They're after men. Women will vote with Pelosi. Constitutionally though they're after cancelling your vote when you make a mistake.
Althouse didn't make a mistake so she's okay but she's noticing a system problem. Women can do that but it's not as interesting to them as it is to men.
It's a bad idea to cancel what men are interested in. They're the ones doing systems work.
I would think the net effect of this should be an amendment to require a higher threshold from the House for passing Articles of Impeachment, maybe 60% rather than a simple majority. The Dems have turned what should be a tool to be used under only extreme conditions into a vote of no confidence from the opposition.
Of course they are. Just look at our resident usual suspects. They're not interested in a debating a difference of opinion. They just want to crush you.
It's true. Remember in the words of our great Democrat hopeful Peter Strzok…." Just went to a Southern Virginia Walmart. I could smell the Trump support" Isn't that so cute?? Sending that to his married lover on an FBI phone.
I wonder how many are seeing this for the first time yesterday and today?
It has been near the top of the whatfinger report news aggregator for several months now. Yesterday was, I think, the first time I've seen it anywhere else.
Now that Drudge has been sold, Whatfinger is a pretty worthy alternative.
Of course he's right. The only answer is to cut loose a few little areas into their own crazy little countries, while the rest of us live in peace together.
rhhardin said... They're after men. Women will vote with Pelosi
As a woman, I will NEVER vote with this cackling lying witch. I am awake, and informed. I see and hear the lies they have been spewing and I have decided I can't, and I won't EVER vote for a Democrat for the rest of my life.
I could try to argue otherwise, but I saw the photos from the announcement of the articles. It was nothing but NY and California representatives. They don't care about the rest of the country. They are mad we are making them deal with the deplorables choice.
It's an anti-Uncle Sam. Like Uncle Sam, he's pointing at Americans and enlisting them. But the motivation is negative: they're after you, so stick with me.
It's a crystallization of the shift in conservativism from affirmative values, to anti-leftism. It doesn't bode well for long term health of the movement.
The weakness on the left is that they're anti-Trump, and have nothing great to offer. That same weakness is showing up on the right.
As many have noted, he is right. This is a conflict of castes that has been developing over decades. It has just been clarifying in recent years. One of my broken record points.
And like most such things it is not about persons, not even Trump. This is about cultures and systems. Some people find it hard to depersonalize, and others find using people as symbols useful. And others simply cannot think in terms of systems.
>>>Rule of law, due process, respect for elections. Many on the right have all that stuff.
I agree. I was speaking of a general Trend toward defining the "right" as the antithesis of the radical left, and losing focus of core values the define conservatism.
It's sad that "rule of law, due process, respect for elections" now define conservatism. That should just be Americanism. It's so foundational as to sound banal and the left says "rule of law, due process, respect for elections" with as much conviction as if the right abandoned that.
Conservatism is other stuff like free markets small government etc etc.
Pies in the face and flying shoes release steam, preventing more serious forms of violence, or at least delaying them so that we can figure out our differences. Caning a particularly assholish representative may serve a similar function, although if they do it to an old man or woman, it may be too galvanizing for this beneficial effect.
If Every (or, even most (hell! if even Some)) elected Democrats would DO THE RIGHT THING, and go out in the street; and pour gas on themselves; and light it IF they Cared, ENOUGH, to kill themselves in protest; i would stop and give some thought to their complaints I'm not (necessarily) saying that i'd adopt their views;
BUT IF They Kill themselves; I PROMISE, I will give it some thought Come ON Democrats! SHOW ME YOU MEAN IT! {this goes for the Democrat commentators here as well}
It seems one side has stayed calm during all of this, and the other side seems to have contracted emotional rabies.
Sometimes you just need to put Ol' Yeller down.
I am Laslo.
12/19/19, 6:37 AM
There were a few right wing nutters during the Obama years but the vast majority of the "deplorables" just sucked it up, hunkered down and prayed for [initially] a short, quick 4 years, and then again for a second time. "We" survived. Many of use were exceedingly unhappy with Obama, what he did and tried to do, his "outlook" and how he [and his administration] went about implementing his "plans". All the while the left vilified everyone that was not on-board with fundamentally transforming America.
The result of being ignored was Trump. The left goes INSANE. They racket it up to elevendy. They fund their street thugs, they ferment racist smears, they try to socially and politically lynch anyone not on their team. But SURE, it is Trump that is divisive. It is Trump that is coarsening the discourse. All their crap failed to move the needle back their way so they up it to twelve-ity and impeach the President even while the reports are released showing the last three years were a total scam pulled by the same people screaming for impeachment.
History will NOT be kind to these asshats. They are lucky they are not decorating lamp posts. In a more just society, they would be.
