১৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯

Is Trump doing a rally today?

I ask, reading this:

The answer is yes!

He'll be in Battle Creek, Michigan, streaming to you live at 8 p.m. ET, Fox News reports.

২৭টি মন্তব্য:

Achilles বলেছেন...

Clinton hung out with a bunch of corrupt pols and lied to the press which sucked up his lies.

Trump is speaking to his voters and supporters while the media attacks him in concert with the corrupt pols.

Not the same.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Standing behind the man who perjured himself.
Standing next to the man who had SEX with a young intern in the oval office and looked into the camera and said "I did not have sexual relations with that women."
The "It's just sex" democrats didn't care. MeToo? nah - doesn't apply to old Bill

= democratics standing shoulder to shoulder with the Clinton Crime family.

Imagine, more a moment, if Trump had sex in the oval office, and there was a splooge stained blue dress to prove it. Linda Tripp would be a hero.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Should be an epic rally.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

30 Democrats voted to impeach Clinton.

Lost in today's reminiscing.

AllenS বলেছেন...

... and the contributions will flow into the Trump campaign. Bigly.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Any good populist understands that it's always far better to demonstrate the support you have from regular people rather than your fellow politicians.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Its amazing how biased CBS news is. Listening to their radio 'News breaks" which should be labeled "Fake news Breaks". Today: "Its a historic day, and Trump is about to be the only the 3 rd US President history to be impeached. THE HOUSE today will be vote today on impeachment. Cue quote fro Denny Hassart (sic) intoning what a solemn occasion it all is, and how they have to "vote their conscious and do their constitutional duty".

You'd never know this is partisan, Democrat Impeachment done for purely political reasons. Never do you hear from CBS about what "strategy" the D's are using to hurt the R's. Like you do when its reversed. instead its "The HOUSE" doing their duty. Party affiliation unknown.

narayanan বলেছেন...

here we go - pick your villains and heros

This file is located at:

Michigan Historical Society Records, Vol. 8

The origin of the name of Battle Creek has been in dispute for
some time,--some persons claiming one thing, and other persons
claiming something else. Very many people, strangers, suppose from
the above name that a tremendous battle must have taken place at
or near the city of Battle Creek.

The name originated in the following manner, and I had the story
from Col. Mullett's own lips. It was in the spring of 1839 that I
met Col. John Mullett at Bellevue, Eaton county, where he related
to me the following narrative in relation to the name of the
stream now called Battle creek:

"In the year 1825 I was employed by the United States government
to make a survey in Calhoun county, and while making a survey in
the western portion, our camp was located near a small lake
on, or near, section fourteen, and near the river, in the town of
Pennfield, and while there we were considerably annoyed by the
Indians. There seemed to be a few lazy vagabonds among them who
would rather hang around our camp and beg something to eat than to
obtain it elsewhere. We had given them occasionally, but our stock
had got so reduced that we were in danger of running[p.214] short
ourselves. I instructed the two men left in camp to give those
lazy Indians no more. One day, during the absence of myself and
two of our men, who were engaged in our duties in the survey, two
Indians came to our camp and made a demand for some flour and
other provisions. The two men left in camp informed them that we
had no more to spare, and that they must seek a boarding place
elsewhere. The Indians insisted on helping themselves, which soon
brought things to a focus by way of a fight. There was nobody
killed, or very much hurt. One of the Indians was knocked down,
but soon got up and both went away, causing us no more trouble.
When we surveyors came into camp that night, we had quite a laugh
over the battle, and when I came to make up my field notes. I
said: "Boys. what shall we call this stream?" Taylor says,
"Call it Battle Creek," and almost as soon as the words were out
of his mouth, I put it down Battle Creek, which name it bears to
the present day."

The city of Battle Creek received its name from the stream which
was named by Col. Mullett and his companions. -but somebody in
writing up an account of that terrible battle was somewhat
mistaken, as there was not a gun fired or used at all during the

rehajm বলেছেন...

It’s hard to recognize any if them- any of those douchebags still around? It was only 21 years ago...

21 years from now most of the major Democrats will be dead. I suspect during the strategy meetings that was taken into consideration...

