December 3, 2019

"Kamala Harris poised to withdraw from 2020 presidential race"/UPDATE: "Kamala Harris ends 2020 presidential campaign."

CNN reports.
The California Democrat informed her senior staff of the decision Tuesday morning and is planning a public announcement later in the day.
Wow. I guess the new polls were devastating.

The new Politico/Morning Consult poll had her at 5 (the same as Bloomberg), and the new Hill/HarrisX poll had her at a horrifying 2 (the same as Steyer, Yang, and Castro).

I remember making my "NYT pushes Kamala" tag — back on December 29, 2018. I really thought the press was going into coronation mode over her. Maybe she thought it would be easy, that she could lean back and let all good things come to her. Why wouldn't they? But if she got conned by that, she does not have what it takes to be President. Too bad... but who does? Nobody. Still, you've got to give a better impression of having what it takes than she ever did.

ADDED: Who's the biggest beneficiary of Kamala Harris's withdrawal? I say Amy Klobuchar. Woman + moderate compared to Elizabeth Warren. Second best answer: Cory Booker.


Beasts of England said...

Apparently those Dem primary voters are racist and sexist.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, looks like it’s time to revise your list of who’s dropping out in which order.

Swede said...

Let's be honest, racist white Democrats were never going to vote for her anyway.

No, wait, misogynist male Democrats were never going to vote for her anyway.

Because they fear strong, black women.

Or something.

Wince said...

Poise is everything.

Dan said...

Missed on your dropping out order. Oh well....

Nonapod said...

Early on I was fairly confident she'd end up being the nominee. To me it seemed like she checked all the right boxes.

But it turned out she had about as much personal charisma as a piece of toast. And she held no lasting appeal to the looney left base with her record of criminal prosecutions. And she seems to lack any political savy. She may have done better in a less crowded field, who knows?

Anonymous said...

She was in great shape until she started talking.

rehajm said...

When lefties try to convince you money buys elections you can point to Steyer as evidence it is untrue.

rehajm said...

It was the blowjob jokes what did her in...

eric said...

Tulsi Gabbard slayed Kamala Harris.

readering said...

Like they said about predicting movie hits: nobody knows anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Weird. In the beginning - she was the next Obama.
Her comparison of border patrol and customs agents to the KKK was a complete disaster. Normals don't see it, only crazy socialist shooters from Ohio.

Meanwhile - Warren wants to abolish the Electoral College and she buys all of Blasey Fords bullshit and wants to impeach a sitting Supreme Court justice over smears and lies.

CRazy lady enough for ya?

MBunge said...

Where does this rank among the great primary flameouts? I mean, I'm not sure I've ever seen a media more immediately in love with a candidate than Harris. Granted, they were in love less with the real her than with the idea of a black woman beating Donald Trump, but still...


Big Mike said...

Maybe Democrats learned about the inadvisability of nominating a candidate with a political tin ear back in 2016?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Doesn't this make democrats --- racists?

J. Farmer said...

Everyone was so obsessed with Harris' identity traits, backstory, and "narrative" that they overlooked the fact that she was godawful. Although I did vigorously defend Obama at the time when all the fake outrage was being ginned up over him referring to her as "by far, the best looking attorney general in the country."

Beasts of England said...

That little girl was me!

John Webster said...

The problem for Harris is that she is a complete phony, transparently so. She thought identity politics would carry her to victory, and she believed the glowing press clippings of the politically correct media. Most black people saw right through her, so her race was of no benefit to her.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Willie thinks...

J. Farmer said...

That little girl was me!

I was on the phone with my father when the a news alert about Harris' withdrawal popped up on his end. I immediately brought up the whole busing thing and how nonsensical her semi-moist, "That little girl was me!" line was in light of the actual point she was trying to make.

Carol said...

Isn't it funny that they're always looking for a *type* like casting directors of old Hollywood. "We need a colored guy to play the porter here..."

Mike Sylwester said...

I expect that she will endorse the candidate who most effectively promises to get the KKK out of ICE.

mccullough said...

Her funding dried up. Klobuchar and Booker have the same problem. The Dem benefactors are wealthy but don't throw good money after bad.

Looks like race-based busing was not an important issue to Dem primary voters this time. Maybe in 4 years.

