December 26, 2019

So what was the Christmas present from Kim Jong-Un? Was it, as Trump guessed, a beautiful vase?

I saw the news 2 days ago:
President Trump did not seem concerned Tuesday when asked about the threat of a "Christmas present" from North Korea if the U.S. doesn't roll back economic sanctions on the country by the end of the year.

"Maybe it's a nice present," Trump told reporters at an event at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. "Maybe it's a present where he sends me a beautiful vase, as opposed to a missile test."
Christmas has come and gone, so what was it? A beautiful vase?
"We'll find out what the surprise is, and we'll deal with it very successfully. Let's see what happens. Everybody's got surprises for me — but let's see what happens," Trump said. "I handle them as they come along."
In other Trump-and-Christmas news: "Psychiatry expert says Trump’s rambling Merry Christmas rant includes three signs of serious mental impairment."

Here's the rant in question:

Do you see the signs? Let me help you. The signs are:
– slurred speech
– semantic paraphasia (inserting wrong word)
– phonemic paraphasia (combining words to form a likely nonsense word)
The purported "phonemic paraphasia" is right at the beginning. He says "And let me begin by wishing you a beautiful" and switches, in the middle of "beautiful" to "look, do you remember this?" If you just clip out the "beautiful" to "look" segment, it sounds like silly nonsense — abyooteefyoowoodlook....

... but it's rank dishonesty to view that as the kind of mental deficiency where a person is saying nonwords as if they were words.

I did enjoy looking up the word "paraphasia" in Wikipedia, because I learned:
The term was apparently introduced in 1877 by the German-English physician Julius Althaus in his book on Diseases of the Nervous System, in a sentence reading, "In some cases there is a perfect chorea or delirium of words, which may be called paraphasia".
I'm always happy to encounter another Althouse/Althaus.


Oso Negro said...

I would rate the chance of a psychiatrist being a Trump supporter at about 0.03%

Ann Althouse said...

And by "encounter," I mean in my reading. I am not looking for in-person encounters, so if you are a random Althouse, don't read this post as an invitation.

rehajm said...

Why aren’t these armchair Trump psychiatrists concerned about their unprofessional behavior and how it harms their profession? Ha! Never mind...

Big Mike said...

If TDS isn’t in DSM-5, then there’s something wrong with the entire profession of psychiatry.

Laslo Spatula said...

Have we ever had a President in the modern age (radio, TV, etc) that has spoken extemporaneously so often?

For good or bad, we know what this President thinks, rather than trying to read tea leaves through prepared speeches and prepared answers and the occasional off-hand comment.

I don't think most people will recognize it until it's gone.

And -- when we are (hopefully) in the post-era-of-that's-not-funny -- we'll realize this was the loosest spirit we'd seen in Washington.

You can pretty much say what's on your mind when you're not having to hide what you have in mind*.

(*which is the fun ride that is Biden: sure, we're gonna kill off a hundred thousand jobs to make our green plan work -- I think that was meant to be Inside Voice).

I am Laslo.

Amadeus 48 said...

"And by 'encounter,' I mean in my reading. I am not looking for in-person encounters, so if you are a random Althouse, don't read this post as an invitation."

I hope that head-shrinker doesn't read this. He'll diagnose you with some sort of narcissistic paranoia.

Yeah, he's basically unethical, but this is a national emergency.

Somebody is a narcissistic paranoid, but I don't think it is either you or Trump.

Darrell said...

What did it mean when the stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure talked off-the-cuff?

Darrell said...

"Aaah-ah-ah-ah-umm-ahh-ahh-ah-ahh-hmm-aaaah. . ."


Amadeus 48 said...

I bet that shrink gets messages from outside the solar system through his dental work. A bridge too far, as it were.

Amadeus 48 said...

"What did it mean when the stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure talked off-the-cuff?"

As God is my witness, it took me a minute to figure out that you were referring to Pelosi, not Obama.

Big Mike said...

@Amadeus, you need to spend then next ten days doing penance for that one. What a terrible pun!

Amadeus 48 said...

