December 4, 2019

That's funny, I'm going to wear my "Cruel Neutrality" top hat to my inauguration!

"Elizabeth Warren says she'll wear Planned Parenthood scarf to her inauguration."


tim maguire said...

I'll wear a suit. Probably a dark one with a red tie.

Mattman26 said...

Way to reach across the center, dude.

Jersey Fled said...

The one that says "Baby Killer" on it?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

At some point you need to stop pandering. Or, at least, be a little subtle about. Democrat women, in particular, are surprisingly artless. It doesn't seem to serve their ambitions well.

Jersey Fled said...

BTW she'll be going to the inauguration as a bystander. Maybe Trump will get her a good seat.

rehajm said...

Is she still an indian? Identity politics must not be polling well.

Mark O said...

Those junior high girls are so wacky.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Making noises in the opposite direction, and then allowing yourself to be drawn back, is the most effective form of pandering. You'll convince the gullible that your support is thoughtful and principled.

narciso said...

shes whiter than I am, and I'm a white Hispanic,

Shouting Thomas said...

I'd say Warren is a preposterously evil bitch, but how would you distinguish her from the mainstream of Democratic/liberal women who seem to take joy in dismembering and murdering babies?

The fake oppression professed by American women, and the pitiful surrender of American men to the lies, has produced devastating results.

60 years of feminist lying have turned most women into pieces of shit.

Lucid-Ideas said...

...and a PP rally towel.

You make 'em
We scrape 'em
You grow 'em
We throw 'em
No fetus
Can beat us!

wendybar said...

She's a ghoul.

Bay Area Guy said...

She should wear a Planned Parenthood Pussy Hat to her, ahem, hypothetical inauguration.

Paul said...

Is Pocahontas's scarf red? Seems fitting if it is.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I'll wear plus fours and a pickelhaube to her inauguration.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I so want to like Warren. She's spunky and bright. but she's a far left loon.
She cannot possibly be as corrupt as Hillary. Hillary is a pile of crap.

Wince said...

Nothing brings America together like abortion.

rehajm said...

She cannot possibly be as corrupt as Hillary

She's dumber than will be a problem for her.

mccullough said...

She can borrow the scarf Hillary wore to her inauguration

Limited blogger said...

Talking a little past the sale, Liz?

Michael K said...

Planned Parenthood seems to be the parent organization of the Democrat party. Does anything else matter to them?

Blacks are seen as children who must be protected from reality and told lies about how they can all be lawyers and doctors and stuff. They cannot be left on their own as they are incapable.

Illegal immigrants are voters but not much else.

Abortion is a sacrament.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A theory I heard from local Dan Caplis as to why Hillary lost the upper midwest in 2016 is because Hillary's coronation party (The DNC convention) was a dark grotesque perverted display of pro-abortion weirdness.
That, and Hillary lost the black vote.

I do love that Hillary lost the black vote and how that is never discussed on places like CNN or WaPo.

This is why Hillary's web page shows Hillary with a black child. Propaganda.

Browndog said...

Fake Indian says she will be the last President elected via the Electoral College because she will have abolished it before her re-election.

gilbar said...

People "say" that The Problem With Trump, is the division he creates.
They're going to elect someone, that is ALREADY saying that she will wear an Advertisement for Planned Parenthood to her inauguration.

Which is GREAT! because, as Wince said...
Nothing brings America together like abortion.

What a GREAT IDEA! START your term, by alienating half the population

Temujin said...

It’s almost as if she doesn’t really want to be President.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Harvard diversity hire will also impeach Bret kavanaugh over all the lies told about him.

Chris said...

Abortion seems like such a winning strategy. We will give you the tools to make your ideology extinct!

n.n said...

Diversity and exclusion, redistributive change, shared/shifted responsibility, single/central/monopoly solutions, social justice, social progress, selective-child, and clinical cannibalism, too. Warren is an outstanding Democratic candidate.

Anonymous said...

At least she won't be divisive, like Trump.

n.n said...

Abortion seems like such a winning strategy. We will give you the tools to make your ideology extinct!

Elective abortion... Thus immigration reform/insourcing and outsourcing to compensate for the wicked solution and other dysfunctional choices.

Howard said...

You Cucks get a strong pavlovian response every time a female expresses support for reproductive Rights. You sound like fundamentalist Muslims.

n.n said...

Harvard diversity hire will also impeach Bret kavanaugh over all the lies told about him.

