December 24, 2019

"Emotionality has been weaponized against women for centuries to dismiss us, silence us, or prove our imagined, inherent weakness.... [T]he pulsar gathered force until, with critical mass, we disturbed the universe."

So writes the woman whose emotionality disturbed us before we were ready for pulsar intensity disturbance.

I'm reading "Monica Lewinsky on the Decade We Reclaimed Our Stories—and Ourselves/A timeline of women’s acts of reclamation, 2010–2019" in Vanity Fair.

I was just talking — yesterday, in off-blog life — about Monica Lewinsky. I have long taken the position — in real-world conversations — that Monica Lewinsky really loved Bill Clinton and would have done anything for him, would have continued to please him in the style of old-fashioned femininity, driven by love wherever it went. Her confidante, Linda Tripp, is often disparaged, but we should recognize her as an early exemplar of the #MeToo woman. She was the woman telling another woman to wake up and look at what is really happening. This isn't love. This is exploitation. Your emotionality has been weaponized against you, to diminish and control you, but it needs to gather force and disturb the universe.


Earnest Prole said...

"Weaponize" garners my contempt.

lgv said...

I believe your take really sums it up very well. Lewinsky may have been in love, but she made a choice to service a married man in a wholly inappropriate setting. Linda Tripp was vilified mostly because what she did harmed a Democrat, so 50+% were angered by her actions. She would have been less disparaged if Lewinsky had been servicing the Fed chairman, or some meaningless cabinet member.

Temujin said...

I love how today's feminists think they're the first ones to have these thoughts, these 'ah-ha' moments.

Ann Althouse said...

I like "weaponize."

"Garner" irritates me because it seems to be used by dull people who think they're too good to use the normal word "get."

"Weaponize" doesn't take the place of another perfectly good word. It expresses something that is hard to say in other ways. I think it's used really well in that sentence. Rewrite it if you think "weaponize" should be avoided.

tim maguire said...

Emotionality has been used against women for centuries to dismiss us, silence us, or prove our imagined, inherent weakness.... [T]he pulsar gathered force until, with critical mass, we disturbed the universe.

There you go.

David Begley said...

I have long been of the firm opinion that Bill should have divorced Hillary and married Monica. Hillary wasn’t giving Bill what he wanted and needed. Same for Hillary. But their marriage was all about money and power so that didn’t happen.

David Begley said...


Your reason for disapproving of “garner” is the same reason why I don’t like “impact” and “impactful.”

gilbar said...

pulsar gathered force until, with critical mass, we disturbed the universe."

why do people think,
if they toss in a couple of science sounding words; their statement will be stronger?

If you happen to be familiar with those words; they Weaken the argument

Gahrie said...

Yet another woman trying to defend emotionalism. Repeal the 19th.

rhhardin said...

Clinton was doing something for Lewinski too. Hallmark of a #metoo complaint, ignore the woman's choice. Women don't understand gentlemen's rules about exchanges.

Mazo Jeff said...

I am fascinated by the Linda Tripp story. She was ordered to testify in the Paula Jones trial to her experiences working in the White House. She witnesses Kathleen Wiley coming out of the Oval Office all disheveled and upset after being groped by Bill Clinton. Because of her testimony, Ms Tripp is "transferred" to the Pentagon, called all kinds of names and trashed. While at lunch she befriends a young woman who claims to be having an affair with the President of the US. Due to her previous experience, she decides to tape her conversations with Monica Lewinsky. And the rest is history. Talk about fate!!

rhhardin said...

Clinton should have sued Tripp for tortious interference. Ignore the deal you made and ruin that man.

chuck said...

The title is a gem, it is self refuting. Way to go, ladies.

rhhardin said...

It backfired because Lewinski means blow job now. She didn't anticipate that.

Earnest Prole said...

"Weaponize" is weaponized really well in that sentence.

David Begley said...

I saw Bill Clinton twice campaigning for Hillary. He wanted back in the WH more than Hillary.

The thing I best remember was when he said that Hillary would put wind turbines on Indian Reservations and “we’d all get rich.” We? And Bill was already rich. Another reason to not vote Dem.

rhhardin said...

