December 18, 2019

At the Indoor Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you like — the impeachment vote, the Battle Creek rally, or anything else.

And please think of using The Althouse Portal to Amazon.


Ann Althouse said...

Actually, it's the sunset. I forgot... had to be reminded.

Anyway, as I conceded earlier today, I decided not to go out for the sunrise because the "feels like" temperature was -17°.

Notice the extreme number of posts today. And that was with me restraining myself.

Michael K said...

I have not looked at the vote matter today. I have a life. My wife was upset that it preempted "The Price is Right." I'll bet she is not the only one.

stephen cooper said...

Proverbs 4: 20-22.... if you do not live north of the Arctic circle, there is never a reason not to go out for a little while any day of the year. Cold is not as cold as we think it is.

And Ann, no need to restrain yourself.
Whether they agree with you or not, people apparently like to hear what you have to say.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I'm am watching the Trump rally and expecting the comedy master to be on point right as the freak show in the house is unfolding. It's cold in TX, as well, but not -17 feels like cold. I'll run in the a.m. with tights, long sleeves, and a light vest. Friday morning I will awaken in Houston and get my now yearly cancer check up, but not before running the dirt path around Rice University for a few miles, like I did almost everyday I treated at MD Anderson. Here's Trump!

ngtrains said...

If you are properly dressed, running at -17 F is not that bad.
just head into the wind and have it at your back as you return.
It's amazing how quickly the air your breath warms up in the nose.

mockturtle said...

Impeachment should only be pursued when peaches are in season. Currently, they are not.

MountainMan said...

Have paid no attention to today’s events. We traveled down from our TN home to our GA home yesterday to stay for the holidays. Stopped at Biltmore House in Asheville to have lunch and see the Christmas decorations in the big house, which were really beautiful. Attended Christmas party at a neighbor’s house this evening, good food and wine, getting to know some of the other residents of our little retirement community. Children start coming in this weekend. Planning on a nice holiday week and don’t intend to let the Democrats and their stupidity ruin it.

stevew said...

That is a very typical view of many northern urban and suburban United States cities and town. Quite lovely.

I've watched the speeches of Kevin McCarthy and, now, Adam Schiff. McCarthy did a nice job, though not especially moving or inspiring, honest. Schiff is, as best I can tell, a pathological liar; though I am convinced that he believes what he says.

traditionalguy said...

What energy on display by our President tonight. A happy genius.

stephen cooper said...

Today was the day Donald Trump Junior decided he was going to run for president in the future.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Is there anything Trump can't do?

He has singlehandedly caused the Democrats to become patriotic. Nancy even did her good Catholic school girl recitation of the pledge of allegiance!

Michael K said...

I looked at the impeachment vote. Did they get enough to pass ? It looked like they were short,. 225 Yea.

traditionalguy said...

The Biltmore House at decorated for Christmas at night is a totally different animal . Don’t miss it.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty: A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate runs afoul of the Constitution now that it is no longer a tax.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, remanded the case back to the lower court to evaluate whether other parts of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, can still stand.

narciso said...

Thanks bob corker:

chickelit said...

Sonic Youth -- Pink Steam.

It starts slowly but ends up scalding.

narciso said...

The wahini voted present.

narciso said...

And knowing is half the battle

Ann Althouse said...

I’m laughing at the idea that Bill Clinton calls Hillary “Crooked Hillary”... or just Crooked for short.

Big Mike said...

The Blue Dog Democratic Caucus just kissed their asses goodbye.

clint said...

I'm surprised. I thought the second article of impeachment was added to let vulnerable Dems vote against it, while still voting to impeach on the first. But only one Democrat appears to have voted Yes on 1 and No on 2. (With 4 more Dem votes to trickle in...)

Beasts of England said...

Thanks, Democrats - Trump 2020!! 😎

chickelit said...

Ann Althouse said...I’m laughing at the idea that Bill Clinton calls Hillary “Crooked Hillary”... or just Crooked for short.

It'd be funnier if she called him "Crooked Bill."

MartyH said...

Chuck Todd is amazed that the nation will go about its business tomorrow as it did today. That’s because, unlike Chuck Todd, the American public is smart enough to know that that nothing really has changed.

tim maguire said...

The only thing about impeachment that interests me in the slightest is the polls. Which are all over the place. Somebody doesn’t know what they’re doing.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

There you have it. A bipartisan agreement that impeachment is not warranted.

Even a Democrat running for president didn't support the bill.


gilbar said...

serious question:
What happened to AOC's signature bright red lip stick?
It was Supposed to highlight you latina heritage, or something; now it's gone
Anybody know why?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Jeffrey Epstein Surveillance Footage During 1st Suicide Attempt Didnt Disappear Itself

whitney said...

The polls are not reliable anymore. Many people I know of, I'm one of them, would intentionally subvert the results and others do it because they don't want to admit the truth for fear of the consequences. The only safe way to be openly now is liberal and with the widespread knowledge that all data is being collected it's best just to admit nothing if you want to keep your job and business and not be harassed by crazy cat ladies who think they're witches. That's why the Liberals are always surprised at the results of every election since even before Trump. They do look at the polls but they also look at Twitter likes and they're so far up their own echo chamber they can't even comprehend anything out of it. Which turns out to be really handy for us because it means they don't effectively organize except for violent mobs. They're pretty good at those.

Narr said...

Can't watch the imfarcement; Trump aside, and whatever happens, our lesser leadership, if I can call it that, is vile and childish at the same time. I literally literally can't watch the pathetic pious preening and patriotic posturing . . .

Clear for Venus earlier though. Very nice.

Wind chill not even 17* but too cold to go out now

rhhardin said...

Trump impeached got ten seconds on WABC radio news, followed by local news.

David Begley said...

Listening to those Dem speeches tonight on the floor and they were an embarrassment. So, so intellectually dishonest.

Browndog said...

I refused to watch or listen. I know now it's over.


Pisses me off, but that's why God created Bob Marley. (no, I don't smoke dope)

narciso said...

