December 13, 2019

The Judiciary Committee is voting on the impeachment.

Are you watching?

UPDATE: There was no need to watch. You knew what would happen. Grim, elongated voting — along party lines, entirely. Of course.

We watched on MSNBC, where the voiceover intoned: "And there you have it: History has been made." Somber commentators informed us that Trump has now been "held accountable" and that he has a mark on his record that will follow him everywhere.


Maillard Reactionary said...

Surely you jest.

TrespassersW said...

Whatever for?

J. Farmer said...

Are you watching?

God no.

Michael K said...

Really abuse of the minority with this vote snap call.

I wonder if the Labour wipeout will affect the Democrats' votes? Not enough to watch.

MountainMan said...

No. My wife has it on and went off to another room to do some work on my desktop. I have no interest in this travesty. Democrats need to pay for this next November.

Unknown said...

Nope. Life is too short.

Shouting Thomas said...


The local newspaper, a/k/a the Democratic Party propaganda rag, demoted impeachment to a sidebar item today.

Same newspaper ran Russia collusion as a front page, top of the mast headline for 3 years.

wild chicken said...

Yes, just happened upon it at cspan3. I thought, payback for the Clinton impeachment.

Stupid partisan shit.

rehajm said...

I'll glance sideways as if at an eclipse. They'll move them to the full House. The next question is does the full house impeach and risk an embarrassing examination of Biden and the crooked characters in the House or do we watch contortions in the House to vote the articles down and avoid the Senate.

...or is there a deal to impeach and not examine in the Senate...

wendybar said...

Landslide coming 2020...Payback is going to be a bitch to Democrats. They are done.

Dave Begley said...

A mark on his *permanent* record.

I'm still predicting Nancy doesn't have the votes. She claims she is not whipping the vote. Dems in Trump districts who vote to impeach would ruin their chance at re-election. Look what just happened in the UK.

rcocean said...

Now on the House floor where the vote will be 99% D's For. 100% of R's against.

Not counting the Democrat Reporters working for CNN/MSNBC/NYT or Wapo.

rcocean said...

People should be attacking this as the most partisan worthless waste of time ever. But the Never trumpers are silent, and gee..when's the last time we heard from MIttens?

Wince said...

"And there you have it: History has been made."

The phrase should be "the die has been cast": impeachment from now on is likely to be used evermore as a partisan tool.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Both articles – on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, passed on party-line votes of 23 to 17.

Abuse of Power (he beat Hillary!)

obstruction of Justice! (Schitt is a known liar, but it's illegal to go against the known liar)

rcocean said...

Whenever the D's are in charge they treat the R's like Crap. But when the R's get in charge they bend over backwards to treat the minority with Respect. Why?

rehajm said...

Yah, that's going to look good on his resume. Fortunately he has the relative safety of a government job.

CJinPA said...

It was so boring one of the Dems was caught watching golf during the proceedings.

Automatic_Wing said...

So it's a bit like getting a traffic ticket. Hopefully his Insurance company won't find out.

wendybar said...

So if there is ever a Democrat elected President again, we can start investigating his life even BEFORE he is elected and impeach them for nothing? Good to know!!!

traditionalguy said...

Trump will stick a feather in his Twitter cap and call it macaroni.

Mark O said...

Oddly, rather than a mark against Trump, the history here will be that impeachment has been devalued. It is not reserved for high crimes. This is a great day for Bill Clinton because it indicates that impeachment is nothing but a political advertisement.

mezzrow said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That Stalinist Schitt Show. Totalitarian assholes hard at work.

Charlie Eklund said...

It seems to be more of a “history has been made up” moment to me.

rehajm said...

This is a great day for Bill Clinton because it indicates that impeachment is nothing but a political advertisement.

I've thought about that too. As potential First Laddie™ it makes it look like he's not so bad! Exoneration!

Jaq said...

It’s cargo cult politics with a heavy handed admixture of magical thinking.

rehajm said...

Lefties in the House now working out how to impeach without actually having to expose their members to a vote...

Jaq said...

Abuse of power means that he didn’t use it in the same way Democrats would have had they won. Democrats were using Ukraine as a cash cow and apparently, a laundromat for kickbacks for foreign aid. It’s abuse of power to look into that! Just keep shoveling the billions into the rathole!

Jaq said...

Obstruction of Congress means that he sought redress in the courts. Really. That’s what they are impeaching him for.

Nonapod said...

This could turn out ot be the biggest campaign contribution the Dems could give to reelect Trump.

Jaq said...

"And there you have it: History has been made."

