December 14, 2019

We're not seeing Hillary Clinton's new face. We're seeing a photograph of her face.

I'm exasperated with articles like "What is the secret of Hillary Clinton's strangely plumped-up-cheeks? Fillers could be behind more youthful look" (Daily Mail).

First, this startling new picture just looks ridiculously smooth from the bottom of the eyeballs to the top of the smile lines. Isn't it just bad photoshopping?

Second, the comparison photograph of her with full aging on display (from a few days earlier) looks much better. What matters isn't whether you look older or younger but whether you look worse or better. She obviously looks better with all the elements of her face in the same condition, working together, seeming normal than with a weird smoothing through the center only.

Third, boring as I find the Daily Mail's interviews with plastic surgeons who speculate about what "work" might have been done, I do love the commenter antics over there. The top-rated comment is: "Reminds me of a hamster I had as a teenager. Such a cheerful grin it had, especially when its face was stuffed with peanuts."


mockturtle said...

She looks even scarier than usual.

tim maguire said...

I hate this kind of journalism. She looks “radiant”!? No one would look at that picture and think radiant. The journalist is trying to manipulate us into thinking it to justify the story she already wants to write about it.

And then they wonder why we hare them. (But then I wonder, do they wonder why we hate them? Or on some level, do they understand completely why we hate them?)

Jaq said...

"Second, the comparison photograph of her with full aging on display (from a few days earlier) looks much better.”

I hate Hillary, but you are right on that. She should have stuck with the face Sharon Stone’s plastic surgeon gave her. You don’t keep throwing the dice after you win. It’s stupid. But because I hate Hillary, I am glad she allowed the ugliness that is inside of her to shine through.

Jaq said...

"The journalist is trying to manipulate us into thinking it to justify the story she already wants to write about it.”

Think about the kind of life these “journalists” get to lead if they toe the line politically and what they write suddenly makes sense. Otherwise they end up in Samizdat Twitter trying to make rent payments from random gigs.

Bay Area Guy said...

Please run!

Jersey Fled said...

All she needs is the way too big lips and she would have the whole thing going.

stevew said...

If the new face is the result of plastic surgery it would indicate that Hillary is running. It would also say to me that she has made yet another tactical miscalculation in an attempt to win support and votes.

Narayanan said...

Why not cyborg face?
Resistance is Futile.

Danno said...

I somehow bait-clicked on that article last night and exited in record time without pausing to think about the pictures or pontificate on them. Hillary = eewwww!

rehajm said...

No team of surgeons can fix the ugliness on the inside. They did a good job with the corruption tuck but the contempt still shows.

Beasts of England said...

Sanded, rested, and ready!!

rhhardin said...

Howdy Doody had a very successful new face. I think the actual story was that the creator of the original stole the puppet in a snit, sort of a goofy nerdy face on that one, so they just made a new one free of legal restraints. Howdy was off somewhere for that series of shows.

It might be that there are legal restrictions on Hillary's face, requiring a new one.

rhhardin said...

Strong-ankled Hillary returns.

rhhardin said...

She could broaden her appeal to men by starting to sleep around.

mikeski said...


Bob Boyd said...

What's the secret?
Fortunately there's some video of the procedure.

Fernandinande said...

The face is distinctly white but it suggests what Americans will look like in 2050, if every American of the future were to be a direct descendant of Harambe's mother and Webb Hubbell.

Iman said...

Cue The Bee Gees...

Pantsuited Pantload
Pantsuited Pantload to me

madAsHell said...

If the face doesn’t fit, then you convict!!

Bob Boyd said...

Face it, Hillary, you're not an oboe anymore.

madAsHell said...

....then you can’t convict!!!

madAsHell said...

She’s in the witless protection program.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Okay, now I'll vote for her.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I liked her election night concession look better.

Known Unknown said...

