"... And sure, it would help Patrick if he can peel off some of Warren’s well-educated liberal voters, particularly in New Hampshire. And to win the nomination, he will probably have to close the big lead that Biden has with African-Americans. But I think the real opening for Patrick is essentially to replace Pete Buttigieg as the candidate for voters who want a charismatic, optimistic, left-but-not-that-left candidate. Patrick, I think, is betting that there’s a 'Goldilocks' opportunity for him — 'Buttigieg but older,' or 'Biden but younger' — a candidate who is viewed as both safe on policy and safe on electability grounds by Democratic establishment types and voters who just want a somewhat generic Democratic candidate that they are confident will win the general election.... On paper, Patrick seems fairly similar to Cory Booker and Kamala Harris — charismatic, black, left-but-not-that-left. But... Patrick has a last-mover advantage — he’s seen how the other candidates have ran and can begin his candidacy to take advantage of perceived weaknesses.... [M]ore importantly, Booker and Harris both spent the first half of the year trying to win some of the more liberal voters, who are likely now with Warren and Sanders. That may have made Harris, in particular, appear as though she was trying to be all things to all people. Patrick can now enter the race knowing that he is trying to win Democrats who self-identify as 'moderate' and 'somewhat liberal,' basically conceding the most liberal voters to Warren and Sanders."
From "Why Deval Patrick Is Making A Late Bid For The Democratic Nomination" by Perry Bacon Jr. (at FiveThirtyEight).
It's not that late. I think it's smart to hold back, observe, and then enter when you see the negative space created by all the other candidates. Step right into it.
Deval Patrick?
No way. He wasn’t that effective. Another failed East Coaster.
Another one with delusions of grandeur.
Never considered that maybe it’s because the could capitalize on people who miss Obama? An empty vessel with creased pants...
How hard would the media have to work to try and keep secret that Patrick works at Bain Capital?
It's not that late. I think it's smart to hold back, observe, and then enter when you see the negative space created by all the other candidates. Step right into it.
Biden wins the nomination, then dies a week later. Hillary steps in to save the party.
Stake through her heart.
How hard would the media have to work to try and keep secret that Patrick works at Bain Capital?
His picture has already been removed from their website.
Wait. Mayor Pete is leading it now? Really! Democrats are hell bent on picking a white guy it looks like. Maybe Deval can shake it up a bit. Doubt it.
He stuck his licked finger in the air and concluded the collective mood of the country is a longing for a fourth empty headed Massachusetts pol in the race.
(can you name the other three?)
The Dems don't want a moderate and an unknown. He also works for Bain. Rich guy.
Bain Capitals Deval Patrick??? The grief they gave Romney for working for Bain, should fall on Patrick as well.
I think that the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party has been whispering in ears, telling vain people that the primaries are still wide open and that money is eager to flow to someone fresh.
Patrick can now enter the race knowing that he is trying to win Democrats who self-identify as 'moderate' and 'somewhat liberal,' basically conceding the most liberal voters to Warren and Sanders."
Who are the Democrats who are most motivated to come out and vote in primaries? That might be the key.
Sorry, but I for one am kind of afraid to be called RACIST all over again because I didn't vote for the black guy. (A white "FRIEND" called me that the day after he got elected for that reason)
"On September 17, 2014, Patrick fired the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board chair Saundra Edwards and placed director Jeanne Holmes on paid administrative leave because they pressured the board to force Patrick's brother-in-law to register as a sex offender, based on his conviction for raping his wife, Patrick’s sister."
Say what?
He'll either further divide the moderate/Wall street vote, or he'll be their to pick up the pieces when Buttigig and Biden fail. BTW, did you know that Biden is polling at 1% in Texas?
I love how 100% ACLU, hard-core leftists, are now "Moderates" because they don't want National Health Insurance, or getting rid of the Electoral College.
1st Question;
Why does an unwieldy field of 19 candidates need a 20th?
2nd Question:
What does it say to Obama's ViP Biden, the front runner, when Obama's allied Doppleganger joins this late in the game?
3rd Question:
Why would Mass Gov Patrick not defer to Mass Senator Warren?