Has that shrink done similar work with Biden? That must have been a hell of a sleigh-ride.

Jersey Fled said...

Trump's superpower us that he causes those who oppose him to go nuts.

Darrell said...

Obama is SCoaMF. It's official and internet verified.

Laslo Spatula said...

You can pretty much say what's on your mind when you're not having to hide what you have in mind.

I admit this is my ego talking, but -- reflecting on this for a moment -- that might be one of the wisest lines I've written.

So many politicians in mortal fear of committing the fatal Kinsley Gaffe (see: Biden, Warren, etc) or being caught unaware on an open mic.

For Trump, the world is his open mic.

I am Laslo.

AllenS said...

OK, Mr and Mrs Shrink, tell me who is still the President.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Obama is SCoaMF. It's official and internet verified."

Whatever. If the shoe fits, throw it.

Hagar said...

Well, one major benefit of honesty is that you don't have to keep worrying about remembering what stories you have told to whom all the time. Makes life a lot less complicated.

rhhardin said...

Kliban had the nine warning signs of christmas.

Mr. Forward said...

"I handle them as they come along." Seriously stable genius.

Amadeus 48 said...

"so if you are a random Althouse..."

Are there random Althouses? My materialist determinist friends keep saying that if we had a big enough computer, we could predict everything because there is nothing but matter and the interaction of atoms in accordance with the laws of physics.

Then I say, why are you and I both conscious? Then they say, that's the hard problem. Then I say, I don't think you have this figured out right.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Then I say, why are you and I both conscious?"

You may be conscious, but your friend may simply be a manifestation of your consciousness.

Which requires a new pronoun.

I am Laslo.

Kevin said...

Do you see the signs? Let me help you. The signs are:
– slurred speech
– semantic paraphasia (inserting wrong word)
– phonemic paraphasia (combining words to form a likely nonsense word)

OK, now do Biden. And Warren. And Sanders.

Amadeus 48 said...

"but your friend may simply be a manifestation of your consciousness"

He doesn't think so. And I wouldn't conceive his hysterical bloviating masked as calm, rational science. No, that's a guy with thoughts and behaviors different from my own. And besides, he wants to believe everything is material but doesn't have a clue about the greatest mystery of all--what is consciousness? Where does it reside at the atomic level?

And what about that dog over there? Do we both think the same thoughts in the same way? Do those atoms know they are in a dog?

Kevin said...

At the link, there are lots of photographs of [Trump], including the different weird [words] he [said] during his [speech]. A [Republican] had [been elected President], it was [triggering leftists], so it was not an ideal occasion for lightweight mockery of [word choices]. I remember getting a call from someone at a TV or radio network. Blogging was a big deal, and I was a conspicuous blogger and [psychiatrist], and I would get calls from media and need to try to figure out what they thought they could get from me. I'm no expert on [Trump's foreign policy], but it became apparent that they wanted to fill out time with talk about [Trump's mental state]. They were filling in their airtime and [Trump] was coming [on] with different [rallies]. Weren't they funny? But funny in the context of [pointing out the failures of globalism]? Did they want to talk about that, how he was perhaps trying to make people think he was lovable or inept and whether he's deviously playing us? I asked, but I didn't get a straight answer... or an invitation to do on-air commentary. It was pretty obvious that what they wanted was to fill out time on the subject of [his perceived mental illness]: Wasn't it really [grounds for removal]?

Kevin said...

"Maybe it's a nice present," Trump told reporters at an event at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. "Maybe it's a present where he sends me a beautiful vase, as opposed to a missile test."

This is the same rhetorical aside he used when talking about John Dingell.

You will not hear that in the media's reporting of this event.

Kevin said...

"I handle them as they come along." Seriously stable genius.

How is the media supposed to fill pages of copy and hours of television on what happened today?

They need to speculate what might happen, what might be done about what might happen, and what might be the likely political outcomes from what might be done about what might happen.

The actual news is just a jumping off point for their creative writing.

DanTheMan said...

>>My materialist determinist friends keep saying that if we had a big enough computer, we could predict everything because there is nothing but matter and the interaction of atoms in accordance with the laws of physics.