I guess if they weren’t willing to pump out propaganda, they could kiss their fancy apartment, hefty paychecks, and invites to “glittering” cocktail parties with movie stars provided curtesy of Harvey Weinstein good bye! So in a way you can’t blame them, if you have sympathy for self dealing shills for the rich and powerful. "Afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable."

AllenS said...

What did they vote on? To impeach Trump? What were their reasons for impeachment? Anything specific?

Leland said...

It was inevitable the Democrats would do whatever to put a mark against Trump. As noted above, the mark has been devalued because of it. Still, this mark really isn't anything yet. While I suspect Democrats to get the votes necessary in the full House, they haven't done that bit yet. Meanwhile, over in the UK, the once inevitable Labour win didn't happen.

Tom T. said...

I wonder if the commentators are saying that the panel vote in itself holds him accountable because they anticipate the full House not voting to actually impeach.

Seeing Red said...

A mark on his *permanent* record.

So tsked tsked the grim schoolmarm.

gahrie said...

I hear the Democrats are putting Trump and the Republicans on double secret probation next week.

Laslo Spatula said...

The concept of impeachment has now been devalued to who-sits-at-which-table high-school politics.

Akin to the devaluation of the Nobel Prize after being given to Obama before he actually did anything.

Indeed, both instances are based on what the Right People think of the person, not actual accomplishments or actions.

Things written on paper as worthless as that used for university diplomas, now.

I am Laslo.

gahrie said...

Surely you jest.

I never jest. And stop calling me Shirley.

Sebastian said...

"demoted impeachment to a sidebar item"

Even prog hearts aren't in it. But TDS dogma lives loudly within them.

Krumhorn said...

When the Republicans take the House back in the next election, they should look into Our Savior’s decision to pull out the missile defense system from Europe as well as that unbelievable gun running coverup. No reason why a former president cannot be impeached. Jimma Cawta should be impeached for the long gas lines we had to wait in as well as the Iran hostages just for good measure. And surely Wilson can be impeached for the creation of the US income tax.

- Krumhorn

Bob Boyd said...

sigh...slow head shake

rcocean said...

"What did they vote on? To impeach Trump? What were their reasons for impeachment? Anything specific?"

Specifically? He beat Hillary in 2016.

rcocean said...

Please note. The D's Do NOT care about the Constitution or our traditional way of Governing. They will NOT set aside partisanship and govern. If they ever get control of the both branches of Congress and the POTUS, they will do incredible damage to the USA. Packing the SCOTUS and eliminating the Electrol college? Yep. Getting rid of the immigration and drug laws? Yep. Letting 16-17 y/o vote? Yep. This last one may surprise you but it world-wide Lefty position.

traditionalguy said...

The dead enders among the Dems are still stuck on stupid asserting that Russia meddled in the 2016 election results. That is the fake chess piece they are still willing to die to protect. And Trump just checkmated them.

purplepenquin said...

"...when the R's get in charge they bend over backwards to treat the minority with Respect."

State Senator Scott Fitzgerald suddenly burst into laughter, but he isn't quite sure why.

Howard said...

Watching paint pealing off the walls is more meaningful.

Iman said...

In time for Jerrold the Hutt’s lunch.

stevew said...

Two hearty thumbs up to Laslo.

Reminiscent of Speaker Reid killing the filibuster, these Dem clowns have no idea what they've done to future Democrat presidents.

JAORE said...

So if there is ever a Democrat elected President again, we can start investigating his life even BEFORE he is elected and impeach them for nothing? Good to know!!!

Why wait. Introduce an article of impeachment for President (to be named later) (D), for abuse of power.

Then announce further articles to be added later. One up Rep Greene.

JAORE said...

I forgot to add:

Of course I watched. The suspense was killing me........

Craig said...

History has indeed been made, but not in the way they think. History will remember not how bad Trump was, but how impeachment was devalued today.

Does anyone think the next president will NOT be impeached if and when the other party controls Congress?

mockturtle said...

Somehow, an impeachment for vague abuse of power seems less an embarrassing mark on one's permanent record than for getting a blowjob in the oval office.

Iman said...

And the Dem operatives in the MSM will have a few days to work on the Undecideds, because journolism.

Michael K said...

I'm still predicting Nancy doesn't have the votes. She claims she is not whipping the vote. Dems in Trump districts who vote to impeach would ruin their chance at re-election. Look what just happened in the UK.

Watch for "censure" to gain popularity. It's her only out. Then they avoid the Senate.

Drago said...

traditionalguy: "The dead enders among the Dems...."

"among the dems and LLR-lefties and NeverTrump"

Dems and LLR-lefties and NeverTrump are inseparable in all things.

Jaq said...

This is like the famous “Underarm bowling incident” and New Zealand is still pissed off at Australia over that one. It followed the rules of cricket to the letter, but it "just wasn’t cricket.”

