December 9, 2019

"House impeachment hearing starting. What are they doing today? Just talking about their feelings?

Overheard at Meadhouse.

ADDED: You can watch here.

I tried it for a second and a half. A guy was yelling.


wendybar said...

Same as it ever was...

alanc709 said...

What else do they have? They can't talk about the law, because they're already ignoring it. They can't call fact witnesses, because they have none. They can't preach bipartisan support, because like Obamacare, they don't want any input from anyone. So we must impeach.

David Begley said...

This impeachment thing will only pad Trump’s win.

Under the Dem standard, let’s impeach President Biden.

rhhardin said...

It's a historic day that no historian will ever talk about, Armstrong and Getty, not preempted, say.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

HOw best to structure the manipulation to hurt the man they hate hate hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE.

Full Antifa Brownshirt(D).

Funny how the collective left in congress became Poot's puppets. All along.

Iman said...

Meanwhile Democrats in the House fight Voter ID laws because shut up.

Iman said...

Democrats are low: low bar and lowest common denominator.

narciso said...

Hasnt the events of pensacola proven what a joke the intelligence committee.

AlbertAnonymous said...

What do you want to talk about now? My favorite color?

Tank said...

What they are doing today is the same exact thing they have been doing every day since Donald Trump was elected. Rather than work with the president to accomplish many things related to infrastructure, job creation, manufacturing, better healthcare for all, etc., they have focused all of their energy on undoing the 2016 election. Sad.

Michael K said...

About 60 seconds of that is enough and not just for me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Voter ID laws hurt the corruptocrat party.

Two-eyed Jack said...

"If this shade of grey is not charcoal grey,then charcoal grey cannot exist." There, now I don't have to continue watching.

Temujin said...

Please...make it stop.

Seriously- I cannot believe this is still going on. Everyone knows this is- at best- a completely partisan exercise. Most people know it's a sham based on fictional inferences from people who never actually heard or saw anything.'s still going on. And the media is still breathless. I do live in the Bizarro World.

stevew said...

I thought Nadler was drafting up articles of impeachment? The best way to get me to tune out is to hold a shouting match.

Beasts of England said...

The impeachment hearings will continue until morale improves.

narciso said...

This is about the time the anvil drops.

narciso said...

So last night on crisis on infinite earth...

The Crack Emcee said...

No way.

Chuck said...

I encourage anyone who is so disinterested in the details of impeachment to tune out. God knows, you have better things to do. Just don't complain about it later, if you are not familiar with the details.

traditionalguy said...

The Prosecuting guy for Dems is blinking his eyes faster than a contact lens wearer in a dust storm.No matter how many times he repeats his fabricated story, you cannot help staring at his eyes that give him away to be a total liar.

narciso said...

Orange mad bad, literally

Heartless Aztec said...

I weep for my country...

Heartless Aztec said...

But I'm keeping my bayonet sharp.

Michael K said...

Blogger Chuck said...

I encourage anyone who is so disinterested in the details of impeachment to tune out

There are no "details" but Chuck loves this stuff. He rants about this to anyone who cannot get away fast enough.

Inga said...

Don’t watch, stay ignorant.

Quayle said...

"Don’t watch, stay ignorant."

Already informed enough to know there is no basis.
If the "evidence" hasn't come out by now, I start to doubt that there is any.

narciso said...

The interview with shokin, linked on the other page is interesting, did the country team vindman jarecka herbst, (now at atlNtic council) have a reason to shut him dow?

Quayle said...

Of course, open to any new or previously not introduced-evidence. But so far haven't see enough to substantiate the proposed action.

narciso said...

Atlantic council, vindman lobbied by burismas no. 1 client, jarecka now on the puerto rican oversight board, fmrly finance minister and economics counselor kyev

narciso said...

There are angles all over the place, just not the ones presented in the news

rcocean said...

