January 21, 2020

Are you watching the impeachment theater?

I walked out.

I'm about to put up a café, but I'm putting this up first so you will have a separate place if you want to talk about the impeachment show. And I'm adding this for random entertainment...

AND: Here's a link to the TikTok video I thought was great — a come-to-life painting. I took out the embedded video, because there's something wrong with TikTok embeds that triggers scrolling in some browsers. Not mine, but it seems to happen every time. Too bad, because I find some highly amusing things I really want to share.


Marshall Rose said...


Ken B said...

Walked out why? Who pushed you over the edge?

gilbar said...

it's seems like the Facts are In
and Trump was Proven Guilty; Guilty of having the US House in the control of the Democrats

Now, that the democrats have Proven that; let him go back to Keeping America Great!

Bay Area Guy said...

I have it on as background noise. The Dems are batshit crazy.

He withheld the aid! He withheld the aid! He withheld the aid!

Ahh, please just shut the f%@^ up!

rcocean said...

Sorry, I fell asleep at the sham-peachment show. Someone was talking about President zelensky or maybe it was zelotsky. Anyway, someone had at the WH had sent an email to some Ukranian about having lunch while in DC last summer and...zzz...zzzz.

Anyway, they'll blather for a week or so. And then they'll vote to call more witnesses, at which time all the R's will talk about how this is clever 4-D chess by McConnell. Then they'll blather some more with some "incredible" who the media will say "will change everything!". but it won't. And Trump will be acquitted 52-48 with some RINO's joining the D's.

But it will be "exciting" - Yawn.

rcocean said...

I wondered why all of DC is so Obsessed with Ukraine and then figured out its because lots of guaranteed loans and "aid" is being kicked back to the Congressmen and Senator's family members and friends. Y'know, we send over $1 Billion, and somehow $5 million ends up the pockets of Mrs Senator or Son of Senator Y , or Congressman X's foundation.

That's why they care so, very, very, much about our NOBLE Ukrainian Ally.

Anonymous said...



Drago said...

Cue sad trombone for Andrew Weissman'"republican" Chuck!!

It appears his "magnificent" earthly messiah (no, not Greta Thunberg, his other one) obambi held up congressionally approved foreign aid to Egypt but the obambi admin said it was no big deal because they had until Sep 30 of the fiscal year to release the aid.

Well well well.

Looks like old LLR-lefty Chuck is going to have to head back to Media Matters for his next little set of Andrew Weissman/marxist Lawfare talking points!

Good luck Chuck!

And oh yeah, sorry to hear about the complete train wreck your dem candidate hopefuls vomited up today with Biden saying illegals driving drunk is no big deal as well as he is now fully inboard the Open Borders train!! All the while Bernie is happy to consider tearing down all of our existing border walls.

Its no wonder LLR-lefty Chuck feels so at home defending his fellow lefties.

madAsHell said...

I remember when Obstruction of Congress was called Checks-and-Balances. It was a feature of the three branches executive, legislative, and judicial specified in the Constitution.

Luke Lea said...

Are the Dems in Congress arguing that the President doesn't have the right and the responsibility to make foreign policy anymore, including investigating possible overseas corruption of one of his political rivals that could possibly lead to blackmail further down the line? Who gets to decide what America's national interest is in a situation like this?

Carol said...

I'm sorry, but *they* have been trying to get Trump since the beginning, so why should I take this gambit seriously?

madAsHell said...

Maybe they can get Mueller to read his report....again.

whitney said...

Impeachment? What impeachment?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

This must be some sort of political masturbation. Who the hell are the target audience and what's the goal of the Democrat presentation?? Unwatchable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Impeaching Trump over non-crimes is Porno for the type of people who think that Media doxxing and crucifixion of Nick Sandmann was a good thing.

Achilles said...

Everyone in the House and Senate that has "arrangements" with Ukraine where family members or associates being paid by Ukrainian companies need to disclose that information now.

