১৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯

"If Democrats understood how entertaining impeachment is..."

৫১টি মন্তব্য:

Qwinn বলেছেন...

No, because their only audience is their far left fringe, and that crowd is utterly unable to recognize their own absurdity.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

If Democrats understood how entertaining impeachment is to Trump supporters (in its current absurd form), would they stop immediately?

Nope. Too entertaining to them, too.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

No, because it's just a fundraiser. Wait, you didn't think they were serious, did you?

tcrosse বলেছেন...

None of this foolishness is going to make Hillary president. Somebody tell H>er.

Achilles বলেছেন...

If Democrats understood how entertaining impeachment is to Trump supporters (in its current absurd form), would they stop immediately?


Because this is about covering up Obama's spying and treason and the democrat foreign aid slush fund and keeping the money and power they have...


Lucien বলেছেন...

One hears a lot of talk about Democrats being based in coastal urban elites, and it is easy to discount same as partisan rhetoric; but look at a map of congressional districts and you see a sea of red with slivers of blue on the edges (especially if you count Chicago as being on the coast of a Great Lake). It as almost as stark as a county by county map of 2016 election results.

rcocean বলেছেন...

One of the local PBS stations is running wall-to-wall impeach coverage. I wonder how many are listening. on the other radio talk shows, no one is interested. Except in how uninteresting it it.

readering বলেছেন...

Apparently entertaining for AA. So many posts. Looking forward to sunset pics.

Chris of Rights বলেছেন...

That is a good question. I wonder if they realize that we're laughing at them. Somehow I doubt it. If ever there was a time to take some time off and think, this is one. Of course, hasn't Professor Althouse been asking that of the Dems for weeks now?

Gk1 বলেছেন...

I live in the bay area I can assure everyone they are completely unaware they are the butt of this cruel joke and have no self awareness how loony tunes they appear to people who don't viscerally detest trump. They still think there is at least a 40% chance a secret group of "republican patriots in the senate" will do the right thing and vote for impeachment. You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

ROTFLMAO---I think you know what I mean.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

"Apparently entertaining for AA. So many posts"

Imagine how many more of these political posts there would be if she didn't have an aversion to politics.

Kevin বলেছেন...

In an unjust government the only place for a just President is an impeachment trial.

Kevin বলেছেন...

The House convicts itself today.

narciso বলেছেন...

firing torpedoes like captain tupolev,

Drago বলেছেন...

Has Steve Schmidt quit the republican party again today?

He's already done it at least 47 times in the last 3 years.

Leland বলেছেন...

Trump told them to do it, and they can't wait to do it. Rush was noting the freedom this will give Trump. I mentioned this long ago.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I'm not entertained by it at all. I think it's terrible. But if I'm stuck looking at something, such as when Meade had the TV on the debate this morning, I find myself cracking jokes. I was making fun of Joe Kennedy's hammy performance.

I didn't think that guy in the clip in the post was that funny and I don't know if Scott Adams found him funny. The point there was to observe that a Trump supporter was finding it all very funny. That's interesting and a good clue Democrats might want to take.

As far as posting a lot, I'm seeing a lot of articles, and I'm passing things up at a greater rate than my usual for a story that is presented as this important. I find the whole thing quite annoying. It's really making me feel averse to the Democrats.

jnseward বলেছেন...

No, because as Scott Adams says, a third of the population have no sense of humor, and coincidentally, they are all members of the Democratic base.

narciso বলেছেন...

it's enraging, but one does need to see the absurdity in it,

Wilbur বলেছেন...

AA, I thought it was lame too.

Doing humor well is not easy.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

It is like watching Russian dashcam footage on Youtube- I literally cringe and shrink away from all of the horrific carnage, but the sheer absurdity of what most of the drivers and pedestrians do is notable and part of why I continue to watch it. I wouldn't know there was such stupidity out there in the world otherwise.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

And it is like watching Chuck here in the comments sections- one would think he couldn't possibly find a new and better way of parodying himself, and yet he accomplishes that every single day. Chuck deserves some sort of award for that, in my opinion- he brings new and entertaining idiocy to the table, whereas Inga is just boring all around.

Andrew বলেছেন...


"I find the whole thing quite annoying. It's really making me feel averse to the Democrats."

Ya think?! Merely "averse"?!

Ann, you're an amazing blogger, and a decent, thoughtful person. How you or anyone with your virtues can vote for a Democrat ever again after the past three years is beyond me. Needless to say, I don't know what your voting intentions are, and they are none of my business. But the mask has been completely ripped off of the Democratic Party. The leaders of this party (and their allies in the press and government agencies) are, at best, belligerent children who need a very long "time out" from wielding power. They are arrogant, conceited, narcissistic bullies. And at worst, many of them are blatant, unrepentant criminals who should be in jail. A few should be executed for treason.

