“... according to an exit poll. A victory in the general election on Thursday would cement Mr. Johnson’s claim to 10 Downing Street, paving the way for Britain’s exit from the European Union in less than two months. For the prime minister, whose brief tenure has been marked by legal reversals, scorched-earth politics and unrelenting chaos, it was an extraordinary vindication. Defying predictions that he would be tossed out of his job, Mr. Johnson now seems likely to lead Britain through its most momentous transition since World War II.”
The NYT reports.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 305 of 305The Scottish National Party is very confusing to me. I don't have any problem in principle with Scotland leaving the UK. But the SNP wants in the EU. So they don't want to be ruled by London but they do want to be ruled by Brussels.
They don't like the English. That's it, nothing more.
Here is a good website for tracking the election. As I write this (the site is updated every minute or so) 185 seats have been decided and the Tories have flipped 22 seats their way but lost two for a net of +20. Labour (I'll spell it their way) has flipped five their way but lost 22. The Scottish Nationalist Party picked up a net of 5, mostly or entirely taken from Labour if I understand correctly.
Conservatives 98 seats, Labour 81, SNP 16, Liberal Democrats 3, as of a minute ago; close to a third of the total.
BBC I think changed their projection to Con 357 L 201
Scotland is voting to leave GB. SNP is up 6.
Corbyn is not a hateful person, he just sympathizes with them and panders for their votes. Seriously, calling him an antisemite is irritatingly imprecise and beside the point. I wish people would cool it with that. There’s so much to criticize and mock.
Some of his best friends are Jews. But he really needs Muslim and whack job votes.
There is an admission by someone reported at the Guardian that there's no chance at all that Mr Johnson won't win re-election in Uxbridge.
"Defying predictions that he would be tossed out of his job"...
And Trump defied predictions Hillary would win. I'm betting he will defy predictions his impeachment will amount to anything other than a solid Republican win in 2020.
According to the BBC, Labour has lost 25 seats to other parties.
Labour seats lost tonight and how long they'd been held by the party -
Leigh: 1922
Bishop Auckland: 1935
Blyth Valley: 1935
Wrexham: 1935
Darlington: 1992
Blackpool South: 1997
Boris Johnson is a very impressive guy and maybe when he’s done being PM in blighty he can come over here and run for president since he was born in NY and is a natural born US citizen or was anyway as a child.
Don't let the Conservative Party moniker fool you. Boris is pretty left-wing.
He is overflowing with sympathy for all the wrong people, but that’s not the same as being hateful or bigoted or racist. He’s a schlemiel. It’s astonishing he achieved what he has in politics with such a tin ear, mediocre communication skills and a lack of charisma. I think people have always felt sorry for him. Brits are like that. They hate to be direct and rude.
The second longest suicide note in history that was 1983, when rushdie was in full dudgeon, eventually he would discover le carre would throw him over like abag of potatoes and hed have to rely on the charity of mi 5
Fine Farmer, let him run as. Democrat. He is a remarkable guy and politician, even if Brit conservatism wouldn’t cut ice in Idaho.
I think that the real “longest suicide note in history” is the novel Infinite Jest, after which DFW hanged himself, and if you read the novel, you don’t wonder if he really didn’t kill himself.
Incredible that the experts were once again flummoxed by an election that was obvious to any 7 year old on this side of Atlantic who paid attention. Paying attention to the greater country you live in is not a quality held by those on the left.
Rule Brittania.
Very tedious he was going for pynchon level logorrhea but there is a particular context
I'm watching this on the BBC and to announce results they have someone stand on a stage at the percent (in this case, Islington...Jeremy Corbin's seat) and announce each vote, with the candidates all standing up on stage together. They also announce the number of spoiled ballots. Really interesting.
Fine Farmer, let him run as. Democrat. He is a remarkable guy and politician, even if Brit conservatism wouldn’t cut ice in Idaho.
Sure. I'd never vote for him. He supports mass immigration.
They don't like the English. That's it, nothing more.
That is probably it.
I lived in London but was always asleep I guess for this portion of the voting festivities.
