In the span of 10 seconds, @DonaldJTrumpJr called out Joy Behar for wearing blackface
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) November 7, 2019
& Whoopi for saying Roman Polanski wasn’t guilty of “rape-rape.”#TheView
Did Joy Behar ever wear blackface?!! Yes!
Here's @TheView's Joy Behar admitting on national TV that she in fact wore blackface. Why are they denying it now?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 7, 2019
He had a lot of nerve going on that show, and they were all set to bully him. I almost feel like buying the book he was flogging — "Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us" — even though I assume I already know everything in it. All these subtitles that begin with "How"... I already know how the left blah blah blah. But I did not know how to instantly fight off a pouncing double team of Whoopi and Joy. That was quite something. They totally deserved it. And I would have never have noticed that Joy Behar had a blackface incident lurking in her past. So rich!
The kids got moxie.
I do have to say I don't understand how anybody intends to watch that show.
Like Lincoln supposedly said about Grant... "The man fights."
Nice to see the elite getting pushed back.
They are all freaking Hypocrites. He also threw it on ABC that they are going after a whistle blower (who CBS has since fired for being the whistleblower....but that's another story) when Abby Huntsman went after him for naming the whistle blower. He should have asked them where they were when Obama was FIRING whistle blowers.....
I recommend the View staff a moldy old book about "casting the first stone," but I'd get piled on for "hate."
I hope his old man follows up, repeatedly, and both of them get fired.
You know how they have that slogan “No enemies on the Left”? I say, “No prisoners on the Left.”
Never miss an opportunity to kick them when they’re down, five times harder than they hit you.
well it's a very selective audience, it has lost about 2 million viewers, nowhere near enough,
If I've said it once I've said it 1000 times: Trump is blessed by his enemies. This obviously extends to his family.
If you're going to lecture other people about their supposed sins, you better be prepared to answer for your own. The media has spent decades covering up and suppressing stories for the left that they've basically burned all credibility with me and no doubt many others. From the the sins of Clinton's to the sins `steins (both Wein and Ep), from Benghazi to Biden, the media and the left in general seem to play by two sets of rules. I'm just relieved that someone is finally calling them out on it, that someone is finally saying that it's enough already.
The Trumps fight fire with fire. Very savvy.
Both sins are unexceptional, not sins at all. It's bad to see the right embracing the left's moral inventions.
Speaking facts to truth, free from empathy, diversity, and confronting bigotry lurking in plain sight. Refreshing.
Why is Whoopi wearing the creature from Alien on top of her head?
Trump, Jr. is positioning himself to run for President. Writing a book is always a first step. I could see him winning. Right now, I'd vote for him. Very much like his Dad. He's got that common touch and seems to get on well with us Deplorables.
“Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.”
― Andrew Breitbart
Jr.'s dad probably did it first.
a very selective audience, it has lost about 2 million viewers
Voted not viable through a democratic consensus.
I didn't think Whoopi could get uglier but that bleach job does it.
It wasnt "blackface blackface".
And whoopie only defended Polanski the way the entire lefty/liberal army defended and covered up NBC's Lauer Rape Room and Weinsteins decades long hundreds of assaults because all of them are strong Clinton-connected democrats.
And all that was done at the very moment the entire lefty/dem/lib folks (including here at Althouse) were lying about Kavanaugh.
In particular, sunsong, ARM, readering, victoria and Stevie Uhr.
Whoopi said she's black so she knows what blackface is. Apparently not. Otherwise how could she have yukked it up with her boyfriend Ted Danson who was performing in minstrel show blackface? Clearly she didn't realize what his makeup represented.
Maybe best thing ever.
The View still exists only to peddle leftie narratives to anyone willing to tune in and so mainstream media can show clips of them doing it.
I’d like to call into question Whoopie’s character. She’s a sexual predator apologist and a narrative peddler but tries to pass as an objective sage.
How many times have you watched tv and shouted, "Say this, say this, say THIS?!?", or, "Ask this. Ask this. No. No. No. THIS!!"?
Finally, someone did! This is what makes the time of Trump so much fun.
Generally speaking, you can confidently assume if a Liberal/Democrat is accusing somebody of bad behavior, it is something they are equally or more so guilty of.
Skookum John,
I like the cut of your jib but I don't know why you hold back.
Five times seems a bit light.
Someone once said to punch back twice as hard.
OK. Deal.
Trump fans often say that they like his father "he fights". And that's true, but he's still usually playing defense.
What I've noticed about Trump Jr. the last couple of years is that he doesn't wait around. For Jr. it's not "he fights", but "he attacks".
Come on, you're the son of President Trump, you're going on The View. You know they're coming at you with both barrels. If you're Jr. you don't wait around while they load up, you come out shootin'.
I'm not sure that's always a winning strategy, but it sure is an entertaining one.
He’s Sgt York, picking ‘em off like sitting ducks.
Is he chip off the old ROCK? and
will he grow due to tectonic action by LeftWingConspirators
These arrogant, pretentious hypocrites need to be smacked down. I don’t know why they think they signify in the first place. I heard this on Rosh this afternoon and nearly ran off the road I was laughing so hard.
