December 8, 2019

"But I’ve thought about the word 'hate' a lot. Not, as Nancy Pelosi said, in relation to being Catholic. But in relation to being a woman."

"The reason it upset me was that it seemed like a way to undercut legitimate concerns I had about the behavior of a president or would-be president by suggesting that strong emotions were clouding my judgment. It’s not that they are doing something wrong; it’s that you are an overwrought female. It evoked the old trope that women are vengeful and hysterical...."

Writes Maureen Dowd, in "Hating the Word ‘Hate’/Don’t mess with us, man" (NYT). It's a little hard to do the gender analysis on Pelosi's going ballistic on the word "hate," because we had Joe Biden going way over the top on the same day and getting at least as much mockery. But Dowd doesn't ignore the corresponding Biden story. She just pivots. Meanwhile, in Iowa...
In Iowa, meanwhile, surly Joe Biden erupted at an 83-year-old retired farmer who brought up Hunter Biden’s nepotistic payday from a Ukrainian energy company. The farmer had his facts twisted, mistakenly claiming that Biden had “sent” his son to work in Ukraine to sell “access” to the president....

Biden’s outburst — “You’re a damn liar, man,” he snapped — showed that he still thinks any questions about his son’s windfalls while he was vice president are out of line — even though Hunter himself has acknowledged using “poor judgment.”

It also showed that he has no answer for something that’s bound to be a big part of the general campaign, since it is at the heart of the crazy Rudy-Donny conspiracy theory that provoked the impeachment drive. If Joe Biden can’t handle an 83-year-old retired farmer without losing his cool, how can he handle a 73-year-old piranha?

Withholding $400 million in military aid to a fledging democracy under attack from Russia is in a different universe than making a quick buck off the Washington influence machine. But that farmer is not the only voter who feels a little queasy about Joe Biden not stopping Hunter from making a money grab in Ukraine while the vice president was pushing the Ukrainians to be less corrupt.
Notice that Dowd accepts that Hunter Biden made lots of money off his father's position — "windfalls," "a quick buck," "money grab." And she thinks the Iowa guy had a good question even if it was a little defective (in saying Biden sent his son). There are millions of others who want an answer to a legitimate question, and answering questions shouldn't depend on phrasing them exactly right. I agree with Dowd that Biden's response "showed that he has no answer."


Original Mike said...

"Hating the Word ‘Hate"

If the shoe fits...

Iman said...

Can one code in stilettos?

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

it’s that you are an overwrought female. It evoked the old trope that women are vengeful and hysterical...."

Bwaaaaaaaaa mean girl. Harpy. Banshee. Harridan. Hag. It’s not a trope. It was earned for a reason.

narciso said...

Hunter biden was part of thr truman project which has ties to blue star strategies burismas all star team and the administration.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Re: Pelosi reacting about the world hate being used It’s not that they are doing something wrong; it’s that you are an overwrought female. It evoked the old trope that women are vengeful and hysterical...."

Well then.....Perhaps Nancy Pants shouldn't have acted like an hysterical overwrought woman about the use of a word.

Pelosi could barely string two words together and was shaking, stammering, pointing, stabbing at the air. Her HOW DARE YOU, vaporous outrage was right out of a Antebellum bodice ripper melodrama. I was looking for her fainting couch to be in the background.

If the shoe fits.................

Temujin said...

None of them have an answer to the obvious problem. Which is why Russia! Er...I mean Impeach! Oh hell...Racist!

Not that I don't take them seriously, but Jesus Christ...who threatened to withhold money? Biden on Ukraine

Seeing Red said...

Biden has the answer. It’ll put at minimum, his son in jail.

narciso said...

Meanwhile no weapons were delivered to ukraine for three years in the thick of the fight with the little green men

tim in vermont said...

"Withholding $400 million in military aid to a fledging democracy under attack from Russia is in a different universe than making a quick buck off the Washington influence machine.”

Wow, and Obama wouldn’t even send them anti tank missiles while the actual conflict was going on.

Trump didn’t reverse Obama’s policies in Ukraine quickly enough is the main takeaway from this whole thing I guess. What does it say to a “fledgeling democracy” when we are over there sucking up graft from kleptocrats like the founder of Burisma? This is a lot like our own experience as a “fledgeling democracy” and the XYZ Affair, when Tallyrand, France’s foreign minister, demanded bribes and favorable loans before he would see the American delegation. Our response was “Millions for defense! Not one penny for tribute!” They don’t teach that American history anymore in schools, is my bet.

Hillary learned about Tallyrand and took careful notes, is my bet.

Original Mike said...

"I agree with Dowd that Biden's response "showed that he has no answer."

What they did is blatantly obvious. There can be no "response". It's why Biden, and the press, aggressively shut down the discussion as soon as the question is raised. It's their only option.

narciso said...

Yes pelosi was waiting for demille to call her, its not a good look

Fernandinande said...

Misusing the word trope to mean stereotype is a trope.

Quaestor said...

Biden had already sold access to the White House policy-making chambers. Hunter Biden's phony-baloney job was the payment, or more precisely, the downpayment. That retired Iowa farmer paid Biden fils an unintentional compliment by implying he has the savvy and subtlety required to play the graft game in the big leagues. And for that causality slip, Biden père blasts the poor fellow for a damned liar.

Savvy and subtlety. Balderdash. Anyone without the presence of mind to bring his own dildo to Larry Flynt's orgy den is hardly fit for a busboy gig.

tim in vermont said...

You know how you avoid sounding overwrought? You have solid answers for criticisms of your case. For instance, you should be able to summarize accurately any objections, and dispassionately explain why those objections are wrong. If you can’t do that, you are properly classified as driven by emotion.

You also are not afraid of due process if you have a solid case.

Wince said...

The farmer had his facts twisted, mistakenly claiming that Biden had “sent” his son to work in Ukraine...

Joe so loved the world, that he gave his only misbegotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not be impeached.

MadisonMan said...

I'm surprised to read that the question-poser of Biden is 84! He didn't seem that old in the view from the back. I look forward to Biden being the nominee and having this question asked of him all the time. Rage is not a good look on a Presidential candidate, and I don't think Democratic Candidates recognize this.

Dave said...

I've been in therapy and psychiatry for 25 years. A friend of mine, a female with borderline personality disorder, suggested I might have the disease. That had never been suggested to me before by any of my providers. I checked the symptoms with my problems, and it was a match.