Anyone who pushes this farce and is found to have money from Ukraine or any other country that is our own tax money laundered back to them needs to hang.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is there an Immunity clause in The Constitution or federal law for the Biden family?

Kevin said...

When the President isn’t removed from office the Speaker and House Managers should be.

Skin in the game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The idea that you cannot look into democrat corruption is absurd.

Bay Area Guy said...

Nobody, I mean, nobody gives a flying fuck whether the "Interagency Consensus" wants or doesn't want aide to Ukraine. Who gives a shit what the "Interagency Consensus" thinks about anything? Nobody voted for it, nobody elected it, nobody knows who these idiotic bureaucratic, desk jockeys are.

As best as I can tell, Schumer keeps making motions to send subpoenas to various people, followed by a Motion to table the amendment, followed by long-winded speeches, which ends with 53-47 vote to table it. They keep doing this over and over and over again.

It is worse than a school board meeting.

Now, they wanna subpoena Mulvaney. I predict the answer is NO.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger madAsHell said...

"I remember when Obstruction of Congress was called Checks-and-Balances. It was a feature of the three branches executive, legislative, and judicial specified in the Constitution."

Bears repeating.

The Bergall said...

Ann, we need a daily poll of how much this is waste of $.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Maybe they can get Mueller to read his report....again."

That might be difficult. It will only work, if they dress it up as a new version of the Denny's early bird dinner special menu.

eric said...

I can't even figure out what the whole things about. I even have friends who support the impeachment, because they hate Trump and who cares if the impeachment itself isn't legit, they just want to see Trump gone.

But those friends can't even explain to me what he's done wrong that warrants removal. They're more focused on the Russia stuff and don't know why it all changed to Ukraine, exactly.

I mean, obstruction of Congress? That's his job.

It causes my brain to shut down glitching whenever I hear them talking about Obstruction of Congress. As if that's a thing.

Please, to President Trump and all future Presidents, please obstruct congress more.

walter said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Is there an Immunity clause in The Constitution or federal law for the Biden family?
"C'mon, man! No one says anything was wrong. And I never knew about it. Have you seen my leg hair?"

Mark said...

Not watching (aside from about 30 seconds earlier), but have flipped over to watch some Martha MacCallum.

Narayanan said...

What happens to 2/3 division if someone abstain?

Say 62/31 to conviction

Kay said...

Haven’t paid attention from day one, and I don’t see myself getting interested anytime soon. I’m perfectly fine with whatever outcome.

gspencer said...

"Are you watching the impeachment theater?"

No, I reached my threshold for Democrat disgusting behavior for the month.

AA, fyi, an article on Baseball’s Existential Crisis, by reason of the cheating. In the NYT, but behind a paywall.

h said...

As I was walking my dog this afternoon, I realized that I no longer have "an open mind" or really any interest whatsoever in the impeachment stuff. I was quite seriously engaged in the late summer and fall, but I made up my mind, and there are no arguments that can be made that will change my mind. There are, I suppose, arguments, or exchanges, that I can imagine that will be made that will make people look stupid because they don't agree with me. But (although I pride myself on open-mindedness) there's just no argument left to be made that will convince me.

Jaq said...

I guess their plan was to get the Senate to call the witnesses that they didn’t want to go to court to call.

David Begley said...

I can’t take it seriously.

But it has worked to obscure Biden’s wild corruption with Ukraine.

Chuck said...

I haven’t been watching only because I couldn’t; busy with other work. But two things:

1). I now understand that McConnell’s piling on this marathon 2-day extravaganza is a profound insult and preposterous inconvenience for the Chief Justice, with oral arguments in the morning of both days. Shame on McConnell for that.

2). Did Pat Cipollone really claim that Rep. Schiff conducted impeachment inquiry interviews of witnesses at which Republicans were barred? I understand that through the usual Twitter feeds, all of which pointed out what a stone cold lie it was from Cipollone. Republicans from three different House committees were free to attend — same as Dems — and while some did attend, many of those who could attend didn’t even bother. Somebody remind me why Pat Cipollone is a major league legal player deserving of respect.

