December 29, 2019

"An intruder with a large knife burst into the home of a Hasidic rabbi in a New York suburb on Saturday night, stabbing and wounding five people..."

"... just as they were gathering to light candles for Hanukkah, officials and a witness said. It was a terrifying scene... at the home of the rabbi, Chaim Rottenberg, in Monsey, which is in an area with a large population of ultra-Orthodox Jews... 'I was praying for my life,' [said Aron Kohn, 65] '“He started attacking people right away as soon as he came in the door. We didn’t have time to react at all. We saw him pull a knife out of a case... It was about the size of a broomstick.' Mr. Kohn said that after the attacker fled, he tried to enter a synagogue next door, Congregation Netzach Yisroel, which is led by Rabbi Rottenberg. But people inside the synagogue apparently heard screams from the rabbi’s home and, fearful, locked the door so the attacker could not get in, Mr. Kohn said.... Orthodox Jews in Monsey were already rattled by recent assaults against Jews that took place in the last week in Brooklyn, as well as a deadly anti-Semitic shooting at a kosher market in Jersey City this month..."

From "Monsey Hanukkah Stabbing: 5 Wounded at Rabbi’s Home in N.Y. Suburb/The governor called the violence an “act of domestic terrorism” after a suspect was arrested in Harlem" (NYT).

A suspect has been arrested in Harlem, which is 30 miles from Monsey.

AND: Meanwhile, in Brooklyn, The NY Post reports:
Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods they terrorized thanks to “bail reform” legislation — which doesn’t even take effect until Jan. 1....

The accused assailant, Tiffany Harris, was hauled in handcuffs before a Brooklyn judge on 21 menacing, harassment and attempted assault charges.

“Yes, I was there,” Harris later admitted to cops, according to the criminal complaint against her. “Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews.”


Hari said...

'An intruder' Even the knife has a description (large) but the intruder could be anyone.

Automatic_Wing said...

Undoubtedly white rednecks with MAGA hats.

Or would the NYT have mentioned that?

Wince said...

What word is missing from that NYT headline?

Automatic_Wing said...

Well, regardless, we can count on the Law and Order version to have it be white rednecks in MAGA hats.

Michael K said...

Warren Wilhelm Jr's NYC.

Death Wish V will enter production in 2020.

Mike Sylwester said...

Were any of the victims able to determine the assailants' race?

rhhardin said...

It looks like low-IQ rights activism

Mark O said...

As someone once said, buy guns and ammo.

AllenS said...

Yes, he be black.

AllenS said...

One behavior that Jews need to change, is this consistent voting for Democrats. They are not going to help you. They hate you.

Mike Sylwester said...

When the article does not say the law-breaker's race, then all the readers understand that the law-breaker is Black.

Our own current reading between the lines is similar to how Soviet citizens read Pravda.

whitney said...

I'm really not looking forward to the coming white genocide but the minorities duking it out is kind of a silver lining

Ken B said...

Insty has some links on this today, which are worth a look.

Bob Boyd said...

people inside the synagogue apparently heard screams from the rabbi’s home and, fearful, locked the door so the attacker could not get in

One can apply a prodigious intellect in the service of prosaic things.

Licky Lundy said...

Photo of assailant here:

Lucid-Ideas said...

I love that leftist Jews - long using african Americans as a foil in American political life - are losing control of their pet knee-grows.

See? It's just as easy to unleash their lack of impulse control on you as it was the WASPs you hate so much. Tough cookies.

Laslo Spatula said...

Let Thunderdome be Thunderdome.

I am Laslo.

Ann Althouse said...

Imagine being one of the people who were inside the synagogue and who locked the others out. How do they feel today?

Temujin said...

AllenS...I agree with you. I am one of a generation of Jews who is armed and trained. There are many of us. We are not going to be led to the cattle cars again. And frankly- someone comes into my house with a machete, they will not see the outdoors again.

The assailant was the same as all the others in Europe and the US. They are usually NOT white guys. And usually NOT Christians. This is not nice to say, but this is the reality and I did not create it. The black community is rife with this stuff. The Christians in that community need to recognize what's happening. Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan have been allowed to spread their low level dirt for years. Allowed? Hell- they've been encouraged. Farrakhan arm in arms with Dem leaders at Aretha Franklin's funeral. Appearing arm in arm with His Oneness, Barack Obama. Al Sharpton...well, he's got his own show on Chuck Todd's network.