As far as I can tell, men do not get hurt feelings. We only have anger. It seems to me the problems with emotional stereotyping of men and women cut both ways. That doesn't matter to Dowd; she has an agenda.

donald said...

Original Mike, Chuck Todd was yelling over Ted Cruz a few minutes ago, screaming as Cruz addresses it. I was laughing so damned hard.

tim in vermont said...

Of course Trump is slowly starving the Russian military of funds by forcing down the price of oil through fracking, something that Hillary wanted to end and that all Democrats want to end.

narciso said...

She is still pinning for hank pym (michael douglas)

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

Withholding $400 million in military aid to a fledging democracy under attack from Russia

That democracy is a "motivated buyer", at least until the its wing feathers are large enough for flight, so why give it away?

chickelit said...

How can we ever know if Biden sent or didn't send HB to the Ukraine? Investigation is off limits according to Dems. Hillary should definetly run just to avoid any hint of investigation into her shenanigans in the past.

Amadeus 48 said...

Sigh. If only Trump had withheld military aid from Ukraine. If only Obama had given military aid to Ukraine. Then there might be some substance to all this yak.

Personally, I want a president that wants to be sure that the billions we are about fork over are not going to the same old kleptocrats.

Yay Trump on this one.

Shut up, Dowd. You are a hack.

Iman said...

Pelosi is as much a Catholic as I'm an Orthodox Jew.

MacMacConnell said...

I was channel surfing yesterday and came upon One American News interviews with Gulinni and the three Ukrainian officials who have said our Embassy repeatedly refused them vistas to enter the US. They also interviewed the prosecutor Biden had fired. They all had documents supposedly supporting their claims.

If all this testimony is true, Joe and Hunter among others are toast.

Michael K said...

The farmer had his facts twisted, mistakenly claiming that Biden had “sent” his son to work in Ukraine to sell “access” to the president....

Suuuure he did. Dowd is just another DNC spokesperson.

Clyburn is now saying he won't whip the impeachment vote. Is Nancy thinking about it again ?

Hate is all they have and everybody not insane with TDS knows it.

Danno said...

chickelit said..."Hillary should definetly run just to avoid any hint of investigation into her shenanigans in the past."

Maybe everyone should run as a Democrat for President. That would end all prosecutions and investigations in this country, period. And frankly, the Dems will let anyone in. Bernie is example one of that policy.

Lurker21 said...

David Brooks is calling this a great moment for Biden. I didn't read the article (paywall), but it sounds like he's calling this Biden's Dunkirk or Cuban Missile Crisis - an exaggeration on my part, but still, he thought Joe's behavior was presidential and a good thing for him when this was in fact anything but Biden's finest hour.


Rosen's question was strange, and not one I would have asked, but it did cut through the usual political palaver. I didn't see it as "sexist," but did see a gender context. When dad is going on and on, raging or pontificating about everything under the sun, you turn to mom, not because she's emotional or irrational, but because you think she has the sense to see through all the words. You think she has greater sensitivity or insight about emotions and about what is really going on psychological. Maybe that is sexist after all, but it's not necessarily a put-down of women.

Quaestor said...

Can one code in stilettos?

There comes a time in a woman's life when stilettos are more comical than alluring.

But don't tell Dowd. There are giggles aplenty to yet be chortled.

However, there are also women with an authoritarian bend who love the machine gun staccato of heels on the polished marble floors of Power. Dowd made be one of those. In that case, Sieg highheels!

Ken B said...

Sent was an inference. I don’t know it was unfair. “Made available for purchase” might be more accurate. Sent or beckoned doesn’t really matter since he peddled influence either way, and we know Joe intervened to protect him.

stevew said...

That Biden's response shows he has no answer indicates to me that he and his campaign strategy team are incompetent. Biden should have a ready made and memorized response to any questions about his time as point man for Obama on Ukraine AND his son's activities and dealings there.

pacwest said...

"Withholding $400 million in military aid to a fledging democracy under attack from Russia"

Withholding? I thought they got the money. 'Delaying' might have worked, but even that's a stretch. Fledgling democracy? Under attack? Like bombs bursting in air?

She might even believe (doubtful) what she is writing. The human mind is a strange thing.

Ken B said...

I see Democrats throw the word hate a lot, and its siblings homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and so on all the time.
Of course Pelosi is driven by hatred. It had her quaking, just as it had Karlan quaking.

Curious George said...

Biden's response "showed that he has no answer."

Have you seen SLow Joe recently? He has no answer to anything.

Original Mike said...

Blogger donald said..."Original Mike, Chuck Todd was yelling over Ted Cruz a few minutes ago, screaming as Cruz addresses it. I was laughing so damned hard."

I don't watch Todd anymore but I'm sorry I missed it.

I am a little surprised they are covering for Biden so aggressively. I would have thought they'd jump at the chance to get rid of Biden in favor of a more lefty candidate.

chickelit said...

Pelosi hates the truth and she does hate Trump. Also, she's a very phony Catholic. These are not truths to be tested in court; they are truths already tested in the court of public opinion. These truths are self-evident. I think a plurality of Americans would agree with me.

chickelit said...

Why would anyone watch Chuck Todd but for to laugh in the face of the Democratic Party?

Balfegor said...

The more I think about it, the more I think the answer is that (1) Biden can't control his son. There's lots of other things this son has done that Biden probably thinks are sleazy, like divorcing his wife over an affair with his brother's widow, or getting bastards on strippers. (2) Biden doesn't want to distance himself from his son, whom he loves, in public. Of course, his affection for his son is what creates the conflict -- it's what people like Burisma's managers are counting on.

Bay Area Guy said...

We're going to impeach the President on a bullshit phone call, thereby negating 63 million votes of our citizens, but how dare you suggest we hate him, dammit!!!!!

Gahrie said...

It's not just Hunter Biden. The children of at least three other Democratic politicians also got high paying jobs with energy companies in the Ukraine.

cubanbob said...

I'm looking forward to the Senate trial and Biden being compelled to testify. Better stock up on popcorn cause there is going to be a shortage.

Gahrie said...

I would have thought they'd jump at the chance to get rid of Biden in favor of a more lefty candidate.

The Democrats believe that Biden is their best chance to beat Trump.

wildswan said...