Color judgment. Racism, sexism, and other low information attribute judgments and witch hunts and warlock trials go hand in hand. Progress to the past.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Maybe Hillary will invite her over on Election Night so they can drink champagne and then throw the bottles through the TV screen when Trump wins again.

rcocean said...

With her Planned Parent scarf, Indian war bonnet, and Karl Marx pin, she'll be quite the fashion plate.

Shouting Thomas said...


Your comments are incredibly stupid. Dumber than Ritmo.

You're embarrassing yourself here.

Find something else to do. Buy some Sharpies. Bathroom walls in public places await your grade school wit.

JRoberts said...

Why so subtle? Warren should take a cue from Lady Gaga's "meat dress" and wear an assemblage of disassembled baby parts.

rcocean said...

Old Squaw talk heap bad medicine. Never count buffalo skins before buffalo killed.

n.n said...

As Colleges Move To Do Away With The SAT In The Name Of Diversity, Detroit High School Valedictorian Struggles With Low-Level Math


Are Stagnant Academic Standards Related to Fear of Climate Change?
PISA Academic Ratings 2018

America is doing progressively worse relative to almost every other developed and "developing" nation. The most expensive education system on the planet. Forward!

Known Unknown said...

"Howard said...
You Cucks get a strong pavlovian response every time a female expresses support for reproductive Rights. You sound like fundamentalist Muslims."

Capitalized cucks but not Pavlovian. Hmmm...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - it's not about "reproductive rights", (red herring) ,
It's about all access abortion/tax payer funded abortion, and how the left want more of it, and not only more of it - but late term abortion as well. It's Gosnellian and moderates are repulsed.

Known Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JRoberts said...

Sorry. My last comment was over the top.

DarkHelmet said...

She has an amazing capability to find a new way to make me dislike her every single day. That's some talent.

n.n said...

Warren, Planned Parenthood, and scalping babies. Truth in advertising.

Dave Begley said...

She ain't goin' to be President.

gspencer said...

Her inauguration,

All I Have To Do Is Dream - Everly Brothers

phantommut said...

She's trying to stop the bleeding (maybe bad imagery, sorry). I have no idea how accurate the poll that have come out are (I'm particularly wary of the online-only polls) but the movement has been so drastic there must be something going on, and it ain't good for Warren. So she's trying to grab voters by the pussy and see if they're good with it. Best guess? Not.

n.n said...

It's about reproductive rites and relieving the "burden". A wicked solution, albeit to a hard problem: pursuit of wealth, pleasure, leisure, narcissistic indulgence, social justice, social progress, availability, taxable commodities, lucrative parts, and democratic leverage. Girls will be girls will be denied their faculty and moral character.

Tank said...


Actually, America is doing just fine relative to other countries and academic performance. Take a ride over to Steve Sailer’s blog and read his article on the subject.

gahrie said...

I was expecting her to wear aborted babies' scalps.

Original Mike said...

"Elizabeth Warren says she'll wear Planned Parenthood scarf to her inauguration."

But Trump is divisive.

rcocean said...

Thank GOd Howard is here. he's gotten four responses already. C'mon Howard, lets hear the come back, your conservative fan club misses you. LOL.

gahrie said...

You Cucks get a strong pavlovian response every time a female expresses support for reproductive Rights. You sound like fundamentalist Muslims.

Nobody is trying to deny anyone the right to reproduce. have all the babies you want. What we are trying to do is to end the horror of using abortion as a means to not reproduce.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

You Cucks get a strong pavlovian response every time a female expresses support for reproductive Rights. You sound like fundamentalist Muslims.

Actually Howard, you lefties want non-reproductive rights. Kill that baby a few minutes after birth. The Chinese used to throw girl babies in the river. The ancient Greeks just exposed them on hillsides.

Lefty progress by Howard. And you lefties are the Muzzie lovers.

Howard said...

You are wrong Mary. I own three women, therefore have more labia in the game than you. Better luck next time Mary. You need to get more nasty if you want me to pull on your pigtails

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think the left need a "Free Kermit Gosnell" slogan meme.

Howard said...

Right on que, Doc. Rcocean called it!

hawkeyedjb said...

n.n said...
"The most expensive education system on the planet."

If we make it single-payer, it will be just as good but a lot cheaper. I have it on good authority.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

tim Maguire said...
I'll wear a suit

I'll wear my birthday suit.

Because even the President of the United States
Sometimes must have to stand naked.

Might as well get it out of the way early.

Swede said...