This boring crap will drag on forever. Just vote already. This is just Partisan D's trying to hurt Trump. No one believes its about "High Crimes".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fresh evidence from "If we don't impeach him, he might get re-elected" Al Green.

Slavery! Trump is to blame.

Weird how high black employment angers the collective.

"No one is above the law"
Except Biden and Hillary.

narciso said...

Now whats surprising is the military attache and the chief of station would the ones who would have been apprised of these matters in ukraine, obviously the latter cant appear in person but he could submit a statement

Francisco D said...

Don’t watch, stay ignorant.

Says the ignoramus who does not know the difference between opinion and fact.

pacwest said...

"Don’t watch, stay ignorant."

I'm sure we can catch up on the relevant details by watching O'Donnel tonight.

Browndog said...

I need more details of the conversation between the democrat lead counsel and his son. I don't stay ignorant.

Michael K said...

I wonder if Althouse will blog about those two op-eds in the WaPoo that suggest second thoughts about the whole impeachment thing.

No witnesses that I can see with Nadler's committee. Flop sweat next.

narciso said...


Quayle said...

I find I am completely ignorant of the whistle-blower's testimony and assertions of fact. Will he or she appear today?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga was watching Maddow watching the oligarchs discussing Trump on their yachts. Stay informed, people.
Inga was also certain that Shitt had the goods on Trumps collusion with Russia and Mueller was this close! Nevermind all the money Hillary pocketed from Russian interests and Ukrainian interests during her stint with the Private Server.

narciso said...

Did they know what they were doing

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Schitt promised the whistleblower until he got caught in that web of lies and manipulation.

CWJ said...

Whatever happened to the claim that there was a second whistleblower?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the whistleblower served his purpose. Time for the memory hole. Media control the memory hole.

MayBee said...

If I understand what is happening today, it is just more lawyers. No more real witnesses. The opening statement by the Dems council basically accused Trump of treason. This is totally sane.

MayBee said...

Are there any Democrats wanting to defend the idea that withholding a White House meeting is worthy of an impeachment count?

Infinite Monkeys said...

I encourage anyone who is so disinterested in the details of impeachment to tune out.

What details? All I've heard so far are feelings and opinions. I would welcome details, so if you know what they are, please share. Or shut up until you have something of value to offer.

Drago said...

CWJ: "Whatever happened to the claim that there was a second whistleblower?"

That is sooooooooo 3 weeks ago!

The dems/left/LLR-left have "moved on" to other more exciting lies now.

John henry said...

Inga watches, stays ignorant anyway.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you say "The constitution" and "Declaration of Independence" enough - you can Impeach Trump. Plus slavery.

Drago said...

Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck!

Just wait until LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga can no longer even pretend to believe this latest fantasy will work out for them. I suspect there will be quite a few choice curses tossed at Althouse by this Dopey Duo!

Heads up Althouse!

Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck are having different though related existential crises.

Inga is trying to come to terms with the complete exposure of the anti-semitism that has been rampant on the left/dems/LLR-left for decades.

LLR-lefty Chuck is still coming to grips with the collapse of Conservative Inc, which allowed leftists like himself to pose as "principled conservatives" but has been completely swept away and exposed as a lefty front operation by the amazing victory, policies and results of the Trump administration. The most conservative administration in our lifetimes, and its not even close.

Which is why Trump now leads all dem contenders in 3 key midwest battleground states.

Can you believe it? We are a year out and the polls show Trump, with 100% negative coverage on most nets, leading.

No wonder LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga have magically reappeared!

Don't' worry Chuck/Inga, after this latest hilariously inept effort at removing a President has failed, your dem masters are saying they will just do it again!!

Impeachment for-ev-uh!

Meanwhile, everyone else is working and getting pay raises.

MayBee said...

I remember when Obama abandoned Bibi to sit alone while Obama pretended to go have dinner with Michelle (who was in Hawaii), and when he made the Dali Lama walk out the back door by the trash bags. Impeachable, or no?