On a different note,
Dowd asserts that Trump ought to be glad to hear that he has at least one person in DC praying for him which brings up this point: Trump is probably the only current leader who has millions genuinely praying for him - and against him. Religious rights are under assault in this country, millions know it and pray for him. Catholic abortion supporters like Pelosi pray that he may wake up to the need to kill babies at birth and even after birth. And wiccas and satanists have been doing whatever it is they do since the inauguration or even before and Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff are the answer to the wicca/satanist conjurations. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Bill Barr are the answer to evangelical/ trad Catholic prayers.

Then there is the Pelosi prayer. Pelosi's prayer is: “that God will open {the President's] heart to meet the needs of the American people.” She thinks her prayers aren't being answered. "... she even complained to her pastor that her prayers were not working." Well, Nancy, as a swamp denizen, maybe you knew exactly what to pray for -someone whose "heart was open to the needs of the American people." We both know all true heartfelt prayers are answered so maybe this is how we got Trump. Keep it up.

Lurker21 said...

Context gets lost nowadays. Pelosi said in 1998 that the Republicans were trying to impeach Bill Clinton because they were "paralyzed with hatred of President Clinton." That could explain why Rosen asked the question he did, but for all the reporting of the exchange, the background doesn't get reported.

Speaking of context. In 1974, impeachment hearings really did feel like something historic. More recently, for all the talk about historic moments and days to remember, it just seems to be politics as usual. If there actually is a Senate trial or a resignation it would be "historic," but it's hard to take all of this as seriously as people took the Nixon scandal.

chickelit said...

Gahrie said...It's not just Hunter Biden. The children of at least three other Democratic politicians also got high paying jobs with energy companies in the Ukraine.

How dare you threaten the livelihoods of their children! Do you have any idea how hard it is to raise children in the hyper-competitive environment of Washington, D.C.? Not just to raise them, but to then send them to the "right" schools so that they may succeed in life. You might begrudge what you see as unearned privilege, but stop and consider for a moment what they have foregone: They could have gone into industry or private practice -- dirtying their hands working in "for profit" industries. Instead they chose public service out of good conscience and their desire to serve you. How dare you begrudge their taking a little "extra" for their trouble.

chuck said...

Dowd gets the facts about withholding the Ukraine military aid wrong. It's like believing in fairies, but Dowd's gotta Democrat.

Francisco D said...

The Democrats believe that Biden is their best chance to beat Trump.


Biden's advertised "moderate" approach is bullshit. As POTUS, he would staff up with as many if not more Leftists than the Obama administration. He is just a front man for the totalitarians and they are out for revenge.

Be afraid. be very afraid.

Original Mike said...

"Pelosi's prayer is: “that God will open {the President's] heart to meet the needs of the American people.”

Like passing a budget, USMCA, and Lord knows what else?

Quaestor said...

That Biden's response shows he has no answer indicates to me that he and his campaign strategy team are incompetent.

Not necessarily. Joe Biden's history strongly implies that whatever lame-ass spiel his handlers have concocted to deflect questions about Hunter Biden was completely forgotten five minutes after the briefing.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maybe, Nancy-Pants can throw a few prayers towards Putin - another fellow she doesn't hate, dammit.

rehajm said...

The Democrats believe that Biden is their best chance to beat Trump.

I think it's worthy of debate. There was no question who was in charge last cycle but who is it now? There are key former Obama staffers who backed Warren early. Other big D players have admitted they're waiting to back a candidate. Everyone's seen Biden in action in the campaign. How can they like what they see?

SGT Ted said...

The fact that behavior that was overlooked, tolerated and not seen as any sort of concern when a Democrat was doing it, but suddenly becomes intolerable and is depicted as outlaw behavior when done by a Republican proves that strong emotions are clouding your judgement and they are entirely based on your politics.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Biden should have a ready made and memorized response to any questions about his time as point man for Obama on Ukraine AND his son's activities and dealings there."

Here's the scary part: Biden does have a ready-made and memorized response to any such questions. The problem is he can't remember it, so he explodes to cover up his lapse.

Joe has my sympathy for his problems, but he should withdraw. Otherwise, this is going to be bloody. Time to take the keys away from Grandpa.

Amadeus 48 said...

Maureen Dowd in stiletto heels: mutton dressed as lamb.

Yancey Ward said...

Dust Bunny Queen gets it- Pelosi proved the theory about her was true by her own actions.

mccullough said...

Dowd hosted a cocktail party for Pelosi recently.

She’s got no good answer for that bullshit either.

Amadeus 48 said...

Pelosi better be praying for Biden. He's going to need it.

Yancey Ward said...

One thing I learned about myself at the of twenty was this- any critique that made me angry was making me so because it was mostly or completely true, and I knew it deep down. It was an important revelation, and one for which I have my father to thank, though I realized later that he had been trying to get me to that point for years.

AllenS said...

God is no fool. He would never listen to any prayer from Pelosi.

Kevin said...

If you claim a woman hates you, she's likely to become hysterical.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden could have handled the question by acknowledging how corrupt the situation appears to be, and that he made a mistake allowing his son to put him in that situation, and vice versa. He could have apologized for not recusing himself, or having his son resign the positions whereever his father was directing policy.

Of course, to do this requires Biden to acknowledge that Trump was right to point to this problem, which completely undermines the impeachment drive since the denial has carried now for 2 months plus.

Limited blogger said...

Trump ain't a fucking piranha. A tiny fish with big teeth.

He's an orca, baby.

Anonymous said...

"The reason it upset me was that it seemed like a way to undercut legitimate concerns..."

Do people ever accuse others of being emotion-driven when they want to ignore or delegitimize a complaint? Yes.

Does every crazy prog also advance some form of Dowd's response as a way to ignore and delegitimize people who have legitimately and correctly pointed out that they're being irrational, hypocritical, emotion-driven hyper-partisan lunatics? Also yes. With bells on.

How to tell the difference? Alas for the latter, people are perfectly capable of analyzing whether alleged "legitimate concerns I had about the behavior of a president" actually are legitimate, by examining the alleged concerns themselves. They exist independently of the "sexist", "racist", "white privileged", etc. status of the people who don't find your arguments worthy of respect.

It evoked the old trope that women are vengeful and hysterical...."

"Trope". [eye roll]

MoDo should be happy to know that a lot of us out here are making equal-opportunity assessments of "vengeful and hysterical" re a lot of men these days, too.

Limited blogger said...

What did Dowd saying about Nancy praying, and all that pious BS?

Yancey Ward said...