The Answer to all 3 is that powerful Dem money men on the sidelines, including Obama, think that Biden and and the current crop of clowns are losers.
This may be the first time I've ever seen the word charismatic used to describe Deval Patrick.
Deval Patrick?
Another one with delusions of adequacy.
Geez, Dems keep dropping out of the race...and new ones keep taking their place...!
His picture has already been removed from their website
LOL! I suppose in his defense to leftie voters he could make the valid claim that while he worked there he never actually did any work there..
Deval Patrick is running against BootyBoy, Booker, Klobuchar and Harris for VP.
If a White person is nominated, they will need a POC on the ticket. Harris is not going to pull the Black community to the voting booth. Booker is a weak draw. Patrick is a much better bet. Being a Governor helps a lot.
If a POC is nominated, Klobuchar is the best pick for VP. She brings Midwestern balance to the ticket.
Smart to miss out on the debates. and pathetic.
The Democrats are fractured and the only thing that is keepig them together is their hatred for Trump.
Jimmuh Carter still has four years of eligibility. Just sayin’...
Warren wasn't the popular in New Hampshire until people realized Bernie was too old and his shtick to familiar. I don't think there's some regional feeling that makes New Hampshire like Massachusetts politicians. I could be wrong about that - JFK, Dukakis, Tsongas and Kerry all won, as did Henry Cabot Lodge and Romney, and only Teddy Kennedy lost.
But Deval seems like such a milquetoast, such a quiet guy who tries to be inofensive to the point where he barely seems to be there at all, that it's hard to see him winning. In some ways, Patrick is like "no drama Obama," and probably more placid and self-contained than Obama - no touch of grandiosity. But Deval isn't as unknown as Obama was, so it's harder to put him across as The One. More people know Deval, and as they get to know him better they come to realize that not much is there.
One reason he may not have run early on is that he thought Harris or Booker would be running stronger. He knows he won't get the nomination. He may really be running for Vice President. He is the kind of person a nominee might choose: he is a Black Tim Kaine. But if Warren does get the nomination, he won't be on the ticket (constitutional thing). If a Democrat wins, he will be in the cabinet, and that could be what this is all about. He's raising his visibility to attract a future Democrat president.
Clearly he figures that the Biden lane is now wide open.
I see where Deval Patrick is a Harvard Law alum but twice failed the California Bar.
The two reasons to get in early are: (1) money and (2) campaign staff. Wait too long and it's all gone to somebody else.
It's a shame that that is what's driving these ever earlier announcements, these ever extended campaign seasons. But there it is. What are you going to do about it?
Biden has zero hold on African American votes if Patrick gets in race.
Patrick - another loser. Would have a hard time getting any votes in flyover country.
Diversity and exclusion. Perhaps it's inevitable, but it seems to be a moron's method, or progress of "noble cause" corruption.
Deval had cases of wine from Napa shipped to his Berkshires estate in Massachusetts when it was against Massachusetts law to do so. Like all good leftie politicians Deval believes laws are for the little people.
Governors also come across more as leaders, ready to step into an executive position.
Downside: It is indeed too late for a guy with no national name recognition. All the money is committed to other candidates.
Also, he followed Romney and worked for Bain Capital. The leftists will crucify him if he becomes a threat.
Sanders will attack him for being bought by Bain Capital.
This is an opening for Sanders because Warren will just sit back. But Bernie can attack the Vampire Capitalism
So we have Harvard Liz, McKinsey Pete, and Bain Deval.
Sanders is pretty much a pussy if he doesn’t start going after them.
Patrick is a nobody to the 90% of the country that doesn't follow Massachusetts politics.
He's Booker without the public recognition. Of course, Booker has looked like an idiot.
"Step right into it."
. . . Oprah.
It's still hers to lose, if she wants.
Maybe Deval is only doing this, otherwise useless act, to knock out The Fake Indian. Bingo, there will be an opening for sweet old Bill's wife to begin her Last Hurrah.
wendybar said...
Bain Capitals Deval Patrick??? The grief they gave Romney for working for Bain, should fall on Patrick as well.
