From "After a Transphobic Tweet, J.K. Rowling Can No Longer Be Considered an LGBTQ Ally" Slate).
Here's the tweet that's provoking some people:
Dress however you please.— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 19, 2019
Call yourself whatever you like.
Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.
Live your best life in peace and security.
But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill
Here's what's linked at that "poop" reference:
JK Rowling started 2019 with wizard poop and ended it by shitting the bed— Joe Berkowitz (@JoeBerkowitz) December 19, 2019
Here's a Vox article from last September that's linked at "TERFs": "The rise of anti-trans 'radical' feminists, explained/Known as TERFs, trans-exclusionary radical feminist groups are working with conservatives to push their anti-trans agenda." Excerpt:
In the early ’70s, groups of what would now be called “gender critical” feminists threatened violence against many trans women who dared exist in women’s and lesbian spaces.... TERF ideology has become the de facto face of feminism in the UK.... Any vague opposition to gender-critical thought in the UK brings along accusations of “silencing women” and a splashy feature or op-ed in a British national newspaper. Australian radical feminist Sheila Jeffreys went before the UK Parliament in March 2018 and declared that trans women are “parasites,” language that sounds an awful lot like Trump speaking about immigrants.Lots more at that link.
According to Heron Greenesmith, who studies the modern gender-critical movement as a senior research associate with the social justice think tank Political Research Associates, gender-critical feminism in the UK grew out of a toxic mix of historical imperialism and the influence of the broader UK skeptical movement in the early aughts — which was hyper-focused on debunking “junk science” and any idea that considered sociological and historical influence and not just biology. Those who rose to prominence in the movement did so through a lot of “non-tolerant calling-out and attacking people,” Greenesmith said, much like gender-critical feminism. “Anti-trans feminists think they have science on their side. It is bananas how ascientific their rhetoric is, and yet literally they say, ‘Biology isn’t bigotry.’ In fact, biology has been used as bigotry as long as biology has been a thing.” (See scientific racism, eugenics, and the justification for slavery that black people were intellectually inferior to white people.)
Though TERFism got its start in the US in the ’70s, the ideology has largely fallen out of favor as the country’s mainstream feminist movement has continuously battled against the religious right for abortion access and LGBTQ rights. In a country where political coalitions on the feminist left are crucial to the survival of basic women’s rights, it doesn’t make much sense to spend time oppressing a tiny population who are otherwise valuable allies in the culture war....
But probably where “gender critical” feminism has the potential to wield the most influence is in government. US-based “gender critical” feminist groups like WoLF and Hands Across the Aisle, which sent a letter to the Department of Housing and Urban Development in favor of barring trans women from women’s homeless shelters, are happy to work alongside conservatives to limit the rights of trans people — even if those same conservatives want to pass legislation limiting their reproductive rights....
TERFs treat trans women as predators and trans men as victims of the patriarchy
Gender-critical feminism, at its core, opposes the self-definition of trans people, arguing that anyone born with a vagina is in its own oppressed sex class, while anyone born with a penis is automatically an oppressor. In a TERF world, gender is a system that exists solely to oppress women, which it does through the imposition of femininity on those assigned female at birth.
“Legally redefining ‘female’ as anyone who claims to be female results in the erasure of female people as a class,” WoLF wrote in its SCOTUS brief. “If, as a matter of law, anyone can be a woman, then no one is a woman, and sex-based protections in the law have no meaning whatsoever.”...
Gender-critical feminists blame the patriarchy for deluding trans men into thinking they can identify out of female oppression, or blame structural homophobia for convincing trans men they can become straight men rather than lesbians....
With “stranger danger” drilled into the heads of women and girls from a young age, anti-trans feminists can easily paint “the other” as a constant sexual threat — despite the fact that studies have repeatedly shown that women are most likely to be sexually assaulted by someone they already know....
TERF's and such are irrelevant to a simple statement of fact about biology.
Seems to me they're precisely relevant.
Men have penises. Women have vaginas. From birth. There--I said it.