Ann Althouse said... Thanks for posting again to correct yourself, John Henry.
By the way, I think the extra line is redundant. Doesn't change the meaning significant. Snappier without it.
It's a good line; he casts himself as our protector. But I think Scott Adams would agree with you--the first line is a complete succinct thought. The second line adds a second thought, thus diluting the impact of the first.
A lot of people have known this for quite a while.
As long as Congress is pissing in the wind, they are not oppressing the people. They would be better off just going home (of course, we needed a circus for the media to report - sic - on...).
I'm not following the line critique. The only phrase I'd remove is the "in Reality." All the rest is exactly right. Ellipsis is kind of an elite thing.
Yes, that's right. You're all in this epic battle for the soul of the world against the wall and all facing the lefties together. Master of persuasion is a euphemism for Con Man. Eat it up, boys.
Trump is 100% correct. PLUS he has said this many times before the Impeachment Circus began.
The elites, the libtards, the entrenched bureaucracy, the wannabe Socialists are all after US, the people, who aren't buying into their bullshit.
Deplorable, disgusting smelly Walmart shoppers, 2nd and 1st amendment proponents, who want to just live their lives without being micromanaged. They are afraid of us. They want to cow us into submission. We must be replaced by more compliant (ignorant) voters.
We always knew that they, those in charge, don't really give a rat's patooty about the people. Hillary just made it plain and the subsequent actions of the elitist have just reinforced their hatred of the sub species of American Voters.
The Democrats have placed themselves squarely in opposition to the constitution. They want to limit, or repeal, the first amendment. They want to repeal the second amendment. They want to nullify the electoral college with an unconstitutional pact between states. They want cities and states to nullify federal law. Now they want to ignore the separation of powers and the limits on congress.
Yesterday they Democrats impeached Trump and passed his USMCA. I only hope in exchange for impeaching Trump again the Democrats make Trump's tax rate reductions permanent and build the wall.
I agree the left is coming for American liberty and they're making the big push now. But we have one Christmas left for sure. And we need to use the time and the season to win over and accept former opponents because I think this farce will swing people toward understanding the threat. Besides, nothing will disturb the left more than Trump supporters having a good time till after New Year because we are sure the left has made a fatal error. After New Year comes a lot of hard work to capitalize on the error. Metaphorically speaking, I'm sure former Army guys would agree that snatching up pitchforks and charging off in all directions in an undisciplined way is not the way to win. Mitch can handle Nan defecating in the aisles of the House as her constituents do in San Francisco streets. She is truly their Representative. We need to win the November 2020 vote in the face of huge cheating. And be prepared.
Rory Of course he's right. The only answer is to cut loose a few little areas into their own crazy little countries, while the rest of us live in peace together.
State of Jefferson!!! Trying to be free of the Crazy in California and Oregon since before WWII.
Fat chance though IF we have to rely on statewide vote
I am pretty certain the mistake is thinking Democrats would have behaved differently with President Cruz or President Rubio. They wouldn't have. In fact, the only thing that likely would have been different with Cruz or Rubio as the nominee in 2016 is that they wouldn't have won the election. We know this because the Left has been degenerating since the 2000 election- this isn't something that just happened all of a sudden on November 9th 2016- it has a been 2 decade long process.
We know this because the Left has been degenerating since the 2000 election- this isn't something that just happened all of a sudden on November 9th 2016- it has a been 2 decade long process.
Yes, Bush was treated much like Trump was. The Democrat Senators refused to hold hearings for his nominees, just as they have the past 3 years but Harry Reid blew up the filibuster and was warned he would regret it.
Rumsfeld had almost no appointed staff on 9/11 because of the Democrats' obstruction.
The 2000 election was a virtual tie and Democrats have been crazy ever since. In an irony,. they have also been self destructive.
I could try to argue otherwise, but I saw the photos from the announcement of the articles. It was nothing but NY and California representatives. They don't care about the rest of the country. They are mad we are making them deal with the deplorables choice. leland
I have often thought that our country would be better off if we gave California to Mexico and New York to Canada.
Sign the pledge never to vote for another Democrat again. 12/19/19, 6:04 AM
I took that pledge in the aftermath of 9/11 when the Democrats were openly siding with and give 'Aid and Comfort' to our enemies over the dead bodies of 3,000 Americans.
I have often thought that our country would be better off if we gave California to Mexico and New York to Canada.
New York City was threatening to secede during the Civil War. Too bad.
Then problem with California is the coastal strip. It's like Washington. The crazies are all west of the Cascades. In the 1950s there was a semi-serious movement for eastern Washington to secede from Seattle.