Aaaannnddd there goes Labour I think
Extreme right wing yada yada
Lewis Goodall@lewis_goodall
Conservatives gain Heywood and Middleton. First time they’ve ever held it.
This is a massacre.
He’s not anti-immigration but by Brit standards he’s practically an ethnonationalist. He wants his government to control its own borders. That’s a radical position in Europe or, I should now say, on the continent.
Sound familiar?
Emily Thornberry has given what sounds like an opening bid for the Labour leadership in her Islington South and Finsbury seat.
In her constituency victory speech she said: “the real fight has to begin now to save our country, to save our economy, to save our public services.
“Our fight is not over, our fight is just starting.
“We may be hurting tonight, but we are not beaten.”
Sorry, Emily, but Labour is definitely beaten.
You can be for the palestinian you dont habe to lay a reith at the black princes tomb you could be for irish sovereingty and not be for the provo kneecappers
MayBee said...I have a lot of British friends who had convinced themselves that UK really did not mean to vote for Brexit. That idea is gone now.
I’ve seen a bit of that too. The regretted vote (Regrexit) is a popular liberal trope when they lose an election. But it’s never true.
Narciso, when you’re a dumpy old white guy with no charisma and nothing in particular to offer policy-wise you takes your votes where you can get them. I’m not meaning to defend these idiotic decisions just saying accusing him of being hateful is misplaced.
Lesson learned:
If you are going to invite in huge numbers of Muslims, they will eventually have candidates representing their views.
Why, yes. That's how Minnesota got Ilhan Omar.
Sarah Parcak [blue check mark] @indyfromspace
I’d like to congratulate the winner of the UK election today, Vladimir Putin
Maybe we should just make Putin king of the world, he seems to have god-like powers.
Labour down 33.
Blogger J. Farmer said...The Scottish National Party is very confusing to me.
Think of it this way: Scotland is a national welfare queen forced to choose between two sugar daddies. They favour the EU because it has deeper pockets.
The new line from the Remain camp will be that this was not a vote for Brexit, just a vote against Corbyn.
They dont use shovels, they use jackhammers
Regarding Scottish independence, Britain will be better off for it. Scotland brings nothing to the table but indolence.
Our nation of winner's won't quit because of San Francisco.
Besides me and Dwight in Denver paid for including no shit $7 parking a block and a half away.
They set it up, it was flawless.
Besides the shit pizzas.
Be we all knew that.
Dwight still played.
Defying predictions that he would be tossed out of his job...
How many chickens had to be disemboweled to bring forth that insipid augury?
The only they need to relocate the nuclear sub pens to the uk.
I kept reading that Johnson had been outsmarted at every turn.
If anything might have been benefited putinwas scottish secession ironically
>>Maybe we should just make Putin king of the world, he seems to have god-like powers.<<
But can he control the weather?
mockturtle said...
If you are going to invite in huge numbers of Muslims, they will eventually have candidates representing their views.
Why, yes. That's how Minnesota got Ilhan Omar.
I spent my twenties living in Omar's district. It's run by college educated whites, with the support of black, hispanic, and native American voters. The white poor and working classes are long gone from Minneapolis.
Omar got the nod from the DFL because her selection was intended to show the hostility of these middle and upper-middle-class whites to Trump. What better way to do that than to send a black African immigrant to congress? It's pure virtue signaling by the DFL, same as it was with her predecessor, Keith Ellison.
Lib Dem leader Swinson lost her seat.
Winner's as in possesors of greatness, indeed perhaps I'll admit slightly faded.
It’s a good day for the Anglosphere. Besides New Zealand, there’s an increasing alignment among speaking English and supporting sensible policies.
Skylark “Swinson lost her seat”
Only once though, alas.
Ha, Swinson out. An old friend who’s only ever voted Labor was going LibDem this year but was stumped when I asked him to name their leader.
This possesion all but Althouse our host has, this feeling of being free to misspell words, even common ones, if our fancy suits it, is unique.
Next time I go through the great state of NE, I will go God willing to see what Begley wrote about.
Stations of the Cross but Sitiouations ond the Gine rRiver or somethjing.