Oh, no. I've been assured that (D)eval Patrick working for Bain Capital is completely (D)ifferent. Any suggestion otherwise is just (D)isgusting and (D)ivisive.
Is anyone not running for the Democratic nomination? The more diluted the field of candidates the weaker it looks.
Harris has charisma?
Better the devil ye know than the deval ye don't.
Let's all be thankful that nowadays there are alternative media that will, hopefully, point out that Deval Patrick was the government's point man to stab Sharon Taxman in the back. Watching that should be even more fun than watching Kamala Harris support school busing.
I’m watching a Deval Patrick retrospective on CNBC. In his youth he looked like the 6th member of the Jackson Five. Deto Jackson? Present day he looks like RuPaul out of drag.
"How hard would the media have to work to try and keep secret that Patrick works at Bain Capital?"
I didn't know that about Patrick. But - given that Romney has already made strides in this direction, expect a strong round of Strange New Respect for Bain. We'll learn how many jobs they saved, how much growth their LBO targets have experienced since the takeover, and we'll even get interviews with single ethnic moms as to how much better their lives are today.
Does he want Medicare for all?
If so - toss him on the heap of - no thank you.
It's not that late. I think it's smart to hold back, observe, and then enter when you see the negative space created by all the other candidates. Step right into it.
You know where there's real negative space in today's Democrat Party?
Passing trade bills
Getting tough on China
Cutting taxes
Having a real immigration policy
Ending stupid wars
Nobody is going to step into that negative space.
In today's Democrat Party that's just a black hole. You disappear and no one knows where or if you ever come out.
Biden has zero hold on African American votes if Patrick gets in race.
Patrick needs a strong showing in Iowa and NH to get the black political establishment on his side in time to contend in South Carolina. And he's probably getting in the race too late for that to happen, since he's got pretty much zero campaigning infrastructure in place and that stuff matters a lot early in the game.
"How hard would the media have to work to try and keep secret that Patrick works at Bain Capital?"
Oh it's OK when Deval does it.
After all, they don't want to be seen as keeping a brother from making a buck.
The only person who will be shocked is Mitt Romney.
Deval was one of the "privileged poor" (see the book of the same title for more on the "privileged poor" and the "doubly disadvantaged"). He was plucked from the Chicago projects by Milton Academy and given a scholarship to the boarding school that TS Eliot, Buckminster Fuller, Elliott Richardson and two Kennedy brothers went to. From there it was Harvard College and Harvard Law, and he doesn't really seem to have looked back.
So he doesn't really talk the language of the streets. Prep school and Ivy League aren't necessarily disqualifiers for a Black candidate who wants to connect with African-American voters, but they have to go back to the Black community at some point and actually connect with it. Obama did something like that - or at least his supporters could plausibly claim that he had done so. Patrick really didn't. He was the guy with a fine suburban home and a lavish country estate, and not really familiar with the 'hood.
Deval may pick up some moderate votes, but I don't see African-Americans flocking to him any more than they embraced Harris or Booker. If Biden really is crashing and burning, though, who can say how far Patrick will get before he has to give up?
Name recognition for Governor D? I'd guess less than 5% in the general population. Major accomplishment? It is to laugh.
So what does he bring to the table other than skin color?
Imagine him white. Imagine Warren as a man. Imagine Mayor Pete as straight. Would ANY of them be worthy of consideration for president? If so, why?
Gawd the left is despicable.
It really would be a lot more accurate to refer to "college-educated liberal voters" than to "well-educated liberal voters."
I think it's smart to hold back, observe, and then enter when you see the negative space created by all the other candidates. Step right into it.
The negative space for the Democrat voters was "not boring".
I've seen Deval in action as Governor.
He can't step that far.
Did he really write "have ran?"
he’s seen how the other candidates have ran
That's like a speed bump in my bike path of reading.
Let's learn about Deval!
