December 20, 2019

What if they held a debate and nobody noticed?

As I mentioned in an earlier post this morning, I turned off last night's debate in the middle of the second question. And glancing around at headlines, I'm not seeing anything. I checked Twitter:

Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 5.50.19 AM

At first, I thought: Nothing about the debate. But what's this about Sarah Huckabee Sanders? It turns out that's debate-related! Checking the hashtag, I see that Sanders tweeted:

Twitter blew up about that. Apparently, that was the best fuel available for the pyromaniacs of Twitter. To get up to speed on what that was about, here's Sanders's later tweet:

"My wife and I have a call list of somewhere between 20 and 100 people that we call at least every week or every month to tell them, 'I'm here,'" Biden said. "I give them my private phone number. They keep in touch with me. The little kid who said 'I-I-I can't talk. Wh-wh-what do I do?' I have scores of these young women and men who I keep in contact with."
It's not as though Sanders was mocking people who stutter. She was mocking Biden for speaking incomprehensibly. If you did have the background on Biden's experience with stuttering, you could get it in real time, and there's room to criticize Biden for being confusing or to say it brilliantly commanded attention and suckered some haters into mocking what sounded strange and accidentally looking like clods who lack empathy for persons with disability. Sanders walked right into his wily trap.

And that's the big subject from last night's debate.

But, you may be wondering, what's up with #BestPartOfMakingLove? I'll just select one:


Birkel said...

Twitter is dumb.

Sydney said...

The debate made the front page of our local newspaper. (I know, no one reads newspapers anymore.) The headline was "In Dem debate, Buttigieg is put on defensive." It wasn't a headline that made me want to read the story, though.

traditionalguy said...

OK. Biden stutters when he anticipate making love to the little girls whose necks smell and feel so good to him. We should empathize with grandpaw's weaknesses. Maybe send Old Joe a billion and a half dollars to show that we love him as much as the Red Chinese Army does.

Don said...

I heard Yang made the most intelligent comment of the evening when he spoke about the loss of manufacturing jobs in the rust belt.

Darrell said...

So Biden is the new SCoaMF. Even Corn Pop would deny having met him.

tim maguire said...

Yang was the closest thing to intelligent on that stage (the only one who, instead of giving a canned response on impeachment, pivoted to "it's not enough to say Trump is bad, we have to say how we'l be better--but then he never said how he'd be better).

I can't believe not one had the courage to come out against reparations for slavery. I'm not sure you can even get a majority of blacks to support it, but the Democratic candidates all do.

Mr. Forward said...

I slept through it, first bit I saw on You Tube was Buttigieg absolutely dismantling Warren. I foolishly thought that had to be the end of her campaign. None of them are going to beat Trump but Buttigieg at least has his wits about him.

Jimmy said...

Twitter is home to the perpetually aggrieved. Living each day with a large dose of hysteria, hate, and hope for the 'perfect' society. Must be exhausting.

gilbar said...

this was the 1st one i'd watched; i made it through their support for NAFTA
What is it that these people are running for? Does anybody know?

Mr. Forward said...

“What is it these people are running for?”

Second place.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MikeR said...

'"My wife and I have a call list of somewhere between 20 and 100 people that we call at least every week or every month to tell them, 'I'm here,'" Biden said.' Claim made. I'd like to know if it's true. If it's true, I'm impressed. If it's not true, I want that to be national news.
Obviously, "my wife and I" is not allowed to mean, she calls them and I talk to one of them every two months.

traditionalguy said...

Buttegeig wins for the wine cave zinger. When Saint Pete said Liarwatha could not pass her own purity test, her envy attacks were made to look as silly as her face did.

AllenS said...

Damn, this debate is drawing less attention than the impeachment without a cause.

Browndog said...

My browser opens to my home page Yahoo!. I like it because it gives me a sense of what lib media is pushing today.

Not a word about the debate last night. Not that I remembered there was one. Then it dawned on my--so I came here to see if Althouse remembered there was a debate last night.

You never know...

Temujin said...

Didn't know there was a debate. I guess I knew there was one coming up. I had heard some newsperson refer to it earlier in the week, but with all the to-do about virtually everything else on earth, the debate really never made the radar. My wife and her mostly Dem friends had a ladies holiday get-together last night. They did not watch the debate and according to her, nothing of politics was even mentioned. Not even the Most Awe-Inspiring Impeachment Day.

For 300,000,000 outside of Washington DC, there are lives full of important things.

Wince said...

“This is Joe and Jill Biden. Please leave a message to make us look magnanimous. If you’re the child of an oligarch, please press ‘$’ now to speak to Hunter.”

rehajm said...

The economic race has Biden in first at .34 cents followed by Bernie at .24. Repeat: Bernie Sanders is now in second place...Liz the Mighty has fallen to .14. Hillary has dropped to .06- even Klobuchar is beating her now.