"I hate this kind of journalism. She looks “radiant”!? No one would look at that picture and think radiant. The journalist is trying to manipulate us into thinking it to justify the story she already wants to write about"

Never read the sidebar of The Daily Fail. It's nothing but this crap.

Slightly OT: I started listening to Shattered about the failed Clinton run in 2016, but it was a hagiography in disguise that was all veneer and never probed too deeply into the flaws and miscalculations of the campaign. I quit about 2/3 of the way through.

Matt Sablan said...

"I started listening to Shattered about the failed Clinton run in 2016, but it was a hagiography in disguise that was all veneer and never probed too deeply into the flaws and miscalculations of the campaign. I quit about 2/3 of the way through."

-- When you lose to the guy you encouraged people to help win so you could beat them, while directly ignoring the advice from two presidents who HAD won an election, and tempt fate by popping champagne before voting even ended on the East Coast, what other end can you expect besides "villain loses in a surprise upset to the underdog?" If the parties were reversed, it would be a classic movie narrative that we'd have had dozens of hot takes on in print, TV and film.

traditionalguy said...

It is well known that she used a double. Enquiring minds want to know if this is the original Hillary, or has the real one been retired to the same place that the real RBG stays.

Phil 314 said...

Damn ! That was a scary picture.

Francisco D said...

She looks even scarier than usual.

Sort of like a creature in transition on Dr.Moreau's island.

madAsHell said...

I think this is the continuing trend of TV "weather' girls becoming soccer moms.

madAsHell said...

Trump has a new supreme to appoint. I'm pretty sure that Hillary has sucked the life-force out of RBG!

madAsHell said...

Maybe this is the new face of transgender??

Just an old country lawyer said...

Radiant, my tired old wrinkled ass. Flesh eating rabbit.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Can’t we stop with her? IDGAS...

Curious George said...

I wouldn't fuck new Hillary with old Hillary's dick.

MD Greene said...

If she paid someone to make her look like that, she needs to ask for her money back.

OTOH, this could be the result of a camera strobe flashing in her face. Tends to flatten out the skin, I understand. It's one reason why celebrities and influencers are said to be fussy about lighting when being photographed. Still, those cheekbones ....

I got a good-to-fly drivers license the other day, complete with a new head shot. It looks better than this, which isn't saying much.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She looks radiant. If Radiant means - Podesta Group demon spawn.

gilbar said...

Protip: getting Plastic Surgery, to look younger: Doesn't

bwebster said...

I fully agree that the "before' photo looks vastly better; she frankly has more dignity and gravitas (words I don't often use w/rt Clinton). If the photos are accurate (and I have no reason to suspect the Daily Mail of gushing over a 'shopped photo), the surgery was an unfortunate failure.

MadisonMan said...

Good ol' Chipmunk Cheeks. Always look sooo natural.
I say if you have the money -- and God knows Hillary!! has that is spades thanks to her grifting -- why not give it to Plastic Surgeons! I wonder if WJC has had a testicle lift?

Maillard Reactionary said...

rhhardin: "It might be that there are legal restrictions on Hillary's face, requiring a new one."

If there aren't, there should be. Can we get a restraining order?

tcrosse said...

Ass-cheeks. Still has the turkey neck, though.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Does that face come with a face-mumu that matches her actual mumu?

Hlllary clinton - the human lampshade

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


The Inspector General’s Report on 2016 FBI Spying Reveals a Scandal of Historic Magnitude: Not Only for the FBI but Also the U.S. Media

I'm Full of Soup said...

She's trying to follow John Kerry's example of butchering her own face so you look embalmed?

robother said...

For cleaning up Bill's last Epstein mess (she manages the wet work for the family), she finally solved that problem for once and all: those are Bill's balls she's storing chipmunk-like for the long winter.

chickelit said...

"Some Pig"

Oh, what a tangled web she's weaved...

Limited blogger said...

Hillary, please take what ever shreds of dignity you have left and GO AWAY

exhelodrvr1 said...

So is she two-faced, new-faced, or both?

h said...