Your friend needs to brush up on his quantum mechanics. It's all probabilities at the quantum level, not Newtonian billiard balls.

As the sign says over the famous physicist's bed: "Heisenberg may have slept here."

Chuck said...

Althouse, did you not see something that looked like a bit of a seizure in the middle of "abyooteefyoowoodlook...."?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Joe Biden couldn't be reached for comment.

Beasts of England said...

Neither could Pelosi.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amadeus 48 said...

Chuck arrives at 7:02 (8:02 in the eastern zone). He has punched in and is ready to dish up some tasty tidbits about POTUS.

Chuck--Althouse was just chumming the waters with this non-story about a lunatic head-shrinker who apparently has the floor at Raw Story, and you hit the lure like a hammerhead shark. You are on the line and ready to be reeled in. You'll look great stuffed and mounted on the wall in Meade's man cave.

Fernandinande said...

Your friend needs to brush up on his quantum mechanics.

I doubt if his materialist determinist friends actually claimed they could predict everything if they had a big enough computer, but perhaps, like Amadeus 48, they're very uninformed and they're functioning at the level of a stoned middle-school kid believing that the special wonderfulness of his mind - conscious! - provides some clues about the nature of the universe.

It's all probabilities at the quantum level, not Newtonian billiard balls.

Or you have (or don't have!) 'missing variables' and it's not random. But it doesn't matter because it's impossible to measure anything accurately enough (to predict 'everything'), and not just in the Heisenberg sense.

narciso said...

Ah raw story, you know who is behind that,

Chuck said...

And Althouse, let's look at that segment of the speech in a bit more detail thanks to the White House transcript:

And let me begin by wishing you a beautiful — look, do you remember this? Do you remember they were trying to take “Christmas” out of Christmas? Do you remember?


THE PRESIDENT: They didn’t want to let you say “Merry Christmas.” You would go around, you’d see department stores that have everything — red, snow, beautiful ribbons, bows. Everything was there, but they wouldn’t say “Merry Christmas.” They’re all saying “Merry Christmas” again. You remember? (Applause.)

I went through that, during the campaign: “They going to say Merry Christmas again.” And they are. That’s the least of it, too, because we got a lot of things that they’re doing that they weren’t doing. And we got to keep the country — we got to keep what we’re doing.

So;do I have this right? That by dint of some unspecified executive action, retailers -- who had withdrawn from wishing their customers a "Merry Christmas" (but who had never stopped decorating in colors associated with Christmas) have now gone back to wishing customers a "Merry Christmas." Is that it?

What executive action? What is the metric on the return of "Merry Christmas"? I was told that there still is a war on Christmas. A culture war that is still ongoing. But Trump says it is over and that he won it.

I really cannot think of anything less Christian than Bill "Falafil" O'Reilly," Donald "Grab 'em by the Pussy" Trump, or a large corporate retailer.

Francisco D said...

Psychiatrists are completely unqualified to make mental health diagnoses based on their primarily medical training. They have no training in psychometric assessment. Obviously they cannot do an assessment from afar.

The smart ones refer to clinical psychologists to assess and diagnose their patients. The arrogant ones make diagnoses based on feeling and pattern recognition - two very risky propositions. The "cure" they prescribe is always medication.

It is the Law of the Instrument - if the only tool you have is a hammer, you make everything out to be a nail.

Francisco D said...

I really cannot think of anything less Christian than Bill "Falafil" O'Reilly," Donald "Grab 'em by the Pussy" Trump, or a large corporate retailer.

You are a very sad person, Chuckles. Very sad.

You need to thank MeadeHouse for giving you the opportunity to act out your pathology. Otherwise, you might be dangerous to the general public.

Birches said...

Laslo, I had a similar thought to yours yesterday when reading about Obama's playlist. It's hard to believe that it's a real, personal thing. But everything is real with Trump.

I might have left a comment saying something like that but the post had already gone to hell by the time I got there. Same thing is probably going to happen here too.

narciso said...