For the life of me, I can NOT understand how ABC considers The View as part of their NEWS division....It is a bunch of screaming Harpies...(unless a beloved Democrat like Hillary come on) spewing hate at everybody who doesn't agree with them. It is moderated by a comedienne with another woman who identifies as a Comedienne who has never been funny in her life. What a joke this show is, but obviously somebody watches it since it is still on.
It's just another author. If he was Biden's son then the book would have 1,000,000 copies already prepaid and shipped to The Ukraine Gas and Light Co.
"Five times seems a bit light."
He's pacing himself.
"SJW's always project." (So, in general, does the left.)
The View is a pack of hyenas. When they don't have a guest to attack, they go after each other.
How well did Trump do? Behar had to tell her audience to stop clapping for him.
"Trunp", "Trump II"
..."Son of Trump"
Everyone has had the experience of walking barefoot in the dark and stepping on something soft, cold and wet. Joy Behar gives me that same feeling.
Did Behar ever dress up as Justin Trudeau though? A black student got in trouble for wearing a Justin Trudeau get up.
Hardin misses the point. Trump Jr prefaced his reminder with the comment we have all done things we regret. Those women do regret those things, even if only for the embarrassment. TJr wasn’t calling them on those sins but on their hypocrisy and sanctimony.
Jeezum Crow! The Dow’s headed to 28,000. Somebody, anybody, put a stop to this!
Has any other TV host ever told the audience to stop clapping for a guest and meant it? These people hate so much that they will violate any norm to express that hate. Three years now of this constant hysterical hate. That cannot be good for your soul or mental health. I truely fear what lengths they will go to at this point. If impeachment falls flat, about the only thing left untried is assassination. Can you imagine the disgusting reaction we would see from these people. I doubt they would even try to be civil or respectful, and they certainly wouldn't succeed at it.
I saw an interview with Jr. somewhere. He's going to come out punching even when Sr. says not to. Sometimes enough is enough.
Trump is fortunate that his opponents underrate him while he sizes them up accurately and quickly. I suppose that Trump Jr learned this at the dinner table.
He karate chopped Whoopi and Behar. They were dead before they hit the ground.
I didn’t see it, but there was a discussion about nepotism. Two of the panel are daughters of McCain and Huntsman!
Why is Whoopi wearing the creature from Alien on top of her head?
Cultural Appropriation of Norway.
Jr. was projecting. How would he know Behar and Whoopi regret what they have done? May be they are enjoying their "wittiness" and their double standards.
Back in the Viet Nam era training days at Ft. Polk in 1969, we were taught to charge straight into an ambush-you run, don't walk--into it. Sooner you are out of the kill zone, the safer you are. So Don Jr. charged the Harpy Brigade here.
Of course if you were so inclined--after you got out of the kill zone and behind the enemy-- you could shoot them in the back.
But Don Jr. came prepared for a battle of wits--too bad that all the harpies on The View couldn't scare up half a wit between them.
I understand that Althouse watches so that we do not have to. Same thing with WaPo and the NYT. I appreciate it.
Otherwise, I worry about the people who actually like that show. They seem stuck in Jr HS mean girl mode. They are really nasty and not very bright.
Wait a minute! Now I understand where a former commenter gets her persona.
pacwest: "Sometimes enough is enough."
Give us an example.
At Ft. Dix in 1969 we were told to charge straight into the enemy, shoot, and stab them with our bayonets, while yelling "Kill, Kill, Kill... ."
If you're walking into a trap, it's best to throw the first grenade(s).
This deserves your "civility bullshit" tag. In fact, pretty much every post related to politics qualifies for that.
"TJr wasn’t calling them on those sins but on their hypocrisy and sanctimony."
Correct. But Behar and Goldberg denied B had put on blackface, and I don't think G regrets the actual statement she made on behalf of Polanski--she still doesn't think of him as an evil rapist. So, no, they don't really have things that they regret. Progs don't do hypocrisy.
My mother-in-law and her 4 daughters never miss an episode of The View. I guarantee that they will be in high dudgeon after this. How very DARE he be so rude! Heh heh heh.
"Give us an example."
LOL. They abound of course, but the current one is the impeachment 'do-over'. ENOUGH ALREADY! You kids get to bed.
I assume everyone has their favorite. My personal biggest hits list is (in no particular order)
The pee tapes.
The Kavanaugh hearing.
Shithole countries (a past favorite on AA)
Concentration camps
And the old standards of racism, emouluments, lying at every turn, etc.
rhhardin said...
Both sins are unexceptional, not sins at all
It's not sinful nor exceptional to defend the drugging and then raping of a 13-year-old child????
Glad Trump did well. I could listen to those screeching Harpies for about 2 minutes and had to turn it off. Joy Behar -aka Joyless Braying Ass -aka schiff for brains- is really the most repulsive women on TV. She's loud, she's stupid, and she's a Bitch.
Whoppi is just plain weird - and as for Megan McCain "Drunk, Fat, and Stupid" is no way to go through life, honey.