It is going to be interesting to see if Hunter Biden obeys the court orders for financial disclosures in the paternity case- it isn't a friendly political jurisdiction, and the disclosure is likely to be leaked. I predict he defies the order, or tries numerous delays.

Zach said...

The farmer had his facts twisted, mistakenly claiming that Biden had “sent” his son to work in Ukraine to sell “access” to the president....

Withholding $400 million in military aid to a fledging democracy under attack from Russia is in a different universe than making a quick buck off the Washington influence machine.

Somehow in Dowd's mind, these are different things.

chickelit said...

Yancey Ward said...It is going to be interesting to see if Hunter Biden obeys the court orders for financial disclosures in the paternity case- it isn't a friendly political jurisdiction, and the disclosure is likely to be leaked. I predict he defies the order, or tries numerous delays.

I wouldn't be surprised if the mother and child "disappear" -- with lots of Biden crocodile tears -- obviating the court case.

rhhardin said...

There are millions of others who want an answer to a legitimate question

So Trump is doing his job after all.

I myself am less concerned with Biden than with the coup, how did it start and who's involved.

Bay Area Guy said...

I DON'T hate you! I really don't, dammit! And how DARE you tell me I hate you!

I will pray for you though.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm going to church this morning to pray for Nancy Pelosi and also pray that she stops praying for our fearless President, whom she doesn't hate.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

It also showed that he has no answer for something that’s bound to be a big part of the general campaign, since it is at the heart of the crazy Rudy-Donny conspiracy theory that provoked the impeachment drive.

During his tirade Biden said that the reason he was running was that he'd "been around a long time" and that he "knew more than anybody". If that's true then he ought to damn well know that he's going to have to address the situation with his son at some point. He doesn't seem inclined to do that. The GOP should thank Joe, he's just handed them their campaign strategy.

chickelit said...

It seems to me that Dowd is just calling for circling the Catholic wagons around Pelosi. The Catholic kids did the same on my block growing up whenever there was a dispute. So what Dowd fosters is more polarization rather than less. But it's of the religious sort which has a really bad historical record.

Tomcc said...

Ms. Dowd uses the keywords "fledgling democracy", which I take to be this week's equivalent of "our friends, the Kurds". One can easily detect the moral high ground, unsullied by inelegant facts.
I also agree with Lurker21 @ 10:17; Democrats are trying their damndest to avoid that reality.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Biden should have a ready made and memorized response to any questions about his time as point man for Obama on Ukraine AND his son's activities and dealings there."

Yes. He should have been prepared. Running for a political office is a constant debate where you present your side. Then you MUST be prepared for all, and I mean ALL, the possible counters or attacks on your position. THIS is the key to winning a debate.

The opposition may not bring up all possible counter arguments, but you have to be thinking of what to say IF they do. Not being prepared is just being incompetent or lazy or both.

Debating, as a skill, has nothing to do with being correct in your position. It is about winning. We may all (or most of us) agree that what the Biden's did in Ukraine is illegal and wrong. Not having a response to the obvious raising of questions on this just shows how awful Biden would actually be as President.

I would feel the same about the incompetence of a political 'debater' who I agree with that showed such a weird and abysmal performance.

Trump is great at this in thinking steps ahead of his opponents and having responses. The responses may not be elegant arguments as in a formal debate. However, Trump shows skill in getting his points across, deflecting and derailing the opposition. He often doesn't wait for the opposition to present, he knee caps them before they get the opportunity.

Trump vs Biden in a debate will be entertaining and horrible for Slo Joe. Too bad. HE chose this path.

chickelit said...

Notice how glibly Down throws out pejorative metaphors like "piranha" when it comes to Trump. This shows that she's OK with "an eye for an eye" rhetoric. This should make it OK to lob like invective back Dowd's way, excusing the names people call her.


chickelit said...

Yes. He should have been prepared. Running for a political office is a constant debate where you present your side. Then you MUST be prepared for all, and I mean ALL, the possible counters or attacks on your position. THIS is the key to winning a debate.

These questions were not even supposed to have been asked because Hillary was supposed to have won. Even after the election, these questions were not supposed to have been asked because the the coup was supposed to have succeeded. What strange, hypothetical -- dare I say subjunctive -- universe the Democrats inhabit.

effinayright said...

pacwest said...
"Withholding $400 million in military aid to a fledging democracy under attack from Russia"

Withholding? I thought they got the money. 'Delaying' might have worked, but even that's a stretch. Fledgling democracy? Under attack? Like bombs bursting in air?

It's especially disingenuous since we all know that Obama actually *denied* Ukraine lethal aid precisely when it was being attacked by Russia, which took back the Crimea.

What crap.

Iman said...

“ However, there are also women with an authoritarian bend who love the machine gun staccato of heels on the polished marble floors of Power. Dowd made be one of those. In that case, Sieg highheels!”

HA! Katie Couric was famous for the sound of her furious clicking heeled approach in a hallway.

Michael K said...

The opposition may not bring up all possible counter arguments, but you have to be thinking of what to say IF they do. Not being prepared is just being incompetent or lazy or both.

Gerry Ford is a good example of this with the question on Poland. Also, Quayle should have had a riposte when invoking Kennedy in his debate. Bentsen came back with an obvious prepared line about knowing Kennedy which was not true.

buwaya said...

Re Dowd -

"strong emotions are clouding your judgement and they are entirely based on your politics."

No, it is clearly a position rooted in self interest. She is a member of a faction which she doesn't want to get thrown out of. Her career is linked to staying in the good graces of her sources of income.

"Just business" is a fine explanation for the attitudes and behavior of most players.

dbp said...

It's pretty amusing, really. The side which gave us slogans like "Love Wins" and "Hate is not a family value" are now reacting to the idea that they hate with the "How dare you"! gambit. Priceless.

Sebastian said...

"it’s that you are an overwrought female"

Which Palsi is. But, in these feminist times, when the theory that women are special rules, being a woman means not having to take responsibility. Like an overwrought female, you just bitch that being held accountable accountable is a form of sexism.

Earnest Prole said...

Ukrainian-angle impeachment was a twofer for the Left: Bring down Trump and Biden with a single blow. It appears they may get half of their wish.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Being prepared and able to "overcome objections" is part of being a debater or being a salesperson.** A Politician is just a glorified salesperson and is engaged in debating. Period.