Shouting Thomas said...

I plan to completely ignore this.

I look forward to voting for President Trump in November.

And, I expect to watch the president’s inauguration for his second term a year from now.

Narayanan said...

Blogger Carol said...
I'm sorry, but *they* have been trying to get Trump since the beginning, so why should I take this gambit seriously?
Because Ball is now in Republicans hands.

Trump was people's choice not Party's

JaimeRoberto said...

I'd be curious to know what the average Ukrainian thinks about all this. I suspect it's something along the lines of "How the hell did we get in the middle of all this?"

pacwest said...

Anyone who pushes this farce and is found to have money from Ukraine or any other country that is our own tax money laundered back to them needs to hang.

In a sane healthy world this would be item #1 on the agenda. It would be front page every day. Impeachment is the cover up.

Rosalyn C. said...

I listened to about 30 seconds of Adam Schiff and had to shut it off. Just too ridiculous.

Jaq said...

Chuck’s plan to save the Republican Party is to remove Trump and betray the base and render Republicans unelectable for a generation. Then, once the courts have been packed, the Constitution has. been turned upside down, etc, etc... The Republicans will rise phoenix like from the ashes.

GingerBeer said...

How is it possible for Chuck Schumer to go 12 hours of the day without speaking in front of a camera?

h said...

Replying to dave begley who said "I can’t take it seriously. But it has worked to obscure Biden’s wild corruption with Ukraine."

I think the Democrats are on the verge of overplaying their hand. If they insist insist insist that there must be witnesses and testimony and documents, the point on which that is most necessary is the question of whether the Trump interventions had a legitimate policy objective at their heart. And that question inevitably leads to witnesses and testimony and documents on Hunter Biden and related issues as to how and whether and the extent to which US aid was used in a corrupt way. And remember, the Trump side does not need to show that there really was corruption here; the anti-Trump side needs to show that there was absolutely no way that a reasonable person could construe what we know as a predicate for asking Ukraine for an assistance into such an inquiry into such corruption.

So if we ever get to the point (which seems to be where the Schumer Dems are pushing us to) where we have an extensive investigation into the possible US aid corruption in Ukraine facilitated by and to the benefit of the Bidens, well -- in that case my interest might be rekindled.

Leland said...

Just got back from dinner. Like so many restaurants, they have a TV for the patrons and it was tuned to the FoxNew's version of the impeachment. No sound. I could see they were voting on whether to subpoena OMB documents. I figured that would fail, because the Senate isn't interested in having the House set the rules.

The House had their rules. A new thing called an Inquiry that had no investigative powers, yet it gave the Democrats something from which they could send subpoenas that were meaningless because their was no investigation. The subpoenas were ignored as intended by Democrats. Then the closed the inquiry saying that had many crimes to choose from. After a short impeachment investigation in which the GOP couldn't call witnesses and none of the Democrat witnesses witnessed a crime; the House created two Articles of Impeachment. One was that the President wasn't allowed to conduct foreign affairs or investigations; despite both being in Article II of the Constitution. The second was that the President abused his power by reminding the Executive branch they could ignore subpoenas not related to the investigation of a crime.

Now the House wants to make the rules in Senate and insist witnesses be called and documents be obtained that were not called or requested during the House investigation. After telling the President he can't conduct foreign affairs or investigations; the House has decided to strive for more power and tell the Senate what to do. I think the end game is for the House to tell the President and Senate they can't nominate and vote to agree on judicial appointments. So for all those worried about squishy GOP Senators; they aren't that stupid even if Chuck Schumer is.

Drago said...

Aunty Trump: "Chuck’s plan to save the Republican Party ....."