I don't think she's going to be invited.

hawkeyedjb said...

Abortion is now the only right the Democratic party supports. I'd love to see the Bill of Rights come up for a vote in the Dem caucus. First amendment? Maybe 20% support. Second amendment? Zero or close to it. Fourth amendment? Gotta get rid of that if we're gonna grab those AR15s.

But abortion, now we're talking about something important.

Big Mike said...

She hasn’t even been nominated yet, and she’s planning her outfit for “her” inauguration. Well bless her little heart.

SteveM said...

Well, she self-identified as an American Indian and she had some success with that for awhile. I guess she’s now trying out self-identifying as President.

bagoh20 said...

What reproductive right is being denied to women? They have complete control over their bodies in terms of reproduction. They just shouldn't get to decide one way, and then get to legally kill another human to get it back? If you give your gun away, you don't then have a right to kill someone to get it back.

Is anyone being denied a right? Right to life maybe?

I see this stunt by Warren as equivalent to wearing a jersey from the Auschwitz guard's soccer team, except that they have far lower scoring record.

Shouting Thomas said...

I propose we take up a collection to buy some Sharpies for Howard.

Public restrooms all over America await his brilliance.

You can buy a collection of 16 colors at Sam's Club for about 10 bucks.

Big Mike said...

@Howard, you do understand, I hope, that if we were fundamentalist Muslims your head would no longer be attached to your neck.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, by the bye, I'd say that the U.S. feminist/leftist and the Jihadi Muslim views on women are equally vicious and stupid.

bagoh20 said...

After she loses, she can put down "Former POTUS of 1/1000 Indian decent" on her next Job application.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, there is another viewpoint on women and sexuality that makes some sense and doesn't celebrate butchering babies.

That would be traditional Judaism and Christianity.

bagoh20 said...

Neutrality is not cruel. Bias in the support of lies or injustice is what is cruel.

bagoh20 said...

A more confident stance would be "Righteous Neutrality", since you are being cruel to no one but the dishonest.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Howard is getting angry. You won't like Howard when he gets angry.

Quicky quiz: What doesn't fit in this list?

- Ministry of Truth (Propaganda)
- Ministry of Love (Re-education camps)
- Ministry of Plenty (Food rationing)
- Ministry of Peace (War Department)
- Reproductive Rights (Preventing reproduction by killing the unborn)

Hint for Leftists: "None of the above" is a possible answer.

Tommy Duncan said...

Only conservatives can utter insensitive remarks that offend a wide swath of the American public.

But the scarf is just symbolic. A real feminist would keep a preserved aborted fetus in a jar on her desk in the oval office.

Sebastian said...

"That's funny, I'm going to wear my "Cruel Neutrality" top hat to my inauguration!"

Cuz nothing expresses American values and love of country more effectively.

The Crack Emcee said...

A Planned Parenthood scarf? Let me guess:

It's blood red, but decorated with pictures of lots of torn-up fetuses wearing little party hats, or something else otherwise "festive".

That's how I'd go anyway.

You gotta know your audience.

Darrell said...

Cruella de Vil only needed to kill 101 Dalmatians for her coat.

Warren's scarf is made from 60 million+ fetuses.

narciso said...

one is reminded of lord blackwoods gnostic cult in the first guy Ritchie sherlock holmes, or the Egyptian revivalist cult in young sherlock holmes,

Anonymous said...

Sorry Liz, nine months from now your inauguration will have been aborted.

Howard said...

BM. You just lack the balls.

Big Mike said...

The spectre of Liz Warren taking the oath of office has me sufficiently frightened to ask whether Trump has a primary challenger now that Sanford has dropped out? Because then I can legally contribute twice as much money to Donald Trump.

elkh1 said...

Warren, a copycat. Hillary already did wear the scarf dangled with baby parts to her inauguration.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It's just a politically stupid thing to say. She already has the vote of the sacramental abortion crowd. Why remind the fence-sitters of her blood lust? She isn't very bright.

Iman said...

The Left - for the most part - does not believe in a Supreme Being. If they have anything approximating a religion, it's their belief in the sanctity of abortion. That is shameful and very sad.

MountainMan said...

Harvard Law should be embarrassed to have ever hired this woman.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I have been reading a lot about child sacrifice in ancient times recently, specifically Middle-Eastern and Near Easter and S. American source material. Sorry for the length of this post, but I have a TL;DR at the bottom and a theory.