At least your friend did the right thing. If you are a (mistaken) remainder, lib dem was the only decent option. If he didn’t know their leader at least he knew the Labour leader, and decided based on that.
This is a link Begley wrought, if wrought is a good thing. If not, then he just brung it, like a boss.
We all aplaud our homeblog talent Beta, bit now it's all my influece.
Because heinfluenced me.
But all me.
In The Telegraph: "Mr Corbyn has now cemented his place as the least popular and least successful Labour leader in modern history, far outstripping Michael Foot’s disastrous performance in 1983. Labour was likely to be wiped out in many of its former heartlands as the Tories broke through the “red wall” in the Midlands and the North."
So, are the kissin' cousins of the U.K. Laborites -- our own US Democrats -- kinda, sorta seeing the big picture now? Sometimes, on political matters, they can be dense or myopic. But if you go full Leftist and start embracing hordes of illegal aliens and pages of stifling govt rules and regs, and start breaking faith with the traditions and culture of a country, well, you start to stimulate the slumbering masses.
Just sayin'
What freakout looks like:
Ha, Swinson out. An old friend who’s only ever voted Labor was going LibDem this year but was stumped when I asked him to name their leader.
Jo Swinson gave a shockingly bad performance. I saw her on, I believe, LBC last week, and she gave an answer on biological sex that was absolutely nonsensical. It was obvious she was just spouting PC platitudes. While I don't agree with Nicola Sturgeon's politics, she is an obviously talented and impressive woman. Jo Swinson, not so much.
I think Labour had two particular problems. First Corbyn. I predicted when he was elected leader that he would destroy the party. The reason is any party has to be able to convince at least its own followers of its basic decency. That is not possible with Corbyn, not with a large party that throughout its prior history was almost always wrong but also seemingly decent. Second is Brexit.
So don’t get your hopes up yet.
Australia, US, and UK will be conservative executive wise. Canada is the outlier. During Harpers admin there was near parity between the US and CD dollar, but in 2015 Canada got Trudeau and the CD dollar lost 30% quickly. Cause and effect? Don’t know. My Canadian pals thought they were pretty cool then but don’t want to talk economics now.
The canadian tories were wiped out in 93 and were out of the picture for a generation
Ask them about blackface, tit elbowing, and SNC Lavalin instead.
Jonathan Pie hardest hit.
Jeremy Corbyn | Vote today
Verified account @jeremycorbyn
Thanks Hugo Chavez for showing that the poor matter and wealth can be shared. He made massive contributions to Venezuela & a very wide world
2:19 PM - 5 Mar 2013
Just sayin'
From narciso’s link:
The new you is also fabulously wealthy: you are the beneficial owner of a gigantic share portfolio which, your wealth management team assures you, is worth on the order of $100Bn, and sufficiently stable that even Trump's worst rage-tweeting never causes you to lose more than half a billion or so:
I don’t know what this guy has been smoking, but Trump’s been pretty good for my portfolio.
Trudeau got demoted to a minority government. Anyway he’s about as dreamy as Corbyn is dumpy so indeed these guys had powerful effects and make it risky to generalize.
I can hardly wait to read Te Economist reaction, though they "drudged out" a long while ago to God knows whom.
Well hes ascience fiction/alternate histiry novelist, maybe he followed krugmans advice
Well, the exit polls predicted the Tories would gain 51 seats. They're already up 55 seats and there's still another 130 seats remaining to be called.
I think my prediction of 100+ majority is looking pretty good so far.
Via Lucianne:
One of Hillary Clinton’s former aides reacted to the apparent Conservative Party victory in the United Kingdom’s election by tying racism and xenophobia to the win. Peter Daou, who was Clinton’s internet director during her 2008 presidential campaign, expressed his displeasure with the results on Twitter on Thursday. “Never underestimate the impact of unadulterated racism and xenophobia in the election of rightwing white males around the world,” Daou, who also worked on John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign, said....
Well lol for 2008 petey as for 2004, theres a reason we say 'why the long face'
By 10:00 tomorrow the sky will be black with Eurojets headed for London to plead on bended knee. “Baby Please Don’t Go”.