During the Revolutionary War, Ethan Allen was up in Quebec trying to negotiate a "separate peace” and make Vermont a Canadian province. But he is a hero and Benedict Arnold a traitor...
Is it merely a coincidence that the only Presidents impeached in our lifetimes were both encouraged to run by, but also privately despised by, Hillary Clinton? Just sayin'.
Yancey Ward said... I am pretty certain the mistake is thinking Democrats would have behaved differently with President Cruz or President Rubio. They wouldn't have. In fact, the only thing that likely would have been different with Cruz or Rubio as the nominee in 2016 is that they wouldn't have won the election. We know this because the Left has been degenerating since the 2000 election- this isn't something that just happened all of a sudden on November 9th 2016- it has a been 2 decade long process.
They would have defeated Cruz. He is very smart and I agree with him in many things. He has human repellent skin. Hillary would have crushed him.
Rubio would have been another Bush at best. We would have open borders and at least one other "bipartisan" compromise. Rubio was a globalist tool the whole time. He would have been as big a disaster as Mitt would have been.
Rubio would have been another Bush at best. We would have open borders and at least one other "bipartisan" compromise. Rubio was a globalist tool the whole time. He would have been as big a disaster as Mitt would have been.
I agree with this. I also think Rubio is owned by Big Sugar. Florida is like Delaware.
Cruz would be better on the Supreme Court. He is very smart but not a salesman. I could see Trump appointing him when Breyer retires. Then Abbot could replace him and keep Texas red.
There were a few right wing nutters during the Obama years...
And yet, what was the most visible manifestation of anti-Obamism?
The Tea Party.
Mild-mannered, soft-spoken, middle-aged Midwesterners gathering in large groups to protest excessive taxation and government interference in their daily lives. Then they cleaned up after themselves. For that they were subjected to the vilest slander from the left, who do not respect the rights of anyone but themselves. Not only that, but the sitting president used the authority of the IRS to beat them down. The Democrat aberration needs to be resisted with our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
I think that the Democrats started to go apeshit after they lost the House in ’94. Before that, Republicans were the Washington Generals, lovable losers.
and cruz was said to have flubbed the shutdown, in 2013, truth is mcconnell threw him under the bridge, was it the fact that bob packwood had a creepy john Lithgow type mien, that made him fair game, he was pro choice, probably pro gun control,
And yet, what was the most visible manifestation of anti-Obamism?
The Tea Party.
12/19/19, 2:16 PM
I completely agree and if memory serves, the Tea Party started prior to Obama (but I could be wrong). The Tea Party was NEVER a "right side verses the left" it was "we want fiscal restraint from EVERYONE!" and they were/are right on that count. They were painted as right wing fascists and racists because the Dems and GOPe could not STAND having a spot light on their spending (which they are back too and never really let up). That was also an example of a very partisan, bias, and lazy media and what they do when they don't agree with the group they are reporting on.
well we can refer to Tucson, when the tragic shooting of the screwup, who was a borderline anarchist, was used to defame the tea party, who had nothing to do with it, and the white toga crew, all kept their heads down, the stimulus that was designed in part by warren and with some imput from warren buffet if memory serves, was a slush fund which we still don't have an accounting for,
In the 80s you had Dems screaming that Ronny Raygun would get us all killed Ted Kennedy literally colluding with the Soviets to swing the election Dems literally enacting laws with the intent of making sure the US could never oppose a communist in the Western hemisphere (thankfully there was a loophole, heh.)
Frankly, they've been communist tools and a criminal conspiracy since at least the McCarthy hearings. It's been proven repeatedly that "paranoid" McCarthy wasn't nearly paranoid enough, and every problem we have today is a result of the Right giving in to virtue signaling to throw him under the bus.
I grew up in Miami, the nerve center of the anticommunist resistance, in Nicaragua with affiliates in el Salvador and Guatemala, chris dodd was in favor of the latter band of would be communist tyrants, the ones who have been running el Salvador since last year,
Oh, don't forget the wisdom of unilateral nuclear disarmament, global cooling and the neverending hectoring about the rancid evil of the "moral majority". Or Robert Bork.
I've been seeing this meme for a while now, and it's a good one. It focuses on the fact that the left's real issue is not Trump, but the people who elected him. They won't rest until the deplorables have been eliminated.
and it was Jamie raskins father, backed with money from the stern family, the institute for policy studies, that coordinated activity on all those fronts,
Mild-mannered, soft-spoken, middle-aged Midwesterners gathering in large groups to protest excessive taxation and government interference in their daily lives.
That was kind of the left's characterization of them. I was at rallies and there lots of young mothers and babies.