Near as we can tell, all cultures have a history of human sacrifice, but not all have a history of child sacrifice. Most modern archeological evidence for child sacrifice begins showing up right around the 8.4 and 4.2 kiloyear events - between 10-12,000 and 5-6,000 years ago respectively - and in those global regions where the climate phenomenon was experienced the harshest. Much of the archeological evidence for Clovis and early nomads to the Americas has been lost but evidence is much stronger in ME and the Near East.

It is theorized - as we are able to ascertain from S. America (Peruvian) and ME traditions of child sacrifice (Ba'al Hamon, El, Moloch, Tanit, etc.) that much of this activity was religiously centered on the appeasement of gods (or demons) bringing harshness and unpleasantness to mankind. Sure, a goat or sheep is good, but when times are really tough maybe Moloch or Ishtar need something a little more sacrificial. A child is just about as precious as they come for early peoples, especially when your mate or wife might only give you one in the process of dying.

It is archeologically supported that this kind of activity was much wider-spread than people feel comfortable admitting. Old habits die hard. In the Jewish tradition it is acknowledged that proto-canaanites (from which Isra-El...more on that later) were likely still practicing child sacrifice up to and beyond Deutoromy's specific prohibition ("they that sacrifice their children shall be put to death"), to EL (King of Gods, from which Isra-El gets its name, Yahu (YWHW - Yahweh) and Ba'al. The Phoenicians were sacrificing children to Tanit up to and beyond Carthages fall to Rome. It is believed these practices continued in the Persian and Parthian empires up to the formation of Islam.

Where am I going with this. Abortion is the modern industrialized world's equivalent for child-sacrifice - a practice that has really never ceased in some respects - and has been, yet again, given an almost pseudo-religious veneer clothed in law and rights as if it were as unmentionable as the tetragrammaton itself. Pedophilia and child-predation al la Jeffrey Epstein also play a part in this. Instead of killing kids you can get away with sexually abusing them to make yourself feel better.

In times of great stress and great change the ancient peoples of the world would kill their kids. I'm not entirely sure that the 20th century doesn't qualify. And burning your child in the fires of Moloch to bring rain isn't exactly equivalent to aborting your child because you don't think your ready and need to preserve your resources, but in my opinion it is damn close. Both are fundamentally done for selfish reasons on the part of the parents. Both think their actions will offer some form of salvation.

TL;DR Abortion is child sacrifice. The 20th and 21st century versions of an ancient and now sanitized practice.

Molly said...


Ah, yes. The hilarity of killing little tiny human beings. That's funny all right.

n.n said...

The judgment, labels, scalping, and recycling of Fetal-Americans should not be tolerated, let alone normalized. Discrimination of Fetal-Americans needs to stop.

"Girls will be girls" is no longer an acceptable phrase to excuse an entire gender... sex of behaviors that are undesirable. Actually this sentiment is offensive to girls and women. It gives us the inaccurate picture that girls and women are incapable of acting in a respectful, dignified, and compassionate manner.
- parody

Disclaimer: Girls, women, and [female] sex is not a diversity statement, does not with willfully and maliciously indulge color judgments, and does not apply uniformly to the "girl", "woman", and "[female] sex" classes of people... persons. It is not intended to paint the parties with a broad, sweeping monochromatic stroke. The wicked solution and parts for profit (PP) are not uniformly tolerated, let alone normalized, by the parties.

n.n said...

Sorry Liz, nine months from now your inauguration will have been aborted.

She's not viable. There is an interesting juxtaposition of aborting a candidacy after three trimesters with a lack of democratic consensus, and the Democratic witch hunts and warlock trials that have exceeded twelve trimesters, in a bid to deem the president nonviable and prosecute a late-term abortion of his administration.

Lurker21 said...

She knows her base.

And it looks like she also knows she won't win.

Or she knows that if she does win and doesn't do it, the media aren't going to bring this up.

Martin said...

Warren might have benefited in some swing states (if she is the Democratic nominee) by maintaining some ambiguity on abortion, as most of her campaign is about economics, expanded services, and business regulation.

I guess their polling shows she had to go Left on abortion in order to remain viable in the primaries.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

Abortion is child sacrifice. The 20th and 21st century versions of an ancient and now sanitized practice.