LLR-lefty Chuck's plan to "save the Republican Party" just so happens to be identical to the democrats/leftists/marxists plan to destroy the republican party and deliver a transformed socialist American nation into the permanent hands of the democrats.

Gee, color me cynical but I dont believe that is an "accident" on Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck's part.....

Jersey Fled said...

Sorry. Not watching.

I have my annual physical Thursday and I don't want my blood pressure to be too high.

Drago said...

Still waiting for LLR-lefty Chuck to stop pretending he hasnt heard his beloved dems call McConnell a russian asset and traitor so he can rush to McConnell's defense like he swore up and down he would do....


Mark said...

Leland gets it.

Drago said...

I am also very interested in the $54,000,000 in govt secured loans given to to Bidens brother in a business in which Biden's brother had ZERO experience.

What a remarkable coincidence to the OTHER 4 members of Bidens family that got hundreds of millions in sweetheart deals while Biden was VP in businesses they had ni experience in.

What a grand coincidence!!

todd galle said...

Are you kidding me? Thy Flyers are playing the detestable Penguins. I don't know whom I have more contempt for, Adam Schiff or the repulsive Crosby. I may have to sleep on that and get back.

n.n said...

The premier was criticized for leaving people with a puzzled outlook. The producers, Jump the Ass and Co, promise that the sequel will fill in the missing links.

Mark said...

I called it a fixation like a sexual obsession the other day. And that's what it is.

You really do get some sick, twisted kick in CONSTANTLY harping on him, don't you?

Out to ruin yet another comment thread?

You're just as bad as him.

Drago said...

Mark: "You're just as bad as him."

You sound a bit out of sorts.

Perhaps a nice chamomile tea is in order.

n.n said...

Planned President, again, and again, and again. It' s been more than 12 trimesters since his inauguration, 15 trimesters, give or take, since his announcement. He's viable.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, if this were my blog, I’d permanently ban Drago.

Drago said...

Gee Mark, I would really be distressed if readers believed I was only at Althouse blog to lie about and smear our dear LLR.

Even worse would be if there were those who believed I was here to drive a wedge between Althouse readers and our dear Andrew Weismann-"republican" Chuck.

Still worse would be if I turned every thread into an attack on our dear FakeCon Chuck.

I mean, if that were the case that would be terrible and wrong and certainly should not be tolerated. In that case, were it true, I should probably be banned.

Thank goodness none of that is true!

So we can all rest easy.....

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Chuck said...

"I now understand that McConnell’s piling on this marathon 2-day extravaganza is a profound insult and preposterous inconvenience for the Chief Justice, with oral arguments in the morning of both days. Shame on McConnell for that."

Chuck is on water skis wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses heading for a ski jump while being pursued by a shark.

n.n said...

Critics are calling "Late term Impeachment": a coup in progress, "a fixation like a sexual obsession", a sociopolitical fetish, transconstitutional.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Shouting Thomas: "Yes, if this were my blog, I’d permanently ban Drago."

Would now be a good time to ask if my potential banning were every bit as enforced as LLR-lefty Chuck's and Inga's permanent bannings?

Goidness, that sounds so......"final"....

Shouting Thomas said...

Please, Althouse, get rid of Drago.

Big Mike said...

How is it possible for Chuck Schumer to go 12 hours of the day without speaking in front of a camera?

It isn’t. Do NOT, as you value your life, get between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera with the red light on.

walter said...

Rest assured Drago.
It can be explained a la Hunter in that he is only as inexperienced as others on the board.

Folks here should know better than to ask Chuck what his desired endgame (beyond smearing Trump) is.
It's as off-limits as Hunter's testimony.

Drago said...

Tommy Duncanovitch: "Chuck is on water skis wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses heading for a ski jump while being pursued by a shark."

Careful Comrade!

The Protect Chuck Neighborhood Patrol is on duty and they are very vigilant....

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Drago, it’s against everything Althouse believes in to shut down any expression of speech.

