Authorities said the 5-foot-5, baby-faced suspect confessed to his role in the killing... The boy told the detective that his friend dropped a knife, and that the boy picked it up and handed it back to him. "He watched his friend grab the victim, put her in a chokehold and remove items from her pocket,” [the detective] said. “He made a slashing, stabbing motion toward the victim. He saw feathers come out of her jacket and then all three of them fled the park together.”... [The detective] said one of the 13-year-old’s friends told him that Majors bit him on the finger.
December 14, 2019
"He saw feathers come out of her jacket..."
Said the detective, quoted in ‘He saw feathers come out of her jacket’: Detective recounts ‘confession’ of 13-year-old suspect in knifing death of Barnard College student Tessa Majors, 2nd suspect in custody, 3rd still sought" (The Daily News).
What’s missing?
“At one point Signoretti was asked to identify the suspect. Signoretti stood and pointed.
“The young man wearing a sweatshirt with blue lettering on it,” the detective said.
The blue lettering said “Old Navy,” and it covered a hooded sweatshirt that draped over the suspect’s narrow frame.
He wore black pants, white-and-black Air Jordan sneakers and an uneasy expression. He held his elbows with opposite hands, nervously licking his lips and stroking his face.”
I assume he's black, since it avoids saying. #betweenthelines
If you want your murder solved swiftly, take care to be an upper-middle-class white girl.
He wore black pants, white-and-black Air Jordan sneakers and an uneasy expression.
Sylleptic humor.
This story echoes the Central Park jogger case. People are so upset, suspect caught right away, confession.
"People are so upset"
Can you imagine why?
I'm not upset, except that the black crime rate is so high in general. Talk about self-destructive.
Ahhh, he is "baby faced".
Please explain the point of this inclusion in a news story.
Barnard students and the underclass, a match made in heaven. Barnard should devote their legal counsel to freeing these oppressed young men, then invite them and their friends to stay on campus, as a sort of "safe space" for their unique and vibrant diversity and culture.
She was from Charlottesville, Virginia. This young lady did not understand that living in a gun free NYC safe place requires she take a two man private security team with her outside campus to carry the guns to the knife fight.
Imagine the woman who was stabbed and dies. She could probably feel herself dying, as she leaked blood inside the coat. And somebody discovered the lifeless body, right? That must have been shocking.
So let's make comparisons to long-passed crimes.
Or complain about the quick resolution of the investigation.
Let's make it a racial thing, like Earnest Prole did.
But let's definitely ignore how the now-dead woman felt as she realized her life was over.
I agree with Ann. I'd like more evidence than a confession from a bunch of middle schoolers. I don't trust the cops. And I think most of you all don't either under most circumstances.
"Can you imagine why?"
Why they are more upset than they are at other murders? Because she was young, full of hope and beauty, and smiling in photographs, and doing something — going to an elite college — that we think of as so promising and fortunate and it hurts to see the utter reversal of fortune.
But the reason I had the phrase in my set of 3 things — "People are so upset, suspect caught right away, confession" — is the idea that because we care so much, we want to know that the murderer is caught, and the police may, under this pressure, satisfy the public need by demonstrating that they've caught the person. Maybe they get it wrong.
Now playing in theaters, "Richard Jewell."
Earnest Prole observes: If you want your murder solved swiftly, take care to be an upper-middle-class white girl.
Just what I was thinking. It is tragic, of course, but how many lesser women are stabbed to death that we never hear about? A well-to-do white, pretty college student will always make the headlines. And Dateline. And 48 Hours.
Don't worry, some mealy-mouthed Leftist will decry the "school to prison pipeline" before tomorrow's news cycle begins, and all the wooly-headed NYT readers will nod knowingly from the safety of their doorman buildings.
It's a big deal because the dead woman was elite enough to go to school at Barnards. Yes, poor white girls are stabbed all of the time, and nobody makes that big of a deal of it because they don't have the status of going to an expensive school.
Also, quite possibly there is one less progressive voter.
Actually deference to women doesn't make sense anymore, since they don't have babies. That was their historical evolutionary advantage. And they're no good for fighting.
It's the men that ought to have doors opened for them today. Bridge design, heavy labor, all sorts of useful things.
From well-known Tennessee family, the Majors. Great uncle is former Pitt and UT head football coach Johnny Majors.
It's the audience of the news that's responsible for the idiocy. Whatever they like to read is what gets written, or the paper goes out of business. The newsmen are captives of it.
"Because she was young, full of hope and beauty"
People vary in perceived value to other people. This girl was an obviously significant loss.
If she was your daughter it would not matter how young or rich or bright or pretty or charming she was, but this girl was obviously valuable in general. One may, for instance, wish (fantasize) that she was ones daughter.
