indicates that this illness was released by the PLA bio weapons lab in the town where the infection started.
released by accident, of course.
Thats plausible, but youre assuming its an accidental release, did i mention the stand.
"a guy that hangs out at the local adult video store?
Maybe time for a complete makeover"
Well, I figured that, as a middle-aged White guy with a black jacket and a black baseball cap pulled low, they thought I looked simpatico.
More seriously, it got me thinking about subcultures and how, the smaller a subculture is, the more opaque it's information loop is to outsiders. Perhaps AVS customers of a certain bent know that our local AVS caters to that bent. How would others know that?
If the coronavirus needs a culture to grow in, it won't find it in the USA.
Well that wasnt smart.
Blogger wholelottasplainin' said...
If the coronavirus needs a culture to grow in, it won't find it in the USA.
If it is a USA culture, the NYT will declare it a legitimate target of the Iranian Guard.
How is coronavirus different from swine flu?
(I'm talking about the 1976 Swine Flu -- lots of panic, not a lot else though)
They havent adequately explained that.
Shouting Thomas, I’m enjoying your Sunday series very much.
They say they are genetically different closer to sars and mers
Coronavirus spurs a run on face masks. But do they work?
'...The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that any health-care workers interacting with coronavirus patients or suspected cases wear a stronger kind of mask, known as the N95 respirator, along with other gear such as gloves and eye protectors.
The N95 filters out 95 percent of pollutants and is “highly effective” in preventing the transmission of viruses, Sexton said. However, these masks must be specially fitted and therefore are not commonly worn outside of the health-care setting.'
'...U.S. face mask manufacturers told The Washington Post that they also are dealing with a jump in demand.
“We are experiencing a surge in demand for our protective face masks in North America, Europe and China,” Honeywell International, based in Northern Carolina, said in a statement. “We are increasing production at multiple facilities globally, and we are fulfilling all current orders.”
3M, a major manufacturer based in Minnesota, also reported an increase in production after a rise in demand from China for respiratory protection products.
As The Post’s Lena Sun reported, the U.S. government has several secret storage facilities holding drugs and supplies that are part of a $7 billion Strategic National Stockpile ready to be used in the case of a bioterrorism or nuclear attack or an outbreak of an infectious disease. The medical contents of the repository held nationwide would cover more than 31 football fields if laid out.'
3M N-95 dust masks now seem to be out of stock (online) on Amazon, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. Probably because of stories like this:
Is Beijing suppressing the true scale of infections? Nurse treating coronavirus sufferers says 90,000 have been infected as Chinese president warns spread is ACCELERATING and death toll hits 55
When did the outbreak begin? Im guessing two weeks ago because the chicago case came in 12 days ago.
Impeachment has been another leftist failure. Odds are good that next week, Trumps China policy will be blamed for the new virus.
The level of hysteria is concerning. Maybe I'll just stay in doors.
Except for walking the dog,.
Are all Democrats crazy ? This is a new phenomenon. When I was on the CMA's Commission on Legislation, we mostly worked with Democrats. They were not crazy then.
Pompeo v. Mary Louise Kelly of NPR:
NPR has the whole interview on audio. It was semi-short, and Pompeo basically cut it off when Kelly asked Pompeo why he hadn’t defended Ambassador Yovanovich as part of the State Department, following Department protocol (or formally charging her with misconduct if she was not), and Pompeo would not answer. She pressed him for a direct answer to a direct question, and Pompeo quit answering.
Then, apparently thinking they were off the record, Pompeo went off on her. Dropping repeated f-bombs; telling her that Americans don’t care about fucking Ukraine. And Pompeo taunted Kelly, who has a degree in European Studies from Cambridge along with more than ten years covering the national security beat. Pompeo challenged Kelly to find Ukraine on a map. And Pompeo directed one of his aides to get a blank map, to test Kelly. The aide got a map, and she correctly pointed out the area of Ukraine.
An enraged Pompeo continued to berate Kelly, with more f-bombs, and warned her, “People are going to hear about this.”
Afterward, when Kelly reported on the interview, Pompeo attacked Kelly further, claiming that he had not agreed to an interview on the subject of Ukraine. Now, NPR has released emails between Kelly and the State Department clearing the interview. Ukraine was not off limits.
And then the State Department tried to claim that Pompeo’s blowup was off the record and should not have been reported. NPR and Kelly say, “Nope; there was no such agreement,” and neither Pompeo nor State have since backed that up with anything.