But, you’re such a useless asshole, and you obviously have nothing else to do with your life than to blabber endlessly here.

Do everybody a favor. Shut the fuck up and get a life.

Hagar said...

The least additional damage to either Party will be by shutting this farce down as quickly and definitively as possible.

Drago said...

Shouting Thomas: "Please, Althouse, get rid of Drago."

Hard to ignore and disregard such a sincere plea as this.

Its so heartfelt I might have to join ST in his request!!

Yes Althouse! Enough is enough!

Cast me into Banned Oblivion so that I might join the likes of Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck and his Inga-bot sidekick!!

After all, it would be the decent thing to do.

narciso said...

Hunters amtrax experience as compared to alphers finance (including renaissance capital) kwasnieskis capitol connections, cofer blacks 20 years of operating in the middle east africa and latin anerica (where he was division chief)

Marcus Bressler said...

Always look forward to the comments.


Drago said...

ST: "Do everybody a favor. Shut the fuck up and get a life."

Now that is solid life advice.

Have you considered joining Big Brothers?

Iman said...

Can’t we all just get along? Democrats believe this is to their advantage. I say let the self-deception continue.

Drago said...

I do feel compelled to inquire of Shouting Thomas whether or not he has in his possession one or more trowels?

Apologies for my impudence, but prudence and the events of the day dictate my asking.

narciso said...

Why did weissman allow arthur andersen to be carved up, because parts like accenture could serve to secure oil concessions from miss dos santos and employ a russian language expert like nellie ohr, other parts were snapped up by hsbc that 'covered with a pillow' cash from terrorists to cartels

MAJMike said...

No, I'm not. Got important nose hair trimming to do.

narciso said...

Another example of white washing


David Begley said...

The sound you hear are millions of people turning off this impeachment sham.

narciso said...

So as you see its not incidental how these various parties behave its deliberate. But hsbc as well bananex mostly get away with fines

Clyde said...

"Your story has become tiresome. Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!"

Drago said...

Clyde: "Your story has become tiresome. Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!"

Dont know if you know this or not, but Mike Myers claims his Dieter character is based on a german exchange student at hus high school in Canada.

Naturally, my apologies to Mark and ST if my comment is wildly out of bounds.

narciso said...

Well well:


Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I watched 10 minutes of a Republican whose face I recognized and then it was Schumer's time and so I turned over and watched the two-thirds of the Sicario movie that was left on one of the HBO's or clones of HBO. I love those movies and I hope they do another one. The impeachment things is just boring. It seems like one of those fake reality shows and I have never watched fake reality shows.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bogus impeachment scam! 12 hours a day for next 4 months!

Nonapod said...

I noticed that FNC once again preempted The Five for this horseshit. Dental surgery without the benefit of anesthetisia would be preferable to watching this nitwit impeachment managers bray and bloviate along with the tedious commentary by the talking heads.

Danno said...

madAsHell said...Maybe they can get Mueller to read his report....again.

Maybe they can get Mueller to read Weissmann's report....again.

Fixed it for you.

narciso said...

The sequel, that involved al queda terrorists and a kidnap scheme against the enabling cartel boss.

narciso said...

Interesting it involves a cartel across the border like that incident with the moromon family.

FullMoon said...

Schiff will run for president in 8 or 12 years.
CNN Hails Schiff as an ‘Effective Orator’ with a ‘Compelling Story’

FullMoon said...

Awesome video from the National Republican Senatorial Campaign motivating all U.S. Senators to hold the line and dispatch this attack on the constitution.

The Senate Exists For Moments Like This….


Narayanan said...

Re: not watching impeachment!

If they give Show Trial and no one watches , victim still get bullet to the head.

narciso said...



Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This week in Drago awakenings:

Shouting Thomas said...
You’re such a useless asshole, and you obviously have nothing else to do with your life than to blabber endlessly here.
Do everybody a favor. Shut the fuck up and get a life.

todd galle said...