Also doing this skillfully without getting emotional or 'butthurt' is essential. You want to be the rational one, the logical one. Instead we get insane Nancy Pants and confused, doddering, angry Uncle Joe.

Lashing out at your audience, your prospective 'buyer',your voters when they catch you with your pants down is NOT a winning strategy. Calling your prospects fat, deplorable and challenging them with weirdo things like pushup contests, calling them stupid and sedentary, or bragging about praying (when we pretty much suspect that is a lie) only undermine any arguments that you might have been able to make.

**Source: captain of my college debate team and an investment advisor required me to be able to present AND overcome objections that may arise. Both of which, if I might humble brag...ok I'm gonna anyway without your permission, I was pretty good at :-D

Not an oldster. said...

If Biden is this touchy re business questions in Ukraine, he won't like the ones voters have re his son, the sex toys, the baby with the hooker, or the brother fornicating with the widow wife.

Joe Biden shouldn't have to answer those.

But if we are impeaching a president over investigating the Bidens in the Ukraine, Joe Biden is on the hook too. He'll have to answer eventually...

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Not an oldster. said...

Correction: stripper, not hooker.
Now just baby mama.

Quayle said...

Many here are missing the crux. Pride drives the reaction; Not rationality. The whole of the person is swallowed up in a struggle to stay “up”. To stay “on top.” That drive - that repetitive action and reaction to get and stay on top - eventually takes over the person. Everything around them will get thrown into the fire of that passion to excel above others or above the opposition. They can’t stop themselves.

MayBee said...

So now being asked if you hate something is sexist, too?

Not an oldster. said...

They have EDI pills for that drive Quayle.
Most insurance covers.

MayBee said...

Sometimes, people have thoughts about things. Just because you are a woman and you have those thoughts, someone is not asking you about those thoughts *because* you are a woman. Someone is not implying you must be a woman to be asked this question. Nobody is implying only a woman would have these thoughts. But come on, women. You need to separate *your* thoughts from the idea that you speak or think for our whole gender.

(except, of course, for RH Hardin. He would imply that)

Shouting Thomas said...

I refuse to take this identity politics bullshit seriously.

I follow the HR rules at work because I have to if I wanna get paid. That’s it.

Everybody get a thick skin and quit bitching and tattling to mommy.

Not an oldster. said...

Does it matter if there is hate in the heart if the actions and words coming out of a person are hateful and encouraging hate in others?

Impeaching President Trump with no chance of removal in the Senate -- putting a divided country through this for nothing, at Christmas time -- is a hateful act.

Nancy knows it.
That's why she resisted.

(Initially, until the haters got to her.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the apologists for Hillary and Biden - wave their hand in the air and say "oh gosh, you don't have anything why don't you just shut up and fall in line."

Shouting Thomas said...

I don’t give a shit if people believe in stereotypes. I don’t give a fuck whether people talk about groups of people and invoke stereotypes.

Fuck all of this shit. Fuck people who can’t take being the butt of a joke.

Fuck people who want to bitch and moan because some adversary makes fun of them or characterizes them according to a stereotype.

Fuck all this stupid shit up the ass.

hstad said...

I grew up reading the New York Times as the paper of record because my social studies teachers in high school and college mandated it. I stopped reading it years and years ago as it became overtly biased and predictably liberal.
I was in Japan last month and the hotel I stayed in only had the NYT, so I had a quick read.
WOW! This is not a real newspaper — it is a propaganda organ for the anti-American, post-modern radical who loathes Trump, any traditional values, the family, and what used to be referred to as, good taste. The headlines were ludicrous — not journalism but outright attacks. Maureen Dowd is prima facie of such stories.

Phil 314 said...

Surely more and more Dems are asking "Won't this Ukraine BS continue to remind the public of the unanswered questions for Joe?"

narciso said...

bear in mind, dowd was the one who discovered biden's plagiarism, but she got her gig, in the op ed section, for shoveling kitty Kelley's rumors about Nancy Reagan through the back door into the times, this was before there was chuck harder to shut down these things,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

all democrat crimes and political pay to play is allowed and must be ignored!
Democrats are above the law!
Impeach the Trump!

narciso said...

then again what's a viable alternative, the journal is where glen simpson crawled out from, except for strassel, and holman Jenkins, maria ogrady, about half the time, they are in the swamp, the post, good grief, bezos has become quentin slide, of the people's tribune,

rcocean said...

Dowd always does the DNC-Media two-step. Any criticism of the D's or a Liberal MUST be coupled with a slam at the R's or Conservatives. Only the R's can be mercilessly attacked on a stand alone basis.

Anyway, Like Peggy Noonan, Dowd needs to retire. The MSM needs to finds some other Over 50, female, Irish Catholic writers.

Michael K said...

Ten Saudis now detained in Pensacola. A friend's son is there in flight training but was nowhere near the incident. MOre "Islamophobia" again, just like that expected after tomorrow's terror incident.

narciso said...

how does one sort the good ones, from the bad ones,

narciso said...

we have a fair number of students, from that area, one from the uae, others from sudan and the kingdom for commercial aviation training, they seemed affable, but probably this guy was,

Mary Beth said...

even if it was a little defective (in saying Biden sent his son)

She also appears to be questioning whether he was selling "access".

Regardless of whether Joe "sent" him or Hunter found this opportunity on his own, anybody would know that you don't get paid that kind of money without an expectation that you will provide something of value in return. How coked up did he have to be to think he was worth that much just on his own?

hombre said...

Dowd is a feminazi Democrat partisan extremist. She refuses to see any difference between undeniable graft, Hunter Biden multimillion dollar payoff for doing nothing, admitted extortion, Biden’s videotaped confession of extorting Ukraine into firing the prosecutor likely to have exposed the graft and end the payments and mere accusations against Trump for which there are numerous explanations.

The specter of 40% of the population including 80+% of academicians and journalists and 100% of elected Democrats sharing her point of view is truly disheartening for those of us with grandchildren facing the prospect of being governed by these assholes or their successors.

Graft is an entitlement for Democrats. Presumption of guilt is for the rest of us just for being the rest of us.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The Democrats believe that Biden is their best chance to beat Trump.”

I think that they are delusional. Maybe the best one to keep the graft going. To regain the power that the Deep State, the PC, the skimmers, etc have lost under Trump.

