No laughing! No celebrating! Remember: We said somber, somber, somber. Somber, serious, solemn. Solemnity. Solemnity.
.@SpeakerPelosi announces Article I - Abuse of Power against @POTUS passes in the House— CSPAN (@cspan) December 19, 2019
WATCH: https://t.co/Y5lCHABbWG pic.twitter.com/96NAto0daa
ADDED: The Pelosi discipline did not reach the hallways... or Twitter:
This what the Dems meant that they're 'not happy and they are broken' that they had to impeach the president. pic.twitter.com/99nhYuMHoz
— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) December 19, 2019
She will be out of a job soon enough.
That's just public relations. She has a bigger problem, party over country. It doesn't matter what she looks like.
She's a caricature of her own self.
The impeachment is talking past the sale of what can't be sold. The salesman is going to look stupid no matter what, stupid for not noticing that it's not working.
Of course it's possible that it works with women. How bad is that short circuit to feelings instead of elementary systems analysis.
Somber, serious, come on people, I even wore my best somber, serious black outfit!
Let's get the right feeling vibe out there, people, women are looking for clues about what to think of it, and that means feelings.
Althouse sees she's being conned and resents it. Just on this one thing, she thinks. Still votes democrat otherwise. Who seems to mean well, is always the question.
The dems do nothing but impeachment. No constitution now, but we can make it better for women.
Trump does nothing but system analysis. Women let you grab them by the pussy if you're famous. A system.
Trump's humor writes Dilbert cartoons about systems.
What's funny about women let you grab them by the pussy if you're famous, is that women pretend to be serious people on the matter and they're not, in that particular way.
Anyway before #metoo figured out how to cash in on it. The seriousness is in the cash payout.
Tlaib is confident she will be re-elected and I think she will. She has a district that loves her and her actions.
Just like Omar or Cummings from Baltimore. Whose family thinks the seat belongs to them.
She’s in a solid Dem district
tags: That's not funny.
He's still their President, and will be for the next 5 years. Thanks Democrats for doing a great job of turning people against your lying asses!!!
You mean it was all just theater acting? No...
As Wendybar notes, Trump is still President. And now impeachment can be used anytime a President refuses to cooperate with Congress. The new rules, they will be used on Democrats too.
I wish I could believe that the Democrats will pay a price for their corruption, but they took the House after the travesty of the Kavanaugh hearings. There is no reason to believe they won’t reap benefits from their malfeasance this time, too.
The majority Speaker wore her wedding dress to the party.
I’m watching the loons on MSNBC doing their touchdown dance:
1. MI Senator who’s husband cheated on her says Trump has to prove his innocence in the Senate.
2. Going on about the tap water in Flint; a problem caused by local Dems.
3. Tax cheat Al Sharpton commenting about Trump’s comment that women are telling him about dishwashers. Hell, I’ve been bitching about the ineffective dishwater soap for a decade. It all started in Oregon and I read about it in The Weekly Standard.
4. Steve Ratner, the auto industry bailout guy, talks about a very misleading unemployment chart he made.
5. Guy talking about impeachment polls and NO mention of the Meadehouse 66% Solution.
6. They are all fired up that the House might not transmit the Articles to the Senate unless the Senate allows live witnesses during the trial. I say hold the Articles until October.
I'm glad YOU are watching, so we don't have to David Begley!!
Dems nuked the filibuster, and now they've nuked impeachment. This was an opportunity for pies in the face, flying shoes or some other act accordingly dignified to the occasion. The GOP representatives just whined about it, emphasizing how high the stakes were and what a travesty this was. Sad.
It's not dignified to act that way while you're presiding, in your dignity, over the destruction of your institution. They should have been acting disruptively, not within the constraints of Robert's Rules of Order, but in a way the rest of us would recognize. To witness that debacle and merely vote against it is insufficient. It may be admirable for Tulsi to have avoided a partisan vote, but that's a very weak protest. And it was the only protest.
First of all, that was Nancy Pelosi smiling. After 14 plastic surgeries, that's all your face can do.