Benedict Arnold got a cushy life on GB after trying and failing to realign nations at the possible expense of his countrymen, if you will. If Ethan Allen enjoyed his life more maybe Arnold cared too much about status or his capacity for hedonic pleasure was severely impaired. Without the furniture co Arnold would be way more famous ironically
My wife has been saving money and is buying me a Barrett .50 for Christmas. I didn't even ask her for it, just showed it to her in the gun shop in passing.
Made me think... My WIFE wants me to have the means of busting an engine block or penetrating an armored limousine, if necessary.
We are entering an interesting period in American history with consequences no one can foresee.
I will have to content myself with depressurizing the cooling system... But I do figure that a big steam cloud coming up out of the radiator will at least slow the driver down.
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They're after men. Women will vote with Pelosi. Constitutionally though they're after cancelling your vote when you make a mistake.
Althouse didn't make a mistake so she's okay but she's noticing a system problem. Women can do that but it's not as interesting to them as it is to men.
It's a bad idea to cancel what men are interested in. They're the ones doing systems work.
He’s right, of course.
I would think the net effect of this should be an amendment to require a higher threshold from the House for passing Articles of Impeachment, maybe 60% rather than a simple majority. The Dems have turned what should be a tool to be used under only extreme conditions into a vote of no confidence from the opposition.
Of course they are. Just look at our resident usual suspects. They're not interested in a debating a difference of opinion. They just want to crush you.
Sign the pledge never to vote for another Democrat again.
It's true. Remember in the words of our great Democrat hopeful Peter Strzok…." Just went to a Southern Virginia Walmart. I could smell the Trump support" Isn't that so cute?? Sending that to his married lover on an FBI phone.
I wonder how many are seeing this for the first time yesterday and today?
It has been near the top of the whatfinger report news aggregator for several months now. Yesterday was, I think, the first time I've seen it anywhere else.
Now that Drudge has been sold, Whatfinger is a pretty worthy alternative.
John Henry
Of course he's right. The only answer is to cut loose a few little areas into their own crazy little countries, while the rest of us live in peace together.
rhhardin said...
They're after men. Women will vote with Pelosi
As a woman, I will NEVER vote with this cackling lying witch. I am awake, and informed. I see and hear the lies they have been spewing and I have decided I can't, and I won't EVER vote for a Democrat for the rest of my life.
I think you were really onto something, prof, when you hinted that Democrats want us to spend the holidays arguing with one another over politics...
And, I would add to that...
As a substitute for the drama, meaning and emotional engagement of religious ritual and belief.
I was invited to a Christmas Eve luncheon. Mom is an ardent Trump supporter. Daughter is Trump hater.
The invitation specified "No politics!"
I could try to argue otherwise, but I saw the photos from the announcement of the articles. It was nothing but NY and California representatives. They don't care about the rest of the country. They are mad we are making them deal with the deplorables choice.
This meme has been around for quite a while. It is, however, the first time the president has tweeted it.
He's right, ya know.
Sorry, Ann. My first line is bad. It looks like I think you croppedit.
Iprobably should have asked "why is it cropped that way, Ann?" instead.
John Henry
This is the Bud Light of impeachments.
Ten thousand feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpet,
Pelosi rode with her load to the tiptop to dump it!
"Pooh-pooh to the Whos!" she was grinchily humming.
"They're finding out now Trump's removal is coming!
They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
Then the Whos in Red Districts will all cry boo-hoo!
That's a noise," grinned the Grinch, "that I simply must hear!"
She paused, and the Grinch put a hand to her ear.
And she did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low, then it started to grow.
But this sound wasn't sad!
Why, this sound sounded glad!
Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small,
Was singing after Trump was impeached by cabal!
She hadn't stopped Trump from being President! It came!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!
And the Grinch, with her grinch feet ice-cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling. "How could it be so?
I’m afraid he is right. They can’t accept the results of a valid election. They want to get rid of the voters. We stand in the way of their agenda.
Leland has a damned good point.
It's an anti-Uncle Sam. Like Uncle Sam, he's pointing at Americans and enlisting them. But the motivation is negative: they're after you, so stick with me.
It's a crystallization of the shift in conservativism from affirmative values, to anti-leftism. It doesn't bode well for long term health of the movement.
The weakness on the left is that they're anti-Trump, and have nothing great to offer. That same weakness is showing up on the right.
Trump is correct. The Democrats hate people like me. No problem. I feel the same way about them.
"The cropping is terribly dishonest. I find it hard to believe you did the cropping. "
I didn't crop it.
I just took Twitter's embed code. And I didn't see the additional line when I got the code, so I wasn't even aware of the cropping.