It would makeme drink heavily

rhhardin said...

I've got to admit I expected impeachment to fail via defections of enough democrats. They couldn't possibly be that thoroughly corrupt, I thought.

It started with Gore challenging the Florida vote, but that was just one thoroughly corrupt guy, I figured. Who knew they all were.

Drago said...

David Begley: ""Listening to those Dem speeches tonight on the floor and they were an embarrassment. So, so intellectually dishonest."


It was like reading a LLR-lefty Chuck post.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I used to take pride that I was an independent. That I was a rationalist. After this year and tonight I need to thank Democrats.

Democrats, I thank you. I thank your for turning me into a life-long Republican. I thank you for ensuring that someday - when I run for office - it will be as a Republican.

Thank you Democrats. Thanks for laying it all out there. Thanks to you for doing you, so well.

chickelit said...

US Rep. Rashida Tlaib was overheard on her cellphone talking to her son: "We impeached the motherfucker!"

Michael said...

Well. A concerted effort should be undertaken to undermine and replace the Dems in Trump favored districts. Crush them. But don't wait for the fall, begin now raising money for their opponents. Lots and lots of money. There are 39 of them. They need to be crushed

stephen cooper said...

rhhardin - every democrat congress critter who won their election in a district where Trump won a plurality of votes was visited by a Tony Soprano type guy who told them if they did not suck it up and vote for impeachment, George Soros and his minions were gonna flood the primary vote against them with tens of millions of dollars and destroy their careers.

Look I would never be a Democratic politician, they are all, every man jack among them, not to mention the poor deluded women, on the side of the great evils of slavery and abortion, but if I were a Democratic Congressperson I would have the balls to tell the powers that be that I am going to do what I think is right, but then again not a single one of these Benedict Arnolds voting against Trump tonight are ever going to be mistaken for brave men or women of principle.

chickelit said...

Democrats, I thank you. I thank your for turning me into a life-long Republican.

I voted D for most of my life until 9/11, though I remained unaffilliated. This year, I joined the Republican Party. I wasn't so much attracted to the R's as I was repelled by the Dems.

whitney said...

Okay I'm officially enjoying impeachment because there are a whole bunch of ignorant liberals who think that means he's getting removed from office. Some of them seem to think it means the entire cabinet including Pence is getting removed. They're just making things up and are all going to have meltdowns when they realize it's not true and nothing's going to happen. Happy impeachment everyone!

traditionalguy said...

The BBC’s snotty Trump haters are wildly happy tonight over the Crimes of Trump being affirmed
On live TV. They needed that relief after Boris Johnson clobbered them on Brexit.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I don't understand the "I gave her so much money and she still voted to impeach" topic.

And Dingell... wow.

Trump said he wasn't so sure John was looking down at us, maybe he was looking up at us.

Trump wasn't sure, but he assumes J.D. is looking down.

Browndog said...

The dopamine rush will wear off, come mid-day tomorrow, faced with 'now what', dems will be right back hitting the Impeachment drug, desperate to make themselves feel better.

I loathe them.

I loathe them because I love my country and will be too old or dead to fight for it when the time comes.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
I’m laughing at the idea that Bill Clinton calls Hillary “Crooked Hillary”... or just Crooked for short.

Wouldn't it be the other way around?

Achilles said...

nm their relationship is more of a plutonic nature...

Jimmy said...

It is a shameful thing the Dems have done. All because they didn't win the 2016 election. they are willing to destroy American government just to get their pound of flesh.
this isn't going to end well at all. the left will never stop, until they are stopped. Hopefully at the voting booth. But at this point all options are open. and I'm not the only one who feels this way.

FullMoon said...

... but if I were a Democratic Congressperson I would have the balls to tell the powers that be that I am going to do what I think is right, but then again not a single one of these Benedict Arnolds voting against Trump tonight are ever going to be mistaken for brave men or women of principle.

They had a choice. Represent the majority of their constituents, or represent themselves.
They put themselves ahead of their voters.

chickelit said...

stephen cooper said...every democrat congress critter who won their election in a district where Trump won a plurality of votes was visited by a Tony Soprano type guy who told them if they did not suck it up and vote for impeachment, George Soros and his minions were gonna flood the primary vote against them with tens of millions of dollars and destroy their careers.

It truly is sad to realize that the last unrepentant Nazi ends up dictating the politics of our country.

rcocean said...

The DNC media are REFUSING or burying the fact that the Democrats voted to impeach Trump. The "House" did not vote to impeach Trump. The vote was 229 to 197 - with two D's voting against and EVERY Other D voting to Impeach. Again, to make it clear 229 democrats voted to impeach Trump.

I've one news site after another, either not give the vote total, give the vote total way down in the article or even avoid making it clear the no R voted to impeach. The Guardian wins the prize: It gives the vote total, then says Tulsi voted Present. Ah, what about a party breakdown? Nope not important.

Andrew said...

Off the subject of impeachment, but I just saw Knives Out, and will watch it again as soon as I can. What a wonderful, entertaining movie. It reminded me a lot of Columbo, because there's a partial reveal halfway through. Great acting, great writing, and a perfect cast, all of whom are clearly enjoying themselves. There's some unfortunate digs at the right wing, but it's not enough to spoil the movie. Highly recommended.

Beasts of England said...

Just saw a .gif of Nancy Pants having to gavel and wave off some of her minions who began celebrating when the vote totals were announced. The ads write themselves!! :)

rcocean said...

Once again, the FAKE moderate D's fall in line behind their left-wing masters. 29 of 31 D's from Swing districts, almost all of whom campaigned as moderates, voted to impeach. But the D's are always like that. They don't have Mavericks. They hate Democrat Mavericks - and won't tolerate them. Only the R's love backstabbers and "Mavericks" that will cross the aisle and help the other side.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dear Corruptocrats,
Congrats on your party-line suicide, assholes.

rcocean said...

Bill Kristol, matt lewis, George Will, David French, Jonah Goldberg are all giving each other high-fives because the Democrats impeached Trump by 30 votes. IF you ever thought the Never Trumpers were full of principle, maybe you'll change your mind. What's the difference between them and any hack D writer? There is none.

rcocean said...