Secondly, Tlaib is the face of the Dems now. This is who they are. And this is why they'll face the Corbyning of their party next November. Remember this face. Remember this smugness.
Michigan- you can do better than this. Seriously.
Tlaib's merriment this holiday season, where Christmas came early for her, is just the result of electing locals to a post on the national stage. That's useful stuff, so everyone can see what it looks like insider her bubble. Works the other way too, with the Todd Aikens of the world. Makes great advertisements for national politicians. That's even more reason why GOP reps from safe districts should have pulled some stunts of their own. They ceded the drama to the Dems yesterday.
The look on Pelosi's face is the 'I-was-ready-for-eight-inches-but I-didn't-expect-inch-nine' look.
It happens.
I am Laslo.
It's a sham and everyone knows it. Why pretend? It makes regular people all the more cynical about the process.
That's the look of a very serious woman. A woman with murder on the mind. She knows what she's got to do.
Unlike Epstein, Congress ain't gonna kill itself now is it.
Btw, in Epstein didn't kill himself news, the video of his first "suicide attempt" has disappeared somehow. Nick Tartaglione could not be reached for comment, or at least they didn't bother inquiring with him on the news.
I’m over the freeze frame trick. That woman though- munchkin after Dorothy got to her or like when Scrooge died. I do get a bit concerned over that much emotion from a politician not in the hot seat. Too manic...
rehajm, it's even better on video, where you can see how long she held the expression, even as she waved her arm about. inch-nine, lol.
Scooplet: Pelosi wants to hold the articles until mid-Jan
She wants the impeachment trial to coincide with the Women’s March on 1/18
Plan is to target Ernst, Collins, and Murkowski - @OANN
If it wasn't for our messed up immigration priorities, the only thing Tlaib would be "voting" on is what day she detonates in the Gaza Strip.
The Nazi Female leftists are in charge. For now. Corbyn.
I do like Corbyn as a verb...
Exactly WHO is abusing power? Looks more like the Dems in Congress are the guilty ones.
Pelosi wants to hold the articles until mid-Jan
She wants the impeachment trial to coincide with the Women’s March on 1/18
Plan is to target Ernst, Collins, and Murkowski
Murkowski was already more than 50% likely to vote for conviction. Collins will always do her own thing. Ernst? I think she's a vote against conviction because otherwise she's a goner. McSally and Sinema are more likely targets, the former because from her campaign literature she has no discernible political skills and the latter because she might just cross the line if she sees that's what her constituents want. (What a concept! Paying attention to your constituents! A totally new thing.)
Meanwhile, the "objective" WaPoo is celebrating Impeachmas!
"Merry Impeachmas from the WaPo team!" WaPo Congress reporter and CNN political analyst Rachael Bade remarked in the post, in which she was seen with colleagues Paul Kane, Mike DeBonis, as well as Seung Min Kim and Karoun Demirjian, who also are CNN analysts.
"The new rules, they will be used on Democrats too."
They really don't intend to give people that option. That's what the last three years have been about - to establish that they can preempt any other result other than them winning.
Elle Magazine Celebrates Anti-Semites on ‘Women Of Color In Politics To Watch’ List
They complained endlessly about Trump's 'temperament' but they THEY do this - Impeach a sitting President because they're still trying to find a way to undo an election they're angry to the point of irrationality about losing. They cheapened the process while they used it for their own politician purpose. So WHO, exactly, is guilty of 'abuse of power'.
"They are all fired up that the House might not transmit the Articles to the Senate unless the Senate allows live witnesses during the trial. I say hold the Articles until October. "
Yeah, we can't wait on the courts to rule on witnesses v. executive privilege. (And by the way, using your right to a court hearing is obstructing justice.) The danger to the Constitution is just too great.
Ad the evidence is rock solid/undisputed (per a poll of Pelosi's staff?).
But sure,let's wait for who knows how long. No rush.
Hard to sell that one except for the truly committed left.
... unless the Senate allows live witnesses during the trial. " I don't understand this. If they wanted more witnesses called and questioned, why didn't THEY call them? Didn't they just have hearings?