If they seriously want to beat Trump, I think that their best option so far is Mini Mike Bloomberg. Competent, much less corrupted, money ch more centrist (used to be a token Republican), and can partially self finance. Last time around the Dems had a big funding advantage. Not this time. Trump is packing it in thanks to impeachment. Don’t think that even a healthy Crooked Hillary could keep up at this point. The only other mayor running is Buttplug, who can’t run a small city successfully. Bloomberg ran one of the biggest decently well.

If the Democrats were as smart as they pretend to be, I think that they would give Bloomberg the nomination in a heartbeat. Instead, they are emotional, consumed by TDS. Emotion is not going to win the Presidency for them.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I'm back from church. It was nice. I prayed for Nancy Pelosi to receive God's wisdom to stop praying for Donald Trump, whom she is trying to impeach.

I also prayed for Nancy Pelosi to stop hating Trump. To cover my bases, I also prayed for Nancy to stop not hating Trump, which confuses the body politic.

Finally, I prayed for Mo Dowd to get a boyfriend.

I think I'm good, now.

Amadeus 48 said...

rcocean-- "The MSM needs to finds some other Over 50, female, Irish Catholic writers."

Try Caitlin Flanagan at the Atlantic. Not perfect, but honest and critical. Professional feminists hate her because she doesn't toe the party line.

walter said...

chickelit said...How can we ever know if Biden sent or didn't send HB to the Ukraine? Investigation is off limits according to Dems.
There is a similar circular logic catch 22 around the "whistle blower".

You got questions?
Joe's got...push-ups!
Maybe Northam can teach him to moonwalk.

madAsHell said...

I saw a T-shirt at the mall that said "Tolerant Feminist".

nah......I'm just kidding. Everyone knows there is no such thing!!

walter said...

That's not funny!!!

Kirk Parker said...

Maureen Dowd: sharing duties with Peggy Noonan as poster girl for clouded reasoning.

Bruce Hayden said...

“If the Democrats were as smart as they pretend to be, I think that they would give Bloomberg the nomination in a heartbeat. Instead, they are emotional, consumed by TDS. Emotion is not going to win the Presidency for them”

Just watched one of his campaign ads. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Running against people like Fauxhauntis Warren and Crazy Bernie whose economic programs pretty much guarantee skyrocketing unemployment.

narciso said...

seems kind of obvious:

chuck said...

>> Anyway, Like Peggy Noonan, Dowd needs to retire.<<

On the up side, Dowd lets her brother write the column once a year. It's a touch of sanity in the nut house.

TJM said...


Here is a HUGE story the mainstream media refuses to discuss:

Bill Barr on Friday indicted eight individuals for illegally funneling millions of dollars in foreign money to Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and several Democratic senators.

So they are confirming they are a SuperPac for the Dem Party and an enemy of truth

n.n said...

an overwrought female. It evoked the old trope that women are vengeful and hysterical

Diversity (e.g. stereotype) or gender? Do transgenders with feminine affinity exhibit the same characteristics?

narciso said...

the bare bones of the matter,

n.n said...

the Dem Party and an enemy of truth

They speak truth to facts, thus the multitrimester witch hunts and warlock trials.

eight individuals for illegally funneling millions of dollars in foreign money to Adam Schiff et al.

There is probable cause and forensic evidence that these are the witches and warlocks they have been looking for.

Francisco D said...

Today Nadler's Judiciary Committee report charges Trump with:


narciso said...

right out of the python Hungarian phrasebook court sketch,

narciso said...

read lee smith's plot against the president,

Michael K said...

read lee smith's plot against the president,

The left is trying very hard to keep anyone from learning about that book. I listened to the audio version and might listen again.

The Chuck Todd Ted Cruz dialog on MTP is amusing today. They are really worried.

robother said...

Joe Biden has been assured by the Democrats in Congress that questioning Hunter's sweetheart Ukraine deal is treason. That Iowa farmer is lucky Joe didn't demand that the Secret Service shoot him as a traitor.

narciso said...

the Saudis call challenging the mandate of heaven, 'corruption of the blood' I learned it in 'I pilgrim'

FullMoon said...

stevew said...

That Biden's response shows he has no answer indicates to me that he and his campaign strategy team are incompetent. Biden should have a ready made and memorized response to any questions about his time as point man for Obama on Ukraine AND his son's activities and dealings there.

Closest he has come, which I saw yesterday, is that Hunter/Ukraine looks bad but there was nothing wrong with it. Biden been in politics so long that this normal behavior of his seems ok. To him, it is like us telling our relative about a good deal we happened upon and maybe they should check it out. No thought whatsoever that him being in a position of influence makes any difference. THAT is how stupid and corrupt he is.

FullMoon said...

Pelosi feels that hating someone is a sign of weakness. That is why she was so pissed off. She hates Trump, she knows it, and she is angry with herself for being unable to control that weakness.

As far as being Catholic, all the lies she tells about Trump and actions she takes in an attempt to do him harm are a ticket straight to hell. Not to mention abortion, of course.

Inga said...

“While indicted now over his Clinton contributions, Nader is also known to have served as an informal adviser on the 2016 campaign to elect Republican candidate Donald Trump. Investigators believe the Trump campaign tapped Nader, a longtime diplomatic negotiator in the Middle East, to lock in ties with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

At the time of his arrest, Nader’s phone showed he had been exchanging text messages with the Emirati crown prince, Mohammed bin Zayed, as well as Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince.

The report by former special counsel Robert Mueller on Russian election meddling notes that Nader provided key details about a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles that he helped arrange for Trump associate Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Dmitriev runs the Kremlin’s $10 billion sovereign wealth fund, the Russian Direct Investment Fund. Nader told the special counsel’s office that the Prince-Dmitriev meeting occurred specifically to discuss the development of a diplomatic back channel between the Trump campaign and Moscow.”

Inga said...

You know, Saudi Arabia, the country that has been the number one provider of terrorists resulting in thousands of dead between 9/11 and and the Pensacola attack. Trumps buddies.

narciso said...

nader had a motive to lie about the source of the money, knowing mueller would protect him in the short run

phantommut said...

The big question is how Hunter Biden "invested" his "earnings."

How much of it goes back into Hillstone International, or whatever shell Joe's younger brother is currently hiding in?

Were the checks for Hunter's "services" written to Hunter or to Hunter's nominative employer?

Does Joe have a current financial relationship that is intertwined with his brother and his son?

Once is a fluke. Maybe the Burisma web is just a bad-looking coincidence. But if the same pattern has occurred multiple times then the pattern is at best sleazy, but more probably criminal. IAANAL.