Out-to-lunch corrupto-crat Trent Lott is now telling everyone to "Shut their mouths and wait for the facts". What a clown! Yeah, we already got the "facts" Mr. Lott. We knows in a partisan hit job, and no one should be afraid to say so.

That's what the D's want. For the GRAND OLD MEN OF THE SENATE, to act like this is a serious impeachment, based on reasoned evidence. Its not. Lets get this clown show over ASAP.

Lawrence Person said...

Important safety tip.

rcocean said...

Good lord -17 below. I feel its too cold at 40 degrees.

narciso said...

This guy

Seeing Red said...
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Seeing Red said...

They had to hang together.

Now they have to hang separately.

gspencer said...

"Funny hearing a Kennedy [young Joe, rep for the district once held by Barney Frank] talk about someone who 'erodes our decency, degrades our dignity.' Guess he slept through family story time."

Ted Kennedy on faith, "Every man must believe in something. As for me, I believe I'll have another drink."

JackWayne said...

So when Bill calls Hillary! Crooked does he do it with one syllable or 2? An honest Southerner would make it 2. But it might be funnier as one.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"One of the beauties back there."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What's really hilarious - is Biden and Hillary are the real criminals.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Chuck Schumer "give all that money back please."


James K said...

There are 39 of them. They need to be crushed

I would bet there are a lot more than 39. Many districts where Trump was within 5% may be Trump districts now. He's got stronger and broader support now than in 2016.

Ralph L said...

It'd be funnier if she called him "Crooked Bill."

Curved Bill, according to Paula.

Chuck said...

LOL. Watching cable news, and flipped from MSNBC to CNN to FNC. Chyron at MSNBC; "TRUMP IMPEACHED." Chyron at CNN; "Breaking news: House Passes Both Articles of Impeachment." At Fox, there was a crawl at the bottom of the screen during "Hannity!" detailing the news of numerous arrests in a cockfighting ring in Lincoln County, Georgia. The crawl informed us that Lincoln County was near the South Carolina border, and that participants had paid $600 each to participate. Oh, and that the total winner's pot was believed to have been $27,500.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My wife was upset that it preempted "The Price is Right." I'll bet she is not the only one.

I bet she is. No one watches that. What's next? Lamenting the fact that The Andy Griffith show is no longer on prime-time? Damn. Talk about not having a life.

Some of us have lives by 21st and 20th century standards. Michael K. is still living in 1891.

The impeachment was glorious. Democracy has spoken. Sorry if your wife hates the idea of Americans taking part in their government or learning how it works. Putin would prefer to have subjects like her.

Chris Lopes said...

Considering the likely outcome, I'm not convinced Fox made the wrong call.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Many districts where Trump was within 5% may be Trump districts now. He's got stronger and broader support now than in 2016.

Good. Let's impeach him again, then - if it's supposedly so good for him. And again. You drama queens make this too easy.

narciso said...

Putin is having a wry laugh and an absolut how easy the congress is.

Qwinn said...

I think we all know that if the parties were reversed, every single headline would include that the impeachment was utterly partisan and opposition to it was bipartisan.

But as it is, it's "the House" that impeached Trump. What a crock of fucking shit. I hate the media every bit as much as I hate the Democrat party - they are in fact one and the same.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael K said...
I looked at the impeachment vote. Did they get enough to pass ? It looked like they were short,. 225 Yea.

Lol! There's the guy with his finger on the pulse of America, folks!

Well, America's a great place. Basically, there's the part of the people - The Democrats. And then there's the Old White Sausage Party.

People make fun of sausage parties, but apparently they just don't appreciate the joy and excitement of a bunch of old white sausages.

pacwest said...

Florida has registered 33,000 new voters. 23,000 Republicans, and 10,000 Democrats.

A quarter of the people attending Trump rallies are Democrats. Tons of new voters attenting. Of the four possible Dem candidates 2 are socialists, one is damaged goods, and one is the young mayor of a small town.

Trump's list of accomplishments continues to grow. Democratic enclaves (major cities) can no longer hide the problems of long term mismanagement. Trump is increasing his support among minorities. Barr/Durham investigations will become clearer during election season. Swing states are already trending Trump.

All the Republicans need to do now is convince the dead people on the voter rolls to vote Republican rather than Democrat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Flashback: 58% of Democrats supported impeaching Trump … a month after he was sworn in


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What a crock of fucking shit. I hate the media every bit as much as I hate the Democrat party - they are in fact one and the same.

Lol! You tell 'em, Qwinn. Education is the enemy of the real folks!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Flashback: 58% of Democrats supported impeaching Trump … a month after he was sworn in

Similar to how 58% of a decent neighborhood supports confining the newly moved-in pedophile, just after he moves in!

Because we know he'll do something bad sooner or later. It's just in his nature. He can't help it.

He told us who he was long ago. He told you, too. You just chose not to listen, like you choose not to listen now.

Trump thought Pelosi was great and wanted her to impeach George W. Bush. You are supporting a movement that changes on a dime because it has no principles other than power itself. And it will eat any remaining Republicans the same way it has eaten you and the other grassroots fascists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Adam Schitt is a pedophile. I heard about it once or twice.

Inga said...

Impeachment. Trump’s legacy. He was caught cheating...again and thought no one would notice or care. Wrong.

narciso said...

Providing weapons obama didnt for three years. Is that how it works launching airstrikes in syria.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I like Our Man Trump playing "You Can't Always Get What You Want" or whatever the hell the Stone's call it, if they don't like him playing their shit.

If they did (like him and his properties playing their shit) and now don't, after 2015, all the better.

Suck it Stones, like you are all Trudeau's mom.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, right. The House Intelligence Committee chair. The one you want to commit mob violence on. Right.

Pedophiles are recidivists. And so is Trump. Neither one can help repeat offending. They lack the capacity to control themselves. Though their vices might be different - or not, depending on what you make of Trump's stated desire to date his own daughter and effuse about how they share "sex" in common.