One cares for things, places, and people of perceived value. A fire in a slum district matters little however much it causes suffering to the low-status residents, here say -
But this fire mattered -
AllenS said, above, at 0708-
"Also, quite possibly there is one less progressive voter."
Actually 2 fewer voters- the victim and the perp, unless NY allows felons to vote.
Prof A: good analysis of the psychology/sociology at work. Such an object of admiration, hope and love, cruelty torn from us by pure malevolence. A malevolence perversely more pure for being so banal and random. The frame of things is out of joint. Heaven itself is shocked.
With this as our stage, let us now each take our part and act out the unchanging script of justice swift and sure. Facts be damned.
Of course, it might also be true that this wannabe punk child-soldier and apprentice idiot did do what he is reported to have said he did. Not impossible.
This story echoes the Central Park jogger case.
You mean these three 'teens' may have just been beating up unlucky people using rocks and pipes but a different black 'teen' murdered the girl?
It could happen!
The first Althouse post I read at breakfast was about her awful new visage, either terrible plastic surgery, or worse photoshopping.
This article is about a meme that Hillary popularized some years back (to her everlasting dismay)- the young, urban, "superpredator."
She's running, and the Professora in doing in-kind contributions to PDJT.
I'm grateful for that.
Isn't it wonderful to be able to cuddle up on a Saturday morning by the fire smug in the confidence of our unbearable whiteness of being. Thank you Jesus
Isn't it wonderful to be able to cuddle up on a Saturday morning by the fire smug in the confidence of our unbearable whiteness of being. Thank you Jesus
Howard, you seem to study how to be as fucking stupid, dense and annoying as possible.
What's the purpose of shitting yourself like this, dummy?
Morningside Park is where Charles Bronson began his career of battling liberalism,
"Isn't it wonderful to be able to cuddle up on a Saturday morning by the fire smug in the confidence of our unbearable whiteness of being. Thank you Jesus"
Can you plz be more of a hack and a piss-ant?
we are talking about the life of a human being; you ignorant blowhard.
You remind me of a retarded seven year old .....
Quite a lot of poor peoples of color are murdered in NYC and their killers are caught quickly. The theory that her elite whiteness was the reason for the speedy arrests is a silly SJW kind of response.
As to Althouse’s comparison to the Central Park killers case she is probably on to something. When their lawyers get in the mix the young knifers will be shown to have been in church at the time with the real killer a white nationalist rapist.
Everyone, this is what npc's look like when they read some that puts them in a feedback loop. Girl dead. Stabbed to death. "Muh whiteness of being". "Thank you jesus"
Aka 'does not compute'
Howard/delete config.sys. execute.
In other news of blacks behaving badly:
Shocking moment school bus bullies pummel 14-year-old boy leaving him hospitalized with head injuries 'because he'd worn a Trump 2020 hat'
Of course, I feel terrible for the family of the poor girl. Parents should never outlive their children.
I also feel terrible for the family of the boy (not equally so, and provided he's convicted) because they unwittingly raised (or not so much) a murderer.
That's been a dangerous park since at least the 1960s. It is down in behind Columbia University and Harlem, has poor sight-lines, and is in a highly fraught neighborhood between Harlem, and the upper middle class and upper class Morningside Heights area. Two streets over and everything is Sushi and persimmons, while down on the other side of the park you have gritty barbecues and autobody shops that haven't been cleaned up in decades. I went down into that park about twenty years ago. There was a dog-run on one side, and on the other were nice lower-middle class black families. One dad said to me, "You shouldn't be on this side of the park. Get back to your side, or you are going to get stabbed." I appreciated the information, and left, and never went back in there. In the 1960s, Columbia tried to force through a gym, and the neighborhood went up in arms, and it has never really recovered. Some say the old Olmsted park was "gentrifying," but that also creates a lot of bad vibes. On the one side, poor blacks, and on the other, entitled white kids who think that because they are good people, everybody will love them. I looked up the place in Wikipedia:
"Even by the 1960s, Morningside Park had a reputation for being unsafe and unsanitary.[95] However, after the Columbia protests ended, Morningside Park was the site of several murders, muggings, and other crimes, furthering its notoriety. Litter lined the park, and it became a frequent homeless hangout.[122] So common were crimes there that it was given the nickname "Muggingside Park".[123] In 1971, after the controversy over the now-canceled Columbia site had subsided, NYC Parks published its "Proposed Rehabilitation of Columbia Gym Site", which called for a playground on the site's eastern edge and new paths on the western side. it was reported that Columbia had agreed to compensate for the demolition that had occurred in the park.[120][124] This resulted in the formation of the West Harlem Coalition for Morningside Park.[120] Focus on Morningside Park and other parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted came in 1972, on the 150th anniversary of his birth.[125] The West Harlem Coalition hired Lawrence Halprin Associates in 1973, but plans for renovating Morningside Park were postponed after the 1975 New York City fiscal crisis.[120] At this point, Huxtable wrote in the Times, "Morningside Park may now be the city’s most crime-ridden, underutilized and dangerous spot."[126] More than a decade after the Columbia gym plan was canceled, the construction fencing remained on the site.[127] "
The Central Park Five are likely guilty of viciously assaulting and attempting to rape their victim, but they weren’t able to perform. But the one who was able to keep an erection confessed and “exonerated” his accomplices, who were released and got handsomely paid for their troubles.