"In the early months of Patrick's administration, a series of decisions the governor later conceded as "missteps" brought substantial unfavorable press. These included spending almost $11,000 on drapery for the governor's state house suite, changing the state's customary car lease from a Ford Crown Victoria to a Cadillac (thus earning Patrick the snide nickname "Deville"), and hiring Amy Gorin, an assistant who had previously helped chair his election campaign, as a staff assistant to Diane Patrick, the Commonwealth's First Lady, at an annual salary of almost $75,000. Emerging from a weekend of working on the state's budget and calling for cuts in services to taxpayers, Patrick responded in a February 20, 2007 press conference that "I realize I cannot in good conscience ask the agencies to make those choices without being willing to make them myself."[83] Patrick subsequently reimbursed the Commonwealth for the cost of the drapery and furniture purchased for the state house, and the additional monthly difference in his car lease.[83] Gorin later resigned.[84]
Later in the same month Patrick again came under fire, this time for contacting Citigroup Executive Committee chair and former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin on behalf of the financially beleaguered mortgage company Ameriquest, a subsidiary of ACC Capital Holdings, that had been accused of predatory lending practices and of which Patrick is a former board member. Both Citigroup and ACC Capital Holdings have substantial holdings in Massachusetts.[85] Patrick attempted to deflect criticism, claiming he was calling not as governor but as a private citizen. Later Patrick backed down, stating "I appreciate that I should not have made the call. I regret the mistake."[85]
On September 17, 2014, Patrick fired the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board chair Saundra Edwards and placed director Jeanne Holmes on paid administrative leave because they pressured the board to force Patrick's brother-in-law to register as a sex offender, based on his conviction for raping his wife, Patrick’s sister.[86]
In June 2015, the Boston Herald reported that Patrick's administration secretly diverted nearly $27 million in government funds to off-budget accounts that paid for trade junkets tab, advertising contracts, and a deal with a federally subsidized tourism venture backed by U.S. Sen. Harry Reid.[87] According to the Herald, state legislators never approved the funding, which began in 2009 when Patrick's office directed quasi-public state agencies, including the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority and Massport to begin funding off-budget trusts.[88] A week later, the Boston Globe quoted Representative David Linsky, chair of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Post Audit and Oversight Committee, as saying that, upon review, the expenditures were either approved by the state legislature or permissible under the state's budget rules and that they violated no applicable law.'"
He's the kind of guy I'd like to vote for, but I don't see it happening for him. Meanwhile thankful for signs Bloomberg is going to get skewered.
"It really would be a lot more accurate to refer to "college-educated liberal voters" than to "well-educated liberal voters.""
Even more accurate, "college-credentialed liberal voters."
"It really would be a lot more accurate to refer to "college-educated liberal voters" than to "well-educated liberal voters.""
Even more accurate, "college-credentialed liberal voters."
Even more accurate would be 'college-credentialed voters who work in the public sector'.
You know, 'public servants'. ;-D
"You might think that [Deval] Patrick’s logical path is to compete with Biden for black voters,
Because black people voting for black people isn't racist, but white people voting for white people most certainly is.
See also:
Gay people voting for gay people isn't heterophobic.
Women voting for women isn't misandry.
"...he’s seen how the other candidates have ran." Where did this abuse-the-past-participle mania come from?
Step on it is closer to the truth. Patrick must be hoping that some of Obama’s Reign of Error will rub off on him.
Phil at 10:07 AM wins today's internet for predicting snark that will become reality.
It's too bad BO couldn't be bothered to find a good job for Harold Ford after he lost, or is he too pale?
PB: "Biden has zero hold on African American votes if Patrick gets in race."
True, and Deval Patrick has zero hold on white working class votes in all the Battleground states.
But then again, if you were the dems and you were faced with this astonishing cast of losers on the dem candidate stage AND your hoax impeachment efforts are failing one right after the other with the entire nation seeing the lies for what they are, what choice is left?
Try and get the "band back together" by nominating the closest thing to obama you can find.
And this is it.
And there you go.
Deval Patrick — charismatic? What? Democrats have a low standard for black men. They seem to think any black man who doesn’t mumble in rap lyrics is “charismatic.” Deval Patrick is meek and talks the way black comedians do when they’re mocking white nerds.
I didn't know that about Patrick.