They have an acronym for everything, like NASA.
Women should pipe down?
"Seems to me they're precisely relevant."
Correct. To confirm the biological facts. And therefore, to resist the latest prog insanity.
San Francisco needs wizards.
That quoted passage exemplifies why I never read Vox.
Why would we defend Rowling?
She supported and helped create this alligator.
There is a lesson for Ann in this.
It is a very sneaky lesson.
Very hard to see.
Super hidden.
Seems to me that as aggrieved groups increase in number, they eventually butt heads.
Wow, who to root for in this fight. A left-wing Trump hater vs. the SJW's. A Tough choice.
And yet she persisted.
Seems to me they're precisely relevant.
Those basic facts about biology are not actually disputed, except by crazy people, and those facts are quite independent of "anti-trans 'radical' feminists, explained/Known as TERFs". What TERFs say or do is irrelevant to biology.
There are two sexes, male and female, biologically determined at the genetic level before birth. If you have XX chromosomes you are a woman, if you have XY chromosomes you are male. Everything else is a tiny number of genetic abnormalities or sophistry.
Radical transexual advocates use the word "gender" precisely to obscure this bedrock biological truth.
Women speak and Slate is there to tell them to shut up.
Rowling seemed to align herself with a virulently anti-trans group of otherwise liberal women
A thought that would have never been written down or for that matter, conceived a mere 20 years ago was both because a woman dared express the fact that a person with a penis is not a woman. These people are completely insane.
Part of me is shocked and part of me wants more popcorn...
Is there a betting pool for when xhe prostates [sic] xerself?
Bob said...Seems to me that as aggrieved groups increase in number, they eventually butt heads.
Only 26 letters in the alphabet.
Moaning Myrtle lives the toilets in the boy’s bathroom. WTF?
This is an early shot in the coming war between feminism and transgenderism.
It has begun in sports already. Since transgenders consist of, at most, 0.00001 % of the population, they will lose but it will be bloody. Fortunately, the battle and wounds will be among people I could not care less about.
Just wax her balls and shut up!
For anyone interested in a deeper dive (and a long read) on the background of this garbage, read the above link.
Women have been so pro-lgbt for the last 20 years they've literally become irrelevant in their own spaces. I laugh. And other men and myself SHOULD NOT assist in any way. Let the train hit the wall. Accelerate.
My sympathy is non-existent at this point. Big girls shouldn't cry.
Some bands in the transgender spectrum are easier to accommodate than others.
Rowling seemed to align herself with a virulently anti-trans
It reads like one of those anti-Trump rants.
Whoever believes that "2+2=4" "seems to" be a Badperson, and shares many or all bad political and social beliefs with other Badpersons.
That Miss America previous-post lead me to find another example:
"Miss Michigan World America stripped of title over 'offensive' social media posts"
Miss Michigan was a Badperson because the didn't think hijab's were cute fashion accessories and she also repeated some government issued Hate Statistics about crime. I bet she also thinks "2+2=4".
So they cut off your dick and balls and you still find yourself saying, "pipe down, woman"...maybe it's akin to feeling pain in a phantom limb.
Didn’t all of the people who announced their pronouns lose the last election over there?
Why yest they did.
Men can menstruate, dammit!
And, if you don't agree, you must be fired or sued or picketted or boycotted!
Trans/bi vs trans/homo vs Trans/neo vs Feminists vs babies. Here's to progress.
Catfight! (or does one of them identify as a dog?)
My fiancée is Brazilian. Brazil is well-known for having one of the largest populations of trans-people on Earth. This is both a combination of Latin sexual mores (altiva vs. passive, Latin aka Roman) and the extremely low cost of plastic surgery there.
2 years ago we were at a party at the Renaissance in Jardin and there was a woman there that no straight-heterosexual dude would've not noticed. Yep. Dude.
Two things:
1) How bad is it that there are dudes out there that are beating women at being women? I'm not talking about 90-95%. I'm talking 100%. There's no way I would've suspected a damn thing had my gf not told me.