Weird of you to go into attack mode against me.
People need to calm down.
Thanks for posting again to correct yourself, John Henry.
By the way, I think the extra line is redundant. Doesn't change the meaning significant. Snappier without it.
Click on the image if you want to see the whole thing.
>>>People need to calm down.
LOL. Agreed!
Thanks for posting again to correct yourself, John Henry.
By the way, I think the extra line is redundant. Doesn't change the meaning significant. Snappier without it.
Click on the image if you want to see the whole thing.
As many have noted, he is right.
This is a conflict of castes that has been developing over decades. It has just been clarifying in recent years. One of my broken record points.
And like most such things it is not about persons, not even Trump. This is about cultures and systems. Some people find it hard to depersonalize, and others find using people as symbols useful. And others simply cannot think in terms of systems.
"That same weakness is showing up on the right."
Rule of law, due process, respect for elections. Many on the right have all that stuff.
>>>By the way, I think the extra line is redundant. Doesn't change the meaning significant. Snappier without it.
But it's such a Trumpy way of beating a dead horse. The last line stays in!
People need to calm down.
I appreciate the sentiment, but this was applicable when:
• people were saying "Impeach the Motherfucker" days after the election;
• people went bat-shit crazy during the Kavanaugh hearings;
• the media went crazy over the Covington boy;
• Antifa was hitting people in the head with bike locks while the press compared them to the heroes of Normandy;
• people went nuts when the Mueller Report was not the result they wanted.
It seems one side has stayed calm during all of this, and the other side seems to have contracted emotional rabies.
Sometimes you just need to put Ol' Yeller down.
I am Laslo.
>>>Rule of law, due process, respect for elections. Many on the right have all that stuff.
I agree. I was speaking of a general Trend toward defining the "right" as the antithesis of the radical left, and losing focus of core values the define conservatism.
It's sad that "rule of law, due process, respect for elections" now define conservatism. That should just be Americanism. It's so foundational as to sound banal and the left says "rule of law, due process, respect for elections" with as much conviction as if the right abandoned that.
Conservatism is other stuff like free markets small government etc etc.
This photo and caption has been on for six months or so.
"Sometimes you just need to put Ol' Yeller down. I am Laslo."
When Laslo is about ready to join a militia we are in big trouble.
There should not be another Democrat elected for 2 generations.
Pies in the face and flying shoes release steam, preventing more serious forms of violence, or at least delaying them so that we can figure out our differences. Caning a particularly assholish representative may serve a similar function, although if they do it to an old man or woman, it may be too galvanizing for this beneficial effect.
Flinging poo at them when they return to their districts and hold events, getting them in their bubble, may work too.
He's absolutely right. And conservatives are finally waking up to the fact that you can't "buy off" the left with cooperation.
you know what would make me Really Think?
If Every (or, even most (hell! if even Some)) elected Democrats would
DO THE RIGHT THING, and go out in the street; and pour gas on themselves; and light it
IF they Cared, ENOUGH,
to kill themselves in protest; i would stop and give some thought to their complaints
I'm not (necessarily) saying that i'd adopt their views;
BUT IF They Kill themselves; I PROMISE, I will give it some thought
Come ON Democrats! SHOW ME YOU MEAN IT!
{this goes for the Democrat commentators here as well}
Laslo Spatula said...
It seems one side has stayed calm during all of this, and the other side seems to have contracted emotional rabies.
Sometimes you just need to put Ol' Yeller down.
I am Laslo.
12/19/19, 6:37 AM
There were a few right wing nutters during the Obama years but the vast majority of the "deplorables" just sucked it up, hunkered down and prayed for [initially] a short, quick 4 years, and then again for a second time. "We" survived. Many of use were exceedingly unhappy with Obama, what he did and tried to do, his "outlook" and how he [and his administration] went about implementing his "plans". All the while the left vilified everyone that was not on-board with fundamentally transforming America.
The result of being ignored was Trump. The left goes INSANE. They racket it up to elevendy. They fund their street thugs, they ferment racist smears, they try to socially and politically lynch anyone not on their team. But SURE, it is Trump that is divisive. It is Trump that is coarsening the discourse. All their crap failed to move the needle back their way so they up it to twelve-ity and impeach the President even while the reports are released showing the last three years were a total scam pulled by the same people screaming for impeachment.
History will NOT be kind to these asshats. They are lucky they are not decorating lamp posts. In a more just society, they would be.
Trump's right. They are after us. Should be clear by now that the Democrat Party lusts to tell us all what to do, and to pay for whatever it wants.
I was wondering yesterday how Trump would turn this.
Watch how the Democrats turn the election campaign into "We impeached him you fools".