Fun fact: the Current Governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker is 6 foot 6 inches tall. Like Patrick, and every governor of Massachusetts*, Baker is an ineffective Governor, with a record of errors, inaction and political detachment. Baker is so similar in style to his predecessor Patrick, Baker has been branded with the nickname Tall Deval...
* because the Massachusetts House is overwhelmingly Democrats and can easily override a Governor's veto, the most powerful political office in MA is Speaker of the House** (Mistah Speekah, in Masshole dialect). As such, the Governor is more of a constitutional monarch or a foil to the criticism of one party rule.
**Not coincidentally because of this concentration power, the theory of Absolute power corrupting absolutely has substantial evidence provided by the three consecutive Massachusetts Speakers who are all convicted felons.
"...have ran..."? Are you kidding? Back to 4th grade, please.
Gosh. He could be Buttigieg but older, Biden but younger. He's black like Booker, or Harris kind of. He's liberal like Warren, but maybe just enough to her right to be acceptable to moderates.
The article spends a bit more space on Deval Patrick himself, and of course comparative analysis can be useful, but my biggest worry if I were a supporter would be that other supporters spend so much time talking about other candidates - almost as if there's not all that much for him to run on in his own record.
Blogger Biff said...It really would be a lot more accurate to refer to "college-educated liberal voters" than to "well-educated liberal voters."
Even more accurate "college-indoctrinated liberal voters".
I've got the feeling that Deval Patrick could very well be the Goldilocks candidate. He wins the nomination and loses in the general.
Yes, "have run" is correct. It is funny- if you had asked me which is correct, I couldn't have told you without saying them to myself a couple of times- it isn't like I have it 'memorized' that run is the participle form. It always amazes me how so many of the language's rules are close to hardwired by the time you are an adult.
I remember when I first heard Obama’s voice, even though he was mouthing warmed over Democrat stuff from the ‘70s, I knew he was going to be formidable. Listen to Patrick speak.
He's not in it to win it.
But if he wants that VP slot he needs to get his name out there.
At least Willie Horton wasn’t Dukakis’s brother!
I had a similar experience. I heard a guy interviewed on NPR. I decided he was exactly the person I did not want in politics and that he was exactly the person who would go far. I learned at the end who it was, and had never heard of him. I was right in both my reactions though.
I have never heard Patrick. Do you mean he is going to be formidable?
Just can't see the appeal of Patrick for nationwide office. On policy he is middle of the curve, and not at all provocative or engaging. Physically he is short, his voice is too high, of average handsomeness, and has some quirky mannerisms (like Booker, Harris). Can't see him taking support away from Biden and Warren. Sanders is there to be had - but mostly because Democrats that vote are losing interest.
Yep, must be a VP play.
I had seen this about Mr. Patrick a few days ago. I haven't followed his career particularly, except when he made the news- and that was usually, though not always, negative. I would guess that by going to work at Bain, he was saying: "to hell with politics, I'm going to make a lot of money and live comfortably."
I fully expect to hear that his time at Bain is/was an indispensable asset in his pursuit of our national CEO office.
The thing about Patrick is that he is sort-of an Obama mini-me. He had the same policy ideas, but was shorter and lacked Obama's pleasing baritone. In retrospect, maybe it is closer to the truth that Obama was a maxi-me to Patrick, since Patrick generally came out with ideas some time before Obama would come out with the same. Maybe they were getting them from the same source.
I think the nomination is there for the right person to take it: On slight examination, Biden is a dotard. People are losing interest in Bernie and Warren will have a hard time living-down all of her crazy schemes.
Why not print ballots with the candidates' pictures by their names. That way, black people, asians, honkies and hispanixxx can more easily vote the way EVERYBODY SAYS THEY DO?
PB said...
Biden has zero hold on African American votes if Patrick gets in race.
Biden's beating out Cory Booker and Kamala Harris for those voters. What did Deval Patrick ever do for Southern blacks?
Heck, what has Deval Patrick ever done for any voters?