Being "averse" is a start, I guess. Now dial it up to eleven.

DaveL বলেছেন...

When I read what they have said, I find it funny, in a black humor sort of way. I can't stand to listen to them. "Them" includes all the folks on either side of this national embarrassment.

I agree that impeachment should require a super-majority, just as conviction does. When there was overlap in beliefs between the two major parties, a bare majority could work. Now that there is almost no overlap, you need a higher bar to impeachment. Impeachment actually has a lower bar than passing a law at this point. Like many torpedoes the Democrats have launched, this one is circling around to hit them.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...


You claimed that Chuck is banned from this blog, yet you call him out by name...even in threads which he isn't taking part in. (like this one)

Our hostess has requested that we not talk about the commentators whom she has banned from here, so why do you constantly do so?

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Lucien (11:03am):
Indeed. A couple of days ago, Democrats were proudly tweeting a picture of the six Congressional leaders of the impeachment movement: Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, and three more whose names I can't be bothered to recall. Someone - no doubt a Trumper - helpfully added labels showing the states they represnt. From left to right, the labels read "CA NY CA NY CA NY". Diversity in action! Reminds me of the movie joke about "both kinds of music, Country AND Western". The six represent the two biggest states on the farthest coasts, and very little in between. And not even two whole states. I suspect the three New Yorkers are all from the far southeast corner, and the three Californians all from heavily-populated areas very near the coast.

narciso বলেছেন...

yes, those are brutal aren't they, so are the reviews that try to salvage rise of skywalker, maybe they should have cast felicity jones instead of daisy ridley,

narciso বলেছেন...

Mahoney!! (police academy) waters, and Lofgren, I think,

Big Mike বলেছেন...

It's really making me feel averse to the Democrats.

@Althouse, the Democrats are counting on having 11 months to get you to forget about your aversion. I am a cynical old fart who thinks there’s a better than even chance you will.

However we, the people who support Trump, will not ever change our minds that Democrats are evil incarnate.

Clyde বলেছেন...

I laughed when Clyburn kept referring to Thomas Pan. Must have been Peter’s brother who grew up to be a Founding Father.

Murph বলেছেন...

Yah, I get really really tired of the gratuitous Chuck and Inga jabs as well. Cheap shots, launched before either has even commented. ...just as cheap as commenters who pretend to read pols' minds for motives and intentions.
But maybe others find it entertaining?

narciso বলেছেন...

yes it's like shooting womprats,


purplepenquin বলেছেন...

"But maybe others find it entertaining?"

Appears that Althouse herself enjoys it quite a bit. Otherwise she'd put a stop to it.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Nadya in Richard Jewell: "Government says is guilty? In my country means is innocent."

And, folks, that is from which we should be trying to stay away.

Comey and Co. put a real dent in the rule of law this week, and now the Dems are doing the same thing.

Althouse, are you really just annoyed, or does it run deeper? Personally, I am angry, disgusted, and a small bit afraid. And I am not even watching the damned thing.

I felt the same way during the Kavanaugh hearings. Here was one of the good guys in public life being caricatured as a monster by the morally deficient MSM and the cynically efficient Democrats, who propped up someone so outré that it was not even clear to me that the two had ever met. Julie Swetnik was just marginally less believable than Dr. Blasey Ford. A month ago I gave $1000 to Susan Collins's reelection campaign because, man oh man, are they coming for her. I don't care how she votes on Trump, because she saved Brett Kavanaugh and she rescued the Senate and the republic from disgrace. Lisa Murkowski doesn't get those same warm feelings from me.

narayanan বলেছেন...

SNL try to mock Trump and Fail

House Dems try to put Trump in Docks and seem not to notice their fail

Rory বলেছেন...

I have two sisters. We're all in our 60s. They each went to separate "impeachment rallies" yesterday. I find humor in some of the things that are said, but overall I don't find it entertaining.

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

I accidentally clicked on the video and asked, "Why is Scott Adams wearing a wig and pussy hat."

The joke is that I thoroughly expected him to.

Sort of like that fake Bloomsburg rally footage that fooled a lot of people. The makers said they didn't expect anyone to fall for it, but I think they're being disingenuous. There was nothing over-the-top about that video (which aped the Buttigreig video of supporters dancing). Absolutely no hint that it was a parody; it was a duplication, only under another candidate's name.

In other words, this is the abyss looking back at us. And, as in the face of death, the only survivable response (because we are powerless in both situations), is merriment and mocking.

wildswan বলেছেন...