This case is very disturbing and not because she’s white, exactly. It’s because she, as a young college student living in gentrified Harlem, is relatable to the kind of person with options who has voluntarily moved far uptown in recent years (and pays market rents). The fear of the bad old days in New York resonates deeply. The relative peace and low crime rates are a delicate thing.
My first curiosity was “What race were the assailants/murderers?” My first internal reaction was “That’s a racist question!” My next reaction was “What is really racist is the non-story of the previous victims of these kids, likely an older black woman or some sort.”
My most persistent thought is “How does one at that age become that person?”
I survived two attempted muggings in the same part of NY back in the 60's. One was a group of young kids that I talked out of it. Both were on Broadway walking toward 125'th street at night. I would definitely have thought twice about walking at night in Morningside Park.
My most persistent thought is “How does one at that age become that person?”
A mixture of bad genes and bad parenting.
Authorities said the 5-foot-5, baby-faced suspect confessed to his role in the killing... The boy told the detective that his friend dropped a knife, and that the boy picked it up and handed it back to him. "He watched his friend grab the victim, put her in a chokehold and remove items from her pocket,” [the detective] said. “He made a slashing, stabbing motion toward the victim. He saw feathers come out of her jacket and then all three of them fled the park together.”... [The detective] said one of the 13-year-old’s friends told him that Majors bit him on the finger.
Yep, just like Richard Jewell
After he discovered a backpack filled with three pipe bombs on the park grounds, Jewell alerted police and helped evacuate the area before the bomb exploded, saving many people from injury or death. Initially hailed by the media as a hero, Jewell was later considered a suspect, before ultimately being cleared.
Despite never being charged, he underwent a "trial by media," which took a toll on his personal and professional life. Jewell was eventually exonerated
“How does one at that age become that person?”
Having no father in the house, and mom and all of the moms of the family before her living off of welfare.
"Please explain the point of this inclusion in a news story."
It's to add a descriptive detail that will emphasize the contrast between the viciousness of the act committed and the youthfulness of the accused. It's an old, commonly used term in reports of violent crimes by adolescents.
It's a big deal because the dead woman was elite enough to go to school at Barnards. Yes, poor white girls are stabbed all of the time, and nobody makes that big of a deal of it because they don't have the status of going to an expensive school.
Poor White and Black kids are stabbed, shot, etc. without a lot of fanfare. This gets fanfare because it happens in a physical and psychological safe zone. When it happens in the inner city it is just a statistic.
It is not about race. I went to Chicago prep school with a Black friend who had four siblings at the school. (Their mom was a teacher there and got free tuition). His older sister (an aspiring actress and model) was raped and murdered at age 21. That was a huge deal because they were a pillar of the community family and lived in a middle class neighborhood.
The other evening as I was coming out of the subway uptown, I heard and then saw a group of police helicopters stationary in the sky. There were three of them, and I guessed by their location they were hovering over the area of and around Morningside Park.
I do think the intense public attention and city response to this tragic crime is tied to who the victim was, (a young, white, affluent college girl new to NYC).
Very astute, Mr Cook.
The Muslim fanatic at Pensacola, the Kosher deli shooters, and now this. We need a politically correct killer and soon, but they're never around when you need one.
It was an outrageous crime. Of course, people pay attention to it. I'm sure the family history of the kids involved will not be edifying. But for all that, they're still worse than they ought to be.....If the kid is thirteen, he will be out before too long and no one will ever be able to hold this crime against him. He is not the victim in this story.
“We need a politically correct killer”
You mean like Timothy McVeigh or James Earl Ray?
The eighth grader was joined in court by an aunt an uncle who were described as his legal guardians. He was represented by a Legal Aid attorney.
Thanks Mayor DeBlasio!
If you want your murder solved swiftly, take care to be an upper-middle-class white girl.
Also, be sure to be murdered by halfwit feral children. They're generally not criminal masterminds.
Morningside Park is where Charles Bronson began his career of battling liberalism,
My first thought. I am a bit surprised that no one else mentioned it.
Warren Wilhelm Jr is taking NYC back to "Death Wish." Just give him time.
Phil 314 asked: "My most persistent thought is “How does one at that age become that person?”