2) You don't hear anything like the screeching you hear in the West down there. None. It's not an issue. Not a rights issue. Nothing. I don't know why this is, but I suspect it might have something to do with the fact that transitioning in Brazil is less about power and more about straight-up homosexuality.
It's official. If you have a vagina you're not allowed to criticize lgbt EVER otherwise you're a 'bad ally' though someone actually officially allied all women to lbgt for all time at some distant past and into the future forevermore.
>> Women speak and Slate is there to tell them to shut up. <<
Slate is a tool of the Patriarchy. If women are in vogue, men will prove they are better women than women.
Have we reached Peak Insanity yet? In the old Soviet Union, one of the things that would get you Gulaged was to tell the truth about something when the powers-that- had decided that the truth was wrong. These people were born a few years early in the wrong country. They should have been headmasters at Commissar school.
Cannabalism is a spectator sport.
Seems to me they're precisely relevant.
Fernandistein asserted "TERF's and such are irrelevant to a simple statement of fact about biology." Thsat assertion is true.
Their relevance bears not upon the facts of biology (which are irrefutable), but upon more fearful things, like making differences of opinion illegal. Recall Lysenko and his disastrous theories about dialectical traits to be found in agricultural science? Once Uncle Joe Stalin noticed Lysenko, things got pretty rough for truly scientific Marxist biologists:
Stalin’s purges affected science greatly, particularly when scientists defended science against Stalin’s mistaken theories [Emphasis added]. Many dedicated scientists were imprisoned or shot (or died of maltreatment) as “wreckers”, “terrorists”, or “foreign agents”. Ideological commitment to socialism was not a defence. Three out of eight Soviet delegates to the Second International Congress of the History of Science, Bukharin, Hessen and Vavilov, were shot or died in prison, while a fourth, Ernst Kol’man, though a Stalin supporter, was imprisoned for non-science reasons.9
After the death of Stalin, the worst ideological influences were relaxed or removed, but the attitude towards science and nature as something to be directed did not entirely change. This led to the ecological disaster of the Aral Sea and nuclear contamination in the Urals, while Lysenko gained the ear of Khrushchov, suggesting one unsuccessful agricultural venture after another. The top-down approach essentially continued until the end of the USSR. (The Bolsheviks, Stalin and Science)
Bob (11:11am):
"Seems to me that as aggrieved groups increase in number, they eventually butt heads."
I misconstrued that the first time I read it, thinking a verb was missing, and that you had intended to write something like "they eventually [become] butt heads". The lack of a hyphen between "butt" and "heads" helped me figure it out.
I call it pebble, the revolution didn't look like that way, when you were at amnesty international eh,
Lucid-Ideas said...1) How bad is it that there are dudes out there that are beating women at being women? I'm not talking about 90-95%. I'm talking 100%. There's no way I would've suspected a damn thing had my gf not told me.
Somewhere there are folks pretending to be/telling others they are trans.
I'm not sure what letter goes with that.
Interesting question. Women are so focused these days on asking what is masculinity that they're not asking an even more important question. What is femininity? What is femininity when it can be so easily copied? Can the facsimile be the real thing or is it all fake all the time? Or are the varying degrees of fakeness?
I can tell you women-to-male transpeople are extremely poor facsimiles of men. Any man, even the biggest beta-simp, picks up on this. So why the dichotomy?
If feminists would look at me and scream that a heterosexual white man isn't allowed to ask the question "what is femininity" and that it's a question for women to answer than my response is A) that masculinity is something for men to answer and B) femininity is - right now - being defined by dudes who wear dresses, and who happen to be feminist 'allies'.
Trans (i.e. crossover, divergence): a state or process.
Rowling and other Feminists underestimated the political congruence ("=") of the trans/neo bands in the transgender spectrum. There are PC in part because they are closely linked to the less weird and intrusive bands of trans/homo and trans/bi. The political, social, and economic leverage is there, and Feminists are a status quo. Deja vu.