But he should have a straight jacket and muzzle like hannibal lecter.

Chuck said...

So there is this:

Francisco D said...
Psychiatrists are completely unqualified to make mental health diagnoses based on their primarily medical training. They have no training in psychometric assessment. Obviously they cannot do an assessment from afar.

And then in the very next comment, three minutes later, this:

Francisco D said...
You are a very sad person, Chuckles. Very sad.

You need to thank MeadeHouse for giving you the opportunity to act out your pathology. Otherwise, you might be dangerous to the general public.

Uh, okay.

Birches said...

Why can't you honor your ban Chuck? You shouldn't be here. Go away and never come back!

Qwinn said...

Is Chuck arguing that mental illness is too detectable from a distance because, well, Chuck's mental illness would be obvious from Alpha Centauri?




I have to admit, Chuck has me stumped on this one.

narciso said...

Zeta reticuli, the solar system of lv 426.

Scott Patton said...

On first reading, "delirium of words" came across as a collective noun. Like a gaggle of geese.

Chuck said...

Neither Norrholm nor his writing partner Reiss made a diagnosis of Trump. What they suggested was a comprehensive neuropsych workup.

This is how, last evening, we got to talking about Trump's unexplained (at least not credibly explained) hospital visit on November 16.

Chuck said...

Qwinn said...
Is Chuck arguing that mental illness is too detectable from a distance because, well, Chuck's mental illness would be obvious from Alpha Centauri?

Francisco D supplied a shorthand version of "The Goldwater Rule," which Althouse has blogged about previously. Some liberal mental health professionals in the 1964 presidential campaign had suggested that Senator Goldwater had a mental condition and would be dangerous in office. The American Psychoanalytic Association later established a professional rule that forbade its members from speculating about the mental health of public figures whom they have not examined.

Then he proceeded (as he has with me on countless other occasions) to violate that general rule and attempted to diagnose me. Actually, "diagnose" is too generous a descriptor for Francisco D's ugly trashtalk.

Tim said...

Rank dishonesty from a journalist? How can that be?

Michael said...

Jeez, they never do this type of analysis on Nancy Pelosi, who at times appears three brain cells away from the Alzheimer's unit.

Lurker21 said...

Trump has always talked funny. It's a Noo Yawk thing.

mockturtle said...

Jeez, they never do this type of analysis on Nancy Pelosi, who at times appears three brain cells away from the Alzheimer's unit.

Exactly! And a 'psychiatry expert'? What does that mean? Is he a noted psychiatrist? Or, as the Shavian saying goes, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach".

Inga said...

“Actually, "diagnose" is too generous a descriptor for Francisco D's ugly trashtalk.”

One night a couple of year’s ago when Francisco was in his cups, he actually said he wanted to eat Ritmo’s brain and my hoo-ha. There were many references to the Silence of Lambs after that. I suggested he might enjoy our body parts with some fava beans and a good Chianti. When I see Francisco’s entries now I can only picture him as Dr. Lecter.

bagoh20 said...

OK. Now do Pelosi.

Chuck said...

Michael said...
Jeez, they never do this type of analysis on Nancy Pelosi, who at times appears three brain cells away from the Alzheimer's unit

No, it is pretty much exactly what has been done, by under-rock-dwellers on the internet:

Of course I've never before heard of that blogger, nor the psychiatric group in question. And you used the word "they" to describe the massive anti-Trump cabal. Who exactly is "they"?

I see Trump is today Tweeting about "Crazy Nancy." Who expects Trump's critics to adhere to rules of civilized debate that Trump would never even acknowledge?

I like the questions about Trump's mental health because they are sticky, and simple, for a swath of American voters that just wants things to be simple. It's personal to Trump, and so it will trigger much more reactivity from him. Like "short-fingered vulgarian" got under Trump's skin in a way none of us could imagine. So just like Trump will keep hammering on "Sleepy Joe" and "Crazy Nancy" and "Pocahontas," we'll keep the pressure on Trump's mental health signs and symptoms. George Conway is doing an amazing job on Twitter.

Iman said...