I have often opined here and across the web that high-school really is a defining 'false peak' in the lives of Americans. It is in high-school that childhood really starts to slip away and a glimpse through the keyhole of how the sausage of adulthood gets made starts to be revealed...a glimpse behind the curtain only to see mom giving dad a bj so to speak.
No child is ever ready for that. No one. Everyone deals with it differently. The making and breaking of alliances. Courage. Pain. Heartbreak. And how you deal with those things begin to manifest the type of person you'll be moving forward into adult hood. I say 'false peak' because that's what it is. You're not at the top and you've got a long way to go it just felt like you were there, and the sad thing is that for so many people that was there 'there'...and it's all downhill after that. They reached the false peak and BOOM...what there's more?
Huge numbers of people never evolve past this point. They are permanently stuck at 17. Either acting like it, feeling like it, or getting revenge for it.
Those that want revenge for it...boy you'd better watch out. The same motivation that can turn someone into a drug user is the same monster that can make someone go full steam ahead on getting the means to take revenge for pain they've been caused.
Our nation is turning into Mean Girls. A nation of 50 and 60 year Pocket Hitlers (aka Tracy Flicks). This is because the pocket hitlers keep latching onto and promoting other pocket hitlers to join the club. I don't know what they'll do once they realize that the law is useless without bullets. I don't think they've thought that far ahead.
Not sending the articles of impeachment directly to the Senate shows that the argument this was necessary to protect our democracy was a sham from the start. As if we didn't already know that.
Delaying the trial until January could be really had for the Dems. Isn't Hunter Biden's Baby Mama going to get her full discovery on his Burisma payoffs by then? That could easily change the narrative in a big way.
Not sending the articles of impeachment directly to the Senate shows that the argument this was necessary to protect our democracy was a sham from the start.
It does seem to be a 'tell' that this was just political hackery.
ala Jerry Stiller
Pelosi looks like a Game Show Host.
With that face, Pelosi is signaling to her members, "Get a poly-grip on yourselves!"
Now the corrupt D-house-cowards are threatening to withhold their dirty diaper from the senate.
Such cowardly assholes.
Whatever the D-assholes do - whatever BS manipulation they pull, it will not matter. They are corrupt liars.
We all know Schitt coordinated with the leftwing leaker CIA whistleblower.
alanc709 said...
Not sending the articles of impeachment directly to the Senate shows that the argument this was necessary to protect our democracy was a sham from the start.
Well, they KNEW that the Senate was NEVER going to vote to remove; but sometimes....
you're in a "situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's account"
And Nancy knew; that her minion's were just the guys to do it!!
Nancy got some extra Botox for the occasion.
One argument is that the Senate can convene and vote without the House acting.
If Pelosi refuses to submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, McConnell can convene the Senate anyway, summon the Chief Justice, and swear in the Senators as jurors. Democrats can boycott, but they can’t stop the trial.
McConnell can then propose to dismiss the charges or even hold a vote to acquit the president.
Pelosi can hide the articles of impeachment in Adam Schiff’s basement forever, and it won’t make a bit of difference.
That would be interesting. More hysteria from the left.
Next question would be a quorum call. If Dem Senators refuse to appear can the vote be held ? The Constitution does not consider this, I believe.
Tlaib is a filthy racist rag head who should be deported.
Nancy is just playing hardball. So is Trump. It's like you people enjoy being pissed off more than anything else... now that is fucking sad.
"She’s in a solid Dem district"
She in the Caliphate.
Cocaine Mitch:
Nancy Pelosi's work "constitutionally incoherent."
No wonder Nancy and her freaks are playing "hardball". They cannot let their incoherent temper tantrum see the light of day. LOL!
If the Senate does not receive articles of impeachment from the House, there is no recognized impeachment for them to act on. For history to record this impeachment as valid it must be "transmitted" by the House to the Senate.
Nancy is playing T-Ball. Every Dem gets a trophy. Except for the Dems who didn’t vote to impeach.
They get cut out of the graft.
How do Pelosi’s kids make a living? Follow the Money
Why don’t all the homeless shitting on the Streets of San Francisco get to sleep and shit in Nancy’s Sidewalk?