@Todd, history is written by historians. How many of them do you know who are center-right?
I was planning on buying a new laptop computer this weekend. Now, I'm considering buying a gun and ammo instead. This isn't going to end well.
Ann Althouse said...
Thanks for posting again to correct yourself, John Henry.
By the way, I think the extra line is redundant. Doesn't change the meaning significant. Snappier without it.
It's a good line; he casts himself as our protector. But I think Scott Adams would agree with you--the first line is a complete succinct thought. The second line adds a second thought, thus diluting the impact of the first.
Adam Schitt IS Antifa FAscist
A lot of people have known this for quite a while.
As long as Congress is pissing in the wind, they are not oppressing the people. They would be better off just going home (of course, we needed a circus for the media to report - sic - on...).
Gun sales running at record levels. That's one comforting sign.
It seems one side has stayed calm during all of this, and the other side seems to have contracted emotional rabies.
Repeal the 19th.
And now we know how he'll be beating the Democrats. Again.
This guys is so much better than anything the Democrats have.
Too bad the Dems won't be around to impeach him for murder after their upcoming slaughter.
Great messaging... perfect, you might say.
"They're after you."
We know.
Althouse, you do know they're after you, too, right?
The Democrats certainly dropped their masks here in Virginia. Folks elsewhere should watch and take heed.
Althouse, you do know they're after you, too, right?
What she knows doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how she feels.
Althouse, you do know they're after you, too, right?
She's already retired, they have no leverage over her.
She's already retired, they have no leverage over her.
That’s what you and she think! Wait until the Democrats start rationing healthcare by age. Warren let that one slip about a month ago.
Well it has the advantage of being true, so there is that.
I'm not following the line critique. The only phrase I'd remove is the "in Reality." All the rest is exactly right. Ellipsis is kind of an elite thing.
Prog fascists don't hate Trump. They hate the Deplorables, and believe that they shouldn't be allowed to to vote for him.
Yes, that's right. You're all in this epic battle for the soul of the world against the wall and all facing the lefties together. Master of persuasion is a euphemism for Con Man. Eat it up, boys.
Trump is right.
That 2A Sanctuary City doesn’t spread without a reason.
I kept asking during the Obama years Fundamentally Transform America into what?
Now you know — out of existence.
But I’ve been paying attention 35-40 years. This isn’t news to me.
Trump is 100% correct. PLUS he has said this many times before the Impeachment Circus began.
The elites, the libtards, the entrenched bureaucracy, the wannabe Socialists are all after US, the people, who aren't buying into their bullshit.
Deplorable, disgusting smelly Walmart shoppers, 2nd and 1st amendment proponents, who want to just live their lives without being micromanaged. They are afraid of us. They want to cow us into submission. We must be replaced by more compliant (ignorant) voters.
We always knew that they, those in charge, don't really give a rat's patooty about the people. Hillary just made it plain and the subsequent actions of the elitist have just reinforced their hatred of the sub species of American Voters.
Mel Brooks said it succinctly ..."Sire ...The people are revolting You said it!! They stink on ice!!!
They are after US. Trump is just standing in the way.
Correct I fear.
The Democrats have placed themselves squarely in opposition to the constitution. They want to limit, or repeal, the first amendment. They want to repeal the second amendment. They want to nullify the electoral college with an unconstitutional pact between states. They want cities and states to nullify federal law. Now they want to ignore the separation of powers and the limits on congress.
Yesterday they Democrats impeached Trump and passed his USMCA. I only hope in exchange for impeaching Trump again the Democrats make Trump's tax rate reductions permanent and build the wall.
I agree the left is coming for American liberty and they're making the big push now. But we have one Christmas left for sure. And we need to use the time and the season to win over and accept former opponents because I think this farce will swing people toward understanding the threat. Besides, nothing will disturb the left more than Trump supporters having a good time till after New Year because we are sure the left has made a fatal error. After New Year comes a lot of hard work to capitalize on the error. Metaphorically speaking, I'm sure former Army guys would agree that snatching up pitchforks and charging off in all directions in an undisciplined way is not the way to win. Mitch can handle Nan defecating in the aisles of the House as her constituents do in San Francisco streets. She is truly their Representative. We need to win the November 2020 vote in the face of huge cheating. And be prepared.
Rory Of course he's right. The only answer is to cut loose a few little areas into their own crazy little countries, while the rest of us live in peace together.
State of Jefferson!!! Trying to be free of the Crazy in California and Oregon since before WWII.
Fat chance though IF we have to rely on statewide vote
"I was planning on buying a new laptop computer this weekend. Now, I'm considering buying a gun and ammo instead. This isn't going to end well."