And now finally, Pompeo has started gaslighting in an oddly Trumpian way. Pompeo has muttered something about “finding Bangladesh on a map.” Now, Pompeo hasn’t claimed that Mary Louise Kelly mistook Bangladesh for Ukraine. He just threw that line out there.
Pompeo needs to answer questions under oath and in front of a judge.
Brain slugs in the water supply, when they wrap around the brain stem madness. Exhibit a right above.
Shouting Thomas said...
My weekly hymn, everybody's favorite:
Morning Has Broken.
Thanx ST! May GOD Bless You!
It's so funny when a nation, in search of defensive or offensive weapons, attacks themselves. I think bio is the only example. No nation has been hurt in the large sense, by a nuk test.
Cheeesy Chuck wrote: Pompeo needs to answer questions under oath and in front of a judge.
FOR WHAT? Being rude???
Jeezus Chuck, that must have been a hell of a divorce to make you so bitter. Ran off with your best friend? Got the house and most of the savings and investments? All the friends took her side?
Man, that must really suck. But does explain a lot.
It was all in the movie Dinner for Schmucks.
NPR’s after-action reporting:
The Atlantic on why reporters believe Mary Louise Kelly:
Watching Midnight in Paris.
My impression? Owen Wilson is best tolerated in small doses. An hour of him (so far) in the leading role is really too much.
Heres a real story
"Pompeo needs to answer questions under oath and in front of a judge."
Yeah, non-cooperation with a hostile reporter. He obviously thought he was there to give an interview on Iran policy and lost his cool when asked to apologize to Yakonovitch. Probably a felony, but at least a misdemeanor. He belongs in court for that.
The game isn't played that way anymore.
As said in the prior discussion -- the response really is as tedious as the triggering comment.
OK. What’s with the Mike Pompeo/Mary Kelly story?
Pretty typical behavior for Pompeo. The guy is a thin-skinned, blustering blowhard who can only keep so many talking points in his head at one time before he goes into meltdown mode. The guy's a joke.
Shouting Thomas, great songs, keep them coming man.
"Making a mountain out of a molehill is an idiom referring to over-reactive, histrionic behaviour where a person makes too much of a minor issue. It seems to have come into existence in the 16th century. "
"The idiom is a metaphor for the common behaviour of responding disproportionately to something - usually an adverse circumstance. One who makes a mountain out of a molehill is said to be greatly exaggerating the severity of the situation."
Seems somehow familiar...
@Chuck - Chuck. Chuck. You were invited to leave. It was nice without you. But you came back. What's this about? A perverse desire to participate in a community that finds you unbearable? Are you paid to do this? Are your opinions that important? Have you no other outlet that affords you such self-gratification? Is it a form of masochism?
What no points for rachel mcadams.
Yeah, non-cooperation with a hostile reporter
All interviews of politicians should be "hostile." That's good reporting. Otherwise, it's merely public relations.
He obviously thought he was there to give an interview on Iran policy and lost his cool when asked to apologize to Yakonovitch
He was not "asked to apologize to Yakonovitch." He was asked whether he believed he owed her an apology. Pompeo could have easily said, "No," and then explain why he didn't an apology was owed. Instead he threw a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat.
Franklin foer then at the new republic allowed scott beauchamp to out right lie a decade he pushed fusion propaganda under his byline at slate and now at the atlantic does the same with crowdstrikes successor.
Farmer, I assume Pompeo has made a plan which will play out. The only reason to dis him instead of waiting to see his results is if you want to influence opinion against him and thus stop his plan before it matures. I challenge you to make a prediction of what will happen under his plan, and let it be judged against the future.
I liked the one with colin firth and emma stone.
The Carla Bruni parts are a bit interesting since I bought and started listening to her CDs.
Yo! Faarmer. Next time you do battle with the outlaw, delete her name so your comments survive.
Was looking forward to a continuance with my morning coffee and all the (assumed) best had vanished
He prefers those who huddle with iranian diplomats right around the time a dissident conference is near by.
wholelottasplainin' said...
Cheeesy Chuck wrote: Pompeo needs to answer questions under oath and in front of a judge.
FOR WHAT? Being rude???
First of all, Pompeo should be answering the GAO’s questions on the Administration’s violation of the ICA. From the final page of the GAO report:
Page 8 B-331564
OMB and State have failed, as of yet, to provide the information we need to fulfill our duties under the ICA regarding potential impoundments of FMF funds. We will continue to pursue this matter and will provide our decision to the Congress after we have received the necessary information.
