১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯

At the Coyote Café...

... you can howl (and hoot) all night.

And please, remember the Althouse Portal to Amazon. And let me recommend something specific, which I have tested, these microwaveable slippers.

৫২টি মন্তব্য:

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

Only Super Genius comments allowed.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

A real-life animal coyote walked past me on the sidewalk on Far West Blvd in Austin, TX.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Joe Biden Stuns Crowd by Talking about Kids Playing with His Hairy Legs and How Much He Loves Children on His Lap and Roaches… WTH? (Video)

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Coyotes are just as fully capable of the near-human emotions of domesticated dogs as, well, domesticated dogs. I have had a hard life but I have been blessed to be one of those people who knows a lot about malamutes and coyotes.

They often have a hard life, coyotes, but my best guess is that there are a few billion people in the world who have a hard life, and just a few hundred million coyotes with a hard life.

Given the choice, and if you did not have a choice into which country to be born as a domesticated dog, it would probably be better to choose to be born a coyote than a domesticated dog. People are not all that nice to dogs in lots of countries, the world outside of the USA is not like the USA. Coyotes are rightfully suspicious of people, dogs do not always have that gift.

narciso বলেছেন...

Fake but accurate:


Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

You can even Bark At The Moon.

narciso বলেছেন...


wildswan বলেছেন...

As part of rethinking American history, over Thanksgiving I looked again at who Squanto was. He's significant because without him, no successful Pilgrim settlement. Without the Pilgrim success, the Puritans wouldn't have come. Without the Puritans, no New England. Without New England, no abolitionist movement. So who was Squanto - why that name? I believe that Squanto was a baptized Roman Catholic named Santo at his baptism and hiding his religion under the name Squanto. It is an accepted fact that Spanish friars got the kidnapped Patuxent Indian named Tisquantum away from his captors and "made him a Christian." But this could only mean he was baptized and then he would get a Christian name - which name we do not know but I think it was Santo, a name close to his first name. Then apparently the friars realized that Tisquantum / Santo was a Northern Indian who would never get home unless he went to England where the exploration of the area he came from was centered. So they arranged for him to be sent to the House of John Slaney of London who was part of the circle which was exploring present-day New England. The group could use a go-between between themselves and the Indians but this circle was composed mainly of Puritans who hated Catholics even more than most the Catholics were hated by most Protestants. Therefore I believe that it was decided in England that the emissary could not have a recognizably Spanish or Catholic name. But, I hypothesize, Santo did not want to just go back to his old name - he had become a believer. So Santo was changed to Tsquanto or Squanto. Under that name the Gorges group transported him to Labrador and then back to his village, Patuxent. All his own people were gone. But one year later he found the Pilgrims living on the site of his own old village. He showed them all the Patuxent ways - what they did with fields and brooks and fowling and fishing and trade and good relations with other tribes. The Pilgrims were thus successfully adapted to New England, they showed the Puritans the Patuxent way, and America was on its way. And if anyone Pilgrim ever found out they had Santo the Catholic among them as a leader and ambassador, they kept it quiet.

MikeD বলেছেন...

The only Joni Mitchell song I ever enjoyed & that was the version with Dr. John and The Band (Last Waltz).

Lloyd W. Robertson বলেছেন...

I think the phrase is ineffable beauty.

I'm not an expert in Taylor Swift's music, but I get the idea that when she sings about a former or sometime boyfriend, it's along the lines of "you bastard, you hurt my feelings." Joni goes way high, yet deeply sad.

gilbar বলেছেন...

WHO would be Jo Biden's VP?
Would they have to wait until January before invoking the 25th amendment?
or do they just have to maintain the fiction of his competence until next Nov?

Not that it matters. I'm sure Igna and all will Agree; that once the Senate EXONERATES President Trump, his reelection is assured. Because, After All...
WHEN the Senate does not find him guilty; That WILL mean EXONERATION
The WHOLE POINT of this Impeachment Inquiry, is to PROVE his Innocence
Dems SEE that, don't they?

narciso বলেছেন...

I heard about this part from the thankgiving section of hugh hewitt


narciso বলেছেন...

From the movie thread, one small film which i found rather faithful adaptation was the man from uncle with arnie hammer and henry cavill, the first plays the russian kuryakin and cavill againa type plays the wiley solo

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

"Would they have to wait until January before invoking the 25th amendment?"

I doubt they'll go this route. The Dems like him like this. He'll be easier to control.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Trump easy (or even easier) to control? I'm from Missouri.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Jamie said...
He'll be easier to control.