They were always that person. The problem is that no one trained them to be human.
rhhardin made some interesting comments along these lines a few days ago in the poll about the meaning of the word "soul". I voted for the (unpopular) option that the soul is an illusion. In a certain sense--the religious sense--I believe it is. On the other hand, what we recognize and value as "human" is largely learned behavior. You can call that quality "a soul" if you wish. Neglect or discourage the "humanizing" or socialization process and this is what you end up with.
It appears that this juvenile, and his accomplices, are typical of the feral life-forms produced in abundance in the black underclass and which prey upon the unarmed citizens of our Democrat-run cities. I hasten to add, by the way, that most of the unarmed victims are other lower-class blacks. As others have noted, the latter attract little attention for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is people's justifiably low expectations of black behavior.
One notices parallels here with the dysfunctional Muslim societies and their endless supply of remorseless and psychopathic jihadis.
I think it always hits the heart when a young college student is killed. It’s usually the first time a child is away from parents’ protection, so we see a parent’s worst fears realized... She left the safety of the nest and was killed. This story also had the element of knowing she tried to get’s easy to identify with her fear and struggle. So, yes, it is upsetting.
And now we have such a young kid involved. My first reaction was deep sadness.
All in the blink of an eye.
I'm not upset, except that the black crime rate is so high in general. Talk about self-destructive.
Few days ago in Houston a police sergeant was struck and killed by a fleeing dirtbag. Top Facebook comment on the news was "good; cops have been killing us for so long it's about time." Hey there genius; cops are not killing your cohort; you are killing your cohort.
These middle school kids were apparently known thugs around the neighborhood—beating up other kids, shoplifting, threatening the store owners with violence...
The police were called repeatedly. Nothing was done.
>> “How does one at that age become that person?” <<
I talked to the kids who pulled the knife on me. They said everyone talked about how easy it was, so I'd say it was part of growing up, learning a trade and all that. They were actually a bit apologetic. Someone should have told the current perps not to kill the victim.
Ann Althouse said...This story echoes the Central Park jogger case. People are so upset, suspect caught right away, confession.
Perhaps you can goad Trump into tweeting about it.
What was the park in The Brave One (Jodie Foster 2007)
So sad for the young lady and the family.
NYT focus turns to sympathy for the young killers in
The kid was from a safer town. Did not know the rules. When I went to college in the 50s, SC was in a black neighborhood and I wandered around in areas that today would be dangerous. I was walking back to my apartment one night and there was a party in a house a few doors down. I was the only white face and stayed for a while, had a beer and went home. The black rage we see now was not there then. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have much to answer for. The Watts Riot was 9 years later and it was starting then. Detroit burned down two years later.
The kids involved probably had an inchoate rage that found release in impulsive acts of violence. My guess is that this rage came from neglectful or outright abusive parents, but no one--beyond these precincts at least--will document the brutish behavior of their parents.....Trayvon Martin committed an impulsive act of violence against George Zimmerman. My guess--prejudice if you will--is that Trayvon's father, the one with gang tattoos on his neck, at some point taught Trayvon that violence is a useful way of negotiating disagreements....This is the kind of thing that can never be investigated or even speculated on by anyone in the press or in a position of authority.
There’s a damned good university right there in Charlottesville. She should have stayed home, or gone to one of the other excellent universities in state and she’d still be alive.
Society did did it. All that value that Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and--what the hell--Jamie Dimon created led to this crime. It's the inequality, you see, that drove the killers to this act. That, and the effects of climate change. And the dead woman's white privilege.
And Trump. No one should forget Trump.
Where is Bernard Goetz when you need him?
A simple J frame S&W Centennial .38 would have ended the whole mugging before it started. Not even is shot fired.
Oh, yea, NYC you can't even carry pepper spray!!! You are not allowed to carry a knife with a blade longer than 2 1/2 inches!!! CCWs are on a 'we think you need it' basis. Few have them cause only the rich (and connected) can afford them. You are defenseless (unless you are a hoodlum, especially 'youths' who will just get some juvenile detention and then let go.)
Remember folks.. of the four 'teenage' robbers that tried to take Bernard Goetz, Troy Canty, Barry Allen, Darrell Cabey and James Ramseur, three of them went on to a life of crime. The forth, Cabey, the one Goetz paralyzed with a shot from his .38, didn't.
"This story echoes the Central Park jogger case."
You are, perhaps, not aware that all of those shitsacks were guilty as Hell?
What's upsetting is that she would still be alive if she had not believed the bullshit her elders fed her about black people. What she needed was The Talk. The Derbyshire Talk, where you explain to your kids that at least a third of young black males are completely devoid of anything resembling a conscience, and too stupid to realize they are wrecking their own lives when they wreck yours. So stay the fuck away from them. Let them kill each other.