We consider a reluctance to provide a fulsome response to have constitutional significance. GAO’s role under the ICA—to provide information and legal analysis to Congress as it performs oversight of executive activity—is essential to ensuring respect for and allegiance to Congress’ constitutional power of the purse. All federal officials and employees take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution and its core tenets, including the congressional power of the purse. We trust that State and OMB will provide the information needed.
Thomas H. Armstrong General Counsel
And after that, with all of the documents out, Pompeo can sit and be crossed by Daniel Goldman with Chief Justice Roberts watching.
Pompeo having been director previously had a much better understanding of what ukraines needa and capacities were as well as when he was on the intelligence committee.
Farmer, I assume Pompeo has made a plan which will play out. The only reason to dis him instead of waiting to see his results is if you want to influence opinion against him and thus stop his plan before it matures. I challenge you to make a prediction of what will happen under his plan, and let it be judged against the future.
I honestly have no idea what this comment means or what it has to do with anything.
it appears Trudeau is transitioning to male--at least growing a beard
instead of marrying one, but look at these pics--
...who does he look like?
Now weasel schiff he doesnt evince any intelligence of either kind. But thats wht they put him up there, not that trey gowdy was much of an improvement.
@Full Moon:
Yo! Faarmer. Next time you do battle with the outlaw, delete her name so your comments survive.
Was looking forward to a continuance with my morning coffee and all the (assumed) best had vanished
Sorry, which exchange are you talking about?
Don't know if this has been posted or not...
The video is from 2018.
I say again, fidel didnt have ant stupid kids even with his mistress, naty revuelta,
Any stupid kids, hes just a professional idiot.
Without Chuck, how would we know all this stuff? Now I'm not certain he's accurate, but he does have a lively imagination. And he is impressed with people who have degrees from Cambridge.
As for me--and several of the other posters here who have one or more advanced degrees--I'm not so impressed. I've known a lot of highly educated and credentialed fools in my life.
Giancarlo sopo was originally for obama, so he wasnt your typical doctrinaire exile
Carla Bruni -
Quelqu'un m'a dit
Chez Keith Et Anita
Mon Raymond
Blogger J. Farmer said...
OK. What’s with the Mike Pompeo/Mary Kelly story?
Pretty typical behavior for Pompeo. The guy is a thin-skinned, blustering blowhard who can only keep so many talking points in his head at one time before he goes into meltdown mode. The guy's a joke.
A friend of mine who used to be an independent, and who is now firmly allied with Democrats because of Trump, knew I was a Republican and so asked me about Pompeo because she knew I was attuned to all things Republican.
I told her that Pompeo was smart; first in his class at West Point, Harvard Law and Law Review; four years at Williams & Connolly; some aerospace and oil production equipment businesses in Kansas, then a rapid-rising career in the House. All pre-Trump.
I told my friend that Pompeo was smart and that made him dangerous; dangerous to everyone including Mike Pompeo.
Now, ever Pompeo interview for the foreseeable future needs to include “Bangladesh.” And of course it is now only s matter of time before someone produces a blank map and a Sharpie and asks Trump to identify Ukraine. Or, uh, South Carolina. where do lefties stand re: Assange these days?
Julian Assange investigated Russia also:
"I investigated both presidential candidates. Hillary was the only one with corrupt ties to Russia."
video clip
Thanks, Stephan. I havn't heard that wonderful song in a while. I share your love of hymns completely- I don't know how many times I have listened to my copy of the Vaughan Williams Hymnal (Trinity College Choir).
Blogger J. Farmer said...
Farmer, I assume Pompeo has made a plan which will play out. The only reason to dis him instead of waiting to see his results is if you want to influence opinion against him and thus stop his plan before it matures. I challenge you to make a prediction of what will happen under his plan, and let it be judged against the future.
" I honestly have no idea what this comment means or what it has to do with anything. "
"Blogger J. Farmer said...
OK. What’s with the Mike Pompeo/Mary Kelly story?
Pretty typical behavior for Pompeo. The guy is a thin-skinned, blustering blowhard who can only keep so many talking points in his head at one time before he goes into meltdown mode. The guy's a joke."
My reply:
1. You dis Pompeo in ad hominem terms.
2. You claim he has intellectual challenges and is funny in his actions.
3. You claim these facts in advance of the results of his policy.
4. I ask you to make a prediction based on your claims.
5. I am accused of being obtuse.
T.C.E.R.--might be a pick-up line with plausible deniability built in.