A "document-review attorney" who muses about getting hold of confidential files to ruin another commenter's life? Sometimes MEG posts six or eight comments in a row that could make an unwary person wonder why her thousands of comments are deleted as soon as our hosts see them, but she always slips up and makes it crystal clear why she's been banned.
You win the internet for today. LMAO.
Ghost Of Robespierre: "Hey, I think I've seen this movie before!"
Radical Vaginas finally abort themselves.
Cancel Couture goes all the way up the food chain.
Lucid-Ideas: "@Qwinn
You win the internet for today. LMAO."
Qwinn dismantled ARM and his BS regarding the political prosecution of the Trump foundation last night.
Lucid-Ideas said...I can tell you women-to-male transpeople are extremely poor facsimiles of men. Any man, even the biggest beta-simp, picks up on this. So why the dichotomy?
More artifice is available and acceptable in M to F direction.
TERFS were never relevant for JK Rawling. Her cause celebre has always been the TWERP movement, or Traditional Women Enjoying Rigid Penses. I understand JK joined this movement in the 80's when she was a romance novel author publishing under the pen name Fonda Peters.
What is femininity when it can be so easily copied? Can the facsimile be the real thing or is it all fake all the time? Or are the varying degrees of fakeness?
I can tell you women-to-male transpeople are extremely poor facsimiles of men. Any man, even the biggest beta-simp, picks up on this. So why the dichotomy?
I suspect because of makeup. It is easy to disguise many flaws with well-applied makeup. Even the flaw of really being a man.
I guess that's why so many women aspire to be actresses, move to LA, and wind up on
From my internet time machine:
August 31, 2046:
Today J.K Rowling passed away in London following a long battle with testicular cancer. Zhe had spent the last quarter century of its life trying to atone for hate crimes against the LGBTQWAS(G2)RMNDP(T2)(B2)(Q2)(Q3)(Q4)&*%$#(&2)(Q5)(Q6)(Qnth) community. In a bid to regain her lost status, Rowling had undergone sex change operation in 2025 that ultimately cost it its life.
Gender: masculine, feminine, is sex-correlated physical and mental attributes. Transvestites are trans-social or divergent from a social, not biological, sex-correlated [normal] distribution. Trans/neo are extreme variants of trans/homo and trans/social. That said, the reason why feminine female is difficult to simulate is the womb. The reason why masculine male is difficult to simulate are the physiological advantages in lung capacity, muscle mass, bone density, and skeletal construction. Some physical and/or mental (e.g. sexual orientation) sex-correlated attributes are easier to simulate (e.g. conversion therapy) or force than others.
'plastic surgery as makeup'
Now that's an interesting idea worth exploring. My fiancée's had them done. It's like makeup you put on once, for the rest of your life, but it's still makeup.
P.S. I don't care:)
This just goes to show that no matter how much of an ally you were in the past, if you aren't willing to get in line with the next ludicrous demand, then you're a hater.
ultimately cost it its life
The use of "it" is passive-aggressive. Report for social justice treatments.
Oh, got an update....
"The staff writer responsible for the pronoun error in the Rowling obituary has been executed."
if you aren't willing to get in line with the next ludicrous demand, then you're a hater
Case in point: yesteryear liberals. The moral of the story is never go Pro-Choice.
The Maya Forstater referred to - in Olde Blighty some of the crazy people are judges:
"There is no legal right to question whether a trans-gender person is a man or a woman, an employment tribunal has ruled."
Her legal dispute against her former employer was seen as a test case on whether a “gender critical” view – meaning a belief that there are only two biological sexes – is a protected philosophical belief under the 2010 Equality Act.
Judge Tayler concluded: “If a person has transitioned from male to female and has a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), that person is legally a woman. That is not something [Ms Forstater] is entitled to ignore. [Ms Forstater’s] position is that even if a trans woman has a GRC, she cannot honestly describe herself as a woman. That belief is not worthy of respect in a democratic society."
“Even paying due regard to the qualified right to freedom of expression, people cannot expect to be protected if their core belief involves violating others’ dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment for them.”