Get lots of ammo.
I am pretty certain the mistake is thinking Democrats would have behaved differently with President Cruz or President Rubio. They wouldn't have. In fact, the only thing that likely would have been different with Cruz or Rubio as the nominee in 2016 is that they wouldn't have won the election. We know this because the Left has been degenerating since the 2000 election- this isn't something that just happened all of a sudden on November 9th 2016- it has a been 2 decade long process.
Additional evidence I am right- Scott Walker.
the omnibus has a path to citizenship, in it, it's part of the box of chocolates, from whizzo chocolates,
We know this because the Left has been degenerating since the 2000 election- this isn't something that just happened all of a sudden on November 9th 2016- it has a been 2 decade long process.
Yes, Bush was treated much like Trump was. The Democrat Senators refused to hold hearings for his nominees, just as they have the past 3 years but Harry Reid blew up the filibuster and was warned he would regret it.
Rumsfeld had almost no appointed staff on 9/11 because of the Democrats' obstruction.
The 2000 election was a virtual tie and Democrats have been crazy ever since. In an irony,. they have also been self destructive.
six years of lawfare, had left their mark, and ultimately led to evers election,
six years of lawfare, had left their mark, and ultimately led to evers election,
True, but Walker still almost won a 3rd term, even in an mid-term election cycle that was pretty sure to run against any Republican.
in terms of his future prospect, and the 7th circuit decision, ratifying john chisholms raids are mystifying not really,
Absolutely 100% true.
I could try to argue otherwise, but I saw the photos from the announcement of the articles. It was nothing but NY and California representatives. They don't care about the rest of the country. They are mad we are making them deal with the deplorables choice. leland
I have often thought that our country would be better off if we gave California to Mexico and New York to Canada.
Darrell said...
Sign the pledge never to vote for another Democrat again.
12/19/19, 6:04 AM
I took that pledge in the aftermath of 9/11 when the Democrats were openly siding with and give 'Aid and Comfort' to our enemies over the dead bodies of 3,000 Americans.
I have often thought that our country would be better off if we gave California to Mexico and New York to Canada.
New York City was threatening to secede during the Civil War. Too bad.
Then problem with California is the coastal strip. It's like Washington. The crazies are all west of the Cascades. In the 1950s there was a semi-serious movement for eastern Washington to secede from Seattle.
" have often thought that our country would be better off if we gave California to Mexico and New York to Canada.”
Another plot point from Infinite Jest! “Experialism"
During the Revolutionary War, Ethan Allen was up in Quebec trying to negotiate a "separate peace” and make Vermont a Canadian province. But he is a hero and Benedict Arnold a traitor...
Is it merely a coincidence that the only Presidents impeached in our lifetimes were both encouraged to run by, but also privately despised by, Hillary Clinton? Just sayin'.
Yancey Ward said...
I am pretty certain the mistake is thinking Democrats would have behaved differently with President Cruz or President Rubio. They wouldn't have. In fact, the only thing that likely would have been different with Cruz or Rubio as the nominee in 2016 is that they wouldn't have won the election. We know this because the Left has been degenerating since the 2000 election- this isn't something that just happened all of a sudden on November 9th 2016- it has a been 2 decade long process.
They would have defeated Cruz. He is very smart and I agree with him in many things. He has human repellent skin. Hillary would have crushed him.
Rubio would have been another Bush at best. We would have open borders and at least one other "bipartisan" compromise. Rubio was a globalist tool the whole time. He would have been as big a disaster as Mitt would have been.
He's exactly right. The left not only hates Trump, they hate anyone and everyone who voted for him.
Prepare accordingly.
We know this because the Left has been degenerating since the 2000 election...
Actually, it was just a bit before that.
When Republicans took the House (and Senate) in 1994, they went apeshit.
And it's been a continual ramping up since.
Rubio would have been another Bush at best. We would have open borders and at least one other "bipartisan" compromise. Rubio was a globalist tool the whole time. He would have been as big a disaster as Mitt would have been.
I agree with this. I also think Rubio is owned by Big Sugar. Florida is like Delaware.
Cruz would be better on the Supreme Court. He is very smart but not a salesman. I could see Trump appointing him when Breyer retires. Then Abbot could replace him and keep Texas red.
Actually, it was just a bit before that.
When Republicans took the House (and Senate) in 1994, they went apeshit.
No, it was the Clinton impeachment. Looking back that was a strategic mistake, just as this one is for Democrats.
Newt Gingrich flubbed the government shutdown and got Clinton re-elected.
Todd said...
There were a few right wing nutters during the Obama years...
And yet, what was the most visible manifestation of anti-Obamism?