Drago said...

In the Latest Dem/LLR Smear News, Ted Cruz joins Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein and a cast of thousands as Agents of Russia!!!


That is literally what the dems/left/LLR-lefties are now arguing.

Trump, meanwhile, has been "promoted" from Agent of Russia to Agent of Saudi Arabia! So, there's that.

At this rate approximately 93,771,932 Americans will be designated foreign agents by the democrats prior to the 2020 election.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Is today the day Democrats interview Hollywood celebrates for their views on impeachment?

Drago said...

BTW, did everyone also catch the continuing crushing of China economically by Trump and his team?

No wonder little rocket man has been ordered by Beijing to begin rattling sabers prior to Nov of 2020! The Chinese are now actively working with their democrat/LLR-lefty party allies to try and bring Trump down.

Of course, it ain't workin'.


Here's a little something for you dems/LLR-lefties who are hoping Xi can help you undo the 2016 election:

"The development also came just as onshore corporate bond defaults in China rose to a record high this year as the worst economic slowdown in three decades constrains Beijing’s ability to bailout failing borrowers."

Impeachment is literally the ONLY campaign strategy left for the dems/LLR-left.

There is nothing else.


Michael K said...

I took a quick look at the impeachment follies. It seems to be lefty lawyers reading and "explaining" the Intel report. Also known as more opinions. No facts.

buwaya said...

"I weep for my country..."

I weep for your country.
Fortunately we are elsewhere.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Is today the day Democrats interview Hollywood celebrates for their views on impeachment?"

Exactly. Joy Behar, Rosie 'Steel cannot melt' O'Donnell, Madonna, and Robert DiNiro are all expert witnesses.

Todd said...

Chuck said... [hush]​[hide comment]
I encourage anyone who is so disinterested in the details of impeachment to tune out. God knows, you have better things to do. Just don't complain about it later, if you are not familiar with the details.
12/9/19, 8:56 AM

We all KNOW the details. They are Trump and America conspired to deprive Queen Hillary of her rightful place in history. That is ALL that they have.

A President can fire at any time, anyone that works for him for any reason. Serve at the pleasure of the President.

A President can conduct foreign policy to include negotiations.

If the President says it is not a secret, it is not a secret.

The US and Ukraine have an agreement to support each other in investigating corruption (signed by Clinton I believe).

Yes the House can impeach a President for absolutely ANYTHING including they don't like his tan but that does not make it something that should be done, can be justified, and does not set a bad precedent for the future.

Howard said...

I got my TDS wife to tune it out, mission accomplished.

n.n said...

the Dali Lama walk out the back door by the trash bags

The Dali Lama is head of a failed state. A genocide through immigration reform and cultural cancellation in progress.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I weep for my country..."

I don't weep for my country, I fight for my country. No defeatism!

lgv said...

Can someone link to the evidence of a crime, or evidence beyond the transcripts of the Trump call?

I'm not clear on the bribery thing. He used the military funding to bribe them into an investigation? They got the funding, even though they didn't do an investigation? How is bribery defined in the legal context for these actions? E.g. the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act had its own definition of bribery vis-a-vis grease payments.

Who got the money? Who authorized the money?

Asking for a friend.

We already know the outcome anyway. House votes pretty much across party lines. 90% of Dems will claim they were open minded and the hearings led them to vote yes on impeachment. The Senate will them issue subpoenas like crazy. Let the fun begin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amazing how many people are Russian agents now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Alan Dershowitz to Mark Levin: Democrats Are Using Soviet Tactics to Take Down Donald Trump

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Drago said...

"At this rate approximately 93,771,932 Americans will be designated foreign agents by the democrats prior to the 2020 election."

Comrade Drago, please advise fellow patriot, Tommish Duncaninovich, how it is that Mother Russia wishes us to vote. Which candidate is our Hero of the Green New Deal?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's schitted. Saudi Arabia is now big daddy scary monster. Treason!