Next time, ask if they want you to hop in and show them the way.
But don't!
Those are good selections, i take my chances with pompeo rather than pasternak hack schiff or yandex tool warner
For bruni.
Honestly its like a life time acme subscription
1) How do you dis someone in non ad hominem terms?
2) Is it that hard to post a comment without tons of unnecessary spacing?
Stop before were beaten again
I am wounded, your assault on me for making extra spaces is devastating.
Whos with the adhominem.
I am wounded, your assault on me for making extra spaces is devastating.
Okay, now you're stealing my lines.
you dis someone in non ad hominem terms by making intellectual arguments.
Oh I totally forgot one of the gnarliest cases for Pompeo’s testimony under oath;
Marie Yovanovich v. US Department of State and Pompeo.
I disliked assange when he was leaking programs and personnel but when they loved him, when he airs certain peoples dirty laundry, ragnarok.
you dis someone in non ad hominem terms by making intellectual arguments.
Dissing someone, by its definition, is an ad hominem. And you seem to be confused. I was criticizing Pompeo's behavior, not his policies. Though there is plenty of that to go around, it wasn't the point.
Comments are lit tonight.
Farmer,Sorry, which exchange are you talking about?
With Crazy Merry a week or so ago..
All interviews of politicians should be "hostile." That's good reporting.
Sounds like the interview pretty hostile all round, so what's the problem?
Ot star trek picard, is terrible andis expected to get worse.
Farmer, Your arguments are too fine tuned and over fitted, there is no pleasure in disputing your claims, there is no breadth.
With Crazy Merry a week or so ago..
Oh, right. That's who I figured you were talking about, but I thought you were referring to a more recent back and forth. Yeah, I remember being a little bummed about that, because I thought it was a pretty good back and forth. It's like snapchat for blog comments. Read em before they delete em.
Farmer, Your arguments are too fine tuned and over fitted, there is no pleasure in disputing your claims, there is no breadth.
Fair enough. Carry on.
Ever notice that the only people Farmer never criticizes is the Iranian mullahs?
Ot star trek picard, is terrible andis expected to get worse.
Damn! I haven't watched it yet but had high hopes. I grew up on Next Generation. My father was a devotee of the original series. We were doing Kirk vs Picard before it became the ultimate nerd question.
How bad you ask, the thing about science star trek then, had imagination in crafting analogies and metaphors.
Sadly so, the original were cold war and some times world war 2 analogies, this one is as blunt as a blunderbuss.
Well everything is a learning exercise but thats an expensive one
Btw, all; read the transcript!
Read the transcript of Mary Louise Kelly’s interview with Pompeo. Pompeo has an unusually blunt way of not answering questions. His favorite thing is to not answer a question by saying, “As I’ve already made very clear...” Or, “As the President has made very clear, ...” and then repeating a non-responsive talking point.
Pompeo normally does this in such a blandly determined way, that it might not get a lot of notice. But with Kelly, hr let slip, and tried to intimidate her, and now he’s been caught in a laughably Trumpian way. Replete with the gaslighting denial “Bangladesh,” that only proves that yeah, he had an aide get s blank map to test her. And he won’t actually say that she pointed to Bangladesh.
Ah well; Mary Louise Kelly didn’t know Ukraine. And of course Donald Trump didn’t know Parnas and Fruman; didn’t know who they were or anything about them. They may have been people who wanted photos with him. He takes pictures with thousands of people. Trump knows nothing about Parnas or Fruman. Riiight:
@Ken B:
Ever notice that the only people Farmer never criticizes is the Iranian mullahs?
That's not true. I also never criticize the government of Turkmenistan, either. Or the Chinese politburo. Or the Kim regime. Or the government of Gambia.
You want to know why? I'm American. And that is the country I actually can have some influence in. To paraphrase John Quincy Adams', I am the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all but the champion and vindicator only of my own.
the original [Star Trek] were cold war and some times world war 2 analogies
They also had a lot of material from the golden age of science fiction. I had read some of the stories long before they were dramatized in the series.
Any of them seized our embassy, put suicide bombers on the map a decade before al queda?
Time travel stories were a staple for a whole, the multiverse wasnt seriously referred at the time.
US Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Filed In 2015 Was Granted In 2018
"...China’s very first biosafety-level-4 lab is located just 20 miles away from where this outbreak supposedly originated. And a news report about this lab from a few years ago specifically stated that it would be “studying the pathogen that causes SARS”. Of course, SARS was caused by a coronavirus, and now a “new coronavirus” has been unleashed in the only Chinese city where coronavirus research was being conducted."
But there had to have been one at 'city of the edge of forever'
I thought it was the Tamil Tigers who put suicide bombers on the map. And come to think of it, how come I've never heard Ken criticize the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. I wonder what sinister motives this omission suggests.
Tweet of the day;
“I’ve seen more pictures of Trump with Lev Parnas than with Tiffany.”
The timelines get confusimg khan took over in their version of 92 (one novelist syggested the eugenics war was a shadow war)
Khan was inspired by roddenberys navigator over the hump, that experience filtered into his last project, earths final battle
Asymmetric warfare must be considered in many categories. sometimes it wins sometimes it loses. If you blow up a wedding it may make them all mad or it may make them all scared.
Which feature a sino indian war to the heroes back story.
Did Gene Roddenberry fly C47's? if so I have more respect for him, if in the CBI Theatre.
what-- this guy's never heard of the Democrat Party??
Top Iran official: We must use the race issue to divide Americans
Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi of Iran's Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution & a top regime strategist says it's time to influence US public opinion by using the issue of color & race.
Someone must deliver C(h)uck his desired kibble!
Zerohedge is having a good laugh pushing the meme that the new Coronavirus was developed by Umbrella Corp.
VIDEO: Trump trial team exposed Adam Schiff’s lies and manipulation behind impeachment
Paula White,Trump’s spiritual advisor...
“Come on, I need you guys to pray. We cancel every surprise from the witchcraft in the make-believe kingdom. Any hex, any spell, any witchcraft, any spirit of control, any Jezebel, anything that the enemy desires through spells, through witchcraft, through any way that is manipulation — demonic manipulation — we curse that. We break it according to the word of God in the name of Jesus.”
We come against the marine kingdom, we come against the animal kingdom [unintelligible] … we break their power in the name of Jesus and we declare that any strange winds — any strange winds that have been sent to hurt the church, sent against this nation, sent against our president, sent against myself, sent against others, we break it by the superior blood of Jesus right now.
In the name of Jesus, we arrest every infirmity, affliction, fatigue, weariness, weakness, fear, sickness, any self-righteousness, any self-serving action God, let prides fall, let prides fall, let prides fall. In the name of Jesus, we command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now. We declare that anything that’s been conceived in Satanic wombs, that they will miscarry, they will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm.””
"I'm American. And that is the country I actually can have some influence in. To paraphrase John Quincy Adams', I am the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all but the champion and vindicator only of my own."
Good answer. It's something the "America, FUCK YEAH!" types can't understand, as they are too emotionally invested in their "America: Love it or Suck it!" infantilism.
I have not heard of Ms. White. Does she indeed occupy the office of "Presidential Spirit Advisor?" Is that a GS13 job?
Shes an unorthodox character,
As opposed to someone who repeats worn out soviet propaganda.
As opposed to someone who repeats worn out soviet propaganda.
Oh, narciso, one day you're going to have to get over abandoning your homeland.
they are too emotionally invested in their "America: Love it or Suck it!" infantilism.
It's a dirty job and our coddled elites can't handle it.
“I have not heard of Ms. White. Does she indeed occupy the office of "Presidential Spirit Advisor?"
WASHINGTON — Paula White, a Pentecostal preacher and longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, has been tapped to head the White House's Faith and Opportunity Initiative, a successor to previous administrations' faith-based office that coordinates outreach to religious communities.
"Paula White is the Advisor to the (White House) Faith & Opportunity Initiative," read a statement from the White House sent to Religion News Service. A White House spokesperson later said, "She is heading up that initiative."
Paula White,Trump’s spiritual advisor...
Yes, Ms. White is quite well known, as her Without Walls church was founded in my hometown, Tampa. She, like her good friend Benny Hinn, is a bullshit artist. If you're an evangelist and a multi-millionaire, you're probably a piece of shit.
p.s. See the documentary Marjoe
Our elites largelywish the Soviet Union hadnt gome away, that was certsinly true of academia which has imported many of their practices, and entertainment. They arent keen on modern Russia but it largely set against that model only stephen cohen didnt get the memo.
Funny how some people are worried about someone who fights the devil. I don’t see the harm in it. And that same worried person is a devotee of Marx who everyone knows is not the devil. Just a good old boy trying to help the less fortunate. Because he knows better. And it’s all for the greater good. But yeah, a believer in a different religion is problematical....