The Tea Party.
Mild-mannered, soft-spoken, middle-aged Midwesterners gathering in large groups to protest excessive taxation and government interference in their daily lives. Then they cleaned up after themselves. For that they were subjected to the vilest slander from the left, who do not respect the rights of anyone but themselves. Not only that, but the sitting president used the authority of the IRS to beat them down. The Democrat aberration needs to be resisted with our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
I think that the Democrats started to go apeshit after they lost the House in ’94. Before that, Republicans were the Washington Generals, lovable losers.
and cruz was said to have flubbed the shutdown, in 2013, truth is mcconnell threw him under the bridge, was it the fact that bob packwood had a creepy john Lithgow type mien, that made him fair game, he was pro choice, probably pro gun control,
Tyrone Slothrop said...
And yet, what was the most visible manifestation of anti-Obamism?
The Tea Party.
12/19/19, 2:16 PM
I completely agree and if memory serves, the Tea Party started prior to Obama (but I could be wrong). The Tea Party was NEVER a "right side verses the left" it was "we want fiscal restraint from EVERYONE!" and they were/are right on that count. They were painted as right wing fascists and racists because the Dems and GOPe could not STAND having a spot light on their spending (which they are back too and never really let up). That was also an example of a very partisan, bias, and lazy media and what they do when they don't agree with the group they are reporting on.
well we can refer to Tucson, when the tragic shooting of the screwup, who was a borderline anarchist, was used to defame the tea party, who had nothing to do with it, and the white toga crew, all kept their heads down, the stimulus that was designed in part by warren and with some imput from warren buffet if memory serves, was a slush fund which we still don't have an accounting for,
Oooooo, we gonna git you!
For all of you dating Dem insanity to the 90s:
In the 80s you had Dems screaming that Ronny Raygun would get us all killed
Ted Kennedy literally colluding with the Soviets to swing the election
Dems literally enacting laws with the intent of making sure the US could never oppose a communist in the Western hemisphere (thankfully there was a loophole, heh.)
Frankly, they've been communist tools and a criminal conspiracy since at least the McCarthy hearings. It's been proven repeatedly that "paranoid" McCarthy wasn't nearly paranoid enough, and every problem we have today is a result of the Right giving in to virtue signaling to throw him under the bus.
I grew up in Miami, the nerve center of the anticommunist resistance, in Nicaragua with affiliates in el Salvador and Guatemala, chris dodd was in favor of the latter band of would be communist tyrants, the ones who have been running el Salvador since last year,
Oh, don't forget the wisdom of unilateral nuclear disarmament, global cooling and the neverending hectoring about the rancid evil of the "moral majority". Or Robert Bork.
Yeah, it didn't start in the 90s.
I've been seeing this meme for a while now, and it's a good one. It focuses on the fact that the left's real issue is not Trump, but the people who elected him. They won't rest until the deplorables have been eliminated.
and it was Jamie raskins father, backed with money from the stern family, the institute for policy studies, that coordinated activity on all those fronts,
they have no shame:
yes there are still loose ends,
Mild-mannered, soft-spoken, middle-aged Midwesterners gathering in large groups to protest excessive taxation and government interference in their daily lives.
That was kind of the left's characterization of them. I was at rallies and there lots of young mothers and babies.
In the 1950s there was a semi-serious movement for eastern Washington to secede from Seattle.
It ain't over, and I have always lived in Seattle.
Well, I took a break in the 80's. I traveled the country with GE.
I am considering Walla Walla, Wenatchee, or Ellensburg for retirement.
Of course this is what the Hillary-Soviet-Schitts would like to do to you.
Benedict Arnold got a cushy life on GB after trying and failing to realign nations at the possible expense of his countrymen, if you will. If Ethan Allen enjoyed his life more maybe Arnold cared too much about status or his capacity for hedonic pleasure was severely impaired. Without the furniture co Arnold would be way more famous ironically
My wife has been saving money and is buying me a Barrett .50 for Christmas. I didn't even ask her for it, just showed it to her in the gun shop in passing.
Made me think... My WIFE wants me to have the means of busting an engine block or penetrating an armored limousine, if necessary.
We are entering an interesting period in American history with consequences no one can foresee.
A brilliant and effective message. I'm going w/ Brad Parscale as the origin, but a truly great tweet on the level of the LBJ "Daisy" commercial.
Oh dear, what kind of spinning-out-of-control universe half this turned into, when Larry J thinks he doesn't have enough ammo on hand??? ;-)
Skookum John,
I will have to content myself with depressurizing the cooling system... But I do figure that a big steam cloud coming up out of the radiator will at least slow the driver down.
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