Obama got elected in 2008 because people were looking for a blank slate, and he gave them one. Right now, Democrat voters are looking for passionate hatred of Trump and his supporters, and far-left policies
General election voters who are up for grabs are looking for sane and competent. But the Democrat voters aren't willing to provide that. They were "robbed" in 2016, they are "owed" this election, and they're not going to compromise, at all.
Patrick is a non-entity with no record of ever accomplishing anything of value. Trump is a flashy personality who is presiding over an awesome economy, apparently because of his divergence from "expert thought" on the economy.
Patrick can't beat Trump on personality, and can't be him on accomplishments. He's going nowhere
"In retrospect, maybe it is closer to the truth that Obama was a maxi-me to Patrick, since Patrick generally came out with ideas some time before Obama would come out with the same. Maybe they were getting them from the same source."
Does David Axelrod ring a bell?
Deval Patrick is trying to stop Michael Bloomberg from becoming the nominee if Biden drops out.
Deval Patrick's career was never previously threatened by his Bain associations; that's a New Left New Thing.
He did get in trouble, though not nearly enough, for being one of the two lead cheerleaders of the "Benjy Brigade" assisting vicious rapist-torturer Benjamin LaGuer advance his false and ludicrous claim of innocence. Patrick paid for the DNA testing for LaGuer, who had been identified by his elderly victim, who was his next-door neighbor, whom he nearly killed. It wasn't an ambiguous case. LaGuer was picked up with scratches on him by the victim, as she described. LaGuer paid another inmate to mix his own DNA into his first DNA test, screwing it up and upholding his conviction. Despite this, Patrick loudly paid for the second DNA test.
The DNA test came back positive. Patrick refused to comment. Reporters I spoke with "went fetal" at the news. One declared she was too depressed to go on. Depressed that the brave rape victim had gotten the rapist off the streets! John Silber, the allegedly "conservative" president of Boston U, went back to court to continue arguing for LaGuer's release AFTER the DNA came back positive. Silber advanced the theory that since LaGuer had convinced himself so completely that he was innocent, they should honor that and let him go even though he was guilty.
Silber, Deval Patrick, the Archbishop, PEN, Noam Chomsky, the Harvard Law Faculty, the Boston Globe, Scalia's morally stunted son, and so on tortured the rape victim to her deathbed. The elite of Boston loudly accused this elderly rape victim, a military veteran, of racism. LaGuer somehow gained access to the victim by phone from prison as she lay dying in a hospital. Someone helped him do that -- a reporter or one of his lawyers (who included Scalia's son). LaGuer pretended to be a priest offering her last rites, then terrorized her. Even after that sick act, Patrick and Silber raved about his sensitive poetry and innocence. PEN, Harvard, and BU showered him with honorary degrees and literary awards. After that.
The paramedics had to cut the telephone cord out from the swollen skin of her wrists when they found her. She suffered a heart attack and declined after that, as the elite of Boston tortured her. So I say, yeah, bring it on, Deval. Let's all talk about LaGuer. Howie Carr's ready. #Metoo.
Kevin said...
Let's learn about Deval!
"In the early months of Patrick's administration, a series of decisions the governor later conceded as "missteps" brought substantial unfavorable press. These included spending almost $11,000 on drapery for the governor's state house suite, changing the state's customary car lease from a Ford Crown Victoria to a Cadillac (thus earning Patrick the snide nickname "Deville"), and hiring Amy Gorin, an assistant who had previously helped chair his election campaign, as a staff assistant to Diane Patrick, the Commonwealth's First Lady, at an annual salary of almost $75,000. ...
Later in the same month Patrick again came under fire, this time for contacting Citigroup Executive Committee chair and former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin on behalf of the financially beleaguered mortgage company Ameriquest, a subsidiary of ACC Capital Holdings, that had been accused of predatory lending practices and of which Patrick is a former board member. ... Later Patrick backed down, stating "I appreciate that I should not have made the call. I regret the mistake."[85]
On September 17, 2014, Patrick fired the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board chair Saundra Edwards and placed director Jeanne Holmes on paid administrative leave because they pressured the board to force Patrick's brother-in-law to register as a sex offender, based on his conviction for raping his wife, Patrick’s sister.[86]
In June 2015, the Boston Herald reported that Patrick's administration secretly diverted nearly $27 million in government funds to off-budget accounts that paid for trade junkets tab, advertising contracts, and a deal with a federally subsidized tourism venture backed by U.S. Sen. Harry Reid....