It's Joe, Mayor Pete, Liz, and Bernie. Bloomburg can buy his way onto the stage and stay there but he doesn't have substantial support.

Ficta said...

Well good. I don't want any of the Dems to win, but I'd prefer the least appalling one in case he or she does win, and Harris was always horrifying: a cop who jails people for drug offences but jokes about her own drug use is just evil. Tulsi nailed her for that at the debate, and from that point on, Harris's candidacy was a dead man walking.

I went looking for some debate recaps before posting to make sure I remembered it correctly and the left leaning sources (LA Times, Daily Beast) I clicked on first, while reporting that Gabbard had attacked Harris, left that specific complaint out. I had to go to the Washington Examiner to find it. Funny that.

rehajm said...

Well I’m out of the survivor pool...if you had Harris first step up to the pay window. You’re gonna need your tax info...

JayDee77 said...

Good. What a nasty woman.

Michael K said...

Blogger stever said...

She was in great shape until she started talking.

Yes, she is a nasty person like Hillary. I wonder if the early backers knew her ?

stevew said...

Kamala Harris never made a compelling case for why voters should consider her and vote for her to be the Democrat's candidate. I believe this is because she didn't know why she should be the candidate, other than that she wanted to be.

Ralph L said...

Kamala checked all the boxes--except her own.

Bay Area Guy said...

"The California Democrat informed her senior staff of the decision Tuesday morning and is planning a public announcement later in the day."

Looks like Kammy has really blown her chances.

The Crack Emcee said...

The election has been over for months now.

MayBee said...

Months ago, I would have guessed she was going to be the nominee.

I agree with you all about the disastrous "that little girl was me" line. It was obviously set up to be a thing, and it didn't become a thing, and her point in trying to get that story out was a dumb point.

Now the press wants Warren, although they might turn to Bloomberg thinking (because they are so NY Centric) that he can appeal to Republicans.

Really, I still think the only people who can get Trump voters in any number are Klobachar and Biden. They are going to have to tread carefully on the impeachment, because they are going to get stung if it looks like they are trying to oust their competitor.

Big Mike said...

Maybe she thought it would be easy, that she could lean back and let all good things come to her. Why wouldn't they? But if she got conned by that, she does not have what it takes to be President. Too bad... but who does? Nobody. [Emphasis mine.]

@Althouse, you must mean “nobody among the Democrats.” Donald J. Trump is doing just fine, despite Democrats’ yapping hounds trying to hamstring him.

traditionalguy said...

Today’s Dems don’t much like heterosexuals. They inevitably end up at least half supporting the enemy: THE HETEROSEXUAL MEN that leads to babies. That’s why Pete is going to be nominated. Michelle Obama has a path here, but is too scared to run.

Birches said...

Dang it. I had her as fourth to go. I'm not that surprised though. The people in the top tier run out of money faster than the others doing a campaign on a shoestring.

I'm already seeing some angst by media people that the only too tiers left are white. Booker will benefit the most. Women are just going to have to wait.

Earnest Prole said...

Kamala Harris was a police-friendly California prosecutor who could have challenged Joe Biden in the moderate lane using Bill Clinton's Sista Souljah technique of saying things that resonate with sane, ordinary Democrats. Instead she chose to challenge Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in the progressive lane and swiftly drowned in the deep end of the pool.

Bay Area Guy said...


Kammy says Bye-Bye
A Willie Brown archetype
Appear, he did not

hawkeyedjb said...

Bye-ku for Kamala:

Kamala would be
President if not for those
Racist Democrats

rehajm said...

Deval Patrick will get her 2 percent after 2 percent discover he’s african american.

rehajm said...

He’s the next Obama!!!

shake-and-bake said...

She got conned by it because that’s all she’s known. She’d never been in a tough race before; not for DA, not for AG, not for the Senate. Until now it’s all been group hugs and kumbaya. Turns out she doesn’t have a clue how to run an effective campaign against strong opposition.

Original Mike said...

"ADDED: Who's the biggest beneficiary of Kamala Harris's withdrawal?"

We the People of the United States.

mccullough said...

Klobuchar is not getting money. Neither is Booker.

They will not benefit from Harris dropping out because they are terrible candidates.