Drago said...

Duncaninovich: "Comrade Drago, please advise fellow patriot, Tommish Duncaninovich, how it is that Mother Russia wishes us to vote. Which candidate is our Hero of the Green New Deal?"

Please to continue support of Tovarisch Trump. Comrade Putin wishes for United States to remain world's leading energy power and for United States to continue strengthening US and NATO military capabilities. Comrade Putin also wishes for United States to continue economic crushing of China and to return strategic manufacturing back to US after democrat and LLR-lefty Useful Idiots assisted Mother Russia and China to move those capabilities overseas.

Comrade Putin is particularly pleased that Comrade Trump has unleashed the economic engine that is the United States and that Comrade Trump has used clever foreign policy to penalize Russia allies in Iran and to protect russia-hated Israel.

Note: If you are reading this and thinking to yourself, how can it be that Putin wants the continuation of policies that make America the strongest nation in the world and keep America at the top of the world economic totem pole (sorry Lizzie)?

Well, it's because the Inga's and LLR-lefty Chuck's of the world are morons and the dems know that and the dems use that.

Unfortunately for the dems (and Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck), it's not fooling anyone else.

Bay Area Guy said...

First Draft of the Articles of Impeachment:

Article 1: "Putin!"

Article 2: Trump did something or other with Ukraine, which is somewhere near Russia.

Article 3: In 2016, Trump grabbed us by the pussy.

RESOLVED, this 12th Day of December in the year of our Lord, 2019

/s Nancy Pelosi, House of Representatives

MayBee said...

This is embarrassing.

Nadler is asking his witness/counsel if Schiff found certain impeachable offenses to be true. The witness is saying he did find that.
This is your impeachment hearing, Democrats. Are you not entertained?

walter said...

They are playing video clips out of context.
Which..if we are going to engage with video and audio clips this way..should be fully embraced by Rs.

Bilwick said...

"Liberals" should be happy with that. They're all about FEEEEELINGS. Certainly not about that meanie, Old Man Logic.

Francisco D said...

90% of Dems will claim they were open minded and the hearings led them to vote yes on impeachment. The Senate will them issue subpoenas like crazy. Let the fun begin.

Republican Senators are making noises about dismissing the impeachment charges (for lack of evidence) without a trial. I think that is what the Democrats are counting on. Maybe there is a deal in place. Who knows.

A trial would be a disaster for Biden, Schiff, Ciaramella and many others. A dismissal allows the Democrats to continue with the sham.

Ken B said...

Francisco D
Correct. That is why there will be a trial.

FullMoon said...

MayBee said... [hush]​[hide comment]

This is embarrassing.

Nadler is asking his witness/counsel if Schiff found certain impeachable offenses to be true. The witness is saying he did find that.
This is your impeachment hearing, Democrats. Are you not entertained?

Pretty funny. He is one of the prosecuting attorneys who switches chairs and becomes a witness, not of fact, but of his personal opinion.

Be like Hamilton Burger in the old Perry Mason show taking witness stand to testify that in his opinion, the defendent is guilty. Then, the judge admits that opinion into evidence.

To save time, the witness should simply ask himself the questions, then answer, using a different voice.

Beasts of England said...

Horowitz Report has been released. Link at Ace’s.

Iman said...

Chairman Jabba teh Squat? Jabba teh Waddles?

FullMoon said...

Now, they are using WaPo opinion column as evidence. This is really crazy. Biden looks so bad, one must wonder if the Democratic party is responsible for trying to take Biden out.

FullMoon said...

Beasts of England said...

Horowitz Report has been released. Link at Ace’s


FullMoon said...

Uh oh, Republican asks Mr. Goldman if Joe threatened to withhold money, or if Joe is a liar.

Goldman looks sad.

Browndog said...

If you think Lindsey Graham is going to issue a slew of subpoenas to expose democrat corruption for all the world to see... haven't been paying attention to what he's done; only what he says in sound bytes.