My guess is that this rage came from neglectful or outright abusive parents,
In two ways. First, the genes the kid got even if the father is absent. Second the parenting or absence of same. These boys in fatherless homes attach to an older boy who teaches them what males are supposed to do.
Behavior is 50% genetic but early life may be influenced more by parenting. These kids had two strikes on them from birth. Nothing cures it .
"Rehabilitation" is a myth. Age may shift behavior to 100% genetic but doesn't help the genes. The New Guinea tribes had no trouble with juvenile delinquents. Kids who acted up went into the stew pot. Cannibalism can have a good side.
As a frosh I assume she lived in a dorm. Wonder why she was walking through the park, although the neighborhood has gentrified. I lived on that street 3 years '78-81 and walked through only twice. (To glimpse the pope and to get subway to Yankee Stadium.)
Columbia's plan to build a gym there in 1968 was the trigger for the student unrest and notorious occupation of administration offices. Mark Rudd and all that.
NYC murders: 1968 1185, 1978 1820, 2018 562. Peaked 1990 2605 when population maybe 8 percent smaller than 2018.
It's appropriate that people are more upset about this murder than most others. It's symbolic. It's a broken window. The kid/killer is a broken window. First you "fix" the broken windows before attempting to clean up the rest of the neighborhood.
It is natural that this has a racial component, especially to people like me who grew up and/or attended schools in perilous urban frontier neighborhoods where the threat of violence by blacks was ever present and not infrequently manifested. It reminds me of being little kid set upon by older stronger cruel black thugs on my way to school or even in school. And it pisses me off. So, sue me.
Big Mike said...
There’s a damned good university right there in Charlottesville.
where people jog after dark alone. That coupled with a likely Barnard Freshman orientation steeped in social justice and warnings about those dangerous white nationalist veterans at CCNY. Fold in a bit of Women's Center advice about "always fight back"
She should have run with friends in Riverside Park...
RE: Young, rich, white girls get special notice when they are killed.
Trump recently signed an executive order that pertains to the large number of native women who disappear or are murdered and whose cases are never solved.
He should do the same for unsolved murders in the inner cities.
I doubt the media will care. But the inner city communities might.
Feral children running wild, hating white people.
Michael K said...
Second the parenting or absence of same. These boys in fatherless homes attach to an older boy who teaches them what males are supposed to do.
these intern thugs slept through the part about grabbing her and waving the knife in her face, rather than slitting her throat from behind.
Pants observes the FB comment: "good; cops have been killing us for so long it's about time."
And never mind the fact that cops kill more whites than blacks and of course, as you point out, blacks kill each other at ridiculously high rates. Discontented blacks should be given the option of returning to their ancestral roots. People of color in my family are glad to be in America.
My guess is that this rage came from neglectful or outright abusive parents
Horseshit. This has been the excuse ever since I can remember.
MountainMan said...
From well-known Tennessee family, the Majors. Great uncle is former Pitt and UT head football coach Johnny Majors.
Insty had a post up about this a couple of days ago. She was the daughter of novelist Inman Majors.
I live in NYC. In recent years there has been a lessening of tensions. When you see a group of young black men walking towards you, you just keep walking without taking any particular notice. One or two more crimes like this and the dynamics will change....Mugging is a mug's game. People don't carry large sums of money anymore. They rarely even wear watches. I always thought that this fact rather any sudden moral enlightenment was behind the sudden decrease in street crimes.....Well, maybe the risk reward ratio will become higher if muggers are let off with community service instead of jail. It will definitely be part of the equation....I remember the seventies and eighties. I know people who were irreparably harmed by street criminals. The perps were never caught, and the police didn't try especially hard to catch them. It could happen again. Slippery slope.
The young lady stabbed to death in New York "fought back". She would have been able to save herself if she had fought back with: A razor sharp knife with a blade of four-plus inches; Or, A "pocket pistol" (Again loaded with
hollow point rounds); Or, a small can of oven cleaning spray (Aim at eyes); Or, any of a wide variety of other improvised or converted weapons very suited for putting down dangerous animals.
I suggest that we should put guns "on the streets"---IN THE HANDS OF LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS (ie Over the age of 18-years!).
Although I admit that "coincidence is not (Necessarily) causation" all Americans should note that the rate of violent crime in the USA has gone down as: The number of modern firearms, in the hands of private citizens, has very greatly increased; There has been a like increase in the number of American citizens holding permits/licenses to carry concealed weapons; AND,the number of States not even requiring such to CCW has been increasing.
Taking guns from law-abiding citizens exposes them to "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" at the hands of ordinary thugs, those waging ideological wars and other criminals
There’s a damned good university right there in Charlottesville. Where people jog after dark alone.
Not advisable, unless of course you're a white girl who wants her murder swiftly solved.
Can't wait for the avalanche of sob stories about the perp. If you see the NYT building quaking, they're having a Whiteguiltgasm.