Can you imagine the howls if the roles had been a white man, walking into a room of black parishioners, with a machete, there to kill and maim? (Yes, I know- Charleston). All networks would be full-on for weeks. This has been going on weekly in Europe for years now (see Malmo, Sweden, or Paris) and over the last few years has made it back to the US.

These people are not friends of anybody. So don't think it'll just be Jews getting attacked.

BamaBadgOR said...

Jew lives matter. Can one say that?

mockturtle said...

Unable to read the NYT article but the NYP article reported instances of other attacks on Jews in NY where the AA perp was released on 'personal recognizance'. Nice going, NY justice system.

hawkeyedjb said...

Put that story next to the one about the latest Progressive push to abolish the police and the solution, as noted above by Mark O, becomes very clear: Buy guns and ammo. When punishment and the police are abolished, you wanna be one of The Disarmed?

mockturtle said...

Bob Boyd observes: One can apply a prodigious intellect in the service of prosaic things.

Nicely done, Bob. I see what you did.

AllenS said...

The problem that Jews, and whites for that matter, who are law abiding citizens in New York, is that you will be arrested if you are caught with a weapon.

narciso said...

This is cnn:

AllenS said...

Abolishing the police would be the only way to straighten everything out. Everybody in their own neighborhoods knows who the bad guys are. Without the threat that the police pose if you "take care of business" it would be a short time before the bad guys are all dead.

Beasts of England said...

’...the AA perp was released on 'personal recognizance'.’

He’s a nice boy. Turning his life around. He dindonuffin...

mockturtle said...

AllenS @9:48, there is much wisdom in your suggestion. Sometimes vigilante justice is more just than what passes for law enforcement nowadays.

William said...

What with the Freddy Mart incident, Al Sharpton has a poor and troubling record when it comes to anti-Semitism in the black community. I don't think that there will be a single Democratic politician who will connect those dots. Among Democrats, anti-Semitism is usually defined as making comments hostile to George Soros.

Gahrie said...

Imagine being one of the people who were inside the synagogue and who locked the others out. How do they feel today?

The training I receive every year as a teacher demands that we do the same thing with our classrooms....lock the doors and don't let anyone in for any reason until the police tell us to.

Gahrie said...

How long until Crack shows up and lectures us on Black violence being overblown and justified?

Fernandinande said...

Would it be racist to say that black white supremacists are even worse than white white supremacists?

AllenS said...

If the Jews had not locked the doors to the synagogue, they too would have been stabbed, for they had no other way to defend themselves.

paminwi said...

So....getting to the basics here: Ann was incensed over PJ Media leaving the word “Draughthouse” out of a headline but no comment on the NYT leaving “black” out of a headline?

I guess it’s because the NYT appeals to her level of education but PJ Media appeals to the uneducated in our society.

Paul said...

This is nothing a good S&W "J" frame Centennial .38 Spl. would not have solved.

See when seconds count a good gun is faster than speed dialing the cops. Much faster.

As for 'Machete violence' all you have to do to get a HUGE knife is get a lawmower blade and grinder. Flatten one end and duct tape it for a handle, then grind and sharpen the rest to make a very strong machete. Any flat piece of steel can become a knife.. just duct tape and a grinder.

In the UK, London has something like a dozen stabbings a day now. So they cry 'knife violence' and want you to 'turn in your knife and save a life'!! hahaha... what stupes!

If you have the right to defend yourself.. then you have the right to the MEANS of defending yourself!!! Far left liberals don't think you have that right.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

When your golem turns on you.

Rory said...

The crazy cultural grievances won't die out until the respectable cultural grievances are disposed of. They all originate in the same place.

Skipper said...

Thank you AOC, Omar and the rest of the Squad and their supporters.

Narayanan said...

Ultra? Orthodox Jew don't join Israel military either.

Or do anything on Sabbath.

Extreme welfare ism

JML said...

Imagine being one of the people who were inside the synagogue and who locked the others out. How do they feel today?

Alive. They feel alive. And all that goes with that state.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The Corbynization of the democrat party continues..."

wendybar said...

It's only a hate crime if it is a white person attacking anybody. Everyone else is free to do what they want because they were oppressed....or something.

J. Farmer said...

In 1989, Paramount Pictures released the eighth installment of the Friday the 13th franchise, "Jason Takes Manhattan." Even though most of the scenes were filmed aboard a cruise ship for budgetary reasons, the basic premise was that Manhattan was such a nightmarish hellscape, a masked psychopathic serial killer could walk around the streets virtually unnoticed.