It appears so, just of the church of theft by government but only for white people
so Cook, do you apply JQA's answer to the Civil War? Or to the abortion law in Alabama? No.
They are a fan of the pope who seems not to know scripture not even the cliff notes.
What does prosperity theology have to do with fighting the devil? I must've missed the part in the Gospels where Jesus told his followers that God wanted them all to be rich and that the best way to do so would be to donate to his ministry.
You let the government take all your money, they will spend it better after all they are only 100 trillion in debt counting unfunded liabilities.
Narciso, you're the king of the non-sequitur.
“In the name of Jesus, we arrest every infirmity, affliction, fatigue, weariness, weakness, fear, sickness, any self-righteousness, any self-serving action God, let prides fall, let prides fall, let prides fall. In the name of Jesus, we command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now. We declare that anything that’s been conceived in Satanic wombs, that they will miscarry, they will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm.”
Oh dear Lord, abort those little devil babies!👹
Blogger MadisonMan said...
"How is coronavirus different from swine flu?"
I have a friend who lives in Corona, Ca. and I told him, please, no surprise visits, call first.
Anyone been singing the praises of paula white, not really im fairly orthodox in my preferences. Graham and stanley and jeffress are more in my wheelhouse.
Star Trek series seem to be degrading just like Star Wars movies. It isn't a one way trend, but the overall trend is down, down, down.
Star Trek OS, slight decline to Star Trek TNG (at least only slight if you ignore the first two seasons of TNG, slight decline to Deep Space Nine, moderate decline to Star Trek Voyager (but again, you have to ignore the first two seasons), a slight improvement to Star Trek Enterprise, a slight decline to Star Trek Discovery, and though I haven't watched it, the description of Picard sounds really awful to me.
I don't particularly like progressions that go back in time (see Star Wars prequels)- this was my main objection to Enterprise and Discovery. I thought what the series really needed after Voyager was huge leap into far more distant future- it might have given writers more freedom for actual innovation and imagination, but, alas, they wanted to stick to known "history" of the series. Boring.
We need to get back to faith based actors like Jesse Jackson who wished to cut Obama's balls off.
Dat be a HOT mic!
Well i liked enterprise because it allowed them to flesh out the back story, discovery is just a hot mess, ive only seen one episode from each season.
People like Paula White and her predecessor Joyce Meyer would do better to pray for better outcomes from their godawful plastic surgeries. All is vanity!
Yet another reason not to trust the media. Local reporter states that the Delta B777 fuel dump rained "100,000 gallons of fuel" over the communities. That would be a total of 650,000 pounds of fuel. The max gross weight of a 777-200 is 535,000 lbs. She should have said 100,000 POUNDS of fuel, which makes more sense.
That in addition to reporting it as dumping only on schools, as though they were targeted singularly and intentionally.
I have been a hand-washing MFer for many years and all this news - along with watching that "Contagion" movie the other day - has spurred me to new heights!
Inga and Chuck, just add those violations to the next articles of impeachment. Maybe you will get Trump on those items instead.
Thats still a serious slipup. How much fuel did they have to spare.
Discovery was a hot mess, they just cant write compelling characters.
@Yancey Ward:
It must be a generational thing. And I get that you said "slightly," but to say that Next Generation is a decline from the original is like saying Tim Burton's Batman was a decline from the Adam West version. Maybe that's true! But I guess it's just impossible for my millenial mind to comprehend it. I liked Deep Space Nine quite a bit but started losing interest with Voyager, though admittedly my interest did perk up once Jeri Ryan joined the cast. I haven't seen any iterations of the franchise since then.
Ds9 was much better than voyager. Some think it ripoffed babylon 5 which was better than both at world building.
I like Enterprise somewhat better than Voyager, but there just wasn't an opportunity break what I would consider new ground because it was set in the past of the previous 4 series. Other than that, I thought the series was fairly well written, acted, and produced. However, I like Discovery a great deal less, even though the production values are good. It just bores me a lot more than Enterprise did.
walter said...
We need to get back to faith based actors like Jesse Jackson who wished to cut Obama's balls off.
Dat be a HOT mic!
according to BJ Clinton, his cheated-on loser wife "communed with Eleanor Roosevelt on a regular basis"
Who ripped off who in that case? The two series premiered a month apart, didn't they? I distinctly remember wathing the premiere of Deep Space Nine before Babylon 5.