Ms Forstater told The Daily Telegraph last night: “I struggle to express the shock and disbelief I feel at reading this judgment, which I think will be shared by the vast majority of people who are familiar with my case."
Note: she just made some tweeterings; she didn't work for the government and she wasn't in charge deciding who was male or female in any setting.
From the link I posted earlier:
"While transgenderism will fall over — because it must, because it cannot be sold to the general public without threats, and because ultimately, it is a corporate initiative using shady if not outright-illegal methods, it won’t happen very fast without people speaking up about it. Ultimately, my concern is for the homosexuals who have lost control of their movement and now face a group of people that believes that their gender non-conformity requires surgery, even if they are children. And if transgenderism does not fall over because of these things, it will fall over because of the lawsuits those children will make. And things like ‘Limited outcome data’ and sterilizing a child for little demonstrated medical benefit look like dollar signs to personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers."
While I agree with everything here, I DO NOT agree with a concern for homosexuals who've lost control of their movement. None. I have no sympathy for feminists and women either. They have allowed this to occur, and have allowed it to occur because of unifying hatred and bitterness towards heterosexual men.
Don't forget that. They hate you my straight-compadre. The Democratic party is now dedicated solely to interests of people that hate you and the straight dudes they might have left in their ranks might be able to perform with enough Cialis.
"The staff writer responsible for the pronoun error in the Rowling obituary has been executed."
Aborted? Cancelled? Impeached? Surely, not Planned. h/t #CecileTheCannibal
Rowling didn't even agree with the sentiment, and went out of her way to support trans freakery. She was only reluctant to fire someone for it. Naturally, trans people cancelled her ally status. Which makes sense, because as long as it's legal to have the slightest disapproval for these degenerates they will never be happy.
Needless to say, this will all end in tears and blood.
I think when you have millions that's called eff you money not sit down and shut up money
If it really does come to a throw down between White women and trannies, trannies will be sent back to the shadows tout de suite.
and mark Hamill is in the rancor pit, for liking rowlings comment,
I can't be bothered to feel bad for her.
This is her tribe attacking her. Are they fringe whackjobs? Yes.
But she helped create this woke world where deviancy is celebrated.
The fact that she drew a line in the sand and said this is as far as I'm willing to go really rattled the monkey cage.
Now they're flinging poo at her. Bummer.
The monster always kills Dr. Frankenstein.
"Needless to say, this will all end in tears and blood."
More likely it ends in jeering and mockery.
Rowling has hundreds of millions, even after paying the high English taxes.
Unfortunately Universal Orlando will now have to tear down the Harry Potter half of its amusement park.
And streaming services will have to pull the movies.
And Amazon and Barnes & Noble will have to pull the books.
And Emma Watson will have to excoriate Rowling.
One of these days we’ll look back on this madness, especially as it concerns surgically mutilating children, the same way we currently look back on electroshock therapy and lobotomies.
"...transphobic comments...court battle...great deal of controversy...virulently anti-trans group of otherwise liberal women..."
Approaching Clown World singularity...
...hopefully restricted to the twitterverse.
I'm amazed that the heads of such fucked-up, broken people haven't already gone kablooie. (Like they do in cartoons, after spinning around violently at every-increasing speed.)
Woke Twitter needs an intervention.
Every notice how similar the words ‘tranny’ and ‘tyranny’ are?
I would have tweeted that, but I don’t want to go to Twitmo.
The trans are usually hyperaggressive. While this is very entertaining when employed against Ben Shapiro, against actual women it's going to result in intense hostility.
Meanwhile, the spineless felching cucks at Christianity Today excoriate the president, because of course they do. It's the Judeo-Christian way. The two issues are more tightly connected than they seem, and I wonder if Althouse has noticed the juxtaposition. Rod Dreher, of course, is firmly on the side of CT and would happily have a drink with the Democrats who make a career out of persecuting actual Christians. Interestingly, Professor Althouse isn't an obsequious suck-up to the Dems, so despite being a secular feminist I would probably enjoy having a drink with her. All I'd give Dreher is the nails stuck in a bat.