“Young, rich, white girls get special notice when they are killed.”
I get a little tired of that refrain. A lot of murders are between criminals, like drug dealers, and naturally don’t get the media attention. A relatively small percentage of murders are of the sort that law-abiding citizens fear, like this one. Second, police catch a lot of the perps pretty quickly, not just in cases involving white victims. It helps if the perps are stupid 13-year-olds of course.
As to police jumping the gun so to speak: The kid had the knife on him (again not smart). He may have admitted without actually knowing the girl had died. She didn’t die on the spot, she was able to get to a security post at the edge of the park before losing consciousness.
Diversity is exploited for leverage. The significance of this case may or may not be motivated by diversity (e.g. race, sex), but its quick resolution serves to quell the fears and suppress the insight of a majority.
Baby Face probably just wanted some Skittles.
“Isn't it wonderful to be able to cuddle up on a Saturday morning by the fire smug in the confidence of our unbearable whiteness of being. Thank you Jesus”
It is a good thing my Whiteness is so terrible, otherwise I should love it too much.
Just the other day, there was a news report of the most prolific serial killer in American history. His body county was over one hundred and counting. Most of the girls he murdered were street prostitutes. The murderer was a black man. The story disappeared after one day. So far as I know, there are no plans to make any movies about this man's crimes.....It's not just pretty white girls that get special attention. Handsome white serial murderers like Bundy get special attention.....It does seem passing strange that a man who murdered over one hundred women receives such little attention. I'm certain that a white murderer, even an ugly one like Richard Speck, would receive a lot more attention.
Hey Earnest Prole, what a wonderful form of privilege: having your violated body splayed out in the media for consumption by thumb sucking morons who bitch about how you're getting too much attention for being photogenic while brutally murdered.
The only factor that affects crime clearance rates is the willingness of witnesses to cooperate and testify. Fewer cases of gangbanger versus gangbanger get solved, but that's not the fault of white victims of unrelated crimes. The thing negatively affecting clearance rates the most right now is the unwillingness of this new crop of leftist prosecutors to try people at all.
White female victims of stranger-assaults are no more likely to receive justice than other victims of stranger-assaults.
The media is indeed trying to create another Central Park Five. For those struck stupid by the propaganda about those thugs, their parents were present at their completely legal interviews; they were identified by other witnesses including people they beat to a pulp; all said they didn't penetrate the jogger or ejaculate on her, thus no DNA, but all admitted beating her, holding her and simulating rape, and they all described another man who did rape her as they held her, who was identified years later via DNA database when he was already serving life for raping and murdering a young mother in front of her babies. That victim was, if it matters so much to some of you, a black woman. The boys provided details of the attack that were not known to the public. May Morgenthau, DeBlasio and all the liars in the media who helped falsely acquit those animals suffer for the additional hell they imposed on the Jogger and the Five's other victims.
Howard, as you recline naked before a fire on a polar bear rug contemplating the pastiness of your skin, or whatever it is that gets your creative juices flowing, I remember holding an elderly black woman wearing a cotton house dress as she wept on the floor of a police station bathroom after we both endured yet another line-up where the men ground their groins at the two-way mirror and mouthed that they wanted to fuck us as the defense attorneys snickered in our faces. That's what it's really like for victims, white and black. In the news or not. She didn't get justice and I didn't get justice. Virtually nobody who gets raped by a stranger, few victims of stranger robbery or aggravated-assault, and fewer than half of those murdered by a stranger get justice. Race doesn't enter into this except as a measure of community cooperation with police. Media voyeurism is just that.
Here is what "white privilege" increasingly gets white victims of interracial crime. If you get any media attention at all, you have to go into hiding from white and black activists baying for your blood -- in the case of the Jogger, mobs led by Al Sharpton tried to kill her though she had no memory of the crime. Sometimes you have to relocate your family to another part of the country. You get the dolts in the media and the morons at the Poynter Institute of Ethics in Journalism and armchair idiots on social media denying your humanity and whining endlessly about how white victims of crime get all the imaginary attention, even as you helplessly watch your case get shelved when the bastard gets popped for the fourth time and released for the fourth time, years early, again, to rape and murder. Again.
You get told by preening leftists that you shouldn't even testify if you do get a day in court because the guy who attacked you is the real victim. You get strangers decrying the "tragedy" that your assailant is black, or young and black, as if that's the tragedy, not his behavior. I've got hate mail I keep in a file. I guess that's my white privilege file. Who knew? Well, obviously, I did.
Earnest Prole, that murder was described in the media as "Gender related."
Have you seen the killer ?
So.. Harlem is right there.. and across Harlem River is South Bronx. She was a few blocks off campus when attacked. 7 P.M is DARK NYC in December. So she went out alone at night near Harlem.... unarmed.... where gangs of youths roam. And when attacked fought back (weaponless.)