Mayor Pete is doing well with the money men. So is Biden.

Liz and Bernie are an interesting side show. They are splitting the Snowflake vote. Liz is getting the Girl Snowflakes and Bernie is getting the Boy Snowflakes.

hawkeyedjb said...

Bye-ku (2) for Kamala:

Perhaps we were wrong-
It really does take more than
A well timed blow job

n.n said...

lean back and let all good things come to her

A Freudian slip?

But if she got conned

Martin said...

If Harris was at only 2-5%, there weren't enough people left to benefit anybody when she dropped out. Someone could get half, which would be a lot, and it's only 1-2% which is within the polling margin of error.

Better question might be what happened over the course of the year as Harris went from about 30% down to zero, but attachments are weak, early on, and people who left her in May might have made several moves since then, so I'm not sure that question even makes technical sense.

Yancey Ward said...

For anyone to benefit from Harris' withdrawl, she would have had to have actual support in the polls this morning- she doesn't. What support she did have will likely go to the female highest on the ladder right now, which is Warren.

Yancey Ward said...

Harris dropping out isn't a surprise, but her dropping out today is. I thought she would at least wait until after Iowa at a minimum. However, maybe the prospect of finishing 8th or worse terrified her in some manner.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bye-Ku 2

Tulsi beats Kammy
In the race to 4 Percent
The cat fight was fierce

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beasts of England said...

That entire exchange felt rehearsed and pointless, J. Farmer. Did she really think she’d take out Biden for a stance from half a century ago?

MBunge said...

"If the Democratic National Committee were smart, they'd have a realistic discussion with the rest of the field..."

If that was really the smart way of doing things, the following people would have NEVER been President:


Anyone think we would have been better off with George H.W. Bush in 1980, Hillary Clinton in 2008, or JEB! in 2016?


Yancey Ward said...

Klobuchar will stay in until Iowa votes- her entire strategy depends on winning the state south of Minnesota. After that, though, if she doesn't finish second, and she won't, then she will drop out, too.

Yancey Ward said...

Has Gabbard tweeted yet?

Howard said...

Given that Kamala Harrises number was down in the error range of the poles, she has no support 4 anyone to benefit from

Curious George said...

A Clerihew:

Senator Kamilla Harris
Who nothing will embarrass
She can't get on her knees
To get poll numbers that please

Yancey Ward said...

As it turned out, she was a terrible candidate, but you can mark the point of her descent to that moment in the 2nd debate where Gabbard gutted and skinned her. Harris never recovered from that moment.

Beasts of England said...

A ribald Bye-ku:

The next Obama
Her CV left a bad taste
Mainly in her mouth

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn’t Gabbard benefit?

tastid212 said...

Babe gotta go. Babe gotta go.

Tina Trent said...

Boy, I didn't call that one. I had no idea she sucks so much at campaigning. And, talking.

The current Democrat electorate will not vote for a prosecutor, even one like her. They've gone stone cold leftist radical on criminal justice. Welcome back to 1969. Or 81.

Paul Mac said...

Gabbard is by far the biggest beneficiary, Harris' supporters all shifter before the drop out but her giving it up so early gives Gabbard huge credit for taking her to the woodshed so thoroughly. A year or so ago I'd have called Kamala the most likely frontrunner. That Biden is astounds me given his ongoing performance art.

phantommut said...

Thank you Tulsi!

BarrySanders20 said...

Tulsi's next outfit
Will be Kamala's carcass
Worn as a skin suit

Props to the D electorate for removing the very worst, the insufferable Beto, and now removing Harris, who was the worst of the remaining candidates. Now worst: Castro.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Biden is the biggest beneficiary of Harris dropping out, isn’t that obvious?

Rory said...

If they were playing Risk, Tulsi would get all of Kamala's voters. And she'd still be rolling.

gerry said...

And now there are only white people qualifying for the next Dem debate.

gahrie said...

Who's the biggest beneficiary of Kamala Harris's withdrawal?

The American people.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

The thing to remember from this is that conservatives don't understand Democrat primary voters any more than liberals understand Republican primary voters. Harris seemed like a checklist of what liberal voters would want... unless you asked one.

The big puzzle for me is why Liz Warren doesn't do better, given she is the best prospect to implement a progressive agenda if she were elected. Perhaps the progressive agenda is not as popular as we are led to believe.