LOL! This is your hero! A guy who wants to bang his daughter.

Temujin said...

President Toilet The impeachment was glorious?

You sound intelligent. See you in November.

n.n said...

convince the dead people on the voter rolls to vote Republican rather than Democrat.

The Planned hearts beat ever louder.

Kathryn51 said...

[From Politico]Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned the House may not immediately transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate out of concerns Republicans won't conduct impartial proceedings at a trial.

Apparently Cocaine Mitch said, in response, with a smile: "I'm in no hurry".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So can we now call Trump an "Impeached Incest Enthusiast?"

Has a nice ring to it. ;-)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No Inga- you insisted Trump was a Russian Agent, just like Hillary insists Jill Stein is one. Remember?

Michael K said...

nga said...
Impeachment. Trump’s legacy. He was caught cheating...again and thought no one would notice or care. Wrong.

No, you idiot., There are 70 million people who would crawl over broken glass to vote down your despicable partisans.

mockturtle said...

Apparently Pelosi plans to delay sending the articles to the Senate. Presumably in hopes of twisting some arms [or breaking some arms]. The Dems seem to think some anti-Trump Republicans will cave. As an example, Martha McSally of AZ. Well, I live in AZ and McSally is up for election this year [she was appointed by the governor to her seat] and won't have a hope if she votes to impeach. And even Sinema, an AZ Democrat, is so common-sense in her votes thus far, she may break ranks and vote against. I hope she does. I'll be writing to both of them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

See you in November.

I don't think so, Mr. No Profile.

In all likelihood, you'll vote in a district and state in which people don't read and only care about Mexicans. Whereas I'll be voting in a place that the founders frequented and a state that provides the wealth and industry that your welfare state just sucks off of.

Suck less, if you can.

Michael K said...

Pedophiles are recidivists.

Says the pedophile asshole.

Roughcoat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lb said...

Inga I have thought you were misinformed but now I do believe you are just an asshole who doesn’t understand the danger of what the Dems are doing. You would have been a great Hitler Youth

whitney said...

Inga is back! Hilarious. She should go check out Twitter where they're discussing
now that Trump has been removed from office, Hillary is president???? The beautiful part is they seem to think they don't need to vote in November because God knows they should not be voting. I would really love to be a fly on the wall when they find out nothing's actually happened

Inga said...

“No, you idiot., There are 70 million people who would crawl over broken glass to vote down your despicable partisans.”

No you senile coot. Guess who was responsible for Trump districts turning Democrat in 2018? The suburbs, college educated suburbanites are leaving Trump in droves.

Roughcoat said...

I'm looking for an author who writes about the phenomenon (mystery?) of consciousness from a religious substance dualist perspective. Thomas Nagel almost qualifies, but not quite: he's sympathetic to theist views, and opposed to the materialist approach, but does not believe in God.

Any suggestions?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good thing we have Michael K. chiming in to speak up for the pedophiles.

President Incestuous Groper thanks you for your service, Michael.

Michael K said...

Flashback: 58% of Democrats supported impeaching Trump … a month after he was sworn in<

Less now, fuckhead. Why not just off yourself you are so unhappy,?

MountainMan said...

Cunning Lawfare Maneuver - House Will Withhold Submission of Articles from Senate...

Qwinn said...

Ritmo and Inga and Chuck crowing about this is so pathetic. What was proven tonight? That the Dems won the House in 2018? We knew that. That all but two of the Dems who ran as "moderates" would consistently vote the exact same way as the farthest fringe left Dem? We knew that too.

If Republicans had impeached Obama in such a partisan fashion, and with infinitely more valid reasons to do so, we know you'd be singing the exact opposite tune and screaming that such an utterly partisan vote means nothing at all. Your hypocrisy and utter partisanship and bad faith are astounding. You've earned all the misery you got in 2016 and will suffer again in 2020 a thousand times over. Rot in hell you treasonous scumbags.

Michael K said...

President Incestuous Groper thanks you for your service, Michael.<

Says the pedophile champion, Don't run out of KY jelly big guy.

MountainMan said...

Oh, and while the Dims were having their impeachment party today 13 more judges were confirmed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mikey K. is in rare form tonight. Usually he just bashes low-wage fast-food workers. But tonight it seems he sees everyone as a pedophile.

I'm sorry President Incest-Lover's impeachment is making you feel so butt-hurt, big guy. But you'll get over it, right? Trump already is.

Or maybe you won't.

Who knows. What a horrible thing it must be for a guy like Mikey to put all his faith and identity and dreams and love into a guy as demonic as Don. It's not like you didn't see this coming, though.

Maybe you should try being more introspective.

Nah.... fuck it! You're about as introspective as an insect.

narciso said...

Thats almost as ironic as hastings writimg the impeachment rules

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most of the D's won by last minute cheating.

narciso said...

I wasnt surprised by van drew and petersen? But golden at least attempting integrity

Bay Area Guy said...

I had dinner and drinks tonight at Tadich Grill in SF. It was packed. Lotta good Christmas vibe and revelry. Not one solitary person mentioned impeachment. Not one.

Everyone knows it’s bogus - even in San Francisco.

narciso said...

Creamer was the embezzler who wrote up much of obamacare from prisoner, organized the j 20 riots.

Francisco D said...

I was going to post a thought but I see that the idiots have come out.

God night all. Happy Festivus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Party line vote, assholes. Empty partisan glory. Eat shit.

Kathryn51 said...

Michael K - wanted to thank you for the earlier link to: "The Empire Strikes Back - What the effort to impeach President Trump is really about." by Michael Anton

Thank God the Senate will not vote to remove Trump for office, because Anton's prediction of what might happen is on point.

Meaning -- the Founders were very wise. Very Wise.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Good. Let's impeach him again, then - if it's supposedly so good for him. And again. You drama queens make this too easy."

This seems right to me.

MountainMan said...

Oh, and while all the Dems were celebrating their Impeachment Day the 5th Circuit struck down Obamacare.

narciso said...