The revitalization of New York in the 90s is a tremendous success story. It is unlikely that de Blasio will be able to undo all of those gains, especially given the resistance to him from the NYPD, but if his successor is another lefty mayor in his vein than I could see serious regression returning to NYC.

p.s. Black and Jewish Americans have had a long and very peculiar history together. As best I can tell, a lot of it stems from the perceived relationship between Jews and the Atlantic Slave trade, put out by the Nation of Islam in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jew.

Clyde said...

Those damn white supremacists are everywhere these days. Thank goodness people of color don’t do that sort of thing!

Bob Boyd said...

Imagine being one of the people who were inside the synagogue and who locked the others out. How do they feel today?

An unarmed man can only flee from evil.

I would bet the possibility of an attack had been discussed in the Synagogue and this was the plan. They did what they had been told to do. It was shitty plan, but they're in NYC, home of the shitty plan.

wildswan said...

"Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Imagine being one of the people who were inside the synagogue and who locked the others out. How do they feel today?"

And what about the Catholic neighbor on the other side? I guess if you aren't armed in any way the only thing to do is cower. But considering the way in which the Dems allow and encourage anti-Semites and antifa and anti-police, perhaps we should have legal weapons. One weapon we need is mental - not to allow ourselves to be jerked around by provocations. And one is metal.

Anonymous said...

Automatic_Wing: Undoubtedly white rednecks with MAGA hats.

I saw the name "Tiffany Harris", and thought "'Tiffany'? Wow, a verified sighting of the elusive white-trash white-supremacist anti-Semite."

But then I clicked. Wokeville will be so disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Laslo @9:38:

I'm dyin' here.

J. Farmer said...

Death Wish V will enter production in 2020.

I was listening to Gilbert Gottfried on a podcast not too long ago, and he relayed a story in which he saw the original Death Wish in a cinema in the mid-1970s. He said that every time Charles Bronson shot a street thug, the crowd would break into thunderous applause. The Gottfried's lived in Coney Island, Crown Heights, Alphabet City, and the Lower East Side and had a front row seat to New York's descent into seediness from the late 1960s through the 1980s. His sister, Arlene Gottfried, was a street photographer who documented much of this seediness and published it in a compilation known as Sometimes Overwhelming.

Narayanan said...

Ultra Orthodox plan failure ; turn out lights but it's Sabbath.

gilbar said...

Our own current reading between the lines is similar to how Soviet citizens read Pravda

Pravda is Russian for "Truth"
And, as Jo Biden so Often Said: "We Choose TRUTH Over Facts"

see? sometimes (like a stopped clock); Jo Biden speaks accurately

Unknown said...

"p.s. Black and Jewish Americans have had a long and very peculiar history together. As best I can tell, a lot of it stems from the perceived relationship between Jews and the Atlantic Slave trade, put out by the Nation of Islam in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jew."

I think it has more to do with who collects the rent. At least on the black side.

Dude1394 said...

Best arm themselves, because it's obvious the democrat led NY government ( city and state ) won't do a damn thing about it, until you are dead.

J. Farmer said...

I think it has more to do with who collects the rent. At least on the black side.

Could very well be true. Conspiracy theories about Jewish control, domination, and oppression are rife within the black community. The Tony Martin/Mary Lefkowitz brouhaha at Wellesley in the early 90s culture war was emblematic of this dynamic. Suspicion and antipathy towards Jews is a big part of the black nationalist movement, whose hotep hustlers are just the newest iteration of the pimp preachers.

Iman said...

IIRC, that a*hole Bill O’Reilly did his best to help “rehabilitate” Sharpton’s image by frequently having him on as a guest.

deBlasio is doing his best to bring the ‘70s back to NYC.

Gahrie said...

I think it has more to do with who collects the rent. At least on the black side.

That's the origin of much of the European hate for Jews. Christianity banned interest as usury, so if you ever needed to borrow money, you borrowed it from the Jews. (Which is how the Jews came to dominate banking) People tend to dislike people they owe money to, and it is far easier for some to start a pogrom instead of paying back your loan.

Dude1394 said...

"Imagine being one of the people who were inside the synagogue and who locked the others out. How do they feel today?"

I find it disingenuous that you feel you would open the door and confront a large black machete armed assailant.