I loved both series- I thought Babylon 5 did a better job building a world, and I look forward more to each episode- especially early on in both series first two seasons, but then Deep Space Nine had one pre-manufactured by TNG to work off of.
Some think it ripoffed babylon 5 which was better than both at world building.
Yeah, I think Straczynski made a pretty compelling case that Paramount ripped off his idea, and I respected his decision not to be litigious about it.
Who ripped off who in that case? The two series premiered a month apart, didn't they?
J. Michael Straczynski, who created the series, pitched the idea to Paramount as early as 1989.
Blogger Inga said...
“I have not heard of Ms. White. Does she indeed occupy the office of "Presidential Spirit Advisor?"
I am so proud that I have been replied to by the august personage we all love.
Voyager almost lost me the first two seasons. It didn't really interest me much until they did away with Kes and the Kazons.
I liked the original ST because my grandmother forbid me to watch it. I thought DS9 was stupid. I liked Picard and Data in TNG. I did not like Janeway but liked 7 of 9 alot. I watched Picard on CBS now and did not get too angry.
Voyager almost lost me the first two seasons. It didn't really interest me much until they did away with Kes and the Kazons.
A thousand times yes. The Kazons were a terrible concept. They reminded me of the street gang in Death Wish III.
I tried to like original enterprise, but it did not stick, I liked the vulcan girl.
original enterprise meaning the one about the first warp ship with the guy from quantum leap.
Babylon is a much better series but it didnt get cooking till season 2 when boxleitner replaced o hare.
It was star trek with a side order of lovecraft the shadows and the vorlons could be the old ones.
Barcher is more of a kirk type personality than certainly janeway, cisco is different than both kirk and picard.
"All interviews of politicians should be "hostile." That's good reporting. Otherwise, it's merely public relations.
Bullshit. The object of a reporter should be to get information into the public square. Being hostile to the subject is unlikely to further that goal. There is a distinct difference between digging aggressively for more info, and hostility.
"He was not "asked to apologize to Yakonovitch." He was asked whether he believed he owed her an apology."
Why would the the word apology even come up in an interview on the administration's foreign policy? Listen to the interview again. Tone. She was openly hostile. But I see your mind is set. Cynicism is easy.
You Sci-fi boys play nice now.
Unless you have cool lite sabre-ish shit to make compelling vizualz
People think bajor is arab but one really concludes its more like israel.
She should apologize for wasting pompeos time.
You want argumentative, there it is,
The object of a reporter should be to get information into the public square.
And you think the way to get information to the public is to ask politicians only questions they want to be asked? Ooookay.
She should apologize for wasting pompeos time.
Yet he had the time to harangue a reporter in private and play a geography quiz but not to answer questions about Ukraine.
"The proper relationship between the Press and the government is the same as the one between a dog and a lamppost."
-Peter Hitchens
Funny how its almost always basenghi with denocrats and rottweilers with republicans ans/or tories.
Wait, you mean to tell me that there's a leftwing bias in the press? Knock me over with a feather!
I know shocker
What a surprise, not:
Oh well, another Farmer hi-jacked thread. Rote disputation to whatever anyone says. ZZZ
Hasta la vista baby !
"And you think the way to get information to the public is to ask politicians only questions they want to be asked?"
Now you're just playing games. What part of digging aggressively for info don't you understand? Nor does it mean you are going to get all the answers or info you want. I'd love to be privy to a lot of private and conversations and plans. Or we could just waterboarded them if they don't give us what we want.
There is a place for an aggressive press. That isn't what this was. I'm not trying to defend Pompeo's later behavior here, but it's hardly worth putting him in jail.
Oh well, another Farmer hi-jacked thread. Rote disputation to whatever anyone says. ZZZ
Hasta la vista baby !
I don't think you understand what the word hijack means.
There is a place for an aggressive press. That isn't what this was. I'm not trying to defend Pompeo's later behavior here, but it's hardly worth putting him in jail.
Great. Now show me where I said he should be put in jail for it.
"Great. Now show me where I said he should be put in jail for it."
My response in the original comment was to Chuck. 'Hauled into court'. I'm off to an overdue bed. We'll play again some other day. How about them IR-8's! What do they figure? A decade to advance that far?
My response in the original comment was to Chuck.
Then why did you quote me in all your subsequent replies?
How about them IR-8's! What do they figure? A decade to advance that far?