Not saying it was her fault but... she made a poor decision. Here in Texas I would not go to a park at night without at least my S&W Centennial .38. Just not wise.
Hey Earnest Prole, what a wonderful form of privilege.
In honor of those who are tone-deaf to sarcasm, I like your nurse’s uniform, Guy.
Have you seen the killer?
Yes, it was the most famous white-girl murder in America for several weeks.
Every time a “juvenile offender” kills someone, let’s also lock up his mother and his father (if we know who he is and he is not already in prison). Nothing will change until parents are held accountable.
Diversity truly is our greatest strength.
Also, totally not-shitty parenting by the diversity. Also a great strength.
Age may shift behavior to 100% genetic but doesn't help the genes. The New Guinea tribes had no trouble with juvenile delinquents. Kids who acted up went into the stew pot. Cannibalism can have a good side.
Then all in tribe get the genes!?
Eliminated or perpetuated?
So nobody is talking about Columbia pulling string and pushing for action?
“I think they are saying it was an older teen that did the stabbing. If anything, I could see the 13-year-old being offered up“
As I understand it, it doesn’t matter who did the stabbing if they’re all in It together. At least legally.
A mixture of bad genes and bad parenting.
Weapons, stupidity, short-term thinking...
In a few years, he might have respected the power of a knife on a skinny girl more. Likely not trying to kill her. She just lost too much blood getting up the steps. Maybe did not even know how much blood she was losing until she passed out. RIP. Ask not for whom the bell tolls...
The report I read indicated that she suffered one superficial slashing wound to the face, and one stabbing wound which reached the heart. I don't know if one would regard being stabbed in the heart as "bleeding out." If she had not been young and athletic she might have died immediately, but as it was she made that uphill run to the security station on the "safe" side of the park.
I attended summer courses at Columbia and am a little familiar with the area, not too much. It's quite a dramatic slope down from Morningside Heights. Possibly she viewed it merely as a good workout. Sadly, as a Heartland American raised among decent people, she had not been conditioned from birth with fear like an Englishman, as readering recommends.
FYI, fucker, this is not their city, this is my city. De Blasio's wish to take my city and give it to them will not stand.
Hard to believe that Columbia and Barnard don’t drum into every student that Morningside Park is a no go zone after dark.
No, what's hard to believe is that they don't have a cop every ten feet.
The girl made a tragic error in being there alone. Let's not ignore this fact. I would interested in seeing what Barnard and Columbia tell their student body about Morningside Park and the surrounding neighborhoods at night or the daytime. I strongly suspect that advice isn't given at all since it would be extremely non-PC advice, but am willing to be persuaded otherwise.
Were she my daughter, there isn't a chance in Hell I would have allowed her to go to school there, and if I had, it would have been drummed into her skull that she was to never go out alone at night.
I don't care who did the stabbing in the group- they would all be guilty of felony murder and should be imprisoned for life if it were up to me. I don't give a shit whether or not they are 13 or 18. You don't reform people like this at any significant rate, and I wouldn't even bother trying to.
I would interested in seeing what Barnard and Columbia tell their student body about Morningside Park and the surrounding neighborhoods at night or the daytime. I strongly suspect that advice isn't given at all since it would be extremely non-PC advice
Yes, they need to give those kids "The Talk, non-black version."
But they won't. Rich Lowry fired Derb for writing that in another magazine.
Then all in tribe get the genes!?
Eliminated or perpetuated?
Dunno the genetics of New Guinea tribes. They did eat the delinquents, according to the account I read although that was back before WWII.
Probably civilized now with a crime problem.
I hope they Mirandized that kid perfectly. A juvenile can always claim after the fact that he/she didn't understand, was intimidated, etc. And that's because, often, they are. (The best excuse is something that often really happens, like a flat tire making you late for work.) As witness the case in San Diego where the brother confessed to murdering his sister, who, it turned out, was actually murdered by a transient.
My prediction is: we'll find out that they didn't Mirandize him properly at all, because they just want him to testify against the actual killer and they know they can use his un-Mirandized statements to impeach him.
I may be liking this idea that the so-called baby is taking the fall for an older juvenile. None of them are going to get the death penalty though so who GAF?
No picture, no mention of race = black.
Astounding that anyone could be this cold and murderous, but that's peeps.
"I survived two attempted muggings in the same part of NY back in the 60's. One was a group of young kids that I talked out of it. Both were on Broadway walking toward 125'th street at night. I would definitely have thought twice about walking at night in Morningside Park."
Why Chuck is so great, even Muggers give him a break. too bad the girl wasn't "Super smart" like you.
I thought NYC was so expensive, no one could live there except rich people. Guess that's wrong.
