December 10, 2019

Yeah, I know... impeachment unveiling this morning...

... can I avert my eyes? It's really awful. I'll try to look at video of the announcement later, but right now, I can't put up with these people.

ADDED: Here's the video. I'll force myself to watch:

UPDATE: I tried. I got 2 minutes and 45 seconds into the presentation, and I had to turn it off.


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MadisonMan said...

And yet you probably voted for Hillary!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And yet you probably voted for Hillary!

I didn't.

You've been at this blog for years but seemed to not pick up on that.

Anyway, is your kind of binary thinking typical for Wisconsin? If so, I can see the challenge. It's hard getting cheeseheads or just dunderheads in general to understand that there are more choices out there in life than Coke and Pepsi. Or Brie and Gruyere. Or Miller and Coors. Actually, American beers suck donkey dong... with the exception of microbrews. The big commercial ones line their cans with petroleum.

But far be it from me to convince a two-party duopoly loyalist from understanding that there are other teams out there to play for than the only two you're open to being recruited to. Cheer on, Duopolist! Cheer on!

chickelit said...

Ritmo despises Hillary as much as anyone here. I'll vouch for that.

Birkel said...

Ritmo is a liar.
Vouch at your own peril.

chickelit said...

Well, I've never read him defend her, and I recall more than one direct hit on her candidacy, message and legacy.

Josephbleau said...

"A dishonor reserved for the very worst among presidents." The current house has destroyed the power of impeachment by making it purely political, there is no more shame in it than having a negative add about you run on tv.

It is hilarious that Beiden states that he will not honor the Senate's subpoena when the president is being impeached for not honoring the House's.

Birkel said...

Me neither, chickelit.
But I don't trust a single word of Xis.

chickelit said...

It is hilarious that Beiden states that he will not honor the Senate's subpoena when the president is being impeached for not honoring the House's.

A house that no one can stand cannot stand.

Michael K said...

How did Ritmo show up? Shift change ?

not only why Obama was never impeached, but why no one with any political power

You idiot, Obama would not be impeached because everybody feared race riots. He did enough stirring up Black Lives Matter and Ferguson MO. Then Trayvon Martin was the son he never had.

Nobody was going to open that can of worms. And Obama knew it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thank you.

I guess it's as they say - the truth needs no defense.

One difference between Birkel and Chick (aside from the fact that Chick is much more intelligent) is that he's willing to look at facts and allow himself to accept that people have opinions that - although complicated and surprising - can still make sense. Whereas Birk is just a Team Trump Clone. All he wants is a group identity to sublimate himself into and can't think for himself.

Anyone who Googles my comments here on this blog through 2016 can see what I had to say. But only if they're not lazy factophobic tribalists like Birkel.

Hating reality must really suck. I can't imagine how one gets through life thinking some silly collective political identity is more vital to them than figuring out a factual basis for actually living it. Bummer.

chickelit said...

Josephbleau said...The current house has destroyed the power of impeachment by making it purely political, there is no more shame in it than having a negative add about you run on tv.

This is true. Informal impeachment proceedings began shortly after Trump was elected. Not so with Clinton. Remember when the Press gave Trump a honeymoon? This is why so many American are suing for divorce from the Press. They are obviously partisan.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"A dishonor reserved for the very worst among presidents." The current house has destroyed the power of impeachment by making it purely political, there is no more shame in it than having a negative add about you run on tv.

Right. But impeaching Bill Clinton was somehow a very popular and righteous thing to do. Don'tcha know everybody cared about how that land-deal-sex-turned-with-intern thing was just tearing the country up. Or at least the psyches of all the Republicans that Larry Flint outed in the aftermath of that stupid charade with all their own affairs and peccadilloes.

Francisco D said...

Ritmo showed up pretty late to shit on the thread. It is what he does just like a dog licks his balls and eats his poop.

Its sorta charming, in a sad way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama would not be impeached because everybody feared race riots. He did enough stirring up Black Lives Matter and Ferguson MO. Then Trayvon Martin was the son he never had.

Nobody was going to open that can of worms. And Obama knew it.

Why not just admit that your default impulse when not getting your way politically is impeachment? You'd love to impeach every non-Republican on everything you could drum up, if only you didn't have some silly race-based reservation about it.

BLM was "stirred up?" I guess you fondly hold on to the days when black lives didn't matter.