Inga has a hoo-ha? Meh, I sorta doubt that.

Howard said...

Malapropism, miss spelling, bad grammar, etc. are all tried and true trolling techniques that for some inexplicable reason works over and over.

narciso said...

Sticking up for the corrupt old ma, withhis two coked up kids, and the brood with chinese and ukrainian ties.

Lucien said...

It’s funny how TDS sufferers periodically cycle through a tired old selection of claims. There’s “Trump has a mental illness/defect — break out the 25th Amendment!”; and “Trump has ‘Authoritarian Tendencies — he’s a threat to Our Democracy!”; and “Trump is a child — he has no impulse control!”; and “Trump is aRacist, Sexist, Homophobic, Antisemite!”

But there’s never any self-awareness that the Trump haters have been through the cycle before without achieving the desired effect.

(Oops, left out “Trump is a Russian Spy — Putin’s cock-holster!”)

narciso said...

As a young man, he was a soviet tool and an enabler of segregationist,

narciso said...

Who wants to tax your retirement and end reliable electricity.

narciso said...

As such they are my enemy, and they derserve to be driven from public life.

narciso said...

Some are beyond shame:

mikee said...

I'll see your Trump derangement article and raise you any recent speeches by Hillary, Nancy, Joe, any Dem presidential candidate, or Al Sharpton.

Resist we much!

Chuck said...

I'd like to see a new tag for "Trump Dementia Syndrome."

Drago said...

Speaking of dementia and cultism, if anyone wants to have a good laugh look up LLR-lefty Chuck's hilarious over the top adoration posting of obama last night!!

It was one for the ages.

You thought Evan Thomas was bad with his "obama is sort of a god" comment? Or Valerie Jarrett's obama's always known he is smarter and more special than other mere mortal comments was over the top?


They got nothing on our LLR-lefty Chuck!!

Chuck's unbelievable obama adoration suck-uppery is always most evident when he's been hitting the bottle and completely forgets that he is supposed to be pretending to be conservative and last night's was a doozy!! Truly a LLR-lefty Chuck classic!!

Hilarity naturally ensued.

Beasts of England said...

’Like "short-fingered vulgarian" got under Trump's skin in a way none of us could imagine.’

He was so devastated that he went on to win the presidency...

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Who expects Trump's critics to adhere to rules of civilized debate that Trump would never even acknowledge?"


If ever there was a plaintive plea of capitulation from the left this is it!!

Please please Orange Man Bad, please start playing by the old rules where republicans stand very very very still and respectful while democrats slander you!! Please don't fight back!! Please learn to "lose with dignity"!!

"civilized debate" = democrats/lefties/LLR-lefties calling every single republican in the last 80 years a literal Hitler (with Truman labeling Dewey a "Stalin" as well!!)

Sorry Chuckie. We've got Trump and his twitter and his policies and his outreach to blacks and hispanics.

You've got George Conway!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

We shall see which prevails.

Drago said...

Beasts of England: "He was so devastated that he went on to win the presidency..."

And then Trump was "so devastated" he survived an entire Federal Bureaucracy coup attempt using every means of subterfuge of our Law Enforcement and Intelligence agencies AND the intelligence agencies and/or govts of at least 5 other nations and is now fully engaged in exposing those involved.

And then Trump was "so devastated" he completed the negotiations of at least 5 major trade deals which the LLR-lefty Chuck himself proclaimed was impossible (LOL, we like to think of our LLR-lefty Chuck as the slightly less moronic poster Inga in terms of getting predictions wrong!)

And then Trump was "so devastated" he went out and delivered the overall most conservative governance in our lifetimes!!

And then Trump was "so devastated" he got his poll numbers above where obama was at this point in the obama regime tenure!

And then Trump was "so devastated" he delivered the best economy in our lifetimes!! (which LLR-lefty Chuck still says is completely due to obama and obamacare!!!)--I guess that "magic wand" really did exist, didn't it?.....

And then Trump was "so devastated" he got NATO to pay more of what they are required to pay, after entreaties by Bush 1 and Clinton and Bush 2 and LLR-lefty Chuck's "magnificent" obambi were unable to do!!

and on and on we go.