I mean, really??

Beasts of England said...

’No, you have to add the "more" at the end to unlock the special crime-victim status of the Jews.’


Seeing Red said...

A new California law that takes effect in 2020 will make it illegal to suspend a student in grades 1-5 for disobeying teachers or administrators. Starting next year, the rule will be applied to students in grades 6-8 and will include charter schools. There's a very good reason for this change, according to supporters. It's because of racism, you see. More little black kids are punished for disobeying teachers than little white kids. Naturally, there's only one possible explanation, to the exclusion of all others. Whitey has it in for black children. KCRA: Yes, a study by San Diego State and UCLA called “ Get Out! Black Male Suspensions in California Public Schools,”

Then there are the shoplifting law changes in the blue cities who care.

And Virginia just may jail 2nd Amendment supporters.

I have an inalienable right to be secure in my person. One cannot have liberty without being secure in one’s person and one cannot be secure in ine’s Person without liberty.

Called it: they want us as prey.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Point of order... The .45 acp was developed for the U.S. military in response to the lack of effective stopping power of the .38 on Philipino Muslims known as Moros. Further, there is a reason law enforcement uses high capacity autos. Buy ammo and practice with it, then buy more.

rcocean said...

I love how 5 Jews being killed is a world wide head-line grabber. Not just normal Americans. Who cares about them, 15,000 a year. Ho hum. But Jews, well that's different. The out of proportion response is hilarious. Pat Robertson is probably devoting his whole program to it.

Seeing Red said...

In Seattle and/or Portland, your home is not your castle. You just may have to have/create a homeless spot for the homeless if they want to be in your yard.

J. Farmer said...

I love how 5 Jews being killed is a world wide head-line grabber. Not just normal Americans. Who cares about them, 15,000 a year. Ho hum. But Jews, well that's different.

I take your point, but a lot of those murders are either crimes of passion or economically-motivated and are often committed by people known to the victim. Targeting random people for their identity traits is a particularly insidious form of violence.

mockturtle said...

If American blacks should hate any group, it should be the Muslims. It was they who sold them into slavery.

cubanbob said...

Hmm. I see barely disguised anti-Semetism on this thread. That said, Jews should take heed of Meir Kahane's advise that "every Jew, a 22".

bagoh20 said...

Everyone should take a minute once in a while and imagine what you could do if someone came at you like this in the places you spend time, including your car, driveway, house, work, gas station ect. At least develop a simple plan of some type. I have a plan for everywhere I go 24/7. I will perforate the bastard with extreme prejudice, but I live where the government respects my life and my 2nd Amendment rights. New York is not such a place.

bagoh20 said...

"People tend to dislike people they owe money to..."

I know it's true, but it makes no sense. The person who loaned you money is someone who trusted you, took a risk for you, and who helped you with a need you had. They may have done it for a profitable return, but they still had to trust you, it still helps you, and they didn't have to do it. They could make money some other way or off someone else, and then you'd be screwed. A little gratitude is in order, not hate.

Seeing Red said...

love how 5 Jews being killed is a world wide head-line grabber. Not just normal Americans. Who cares about them, 15,000 a year. Ho hum. But Jews, well that's different.

Canaries in the coal mine.

Fritz said...

Curiously, the morning dead tree version of WaPoo missed this story entirely, but did feature a front page story on James Harris Jackson, a white supremacist who, in 2017, stabbed a random black man to death trying to ignite a race war.

The web version has the story now, and identifies the assailant at Grafton E. Thomas. It took a little googling to determine, but yes, Grafton is black. No mention if he is also a Muslim.

Maybe we'll get the full story in 2021 or so.

RK said...

DM headline: Black man, 37, pleads not guilty to stabbing five people at a Hanukkah party with a machete while completely silent then dousing himself in bleach in an 'act of domestic terrorism'

Now I'm distracted. What is it with the bleach?

Seeing Red said...

What’s interesting is attacks here increase and Israel is more openly working with their neighbors.

walter said...

Attacks in places of worship generally get greater coverage, especially during ceremonial times. This one (likely) fits into the uptick of antisemitic attacks in NY and elsewhere.
Almost reads like parody, but here ya go:
Carrying Torah while black?

rcocean said...

"Hmm. I see barely disguised anti-Semetism on this thread."