Also a rash of humidor jokes.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

I'm disturbed by the bizarre statement about pulsars and even more disturbed by its reinforcement of sexist stereotypes about women being bad at science thingies, and how maybe they should probably stick to demonstrations featuring dish soap and food coloring.

stevew said...

"why do people think,
if they toss in a couple of science sounding words; their statement will be stronger?"

For the same reason people use "I" when "me" is correct: they're striking a pose that they believe makes them sound smarter than they are.

I'm with Althouse on 'garner', probably because I was introduced early on to Strunk & White's little book "The Elements of Style". Omit needless words. Use the active voice. All in service to clarity in writing.

John henry said...

Monica was merely exhibit 1A of Trump's "when you're a celebrity they let you grab them by the pussy" remark.

Would she have blown Bill Clinton or "been in love with him" if he'd been running a gas station in Solgohachia Arkansas?

The reporter who wrote this, presumably with a straight face, is no better than Monica lewinski. She's probably let Bill Clinton grab her pussy as well. Just so she could gush to her friends "Bill Clinton grabbed my pussy!!!" as if it meant she was special.

Monica and the reporter, just a couple of star fuckers.

John Henry

J. Farmer said...

I have long been of the firm opinion that Bill should have divorced Hillary and married Monica. Hillary wasn’t giving Bill what he wanted and needed. Same for Hillary. But their marriage was all about money and power so that didn’t happen.

To be fair to Hillary, it's doubtful any wife would have given Clinton what he needed, since what he needed seemed to be to run around on whatever woman he was committed to. He's a serial masher.

Fernandinande said...

"These awful biological women can never understand what it must be like for you becoming a lovely lady so late in life. They take their girly privileges for granted. Winning at female sports and having their own toilets. Well, enough is enough."
"On Ricky Gervais, J. K. Rowling, and speaking frankly"

Phil 314 said...

Hardin click-bait

Sally327 said...

I laughed at her inclusion of Hillary Clinton; honestly I can't really follow Monica's narrative all that well, I think it's "All Women All Good All The Time" and so, perhaps unfortunately, I dismiss it. Does she honestly think Hillary Clinton and she are on the same side? Hysterical. Hillary's in the list of "Firsts". I think that's what it is. Certainly not the first wife to have her husband cheat on her. Perhaps the first to blame it all on a 'vast right wing conspiracy."

Most of the women Monica includes in her timeline of triumph, these are people who would have ridiculed and sought to shame her back in the day. Or did.

Phil 314 said...

Though granted, that’s a low bar to get over.

Tank said...

"Emotionality has been weaponized against women for centuries to dismiss us, silence us, or prove our imagined, inherent weakness.... [T]he pulsar gathered force until, with critical mass, we disturbed the universe."

This kind of writing is a sure sign that you have been in college too long.

Somehow you never see Althouse write this kind of crap.

Jeff Brokaw said...

OK Gen X’er.

Yancey Ward said...

I have always wondered what would have happened if Trump had been recorded saying, "When you're a celebrity they let you put your dick in their mouth." Would the Clinton supporters have been so willing to release the tape in that case?

Josephbleau said...

“The weapon generated power until, with sufficient energy expenditure, we destroyed part of the universe.” A better allegory.

Heartless Aztec said...

Dang. When is a blow job not even a blow job? It's now some kind of weaponized force field interference?
It was a fun interlude in life for both of them - emotionally and physicaly. Ruined by the Tripp bitch. A poster person for minding your own damn business.

Ralph L said...

She forgets that if she hadn't kept the dress as Tripp told her, her "love" would have been trashed mercilessly as delusional.

Maillard Reactionary said...

What Gahrie said, but in boldface type. Also Fernandistein.

The claptrap of a second-rate mind.

MayBee said...

Women are holy and perfect. It's about time our story is told! And told and told and told and told. Do you adore us yet?

MayBee said...

Ralph L said...
She forgets that if she hadn't kept the dress as Tripp told her, her "love" would have been trashed mercilessly as delusional.