Inga said...

“And, through his company, Khawaja donated $1 million to the Donald Trump inaugural committee, securing inauguration tickets for himself, Nader and another conspirator, the indictment said.

None of alleged conspirators have entered pleas in DC District Court, where they were charged.

The newly unsealed indictment adds to a collection of cases the Justice Department has brought cracking down on foreign political contributions and influence in the wake of the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation. In other pending criminal cases, prosecutors have alleged illegal contributions that went to many types of candidates and political interests, especially Republicans, and have sketched out efforts from several governments, especially Russia, to tap into American politics.

In the Mueller investigation, Nader had become a key cooperator and had given extensive information about his contact with a Russian and the Trump campaign. The special counsel's office investigators had asked questions about Nader's political networking, some of which touched on the new set of allegations, according to a source familiar with the investigation. Separately, Nader was charged with transporting child porn after he finished his cooperation with Mueller. He has pleaded not guilty and is in jail as that case progresses.”

Birkel said...

Will you please quote the part that talks about the even more extravagant donations made by those same characters to the Hillary campaign?

Michael K said...

Inga doesn't know about people who buy influence with both parties.

Bay Area Guy said...

June 5, 2019 - Nancy P is quoted in Politico:

“I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” Pelosi said, according to multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting.

So, let's get this straight, Nancy Pants: You pray for Trump, you don't hate him, but you want him to go to prison.

Yeah, we are really buying that. Really, we are.....

Michael K said...

Trumps buddies.

You could say Bush's buddies but you are too stupid to understand that fracking, which your party plans to ban, is what frees us from dependence on the Saudis, What an idiot.

Inga said...

Speaking of funneling foreign money...

“Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., spotted by The Intercept at the event, declined to answer questions about recent revelations that put him at the center of the impeachment scandal — of which he has been a leading critic. We attempted to ask the congressman about his reported contacts with Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani indicted over allegedly funneling foreign money, using a front company, to a super PAC tied to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign.

After The Intercept approached Nunes about his contacts with Parnas and whether he was involved with the effort to pressure the Ukrainian government, the California lawmaker sped off, walking through the Palace Hotel to the hotel’s lounge. Moments later, he returned with a cell phone, pointed at this reporter. He remained quiet while asked again about his calls. Nunes then conferred with a U.S. Capitol Police officer stationed at the event, who had The Intercept removed from the hotel. An individual Nunes spoke to in the hotel, wearing an earpiece, followed The Intercept around the block after the exchange.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Enough evidence for Inga to indict! Was Nunes talking to Oligarchs on a yacht, as well?
That's really bad when that happens.
Isn't this more about corrupt leftwing a-holes attempting to smear Nunez with any droplet or innuendo they can manufacture?
That would be my bet, based on everything we see coming out of the leftwing lie machine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Can we go back to moderation? Inga was gone during that period and it was glorious.

narciso said...

Well thats our hosts prorogative

Drago said...

Inga: "You know, Saudi Arabia, the country that has been the number one provider of terrorists resulting in thousands of dead between 9/11 and and the Pensacola attack. Trumps buddies."


Obama literally bowed to the Saudi king.


Drago said...

Bleachbit: "Can we go back to moderation? Inga was gone during that period and it was glorious."

Inga regurgitates every lefty smear that gets debunked but, unlike the other lefties, even after the debunking when all the other lefties have moved on, Inga does not.

For instance, Inga STILL thinks Michael Cohen was in Prague and now she believes this re-run lie against Nunes.

Not to worry Inga. The lefty smears are not going to work this time and Team Left's/LLR tactics of getting everyone to recuse will no longer be successful.


You've been to that well one time too often, not that you are capable of understanding that.

Drago said...

BTW, the dems, knowing 2020 has already likely slipped from their grasp, are now going into full flop sweat panic mode over Hikki Haley and attempting to label her a white supremacist!!


Just wait until RBG departs this world and Inga and LLR Chuck and their pals on the left start telling us that Amy Coney Barrett is a gang rape leader!

Can't wait.

rhhardin said...

"The reason it upset me was that it seemed like a way to undercut legitimate concerns I had about the behavior of a president or would-be president by suggesting that strong emotions were clouding my judgment. It’s not that they are doing something wrong; it’s that you are an overwrought female. It evoked the old trope that women are vengeful and hysterical...."

If you bleed every month and have to squat to pee you get wrapped up in yourself, is my theory. Women can't see what's perfectly obvious to everyone else about men.

Guys are out meanwhile peeing cartoons into the snow.

roesch/voltaire said...

Hunter rode on the coattails of his father’s name just like the Trump kids and in-law; they are all without ethics and morally bankrupt.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Biden was at a gathering of Democrat party primary voters. He wouldn't have been prepared for anything more than softball questions.
He lit out after that old geezer like he was the enemy...not as a potential supporter.

Narayanan said...

narciso said...
Yes pelosi was waiting for demille to call her, its not a good look
12/8/19, 9:44 AM
Nelson or Cecil?

narciso said...

Heh cecil, im suggested norma desmond

Francisco D said...

Hunter rode on the coattails of his father’s name just like the Trump kids and in-law; they are all without ethics and morally bankrupt.

The Trump kids were in private industry where one has to perform to succeed.

The Biden kids and other politico kids are useless pieces of shit who get by on bribes.

Otherwise that was a great comparison.

Drago said...

r/v: "Hunter rode on the coattails of his father’s name just like the Trump kids and in-law; they are all without ethics and morally bankrupt.


You just knew this would be the first fallback position in defense of the coke snorting, kicked out of the Navy, sister-in-law doinking whack job son of the corrupt former VP, didn't you?

There is no comparison between the Trump children growing up in the family global real estate business, getting degrees in business from one of the best business schools in the nation and then becoming directly involved and performing for years in that business (as well as branching out in other endeavors) and Hunter Biden simply hopping on planes with his father and getting Millions and (in China, Billions) in benefits handed to him directly without any experience at all.

And one is thru government connections using government leverage and government assets and the Trumps are in business ventures in a competitive global market.

r/v's latest is so moronic it could have been written by LLR-lefty Chuck or Inga the Renowned Military Expert Milwaukee Nurse.


Michael K said...

Any moment, R/V is going to explain how the the Trump kids have profited by DC perks.

Go head, R/V. We are waiting.

Narayanan said...