I always thought that the Bill of Rights informed the whole rest of the Constitution.

walter said...

Laslo Spatula said...
The concept of impeachment has now been devalued to who-sits-at-which-table high-school politics.
Akin to the devaluation of the Nobel Prize after being given to Obama before he actually did anything.
Yep. The culmination of the Left's penchant for manipulating language and using process as punishment. Fortunately for them, R's will still largely play least nicer.

"Geir Lundestad told the AP news agency that the committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr Obama.
Instead, the decision was met with criticism in the US. Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award."

Jaq said...

Nancy has the votes. Although I wouldn’t bet anything I couldn’t afford to lose on it.

Jaq said...

"Geir Lundestad told the AP news agency that the committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr Obama.”

Cargo cult logic and magical thinking.

Francisco D said...

Somehow, an impeachment for vague abuse of power seems less an embarrassing mark on one's permanent record than for getting a blowjob in the oval office.

Aside from suborning perjury and committing perjury in a Federal courtroom, Bill Clinton should have been charged with (self) abuse of power for finishing himself off in the sink.

Quayle said...

Most important of all they continue living up to their motto: "Dignity, always dignity."

Bob Boyd said...

Now they're saying Russia interfered in the British election.

Limited blogger said...

I got news for ya...

They're gonna nail us no matter what we do.


narciso said...

chris steele having worked for deripaska, who was manafort's business partner, of course akhmetshin might have been the primary subsource for halper to steele,

Jaq said...

That is some testament to the power of the big lie when a Republican regurgitates Democrat talking points about a “blow job.” Not the first time I have seen it. I saw it IRL from rock ribbed Republicans in the ‘90s.

Skeptical Voter said...

The Republican members of the Nadler committee were "outraged" when Nadler recessed the committee late last night. Nadler supposedly did it to set the vote for prime (East Coast) time Friday morning. Gohmert and Collins were yelling about sneaky tricks etc.

The real problem was that folks had plane reservations to get back to their districts for the Christmas break. When will La Pelosi hold the actual floor vote in the House? Can the committee vote it out this morning (as they surely will) and then get the matter voted on in the full House today? Inquiring ticket agents at airlines want to know as they juggle changed reservations. Of course macht nichts to San Fran Nan--she's got an Air Force 757 to haul her retinue home, and it will leave when she wants it to.

Curious George said...

Hey the Penquin is back. Amazing he/she wasn't killed or maimed with Act 10 making the job so dangerous. Wait, I don't remember any stories of workers being hurt because of Act 10. Then again, it's only been a decade.

rehajm said...

Not hard to believe Nancy has the votes. She had them long ago. She could get them if she needed them. I wouldn’t wager she’ll use them. They might have an exit strategy. My speculation at the moment is the floor bloviates for a few days attentions turn to Christmas and then...what? Impeachment? We need more hearings!

What the hell else could they talk about in their favor for 10 months? Hillary? We all know that doesn’t help them...

Browndog said...

Watch for "censure" to gain popularity. It's her only out. Then they avoid the Senate.

There's no reason to avoid the Senate.

The Senate will conclude the charges "do not meet Impeachment standards", then vote to acquit.

No witnesses, no defense Trump did nothing wrong, just a party line vote--leaving many to still believe he is guilty of what the democrats accuse him of.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

San Fran Nan flies like the Clintons - PRIVATE JET.

Leland said...

In the big scheme of things, the outrage in the recess looked very weak. I expect Republicans to complain, but they'll need better arguments. And I understand what was meant by the "bush-league" comment, but when you hear the audio of it; you don't think minor leagues, you think what Bush would do. It actually seemed like a smart move for Nadler for what Nadler is wanting to do with this.

If you want to attack Nadler; don't note they he moved the vote to a bad time. Note that his slam-dunk case needed more time that he had to delay the vote. That get outraged, chalk it up as a win.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Somber commentators informed us that Trump has now been "held accountable" and that he has a mark on his record that will follow him everywhere.

Aw, gee, Mudhead! It's like More Science High around here!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The preferred soviet tactic is to blame the RUSSIANS when the vote doesn't go the left's way.

Leland said...

The Senate will conclude the charges "do not meet Impeachment standards", then vote to acquit.

I think those are two different votes. The acquittal is 2/3rds super majority, which I don't think is an easy vote. The other is not to have a trial for removal which is just a regular majority. The Senate doesn't want to discuss this. If they do, then Trump will be allowed to defend himself and might bring up stuff that's as uncomfortable for DC resident Republicans as it is Democrats.

On the other hand, Censure leaves a mark on Trump's permanent record too, and there is nothing to Senate can do about it.

Michael K said...