Yeah, covert racism. Covert antisemitism. Hidden sexism. There's a bigot under every bad, hiding and lurking. And what makes it worse, there are 250 definitions of "racism" "Sexism" and "antisemitism", so it could be true. Or not - depending on what you mean. They're expansive words and do a lot of work. Humpty-Dumpty would be proud.

People don't want to communicate, they want to smear, and club everyone into submission. That's why they use these labels that mean "Bad person" but have no clear definite meaning. Its an old technique, like calling someone "Bourgeoisie" or "Counter-revolutionary".

J. Farmer said...

What’s interesting is attacks here increase and Israel is more openly working with their neighbors.

It would seem to affirm the basic premise of Zionism: that Jews are better off in a country of their own. Which, incidentally, is the basic premise of all nationalism. But since the 1940s, nationalism has been tarred with guilt-by-association with Italian and German fascism. There is this peculiar insinuation that nationalism must somehow inexorably lead to people being rounded up into cattle cars and sent to death camps. Unsurprisingly, Jews have been at the forefront of opposing nationalities in other countries while still being strong proponents of Israel. This seeming contradiction has provided a lot of fodder for the more fringe elements of the alt-right.

J. Farmer said...


Yeah, covert racism. Covert antisemitism. Hidden sexism. There's a bigot under every bad, hiding and lurking. And what makes it worse, there are 250 definitions of "racism" "Sexism" and "antisemitism", so it could be true. Or not - depending on what you mean. They're expansive words and do a lot of work. Humpty-Dumpty would be proud.

People don't want to communicate, they want to smear, and club everyone into submission. That's why they use these labels that mean "Bad person" but have no clear definite meaning. Its an old technique, like calling someone "Bourgeoisie" or "Counter-revolutionary".

100% agree with this sentiment.

whitney said...

Boom. Anyone care?

hawkeyedjb said...

Unknown said...
Best arm themselves, because it's obvious the democrat led NY government ( city and state ) won't do a damn thing about it, until you are dead.

Not just NY government. That's the case, to varying degrees, anywhere in the US or in the world. In most parts of the US it is legal to arm yourself, and foolish not to. That right won't exist at some point in the future. It will be better to be an armed scofflaw than a disarmed victim.

Big Mike said...

Everyone should take a minute once in a while and imagine what you could do if someone came at you like this in the places you spend time, including your car, driveway, house, work, gas station ect. [sic] At least develop a simple plan of some type.

Rushing the attacker works even you don't have a gun. At the Oasis nightclub Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded another 53. If he had been rushed by a dozen of the patrons as soon as he got past the security guard the death toll would have been down in the single digits. And the people who chose to run and hide instead of rushing him died anyway. When the three Americans aboard the Thalys train to Paris in 2015 were faced with an Arab terrorist armed with an illegal AK-47, they rushed him and the death toll turned out to be zero -- which was lucky, but by rushing the terrorist they gave him no time to clear his jammed weapon.

I have a plan for everywhere I go 24/7. I will perforate the bastard with extreme prejudice, but I live where the government respects my life and my 2nd Amendment rights. New York is not such a place.

Virginia is about to join New York in being a place where it will be illegal to fight back. I used to love this state.

mockturtle said...

HK wonders: Now I'm distracted. What is it with the bleach?

He wanted to put the blame on 'white' supremacists.

Tom T. said...

We know from recent history that anti-Semitic violence has been all too common in New York City lately but has only gotten minimal press attention. In other words, we know for a fact that Mary is wrong when she says that attacks on Jews get disproportionate attention. Whether this is an honest mistake or deliberate trafficking in misleading canards is left to the reader.

Howard said...

Bago you just make yourself sound like a paranoid little bitch. I know that is not the case, so what gives.

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity. The Pro-Choice religion debases human life. One step forward, two steps backward. Progress.

Gospace said...

And thanks to DEMOCRATS in New York and the DEMOCRAT governor Cuomo, passing laws to protect criminals and endanger the populace, the Monsey suspect has been released without bail. Until convicted, he can do it again and again and again.

Kevin said...

Bret Stephens' next column can discuss how knife-resistant Ashkenazi Jews are compared to other people.

Gospace said...

AllenS said...
Abolishing the police would be the only way to straighten everything out. Everybody in their own neighborhoods knows who the bad guys are. Without the threat that the police pose if you "take care of business" it would be a short time before the bad guys are all dead.

Something pointed out repeatedly in another blog. Laws and police exist to protect criminals from the mob - that is - the rest of us. Mob justice is usually swift and deadly.