That was the thing that turned me against Clinton. It's one thing to have the affair. But for POTUS and all his smear apparatus to pile up on a 24 year old woman for the sin of giving him a blow job was just too much.
And we see what the Clintons can do now, right? Start the ball rolling on 3 years of harassment of the current President and his impeachment-ish. Imagine what they could have done to a lone young woman.

But instead of turning them out, people loved Clinton harder. Begala and Carville got rich and were celebrities. Mrs Clinton ran for POTUS.
The Clintons were the pulsar that became weaponized.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Monica Lewinsky really loved Bill Clinton and would have done anything for him, would have continued to please him in the style of old-fashioned femininity, driven by love wherever it went.

I thought that much was obvious. Somebody disputes this?

JAORE said...

Sometimes a cigar is just.... a thing to be handles with rubber gloves and tossed out with the garbage.

An odd parallel between Monica and Kim Kardashian. Kim is rich and famous after being catapulted into the spotlight from a sex tape.

Monica is whatever her status is since being catapulted into the spotlight for being the "other" woman.

Man do we have an odd way of picking the ones to shower fame and fortune on....

Yancey Ward said...

The pulsar metaphor sounds like an orgasm.

Laslo Spatula said...

I love when women use 'science' words while wearing a French maid outfit.

Something about feather dusters and the word 'vortex', I think.

I am Laslo.

gilbar said...

She forgets that if she hadn't kept the dress as Tripp told her, her "love" would have been trashed mercilessly as delusional.

when you think back on, the Really Amazing thing is that Monica didn't commit suicide
if you know what i mean

Lucid-Ideas said...

+1 Laslo

Somewhere in Santa Barbara a porn-producer is making a vortex feather-tickler. Patent that shit before it takes off.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Emotionality has been weaponized against women for centuries to dismiss us, silence us, or prove our imagined, inherent weakness....

I think women on their own weaponize emotionality pretty well already.

I hope reading that doesn't make a woman cry or anything.

And by 'woman', I include those women born with a penis; I am up-to-date on these things.

I am Laslo.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Emotionality has been used against women for centuries to dismiss us, silence us, or prove our imagined, inherent weakness.... ”

You changed the meaning.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective fem-o-nazi left pounced on Tripp and ripped her apart.

NCMoss said...

Democrats then and surprisingly now have avoided using the word "exploitation" regarding Clinton and Lewinsky. It was always described as an affair or some other other innocent euphemism that never captured the reality of what actually took place.

Francisco D said...

I have always wondered what would have happened if Trump had been recorded saying, "When you're a celebrity they let you put your dick in their mouth." Would the Clinton supporters have been so willing to release the tape in that case?

Seriously Yancey?

It would have created a constitutional crisis if Trump were in the White House as Billy Jeff was.

The Left has no shame when it comes to hypocrisy. Just ask Chucky Schumer.

Tim Wright said...

An alternate universe....Bill kicks Hillary out of the WH, declares his undying love for Monica, and tells the voters and the republicans to do their worst....

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

There are similarities to Marla Maples and Trump. Although, Trump had so little respect for his marriage vows that he dumped his wife and took up with the young bimbo instead.

William said...

Monica was a manipulative woman, but she tried to play Machiavellian games with the Borgias. She was out of her league....It's a shame that she was not able to leverage her Oval Office experience into a prestige job at the UN. The things she tried to leverage leveraged her. After all this time, she's still trying to find a way to make it pay. She persists....Can anyone point to any player in this drama who came out ahead: Linda Tripp, Bill Clinton, Ken Starr, Monica?

bagoh20 said...

The truth is that since they left the rib-cage, women always weaponized their emotions against men and even other women. Sometimes when all else fails and sometimes as the first resort. For some women, even professional ones, it's almost impossible for them to face any real challenge with out resorting to it, especially when challenging a man. The occasional man will do the same now days, but we hate that.

Original Mike said...

"[T]he pulsar gathered force until, with critical mass, we disturbed the universe."

What a mess. Pulsars don't gather "force". Nor do they achieve "critical mass".

bagoh20 said...

There is no real difference between "used against" and "weaponized", except that "weaponized" attempts emotional hyperbole with it, but fails.