He will do the very minimum to get an acquittal.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

"A guy was yelling." Meade?

Not identifying the guy who was yelling is in the same category as Julia Louise-Dreyfus not naming the men on SNL who were sexist. And, no, they are not just taking about their feelings.

Ken B said...

NN Taleb suggests watching TV with the sound off. It is interesting. You see a nation hooked on anger and screaming.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

from the IG report

"The FBI did not have information corroborating the specific allegations against Carter Page in Steele's reports when it relied upon them in the FISA applications."

Roughcoat said...

buwaya said @10:34 AM:

I weep for your country.
Fortunately we are elsewhere.

Had buwaya been a member of Leonidas's bodyguard, history would be singing the praises of the 299 Spartans.

donald said...

So, had to get my truck towed this morning. Sad! Dude picks me up. Big ole black dude. I get in his truck. He’s got Erich Von Haessler on the radio. I laugh and say Erich! We start talking. It goes back to the hearing. He says immediately that Donald Trump is the best president America has ever had. We fist bumped. Cause I agree. He then says that when he’s re-elected he will use his “huge iron balls” and crush every goddamned buddy that has perpetrated this shit. We hugged when he dropped me off. God bless America.

Anonymous said...

The guy that was yelling was in the gallery, he was removed, Nadler admonished the gallery to respect the proceedings.

Michael K said...

A trial would be a disaster for Biden, Schiff, Ciaramella and many others. A dismissal allows the Democrats to continue with the sham.

There are stories that the GOP cannot call witnesses without a vote. If true, there may not be 51 votes to call Biden or Ciamarelli.

Looking at the Horowitz report, the fix may well be in. Acquit but no swamp draining.

Iman said...

buwaya: excessively covetous person

Makes sense...

Browndog said...

donald said...


MayBee said...

It occurs to me if we need to impeach Trump to make sure our elections are free of foreign meddling.....there is one guy running who was in the administration in 2016 and did nothing to stop foreign meddling.

wildswan said...

Although Biden cannot be impeached since he does not hold office, it may be that the Senate should dismiss the charges against Trump and censure Biden for conduct unbecoming the Vice President during his term in office in that he stopped an investigation into a company which was paying his son an excessive salary.

The story so far
Republicans think that before Trump was President the Ukraine tried to clean up including especially investigating Burisma; that Burisma appointed Hunter Biden to their Board to stop investigators; that Ukrainian prosecutors and investigators persisted; that then sitting Vice-President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden's father, stopped the investigation by threatening to withhold 1 billion in US loan guarantees to the Ukraine unless the prosecutor was fired; that the prosecutor was fired;

and Republicans that thereafter the Ukraine participated in unsuccessful efforts to sabotage the 2016 election.

Republicans think that in the third year of Trump's Presidency the Ukraine elected a new President and tried again to clean up corruption, including that at Burisma; that this corruption now included the previous interference by Joe Biden In the Burisma investigation and the Ukraine interference in the 2016 US election; that in the third year of Trump's Presidency Joe Biden was a Presidential candidate; that Trump considered that no man is above the law, not even a Presidential candidate; that Trump told the Ukraine that previous US interference in Ukrainian attempts to clean up was a bad thing; that Trump told the Ukraine the Burisma affair should be investigated although Presidential Candidate Joe Biden had halted the previous investigation, and boasted of it.

Republicans think that in calling for the Burisma investigation to be resumed, Trump did his duty as the person responsible for seeing that the laws are faithfully executed. Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is not above the law. And should now be censured for his conduct in the Ukraine while Vice President which has the appearance of corruption on behalf of his cokehead son.

Jim at said...

Don’t watch, stay ignorant.

As opposed to being arrogant and willfully stupid?
Sure. OK. Gladly.

clint said...

So, Chuck... what details did we miss today. Anything important?

Rosalyn C. said...