If you want to attack Nadler; don't note they he moved the vote to a bad time. Note that his slam-dunk case needed more time that he had to delay the vote. That get outraged, chalk it up as a win.

No idea what this means. Do you ? The snap vote schedule was done with no warning of the minority. It looked to me like he wanted to get out of town with a few shreds of dignity, not that he has had any for years.

Michael K said...

On the other hand, Censure leaves a mark on Trump's permanent record too, and there is nothing to Senate can do about it.

Yes, I see the left is inching toward censure as the UK vote sinks in.

Quaestor said...

Somber commentators informed us that Trump has now been "held accountable" and that he has a mark on his record that will follow him everywhere.

If the polls are trustworthy (hmmm...) this vote will follow a large number of Democrats down the hall and out the door into a chilly Washington afternoon as they permanently vacate their chambers in the Rayburn House Office Building 13 months from today.

Impeachment is political suicide. The Democrats on Congress know it, but they can't stop themselves rushing to their doom like frenzied lemmings cascading into the sea. But suicide is the logical end of insanity, is it not?

MadisonMan said...

Oooh. A mark on his permanent record!! How terrifying!

narciso said...

it's the 'never ending story,' as you saw in the earlier thread, milbank yale '90, was very verklempt that ellis, aka hunter biden even came up,

stevew said...

The Speaker has the votes, she only needs a majority which of one will do, correct? They've already prepared the idea that there could be some defections, so she could conceivably allow the Trump district members to vote against or abstain and still win passage.

I'm no expert on House rules for these sorts of thing, is that a good understanding of how it can work?

jaydub said...

"A mark on his *permanent* record."

Whew! I was afraid he was going to have to endure the humiliation of double secret probation.

narciso said...

this is a very boring story, anything else happened this week

the pornstache was the preferred cta

narciso said...

in other news,

Quaestor said...

But when the R's get in charge they bend over backwards to treat the minority with Respect. Why?

It's respect for the Constitution and tradition, not the Democrats, per se.

It is the duty of the voters to teach some civilized manners to the crypto-fascist party operated jointly by Nancy and Hillary by bouncing them into the street without even so much as a stolen government paperclip dispenser as a souvenir of lost power.

PJ said...

If Speaker Pelosi is all in for impeachment, she can whip the votes. She induced as many of her colleagues as necessary to end their political careers in order to get the ACA passed, and she can no doubt do the same now. The question is whether the Speaker is all in for impeachment, and it's not an uncomplicated question.

Francisco D said...

Trump has now been "held accountable" and that he has a mark on his record that will follow him everywhere.


Teachers in elementary school said that any misbehavior would result in a permanent mark on my record.


gilbar said...

mockturtle said...
Somehow, an impeachment for vague abuse of power seems less an embarrassing mark on one's permanent record than...
for getting a blowjob in the oval office

and Perjuring oneself about in in a court of law
and Suborning Others to Perjure THEMSELVES about it, in a court a law

didn't fix it for you, just put icing (or, possibly Gravy) on top

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did the on-air cast at CNN and MSDNC spooge all over their blue dresses?

Bay Area Guy said...

Nobody gives a fuck about this bogus partisan, one-sided impeachment that will fail in the Senate.

Yancey Ward said...

Permanent record!

When I was a sophomore in high school, I snook into the records office and looked at my permanent record. It was very disappointing given how obstreperous a kid I was- all it contained was a copy of my birth certificate, my parents address, and a copy of my high school grades. That was it.

Bay Area Guy said...

Series of Simple Questions for our confused friends on the Left:

1. As President of the United States, does Trump have Article 2 power to: (1) appoint federal judges, (2) command the armed forces, (3) appoint federal prosecutors, (4) veto bad congressional bills?

Answer: Yes

2. Will he have these same powers after the Articles of Impeachment pass?

Answer: Yes

3. Will he have these same powers after the Senate acquits him?

Answer: Yes

4. Have you idiots increased the odds of his retaining these powers for another 4 years come Jan 20, 2021?

Answer: Oh shit!

Michael K said...

She induced as many of her colleagues as necessary to end their political careers in order to get the ACA passed,

I'm pretty sure she thought that was more important.

It will be interesting to see how many will throw themselves on the pyre for this nonsense.

pacwest said...

This entire thing was done just so they can make a political hit ad as far as I can tell.

"Never in our history have the American people voted for a President who has been impeached!"

Your tax dollars at work.

TJM said...

Meanwhile, noted Constitutional scholar, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus, and liberal Democrat, Alan Dershowitz, has opined that the impeachment is unconstitutional. Suck that up, libs

~ Gordon Pasha said...