Meanwhile, in LLR-lefty Chuck, Pecan Pie pictures are the root of deep deep conspiracies!!

I wonder what a shrink would think about that.....

Beasts of England said...

Drago - The funniest aspect of the lefty’s ‘thinking’ is that they haven’t demonstrated the ability or willingness to modify their strategies and tactics against Trump. Even Howard noticed this phenomenon.

tcrosse said...

Back in the day psychologists and psychiatrists, of the normal or armchair variety, would opine regularly on LBJ's mental health. Usually the diagnosis called for a net to be dropped over him.

n.n said...

You can pretty much say what's on your mind when you're not having to hide what you have in mind

That is true when people interact in good faith. Otherwise, people will infer what they want to believe for leverage.

Francisco D said...

One night a couple of year’s ago when Francisco was in his cups, he actually said he wanted to eat Ritmo’s brain and my hoo-ha. I suggested he might enjoy our body parts with some fava beans and a good Chianti. When I see Francisco’s entries now I can only picture him as Dr. Lecter.

You live a very strange fantasy life, Inga.

If it works for you ...

Drago said...

Beasts of England: "Drago - The funniest aspect of the lefty’s ‘thinking’ is that they haven’t demonstrated the ability or willingness to modify their strategies and tactics against Trump. Even Howard noticed this phenomenon"

Howard had the benefit of being in some tight places where failure to adapt could lead to a "bad day".

LLR-lefty Chuck and the rest of the lunatic left stands in hardened concrete that was created in the 60's and 70's. LLR-lefty Chuck gets his entire identity not from what he sees and can interpret and logically analyze, but from whom and what he reads: the socially approved Masters of Universe.

Just think back to all the times LLR-lefty Chuck's argument was not based in reality or facts but instead by whatever name or institution he can plop in to the conversation. The worst case of Appeal to Authority one is likely to come across. LLR-lefty Chuck's clearly racist posts re: Ben Carson can't be racist...because....because....because LLR-lefty Chuck claims to have met him!! (Chuck really thinks that's an argument!)

And now, of course, first reality and then Trump came along to blow those "authorities" to smithereens and thus, LLR-lefty Chuck was set completely adrift far from his little safe harbor and he views Orange Man Bad as the culprit and destructor of the neat little "elite" potemkin status LLR-lefty Chuck awarded to himself.

How can Trump be right when all the good folks at MSNBC and NPR and the NYT and the New Yorker and Media Matters have been feeding LLR-lefty Chuck all those good lefty psycho tidbits that he shares with his tolerant lefty/dem masters who then patronizingly pat LLR-lefty Chuck on the head and smile at him and promise him he can continue to sit at the little kids table and eat their scraps?

Hence, LLR-lefty Chuck's 24/7/365 lashing out wildly in the hopes of reestablishing democrat dominance and then everything can just go back to the way it was: paradise.

Alas: Paradise Lost.

stevew said...

Ah, so we are headed back to the Trump is mentally unfit to be POTUS argument. That would indicate to me they are admitting that the impeachment has failed.

Francisco D said...

Chuck said ... I like the questions about Trump's mental health because they are sticky,

If your hands are sticky Chuckles, don't blame Trump.

Maybe Inga can help you with that. She was a nurse.

BTW, one does not have to be an expert to diagnose you with a Personality Disorder. It is rather obvious.

Birkel said...

If you imagine a certain racist fopdoodle typing his comments while stamping his feet emphatically it's a lot more entertaining.

The visual anyway. The words typed are boring and predictable.

One wonders what the racist fopdoodle will do on January 21, 2025.

Yancey Ward said...


Seek professional help. Seriously, you are making a fucking fool out of yourself here and in yesterday's threads.

Marc in Eugene said...

Last Friday I was on the bus returning from the office and the bus driver made this argument (the 'Mr Trump will solve the Left's troubles by being stretchered into the ambulance and taken to St Elizabeth's' one) quite seriously, well, I'm exaggerating: he was prepared to accept that this may well happen. Which is a triumph of their propaganda, certainly, because he is a decent fellow and sensible when not discussing 'Trump'.

narciso said...