What I'm about to say has nothing to do with Hillary. But I don't think it is totally off-topic. I've been observing a number of friends and acquaintances who are getting "gray divorces" (after 30+ years of marriage) all at the instigation of the wife. Almost none of them are divorcing because one of the couple has a new love interest. Some of the wives in these couples are rather shy and introverted. These wives went through their youth until marriage always being able to attract male attention simply with their looks. I'm not saying they were "glamorous" but men were first interested in them because of their looks. So these women got to marriage and then decades later divorce without every needing to "practice" being attractive to men (with ideas and conversation). Back on the dating market in their 60s, they discover that their looks have faded, and the fading especially shows in the face and neck. Unless it's done very subtly, plastic surgery only draws attention to the aging.

Jersey Fled said...

"She's trying to follow John Kerry's example of butchering her own face so you look embalmed?"

Maybe she's trying to get a head start on the procedure.

tcrosse said...

So who's going to tell H>er it looks terrible?

Kristen said...

Honestly, my first thought was "elephant." Those oddly defined cheekbones remind me of elephant ears, her long straight nose is the trunk, and her eyes and closed-mouth smile fit right where an elephant's would...

Gk1 said...

It's amazing when their eyes begin to look asian after using botox. I remember when William Shatner looked like a japanese version of himself. At least with Hillary the chinese looks would go with all of the under the table chinese money she will get if she tries to run again.

Otto said...

Forget "gossip" about Hillary's appearance and tell us about Judge Malloy's decision to purge 234,000 from Wisconsin's voter rolls.

Aggie said...

She's getting work done on her face? She's running, then. That is terrific news.

Stephen Taylor said...

Thank God for the Daily Mail. If we didn't have the DM, someone would have to invent it. Daily reading in our home.

Michael K said...

tell us about Judge Malloy's decision to purge 234,000 from Wisconsin's voter rolls.

When can he start on California ? Imaginary voters are the Democrats' secret weapon.

Spiros said...

TRUMP!!!! His constant attacks on women, especially their physical appearance, has played some role in the increasing demand for plastic surgery.

madAsHell said...

No, looks good on you!!

rosebud said...


That got a true laugh out loud from me.

Thank you

madAsHell said... that looks like the face of a president!!

Big Mike said...

I'm exasperated with articles like "What is the secret of Hillary Clinton's strangely plumped-up-cheeks? Fillers could be behind more youthful look" (Daily Mail).

It’s pretty easy. If the picture isn’t photoshopped then she really is running again.

TJM said...

Soon she will be dancing the "Chardonnay Shuffle" for your entertainment

Bruce Hayden said...

From Instapundit

I’M NOT SURE I’D CALL THIS LOOK “MORE YOUTHFUL.” What is the secret of Hillary Clinton’s strangely plumped-up-cheeks? Fillers could be behind more youthful look. Besides, to be more youthful, don’t you have to be at least a little bit youthful to start?

But this cosmetic work, ill-advised as it is, suggests that Hillary’s thinking about running — or at least wants people to think she is. You’d think she could afford better, though.

I don’t expect her to actually run. Too much work. And why run when you have your personal Scoobie van handy? That way your handlers can cart you around as needed, hauled into fund raisers when necessary, set up by her handlers to gracefully accept the tributes of her supporters in terms of campaign contributions, then taken down and thrown in the back of the van, ready, after a couple days of recharging, to jump right back in. Or actually lifted and carted right back in.

If she runs for the nomination and loses, then she would be a three time loser, which would be that much more embarrassing than her first two losses. At least Obama had sharp creases in his pants, was clean, and could, when properly prepared, speak decently well. And he is probably half black. The reason to get into the fight for the nomination is that the current slate of candidates is so abysmal. But losing to these abysmal candidates would make her seem eve more abysmal as a candidate.

Limited blogger said...

Have you lost weight?

mockturtle said...

Two faces I'd like never to see again: Hillary Clinton's and Michael Jackson's.