'When you strike at a king, you must kill him.' ~ Emerson

Acquital or dismissal in the Senate, and a Trump 2020 victory (now even more likely) could result in a wave of investigations into shoddy Democratic and Never Trumper pols.

gilbar said...

here's the hilarious thing;
Our Poor Chuck's buddy, Rep. Justin Amash used to be a "Republican"; but, a while ago, he made a BIG THING about how he couldn't be a party to that party anymore.

So, NOW; Nancy is going to have an Impeachment vote, with bipartisan opposition...
and NOT A SINGLE Republican to vote for it.
IF Rep. Justin Amash had stayed a Republican, they would be able to CROW about how bipartisan it was; but now, that option is GONE

They're going to have to say: Sure, (nearly) half the people in the US House oppose this, but that's 'cause they're EVIL DEPLORABLES .... and YEAH, MORE than half the people in the country oppose this, but that's 'cause THEY'RE DEPLORABLES TOO!!!

Nancy and the democrats see their path to VICTORY, and it Starts with alienating MORE than half the country... She is Surely, a SUPER GENIUS

Quayle said...

They tried to get others to step out and do the dirty work for them - the FBI, Mueller, The National Press - so they could stay in the back and maintain their veneer of gravitas and statesmanship.

All other attacks having finally failed, they had no choice but to come out in the open and do it themselves, in the only way they had available.

But it forced them to give up their cover. Statesmen and Stateswomen they ain't! (But, alas, these days few are.)

pacwest said...

This entire thing was done just so they can make a political hit ad as far as I can tell.

"Never in our history have the American people voted for a President who has been impeached!"

Your tax dollars at work.

narciso said...

this is why the thanos meme is darkly appropriate, who plays peter quill here, frank miller seems to have jumped the shark, past his ironically somewhat prescient give me liberty,

n.n said...

On this day, Democrats have well and truly jumped the Ass, again.

Anonymous said...

"The acquittal is 2/3rds super majority"

What? Where in the Senate rules does it say that? Conviction requires a 2/3 vote.

Chuck said...

“.. a mark that will follow him everywhere...”

Like his Selective Service records.

purplepenquin said...

"Wait, I don't remember any stories of workers being hurt because of Act 10"

I guess the video you posted (and then laughed about) of my co-workers being killed while on the job doesn't count 'cause it was in a different state, eh?

*rolls eyes*

The newspaper didn't send any reporters out when a guy lost two fingers at my job-site and FoxNews didn't roll up with the remote-cam truck when my co-worker was hanging from the rafters in the Collision....but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I could give more examples, but you'd probably just laugh at those like you laughed at the State Fair tragedy.

Fact of the matter is that Act 10 made it illegal for any safety rules to be added to a labor contract with a city/county/state entity. Add in the fact that OSHA doesn't have any jurisdiction over those job sites and it makes for a potentially dangerous situation - I truly don't understand why you and your cohorts think otherwise.

Kevin said...

It's all just a show.

And the reviews have not been good.

Equipment Maintenance said...

I still think we're going to see some mischief in the Senate trial; some strategy to give Trump's removal from office a reasonable shot. Surely they didn't come this far to just throw up their hands and say "Oh well we tried". If they did, they're so incompetent they should be voted out of office for that alone.

n.n said...

less an embarrassing mark on one's permanent record than for getting a blowjob in the oval office

Rape, not rape-rape h/t Whoopi... Exploiting an intern was, was not, and is an abuse of power.

Clyde said...

The bandaged finger of the fool goes wabbling back to the fire. They’re going to rue the day.

purplepenquin said...

"The acquittal is 2/3rds super majority"

You have that backwards - 2/3rd to convict. Anything less is an acquittal.

Anonymous said...

"she could conceivably allow the Trump district members to vote against or abstain and still win passage."

No. There are 431 seats (435 minus 4 vacancies). It takes 216 to pass. There are 233 Democrats. 31 (I think) came from districts Trump won. If she loses 18 of them, she's sunk. Maybe 19 if Amash votes yes.

Regardless, a non-trivial number of vulnerable dems have to vote yes in order to finally vote to impeach.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He's a criminal. Because Adam Schitt proved it in his kangaroo court.

come on dems- vote on party line and hold the line. Mindless lemming creeps.

rehajm said...

"Never in our history have the American people voted for a President who has been impeached!"

...and there you have it: History has been made.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hope the GOP make Adam's Schitt's creepy face - creepy maneuvers, wholesale lies, and Soviet tactics the FACE of the corruptocrat party.

walter said...

What causative safety measure was absent in the collision?

wildswan said...

Already I can't remember where I was when I heard President Trump had been impeached. Was I changing the sheets on the bed or had I gone out already to buy some fish fry? I was surprised that Sendiks had no croissants, I remember that.