Follow the Money
Use more of that Polident, Nancy. You sad old woman.
PB said...
If the Senate does not receive articles of impeachment from the House, there is no recognized impeachment for them to act on. For history to record this impeachment as valid it must be "transmitted" by the House to the Senate.
can the Minority R's seek ?ex-parte? relief? from the Senate
a version of amicus?
If your mother has to tell you to behave yourself you are not grown up. Pair this facial expression of the year with Queen Elizabeth admonishing her daughter Anne, Princess Royal (b. 1950), for not greeting President Trump. Newly elected members of Congress are giddy with power like a classroom of misbehaving children when their regular teacher is absent.
Sidenote: I really don't get the insistence by rhhardin that men are not subject to being overshadowed by emotion and feeling, what he calls short-circuit to feelings instead of elementary systems of analysis -- men are far more likely than women to lash out irrationally and physically and verbally violently when they are upset.
Rosalyn C: Rhhardin doesn't actually know any real women. He gleans his conclusions from rom-coms and soaps.
It's like you people enjoy being pissed off more than anything else... now that is fucking sad.
Howard, you should watch some of the left attacking people they disagree with. You won't see it on CNN, of course, but it's happen ing. We are just living our lives and posting on blogs once in a while. Your team is out smashing peoples' heads with bike locks,
attack women who support the president.
Riot in Portland wearing masks.
They are all your people, Howard.
Rosalyn: Thought I recognized your Avatar. Guessing it's from the beach at sabrejets looking through to It's Beach. I used to paint Plein Air in Santa Cruz County I really like your work.
"No laughing! No celebrating! Remember: We said somber, somber, somber. Somber, serious, solemn. Solemnity. Solemnity"
Did she actually say that, or are you claiming to know what is going-on in her mind?
Asking for a friend.
"Does anyone else feel the urge to giggle when I mention my good fwiend Biggus Dickus?"
shes waiting for a call from demille, or a call back for arrested development,
it's a cobweb strewn attic up there,
Thanks for confirming the diagnosis of chronic anger, doc
"Serious question: what does the new, and ever evolving comments policy on this blog say to people who are sometimes deleted, and sometimes their comments left to stand on various threads? I have noticed: sometimes I am deleted, sometimes I am allowed to participate fully in a conversation, and the comments stand even weeks later.
Is this a viewpoint discrimination thing? (The comments of mine that remain seem to be in the political threads, where I am expressing -- usually -- an original point that either has not yet been addressed in the comments, or is not later echoed. Full disclosure: I tend to be a Trump supporter, though I independently analyze policies and stick with outlined political principles. When I comment in support of Trump, in a way others have not yet expressed, my comments are not deleted. So... does it have something to do with the emotions of the deleter/moderator on a particular day.. if they like you, or not, or can tolerate opinions whose viewpoints this blog shares? Why not just institute a ban, using technology, to weed out the ISP addresses of those you do not... like?)"
I also would be interested in hearing more about this. I, for one, would like to follow the wishes of how our hostess & host want the commentators on their blog to behave, yet it seems that the rules they want folks to abide by are ever changing.
it's what she said, she was leaning on a cauldron when she said it,
Next question would be a quorum call. If Dem Senators refuse to appear can the vote be held ?
Good question given the whole sole power language. It wold take some House style gyrations...and wouldn't it still take a majority of the Senate to approve new rules? There might be too many boy scouts in the Republican ranks for that...
As to the quorum they can certainly compel attendance, as has been done. They can make their own penalties, too. Hanging? Again, too many boy scouts...
The framers of the Constitution feared that members of Congress could strangle the government by simply failing to attend legislative sessions. Without a quorum, the Senate or House would be powerless to act. Accordingly, the Constitution’s writers provided that each body could "compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide."
On June 25, 1798, the Senate adopted a rule specifying its manner and penalties for enforcing senators’ attendance. As spring gave way to summer, more than one-third of the Senate’s membership failed to show up for individual votes. Some senators had left the capital to return to their states for the customary five-month break that lasted until the first week in December. Senate leaders, however, had other plans for members before an adjournment would be possible. At the top of their list of unfinished business was one of the notorious Alien and Sedition Acts.