No shame in that, especially as she's a woman.
I believe I saw this posted over at Instapundit, and can only paraphrase, but thought it a pretty tight summary:
One woman stands up for another woman,
Because that other woman has been fired from her job,
Because she had the audacity to opine/assert that only women can be women,
And the first woman is now told to shut up,
by men wearing dresses, pretending to be women.
Are there really no lefties that have a problem with this?
From Fern's Telegraph link:
[Ms Forstater’s] position is that even if a trans woman has a GRC, she cannot honestly describe herself as a woman. That belief is not worthy of respect in a democratic society."
“Even paying due regard to the qualified right to freedom of expression, people cannot expect to be protected if [they don't assent to whatever crazy-ass shit progs run up the flagpole].
FTFY, Judge Tayler.
“It will end in tears and blood.”
Unfortunately, the blood has already started flowing. There’s a dude – and yes I mean dude – who pretends to be a woman and was allowed to fight real women in MMA. He literally shattered one woman’s skull.
This is not a new, but a progressive conflict that has happened before between trans/homo, trans/bi, and purity tests. However, where before it was social, the conflict between feminine female women and trans/neo-female women is driven by both religious ("moral" - feminism) and physiological competition. This is less of an issue for trans/neo-male.
Unfortunately, the blood has already started flowing. There’s a dude – and yes I mean dude – who pretends to be a woman and was allowed to fight real women in MMA. He literally shattered one woman’s skull.
12/20/19, 12:34 PM
Ugh, thanks for reminding me. It wasn't at UFC, so it hasn't emerged into the broader consciousness, but still. Putting trannies against women in contact sports is the kind of sadism even late-stage Romans would have found excessively decadent.
That belief is not worthy of respect in a democratic society.
democracy (n.)
"government by the people, system of government in which the sovereign power is vested in the people as a whole exercising power directly or by elected officials; a state so governed," 1570s, from Middle French démocratie (14c.), from Medieval Latin democratia (13c.), from Greek dēmokratia "popular government," from dēmos "common people," originally "district" (see demotic), + kratos "rule, strength" (see -cracy).
Yes, it is. Thus the preference for constitutional republics that recognize and protect individual and minority rights. Baby steps.
How radical and offensive to say that a woman is a woman and a man is not.
On her final day of life, 13 June 1943, Myrtle was teased by student Olive Hornby. She had made fun of Myrtle's glasses and, as a result, left Myrtle sobbing. Myrtle then ran into one of the bathroom's stalls and started crying. Shortly after Myrtle had entered the bathroom, Riddle entered and started speaking in Parseltongue in order to open the Chamber of Secrets, the entrance of which was hidden behind the sink in front of the very stall occupied by Myrtle at the time. The Monster of Slytherin (a basilisk) then emerged from the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. The monster had been using the pipes as a means of transportation, as to not be seen and therefore never being caught.
So not just a passing reference to a bathroom but a major plot point. Does Rowling also have dementia?
@doctrev, @Phil
Like I said several posts earlier, sadism or not, do not help them. Women don't really watch this crap (although I'm trying to figure out who among men would watch a tranny wallop a chick in female MMA). They will pay attention when a trans kills a woman in the ring. Nothing might change granted, but it may get the sisterhood's attention long enough to ask some poignant internal questions before jumping back on Instagram to be told how they're not being 'strong' enough 'allies'.
surgically mutilating children, the same way we currently look back on electroshock therapy and lobotomies
The new normal is transgender conversion therapy: surgical corruption and/or mental indoctrination, not limited to adolescent and prepubescent children. They thought they could go Pro-Choice. Maybe they still can. Maybe the conflicts will be settled through, if not reconciliation, then consensus (e.g. democratic).
How radical and offensive to say that a woman is a woman and a man is not.
There is precedent. A fetus is a baby, unless it is scheduled to be planned. Live by Pro-Choice...