Original Mike said...

"and that he has a mark on his record that will follow him everywhere."

He considers it a badge of honor, you morons.

narciso said...

in an alternate earth, earth 96,

Achilles said...

MountainMan said...
No. My wife has it on and went off to another room to do some work on my desktop. I have no interest in this travesty. Democrats need to pay for this next November.

That is not enough.

The coup plotters need to hang.

Their violent supporters all over the country need to be in jail.

Anything less will eventually lead to civil war.

These people have no principles or morals. They will never stop until they kill off their opposition and have power.

They are talking about using the National Guard in Virginia to confiscate guns and jail gun owners right now.

Meade said...

Chuck said...
"Like his Selective Service records."

Thanks for your selective service.

Chuck said...

I had presumed that with all the lawyers in the House, that everyone on Judiciary possessed a law degree. But no; there is Debbie Lesko, (R - AZ8). She is today’s unfortunate winner of “The Stupidest Story on Twitter.”


Well, yeah, that is exactly what he did as confirmed by the White House’s own “transcript” and about 11 witnesses (so far, with Senior Trump staff refusing to say).

Interesting for Althousians; Debbie Lesko is a product of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and UW-Madison (BA).

MayBee said...

wildswan said...
Already I can't remember where I was when I heard President Trump had been impeached. Was I changing the sheets on the bed or had I gone out already to buy some fish fry? I was surprised that Sendiks had no croissants, I remember that.

I love this so much.

Chuck said...

Meade my Selective Service records consist of a draft card. There was no draft. I never was asked to report anywhere, never had a physical... and I never had any bone spurs.

Meade said...

You fucking morons can't even impeach the right president.

narciso said...

raju of the fusion five timers club, good grief you make it too easy, then again if your colleague is jeff toobin, who probably fistbumps hunter biden (do I need to spell it out)
you have no shame to begin with,

narciso said...

yes toobin slept with his colleagues daughter and got her pregnant, and there were other complication, much like hunter slept with a stripper on the rebound from his brother's widow on the way to the south African gal, (heck of a shop they keep at cnn,)

walter said...

C'mon, man! Being a political rival assures immunity!
(unless it involves FBI and Trump)

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck assures us that he would have bravely answered the call, even if all he would have qualified for was latrine duty.

stlcdr said...

Are we allowed to see what the Abuses of Power were and how he Obstructed Congress (obstructed congress?! Is that even a thing?!). I'd like to see a list, you know, something like the Declaration of Independence list.

Curious George said...

LOL Penquin. The Indiana State Fair collapse was not affected by Act 10, and loss of two fingers in nine years is all you got? How did Act 10 contribute to that dismemberment?

pacwest said...

"You fucking morons can't even impeach the right president."

Chicken dinner for Meade. If that isn't an Internet meme already it should be.

Michael K said...

Chuck seems to have nominated Hunter Biden for president. Good work Chuck.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
“.. a mark that will follow him everywhere...”

Like his Selective Service records.

The rank and file in the Army love Trump.

But a piece of shit like you? We have a term for people like you: Blue Falcon.

Qwinn said...

I am really getting sick of the following:

1) Democrats attack conservatives, almost always falsely.
2) Democrats either:
A) Succeed, imposing consequenced.
B) Fail, suffering no consequences whatsoever and still getting lots of people to say "A pox on both their houses" even though conservatives did NOTHING wrong.

What never, ever, ever happens:
C) Fail, with consequences, jail terms, societal opprobrium, hostile media

People saying "Skip the Senate trial" are on board with B. I say screw that. Prove to the country beyond a shadow of doubt that Biden is corrupt and that Dems were impeaching Trump for Biden's and Hillary's crimes. Stop playing 100% defense and ACTUALLY FUCKING POUNCE FOR ONCE.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Anticipating congressional Democrats will declare that the floor vote on the articles will be a secret ballot-- the Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way.

walter said...

Michael K said...Chuck seems to have nominated Hunter Biden for president.
As qualified as he was for Burisma.

Leland said...

What? Where in the Senate rules does it say that? Conviction requires a 2/3 vote.

The local radio guy was describing this. The way he made it seem is that the 2/3 vote essentially wipes away the mark, where as something less would mean the impeachment stands but no removal from office. Thinking about it now, I agree that doesn't sound right at all.

I saw a quora that says anything less is acquittal. The Hill has this: "The Constitution requires articles of impeachment to garner 67 votes in support in order to convict and remove Trump" Heh, the Constitution uses "garner"? But note again the "to convict and remove". That's the type of stuff that got me to think the local radio host was describing a different kind of vote.