Hasting was impeached for bribery,

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump phrases differently what I've likely said, here at the Althouse blog, and long thought: 1/100 for a non-Statist failure rate is unacceptable.

99/100 failure rate for a proggie is our common perfectly designed system's performing much better than any potential alternative.

Seeing Red said...

Thank God the Senate will not vote to remove Trump for office, because Anton's prediction of what might happen is on point.

I don’t trust them.

Big Mike said...

Can anyone tell me who the two Democrats were who voted against impeachment? The Blue Dog Democrat from central Virginia voted “aye” on both.

rcocean said...

Lili Loofbourow, Ian Millhiser, and Dareh Gregorian.

Sample of Journalist names from today's news. Does anyone named Smith, Jones, or Anderson work in the Media anymore?

traditionalguy said...

This war with the Dems only energizes the 73.5 year old Trump. He spoke for nearly two hours with more energy at the end than when the night began. He must know what is coming out next from Durham's Criminal indictments team.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Justin Amash said ...

Conservatives will someday face the horrible truth that the Republican Party fought so hard to justify and excuse an amoral and self-serving president, and what he gave them in return was bigger government and erosion of the principles and values they once claimed to cherish.

Equipment Maintenance said...

This thing could get out of hand real quick. I think the only thing left to prevent civil war 2, is the senate.

Paddy O said...

"erosion of the principles and values they once claimed to cherish."

Corrupt government, high unemployment, and payouts to the ultra privileged? Those are the Democrat values now. Funny how things switch.

FullMoon said...

Plan to impeach Pence also...

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Bay Area Guy said...
I had dinner and drinks tonight at Tadich Grill in SF. It was packed. Lotta good Christmas vibe and revelry. Not one solitary person mentioned impeachment. Not one.

Everyone knows it’s bogus - even in San Francisco."

I struggle with this quite a bit, to acknowledge Boston and SF are great cities with so much money it's almost sickening.

But people hear the stories and think OMG what a shit hole.

But people don't care because they don't go where the shit is shit, they do their own thing away from the shit.

And see their house rise $$$ to an extent it is truly laughable to them Trump talks about Nancy having to clean up her district when the property value is so much much higher than average.

The rents are incredible. So how can their be a problem? Future property values declining? Okay doomer, let's worry about the shit.

Just another cost of doing biz, like Trump talked about tonight with Mahoney or Dingell or Schumer.

Until I see the coasts not get their cradle-robbing, homeless expanding SALT deduction permanently de and renounced, I will assume Howard is the long-term winner and Buwaya like Mark Twain said my pappy should be.

How cruel, like with the liquor distiller uncertainty, to keep the successful beholden to your vampire-like powerful desires, as an avocation.

Give a victory, actually allowing the richie riches to pay their fair share, but sunset it.

No other way, of course.

House. Senate. potUS.

No other way though, of course.

Paul Ryan wouldn't allow something like that on his watch.

Hollywood has shown me many things, including CA as feudal state. I've seen Marty Augustine ever since Roger "Doger" Altman introduced me to Ahnold S.

Hell, "Caddyshack" had a lot of class jokes I was too young to notice upon adolescent viewings yet nonetheless I've found have stuck with me.

Et. al.

If they keep convincing people they want the feudal life, they are right according to my beliefs to charge what they can. When the gov gets involved is where they are evil. Kill the bill to allow the richie riches to SALT us to our feudal lives.

Rory said...

I'm not certain that impeachment occurred tonight. The Senate rules are clear: they take up the matter when they receive notification from the House. The House "rules," which I guess are reflected in the "House Manual" (Sec. 608a) are murkier. It seems analogous to a Grand Jury voting to indict someone, but not transmitting anything to a judge.

Qwinn said...

Funny thing is, the main thing accomplished tonight (besides Obamacare dying, and more judges confirmed) is that the Dems literally threw away at least 28 House seats. Just threw them away, for absolutely nothing. Even if Durham and Barr do nothing in the coming year, Republicans are almost certain to win the House back now. So enjoy your treason, Democrat filth. Last thing you'll be celebrating for at least 5 years.

Michael said...

Bay Area Guy

Love Tadich but am Sam's old school. Shit I miss living there

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We get it - you hate Trump.
Where is the High Crime and the Misdemeanor?

Or right- D's manufactured it. Adam Schitt coordinated with a partisan leaker "whistle-blower" to concoct the frame job.

David Begley said...

Trump’s re-election is now assured.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fullmoon- Adam Schitt's tactics are very obvious at this point. Same with his corrupt media.

Ken B said...

A day before the election I predicted as follows: Clinton is probably ahead but it is going to come down to electoral college combinatorics in a few states, and I said he would win Michigan, where I was living, and others would be close. I don’t know of anyone who did better.
My gut reaction is that the Democrats have really made a blunder here. I know that while I did not support Trump last time and think him a poor president now, I would volunteer for him if I were still living in the USA. The last time I volunteered for a candidate was 1968.

readering said...

A couple of hot takes I've been reading here that didn't come to pass:

That the House Democrats did not have the votes and would find a way to back down.

That this would destroy Biden's campaign (admit I was hoping that was accurate).

Guildofcannonballs said...

Phrased with walkin' 'round money:

Hey you know that Dumbass Trump could have to pay a shit ton more, the idiot, because of the SALT deduction.

That stupid fuck is trying to like, uh, revert-psychology, or something you know, to like keep from paying taxes.

So vote NO for SALT.

SALT is for richie Trump's richie kids get rich, okay, so like vote against that shit yo bro.

Ken B said...

Yes, Michael K's hot takes are crap. So are his slow takes. So you get no credit there.
But it’s too early to say that about Biden.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger readering said...
A couple of hot takes I've been reading here that didn't come to pass:

That the House Democrats did not have the votes and would find a way to back down.

That this would destroy Biden's campaign (admit I was hoping that was accurate)."

Thank you. Thank you so much. I thought I was the only one who noticed not every comment's prediction here at the Althouse blog pans out.


