December 7, 2019

Saturday sunrise.


This is the kind of sunrise that you'll miss if you assume things will look best in the few minutes before and after the official sunrise time. I took that photograph at 7:06, which was 10 minutes before the official time. Stopping before beginning my run, I caught what was just about the high point, and after that the color faded by the second, with all the warm colors gone within the next 5 minutes. If you arrived 5 minutes before sunrise, you'd have seen only blue gray clouds covering everything.


Curious George said...

I slept in until 7:58. That has it's own rare kind of beauty.

Original Mike said...

I am bemused by your use of the term "official sunrise time", as if it's a government function.

rhhardin said...

Sunrise time depends on height above the ground. Your horizon gets further away and further around the bend as you go up, that the sun rises above.

gypsy rose said...

What a fun project you've chosen to share! The sunrise series is simply lovely and I find myself inspired to "get out there" on the few days I don't have to go to work. Thank you for the great content, year by year. I especially love the variety post-retirement. I feel the freedom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We had a nice sunrise too. You are right - don't wait to enjoy it. It's fleeting.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks, gypsy rose.

Ann Althouse said...

Sometimes I'm too early. Nothing much is happening before the "official" time, but I don't know if it will stay that way, and it's cold, stopping and waiting. But then there are days like today when I almost miss a really great display. I see it as I'm driving up. But if I start coming earlier to get the type of sunrise I got today, I'll be too early for a lot of things. If it were warmer, hanging out waiting might not be so bad. I mean, it's not that bad! It's not really bad at all. I just need to do a mental adjustment to stand observantly halfway through the run.

David Begley said...

Dawn of the day of victory over the Buckeyes.

Howard said...

You caught a subtle Rising Sun Flag effect.

rcocean said...

I call those "As God as my witness" photos.

Seeing Red said...


Kit Carson said...

no pathetical parenthetical there. that pic was straightforward and beautiful.

William said...

No sunrise ever looked as pretty as my bed. You get the same deal at sunset, and it's scheduled during prime time.

Ann Althouse said...

"You caught a subtle Rising Sun Flag effect."

Yes, it was even more noticeable in person. The rays were in the trapezoidal Japanese form.

Pete said...

Long lost (to me, at least) Althouse commenter and commercial/professional photographer Rick Lee often counseled that if you liked the sunrise/sunset that caught your photographic eye in front of you, turn around and see the effect the light has on objects behind you. Often the result is more compelling. I find his advice to be correct.

If you're out there Rick, hello! I hope you're well!

Helenhightops said...

I see a hint of a sun pillar.

Ann Althouse said...

"Long lost (to me, at least) Althouse commenter and commercial/professional photographer Rick Lee often counseled that if you liked the sunrise/sunset that caught your photographic eye in front of you, turn around and see the effect the light has on objects behind you. Often the result is more compelling. I find his advice to be correct."

Yes, I often include the western view in my sunrise pictures and will be giving you the western view of today's sunrise later on today (for the day-ending café). The "objects" behind me are mostly the clouds in the sky.

Ann Althouse said...

"I see a hint of a sun pillar."

I never noticed that expression before. Yes, there was something like that (except that there were multiples, more like the Japanese flag, as noted above). If I'd been one minute earlier it would have been more obvious. Or maybe if the camera had been better. To the eye, it was quite visible.

Original Mike said...

We are on the western shore at the lake house up north and I greatly prefer it (to the eastern shore). The setting sun (which we're always up for) casts understated, beautiful light on the far shore. When I'm up for the sunrise, it also seems right to start the day with the blazing sun.

Original Mike said...

Blogger David Begley said..."Dawn of the day of victory over the Buckeyes."

Think I'll sit down and rewatch last week's thrashing of the gophers to steel myself against tonight's beatdown.

Josephbleau said...

The comments remind me of a cute Mark Twain line about “how beautiful the sunsets are, the sunrises are reported to be as good, I do not know.”