Hey Skipper said...

Emotionality has been aimed at women ...

bagoh20 said...

Her own emotions is what got Monica on her knees and into trouble. It's like wanting to reach into the lion's cage and pet the cute kitty.

Still she is likely better off today than she would have been if she hadn't let that dress get ruined. Bill gave her a little of his mojo, but he lost a lot of it.

Michael K said...

ARM manages to get the story 100% wrong. No surprise.

Blogger Gahrie said...

Yet another woman trying to defend emotionalism. Repeal the 19th.

Yes. Marriage was invented to provide protection and support for women who were bearing children, the next generation. Since 1965 and Lyndon Johnson, women can use Uncle Sam to provide and protect. It hasn't worked very well.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
ARM manages to get the story 100% wrong.

Please elaborate. Trump did not run off with the young bimbo? Which part of the story is "100% wrong".

Rory said...

"...Can anyone point to any player in this drama who came out ahead"

The Waddler. The right-wing conspiracy interview is the source of her power.

"Love," is a pretty broad term, and I think Monica is on the stalker end of it. She went to the White House intending the relationship. If she was a man, her welcome by the object of her affection would be scary, but because she was a young girl she just turned out to be a comic villain in the piece.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rory said...
"Love," is a pretty broad term, and I think Monica is on the stalker end of it.

The funny thing is that Lewinsky was still fucking some other older guy while chasing Bill. Bill was an even bigger idiot than it first seemed. Cuckolded by his mistress.

Sally327 said...

"Can anyone point to any player in this drama who came out ahead: Linda Tripp, Bill Clinton, Ken Starr, Monica?"

Matt Drudge.

SGT Ted said...

Women weaponize their emotions to manipulate and bully other people into submitting to their will. Of course they don’t like being called out for it.

JZ said...

“Weaponized” may be a useful word but it’s been over-used to the point where I cringe when I hear it. I react the same way the instant I hear the word “literally.”

Roughcoat said...

Laslo @8:19 AM:

HA HA HA HA! Dude! You rock!

SGT Ted said...

All one has to do is compare Trumps “let you grab them by the pussy” remark with the actions of Monica Lewinsky, along with feminists who wrote articles saying they would happily blow Bill Clinton to protect abortion rights and who said we shouldn’t impeach Clinton over “just sex” to know that Trump was fundamentally correct.

The hysterical reaction to Trumps words compared to the defense of Bill Clintons actions simply proved it was all about politics.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Yet another woman trying to defend emotionalism. Repeal the 19th.”

That is the question that cannot be asked - as we are within days of the centurary of its ratification, would this country have been in better shape if the 19th Amendment had never been enacted? I think that an argument can be made that overall, women voting has accelerated a number of worrisome trends, such as the replacement of the family with the state. A woman’s right to raise her children without depending on, and being subservient to, a man, trumps the adverse societal effects of fatherless child rearing. And as a result, 3/4 of Black children are now born out of wedlock, and a significant fraction of the boys thus raised without fathers end up dead or in prison at a young age. The current rage is now to decriminalize much of the criminality that ends up causing those young Blacks to end up in prison. Most here can see where that is going - just by looking at Chicago, and seeing the wilding groups of kids running amok in flash mobs on weekend nights.

I definitely couldn’t have ever asked my mother that question. First in her class at the University of Illinois (1945), her great grandmother and her sisters had been active in three causes in the 1850s: emancipation of the slaves, temperance, and female suffrage (which, of course, means that they were very obviously Republicans, voting for Lincoln in 1860). Their arguments were mostly, overtly Christian, religious. Their letters back and forth make fascinating reading. That great great grandmother lived long enough to see all but suffrage come into effect, and her husband, who had fought in the Civil War, even lived to see that.

Mark O said...

Bill Clinton tried to destroy Monica. Apparently, love means never having to say you are sorry.

Ken B said...

If “emotionality” has been weaponized then it has been made into a weapon, and thus becomes a weapon for use by those with heightened emotionality. But that is precisely the opposite of what is being claimed isn’t it? Isn’t her claim that the alleged emotionality is used as a weapon against those people?