What I suspect is most voters want a return to normalcy even more than they want their side to win. Biden is "normal." Democratic primary voters are as sick and tired of the circus as everyone else. If Biden were nominated, he could very well win simply because everyone is tired of the Trump circus (and Trump is only the ringmaster, with his Democratic opponents providing three rings of entertainment.)

phantommut said...

If they were playing Risk, Tulsi would get all of Kamala's voters. And she'd still be rolling.

Rolling three for Des Moines!

FullMoon said...

Joe benefits:

Biden's Popularity Skyrockets Among Coveted 1920s Working Class Demographic

Ken B said...


Spurned by
Democrats Intersectionally,
That little girl was me.

BarrySanders20 said...

John Lynch said: "The big puzzle for me is why Liz Warren doesn't do better, given she is the best prospect to implement a progressive agenda if she were elected. Perhaps the progressive agenda is not as popular as we are led to believe."

I see Bernie and Liz as essentially the same and split that crowd. It's a game of chicken between them as to who swerves first. Whichever one drops, most of their support transfers to the other. That's enough, together, to challenge Biden but not win. So I think Biden wants them both to stay in for as long as possible. In the end it will be Biden, even if his teeth fall out again. Then it's on the general election. Trump has to like his chances.

Ralph L said...

The election has been over for months now.

Enthusiasm for the top of the ticket can have a big effect on close down-ticket races (and open primaries).

Do pollsters sample likely Dem voters or likely Dem primary voters?

robother said...

Well, that was short and unsatisfying. Hope she at least got another BMW out of it.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

I agree with TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed!!

Mike Sylwester said...

Ken B at 1:48 PM
Spurned by
Democrats Intersectionally,
That little girl was me


Lucien said...

Let's not see anyone doing victory laps until we're sure that Harris doesn't become Veep under someone who's likely to die before the end of their term. (Actually isn't there enough evidence Now to go 25th Amendment on Biden if he's elected?)

Earnest Prole said...

Despite Hollywood and TV portrayal, more Americans look like, and are represented by the doddering white man Joe Biden than the affluent Jamacain-Indian Kamala Harris. Or the deceased Notre Dame socialist professor's sole gay son, Pete. Or E. Warren's rise from outback poverty to Native American law professor at Harvard. Or Bernie Sander's way of rebelliously yelling himself into a decades-long lucrative socialist political career that personally enriched his family coffers...

Zactly precisely.

Simple to understand unless you live in Madison and don't get out much.

Bilwick said...

One down, 1,968 State-shtuppers to go.

rcocean said...

Who's the beneficiary? Ha. You mean who's going to pick up her 2%? you forget the sampling margin of error is usually greater than 3%. Her real support might be -1%.

I suppose the 2nd Choice of most Kam voters was Booker.

Iman said...

What was one-shot funny is now a trend...

rcocean said...

I think most Kam harris supporters spell it Bussing.

Bay Area Guy said...

Why are Democrat primary voters so hostile to the only woman of color in the race?

Racist sexist pigs!

readering said...

Agree with rcocean here.

rcocean said...

Why did you drop out? Blacks folks were buying her act. Too tough on crime. Not enough street cred - blacks couldn't relate. A 50 year-old woman with no kids, a white husband, a Canadian HS diploma, a SF Bay address, and a Hindu mother.

Plus she was unlikable and stupid. But that's par for the course.

rwnutjob said...

Her campaign may have failed, but she insists she didn't blow it.

Iman said...

poor KamalaToe
her unlikability
could not be disguised

rcocean said...

I thought she'd be a contender. I was wrong. i was reading her resume. She had the perfect one. Young black woman in a field of old tired white people. The female Obama. But the "Big O" could inspire with his BS, Kamala was just pedestrian and unlikable.

Iman said...

Don’t cry for her, Rawalpindi...

AlbertAnonymous said...

This must’ve been hard to swallow, even for her!

Ken B said...

This gives Klobuchar a chance to comb Harris voters.

D 2 said...

So whom does Senator Harris endorse? When?
2 out of 100 people want to know...

Can't be Biden. But she isn't going to land on Warren's list as VP. That's Booker's ambit.
Sanders is too far. Maybe she talks to one of the Mayors.

readering said...