The Senate’s new rule provided that less than a quorum could authorize expenses for the sergeant at arms to bring absent members back to the chamber. The office of sergeant at arms had recently been created specifically for chasing down absent senators and reluctant witnesses needed for the conduct of Senate business. Those senators who had prematurely left town without a sufficient excuse would be required to pay whatever expenses the sergeant at arms incurred in returning them.
Howard said, "It's like you people enjoy being pissed off more than anything else... now that is fucking sad."
And yet you lot are the angry mob bent on impeachment.
Michael K asked:
"Next question would be a quorum call. If Dem Senators refuse to appear can the vote be held ? The Constitution does not consider this, I believe."
For the Senate, a quorum is 51. If McConnell has support of his majority, quorum calls are useless to the Democrats.
If McConnell has support of his majority, quorum calls are useless to the Democrats.
Howard, helpfully, answered my question. The Constitution says "members present" and I see no mention of a quorum to do business.
What I see this morning is that McConnell may announce a date for the trial and, if the House does not send "managers" to present the articles, he can dismiss the matter for no evidence. That would be another first.
Howard said...
Thanks for confirming the diagnosis of chronic anger, doc
You are very welcome. Nice of you to appreciate that the anger is all expressed by your side. The incident last week in DC was by attendees at an "elite" wedding reception attacking GOP women attending a meeting in the same hotel. No interest in confrontation by the GOP women.
Objections can be raised at any point that a quorum isn't present, and by the Senate's rules, a count has to be held, and if 51 members aren't on the floor, then Senate business must cease until a quorum is present. All the Constitution is saying in regards to impeachment is that conviction takes 2/3s of the members present, so, by Senate rules, that can mean 2/3s of 51, and only that high if someone has objected to there being fewer than 51. If no objects, then it could be 2/3s of 1 I suppose.
This is one of the reasons real life, talking filibusters are so tough- the burden is always on the majority to maintain a quorum- it only takes one minority member to keep objecting and forcing at least 51 members to the floor. And rounding up the minority members for this isn't trivial to do, and still forces the Senate to cease business as it is done.
@ Michael K and Yancey
It seems like the Schumer-Pelosi Plan has been to cause chaos that will keep this farce in the headlines, perhaps until they can get Grand Jury testimony or other information to smear Trump.
Had the Democrats followed precedent of all previous impeachment hearings, and not instead pretended that the Bill of Rights had never been added to our Constitution, they probably wouldn’t be so worried that their hothouse flower will wilt at the first chill breeze.
Had the Democrats been this unfair to Nixon, Republicans would likely have stood behind him. Still, even with the one sided rules and the refusal to allow Republicans to pursue lines of defense, the case is less than nothing. The Watergate parallel is to Obama. Nixon could never have dreamed of the powers Obama used against the Republican candidate for President.
The reason fairness has gone out the window is because women are in charge of so much of it now. Women don’t believe in fairness as a general rule when they have the power..
"It seems like the Schumer-Pelosi Plan has been to cause chaos that will keep this farce in the headlines, perhaps until they can get Grand Jury testimony or other information to smear Trump."
Well, it won't work if the Senate majority is united. The trial will start when the Senate majority decides it starts, and with the rules the majority decides on. McConnell is giving Pelosi a chance to use the rules agreed to by 100% of the Senate in 1999's Clinton impeachment trial- but Pelosi has to risk a dismissal vote to get beyond the initial stages of determining which, if any, witnesses need to be called.
Now, if McConnell doesn't announce something before Christmas, then it is likely he doesn't have full control of the majority. I think it unlikely that more than 1 or 2 Republican senators would want a long drawn out trial, especially as the Democrats have claimed to want to use it to continue the impeachment hearings just concluded in the House.
Skylark said...
The reason fairness has gone out the window is because women are in charge of so much of it now.
I might not go that far but you have a point. Women tend to rely more on feelings and that is why suburban woman are leaving the GOP.