So I think Althouse loses the “weaponize” point here. How about “held against”? Or “used to deride”.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary Clinton destroyed all of Bill's sexual dalliances, with help from places like SNL.
But Hillary won CA - so she's freaking special.

Rich to see prog-church loyalists agonize over Trump's ex-wives with NO comment on Bill Clinton's sexual deviancy that included splooging all over an intern in the actual OVAL OFFICE. while president.

Trump's private life before he ran for public office is more interesting to the prog-church.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Imagine if Trump splooged all over a young intern in the oval office.

Would the collective left of prog-church chatter about how "It's just sex?"

Michael K said...

Please elaborate. Trump did not run off with the young bimbo? Which part of the story is "100% wrong".?

OK. Bill played with Monica while married to Hillary. Without the semen stain, Monica would have been destroyed as a stalker.

Trump divorced Ivana and married Marla. See ? No, of course not. TDS gets in the way.

Typical. Marla "only" got $1 million in prenup.

Ken B said...

In general I think weaponize is a useful word. I just think the arrow points the wrong way in the quoted sentence. Which might be connected to the sentence being an example of puffed up jargon laden academese.

Ken B said...

“Without the semen stain, Monica would have been destroyed as a stalker.”
Yup. The process was already underway when news of the dress came out. “A little bit nutty and a little bit slutty” was the phrase I remember hearing many times. Never mind that it's contradctory.

Lurker21 said...

"Weaponizing emotionality" sounds like the old debates about whether you really wanted a woman's hand to be on the nuclear button.

Of course, there wasn't actually a "nuclear button," and one could come up with reasons why men couldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes either, but that old talk did balance out all later the talk about how much better the world would be if women ran it.

traditionalguy said...

All you need is an Emotionally Intelligent man with passionate and intimate love making skills that follow. a days romance between two equals. That is a good life plan. Jordan Peterson would approve of that plan too. Only trouble is that plan requires kissing many frogs before the prince ever shows up. But fear not, there are a few of us out there.

David Begley said...

1. I wonder if Monica is still a Democrat.

2. Lots of charts and graphs in her article.

3. She’s 46 and unmarried. No kids. Sad.

Howard said...

The human stain of impeachment seems indelible... for now

Howard said...

I've seen how Cucks like you people weaponize women's emotions. When my daughter was slowly dying of stricturing Crohn's disease, her incompetent male doctors told her that the stomach pains were all in her head and she was just seeking opioid medication. Fast forward 10 years my best friend's wife had a strangulated bowel was slowly killing her for about six months and her male doctors give her the same diagnosis of Hysteria and drug seeking. In both cases both women were probably within a month of death before they had their life-saving surgeries. Thank Odin they continue to thrive.

rcocean said...

Monica and Bill deserve each other. The mouthy fat chick and the flabby teacher's pet who played in the band.

stutefish said...

Meanwhile, I'm pissed off at the astrophysical metaphor. She calls it a pulsar, but describes a black hole. Until the very end, when I guess it turns into an atomic bomb? The mechanics of a pulsar don't lend themselves to the black hole imagery she's using. And the mechanics of a black hole don't lend themselves to the bomb imagery she's using.

Vanity Fair needs better editors.

Shouting Thomas said...

I can’t recall ever getting together with a man to conspire over punishing some woman he’s slept with.

I wouldn’t do it if requested.

Merry Christmas!

rcocean said...

Did you realize that Clinton never got more than 44% of the white vote? And with White Men, it was more like 40%. He was a minority President, in both senses of the word.

rcocean said...

Why anyone would feel sorry for Lewinski is beyond me. But there's certain kind of man, White knights, who ALWAYS takes the female side in everything. Every woman is just like Mom or their precisous daughter. Fortunately, these dumbos are getting fewer and fewer as the Boomers die out.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Howard, I am so sorry about your daughter. As a fellow Crohn's I am terrified of stricturing, even though my symptoms tend the other way.

But like your daughter, I was given the brush by quite a few doctors until I told them that my brother had been diagnosed as well. Suddenly I started getting serious treatment instead of pats on the head.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Monica is re-garnering her story.