Whos the mark:

Jon Ericson said...

RE Drago @ 10:42
*sniff* That's beautiful, man.

Achilles said...

Chuck and Inga,

Don’t listen to these people.

You are doing great things.

Just keep up the good work.

And I totally understand why we are going back to moderation Ann. The leftists cannot live in a world where they do not get to dominate their opponents. If they are not in power they just keep shitting on everything until they are in power.

The people on this thread that are crazy are the people who think we can deal with them peacefully.

Achilles said...

The reason why Chuck and Inga are so angry is we are free.

elkh1 said...

The surprise was four U.S. spy planes over KimLand.

David in Cal said...

Shrinks behaving unprofessionally can affect the trust every talk therapy patient has in her/his therapist. Thus they may harm, to some degree, every therapy patient.

Inga said...

One night a couple of year’s ago when Francisco was in his cups, he actually said he wanted to eat Ritmo’s brain and my hoo-ha. I suggested he might enjoy our body parts with some fava beans and a good Chianti. When I see Francisco’s entries now I can only picture him as Dr. Lecter.
“You live a very strange fantasy life, Inga.

If it works for you ...”
I don’t blame you for pretending you don’t remember what you said. Or maybe blackout drunk? Ritmo and I do however remember.

Jim at said...

Maybe all these mental-health experts could compare Trump's off-the-cuff ramblings with those of President Precious. Just once.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...

Seek professional help. Seriously, you are making a fucking fool out of yourself here and in yesterday's threads.

It does seem like the ugliest comments pages are where there is an actual transcript of Trump. That, or a clear question that puts Trump in a bad light. (Why was he in the hospital, unnannounced, on Nov. 16? What tests were run, and why were they run, and what were the results?) When the questions about Trump get really specific and the happy Trumpfan answers aren't standing up to scrutiny. We had this same food fight when Trump was widely reported to have used the phrase "shithole countries," and some Trump fans thought it was a great line, and other Trump fans claimed he never said it because White House communications had organized a mass denial of it. And I wanted to drill into that dichotomy. Starting with, "Did he say it, or not?" (I think that there is no doubt that he said it.)

Rusty said...

It's 2020(nearly) and LLR Chuck still isn't getting it. Which paints Chuck as pretty dense. Chuck have you ever changed anyones mind using these tactics?

Michael K said...

You need to thank MeadeHouse for giving you the opportunity to act out your pathology. Otherwise, you might be dangerous to the general public.

Chuck has done a good job of illustrating his pathology. Monomania is probably closer than schizophrenia.

Inga also has signs in the absence of any learning behavior. Still believes the Russia Hoax.

Ritmo is just angry at life that has failed him. Sort of like Bernie.

Drago said...

Michael K: "Inga also has signs in the absence of any learning behavior. Still believes the Russia Hoax."


Inga also still believes the hoax dossier is true, Kavanaugh is a gang rapist with hundreds of victims, Carter Page is a Russian spy and most amazing of all, Inga still thinks democrats did NOT pay for the hoax dossier!!

Just ask her!!

In fact she called the claim Hillary and the DNC paid for the hoax dossier an insane conspiracy theory on this very blog.

Chuck said...

Althouse, look at the last 20 or so comments by some of your favorite regulars. There’s not even any pretense of addressing either the subject matter of you blog post, or the substance of any following comments or questions. Pure personal attacks, nothing more, and some of them the most involved, overwrought, boring diatribes anyone could imagine. This is the Trumpist base you have cultivated, Althouse.

Drago said...

Banned commenter LLR-lefty Chuck is very very very upset that others continue to notice that he persists in the very psychotic behavior that led to his banning.


Rosalyn C. said...

"What's a psychiatry expert?" I asked myself. A psychiatrist with a lifetime of experience? Not in this case.