Steyer is tied with The Rock, Oprah and Corey Booker.

Rory said...


I was expecting something about Folgers.

Buttigieg did absolutely deck Warren.

Rory said...

I'll add, he decked her and still left her looking like the bad guy.

Hagar said...

The Albuquerque Morning Democrat reports on the last Democratic nomination debate on page A-16.

Birches said...

I almost want Buttigieg to get the nomination now. It must be so insulting to these Teacher's Pet women like Hillary and Warren to be denied the nomination by some upstart young men who've done nothing. Hahaha

Curious George said...

Parent: "Hey little Timmy, Vice President Biden is here to mentor you!

Little Timmy: "T-t-t-tell him I-I-I-I'm n-n-n-not h-home!

narciso said...

it's like the story about the tree that falls in the woods, but biden drooling practically warren virtue signaling well why focus on that,

David Begley said...

I’ve been in a wine cave.

Howard said...

Sarah shouldn't apologize. She took the worst abuse for her ugliest face made uglier by poor makeup choices and her gross obesity body.

You go girl

narciso said...

just like they are trying to make 'rise of skywalker' mean something, it doesn't except vomiting on forty some years of good will,

Browndog said...

I just ran across this:

Sen. @ewarren: "Here is a promise I make. I will go to the Rose Garden once every year to read the names of transgender women, of people of color, who have been killed in the past year.”

No way that actually happened.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Stuttering doesn't mean that you can't have a coherent train of thought.

Biden wanders off into unknown.... and kind of forbidden..... territory when speaking. Taking weird side roads down avenues where children jump on his lap, rub his hairy legs and something about roaches.

My father had a severe stutter as a child. He conquered it, with no therapy. That concept didn't exist when he was a child. Except for when he had too many drinkipoos and got emotional about a topic; he was a great debater orator and had just a mild amount of stuttering. Slow Joe....not so much.

narciso said...

yes, here on earth 38 it did, and then the monitor snapped it out of existence,

Bob Boyd said...

I’ve been in a wine cave.

I fell in hole on my to get some wine...some more wine.

narciso said...

he's always been a knave, that's how the banks found him useful, it's not the point,

Bob Boyd said...

Forgot the way...both times.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Sen. @ewarren: "Here is a promise I make. I will go to the Rose Garden once every year to read the names of transgender women, of people of color, who have been killed in the past year.”

She's gonna be there a very long time in the Rose Garden. Detroit and Chicago alone will take a few hours.

Actually, that might be pretty illustrative of how badly Democrat hell hole cities are being run.

SteveM said...

I was clicking back and forth between several channels because I found the debate to be unwatchable for any significant length of time. At one point when I was watching, Buttigieg was asked a question about reparations to AA, and after he gave his answer, the same question was posed to Biden. In response, Biden started screaming about immigration for Hispanics. To me, there was a total disconnect between the question and his answer, but none of the participants even batted an eyelash.

narciso said...

did you find your way back?

narciso said...

note her priorities, I think the place would be a hellscape like in the movie freejack,

William said...

There were some English parliamentarians who used to feign a stammer. I guess a stammer indicated sincerity and the search for just the right word whereas a stutter indicates disability. Biden, for the most part, stays on the right side of this delicate balance. Sanders sputters. It's better to stutter than to sputter.

Anonymous said...

Birkel said...
Twitter is dumb.

Yes. This. If you read twitter posts you will always find something to offend you. It's satan's social media. At a certain point we are going to have to the give up on the idea of "responsible inoffensive tweeting". I think it is best for humor. Norm MacDonald's tweets were funny during the debate.

traditionalguy said...

When Fancy Nancy Pelosi goes to the Wine Cave fund raisers,I bet she takes her contributions in kind. She already has more cash than she will ever need.

narciso said...

that was the crowd sourced dystopia, they were positing in 1992, they were totally unaware of the internet back them,

Bob Boyd said...

Biden's problem isn't stuttering, it's uttering.

AllenS said...

Bob Boyd is on fire today.

tomaig said...

Contrast this low-energy, low-interest debate with the first GOP debate in 2015.
From wikipedia:
"The first live-broadcast debate occurred on Thursday, August 6, 2015, at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. It was seen on the Fox News Channel by 24 million viewers, making the debate the most watched live broadcast for a non-sporting event in cable television history."

William said...

They should allow one candidate onstage just because they're visually or intellectually interesting. Someone who's there just because they're interesting and will increase ratings. Williamson was pretty good. I'd like to see more of her and her healing crystals. That would have made for a more interesting debate.

narciso said...

they need the full pander, to their archipelago of interest groups,

Michael K said...

There is already a GOP ad using Biden's answer to the question about his "Green New Deal" policies putting hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers out of their jobs in oil and gas industries. He said "Yes."

Here is the story.