Howard said...

Hi Annie, thanks. I hope you are doing well my daughter is doing the injectable biologics and that seems to be working well for her. she just has to be very careful around her nieces and nephews so she doesn't catch a nasty cold

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - where their surgeons women?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

You know who else took injectable biologics? Monica Lewinsky.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We can all argue over consensual sex and it's place in our lives. We can moralize and cast judgements in all directions.

I'm just wondering, dear progs, if you would say the same about Trump if he had sex in the oval office with a young intern. circa now.

donald said...

Bill Clinton didn’t even know her name after even the first few blow jobs and people to this day (Even here) think there was some kind of relationship or even an affair. That never ceases to blow my mind/crack me up.

robother said...

An image of a dam bursting, unleashing all that repressed feminine emotionality would've been more true than the confused pulsar analogy. Women's "acts of reclamation" would resonate with a...Bureau of Reclamation, which is a dammed effective agency.

Michael K said...

her male doctors give her the same diagnosis of Hysteria and drug seeking. In both cases both women were probably within a month of death before they had

Howard wants only female doctors. Got it. You are getting your wish as 60% of medical students are female.

There might be a few "unexpected" consequences, such as female doctors work 27% fewer hours. As long as you don't need one in a hurry, you'll be fine.

effinayright said...

SGT Ted said...
Women weaponize their emotions to manipulate and bully other people into submitting to their will. Of course they don’t like being called out for it.

Didn't some crazed Dem Fem warn, just the other day, that her rage against Trump was egged on by her being in a menopausal state of anger?

How's THAT for using female emotions to bully and manipulate people!

Guimo said...

“Weaponize” is a go-straight-to-the-nuclear-trigger word. It’s overkill. First, adding “ize” to any verb is facile, but not original. Second, a weapon is a very serious thing. Use of the word should not be done lightly.

The Crack Emcee said...

Give me a break.

I was trying to get people interested in the NXIVM sex cult back in 2007. Got attacked that whole time, here and elsewhere, as a crank mysoginist who wanted to start his own cult, etc.

Women didn't decide to "get involved" until one betrayed the others - within the cult - in 2018.

And I got too many more examples like that. It's everyone's lack of interest - when it matters - that makes me hardly care about anything today.

Ralph L said...

Can anyone point to any player in this drama who came out ahead:

The Goldbergs, Lucianne and Jonah.

Ray - SoCal said...

Incompetency is equal opportunity.
>her incompetent male doctors

The problem with the current Doctor set up is it's set up for spending as little time as possible with a patient, due to how insurance rewards (pays) for performance. Not to mention the extra time required for data inputting by Dr. And Dr's have their tunnel vision. Expert systems may help in this area in the future, the problem is how to get the data input, without causing more problems.

I was surprised how different Medical Systems still don't share records. I just saw this in the hospital with my Father, on going over his medication. Since he has multiple Dr. and he has gone to multiple hospitals, their seems to be limited information sharing.

Professional lady said...

I think Lewinsky found it exciting to have illicit sex with a powerful man.

Rabel said...

Can anyone point to any player in this drama who came out ahead:

They're all millionaires now.

Ray - SoCal said...

NXVIM supported the right party, and indiscretions by those of the right faith are ignored.
>It's everyone's lack of interest

Podestra's artwork freaks me out, and I"m surprised it's not more well known.

Epstein was another one of the favored, and I am amazed at how little has come out after his untimely death. It seems there has been a huge effort to deliberately look away from this scandal, both by the government and the press.

I am becoming more and more cynical, as more scandals come out from Hollywood to Washington.

A site that has some truth in the posts about Hollywood that has been eye opening:
Crazy Days and Nights

Michael K said...

I was surprised how different Medical Systems still don't share records

UCLA and Cedars Sinai share 98% of medical staffs but the EHRs do not communicate. This has been a clusterfuck and I was once an enthusiast for electronic medical records. The name change is a hint. When it went from "Medical" to "Health" it went from medical info to billing info.

I finally quit teaching over the EHR.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Can anyone point to any player in this drama who came out ahead:

They're all millionaires now.