I still do not think Republican Senators want Trump to defend himself. I also do not think Trump will allow efforts to restrict his ability to defend himself.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: Meade my Selective Service records consist of a draft card. There was no draft. I never was asked to report anywhere, never had a physical... and I never had any bone spurs."


Who can forget LLR-lefty Chuck's long and torturous explanation of how he once, just once mind you, briefly considered joining the military (wink wink) but later decided not to.

It took LLR-lefty Chuck about 10,000 words to walk us all thru that harrowing account!!

Meanwhile, a normal abd not-guilt-ridden man who doesnt attack children (unlike Chuck) would simply say "why no, I did not serve".

But something deep deep within Chuck's hollowed out soul compelled him to create a mythos around this momentous decision as though he somehow wanted credit for struggling with this choice.

I think this is why LLR-lefty Chuck passionately defended Da Nang Dick Blumenthal over his many many Stolen Valir lies (cuz democrat) while he (Chuck) simultaneously launched vicious character attacks against ALL conservatives with distinguished military records.

There is something deeply sick about our previously banned and often racist posting LLR-lefty Chuck.

Deeply sick.

Gk1 said...

Nice going fuck heads. Every president going forward will now get impeached whenever the house changes hands. So disappointing liberals can't see what's coming.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Achilles: "The rank and file in the Army love Trump."

The rank and file in the Navy and Marines do too.

And LLR-lefty Chuck despises them for it.

Again, its clear LLR-lefty Chuck is deeply ill....just like every other leftist.

narciso said...

I don't harangue I illustrate, now it's almost impossible that democrats get subject to such run away prosecutor, no don singleman doesn't count,

walter said...

Paul Sperry
‏ @paulsperry_
3h3 hours ago

How can any of the dirty FBI cops be held accountable by the press when they all now work in the press?
CNN has direct conflict reporting on criminal activity of current contract employees Andrew McCabe, Jim Baker & Comey aide Josh Campbell, who is now full-time "correspondent"

mockturtle said...

Per Quaestor @ 11:03 Yes, maybe we could rename the Dems the Frenzied Lemming Party. It's both apt and alliterative. Trump could use it at his next rally.

walter said...

I think "Lying loser lemmings" more apt.

AllenS said...

The Republican symbol is the elephant, and for the Democrats their symbol is the donkey. It needs to be changed to the jackass.

mockturtle said...

Narciso @ 11:07, excellent article. Link Among other things, we should know that:
"At least 10 Saudi Military Officers knew of the plan, and either participated or did nothing to stop it. Each one of these individuals had passed the screening process to come train in the United States.

The writer's proposed steps are the most important part of the article and bear reading by anyone interested in our foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

Leland, the local radio host was just misinformed. The Senate either convicts with a 2/3 vote or they don't. Anything less is an acquittal.

There's no option to expunge the record. IF Nancy brings this to the floor, and IF she gets a majority to vote to impeach, Trump's impeached and he stays that way. Just like Billy Jeff was impeached. He was acquitted, but he was still impeached.

bagoh20 said...

The left always ruins anything they get control of, and now impeachment is ruined too. Great Job!

Michael K said...

Who can forget LLR-lefty Chuck's long and torturous explanation of how he once, just once mind you, briefly considered joining the military (wink wink) but later decided not to.

Wasn't Hillary going to join up once too? Two peas in a pod.

Calypso Facto said...

Now on to the House vote. The Milwaukee Journal's headline today: "Wisconsinites oppose Trump impeachment and removal", citing recent polls. I think it will be political-career suicide for someone like Representative Ron Kind (D-WI), with a rural/urban mix in the district he represents, to vote for impeachment.

chickelit said...

This has all the historical significance of Hillary’s popular vote victory. Until Democrats up their game, they will remain losers.

Drago said...

Michael K: "Wasn't Hillary going to join up once too? Two peas in a pod."

Oh yes. Hillary was all gung ho to join the Marines until some Drill Sargeant said something mean to her!!

Yes, she and LLR-lefty Chuck have much in common.

gahrie said...

The Republican symbol is the elephant, and for the Democrats their symbol is the donkey. It needs to be changed to the jackass.

The "donkey" is the symbol of the Democratic Party because its founder and first president (Andrew Jackson) was called a jackass by his opponents.

James K said...

“Are we allowed to see what the Abuses of Power were and how he Obstructed Congress (obstructed congress?”

It was the Executive branch providing checks and balances as one of the coequal three branches of the government. Completely unconstitutional and criminal!

Amadeus 48 said...

This mark will follow him forever? I don’t think so. I have forgotten it already and it hasn’t happened yet. I have set up a reminder for early next November, though.

narciso said...

its right up there with double feeding koi, and two scoops of ice cream, oh the huge manatee,

narciso said...

om the other side, yes,

narciso said...

his father helped found the premier left think tank before American progress, the institute for policy studies, a former state department official in the jfk administration,

Francisco D said...