I respectfully disagree. He's Senile, and suffering from dementia
By next year, he'll be jello

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Had a nice Thanksgiving. Grateful for our family and friends, even though certain members irritate me. Not just the inlaws either - on the whole, the certain kinfolk are the major pains in the butt. That's life, I reckon.

Grateful for Althouse, Meade and this blog too! I actually learn stuff here. Lotta good insights. Lotta laughs & chuckles too.

Onward to Christmas!

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

Coyotes: do they wanna have fun?

You can watch all the way to the end; despite the warning note below the clip, no harm befell the dog (or the coyote).

Kathryn51 বলেছেন...

Lisa Page arises. . . .

I Am Not A Crook

I didn't read the Daily Beast article, but looks like she is claiming she didn't "commit a crime", but "made mistakes". Bitch - you abused your power. You deliberately targeted a candidate for US President and continued to target him after he was elected.

We. Are. Not. Stupid.

JMW Turner বলেছেন...

Heavenly! She's my Blue angel, a Courting Spark in the ethereal.

stevew বলেছেন...

Had a gorgeous coyote trot through the backyard a week or so ago, right around dawn, was light enough to see it clearly. Redish like a fox but much larger.

You know how I know I'm not a Boomer? I've never liked or appreciated Joni Mitchell's music. Not sure if it's her particular stylings or that sort of music in general.

This was a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm blessed with a wonderful family and a great set of friends.

Ice Nine বলেছেন...

God, her singing is annoying!

readering বলেছেন...

Kathryn 51: DJIG report expected to exonerate Page of your charge. (which Potus unfairly abused his power to trumpet.) Don't.Speak.Too.Soon.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

Well, this Boomer loved Joni Mitchell. I cannot lie. But I never got beyond Blue and Court and Spark.

narciso বলেছেন...

How many years did they deny hiss was a soviet spy even after the venona decrypts

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Music night eh?
Here's seven bagatelles for Mockturtle.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

I will be eternally grateful to Ms. Mitchell for bringing us Larry Carlton's heavenly electric guitar arpeggios at the end of Help Me.

fleg9bo বলেছেন...

Ah, a Gordon Lightfoot reference. I moved up to Edmonton from Southern California in the fall of 1970 to go to grad school. I soon met my future wife, and our very first date was a Gordon Lightfoot concert, in October. Doesn't get more Canadian than that. By then it had already snowed some and I knew I was in for it.

Kathryn51 বলেছেন...

readering said...
Kathryn 51: DJIG report expected to exonerate Page of your charge. (which Potus unfairly abused his power to trumpet.) Don't.Speak.Too.Soon.

My "charge" is that she abused her position of power. That is my point - she may not have committed a "crime" (example: falsifying documents, lying to investigators, etc) but I'm pretty sure the report will say that she failed to follow FBI procedures - which means, she abused her power/position.

Martha বলেছেন...

While speaking to a black audience Joe Biden suddenly started babbling about children stroking his hairy legs in the pool and how much he loves to have children on his lap. Also something about roaches?

Joe Biden: “And by the way I sit on a stand, I got hot, I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that, turn blond in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in and pull and rub my legs, and watch the hairs rise up again. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping up on my lap. And I love kids jumping on my lap.”

and Joe is the ONE TO BEAT TRUMP!

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Joni Mitchell - Just Like This Train (Live In-Studio 1996) Letterman

(lyrics don't match)

I'm always running behind the time
Just like this train
Shaking into town
With the brakes complaining

I used to count lovers like railroad cars
I counted them on my side
Lately I don't count on nothing
I just let things slide

The station master's shuffling cards
Boxcars are banging in the yards
Jealous lovin'll make you crazy
If you can't find your goodness
'Cause you lost your heart

I went looking for a cause
Or a strong cat without claws
Or any reason to resume
And I found this empty seat
In this crowded waiting room (Everybody waiting)
Old man sleeping on his bags
Women with that teased up kind of hair
Kids with the jitters in their legs
And those wide, wide open stares
And the kids got cokes and chocolate bars
There's a thin man smoking a fat cigar
Jealous lovin'll make you crazy
If you can't find your goodness
'Cause you've lost your heart

What are you going to do now
You've got no one
To give your love too

Well I've got this berth and this roll down blind
I've got this fold up sink
And these rocks and these cactus going by
And a bottle of German wine to drink
Settle down into the clickety-clack
With the clouds and the stars to read
Dreaming of the pleasure I'm going to have
Watching your hairline recede, my vain darling
Watching your hair and clouds and stars
I'm rocking away in a sleeping car
This jealous lovin's bound to make me
I can't find my goodness
I lost my heart
Oh, sour grapes
Because I lost my heart

effinayright বলেছেন...