The Biden-Hillary family-get-rich project worked.
The left protect their own. Trump stands in the way.
Bill Clinton is old news. Saying "grab em by the pussy" is much worse than actual semen stains in the oval office.

narciso said...

largely so, they covered the nxim story with a cloth, the real hellfire club, casino royale in retrospect was about Epstein, the fellow with too many ties, to make disclosure possible, Onassis might well have been the real blofeld, specially in the vegas episode,

narciso said...

the fenech-schembri scandal in malta, might serve interesting material, a corruption scandal, involvinf azeri oligarchs, german industrial magnates, in Valletta, running through dubai laundry.

of bill's paramours there was the one who ended up on highlander, and walter Mondale's daughter, the rest were generally uninteresting,

FullMoon said...

Monica lied to protect Bill. She really did expect him to divorce Hillary and marry her.

Starr Report

Paul Snively said...

I respect what Monica Lewinsky did post-scandal--studying business and economics in London, starting her own business, etc.--but every time she says anything about the scandal itself, I'm reminded that before that scandal, she had an abortion due to an earlier affair with an older married man, as I recall, a teacher. Then the Clinton thing. So whether she likes it or not, she's opened herself up to the perception of her as having a pretty predictable relationship with power, and having a kind of hyper-hypergamy. If Jordan Peterson were ever to talk about her, he'd have a field day. So the sermonizing about being "shut down" as a "powerful woman" just reads like so much self-serving pabulum. It's sad because she really did eventually find her power and independence, but she just can't help undercutting her own claims by insisting she was something other than what she was: a confused young woman with a history of dysfunctional relationships in the gray zone intersecting love and sex, that seemed to have elements of inappropriate power dynamics and power competition with other women.

n.n said...

Women are holy and perfect. It's about time our story is told! And told and told and told and told. Do you adore us yet?

After deconstructing the women bloc, I can confidently say that some, perhaps many, yes. Not perfect, but they strive.

FullMoon said...

Whenever Monica come up, I think of her parents.
Proud parents whose child works in D.C..
"How's Monica doing?"

"Great, she works in the White House now and actually talks with Bill and Hillary"

Then, becomes a crazy, lying whore who sucks dick for fun, according to the cruelly neutral MSM/Democratic party.

Brings to mind the gay Republican congressman, whose name escapes me (in Florida?), who was outed by Democrats hoping to humiliate him into losing election. His elderly father did not know he was gay and the stress supposedly led to his death.

n.n said...

a confused young woman with a history of dysfunctional relationships...

That is a fair characterization.

n.n said...

Saying "grab em by the pussy" is much worse than

The first rule of social liberal club. That said, all that we know for certain is that he exposed a tradition, a convention. However, his real crime was exposing and obstructing quid pro Joes etc.

FullMoon said...

Howard said...

I've seen how Cucks like you people weaponize women's emotions. When my daughter was slowly dying of stricturing Crohn's disease, her incompetent male doctors told her that the stomach pains were all in her head and she was just seeking opioid medication.

Fortunately she had you to take her elsewhere the next day to get a correct diagnosis. Probably out of Santa Cruz County where liberalism and opioid addiction go hand in hand.

Young peripheral was diagnosed as bulimic attention seeker by female Doctor. Just like you, we immediately took her elsewhere, where kidney stones were diagnosed.

n.n said...

Women weaponize their emotions to manipulate and bully other people

Empathetic appeals are not limited to women, and are exploited for leverage in politics, at work, and home, too. Appeals that cross the fine line separating extortion and compassion. Another gift from Pandora's box.

n.n said...

Can anyone point to any player in this drama who came out ahead:

They're all millionaires now.

And the moral of the story is that dysfunction is progressive, and a convergence is inevitable. I wonder how many times this tale has repeated through human history. Especially at extinction level scales.

FullMoon said...

One liar still a hero to men and women on the left. You go girl!

Columbia Mattress Girl Discredited | National Review

Kelly said...

I would never call what she felt for him love. Did they go on dinner dates, meet her friends, his friends or each other’s families on an even footing? Did they argue and make up? It was infatuation or a school girl crush which he took advantage of in stolen moments.