Seth Davin Norrholm, Ph.D. " is a translational neuroscientist who studies trauma-, stressor-, and anxiety-related disorders in combat and civilian populations. The primary objective of his work is to develop "bench-to-bedside" clinical research methods to inform therapeutic interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the disorders with which it is co-morbid." From his page at the Emory University School of Medicine He is:
Assistant Professor
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Principal Investigator
Human Psychophysiology of Emotion Laboratory

Program Analyst
Trauma Recovery Program, Atlanta VA Medical Center

He also wrote, "Managing Your Post-election Anxiety, Fear, Anger, and Frustration" Nov. 9, 2016 but apparently he has not managed his own TDS well.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck is also very very very upset that some posters notice Chuck and Chuck's far left allies continue to develop bizarre and convoluted conspiracy theories.


walter said...

Chuck said...I like the questions about Trump's mental health because they are sticky, and simple, for a swath of American voters that just wants things to be simple.
--(Chuck looking in mirror, rinsing hand)

"We'll find out what the surprise is, and we'll deal with it very successfully. Let's see what happens. Everybody's got surprises for me — but let's see what happens,"
Really sounds like he's cracking under all the pressure.

Rosalyn C. said...

PS In case people don't know this, psychiatrists also have MD's. This guy just works in the Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Dept. In no way is he qualified to diagnose anyone, let alone someone he's never met.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck is very very very disappointed in Althouse for allowing non-leftists to post non-DNC-approved comments and observations on her blog.

This greatly vexes banned poster LLR-lefty Chuck.



JAORE said...

"'s rank dishonesty to view that as the kind of mental deficiency where a person is saying nonwords as if they were words."

There is no dishonesty, rank or otherwise, when the message is Orange Man Baaaaaad!

Chuck said...

Blogger Rosalyn C. said...
PS In case people don't know this, psychiatrists also have MD's. This guy just works in the Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Dept. In no way is he qualified to diagnose anyone, let alone someone he's never met.

As I commented earlier, I did not see any writing formalizing a diagnosis. What I read was a cataloguing of signs and symptoms, and a suggestion that Trump should be neurologically tested. Neuropsych testing as well. Trump may have already undergone some testing (imaging?) at Walter Reed last month. We just don’t know because the White House has avoided answering directly.

mockturtle said...

Chuck really needs this: Monty Python: Abuse Clinic

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck remains trapped in his latest #PecanPieCrisisGate hole!!

It just keeps getting better and better.

narciso said...

'Chuck Amok' just gets tiring after all, the original cartoon, only ran for maybe 5 minutes,

Rosalyn C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosalyn C. said...

"a cataloguing of signs and symptoms?" Seriously? Trump was reading a speech off a teleprompter and decided in the middle of a word to go off script because reading a speech gets boring and he wants to keep his audience engaged. That shows me he's a quick thinker. But others think that's a problem which needs neurological testing on the way to a formal diagnosis? Oh gosh.

Drago said...

Rosalyn C: "But others think that's a problem which needs neurological testing on the way to a formal diagnosis? Oh gosh."

They don't really think that at all.

It's all a lie and charade and a farce.

LLR-lefty Chuck and the rest of the left haven't said a single honest thing in the last 4+ years. It's all sturm and drang designed to gin up so much discontent that the American public will scream and cry and curl up in a ball and beg to just have it all go away in the 2020 election.

Unfortunately for these moronic leftists represented on Althouseblog by LLR-lefty Chuck, Inga et al, it didn't work 4 years ago, it didn't work 3 years ago, it didn't work 2 years ago and it hasn't worked at any point since then. But our leftists are rather dense (see LLR-lefty Chuck's posts) and they believe that their serial failures occurred because they didn't scream enough.

That's where we are now.

walter said...

It's simply a convenient time for the "Dude Gotta Go!" roulette wheel to land on 25th amendment.
Then another spin.

Michael K said...

We just don’t know because the White House has avoided answering directly.

When did that stop fools like you ?

Sammy Finkelman said...

Kim Jong Un is Stalinist. The present is given before New Year.

Birkel said...

The desire to use psychiatry for political purposes.
Racist fopdoodles are Stalinist, too, it would seem.

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