MikeD said...
The only Joni Mitchell song I ever enjoyed & that was the version with Dr. John and The Band (Last Waltz)
Ja? Und? who gives a fuck?

eddie willers বলেছেন...

Well, this Boomer loved Joni Mitchell. I cannot lie. But I never got beyond Blue and Court and Spark.

You stopped two albums too soon. I waffle between Hejira and Hissing of Summer Lawns as being her best.

effinayright বলেছেন...

readering said...
Kathryn 51: DJIG report expected to exonerate Page of your charge. (which Potus unfairly abused his power to trumpet.) Don't.Speak.Too.Soon.

Who the fuck do you claim to be? Karnak the Magnificent???

What do YOU claim to know that Trump doesn't?

What a fucking fool.

effinayright বলেছেন...

Follow-up to readering's terminal stupidity: the IG doesn't EXONERATE anybody.

You're a fool, all the way down.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Exonerate according to readering:

It would seem the FBI disagrees, internally.

heyboom বলেছেন...

There just has to be something inherently wrong with this, right?

Klobuchar hints she'll vote to convict Trump if impeachment trial reaches the Senate

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Couple interesting things popped this Sunday evening after Thanksgiving. Most interesting to me are these: FBI Lovebird and Trump-Hater Lisa Page Insists She’s Non-Partisan – But Her Twitter Page Tells a Different Story

FBI lovebird and Trump hater Lisa Page broke her silence on Sunday night. Page is speaking out publicly for the first time just days before the Department of Justice Inspector General report is set for release on December 9th. Page and Strzok exchanged text messages which were made public that exposed their affair and showed extreme political bias with statements that fueled concerns of a Deep State conspiracy against President Trump.

Lisa Page insists she is the victim.

“I’m done being quiet”: FBI Love Bird Lisa Page Breaks Silence on Eve of DOJ IG Report, Portrays Herself as Victim of President Trump

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who gained notoriety as the anti-Trump lover of FBI agent Peter Strzok, is speaking out publicly for the first time just days before the Department of Justice Inspector General report is set for release on December 9. Page and Strzok exchanged text messages which were made public that exposed their affair and showed extreme political bias with statements that fueled concerns of a Deep State conspiracy against President Trump....

Page’s Twitter account was vouchsafed by Lawfare Blog editor in chief Benjamin Wittes.

This is significant. She is being vouched for, and being brought aboard, by one of the top Lawfare people. Now lower downs, like Schifty, Wadler, and Palsi, but their editor in chief. And apparently the guy who worked with Mueller lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman to develop the misinterpretation of that one Obstruction of Justice statute on display in the Mueller Report that essentially changed the required Mens Rea from specific intent to general intent.

It has long been suspected that Page flipped on the rest of the conspirators, most notably her old boss, former DD McCabe. For one thing, it is very clear in IG Horowitz’s leak investigation that got McCabe fired, that she was the person whose testimony sank McCabe’s career. Horowitz believed her, and not him, about him authorizing leaks. For similar reasons, many believed that she had flipped for USA Durham. Maybe not.

We shall see.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

When an Amazon delivery doesn't get delivered owing to running out of time, they send you an attempted delivery notice and ask for you to update delivery instructions.

This must be a practice of the deliverer to get paid for what he didn't quite get to.

It's doubtful it's Amazon pretending they did their job since it's worrying or insulting to the customer, depending on how far he sees through it.

There'd be no attempted delivery in my case - it's a house that's always there with a front porch that's always there.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

It really bugs me when the media uses victims and victim families to manipulate public discourse of important subjects. As though they own the tragedy and their feelings should be valued above public safety. (Sorry, sometimes blogger won’t accept embedded links.)


tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I like the young Joni Mitchell. Crazy, but a fine artist.

“My analyst told me...
I was right out of my head.
The way he described it
I woud be better dead
than live
I I never listened to his jive.
I knew all along
that he was all wrong
I knew that he thought
I was crazy but I’m not!"

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

When an Amazon delivery doesn't get delivered owing to running out of time, they send you an attempted delivery notice and ask for you to update delivery instructions.

This must be a practice of the deliverer to get paid for what he didn't quite get to.