One big weakness in the Democrats' case is their insistence that Trump asking for an investigation into Burisma and the Bidens was solely politically motivated for the benefit of President Trump. This is the key to their impeachment argument that Trump was engaged in bribery, claiming that he linked aid to Ukraine to getting something for himself. They claim it's obvious he was abusing his office for personal gain.

But in spite of all this constant reporting about Burisma and Hunter Biden, we see there hasn't been any detrimental effect on Biden's standing as a candidate. The case is flimsy because it is based on major assumptions about Trump's motivation and intentions.

Hardly worthy of an impeachment IMO. Pitiful display of an abusive, do nothing Congress. If there is anything about this it's a wake up for the people who have never dealt with corrupt liars (AKA lawyers) and a corrupt court system and what they can do.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I haven't had a chance to read Horowitz's report yet. I assume it was devastating.

Michael K said...

So, Chuck... what details did we miss today. Anything important?

Chuck is too busy posting at Powerline to answer. I'll fill in. "Orange Man Bad."

Chuck said...

I kept wondering who was the guy "yelling" that Althouse/Meade referred to. Was it the nutjob from InfoWars? Or was it one of the Republican committee members, almost all of whom are yelling into their microphones? Do all Republicans yell now, all the time, indoors or not? I don't. I didn't get the "You hafta yell" memo.

Drago said...

ARM: "I haven't had a chance to read Horowitz's report yet. I assume it was devastating."

Oh, it was a walk in the park for the dems, which is why no one on the deep state/dem side should hesitate whatsoever when Durham comes calling.

No one did anything wrong right? So no one should hesitate to fully cooperate with Durham's investigation.

Its all going to be just fine........

Drago said...

BTW, is it just me, or is it common practice for democrat committee chairpersons to fail to swear in witnesses before Congressional committees?

That was awfully convenient wasn't it, given democrat counsel seemed quite happy to launch clear lie after lie in a manner familiar to all Althouseblog visitors when reading the leftists here like Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck?

So terribly terribly convenient.

Well, I certainly hope Durham doesn't forget to put people under oath when they give testimony.

Something tells me he won't....

minnesota farm guy said...

Here's today's suggested reading list for the intellectually challenged left or for those who want a solid basis for claiming a coup: Jonathan Turley's testimony ; John Solomon's blog; and this statement by John Dunham “I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff. However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S. Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”

If you don't want to read all of Turley's just start at page 23.

Quayle said...

"I assume it was devastating"

The parts I scanned were not good for the FBI. Failure after failure from top to bottom to properly control and manage really sensitive processes and matters.

Unfortunately, my guess is that individual civil rights violations done by the FBI will be completely chewed, swallowed, and digested as "nothing" by the current left leaning media, when only a few decades ago the left was wholly suspicious of the FBI and the ACLU would be prowling around this like guard dogs.

Sadly, as Dershowitz said last night on Levin, the ACLU is no more. We need an organization to take its place, now that they've gotten lost in the post-modern world of figuring out who is oppressing who.

narciso said...

he went after bureau collusion with bulger, but were there any charges,

minnesota farm guy said...

@ ARM Start with John Solomon(see above) on the Horowitz report.

Drago said...

minnesota farm guy: "@ ARM Start with John Solomon(see above) on the Horowitz report."

He doesn't have time. He and LLR-lefty Chuck are both struggling with the absolute destruction of every economic and foreign trade position they have taken for the last 3 years.

It's a lot to deal with. Let's hope ARM Deals with it a little better than LLR-lefty Chuck has.

CWJ said...

"I kept wondering who was the guy "yelling" that Althouse/Meade referred to."

Of all the things about which to wonder, you pick this to post.

I guess identifying who stole the strawberries will be next.

Jaq said...

"@ ARM Start with John Solomon(see above) on the Horowitz report.”

I am sure he would much rather scour the network of record, MSNBC or the paper of record The Washington Post. If it’s not in those places, it didn’t happen. Well, maybe the DailyKos

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