People liked Obama. He spoke well. He thought about what he was going to do instead of just reacting impulsively like a 3-year old egomaniac to everything. And if it makes you feel better (although far be it from me to understand anything about what makes someone as weird and easily angered as you happy about anything), a number of swing-state Obama voters voted for Trump. Why? Because of fears of the Coming Black Apocalypse?

You can read or write as much as you want. At the end of the day, you too live in an alternative reality. You know some facts, but have the reasoning skills of a martian.

Birkel said...

None of what you wrote (which I didn't read) matters.
You're a liar and I don't trust anything you type.
You don't care, of course, and neither do I.
Nothing you type will ever matter because of the choices you have made.

Embrace how ineffectual you are.

Michael K said...

Why not just admit that your default impulse when not getting your way politically is impeachment? You'd love to impeach every non-Republican on everything you could drum up, if only you didn't have some silly race-based reservation about it.

Stupid is as stupid does. Your mother told you that, right ? Punk.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Birkel's almost as good a mind reader as he is a reader of Dick and Jane books.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael, go pop some Aricept and leave the mother talk for your nanny.

It's funny seeing seventy-year olds who never grew up.

LA_Bob said...

Drago / Chuck and Ritmo / Everybody else: Please cool it before we end up back in Moderation Hell.

Meadehouse has shown patience, but who knows when it will wear thin.

LA_Bob said...

Back to the topic.

We know a number of House Democrats who are vulnerable in pro-Trump districts are not big fans of impeachment.

I'm very curious how Tulsi Gabbard is leaning.

walter said...

She's leaning away from the debate stage, regardless of eligibility

Michael K said...

Ritmo is having a panic attack.

walter said...

Tough times given the Waddler is his hero.

effinayright said...
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effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
richard mcenroe said...


effinayright said...

President Toilet Paper Shoe's Perfect Phone Call said...
Look. A 7:29 comment that's just as incoherent and blame-shifting as every other one.
The guy's getting impeached. A dishonor reserved for the very worst among presidents. Enjoy the infamy.

Oh, so NOW Clinton deserved it, for being among the very worst, eh...

Just a while back you were pooh-poohing the Clinton impeachment articles, conjuring up some bullshit about Whitewater.


I'd ask you to keep your stories straight, but that might require you to go back to your last lucid interval after blacking out, to see what you said.

p.s. Trump hasn't been impeached yet. Stay tuned...

Gk1 said...

Since some democrats have pledged to bring up more charges and try for another impeachment should Trump win in 20/20 the republicans have no choice but to have a long 4 month trial with the democrats keelhauled for weeks at a time. This is even before Durham's indictments or trials have occured. So of course the republicans should make the rubble bounce to put an end to this foolishness.

JamesB.BKK said...

The republicans would first need to quickly develop a desire to win.

itzik basman said...

.... UPDATE: I tried. I got 2 minutes and 45 seconds into the presentation, and I had to turn it off...

I’m with her.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Carter Page is somebody who had been under scrutiny for his uncomfortable connections since about 2013. His name wasn’t picked at random, in order to get at the Trump campaign”

Actually, that was during the time (2008-2013) that Page had worked as an Operational Contact with another agency (believed to be the CIA), with reporting that overlapped in content with (and was contrary to) the FISA/Steele claims. And was given a positive review for his work with that other agency. This was possibly not known by the FBI in the first FISA filing, but they were made aware of it shortly thereafter, and was studiously ignored in the Woods File for the remaining 3 applications, and was apparently the place where since fired FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith fudged an email from that agency. This was one of the significant places where OIG report showed that the FBI had lied and cheated to acquire the four FISA warrants on Page. The fact that Page had worked for the other intelligence agency, and That they had rated his work positively, is the sort of material exonerating evidence that legally has to be included in a Woods file. And intentionally wasn’t.

Brian said...

It is a commenter named Brian who was responding to, of all people, Chuck, who was criticizing Barr for saying anything. Enjoy.

Thanks Yancey, I had forgotten that comment of mine.

If you start reading the NYT and WaPO and watch CNN and MSNBC as if you were reading Soviet Pravda the pieces start to fall into place.

Still don't know where this ends, but Brennan is the likely last guy holding the bag. Does anybody "like" him in Washington?

Unfortunately, I think Comey walks. He's too careful of a scumbag (I mean lawyer).

DeepRunner said...

Scott Adams was visceral and eviscerating in his assessment of the "solemn, somber announcement" game San Fran Nan and those schmucks Schiff and Nadler were playing. Sad day for The Old Republic, really, and it's not because of two "articles," but rather because of three jackasses, er, Dem donkeys.