11/14/19, 10:34 AM
readering said...
He's the kind of guy I'd like to vote for, but I don't see it happening for him. Meanwhile thankful for signs Bloomberg is going to get skewered.
11/14/19, 10:35 AM
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call JUXTAPOSITION.
based on his conviction for raping his wife, Patrick’s sister.
I must say, if you find President Trump's emphasis on family and loyalty objectionable, Deval Patrick is your man.
For certain values of the word "man."
I get the impression that a Deval Patrick rally would mostly consist of people yelling, "Can you speak a little louder?" or "Stop mumbling!" and asking each other "What is he saying?"
Buttigieg and Patrick running together? Buttirick? Pattigieg?
Stranger things have happened. Pete would look really macho next to Deval.
Deval resigned from Bain Capital yesterday. LOL.
MSM not interested.
At least no members of his family are on the sex offender registry.
"Can you speak a little louder?" or "Stop mumbling!" and asking each other "What is he saying?"
"What's the Greek's name?"
For the nomination you can still buy Hillary for .08 cents on PredictIt. It's a bargain...
PB: "Biden has zero hold on African American votes if Patrick gets in race."
Greg the class traitor: "Why?
Biden's beating out Cory Booker and Kamala Harris for those voters. What did Deval Patrick ever do for Southern blacks?"
Obama clearly preferred Kamala to the other candidates (for obvious reasons) with Spartacus as the back up.
Those two morons failed.
Deval Patrick is being launched into the dem primary as a Biden-seeking missile to knock Slow Joe out (which shouldn't take much).
As the last black dude left standing Patrick might be able to pull 15% of the primary vote going into a brokered convention where the party apparatchiks can take over and hand select their candidate.
Obama clearly preferred Kamala to the other candidates (for obvious reasons)
He did call her "the best-looking Attorney General in the country" back in 2013, and had to apologize, but he didn't lift a finger to help her campaign, so if he wanted her to win, any preference on his part must have been pretty lukewarm.
Harris criticized Obama during the campaign, something she would have been unlikely to do if she really was his favorite.
Lurker: "He did call her "the best-looking Attorney General in the country" back in 2013, and had to apologize, but he didn't lift a finger to help her campaign, so if he wanted her to win, any preference on his part must have been pretty lukewarm.
Harris criticized Obama during the campaign, something she would have been unlikely to do if she really was his favorite."
Your first point might explain your second.
I could argue that obama not endorsing his own VP might indicate a willingness to keep things a little more amenable to Kamala's campaign.....(or Michelle's later on.......)
How come we don't hear from Tulsi Gabbard anymore? She spoke truth to the big-legged woman who got no soul and that was that. She must have received threats.
The Dems have a pack of niche candidates is what they have. It's the logical result of identity politics. None of them have broad appeal, although Gabbard is an appealing broad.
Gabbard made the cut for the next debate.
Bobby Kennedy was a "late entry" into the 1968 race. He entered at a point when today's political races are on the way to being settled, after McCarthy did surprisingly well against Lyndon Johnson in the New Hampshire primary. This year, Michael Bennett entered a full year before the date that Kennedy entered in 1968, and people still said he'd have trouble for his late entry #PermanentCampaign.
Deval may have a clear idea of what the situation is and what his best strategy is, but the primaries and caucuses start in February and he won't have much time to get his operation set up. The filing deadline for the New Hampshire primary is tomorrow. I doubt Deval could win New Hampshire or Massachusetts or any state, but stranger things happen all the time I guess.
I was very wrong about Harris. I assumed Obama and Jarrett would get behind her. I'm guessing she assumed it too.
Patrick and Obama are very close. Closer than Obama is to anyone else. Including Biden.
The question now is whether the Left is spinning insane identity politics and economic radicalism so hard that even Obama is irrelevant.
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