Never a Rowling groupie but please don't let me read anything bad about Andrew Loyd Webber.
please don't let me read anything bad about Andrew Loyd Webber.
The extra L is for Lesbian, but he didn't add a B for Bisexual.
I'm on Tumblr, which is heavily infested with SJWs and the like. I saw this blow up a couple of days ago, with people ranting about Rowling's "transphobia" and "hate" over this innocuous (and factually true) statement. Yes, there are men and there are women, and never the twain shall meet. With, perhaps, vanishingly rare exceptions (DNA and development are imperfect processes).
But then, someone on Tumblr also blocked me (and sent me an anonymous hate-filled message about *my* alleged hate for trans people) because I used he/she in a post instead of the singular "they" that, apparently, is the only non-bigoted way of referring Them. Whatever.
I think Rowling has said a lot of stupid things over the last few years. This is not one of them.
I'm on Tumblr, which is heavily infested with SJWs and the like. I saw this blow up a couple of days ago, with people ranting about Rowling's "transphobia" and "hate" over this innocuous (and factually true) statement. Yes, there are men and there are women, and never the twain shall meet. With, perhaps, vanishingly rare exceptions (DNA and development are imperfect processes).
But then, someone on Tumblr also blocked me (and sent me an anonymous hate-filled message about *my* alleged hate for trans people) because I used he/she in a post instead of the singular "they" that, apparently, is the only non-bigoted way of referring Them. Whatever.
I think Rowling has said a lot of stupid things over the last few years. This is not one of them.
Meh, you didn't read anything bad about Rowling either.
A screeching leftist gets sideways with other screeching leftists.
It's beautiful.
Embrace the suck, Rowling. You helped create it.
I had a TERF football when I was a kid. It made me throw like a girl.
" . . . pipe down. . . . " The Hive will not tolerate dissent!
I read an editorial at the Advocate (a LGBTQ website) the other day about transphobia within the LGBTQ community. There is a big problem because not a lot of lesbians want to date someone who has a penis, not a lot of gay men want to date someone who lacks a penis. Transphobia!!! IDK, is it transphobia or sexual orientation/preference? IOW a biological preference.
(A 2018 study showed that only 1.8 percent of straight women and 3.3 percent of straight men would date a transgender person. A small minority of cisgender lesbians (29 percent) and gays (11.5 percent) would be willing. Bisexual/queer/nonbinary participants (these were all combined into one group) were most open to having a trans partner, but even among them, just a slim majority (52 percent) were open to dating a transgender person.)link
Did the women these people are calling TERF's agree to this name? Ms. Forstater was fired for calling a biological male that self-identified as a woman a man. Is it too much to ask for trans people and their allies to respect other people's self-identification?
Rowling’s sin (just like Megyn Kelly) is in advocating actual tolerance of someone who has done something heterodox.
Ralph: no fun making fun of autocorrect. I can only fight so much.
No fair
These folks are fucking crazy.
readering said...
Never a Rowling groupie but please don't let me read anything bad about Andrew Loyd Webber."
He's a Tory, isn't he? Not that I consider that bad, but you might.
Also - the "Cats" movie is getting panned by the critics. I don't have to see the movie to pan "Cats" because it was one of the worst theater experiences I ever had. Everything about it sucks.
I thought the orthodox catechism states that sex *is* real, though it refers only to genetic sex, and it is to be distinguished from gender, which is whatever TF you want it to be? And isn't that exactly what Rowling said?
A British Tory is an American Democrat. The reviews have scared me away from the theater, but I loved the show when I saw it in London in 1982 and played the cast album many times. Broadway ticket prices kept me from seeing it again. Have been an ALW fan since I listened to the school recording of Joesph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat much earlier.
readering said...
A British Tory is an American Democrat."
I know they're further to the left than conservative Republicans, but if the Tories are just like American Democrats, why were all the loons out in the streets of London after the election shouting "Not my Prime Minister?"
They sure looked all crestfallen and sad on the Beeb.
London is Remainer central.