Drago বলেছেন...


Where Ford just announced a $1.4 billion expansion of truck production in MI (NOT Mexico) resulting in 3,000 more high paying jobs for the very people that the democrats and leftists and LLR-leftists despise.

Just like Hitler and just what Putin wants!

rcocean বলেছেন...

Clinton LIED UNDER OATH. He also subjoined perjury. Ken Starr proved it, 10 ways to Sunday. That's why he was impeached. And the R's didn't want to do it. They RELUCTANTLY did it. And when it got to the Senate, McCain and all the Mavericks and Moderates, immediately started bitching and whining about what a waste of time it all was.

Even 85 y/o Jerry Ford got into the act, trying to get the R's not to impeach Clinton in return for some half-assed apology/censure. Now, where is Bush-II? Why isn't he weighting in, and talking sense to the D's? Oh that's right, he only criticizes R's. Sorry, forgot.

Inga বলেছেন...

Woo hoo! And what a show that will be. Maybe there will be a huge group prayer!

rehajm বলেছেন...

Financial markets around the world give a collective shrug. A global we see what you’re doing there

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Damn. Trump just won't sit still while they stab him in the back. The normal script calls for Trump to quietly resign in shame in the face of Democrat/media accusations.

Can someone tell me again exactly which law Trump broke? Precisely which statute was violated? What exactly are the factual details regarding his crimes? Who are the witnesses? What is the evidence again?

If you are President is leading America's foreign policy now a crime? Is it a crime if the President disagrees with the opinions of State Department bureaucrats?

Is it now a crime for the President to defend himself against partisan charges? Is appealing to the courts in his own defense now a crime?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Inga, the proud Schitt-shoveler.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Tweets and Rallies > WaPo and NYTimes

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Woo hoo! And what a show that will be. Maybe there will be a huge group prayer!"

The estimated 30% to 40% of the attendees who are registered democrats certainly think so!

Hey, remember when Inga laughed and laughed and laughed at the mere thought Trump could win MI in 2016?

Because I do.....


By the way Inga, have you seen the polls out of Minnesota?........

wendybar বলেছেন...

Trump is President of the People, not of the DC bureaucrats...that's why they hate him...they can't control him!

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

The Democrats first significant MeToo moment.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Trump will not be spending the day with swamp dwellers. The crazy left does not see what is in front of their noses.

Neither did Labour.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Simultaneous headlines on msn.com:

"As House debates, Trump hunkers down at White House" - ABC News

"On historic day, Trump will rally the faithful in Mich." - Fox News

Bilwick বলেছেন...

On today's Instapundit there's a link to a story about pro-impeachment rallies across the country, and how big the crowds are--along with the question, "But how many electoral votes do they have?" Ouch.

dreams বলেছেন...

It turns out that it was Trump we'd been waiting for, deal with it liberal losers.

dreams বলেছেন...

"Trump will not be spending the day with swamp dwellers. The crazy left does not see what is in front of their noses.

Neither did Labour."

Yeah, because they've isolated themselves within their liberal bubbles.

Roy Lofquist বলেছেন...

Thanks for the story about Battle Creek. For nigh on to 70 years I thought it was named after that breakfast cereal that was "shot from guns".

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

Roy Lofquist: So did I!

Anyone recall a few years ago some idiot was going around with a firearm, it may have been a shotgun, I don't recall, loaded with puffed rice? The media were calling him a would-be "cereal killer".

Getting back to the story cited by Narayanan, I was surprised to learn that the Indians were apparently pretty heavily into the firewater even by 1825. But perhaps I shouldn't be, as it is well documented that 19th century Americans' consumption of distilled liquor (then completely unregulated) can only be described as prodigious. This was well documented by William Russell in his "My Diary North and South", a compilation of his conversations and experiences during the Civil War.

pokerone বলেছেন...

"Now, where is Bush-II? Why isn't he weighting in, and talking sense to the D's? Oh that's right, he only criticizes R's. Sorry, forgot."

Thank you for reminding me about Bush. The beauty of Trump is his shining lights on all these weasels. Hey George, fuck you and your whole fuckin' family.