Gk1 said...

De Blasio is a terrible mayor and needs to resign. He is ill equipped to deal with this sort of escalating violence. I am so sorry to see more victims pile up while this asshole dithers around and tries to regulate electric bikes and other nonsense.

Michael K said...

In time, the Jewish people will regret, I suspect, accepting the colonial gift of British Palestine from the Empire that was rapidly shedding her stolen lands.

Absolute bullshit. British Palestine was empty. Read Mark Twain about it. Arabs subsist like jelly fish on a rock at low tide.

Michael K said...

Further, there is a reason law enforcement uses high capacity autos. Buy ammo and practice with it, then buy more.

Read about the "Newhall Incident"

The four young officers were relatively new to the CHP, having graduated from the police academy less than two years before the incident. Partners Roger Gore and Walt Frago spotted the Pontiac, now occupied by both suspects, as it headed south through the Newhall area.

They followed the Pontiac as it pulled off on to Henry Mayo Drive (now Magic Mountain Parkway). James Spence and George Alleyn, driving in their patrol car northbound at Lyons Avenue, picked up the radio call from Gore and Frago and prepared to back them up. The suspects turned north on to what is now the Old Road and pulled into the driveway of a Standard Gas Station located next to J's Coffee Shop on the current site of Marie Callendar's Restaurant.

J's had just opened it's business in 1969 or 1970. Prior to J's, there had been a Tip's Restaurant on this location (James Dean possibly stopped and ate there as he headed to his fatal accident outside Cholame in 1955).

The CHP officers flashed the red lights of their patrol vehicle as Gore got out to apprehend the suspects. While Gore patted down the driver, Frago covered him with a shotgun. Suddenly the passenger got out of the car and fatally shot Frago with two bullets from a .357 magnum.

That case is taught in every police class. The CHP officers had revolvers and had been trained in speed reloading but it was not enough. They were all killed.

Seeing Red said...

But then they’ll be in Tesla’s and run out of juice.

narciso said...

it's always been a rough neighborhood, canaanites, philistines, Amalekites, threats from pharaohs and Persian kings,

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Absolute bullshit. British Palestine was empty. Read Mark Twain about it. Arabs subsist like jelly fish on a rock at low tide.

Have you actually read The Innocents Abroad? Yes the trip culminates in a short visit to the Holy Land, where Twain and his travel companions were shown around by tour guides. These were not pioneers through an empty, barren land. He discusses the appearance, behavior, and culture of the native inhabitants. The book is basically a satire of contemporary travelogues and is not authoritative in the least about the demographic nature of the area that would comprise the British Mandate more than 50 years later.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

Texas just had a shooting at a Church near Ft. Worth. 2 dead one wounded today!!!

CCW holder shot the nutjob dead.

It takes 1.5 seconds to draw and shoot on the average... Takes 10 min for the cops to come on the average!

Do the math!!!

narciso said...

the title didn't come from colonial times, balfour just acknowledged the reality of said matters, what was happening in the early 20th century, oh right pogroms conducted by the okhranas followers of drumont and lueger, there will come a time soon when Europeans are strangers in their own land, there would probably have to be a moat around London, when that time comes,

FullMoon said...

Wow! Failed Mayor de Blasio Blames Trump for Monsey Synagogue Stabbings

narciso said...

I dubbed warren Wilhelm, mayor bane, although he's probably more like his enabler, john Daggett, from dark knight rises, they haven't blown the bridges, to the mainland, but that's only a matter of time,

JML said...

Christ and those who trust in his name, who don't reside on properties with checkered titles from the colonial days....

I think the Menominee, Iroquois, Fox, Navajo, Hopi, Black Foot, Chinook, Apache, Cherokee, and etc. might have a thing to to to say about checkered titles...

J. Farmer said...

there will come a time soon when Europeans are strangers in their own land, there would probably have to be a moat around London, when that time comes,

London's already lost.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"I saw the name "Tiffany Harris", and thought "'Tiffany'? Wow, a verified sighting of the elusive white-trash white-supremacist anti-Semite."

Exactly. In "The Bonfire of the Vanities", Tom Wolf used the name "Tiffany Latour" as a typical white perp name.

Michael K said...

there would probably have to be a moat around London, when that time comes,

London's already lost.