Working class woman are more concerned with economics. The definition of economics is the study of scarce resources.
Most of the women I know are conservative on cultural issues. The whole trans thing is so ridiculous it alienates them. Abortion is one thing but boys in girls' showers is a bridge too far, unless you are a guilt driven rich woman.
Bill Clinton was a great politician because he could listen to the other side, while keeping his point of view. Hillary is deaf to her political opponents and simply seeks the power to crush them.
If Bill Clinton were able to run today, he would win in a walk, impeached or no.
Now deleted Tweet from the WaPo
Some harsh comments about Nancy Pelosi on this thread, but it's fair to observe that whatever her other deficits that woman sure knows how to pick plastic surgeons and make up artists. She looks so much younger than Joe Biden or Robert DeNiro, and she doesn't use CGI technology like they do.
For history to record this impeachment as valid it must be "transmitted" by the House to the Senate.
Is the method of "transmission" specified in the Constitution? A certified letter delivered by the USPS, or something?
I think CSPAN, or the House's own website, have transmitted, and are currently transmitting, the impeachment to anyone who cares to look. I can see the full text of both Articles of Impeachment, and the results of the votes thereon, on house.gov right now...
It's a pretty good bet they won't be laughing and celebrating at this time next year.
I also would be interested in hearing more about this. I, for one, would like to follow the wishes of how our hostess & host want the commentators on their blog to behave, yet it seems that the rules they want folks to abide by are ever changing. - PP
I used to read your posts. Not anymore.
You polluted an entire thread yesterday with this same crap.
Stop being so tedious or get your own damn blog.
Good idea. thanks for your article. Do you know you can get telegram members free ? just go to mrtelegram.com
Constantly feeding trolls is what should get a fellow banned. Take it outside. Take it to Twitter.
It will probably boil down to how badly the Senators want to be seen and heard in another series of pontificating debates. If they are really interested in the nation's interest, they will just dismiss the articles by a quick vote and go home for the holidays.
My younger daughter frequents several social media and reports that there are hundreds--maybe thousands--of idiots out there who think yesterday's vote means Trump is out, believing, presumably, that 'impeachment' equals removal from office.
I thought impeachment was urgent, then why is Nasty Pelosi sitting on the articles of impeachment?
Mark Levin seems to agree with my theory.
'Well, the president has less than 11 months to go, Ruth Bader Ginsburg appears to be very ill.' He’s not wishing anything terrible, he’s just saying what he sees."
Levin continued, "'And should she have to leave the bench, by hook or by crook, they want to be able to say that not only will we not allow this president or, for that matter, any Supreme Court Justice in the remaining—whatever number of months—of his presidency, but we will never allow an impeached president to appoint anybody else to the Supreme Court, whether he wins reelection or not.'"
McConnell needs to nip this in the bud. Set a date and dismiss if no managers show up.
My younger daughter frequents several social media and reports that there are hundreds--maybe thousands--of idiots out there who think yesterday's vote means Trump is out, believing, presumably, that 'impeachment' equals removal from office.
In their endeavor to take down constitutional government, the Left has disrupted both popular culture and the educational system.
I got out of teaching grad students in 1989 because they were incurious twits who only wanted a degree, not to learn. My wife is learning that here in AZ by teaching HS.
I guess they're too young to remember that Clinton was impeached.
I got out of teaching grad students in 1989 because they were incurious twits who only wanted a degree, not to learn.
But that's all you need to survive in a culture where credentials matter and knowledge does not.
They've at least learned that much...
when you go on and on, and still have no answer
Wrong cruel woman in a black dress.
noah Feldman, fwiw, says it's not a real impeachment unless the articles are transferred to the senate,
A Merry Impeachmas where the lefties and LLR-lefties never get to open their presents.....
Nancy says you're welcome, Drago. She asks if you liked Tulsi's present?
Rhardin you must know some seriously weak women. I am a woman and the only feelings I have right now relates to comletely righteous indignation at the subverting of our political system by the Democrats. You need to meet a different group of women.
Democrats needed the release. this was their pent up 16 year old boy hump the sofa moment.
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