What a pathetically lame attempt at diversion.
You have to apply a "there is no budget and special effects haven't been invented" filter to TOS. Once you do that, there is no comparison. I can't imagine Kirk calling a staff meeting to discuss a problem to death. He is going to kick the problem's butt, and seduce its woman.
Oh, and Adam West's "Batman" is what it is, and is perfect at being that.
You have to apply a "there is no budget and special effects haven't been invented" filter to TOS.
No budget and a lack of CGI explains bad acting, cheesy dialogue, and campy plots?
And [Chuck] is impressed with people who have degrees from Cambridge.
Cambridge Technical Institute, just up the road from Chuck's alma mater, the Close Cover Before Striking College of Law.
Poor Marie Yovanovich! Poor, POOR, Marie Yovanovich! Discovered too late that serving at the pleasure of the President means he can fire your worthless ass at any time for any reason. She must have been out recovering from a hangover when they went over that in class.
When did the outbreak begin? Im guessing two weeks ago because the chicago case came in 12 days ago.
@narcisco, I understand the incubation period is five days.
When you keep in mind that Mike Pompeo’s three predecessors were Rex Tillerson, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton, well, his working assumption would naturally be that there’s a lot of bad apples aming the ambassadors he inherited. Yovanovich is probably not the worst, but “not the worst” is not much praise now, is it?
TOS. Once you do that, there is no comparison
let's review Basic Facts
The Original Series has Women in tight, stretchy mini-dresses
The few women that aren't wearing TSMD's are Horny Aliens wearing Horny Alien outfits
The ENTIRE show consisted of these fine ladies, getting laid
Hot women in Tight Stretchy Mini Dresses getting laid is THE BEDROCK of scifi
Now, compare All the rest of that crap. Those chix are ALL wearing loose pants
Not Hot Pants; Not Yoga Pants; Not even Capri Pants.... Loose TROUSERS
Now, Maybe if you hate women, and dig the idea of doing people in Loose TROUSERS...
J Farmer said ...
my interest did perk up once Jeri Ryan joined the cast
Okay, Okay, 7of9 DID wear something besides Loose Trousers, and that was good.
A) she was few, and far between
B) 7of9 in a Tight Stretchy Mini Dress, would have REALLY GOOD
TV series are a new genre of film, where the writers' bull sessions become visible. Complications thought up and discarded in a regular brainstorming session are not discarded but tried in series, for as long as the audience hangs on. Exposition and denouement are omitted and rising action/climax/falling action inserted seriatim, once for every idea.
The counterpoint variant, run two ideas slightly staggered in parallel at once, instead of one at a time.
Blogger Big Mike said...
Poor Marie Yovanovich! Poor, POOR, Marie Yovanovich! Discovered too late that serving at the pleasure of the President means he can fire your worthless ass at any time for any reason. She must have been out recovering from a hangover when they went over that in class.
I don’t think anybody doubts the existence of Presidential authority. I know I don’t.
We just have a few questions about how it is being wielded these days. And Pompeo seems to have issues with answering tough questions.
Amazon reviewer notices something
Seems there always a mouthy teenage daughter who believes she's smarter than everybody else & puts all in greater danger. Oh yes, daughter has to be a decent sketch artist. All characters take stupid actions that increase danger in order for plot to continue. Yada yada yada. Determined single mum takes superhuman actions to save all. Sound familiar? Yes, over and over again. Give us something new!!!!!!
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you can’t expect a gay man to enjoy the original Star Trek the same way many of us did.
This blog seems to be turning into a psychodrama.
Why do I care about Pompeo/ Kelly? Answer: I don’t.
Too much hostility to my party from the press over the last 50 years has caused me to have contempt for all members of the press. They want to push a story, not get a story. My contempt has led to complete indifference, with occasional forays to figure out what they got wrong.
narciso said...
"Thats still a serious slipup. How much fuel did they have to spare."
Modern commercial jets can't land with full fuel tanks. It would destroy the plane on landing.
Admiral Inga: "Oh dear Lord, abort those little devil babies!"
Note: Written by a supporter of the party that supports literal infanticide and profit-taking off the sale of baby body parts.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "I don’t think anybody doubts the existence of Presidential authority."
We are literally in the middle of a hoaxed up impeachment (which you support) over the President exercising his appropriate Presidential powers after 3+ straight years of you and your dem pals arguing Trunp cannot be allowed to exercise any presidential authority....because history began 15 minutes ago.
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