“Vice President Biden, I’d like to ask you, three consecutive American presidents have enjoyed stints of explosive economic growth due to oil and gas production,” Tim Alberta said. “As president would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the interest transitioning to that greener economy?”

“The answer is yes,” Biden responded.

He added blarny about batteries that isn't true and it was not in the ad.

narciso said...

secret service doesn't seem too sharp,

Iman said...

As I mentioned in a thread last night, Biden’s strange staccato woke my dozing wife. We laughed.

narciso said...

they arrested the Nazgul who was tormenting jeff Goldstein for years,

dreams said...

"Sanders walked right into his wily trap."

Along with... People keep overestimating Biden.

Two-eyed Jack said...

The after-debate analysts pronounced the debate "substantive," because it was filled with absurd aßsery (sorry, I tried to type "assertions" on my phone and that is what came out; it strikes me as the mot juste).

Inga said...

“Contrast this low-energy, low-interest debate with the first GOP debate in 2015.
From wikipedia:
"The first live-broadcast debate occurred on Thursday, August 6, 2015, at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. It was seen on the Fox News Channel by 24 million viewers, making the debate the most watched live broadcast for a non-sporting event in cable television history."”

This debate would’ve been more interesting if they all would’ve compared hand sizes, even the females.

narciso said...

close enough, they want to turn this country into the grey hell of thx 1138, or soylent green, nothing doing,

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

narciso said...

they arrested the Nazgul who was tormenting jeff Goldstein for years,


readering said...

At least we didn't have to listen to Tulsi Gabbard explain that she was present.

Quaestor said...

I’ve been in a wine cave.

Warren's next fund-raiser will be held in a whine cave.

PB said...

As in most things Joe says, there has to be an element of BS in his claims here. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt.

hombre said...

"Wily?" Biden? Who knew?

PB said...

Is being grabby with women and sniffing their hair a recognized form of stuttering therapy? My wife, the speech pathology doctorate tells me no.

Iman said...

Buttigieg smacking Warren around... what a cat fight. said...

What if they held a debate and nobody noticed.

More importantly, what if nobody cared?

Iman said...


narciso said...

meanwhile david Ignatius has the bat signal out for mitt romney, whose in this mess, at least two kevin bacons, cofer black and shrage,

Bob Boyd said...

Liz could show Mayor Pete how it's done and hold her next fund raiser here.

TJM said...

Here is what credentialled idiot Mayor Pete had to say on elections:

"we must change course because Europeans are sneering at us."

Like the Europeans have done so well the last 100 years. LOL

Meade said...


Paul said...

I, uh, didn't know there was a debate last night.

We watched 'Alaskan State Troopers'.

But I did hear Warren, I mean Pocahontas, say economist were 'mistaken' that 8 Trillion dollar tax increase would stifle the economy...

Big Mike said...

Parent: "Hey little Timmy, Vice President Biden is here to mentor you!

Just keep your teenaged and pre-teen daughters somewhere safe.

Big Mike said...

@Quaestor (9:04), brilliant! I am going to reuse it, if you don’t mind.

Nichevo said...

MikeR said...
'"My wife and I have a call list of somewhere between 20 and 100 people that we call at least every week or every month to tell them, 'I'm here,'" Biden said.' Claim made. I'd like to know if it's true. If it's true, I'm impressed. If it's not true, I want that to be national news.
Obviously, "my wife and I" is not allowed to mean, she calls them and I talk to one of them every two months.

12/20/19, 6:56 AM

Hmmm. Sounds like we need all his phone records.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden was almost certainly lying about calling stutterers up and giving them advice, but no one will be able to prove it.

Buttuvwxyz and Yang did the best jobs last night, and Biden will probably benefit the most- he actually had little to say last night, which is probably a strategy. Warren had the worst night of the candidates that matter- given her history, the tactic she tried on Buttuvwxyz was not the wisest one to take- there are better ones to use- did she really not foresee Buttuvwxyz's obvious counter?

Yancey Ward said...

All I will say is this- Hillary, you need to declare right now if you want the nomination.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden did make one mistake last night, though it isn't one that will hurt him in the primaries- that part about sacrificing blue collar jobs will be made into an effective general election ad should he win the nomination.

Nichevo said...

narciso said...
they arrested the Nazgul who was tormenting jeff Goldstein for years


Iman said...

I thought the "best part of making love" was Folger's in your cup.

walter said...

Howard said...
Sarah shouldn't apologize. She took the worst abuse for her ugliest face made uglier by poor makeup choices and her gross obesity body.
You go girl
The insult fell flat when delivered by a hideous Wolf salivating over abortions.

Iman said...

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...


Tim said...

See, I don't do Twitter. Twitter sucks. What I came away from the debate with was that Biden could care less about 100s of 1000s of high paying blue collar jobs in fracking, and intends to shut them down. And his ideas on how to replace them are pipe dreams, and he knows it, and does not care.

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