Kirk Parker said...

"Only if she took her clothes off first"

What... you were expecting Tulsi to make the announcement???

"Every congressman who votes for this charade needs to be hammered."

With real hammers...

Kirk Parker said...

"it looks like the Democrats may go the way of the Whigs!!!"

Please reassure me there's room in Whig Valhalla for the GOPe to go along with the Dems.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Blogger Bruce Hayden said...

Actually, that was during the time (2008-2013) that Page had worked as an Operational Contact with another agency (believed to be the CIA)... This was possibly not known by the FBI in the first FISA filing, but they were made aware of it shortly thereafter, and was studiously ignored in the Woods File for the remaining 3 applications...

Actually, Carter Page worked DIRECTLY for the FBI from 2013 until 2016 first as a UCE (under-cover employee) and then as an informant, helping them to build a case against 3 Russian agents... so the FBI knew for a FACT that Carter Page was not a Russian spy and flat out lied to the FISA court about him in order to "Get Trump"... There isn't even a fig leaf of "oh, we didn't know better..."

JamesB.BKK said...

Not a smidgeon of a hint of a whiff of a fig leaf ....

h said...

Replying to Big Mike who asked (yesterday morning): "Has anyone besides me noticed that under this interpretation of an impeachable offense Barack Obama would have been impeached several times over?"

Yes, I have, and it's not just Obama, it is every President. When Truman ended the war in the Pacific, he entered into a quid-pro-quo agreement with the Japanese (if you surrender, we will stop bombing) and ended up gaining something of personal advantage (his popularity rose and he increased his probability of winning the Presidential race in 1948). What makes this totally NOT impeachable is that Truman was pursuing legitimate policy objectives (ending the war). The Republican committee council (I think, I was listening on the radio C-SPAN) made this point quite forcefully -- Trump was pursuing a legitimate policy objective -- investigation of whether or not US aid was used to fund corruption or kickbacks to the Biden family and friends. Even impeachment enthusiast Laurence Tribe recognizes this, but goes on to argue that what Trump was seeking was not an investigation, but a public announcement of an investigation, which (Tribe believes) had no public policy value.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Actually, Carter Page worked DIRECTLY for the FBI from 2013 until 2016 first as a UCE (under-cover employee) and then as an informant, helping them to build a case against 3 Russian agents... so the FBI knew for a FACT that Carter Page was not a Russian spy and flat out lied to the FISA court about him in order to "Get Trump"... There isn't even a fig leaf of "oh, we didn't know better..."”

I dug that out yesterday late, from CTH. But I was struck that it wasn’t mentioned in the OIG Report. How could that not be relevant to the four FISA applications doesn’t make sense to me, so I put that to the side. Maybe, for once, CTH was wrong, and overran its information. It looks like Page has openly come out with acknowledging his work for the CIA with his claim to be filing suit against the FBI. SO, why not include that he had worked for them as an undercover source, testifying in court as late as early 2016, in his claim against the FBI? My guess is that if he really was FBI UCE-1 (Under-Cover Employee) in the FBI case against “Evgeny Buryakov”, as is believed, the difference may be that the FBI NDA is still in effect, while the CIA NDA is not, either because it is expired (now 6 years since his CIA work) or he got a release through the inter agency spat between the FBI and CIA in the latter’s response to the former filing for the FISA warrants on him.

But think about it for a minute. If it is true that Page worked for the CIA between 2008 and 2013, and the FBI from 2013 and 2016, and maybe six months later the FBI starts FISA surveillance on him as a Russian agent? That would be extraordinarily egregious, since one of the FISA requirements is that they have no other way of surveilling that person for needed information. Making this even more egregious, Page has apparently claimed that he approached the FBI several times to tell them about his work for the Trump campaign, starting in August 2016, and including at least one instance when he was under FISA surveillance by the FBI.

See In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA Court He’s a Spy…

Big Mike said...

@h, actually I was referring to the way Obama and Holder and others in the Obama administration casually ignored Congressional psubpoenas back when the Republicans controlled the House. I suspect that your comment ties to why the Democrats dropped the charge of quid pro quo from the bill of impeachment.

Big Mike said...

@h, I had been thinking of the number of times Obama and Holder and other members of the Obama administration blew off subpoenas from the House of Representatives, for instance regarding Operation Fast and Furious.

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