Howard said...

No Doc Mike. I generally prefer male docs. Especially in an orthopedic surgeon. I just don't like those short man God complex or the squishy libtard Cux that have infiltrated your profession. They pick on women and are terrified of aggressive intelligent men. It's easy to spot these worthless POS doctors because they are so defensive when questioned.

LA_Bob said...

Emma Sulkowicz seems to have moved on from her "woman scorned" experience. Monica, it seems, never will. Perhaps because there's very little that compares with being scorned by the President of the United States.

Professional lady said...

Paul Snively, I agree. She made some really bad decisions when she was younger. It's time to move on, accept responsibility for her decisions, and quit making excuses. I would have more respect for her if she did. Bill Clinton is a rat and should not have done what he did, but she willingly participated and may have even instigated the relationship.

narciso said...

what a tedious piece, in addition to bill Clinton's fern pot, you have the founders of the bogus black lives matter movement, the sjw jihad wearing Olympic performer,

narciso said...

the coordinator of the 1619 project, (redacted) Christine ford, I'm dying here, as bugs bunny would say,

rehajm said...

I wonder if Monica is still a Democrat.

Word has it that she is. My speculation is she’d be another leftie lecturer but apparently everyone sided with Bill and Hill for some reason so reindeer games for Bill’s side action.

Michael K said...

It's easy to spot these worthless POS doctors because they are so defensive when questioned.

I have some stories in one of my books. One is about female ped residents.

Bilwick said...

So is she saying that "emotionality" is a GOOD thing? When I tell women in political or philosophical discussion that they're being overly emotional, or letting their emotions over-price their logic, they react as if I had just run over their pets.

Earnest Prole said...

The sentence is a mess. Whose emotionality? Who is the “weaponizer”? I think she’s trying to say something like, “For centuries men have disparaged women’s emotionality in order to dismiss us, silence us, or prove our imagined, inherent weakness.” But I can't say for sure because she's too emotional ;)

Gahrie said...

So is she saying that "emotionality" is a GOOD thing? When I tell women in political or philosophical discussion that they're being overly emotional, or letting their emotions over-price their logic, they react as if I had just run over their pets

Our hostess argues that emotions are a valid part of reason.

walter said...

rhhardin said...
Also a rash of humidor jokes.
a humidor of rash jokes.
Uh..bringing Greta Thunberg into that fold?
"One of these things is..not like the other.."

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

I am encouraged by Monica's always proceeding past her past..that she repeatedly refers back to/sells out to.
I guess it's her franchise at this point.

AlanKH said...

At first I misread that as "emotionality has been weaponized by women for centuries to dismiss us, silence us..." Then I misread it that way again, in Clarence Thomas' voice.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Mazo Jeff said...12/24/19, 6:57 AM

I am fascinated by the Linda Tripp story. She was ordered to testify in the Paula Jones trial to her experiences working in the White House. She witnesses Kathleen Wiley coming out of the Oval Office all disheveled and upset after being groped by Bill Clinton. Because of her testimony, Ms Tripp is "transferred" to the Pentagon, called all kinds of names and trashed.

Linda Tripp was not transferred because of anything she said about Kathleen Willey, which Bill Clinton didn't know she had anything to say about. Kathleen Willey had already happened butshe didn't say anything and didn't have anyone to say it to for along time. She was transferred in 1994 because of the Vincent Foster case (she said some things that differed from the White House account)

Bill Clinton wanted to get rid of her in case she might report something else, but he wanted to keep her in government employ so he would have some kind of a hold over her.

It was because of the Foster case that she knew how to get in touch with the special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr.

While at lunch she befriends a young woman who claims to be having an affair with the President of the US. Due to her previous experience, she decides to tape her conversations with Monica Lewinsky. And the rest is history. Talk about fate!!

Bill Clinton made the blunder of transferring two different people connected with two totally different cases to the exact same office! He had also wanted to have a hold over Monica Lewinsky - keeping her away from him, but in government employ.

When she contemplated moving to New York, he tried to give her a job with the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Bill Richardson.

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