They say every Senator looks in a mirror and sees a president. But 100 Senators.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Ken B said...
This gives Klobuchar a chance to comb Harris voters.

There's a joke in there somewhere about tossing salad but it escapes me at the moment.

D 2 said...

I would agree with upthread' ' assessment that she seem to fit with President Obamas previous strategy (I refuse to say checkboxes)

If anything, an experience as a prosecutor rather than as an academic/community developer should be considered as a more impressive aspect in her personal development track. My take would be that being a prosecutor would ground you into the reality of human nature more than does an academic. (Looks fearfully toward sky) See, as example, the idealism of Warren.

It may be that the Democratic Party seeks an idealist at this time and place. Perhaps in the unconscious mind of those who are heavily involved in the party's nomination process, they figure they went with a Clinton "realist" in 2016 and they need to purify.

readering said...

New poll shows over 60 per cent of California Democratic likely voters wanted Harris out.

Bay Area Guy said...

Now that Kammy has publically humiliated herself on the National political stage - I'm thinking she's leaning Yes on impeachment.....heh

Ficta said...

Surely Slow Joe's Veep, if he gets the nomination will be someone far more electable than the current flock of clowns: someone from outside the very shallow pool of career Dem politicians, someone from the entertainment world, perhaps. If he wins she gets to run as an incumbent in 2024. If not, she has the bonafides of a national campaign to make her 2024 run more plausible. And all that without the pig wrestling that will be required at the top of the ticket in 2020. My money's on Oprah, but I'm sure there are other possibilities. I think/hope/pray it's not Michelle. I don't see her as electable at all. But, then, I'm not a Dem.

GingerBeer said...

Again, what evidence is there that Harris is a serious person, much less a serious candidate? "Be sure about your answer..."

Bob Smith said...

Maybe she’ll get out of politics the same way she got in. On her knees.
Still and all she’s got great legs.

I’ll see myself out.

Michael K said...

readering said...
New poll shows over 60 per cent of California Democratic likely voters wanted Harris out.

Are those the English speaking ones ?

Schiff wants to run for the Senate.

J. Farmer said...

@Beasts of England:

That entire exchange felt rehearsed and pointless, J. Farmer. Did she really think she’d take out Biden for a stance from half a century ago?

Even ignoring that, her position was supposedly pro-busing. And yet her, "that little girl was me," painted her as some kind of victim when her whole point was supposedly that busing was a good thing. Shouldn't she have been happy that she was bused?

lgv said...

There was no one to sleep with in order to get a quid pro quo. If Booker and Klobuchar can split the 2%, that should put them over the top in order to not be the next one out.

Virgil Hilts said...

She's an awful person. I am not an Obama fan, but he was wicked smart, charming, witty, compassionate and likable. She's mean and nasty and barely of average intelligence. To call her the female Obama is crazy. Ann, have you written yet about the Reason piece on Warren and her lying about sending her kid to private school? That's just bizarre. New meme - Warren the serial liar.

Ken B said...

Some people are victims no matter what. They cover this in Intersectionality 220.

Ken B said...

Rim shot! ��

jnseward said...

She was the nastiest inquisitor at the Kavanaugh hearing, and that's a high bar.

GingerBeer said...

"Who's the biggest beneficiary of Kamala Harris's withdrawal?" Nobody. Harris's polling #s were roughly equal to the margin of error, just closer to 0%.

Virgil Hilts said...

Ken B at 1:48 PM
"Spurned by
Democrats Intersectionally,
That little girl was me"
makes me wish again that we could upvote comments

J. Farmer said...

@Ken B:

Some people are victims no matter what. They cover this in Intersectionality 220.

True. Coherence be damned.

gspencer said...

Kamala's feeling a little down today. But if I know our Kamala, she'll be back on her knees in no time.

Tommy Duncan said...

You may be their pride and joy
But they'll find another toy
And they'll take away your crown
Pick me up on your way down

mccullough said...

Now Kamala has time for The Senate Trial.

She’s angling to be Biden’s running mate. It’s Biden or Mayor Pete and Biden has the blacks. And he’ll be dead or legally incompetent soon. Mayor Pete might live until 2100.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah geez, here I was ready to vote for anybody but Kamala--and now she won't be there.

gspencer said...