No, the moat would be to keep them in. Friends in Chichester, south of London, sent us out to walk their streets and see that England, traditional England, lives. There might some day be a second Hadrian's Wall south of London. The southern peninsula of UK is where the English live. Boris might bring back some of the midlands. Too late for London.

Michael K said...

Have you actually read The Innocents Abroad?

Yes and a lot more you probably haven't read.

Rosalyn C. said...

There's nothing like reading a thread of disgusting and vicious, stupid, anti-Jewish comments to put anti-semites in perspective. The stupidity increases with the level of Jew hatred. Out of curiosity I Googled Tessa Majors to get a sense of the so called "lack of interest" her murder received -- 20.3 million hits; compared to Jersey City kosher market attack -- 2.7 million results.

Do we really have to justify the existence of the State of Israel, as if there is not an historical and religious connection and a constant presence of Jews there for the last two thousand years? It's not worth bothering dealing with people whose arguments are devoid of any historical knowledge. BTW, the population of Christians has increased within Israel, the rest of the Middle East the Christian population has been decimated.

narciso said...

that's what I was trying to point out, with London, properly airship one, and the rest, ben Judah did an interesting survey tome, which hasn't been referred recently,

the Palestinians were mostly soviet proxies in the 70s and 80, re mitrokhin's records, now they are mostly in the pay of Qatar, which owns American academia, Hezbollah straight up Iranian proxy,

Michael K said...

Farmer, here is a fairly neutral (I think) web site on British Palestine.

As shown in Table 8, areas of Jewish settlement had a growth of 57% in Arab population between 1931 and 1945, while in those with few or no Jewish settlers, the growth of Palestinian Arab population was 27% in that period. Overall, the Palestinian Arab population grew by 42% from 1931 to 1945. Among the urban areas Haifa had the highest growth rate, probably due to British port activity. There was a shift in population from the south and urban centers to the North. Ramla, Haifa, Tulqarm, Nazareth, Jerusalem and Jaffa had the highest growth rates. Excluding Beersheba district, where the census figures show a net loss of Arab population, the total Arab population of the non-Jewish areas (those with a low percentage of Jewish population) was 56,190 in 1945 versus 391,754 in 1931 or 42% more, about the same as the overall average.

Therefore we cannot conclude that Jewish settlement displaced Arabs. Jewish settlement may have attracted Arabs, so that in the areas that eventually became Israel in all probability there were more Arabs than there would have been without Jewish settlement.

The Palestinian myth that Jews were not native to Palestine is just that, a myth. The Arabs moved to be close to Jewish settlements for obvious reasons. Arabs live in squalor.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"The stupidity increases with the level of Jew hatred."

Mary G. is really a piece of work, isn't she?

Narr said...

As an emphatic non-believer in Chosen Peoples and Holy Lands, I puzzle over the common American obsession with, and assumption of responsibility for, the aftershocks of Zionism and the World Wars.

For all the intellectual and creative genius (fuck yeah!) of the Jews, the gathering in may prove their greatest mistake.

Desperate people do desperate things

narciso said...

the problem is it's not over there, it's probably worse in Europe, because of the immigration of those disposed to jew hatred, to be charitable, and certainly true with certain metropolis in the states,

Rosalyn C. said...

No, we really do see what is happening and that's why there is increasing alarm with every irrational attack. Try to argue with someone who criticizes Jews for being victims and isolating themselves and at the same time attacks Jews for having too much influence and importance in positions of power throughout society. There's not rational thinking behind all that hatred for people being well educated and cultured and non-violent.

narciso said...

'those with understanding' clearly see, the democrats and the media, one in the same, are fervently obfuscating that point, as one can see by coverage in the post,

Deb said...

"If the Jews had not locked the doors to the synagogue, they too would have been stabbed, for they had no other way to defend themselves."

Like my former synagogue, they probably prohibit firearms of any kind. I would not be surprised if, like my former synagogue, they had a sign on the door saying "No Firearms."

Yes, they have a guard outside who would be the first victim of an attack.

Francisco D said...

The Arabs moved to be close to Jewish settlements for obvious reasons. Arabs live in squalor.

Kudos to Michael K.

Expressing such thoughts are risky in polite company. Some idiot may accuse you of Islamphobia.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

If you think I am an outlier in my region, you ought to get out more...

12/29/19, 3:57 PM

Vile anti-semites tend to stick together.

Who else would want to be in your foul company?

narciso said...

signed sealed delivered from 2007

Matt said...