Blogger Skylark said...
Of course Trump is slowly starving the Russian military of funds by forcing down the price of oil through fracking, something that Hillary wanted to end and that all Democrats want to end.
Here's how Trump is inside their OODA loop!

- Fracking has freed USA from MiddleEast corruption.
- Europe have committed suicide with Paris Accord.
- Germany cannot pay for Russian gas even with lower world price since China cannot pay for German exports without profit from USA trade.

Establishment plan was to launder foreign aid money into own pocket - for disaster they cause around the world.

Ike may have talked about USA military industrial etc. Now it's a global Hydra.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hunter rode on the coattails of his father’s name just like the Trump kids and in-law; they are all without ethics and morally bankrupt.

How so?

The Trump kids are Trump's kids and they are involved in his private business. Is this illegal now? Family businesses?

Joe Biden has been a politician near ALL HIS LIFE and while he was Vice President of the US - his son pocketed millions in an industry awash in US tax dollars and corruption. in an industry he knows nothing about.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

WOW – OAN Stunning Lutsenko Interview – Outlines: Marie Yovanovitch Perjury, George Kent Impeachment Motive, Lindsey Graham Motive to Bury Investigation…

Michael K said...

“Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., spotted by The Intercept at the event, declined to answer questions about recent revelations that put him at the center of the impeachment scandal — of which he has been a leading critic. We attempted to ask the congressman about his reported contacts with Lev Parnas,

Inga ,being a not very intelligent nurse, knows nothing about finding out from sketchy people what their associates are doing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

his reported contacts with Lev Parnas

contacts... reported....

Guilty by media lynching.

We're back to... 'When did you talk to the Russians or the Ukrainians? That's illegal, you know. Only democrats with excitability are allowed to talk.'

Narayanan said...

you are an overwrought female ---
Does that mean too much worked over : Botox and plastic surgery?

I'm thinking wrought iron! Pounding and shaping in mold.

For Emotional: should it be distraught?

FullMoon said...

Interviewer preese Joey, lightly:

"I don't know what he was doing," Biden responded indignantly. "I know he was on the board. I found out he was on the board after he was on the board. And that was it."

"Well, you've had a lot of time," the interviewer pointed out. "Isn't this something you want to get to the bottom of?"

Biden Still Can't Explain What Son Was Doing 'Working' For Ukraine Company

Narayanan said...

Blogger Mary Beth (the commenter) said.

... Or Hunter found this opportunity on his own,...

Appointment to board of directors do not show in help wanted!!

And that's the problem!

Narayanan said...

Blogger n.n said...
an overwrought female. It evoked the old trope that women are vengeful and hysterical

Diversity (e.g. stereotype) or gender? Do transgenders with feminine affinity exhibit the same characteristics

How about Canada character Yaniv?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Notice that Dowd accepts that Hunter Biden made lots of money off his father's position — "windfalls," "a quick buck," "money grab." And she thinks the Iowa guy had a good question even if it was a little defective (in saying Biden sent his son).

Interesting that no one ever explores all the strings that Donald Trump has pulled for his son. Or the strings that Fred Trump pulled for his son.

Birkel said...


You almost had a cogent thought.
But then you forgot to mention the difference.
Hunter took advantage of dad's public office. (Problematic.)
Trump's kids got rich off dad's private business. (Perfectly reasonable.)

Birkel said...

Ritmo fails in the same way, of course.
Every parent wants to provide opportunities for their children to succeed.
Getting paid from dad's private business is fine.

Getting paid to launder the bribes for dad is not ok.

narciso said...

Hes incapable of making that distimction, biden has been a handmaiden to corporate finance for a long time, he started out as mere opportunist say with the busing crisis, the wrong solution to a problem, he became a reliable soviet tool early on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Getting paid to launder the bribes for dad is not ok.

This debunked conspiracy theory is so wacky it helps people understand why the Flat Earth Society is experiencing a comeback. It's the year of the internet - truth is whatever any right-wing anti-science blowhard writes that it is.

Big Mike said...

Now Biden is telling whoever will listen that it was all the fault of his staff, who neglected to warn him that son Hunter’s position on the board of Burisma Holdings created a conflict of interest[1]. I guess it takes way more IQ points than he has (or thinks he has[2]) to work it out on his own.

(Note #1: I see that one member of Biden’s staff is saying, yes, we did too warn him.)

(Note #2: I often suspect it to be a mistake to associate any word implying cogitation with Joe Biden. This is one of those times.)

chickelit said...

Every parent wants to provide opportunities for their children to succeed.

Childless people -- especially those who spurned their own parents -- don't understand this. They think it's wrong.

narciso said...

No biden has played the fool amd been rewarded too well for us to take thar tack.

Qwinn said...

LOL... seeing Ritmo join in on the mindless "debunked conspiracy theory" dismissal of Biden's prima facia corruption is about the most predictable thing in the universe.

Big Mike said...

Trump vs Biden in a debate will be entertaining and horrible for Slo Joe.

Joe Biden will simply do as he has successfully done in the past — he will assert “facts” that are untrue and dare anyone to challenge him. Think of his debate with Sarah Palin, asserting that Article I of them Constitution describes the Executive Branch. A simple slip of the gongue, one might say, except that at the same time Biden was teaching a seminar on Constitutional Law at Widener University.

Qwinn said...

So go ahead and give us a link to this awesome "debunking", Ritmo, since I've been asking for it for days with no reply. So far all I've seen is lefties claiming "no evidence" while completely failing to address mountains of evidence.

narciso said...

He had been the head of the senate judiciary committee at one point which telies on article 1 powers

FullMoon said...

@ President Toilet Paper Shoe's Perfect Phone Call

Condolences, bro. Get well soon...hang in there.

Birkel said...

Ritmo plays the "if I close my eyes you disappear " game.

If Democratics say/type/write "debunked" all evidence disappears.

That puts Ritmo at about the 18-24 month stage of development.

Nichevo said...

I agree with Dowd that Biden's response "showed that he has no answer."

You'd better hope he loses the nomination because you're going to sprain something stretching yourself to vote for him, as you will for whichever D. What you should be asking yourself is, "Why? Why will I vote for any candidate who is a D?"

Michael K said...

Interesting that no one ever explores all the strings that Donald Trump has pulled for his son. Or the strings that Fred Trump pulled for his son.

Ritmo, like most angry Socialists, does not understand the difference between private business and the public treasury. No surprise for a failure in life.