HA!!! Suck it Pittsburgh. Elliot with a shut out. Is something else going on besides hating on Drago. I enjoy reading his takes on events. Doesn't mean I always agree, but considering the two way tag team bitch slap between Drago and the leftists, it's really a wash. As for the 'get a life' theme, I should have been dead 5 years ago, so from now on it's all gravy, and I'll spend my bonus years as I wish, as should we all.

iowan2 said...

Schummer is seeking all these amendments individually, to slow down the process. Hoping McConnell will fold. That's not happening. The Dem impeachment managers are using the process to try their case on TV, hoping to sway public opinion against vulnerable Senators in November. What they fail to realize, is after the first one, everybody turned over to Murder She Wrote, reruns. So all their effort is lost on exactly the audience the Dems covet. I doubt the audience will give their show a second try.

Drago said...

ARM: "This week in Drago awakenings:"

Well, you finally got one right!

Endeavor to persevere.

Known Unknown said...

"I have more contempt for, Adam Schiff or the repulsive Crosby. "

At least Crosby is good at what he does.

Amadeus 48 said...

I am boycotting the whole thing.

The NYT endorsed Warren/Klobuchar. I guess Trump killed Biden after all.

Obama has clearly always wanted Warren. Maybe he'll get his wish.

narciso said...

Possibly matlock, or a rejected rockford files scriot

WK said...

Half watching the impeachment trial. The Dem impeachment managers seem to be making a strong case that someone should investigate Ukraine involvement in 2016 election and some stuff the Biden’s had going on over there. Seems like some shady dealings.

WK said...

Now they are reading text of subpoenaed emails. Didn't Hillary have some emails of interest? Don’t remember anyone reading them on TV.

Birkel said...

Sometimes Drago takes it a bit too far. A few well placed shots are probably better than the rapid-fire approach. But telling other adults how to behave is also a bit much. Probably better just to skip the comments you don't expect you'll like.

All that typed, racist fopdoodles suck.

WK said...

The CNN chryon says this is live but it seems to be a recap of season 1.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Sometimes Drago takes it a bit too far."

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!

Johnathan Birks said...

I think the only winner here is NBC. Someone may actually give Manifest a second look after today's clusterfuck.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!"


WK said...

Turning it off. Was going to watch a bit longer but Andy Kaufman is not as funny as he used to be.

walter said...

Fopdoodles tend to vanish when asked about their ultimate purpose.

narciso said...

Thats nbcs version of lost, i doubt it.

walter said...

Given the "trial" terminology, how does that work for us mere mortal jurors if called upon to disclose conflicts?

Anonymous said...

The problem with smart people is they think the way things are, will continue to be as they are. Smart people are invested in the way things are. Duh. Things change, though. Do you think you can read between the lines but Deplorables can't? Who believes the News Media? ... and the Smart people. We look back on the last 20 years and remember the fictions told. Donald J exposed those fictions. People are smoldering. This blog attracts Smart People. Do not hunker down. There is no hidey hole. You will emerge as the leaders...if you will lead. Patent attorneys...Surgeons...Perfessors (sic) What a time to be alive!

Narayanan said...

Looking like McConnell has been wrong footed right off the bat.
Filibuster via amendments offer numerous.

How long can Chuck Schumer keep it up?


BUMBLE BEE said...

This impeachment is fucking poison. There's gotta be a lot of dumbocrat ass on the line in this foreign aid thing. To think that 2016, Hillary had to fund the DNC, as they had no cash. Bought and sold Brazile. Wasserman Schultz and Hillary's financial diddlings. How much milk financial aid provided through Obama's reign? Six billion "missing" in Iraq, Haiti et al. I'd bet it's global in scope.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I'd like to waterboard those "IT specialists" from Pakiland. They have some stories to contribute.

Birkel said...

When did wrong footed come to mean "winning every procedural vote with a cohesive party"?

Was that alternative definition only added today?

Quaestor said...