I'm not really laughing but I'm thinking about how Comey and McCabe are reacting to the IG Report and the FISA Court order by saying that all the major decisions were taken far down the ladder. (They're throwing Strzok and Page to the wolves. And I'm pretty sure Strzok and Page are clinging to the underside of the sledge and making plans to reboard and do some throwing themselves.) And I'm wondering how these Dem House reps will be spinning this vote in a few months. "It was swamp blindness," they'll say. This is a form of hysterical blindness common among second-rate politicians, bureaucrats and media figures in the USA in the years after 2016 as a response to the return of democracy. And I predict it will be a recognized syndrome by the spring of this year. Or "It was the lemming years," they'll say. "Sociology and anthropology now recognizes the forces at work on failing elites in that era, months ago."

tcrosse বলেছেন...

'Taint funny, McGee,

Todd বলেছেন...

wildswan said...

And I predict it will be a recognized syndrome by the spring of this year. Or "It was the lemming years," they'll say. "Sociology and anthropology now recognizes the forces at work on failing elites in that era, months ago."

12/18/19, 1:58 PM

Unfortunately I fully expect a lot of the involved administrative state and political players to skate without any legal penalties for their actions. One or two right-wing, fridge wacka-dos will snap at these traitors getting off and will take the law into their own hands. Then we will get 24/7 how Trump's toxic rhetoric has led to violence even after these same "fire fighters" have spent three years pushing their violence against everything/everyone Trump. Then we will get another round of "guns bad/white supremacy/nationalistic lawless deplorables" and possibly a bunch more ineffective reactionary laws punishing the law abiding while all of the political [actual] high crimes are memory-holed.

pacwest বলেছেন...

I keep waiting for that "have you no shame" moment. I don't think any of these people are stupid enough or blind enough to not see what they are doing to the future of the Republic. They'd impeach him for missing the urinal while he was taking a piss if that was all they could come up with.

TJM বলেছেন...

Pelosi, her jackels and media enablers are scum. They should be treated that way. Enough of the civility bullshit we keep hearing about from the liars

n.n বলেছেন...

It's been just peachy. However, after their final putsch, Democrats may no longer be viable, and self-exonerate themselves. Win-win.

n.n বলেছেন...

re: viability and self-exoneration

The unknown is if there are Republicans who will cross the line and join Democrats in the final putsch. There is a real risk of overlapping and converging interests in quid pro Joes and quid pro Bos that were first-order forcings of them jumping the Ass in multi-trimester witch hunts and warlock trials.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

As far as posting a lot, I'm seeing a lot of articles, and I'm passing things up at a greater rate than my usual for a story that is presented as this important. I find the whole thing quite annoying. It's really making me feel averse to the Democrats.

It seems as if more posts will dilute the intensity like water dilutes the strength of a drink. Not a bad idea.

The most annoying part is the over the top speechifying by Democrats who are "trying to save our Constitution" and "protect our democracy".

I developed a strong aversion to the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearing (I was just previously opposed to them), but I didn't sense that you fully appreciated how strong people felt about that travesty.

lb বলেছেন...

Disgusted and afraid that people are not taking seriously how wrong all of this has been..they lost me completely at Kavanaugh and now I am having a hard time feeling remotely friendly to anyone who Is willfully ignoring how bad what the Democrats have been doing and are doing is. Living in Wisconsin during the Walker recall made me fully understand propagandized mob behavior and now we are seeing it nationally. Scary times. The two sides can’t even agree on what is a fact..how in the world do you ever resolve that?

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

"It's really making me feel averse to the Democrats."

After losing in 2016 (and being so sure they would win), Democrats have replaced Republicans as the Party of Stupid. Like Althouse, more and more people are less and less likely to take the Dems seriously.

Now, the torch has passed to the Republicans to be the statesmen here, at least for awhile. Like Glenn Reynolds has said about the Democrats, "All they have to do is not be crazy". Let's see if the Republicans can meet that standard.

Owen বলেছেন...

Amadeus @ 1:14: “...and a small bit afraid.” Yes. This. And everything else you said. The “Richard Jewell” quote is perfect.

And folks? Do see that movie if you can, whatever political stripe you might be. Eastwood's eye and ear are as good as ever. And his timing if the release? In the middle of the Horowitz Horrorshow? Perfection.

Iman বলেছেন...

Kick some ass, Steve Scalise!!!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What a ridiculous post. The right wing has wackos galore out and breathing heavily down people's necks all the time. Does the "professional" elite right care about how they make them look? I should think not.

Impeaching a douchebag as tyrannical and unhinged as Trump is a thing to celebrate. He's exactly the guy the founders warned about. Dilbert can concern troll elsewhere.