JPS said...

The Democrats committed a spoonerism with their articles of impeachment. What they're really impeaching the president for are, 1, Obstruction of Power and, 2, Abuse of Congress.

Well done, guys. Almost 54% of the votes in a Democratic-majority Congress. Don't feel too bad when the Senate doesn't vote to remove. You'll have the chance to impeach again, more than once at the pace you've established, during the second term you've all but guaranteed him. Who knows, maybe the next time you'll be able to persuade people who weren't already on your side.

rcocean said...

"If the Senate Won't Hold a Fair Trial, the House Should Refuse to Send Over the Articles"

Most unintentionally hilarious WaPo Op-ed pierce. What if they held an impeachment, and no one came?

rcocean said...

Hot takes. Reminds me of Larry King's old USA Column from the 1980s.

This just in: Christine Brinkley is Hot.
Hot take: Some people dislike Champagne. I disagree.

Birkel said...

A lot of the "swing district" first term Democratics have been seeing internal polling showing they are down too much to win in November 2020. So those votes went from potential no votes to YOLO votes.

The two Democratics who voted no are likely to switch party affiliation.

And Tulsi Gabbard voted present because she has a smidgen of honor.

The damage to the country is nowhere considered by the radical Leftist Collectivists, as represented by the comments above. I look forward to the non-impeachment being non-delivered to the Senate.

narciso said...

The dems fear their rabid base, too much to challenge them.

Bruce Hayden said...

Looks like Lawfare strikes again. Apparently Trump is now officially impeached, but they can’t forward the impeachment over to the Senate quite yet, since they didn’t select a slate of impeachment managers. The theory seems to be that the House gets to decide when the Senate gets the articles of impeachment.

Not so sure that is going to work. Likely the Senate rules say that they essentially need to wait for the articles of impeachment from the House before starting the Senate trial. But those rules are amendable by a majority vote. And when it sinks in what the House did to them, it will likely be quick work to get an amendment through the Senate on a majority vote.

Should be interesting

rcocean said...

Just remember if you impeach Trump once. You can do it again. And again. And again.

Bruce Hayden said...

Oh - I noticed that Mountain Man beat me to it.

rcocean said...

Hey, its Tuesday. Lets do our weekly impeach trump vote.

rcocean said...

Pelosi is not going to give the Senate the articles of impeachment.

They need to beg. And give the secret password.

rcocean said...

Gee I thought this was a serious impeachment and a constitutional crisis.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Good. Let's impeach him again, then - if it's supposedly so good for him. And again. You drama queens make this too easy."

"This seems right to me."

The more I think about it, why not Impeach Trump 3 or even 4 more times, to signify his true place in History?

We all know he has infinite reasons to be Impeached.

We know.

pacwest said...

Inga is right in this regard. Impeachment will be considered a black mark in the history books. I would guess it bothers him, although I doubt if he will show that in public.

Florida has registered 33,000 new voters. 23,000 Republicans, and 10,000 Democrats. I assume this is happening everywhere although I haven't seen the numbers. It speaks volumes about his campaign strategies.

A quarter of the people attending Trump rallies are Democrats. Likely disenchanted with their own party and checking him out. Tons of new voters attending. See above. These are people who have rarely participated in previous elections, who are motivated enough to stand in freezing rain for hours to get a chance to see Trump.

Of the four possible Dem candidates 2 are socialists, one is damaged goods, and one is the young mayor of a small town. Speaks for itself.

Trump's list of accomplishments continues to grow. As much as Democrats might wish for a slowing of the economy that is unlikely to happen with the infusion of cash in the recently passed budget. It even included wall funding of 1.3B, which should cover a years worth of construction. It will be closing on 800 miles built by November 2020. Democratic enclaves (major cities) can no longer hide the problems of long term mismanagement. This also shows clearly in the Democratic state mismanagement. Trump is increasing his support among minorities. Even small gains in 25% of the Democratic base is devestating for them. If he is getting anywhere near 30% support from black Americans he has already won 2020. Barr/Durham investigations will become clearer during election season. These won't be show trials. Swing states are already trending for Trump. Kudos to McConnell for replacing 25% and counting of the judiciary. This is a huge deal made possible by Trump's election.

Despite Democrats best efforts there is some progress being made in cleaning up the voter rolls. California and New York can hand out all the driver's licenses they want. It doest affect the Electoral College. If we can get dead people to at least abstain instead of voting for Democrats it's in the bag.

Birkel said...

The impeachment is so serious and Trump's non-crimes so serious, that the House will not refer the impeachment to the Senate.

That sort of naked partisanship ALWAYS plays well in Peoria.

rcocean said...

To those of you who think Trump will win:

Never underestimate the intelligence of the American public. And Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and other minorities, may give Trump *relatively* good approval ratings, but their voting patterns differ little from election to election. For example, you cold run Lebron James as a Republican and he'd still only get 25% of the black vote.

mockturtle said...

New York has increased their potential voter registration by allowing illegals to get drivers licenses. It worked for California. And WA state.

Big Mike said...

Ignore my question from 9:43. The two who voted “nay” on both articles were the same two who voted against the impeachment inquiry. The one from NJ is known to be changing parties. The one from Minnesota is 75, chairs an important committee, and won a district that Trump won by 30% in 2016 and 2018, so he’s probably feeling pretty invulnerable. The guy from Maine’s 2nd District voted “aye” on article 1 but “nay” on obstruction of Congress. He’s in a strange situation. He lost to the Republican in 2018 but came out on top under Maine’s ranked voting system because the Republican got a plurality but not a majority. I suspect the guy is toast anyway.

And Tulsi Gabbard voted “present.”

Seeing Red said...

That’s enuf, tho.

iowan2 said...

Support for impeachment has declined. It's below 50%. As our host opines, public support should mirror the 2/3 as is required for the Senate vote.
Knowing those things, how is the House refusing to send the articles over to the Senate going to sit with the voters, already dubious of Democrats motives? They ran secret hearings, refused Republican requests, acted like autocrats, and in general pushed through articles that are not well defined.
Now, for reasons that are all but impossible to explain, are talking about NOT proceeding with the impeachment process. Impeaching the President is fine, but if you dont have voter support, you have failed at your duties. Democrats have yet to figure out the important stuff.