So what's that thing beneath the drama queen's left eye? A wart? Looks like cancer. Bet it's painful, boy-howdy.

Anonymous said...

Be not Afraid.

Qwinn said...

I assume we are once again working on the premise that Democrats, and only Democrats, can be assumed to be above such things as "conflict of interest". And that Senators who wish to run against Trump may have a vested interest in advancing impeachment as far as possible, but their intrinsic selflessness and virtue keeps that from having any effect on their votes, which are all nevertheless to advance impeachment as much as possible. Just a coincidence.

Meanwhile, if Trump does anything that advances both the country's and his own interest, we must assume that he only cared about his own, and any other purported reason for his acts is a lie.

That about cover it?

Darrell said...

Drago is a worthwhile read.
Shouting Thomas? Not so much.

eddie willers said...

When the President isn’t removed from office the Speaker and House Managers should be.

Skin in the game.

I love it. Loser pays!

Bay Area Guy said...

I just checked the tv - this nonsense is still going on! Fat Nadler was bellyaching about the proposed Bolton subpoena.

Mr. Forward said...

Late night congress is great stuff! I'm switching between Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock and the impeachment hearings and it's all starting to make sense.

Yancey Ward said...

Watching it? No, drying paint and growing grass has taken up all my time (Note to DEA- that last part was a joke).

Mr. Forward said...

And just like that they are gone. Does this mean Donald Trump is still President? What do mean by return to regular programming?
If this isn't regular programming I don't know what is.

Crazy World said...

LOL Eric 6:37 and also so many more of. What a dumb day in the swamp.

n.n said...

Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock and the impeachment hearings and it's all starting to make sense

The Supreme Court ruled, and Democrats normalized, that everyone has a right, and rite, to define reality in their own image. In fact, they established a State religion ("ethics"): Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent. Here's to progress.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

narciso said...
"The sequel, that involved al queda terrorists and a kidnap scheme against the enabling cartel boss."

Yes, that one. It is set up for a sequel because the last we saw of the kidnapped daughter was her heading to witness protection and in the final scene we saw what appeared to be the mentoring of a new Sicario by the man he thought had been his first kill. Also, the female agent in the first installment was not in the second movie so she could be brought back into the storyline, sadder but wiser.

Rusty said...

I wondered how long it would take for a pile-on on Drago.
I have always found him to be a useful counterpoint to our resident douchebag. Who, if not confronted will assume he is right.
And as usual. if you don't like what he says, ignore him.

Anonymous said...

I like Drago too. But I reeeaaalllly wish he wouldn't drag Chuck into comment threads where he hasn't appeared.

FullMoon said...

I like Drago .

Marc in Eugene said...

Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock and the impeachment hearings and it's all starting to make sense

The Supreme Court ruled, and Democrats normalized, that everyone has a right, and rite, to define reality in their own image. In fact, they established a State religion ("ethics"): Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent. Here's to progress.

The party of twilight, who in their blindness imagine that they are the heralds of the dawn.

Jim at said...

You couldn't pay me to watch it. In fact, I'm going out of my way to avoid it.

Jim at said...

I’m perfectly fine with whatever outcome. - kay

You're perfectly fine with 63 million votes being nullified because the left is having a temper tantrum?

You really want to go down this road?

Bilwick said...

The "impeachment theater"? You mean the show trial? Nah.

Unknown said...

Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: Drolusolutinthome@gmail.com) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email (Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426 

Terry Ott said...

I was expecting to watch at least SOME of this Congressional Comedy Central production from DC, but then I got into the post just above about the short penis herbal product treatment offered by Dr.OLU. I’m still on the phone (“Your call is very important to us, and the next available Dick Expansion Specialist will be on the line to help you soon. You are #97 on the list, and we thank you for your patience”. It could just be me hallucinating, but the voice on that Dr.ULO answering system is starting to sound a LOT like Adam Schiff. Is there any chance he is moonlighting?

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