I think where the trans-community and their allies have gone off the rails is insisting that gender is more important than sex. They insist that gender has nothing to do with sex but then they want to look like the sex attached to their gender identity. WTF??? And past that dissonance transgenders and allies get resentful and angry that the rest of humanity still cares more about sex than gender and prioritizes finding an appropriate opposite sex partner in order to have children. I agree that to a large extent gender is socially constructed which means that males and females can have different social roles in different societies. Matriarchal versus patriarchal societies determine who is dominant and who is submissive, etc. Who you are sexually attracted to has more to do with sex (biology) than gender roles which is why there are very happy and successful marriages where the woman is the boss, the motivator, the energizer and the man is the supporter, the nurturer and maintainer.
I did some research some time ago about this and don't remember who or how this happened but somewhere along the road some academics and political activists decided to confuse the issue by eliminating the use of the terms male and female in favor of man and woman. And heaven forbid someone recognizes that a transgender who identifies as a man is still biologically a male.
And heaven forbid someone recognizes that a transgender who identifies as a man is still biologically a male. CORRECTION And heaven forbid someone recognizes that a transgender who identifies as a woman is still biologically a male.
Another libtard on the front lines fighting the battles over extreme political correctness.
While I've never understood why anyone pays any attention to Rowling's political pronouncements, I'm fine with the grievance-mongers making as many influential enemies as they like.
Ron, I had forgotten how hateful a movie that was. Thanks for the reminder...
J.K. Rowling spent Thursday once again demonstrating a perplexing inability to pipe down and enjoy her millions.
Perplexing? No more so than any other celebrity millionaire opening his or her mouth on politics. When's Vox going to tell Bono and the Dixie Chicks to "shut up and sing"?
Yeah, three seconds before MoveOn says, "Congress must Immediately Censure President Trump and Move On to pressing issues facing the country."
Apparently when the shoe's on the other foot, it pinches.
I first noticed SWERFs (Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist) at a protest up in Vancouver.
It's finely focused hate as identity politics.
I don't have to see the movie to pan "Cats" because it was one of the worst theater experiences I ever had.
I could never understand the appeal of the theater version either. It appeared to pander to over-weight lesbians with kitties sequined on the front of their XXL sweatshirts.
I've gone to a couple of movies lately with my 22-y-o son. Before both, the new Cats preview was played. And both times, he muttered, "Nightmare fuel..."
I could never understand the appeal of the theater version either. It appeared to pander to over-weight lesbians with kitties sequined on the front of their XXL sweatshirts.
Maybe it was the place you saw it. I saw it in London the first year it opened-1981. The theater, "New London Theater" was a TV studio that was made into a small theater in the round, A year later I took six teenagers to see it. They loved it. By that time it had become a kids' show and the old cat would stay onstage at intermission and parents brought their little kids to meet her. I saw it again in LA and it was not the same.
I dunno... I'm so old... When I was young, a blown tranny meant car trouble.
readering said...
London is Remainer central.
And they lost big time, just like NYC and LA and SFO. They still don't get it.
And they lost big time, just like NYC and LA and SFO. They still don't get it
This is the same old clash between "cosmopolitans" and "provincials." Cf. Paris and their sneering regard for their own countrymen of yore. Really, the two factions can co-exist and indeed have long co-existed. Trouble always begins when one side foists their morals and values on the other and vice versa. This is why we have federalism.
Personally, I really detest the attempt to foist coastal values on the entire nation. I live in a blue pocket in a red zone in a blue state. I am a subversive and I love it!
Be the gender you desire. Be the race you desire.... especially when reparations come about.
"A British Tory is an American Democrat."
That used to be the case. Before American Democrats became stone fascists.
I saw Cats many years ago in a touring company performance. I had trouble staying awake (and I wasn't drinking by that point) -- it was PONDEROUS.
Now Les Miz and my Jersey Boys -- have seen them several times, once with front row seats.
Do they still call a Ford Transit van in the UK a Tranny? I suspect that would be met with an awful lot of hate and violence.
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