If I was Boris I’d tell them they could make up our contributions from the Greeks.
Only an unrepentant cunt like me would hate Buwaya for not going to see a tiny young taste of the best America has started to create, with world-classs such kyou as .intelect
By 10:00 tomorrow the sky will be black with Eurojets headed for London to plead on bended knee. “Baby Please Don’t Go”.
If I was Boris I’d tell them they could make up our contributions from the Greeks.
327 and counting.
I hope Nancy and Nadler and Schumer and MSNBC and Larry Tribe and Slo Joe Biden are watching this........
The exit polls said the Lib Dems would gain a seat but it looks like they're going to lose *half* their seats instead. Wow. So *both* Labour and LibDems are getting shellacked tonight. Leftie tears... so delicious...
Tories already up +61, 10 more than the exit polls predicted. Oddly, Labour has a few more seats than predicted, they might even break 200. Looks like Tories, Labour and SNP absorbed the seats of almost all the smaller parties this election. The UK just went a long way toward becoming a 2 party + SNP system tonight.
Corbyn steps down.
Sayonara, Sucker!
The Tories are at 342 called seats with 30 uncalled, but I looked at the map- most of those 30 were Tory seats going into the election. By my rought count, the Tories will end up at about 362, with a real shot at 368 since the bulk of the Labor sitting seats are in that red belt that got pierced tonight.
I'm a bit confused by the numbers. The exits predicted that the Tories would pick up 51 seats, but instead they're already up 64. There's no way they can get 13 more seats than the exit poll prediction of 368 though.
"I think Labour had two particular problems" and yet we all think you're a dumb Canadian.
Please continue about UK and USA politics: we all wanna hear!
I think Jim Lahey was right and Ricky and Julian really, really were the bad guys.
Bubbles was okay,
Okay thanks for your input Ken B.
You Canadians really known your shit/
"...to announce results they have someone stand on a stage...and announce each vote, with the candidates all standing up on stage together."
For parody, see Blackadder and Monty Python.
mockturtle said...
"If you are going to invite in huge numbers of Muslims, they will eventually have candidates representing their views.
Why, yes. That's how Minnesota got Ilhan Omar."
Not according to <a href="https://blogs.mprnews.org/newscut/2018/11/omar-victory-comes-from-liberal-guilt-keillor-says/>Garrison Keillor</a>.
MadTownGuy said...
mockturtle said...
"If you are going to invite in huge numbers of Muslims, they will eventually have candidates representing their views.
Why, yes. That's how Minnesota got Ilhan Omar."
Not according to Garrison Keillor.
I'm a bit confused by the numbers. The exits predicted that the Tories would pick up 51 seats, but instead they're already up 64. There's no way they can get 13 more seats than the exit poll prediction of 368 though.
The Tories, going into the election, had 288 current seats- there had been about 30 members kicked out that disobeyed the leadership back in September- that is where you see the 64+ come in. However, some commentary kept the Tories at the 317 number that they won in 2017- that is where the +51 came in from the exit poll predictions.
To save yourself the pain, just follow the gross numbers of seats.
Finally, I now have settled at 363 for the Tories.
Lutheran Social Services. Plus 2 other Minnesota charities.
Why are Somalis in Minnesota?
Chuka can, Chuka can.....or maybe Chuka can't.
We switched from labour to the liberal d3mocrats because they were more remain.
Thanks Yancey. The mathematical contradictions were giving me a headache, but your explanation makes sense of it.
If I am repeating something above, I apologize.
Andrew Sullivan, on Twitter today:
One lesson from the UK: if the Democrats don't stop their hard-left slide, they'll suffer the same fate as Labour. If they don't move off their support for mass immigration, they're toast. Ditto the wokeness. Left Twitter is not reality.
Meanwhile, I have enjoyed this evening, switching back and forth between BBC (which seems to only talk to Labour) and SkyNews (more balanced).
Look who they kept on:
Anyone know if Johnson plans to repeal the Fixed Term Parliaments Act (I think that's close to the right name)? It seems clear that if he had been able to call an election months ago, the country could have avoided an extended period of paralysis.