And she spent all that money on her Pandering Apron in fooling us to think she actually knows how to cook.

The Vault Dweller said...

I think Kamala was being pushed in the beginning and it was because White lefties liked that she ticked multiple boxes on the identity politics card. But those same white lefties in media incorrectly assumed that black voters would completely be on board with her because she was black.

narciso said...

kamala was going for the olivia pope look, but Shonda rimes scripts and realities rarely mesh,
yes she was a corrupt prosecutor, in Oakland and that gave her entree

Maillard Reactionary said...

She used to have a needlepoint over her bed with the motto "Substantial Penalty for Early Withdrawal".

I for one will mourn the loss of the ready-made jokes, but I think Slow Joe may be up to that challenge, at least.

I'm still working through the earlier comments, but for my money Ralph L's 12:46 PM is the comment to beat for thread winner. Competition seems strong, though, we'll see.

gilbar said...

i guess THIS is the place for me to go on record, admitting that my prediction of Harris as Pres, Booker as VP, seems WRONG

narciso said...

and she was part of the Smollett scam against the city of Chicago,

wildswan said...

Who would best represent the Blob of the past? Biden. Who would best represent the Blob of the present? Bloomberg, Warren, Sanders. Who would best represent the Blob to come? President Xi or the head of the EU

There are somewhat popular candidates who don't acknowledge the Blob - like Tulsi and Yang. But for that reason they'd be eaten alive by it.

Ken B said...

She is pulling out to avoid the kind of embarrassment that would keep her from being considered as veep. But tbh I don’t see anyone picking her anyway. Total albatross with nothing to offer except being from California, which is already a lock.

Is she still moving to Iowa? Who will fill her senate seat?

Ken B said...

I guess a deep, throaty voice is not enough.

effinayright said...

Phidippus said...
She used to have a needlepoint over her bed with the motto "Substantial Penalty for Early Withdrawal".

When Willie Brown's wife caught Harris cheating with her husband, she spontaneously burst into that 1969 Mel and Tim song:

"Backfield in motion. I'm gonna have to penalize you!"

Much bitch-slapping ensued.

Bay Area Guy said...

Let's not count Kammy out. She is resourceful. A tasteful, permissible hair sniff from Slow Joe might get her the coveted Veep slot.

Bill Peschel said...

As god as my witness, I thought Kamala could fly.

Iman said...

“Can you recommend a particular brand of kneepad perhaps from your amazon portal?”

I haven’t checked to see if they are still available or not, but I remember Eleanor Clift had a line of Clinton Regulation knee-pads sold at Macy’s during that Administration.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Just shows what I know. Six months ago I had her skating to the candidacy. I also was pretty sure Trump would lose in 2016. Now, I'm pretty sure he'll win in 2020. Uh-oh.

J. Farmer said...

Kamala Harris Supporter Insists Her Inspiring Message Of Something Or Other Will Always Live On


Anonymous said...

Very sad to think of all the time Cuck wasted on thinking of reasons Kamala Harris was the only possible choice for Real Republicans like him to vote for. Cheer up Cuck, identity politics, endless wars, worship of the bureaucratic state are part of all the True Conservatives’ platforms. They’re just waiting for your endorsement, Cuck!!!!

Balfegor said...

I think her track record as a prosecutor gave her a potentially viable story as a classic center-left authoritarian who could end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. Fear will keep the local systems in line, etc. etc.

But instead she decided to flit from one harebrained, electorally dubious progressive idea to the next.

Jason said...


Friendo said...


Ersatz black human
Rank lying opportunist
Fitting good riddance

Michael K said...

Bay Area Guy said...
Let's not count Kammy out. She is resourceful. A tasteful, permissible hair sniff from Slow Joe might get her the coveted Veep slot.

Now she has to pull for Joe. Lizzie would choose Spartacus for the half black half of the ticket.

Buttplug could choose him too, as the fiercely heterosexual half of that ticket.

The Biden ticket would be most attractive as he would quickly die or be an Amendment 25 superstar.

Lurker21 said...