Quaestor said...

I hate this kind of journalism. She looks “radiant”!? No one would look at that picture and think radiant.

I disagree. Hillary does look radiant because she is radiant. Trouble is they're all gamma rays.

Bay Area Guy said...

I think Hillary should sit this one out and regroup for a 2024 run at age 77.

FullMoon said...

Trump must have paid to have that picture published.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

This must be one of those color perception thingees. I seriously don’t see a difference. Nothing that isn’t attributable to different lighting and a slightly different angle.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Have you lost weight?”

Or are those new pants?

wildswan said...

If you cover up the bottom half of her face, the top looks good. She looks like Number 12* from the nose up. So maybe more work is planned and we're being shown the transition so that we'll accept the final product as her. But then (twilight zone theme) the other Number 12s can fill in for her on the campaign trail (more theme) and as needed at the White House. For instance, Bill could bring in some real Number 12s. Winning.

PS. Was that really Epstein who didn't commit suicide? (more theme)

*Professor Althouse knew what we'd need to know and posted this informative documentary on potential transformations a few posts back.

Anonymous said...

The title appears to be a riff on the work of Belgian surrealist artist Rene Magritte -- "We're not seeing Hillary Clinton's face. We're seeing a photograph of her face." -- Ann Althouse.

I saw a Magritte exhibit at the Chicago Art Institute with a friend from Madison, in 1993 or so, while on a temporary software development project, and bought a poster of this in the museum shop:
The Human Condition

The first link below contains an explanation (spoiler alert); the second, an article:
The Human Condition, 1933 by Rene Magritte
Blame It on Magritte (The Village Voice)

Magritte painted lots of pipes, with this one probably his most famous (translated: "this is not a pipe"):
The Treachery of Images, 1929

I seem to recall a smaller painting at the 1993 Chicago exhibit with maybe a half-dozen identical pipes, with the same text below each one. But I didn't see it on either of these sites:
100 Famous Paintings by Rene Magritte
Rene Magritte - 370 artworks -

I once used The Treachery of Images to contrast Austrian economics with the current economics mainstream, which tries to fit reality to their highly stylized versions of it.

Earnest Prole said...

Ancient Indian mythology tells of Nāga, snakes that can sometimes assume human form.

Rabel said...

I don't think it's photoshop.

Jim at said...

No amount of work can change what's on the inside.

Sal said...

The Daily Mail hires high school kids in India to write its stories.

MadisonMan said...

Cue The Bee Gees
Nope. Cue the Blood, Sweat and Tears. Lucretia McEvil.

richlb said...

It looks like she did a face swap with Martin Short.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I disagree. Hillary does look radiant because she is radiant. Trouble is they're all gamma rays.

Hillary Smash!

Wince said...

That is the smoothest scrotum I've ever seen!

tcrosse said...

It's the Face on the Barroom Floor.

walter said...

That's just swell..

MayBee said...

Her right eye is a little cross-y, isn't it?

Milwaukie guy said...

My landlord, as a Printer's Row graphic design firm owner, did the "system" work on the Playboy centerfolds during the immediate pre-photoshop era. I saw a lot of Chromalins with extensive markups. They were charging $750/hr for "system" work that Photoshop dropped to about $150/hr two years later with the Macintosh [not the Lisa].

That's some body work on Hillary. "System" work by any self-respecting artist would be much better. Cheek fillers indeed.

A friend just told me that Ramen, in a certain inert state, is used for Bondo.

Yancey Ward said...

Radiant like Medusa.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Maybe she's trying to win Bill back. Now that Pedophile Island no longer beckons him.

Nichevo said...

She looks dreadful, the victim of an Uncanny Valley effect moving away from human. Sometimes these things don't work out so well, pace Jocelyn Wildenstein.

In her case I would expect her surgeon to commit suicide with two or three bullets to the back of the head.

MB said...

Just wait until it incubates.

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