Yancey Ward said...

The Senate will just hold the trial and acquit on whatever terms they wish, and will thus nullify these articles of impeachment whether or not the House sends them over. This is all but certain to be what McConnell is going to announce tomorrow morning.

All Pelosi has accomplished with this asinine maneuver is to make her and her party look small, idiotic, and deeply, deeply partisan. This is an own goal of absolutely mindboggling proportions. The public already had turned against this effort, and this maneuver only makes it much worse.

Seeing Red said...

The damage to the country is nowhere considered by the radical Leftist Collectivists, as represented by the comments above.

That’s a feature to them.

Achilles said...

readering said...
A couple of hot takes I've been reading here that didn't come to pass:

That the House Democrats did not have the votes and would find a way to back down.

That this would destroy Biden's campaign (admit I was hoping that was accurate).

Your first hot take was by people who thought incorrectly that democrats might actually think about what they were doing.

Your second hot take is only wrong because democrat voters like you are such pieces of shit they will support people like Biden. You all voted for Hillary and she was just as corrupt if not more so.

Democrats are just terrible people and the end of this farce is near one way or another. When this garbage tossed out of the senate and Trump wins again you all better slink back to your holes and shut the fuck up and let this end peacefully.

If you continue your violence and attacks on us your bullshit will not slide much longer.

Big Mike said...

Pelosi should have heeded the words of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto; “I fear that all we have done is awaken a sleeping dragon and filled it with a terrible purpose.”

Whether the articles are forwarded to the Senate or not, a lot of Democrats from districts where Trump won, as well as districts he narrowly lost in 2016 that have benefitted from his policies, have painted the word “vulnerable le” on their foreheads.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

This idea that you need House managers and that the House actually has to send the articles over to the Senate before the Senate can act is total bullshit. The Senate can hold the trial any time and under any rules it wishes to make.

I now predict what the Democrats will do if this is the plan McConnell announces tomorrow- they will go to the friendliest court they can find and try to get an injunction against the Senate holding the trial.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump might be trolling Chuck D, the rapper (who else) making me redundant.

Like Aunt B though, I know I have some use for something somehow.

I certainly have phrased many, many things very differently from Trump, for reasons I now question.

Perhaps the future is closer to Mozart and Beethoven and Bach and Kid Rock and Dwight Yoakum than Yoko Ono?

GingerBeer said...

Nancy's LBD was an inspired touch, such solemnity. I'm totally for impeachment now.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Perhaps the future is closer to Mozart and Beethoven and Bach and Kid Rock and Dwight Yoakum than Yoko Ono?"

THat was statement ment to be red backweird so the idea you take it as treu sraitghwired is crazy.


You know. You know it was meant to be backward.

Nichevo said...

lb said...
Inga I have thought you were misinformed but now I do believe you are just an asshole who doesn’t understand the danger of what the Dems are doing. You would have been a great Hitler Youth

Maybe she was. Comes from Austria, came here after the war. Excuse me, not Hitler Youth, the girls equivalent. Right, Inga?

Rory said...

"This idea that you need House managers and that the House actually has to send the articles over to the Senate before the Senate can act is total bullshit."

The Senate rule is that they receive notice, then call the Chief Justice. It seems that if McConnell called Roberts tomorrow, Roberts would have to determine if impeachment had occurred before he took the bench.

Narayanan said...

Impeachmentus interruptus.

James K said...

Schrodinger's impeachment.

Guildofcannonballs said...

James Garner, God bless Jim Rockford and Rocky and the crew, well, he didn't mean right.

He just assumed all those Republicans would do that while he does what he wants.

Jimmy did a lot of good things. But it was clear the hip/cool have a different set of rules because the rich were such asshole/pricks.

Yet we are all aware, except Democrat voters, like those that voted against Nixon in 1968, how ugly real violence is and can be.

Not like that little prick who died of lung cancer but not before saying the American voters in 1994 "threw a tantrum" or voted like toddlers or whatever.

Peter punk.

Narayanan said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
Impeachment should only be pursued when peaches are in season. Currently, they are not
Hear hear heah heah.

I move that 🍑 pie recipe shall henceforth use *impeach* to replace *add peaches*.

Who rises to second

Qwinn said...

Just reread Trump's letter to Pelosi. It rings even truer now than it did before the impeachment. Hell, it's as if the Democrats *wanted* to reinforce and confirm every single accusation Trump made against them. At least, if they did want to, I can't imagine what they would or could have done differently.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is the key part, Rory- it is a Senate rule. Roberts actually has no option but to appear if the Senate as a body asks him to do so for this purpose. If McConnell controls his majority, then the rule will be adapted to deal with these unsent articles of impeachment.

The House is trying to have it both ways, impeachment, but without a trial. The Senate, by majority vote, can just take up the impeachment the House passed last night with or without a formal notice from the House, and hold the trial any way it pleases.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"This seems right to me."

Okay I know what is what and why I was worried now about the "right" or "left" labels.

We all need to move away, like has happened throughout history, like Buwaya, being not uniquely informed but from another country very appreciated, of how "moving" "away" is just good.

So let's all move away, okay.

Okay right.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Pelosi is not going to give the Senate the articles of impeachment.”

“They need to beg. And give the secret password.”

She appears to be saying that the Senate doesn’t get the Articles of Impeachment until the House (majority) can be assured that they will have a fair trial in the Senate. This from the party that gave us Schifty’s basement star chamber hearings, where the Democrats not only chad complete control over what witnesses get called, but also what the witnesses could be asked. So, given the House Dems’ previous ideas about what fair means in the impeachment inquiry, it is going to be fascinating what they think it means in the Senate trial. Maybe that they, again, are the only ones who can call witnesses. Etc.