Lightning may actually strike twice in the same place, but not in politics. Republicans have been looking for another Reagan for thirty years. Democrats have been expecting a Kennedy for half a century and another New Deal for even longer. But history doesn't repeat itself very often. So when you heard somebody saying that she was a shoe-in for the nomination because she was Black and female and would be a two-fer first, it made sense to be skeptical.

She wasn't the only Black candidate or the only woman candidate. She wasn't that Black or the kind of Black woman that other Black women like. Asian mom, Jamaican dad, White Jewish husband, Canadian childhood, stuck-up ways, not religious. She would have had to do a lot to overcome all that and she didn't. She also had a horrible personality. Too much sense of entitlement. Too little awareness of other people and of how she appeared to them. If by some chance she got the nomination, the "historic first" hoopla would catch fire for her (not enough to win the election), but she had to earn the nomination first and didn't.

While I wouldn't vote for her (or for Buttigieg), I can understand the temptation to really stick it to people who can't write about her without the five letter "w" word or the two letter "h" word (or about him without the three letter or six letter "f" word).

Drago said...

We're reaching that point of the democrat primary season where it is in LLR Chuck's best interest not to wail and cry and rend his garments after each of the loser lefty dem candidates drops out but instead establish discrete intervals for his lamenting the dropping out of his beloved dem candidates.

Saves on garments and tissues.

Plus, fewer days when his eyes are all puffy and red.

Lurker21 said...

Who's the biggest beneficiary of Kamala Harris's withdrawal? I say Amy Klobuchar. Woman + moderate compared to Elizabeth Warren. Second best answer: Cory Booker.

Add Kamala's 3% to Amy's or Cory's 2% and the nomination is clinched!

I don't think she has a solid bloc of voters that she can deliver to anybody. Democrats who just want a woman have been for Liz Warren from the beginning. Those who just want an African-American have been solid for Biden (yeah, I don't get that either). Harris started out as a progressive, but when confronted with her prosecutorial record, she became a moderate against her will, and thus she pleased nobody.

If Kamala had a bloc or base, she already lost it when she went from mid-double digits to low single digits. And where did those votes go? Maybe this is counter-intuitive, but it's possible that they went to Buttigieg. Think about it. She's not rust belt or corn belt or cotton belt, she's San Francisco and Silicon Valley. She's rich people who want to appear a little progressive so long as it doesn't affect their portfolios. So her base had more in common with Buttigieg's (or Bloomberg's) than with other sections of the party.

If there's a moral to this and if I can be the one to point it out, it's that candidates and the supporters they get aren't always reducible to skin color and gender.

Ralph L said...

Yang was thinking of Harris:


walter said...

Dude gotta go! Tupac might have said: Me first.
Please clap.

Iman said...

"Who's the biggest beneficiary of Kamala Harris's withdrawal? "

This is a no-brainer. It's the American people.

Zach said...

A Kamela: A candidate designed by a committee.

Unknown said...

> Biden is "normal"


Clyde said...

Kamala busted a lot of brackets from yesterday's dropout order post.

Clyde said...

Well, day-before-yesterday's...

washpark said...

The Kamala is a Cop Meme (for goodness sake, she favored jailing parents of truants) + Tulsi's takedown of her in the second debate erased any illusion Kamala was some sort of transformational candidate. She is a neoliberal in the Hillary camp. Tulsi is a check on Hillary, as she was with Kamala.

Like the Never Trumpers in 2016, the Hillary neoliberals continue to search for someone to save their riches from the deplorables supporting Sanders. The Hillary Hangerons are some of the nastiest toxic soup out there. They make the Never Trumpers look like choirboys.

It is either going to be Trump v. Sanders (populist v. populist) or Trump v. empty suit neoliberal (and we know who that went in 2016).

stlcdr said...

The democrat electorate want someone who will take it back to the status quo of government operations, slowly chipping away at the rights of people they don’t like, while telling them it’s good for them.

back to the Titus quo, means Obama era. Which means the only person who is compatible with that is Biden.

(Ha! ‘Status’ autocorrect...)

alan markus said...

What Stilton Jarlsberg said:

Will any of us ever forget exactly where we were and what we were doing when we heard the shocking news that Kamala Harris dropped out of the presidential race? The answer, of course, is "yes." We'll all forget. We don't even expect to remember she was in the race by lunchtime today!

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