I think it's more of a "new driver syndrome". My house never moves either, but is tricky to locate. UPS (and of course USPS) are trained and fine, but the new Amazon logo trucks haven't figured it out completely yet and I have gotten that message several times.

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

I like the young Joni Mitchell. Crazy, but a fine artist.

“My analyst told me...
I was right out of my head.
The way he described it
I woud be better dead

Isn't that "Lambert, Hendricks & Ross"?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Boris Johnson has been accused of twisting the facts of the London Bridge terror attack in a “distasteful” attempt to turn it into an election issue, as he tried to blame Labour for the release of the terrorist who stabbed two people to death.

Despite one of the victims’ families pleading for their son’s death not to be used as an excuse for kneejerk political reaction, Johnson claimed that “a lefty government” was responsible for Usman Khan being freed.

The family of Jack Merritt called for the murder of “our beautiful, talented boy” to not be exploited for political gain, as police named the second victim as Saskia Jones, a prisoner rehabilitation volunteer.
. - The Guardian

In other words, the victim’s family opposes Brexit and wants to use their son’s death in that cause.

At least The Guardian says “been accused,” If this were Trump and the WaPo, it would be “Trump is guilty of"

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

“We willingly sacrificed our son in the cause of unfettered immigration of young men who will never assimilate."

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger readering said...

Kathryn 51: DJIG report expected to exonerate Page of your charge. (which Potus unfairly abused his power to trumpet.) Don't.Speak.Too.Soon.

I had gotten then impression that readering was a lawyer.

Sorry, my mistake. No lawyer would be that obtuse.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The family of Jack Merritt called for the murder of “our beautiful, talented boy” to not be exploited for political gain, as police named the second victim as Saskia Jones, a prisoner rehabilitation volunteer.. - The Guardian

A recent article, probably in "City Journal," asserted that criminologists are now all leftists, as was that "beautiful boy."

Mr. O. Possum বলেছেন...

She had polio when she was a child and for a time was paralyzed. It permanently weakened the muscles in either or both of her arms (and perhaps fingers). That is supposedly why her guitar playing sounds so...different....ethereal.

Neil Young also had polio.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I think that Lisa Page May escape being charged with a crime in the DOJ IG report on FISA abuse. She mostly operated in an advisory role. Which means that about all that they could charge her for would be conspiracy. This doesn’t mean that she is blameless, but rather merely that her role was indirect. Contrast this with the role of another FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, who appears to have actually falsified FISA application documents. She might have been charged at one point for strategic leaking, but was able to document that she was doing so under McCabe’s orders. McCabe got fired instead.

Reading a lot of her text messages with Strzok, much of it sounds like Page panicking about Trump getting elected, and Strzok manfully assuring her that everything was just fine. She would help him communicate with her boss, McCabe, and with him to work around his immediate boss, Bill Priestap, to get to McCabe. But time, and again, it was Strzok who had the direct role. I do wonder if this is why Strzok appears to have stepped out of his marriage with her - his wife appears to be a real ball buster, and not nearly as careful. Upon discovering the affair by seeing the text messages between the two love birds on his phone, she blew everything up by confronting Page, starting the chain of events that first got her husband discredited, then fired. I would have loved to have been privy to that conversation, between two hard left government attorneys over that slime bag. Of the two, Page appears to be the (careful) passive aggressive one, and Strzok’s wife the direct, aggressive, one. I like that better, but can also see the allure of the damsel in distress ploy in the face of too much directness in a woman (my women over the last three decades have been the direct type, eschewing female subterfuge, never treating me as their hero, and, thus making me vulnerable to women who do - though I never strayed out of my relationships or marriages with these other women).

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“The family of Jack Merritt called for the murder of “our beautiful, talented boy” to not be exploited for political gain, as police named the second victim as Saskia Jones, a prisoner rehabilitation volunteer.. - The Guardian”

If anyone is going to die as a result of letting violent jihadist terrorists out of prison, much better that it be one of the left wing activists who assisted in getting the terrorist out of prison, than an innocent bystander. Merritt was decidedly not an innocent bystander, but rather helped facilitate the terrorist attack through his fuzzy minded left wing advocacy.

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

Jon Ericson: It's interesting that those pieces are called "Bagatelles" because they are anything but lighthearted or trivial. I wonder, was that Beethoven's title or was it appended by his publisher?

AA: I looked at the microwaveable slippers. They are fuzzy enough but very pale. You can't brown things in a microwave.