What bothers me is that rank hypocrisy and unfairness in pretty much everything they do. Trump did absolutely nothing wrong, yet got impeached, for no better reason than #OrangeManBad. And now they are trying to extort the Senate into slanting things their way again. I just hope that enough other American voters are just as pissed off at their constant cheating, where their only criteria is winning, regardless of consequences.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The House is trying to have it both ways, impeachment, but without a trial. The Senate, by majority vote, can just take up the impeachment the House passed last night with or without a formal notice from the House, and hold the trial any way it pleases.”

I very much ch hope that you are right.

Bruce Hayden said...

Weird. Blogger has been flaky for the last several days, requiring resubmission of my posts about half the time. But this evening,things seemed to have gone down hill from that, as evinced by my having to resubmit my two previous comments - twice.

Drago said...

readering: "A couple of hot takes I've been reading here that didn't come to pass:
That the House Democrats did not have the votes and would find a way to back down.
That this would destroy Biden's campaign (admit I was hoping that was accurate).

Pelosi would not move forward without the votes.
The destruction of the Biden campaign will occur if the Senate actually calls Hunter Biden to testify under oath, followed by Joey Biden, who has already stated he would refuse to testify, which will look great in the campaign.

It would be an absolute gift to Trump if the dems try and sit on this impeachment in the House without forwarding to the Senate.

Qwinn said...

The reason for this entire charade is so that when Barr and Durham start indictments of the legion of crimes the Dems have been committing right out in the open these last 4 years, they can scream "Retaliation for impeachment!"

Will it work on rhhardin's soap opera women? Probably, if the past is any indication.

Yancey Ward said...

Pelosi has made a terrible political error- she has been listening to and taking the advice of lawyers who know jack shit about politics. Pelosi should have held her own counsel, but it is possible that she has reached that age where she is easily manipulated.

Just because you can twist the rules and the laws to fit your strategy doesn't make it foolproof, and it definitely doesn't make it politically wise. This is the sort of strategy that gets devised by people who live in an impenetrable bubbles.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "Pelosi has made a terrible political error- she has been listening to and taking the advice of lawyers who know jack shit about politics."

It's the far far far lunatic left marxist Lawfare crew.

And it will surprise absolutely no one at Althouseblog that this marxist Lawfare crew is LLR-lefty Chuck's favorite "go to" sources for his legal links.

Its becoming more clear by the day just what team LLR-lefty Chuck has been playing for all this time.

Narayanan said...

Qwinn said...
Just reread Trump's letter to Pelosi
Psst I want to tell you secret.
Pelosi she work for Trump Tsu. She don't know it. Too funny.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

Anybody working on Impeachment the Musical?

Possibly Time is right to remove this provision from the Constitution.

Yancey Ward said...

I played pick up basketball from age 9 until age 35. Anyone who has done this realizes that the calling of fouls is something you only really do it when it is clear and mutually agreed, and you will usually call them on yourself. There is rarely any disagreement- it is a thing of good sportsmanship, and a player that is constantly calling fouls on others that aren't mutually agreed fouls is very quickly sidelined by unspoken agreement between everyone else- you either learn and obey these unwritten sportsmanship rules, or you don't get to play.

What Pelosi and the Democrats have done here with this impeachment and with this plan to try to coerce the Senate is just like the calling of unjustified fouls- it reeks of childishness, and is literally the definition of Calvinball. Stuff like this is only liked by ones most partisan supporters, and detested by everyone who isn't.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Anybody working on Impeachment the Musical?

Seems more like an Opera.

And I predict a Rabbit Of Seville ending.

Crazy World said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
readering said...

If you look at the Supreme Court calendar they have barely a week off in early January but the first three weeks off in February. May make sense fo parties to take time to discuss conduct of the trial.

stevew said...

Attended a work related social affair last night, dinner and drinks with colleagues and customers. Lots of talk about the holidays, people's plans for same, etc. Nary a word about impeachment. I can't be sure anyone knew it was going on. I must note that my colleagues and I are in the business of sales - trying to win some new business with this particular customer. Therefore we are disinclined to raise controversial subjects with lthem. But they didn't say anything either, maybe because we were hosting and paying the bill. Everyone just being polite.

Or, maybe, no one really cares about this impeachment farce, for or against.

Danno said...

Blogger pacwest said...Florida has registered 33,000 new voters. 23,000 Republicans, and 10,000 Democrats.

You can add me to that (R) total in a few weeks.

Danno said...

Yancey Ward said..."devised by people who live in an impenetrable bubbles."

Does her Botox shield count as a bubble too?

Rusty said...

This is a double edged sword. yes. 235 democrats voted to impeach Trump The opposite, especially if he gets reelected, is that 235 democrats voted to end their political careers. For every action there is an equal, but opposite reaction.

BUMBLE BEE said...

No High Crimes or misdemeanors needed. They're back to their Legacy Moves. They did drop the white sheets and pointy hats, so that's a plus.

iowan2 said...

Democrats are insanely clueless as the work-a-day lives of America.
I'll use myself to illustrate. We have taken this week off. Holiday prep, personal celebrations of birthdays and anniversary, (and the better half had to use a week or lose it).
That means mornings are starting a little slower, TV on for sound, travel consists road trips to shop, see grandkids, and relaxing overnights in casinos and old restored renaissance hotels. All the travel is done listening to books. In short, living average work-a-day lives.

All that to explain, we did not learn of Hayden Fry's death on the 17th, until this morning.

If an Iowa sports aficionado misses the death of Hayden Fry, trust me when I tell you, only a very small number of Iowans are paying attention to this charade in DC

Michael K said...

May make sense fo parties to take time to discuss conduct of the trial.

It's OK. It will only take one day unless Nancy backs down.

Michael K said...

readering: "A couple of hot takes I've been reading here that didn't come to pass:
That the House Democrats did not have the votes and would find a way to back down.
That this would destroy Biden's campaign (admit I was hoping that was accurate).

I confess I thought Nancy was either smarter or had better control of her caucus. This will be lethal to her majority. 31 Democrats lost.

Biden is dead. He just hasn't fallen down yet.

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