It probably even would have been better for the other parties too, as the voters would not have had so long to become disgusted with their machinations.
I note the Brits have their colors correct, assigning red to the leftist party.
How did Republicans get stuck with red in the USA?
Are we certain -- really certain -- that Johnson didn't win because the Russki's spent a hundred thousand $ on Facebook ads?
Because then the election would be totally a fraud.
How did Republicans get stuck with red in the USA?
At one time there was no set pattern in the U.S.. The colors changed from source to source and election to election. IIRC, it was Tim Russert who first began insisting on red for Republicans and blue for Democrats to avoid the association with the Socialists and Communists.
Blogger Qwinn said...
I predict the exit polls are actually underestimating the conservative win. Exit polls say conservatives will have majority + 42. I say they'll have majority + 60.
Congrats on a great call
How did Republicans get stuck with red in the USA?
Historically, US parties were not associated with a specific color. When color television came along, election night maps colored states as red or blue when they were called, with no fixed convention, though Republicans being blue was slightly more common than Democrats being blue.
Then, for no known reason, every major TV network decided to use red for Republicans in the 2000 election. Then the extended-by-Florida election coverage got the media using the terms "red states" and "blue states", and the association was fixed.
Blogger Jon Ericson said...
Lutheran Social Services. Plus 2 other Minnesota charities.
Why are Somalis in Minnesota?
I am a Lutheran, but I am LCMS, not ELCA. LCMS says that truth can only come from Jesus Christ, the living word, and scripture. ELCA says that the Holy Ghost works through social norms as well as Jesus Christ and scripture.
So LCMS says Truth is:
1 - Jesus Christ
2 - Scripture
ELCA says truth is:
1 - Jesus Christ
2 - Scripture
3 - Social Norms
Jesus Christ, the living word, cannot contradict or nullify scripture, they are one and the same. "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill."
The idea that social norms can override Jesus Christ and scripture comes from human beings, not God, so it is sinful.
The voters per seat seem awfully small compared to our House districts. We're not that much bigger in population.
*Flashes secret Lutheran gang sign to Lewis Wetzel*
Born and raised ELCA here, but dropped out after singin' in the choirs for 10 years.
Left home and got distracted by shelter, sustenance and career.
My loss.
Peace, brother.
It started last month, when the U.K.’s leftwing Guardian newspaper reported the existence of a secret report that said the Russians spent five years “cultivating leading Tories including Johnson…” The 50-page “dossier” from the U.K.’s intelligence and security committee is “based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Cristopher Steele…”. - The Federalist
They are not done trying to stop Brexit.
But the UK still has a free press not dominated by a unified set of billionaires like ours.
I was raised Methodist, but the only things I remember from it all are the words to Jesus Loves Me and a picture of a guy in armor on a steed killing a dragon with a lance, which I assume was St George.
Finally, I now have settled at 363 for the Tories.
I think the final is 364. Doing Brexit requires 326 so Boris can lose 38 MPs and still do Brexit. Do you think the voters have spoken loud enough to be heard?
Defying predictions that he would be tossed out of his job,
Who made those predictions? The NYT fulfills its prime role to obscure as much as possible.
Britain will be better off for it. Scotland brings nothing to the table but indolence.
It is sad what has happened to Scotland, which was the origin of the Enlightenment in Britain. In 1800 there was no university that had math or engineering courses. Ditto for Medicine. James Watt and James Lister are two examples. The intelligent Scots seem to have left and those remaining are all about The Battle of Culloden and the Jacobean rebellion.
Scotland only wants to leave if England wants them to stay. If England decides to let them go they will want to stay. I am an ethnic scot, but aside from a bit of sentiment, have no use for them.
Lewis Wetzel asserts: The idea that social norms can override Jesus Christ and scripture comes from human beings, not God, so it is sinful.
It is heretical. There are churches of some denominations that have left Christ out altogether.
Sola Scriptura: By Scripture Alone
Sola Gratia: By Grace Alone
Sola Fide: By Faith Alone
Solus Christus: By Christ Alone
Soli Deo Gloria: For the Glory of God Alone
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