I put this on the Twilight Zone post above, but it seems more appropriate here. If you don't get it, you are too young.

Cue Rod Serling's voice:

You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the House Impeachment Hearing!

narciso said...

Seeing Red said...

These idiots don’t realize that it’s also a mark on their permanent record and not in a good way

Bruce Hayden said...

“This is like the famous “Underarm bowling incident” and New Zealand is still pissed off at Australia over that one. It followed the rules of cricket to the letter, but it "just wasn’t cricket.””

Lawfare again. Sure, the Constitution (A2S4) says that “ The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”. Despite trying hard they couldn’t make evenly a vaguely plausible case for either treason or bribery. Those terms are too well defined. They might be able to shoehorn something that Trump did into an archaic definition of “misdemeanor”, but clearly he violated no federal laws. But what is a “high crime”? The Constitution doesn’t say, but just leaves it up to the House to decide. I had long equivalenced “high crimes” to felonies, given the adjacency of that term with “misdemeanors” in the Constitutional text. I think that a lot of people assumed something similar. And, it would naturally follow, with the four grounds for impeachment being in descending order of severity. And, I think that normal statutory construction rules would bear that out, that “high crimes” are supposed to be worse than misdemeanors, but not as bad as treason or bribery. I think that is the spirit of the sentence. But, the House obviously isn’t constrained this way, and is the final arbiter of their powers here.

That is why I think that this definition of an impeachable offense is a result of Palsi, Schifty, and Wadler hiring Lawfare people to help run their impeachment. That is one of their hallmarks- taking things out of context, and reinventing and reinterpreting statutes and the like in a way that fathers their aims, and ignores what a statute, etc was supposed to mean. Some of their better maneuvers in recent years was their misinterpretation of that one Obstruction of Justice statute that changed it from a specific intent to a general intent, which managed to delay shutting down the Mueller investigation, as well as investigations by either Congress or the OIG into FISA abuse for two years. Another example was the use of the Logan Act to bridge between the Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence investigation and a criminal investigation. The statute was obsolete and unconstitutional, but was never used for that reason. This means that it was still on the books and had never been invalidated. They could never bring anyone to court using it, but didn’t need to - they just needed a statute violated in order to convert the counterintelligence investigation into a criminal one.

“I always thought that the Bill of Rights informed the whole rest of the Constitution.”

Not when Lawfare is involved.

Bruce Hayden said...

Summarizing my previous post: if it looks like the Democrats are cheating, esp violating the spirit of a Constitutional provision, statute, or even a House rule, but barely staying within the letter of it, then it was very likely engineered by people associated with the Lawfare Group. I can’t remember an instance over the last couple years when that hasn’t been the case. Every time.

Josephbleau said...

A Friday the 13th vote for the Democrats, Portentous, eh?

A great movie line is in Braveheart, where Edward says at the beginning of the climactic battle "Expend the Irish." Now Pelosi is the general "Expend the Freshmen Reps."

Temujin said...

See you in November.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hahaha - of course I did, and it was great fun.

And of course the Banana Republicans here did not - because being a Republican means ignoring anything having to do with history, reality, accountability and anything else that they don't like.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

I am going to greatly enjoy watching Bernie get bitch-slapped by the dem establishment and told he cannot mention Bidens obvious corruption in the same way Hillary ordered him not to mention her emails.

It will be even more fun watching supposed Bernie supporters twist themselves into knots explaining why this years Bernie surrender is a sign of strength and character!!

Of course, with the way the Brits kicked their moron lefties to the curb as a harbinger, Bernie hasnt got a prayer anyway so he might as well sell out again.

narciso said...

Bernie endorsed chunk uygur, cortezs svengali like hNdler for perky katies congressional seat. And later regretted it.

DeepRunner said...

The problem with censure for Dems is that it doesn't mollify rabid Lefties like Schiff, Green, Waters, and Nadler, to say nothing of the Hard-Left MSNBC/CNN base. Nope, they've pushed their chips to the center. And they will find they bet everything on a pair of twos.

JamesB.BKK said...

It might be fun to hear Trump recount the times some ankle biter(s) warned him about his permanent record. He's probably too busy for that as all he seems to care about is getting richer by trying to help other people get rich as his book titles indicate. And sacrificing his privacy and luxury for an 8-12 (if this do-over parry works) year stint dealing with ankle biters at the highest levels.

PackerBronco said...

And they will find they bet everything on a pair of twos.

They wish! They're betting everything on a busted flush and Trump is holding a Full House.

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