Countless goys have been slaughtered after the imposition of minorities into goy neighborhoods from the Jewish war on white neighborhoo...oh, I mean, 'inequality' or something.

Its only fair.

In all seriousness, though, who else is tired of hearing about Jews every single goddamn day of our lives? Who do they think they are - trannies?

YoungHegelian said...

Why is the media talking, when they do talk about black antisemitism, as if it's something new. Blacks are the most antisemitic ethnic group in the US. The percentage of the community with antisemitic beliefs has not changed much since 1968!

The truth of the matter is that no one knows how to deal with the whack-job conspiracies that thrive in the black community. If Righties bring them up, they're vilified as racists. The Left refuses to credit their existence, falling back on the standard left-wing trope that the problems are caused by "wreckers, hoarders, foreign agents, and counter-revolutionaries" (e.g. DeBlasio & The Squads claims that the NY attacks are caused by white supremacists). Remember the line-up at Aretha Franklin's funeral? There's Minister Farrakhan next to an American President! The Left turns their eyes away.

Forget the Nation of Islam's antisemitism. Antisemitism is at least an historically understandable prejudice (I mean Voltaire & T.S. Eliot were anti-Semites, too). Oh, nooo, the Nation doesn't stop there. The Nation thinks that White People are the creation of an experiment gone awry by an evil mad scientist. And, yes, they really believe this shit.

So, when the Left talks about Trump being a racist or an anti-Semite, I say "Wake me up when any Republican president stands on stage with someone who thinks Jews or Blacks were created by an evil scientist on an island in the Mediterranean".

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

The Palestinian myth that Jews were not native to Palestine is just that, a myth. The Arabs moved to be close to Jewish settlements for obvious reasons. Arabs live in squalor.

I do not deny that a society dominated by Ashkenazi Jews will be more advanced than one dominated by Arabs. That was not my point. To reference The Innocents Abroad as some kind of source on the demographics of Palestine is ludicrous. But I will take your source.

You said, "British Palestine was empty." Number two from your link: "Palestine was not an empty land when Zionist immigration began."

Paco Wové said...

"Blacks are the most antisemitic ethnic group in the US."

I find the undying, unrequited love of liberal American jews for American blacks, who, by and large, despise them if they think of them at all, most puzzling. Today's example: Erin Biba, "science" writer, who laments that blacks are turning their machetes on jews instead of the common enemy, white people.

YoungHegelian said...
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YoungHegelian said...


Today's example: Erin Biba, "science" writer, who laments that blacks are turning their machetes on jews instead of the common enemy, white people

See line on "wreckers, hoarders, foreign agents, and counter-revolutionaries" from my post above. This is the left-wing "Popular Front" trope being pulled out of storage for use, where all the forces of Progressive Goodness should stand shoulder to shoulder against the Evil Forces of Reaction instead of doing what they have historically always done, one faction of the Left get into power and then start purging & ofttimes murdering the other factions.

Oh, and "Erin"? I once knew a young Jewish woman named Erin who I asked if she was Irish, too. She said "No, I was named Erin because it's a girl's name & it sounds like Aaron". I was stunned that someone would name their kid for homonym. True story.

FullMoon said...
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narciso said...

Quelle surprise:

Ken B said...

Farmer:”The revitalization of New York in the 90s is a tremendous success story. “
To some of us, yes. A lot of people see it as an epic failure. It is important to understand this. The people pushing to decriminalize shoplifting and turnstile jumping and public urination see it as a travesty and an affront and actively want to undo it.

Bruce Hayden said...

And what about the Catholic neighbor on the other side? I guess if you aren't armed in any way the only thing to do is cower. But considering the way in which the Dems allow and encourage anti-Semites and antifa and anti-police, perhaps we should have legal weapons. One weapon we need is mental - not to allow ourselves to be jerked around by provocations. And one is metal.”

Mayor DeBlasio apparently responded to the anti Semitic attack by blaming Trump for the Climate of Hate engendered by Trump. Yes - the NYC mayor is blaming it all on Trump, completely ignoring his own culpability in not condemning the anti Semitism, in pushing for no bail, etc.

mockturtle said...

Time for Jews to turn their plowshares into swords. Or, better yet, AR15s.

Anonymous said...

Temujim...I don't think I have to tell you this, but for any who can hear. A man must and will protect himself and his. No permission by some Northram or anyone else needed.

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