I've yet to meet a woman that Explicitly got pregnant so they could have an abortion..
BUT, I've sure known at least TWO* that decided that they were no longer going to be on the pill; 'cause it was "TOO HARD" on their bodies, and "Not Natural"

BOTH of the two, continued to have sexual relations (sometimes trying to have there be a condom in the room; sometimes not)... And both got multiple abortions

AND I think we've ALL KNOWN women that were "PROUD" of having had an abortion

at least TWO* that's not a very large statistical universe, i Know; but it IS EVERY woman that has told me about her abortions

bagoh20 said...

I don't believe many women are really proud of having an abortion, but some do feign pride as a coping mechanism to deflect shame. At least I hope that's what they are doing. I can't understand why anyone would be proud of it, becuase if you could, you would get pregnant just to abort, and I don't think anyone does that. If Pro-choice people were honest they would admit that abortion is a terrible thing to be avoided at all costs, but some need to express their politics so staunchly on it that they can't admit what they know to be true.

Steven said...

I don't know, wouldn't that scarf clash with her feathered headdress?

Sigivald said...

Uniter, not a divider!

Mcbean. Coco Mcbean. said...


Honest question here:

Let's say that you sat down one day, did some reading of medical texts, looked at ultrasound images, everything entirely non-political and with no opinion involved, just images and medical descriptions. Doing this led you to the conclusion that a fetus in the womb is, at some point prior to birth, indistinguishable from a baby outside the womb.

Let's also say that you are (now, or already had been) of the opinion that killing a baby outside the womb is morally wrong.

What would be your position then on abortion? Nuance is allowed.

The point of this question is not to attempt to convince you that this is the case. It is to ask you to try imagining what your stance on abortion would be if you were approaching it from a different set of assumptions.

cubanbob said...

Hillary being totally corrupt is less dangerous than Warren. Hillary can be bought but Warren comes across as a true believer thus making her considerably more dangerous if elected.

Bilwick said...

In related stories, Breadlines Bernie vows to wear a red scarf embroidered with a hammer and sickle, while Red Diaper Buttsky plans to wear a cape with a muscular IRS agent fisting a taxpayer.

Renee said...

Wear your lobbyist interests proudly

stlcdr said...

What a fucking bitch.

stevew said...

How lovely, celebrating abortion on demand. The party of death.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Bilwick gives Phidippus a run for his money in the vituperation derby. Well done, sir.

Unknown said...

But the scarf is just symbolic. A real feminist would keep a preserved aborted fetus in a jar on her desk in the oval office.

I'm surprised PP hasn't yet started marketing such things.

Maillard Reactionary said...

What is rarely mentioned is that nowadays, we have a completely reliable, yet readily reversible way to prevent unwanted pregnancies: The Pill. (For women with high blood pressure, etc, who cannot take the pill, there's always the time-honored way of just not doing it.)

There is really no excuse for an unwanted pregnancy today except in cases like rape, incest, and the odd biological accident (ectopic pregnancy, etc).

I have personal knowledge of persons (men and women, both are involved) in abortions, and I can state as a matter of observational fact that the sorrow never ends.

Personal carelessness and selfishness masquerading as natural rights, with an affected air of self righteousness.

Sad. And grotesque.

Michael in ArchDen said...

What Renee said. Just have all politicians wear sponsor patches like NASCAR drivers.

Maybe Trump can say, "I thought about wearing my NRA tie, but didn't want anyone thinking they owned me." Makes the point about who Warren really wants to work for, and plays to the left's hypocrisy on interest groups.

Ken B said...

Oh she'll be invited!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Very True, Bagoh. Very True.

stephen cooper said...

Unfortunately for the sad old woman, the most likable picture there is of her is when she was young and, I think, still in the hospital, with an expression of that basic human happiness on her face that so many mothers have in the first moments and seasons of being a mother.

Now she can't use that picture without looking awful hypocritical, and full of contempt for normal human joys, like a Dickensian villain.

stephen cooper said...

The picture is of her in a well-appointed hospital room, not long after giving birth, with a beautiful smile on her face as she holds her child.

The idea that she has now grown old and cold and someone who fanatically and thoughtlessly supports Planned Parenthood, where the dreams of poor young women go to die, is just so sad.

Paul Doty said...

Since it's good form to go after little kids, I'll take a shot at her now adult son she brazenly lied about. Why didn't she abort that milksop, soyboy, lardassed, man-boobed halfwit? It isn't possible for there to be another soft, doughy, pink-handed, faggoty, child predator looking sack of shit anywhere in the country.
See, you don't have yo be Harvard lawyer to insult people.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The Dems should just cut to the chase and offer free abortions for all black people. They can call it reparations.

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