@rcocean Your snark would be more impressive if you could distinguish between upper and lower case letters.
Bravo, Tina Trent!
Your snark would be more impressive if you could distinguish between upper and lower case letters.
I always double check before I unload. :)
Just the other day, there was a news report of the most prolific serial killer in American history. ... The murderer was a black man.
Just as most "mass shooters" are black, most serial killers are black since 2000 or so.
rcocean said...
No picture, no mention of race = black.
THIS x infinity!!!!
This is just an awful, horrible story all around. It's still pretty important when walking around at night to give the appearance that you're not someone to be easily fucked with, which is hard for a physically small woman. Walking purposefully and seeming as though you're paying attention is enough if you're a decently sized person. I really don't get people who wear headphones walking around or jogging after dark. These newly made murderers first targeted somebody else just before the killing a guy, and chickened out. It's awful to have predators like this about is why this story resonates locally, especially in an area that EVERYONE knows is still a major crime spot. Aggressive policing is very effective when you have highly localized trouble spots like this park. Columbia and Barnard students would probably be among the first to protest at the precinct house if cops braced the wrong suspect, and the cops know the mayor hasn't got their back these days.
These idiot kids or at least the first one they picked up sounds like he didn't even realize they'd killed the girl. So tragically, brutally stupid.
The unfortunate thing is that this perp is going to be tried in Family Court which means he'll be out when he hits 18 or 21. Apparently, felony murder is not eligible for transfer to the real court. But the nice young man who actually stabbed the vic - he's going to be tried in real court because that's real murder, not felony murder. He might get 10 or 15 years, so he'll be out before he's 30.
As for the professor's dark suspicions that the police are railroading some innocent boys, well, the cops have the murder weapon and they have DNA testing so I expect there will be some forensic evidence to back up the confessions.
What I'm wondering is whether this crime could have been prevented had the NYPD still been conducting aggressive stop-and-frisk searches in high crime areas like Morningside Park.
2nd suspect lawyered up and was released. And so it goes.
I lived in that neighborhood for 18 years. I thought (when I first read about this that) we were talking about Riverside Park (which is dangerous enough). What in the hell was she doing running in Morningside Park?!
I doubt even at the height of the practice NYPD conducted stop and frisk on 13 and 14 year old boys.
Is it established that she was on a run? It's not that kind of a park. If she went to Barnard Riverside Park much closer.
Is it established that she was on a run?
What are you driving at, you fuck? You think she was peddling her ass to 13yos? Maybe looking to cop some blow? So she deserved it? Please go to hell, or back to England, whichever.
Wow. Someone posts she was on a run. I doubt it. You go bonkers. I said I lived there once and attended the University. I might add a graduate student died in a mugging around the corner while I lived there, so I have more of an interest than most in this post (the only one I have commented on today).
But since you want to get all in my face I will add that althouse comments is where old white guys come to talk to other old white guys as safe space. For reasons I've never been able to fathom.
From the linked article:
"Signoretti said the suspect told him that Majors was jogging down a set of steps in the park on W. 116th St. near Morningside Drive shortly before 7 p.m. when she was attacked."
I moved away from Morningside Heights in 2000. When I lived there, no one I knew ever entertained the idea of entering that park. (I walked through it once in the daytime on my way to an interview at the University before I moved to New York. A kindly African-American man warned me that it was unsafe for me to be there.) If she was jogging there, it either means that the park has become (perceived to be) much safer during the intervening 19 years, or the victim was somehow not clued into the danger, or she didn't take it seriously.
From the NY Post:
"Barnard College freshman Tessa Majors was allegedly in Morningside Park to buy marijuana when she was fatally stabbed by a group of teenage robbers, the head of the NYPD sergeants’ union claimed Sunday.
"Police sources confirmed to The Post that they are investigating the claim that Majors was in the park to score weed, a detail that came from a college friend of the victim.
"The pal claimed to detectives that the 18-year-old Virginia native and musician said she was headed to the Upper Manhattan park to buy pot Wednesday evening, according to sources."
But since you want to get all in my face I will add that althouse comments is where old white guys come to talk to other old white guys as safe space. For reasons I've never been able to fathom.
What the hell does that even mean? I'm old? Is that so? I'm white? Is that so? Looking for old white guys to talk to? Is that so?
And if so...that's bad?
And you are? Not old? Not white? Not looking for interlocutors of that pattern?
Has it ever occurred to you that Orwell was writing warnings, not instruction manuals?
Earnest Prole: When one tries to force sarcasm, sometimes the casing leaks.
Fernandistan: Based on my research, which isn't the sort of thing that can be discussed, black serial killers have been strongly over-represented based on male population numbers since at least the 1910's. Male population because males commit nearly all such crimes. Though I wonder if women would commit more of them if they had Buffy-like powers against men, all other things being equal.
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