"He came ready to spring."
I think the word now is "pounce".
Drago wants an example of when enough is enough.
Remember when the management at CNN and NBC were put in the public stocks, pelted with rotten tomatoes, had “Faker of news” branded on their foreheads, and were exiled to Siberia without a coat? That was enough. Barely, but it was enough.
Speaking of Impeachment 2.0, now that Schiff has released the absurd rules for questionin witnesses I'd love to see the Republic members ask the witness questions such as "Did you know that Rep. Schiff had colluded with the whistle blower before he flied his complaint?", and watch them being escorted out of the hearing for breaking the 'rules'. Great theater.
He is unlikely to be invited back.
I'd cheer for Jr., but Althouse blog isn't a MAGA rally.
I am soooooo sure Behar would be as understanding if it was a Republican going as a "handsome" black guy when they were 29.
Those bitches tried to stiletto him and he brought a shiv.
Yes, the highlight was Behar lying about it. And then TJr tweeting the proof so promptly.
I wonder how many outlets only report her denial ...
Kimberly Guilfoyle calls out #TheView for pushing impeachment since the day after the 2016 election.
"Even on this show the first day after the election, you said, now let's start with impeachment."- @kimguilfoyle
Whoopi falsely responds : "That isn't true... It wasn't."
On The View on November 9, 2016, Whoopi Goldberg said, "We can kick his ass out. You know, there is such a thing called impeachment you know."
If Whoopi's boyfriend can get in trouble by wearing blackface can't she be sanctioned for wearing whitehead?
meanwhile the judge in the Covington case, excuses liz warren, and the real indian haaland from the law suit, because issues of state, or something,
Did we just witness the start of his Presidential run in 2024?
no just a strafing run, like milo minderbinder, did with his own base in catch 22,
Ken B: "Drago wants an example of when enough is enough."
Misunderstanding, probably my fault.
pacwest, correct me if I am wrong here, I interpreted pacwests statement that conservatives pushing back can take it too far. So I asked for an example of a conservative pushing back too far against the media/dems/lefties/LLR-lefties because I dont believe in this environment there is a point where a conservative can push back too hard or too far.
I'd cheer for Jr., but Althouse blog isn't a MAGA rally.
It could be about MAGA, rediscovering the American spirit. It is about Trump Jr. finding his footing, standing, running, really. Good for him.
"Did Joy Behar ever wear blackface?!! Yes!"
You can certainly say that she did but did she?
Merriam-Webster defines blackface as "dark makeup worn (as by a performer in a minstrel show) in a caricature of the appearance of a black person." Likewise, Wikipedia says "Blackface is a form of theatrical make-up used predominantly by non-black performers to represent a caricature of a black person."
I think what Joy Behar did lacks the element of caricature. Now, if we are going to count any black on the face as blackface, what about Donald Trump, Jr.'s beard? It looks funny, more than a bit of a caricature. He didn't quite own The View as was advertised with that beard.
So she hid behind an immunity claim. That is worth noting. She essentially argued, even if I did it, I am entitled.
That looks bad, doesn’t it.
It might look worse if she kvetches about executive privilege and subpoenas ...
Here's a pic of the Lovely and Talented Maud Behar grabbing Robin Williams by the nuts:
What a hypocritical SKANK.
No wonder Williams committed suicide.
Left Bank loves those muddy waters, when he writes:
I think what Joy Behar did lacks the element of caricature.
Think again.
n. A representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic or grotesque effect.
WHAT OTHER REASON than to don blackface than to produce a comic effect---and on Halloween to boot!
She’s a sexual predator apologist and a narrative peddler but tries to pass as an objective sage.
Poor thing, she's confused. She thinks she's Guinan.
"The View" is a show about leftwing morons, spouting out their opinions. Typically, the show will have 1 rightwing moron. These morons happen to be women.
Joy Behar admitting on national TV that she in fact wore blackface.
That's sacrilicious! No wait, it's was just sacrilegious.
And since fucking WHEN does having a black beard "count" as blackface?
I suppose the Assyrians were mocking blacks when they "came down, like a wolf on a fold".
Utterly lame.
View winin are atrocious leftist Hillary corruption excusing vipers.
well jededida bila wasn't a moron, she may not have been the sharpest still, and she was easy on the eyes, Elizabeth hasselbeck was well intentioned, but she became an unperson early,
Don Jr is a badass and I love it. More like this, please.
Misunderstanding. In the interview I saw with Jr he said that Sr had told him to cool his jets a bit so he didn't get into hot water. He said his father is a very smart man but sometimes I don't listen to him (sounds familiar:). Two days later he's on the view. Good on him.
I also saw a piece about not arguing the legal aspects of the Shiff inquiry since it is a political attack, not a legal one. Treat it like the clown show it is. I hope that is what the Republicans do at the open hearings. I'd be very dissapointed if they follow the 'rules'. If they could get Schiff to remove them in handcuffs without making asses of themselves it would drive home the point.
Anyway thanks for the straightline, which I obviously messed up, but yeah, if the Dems are going to act like clowns, treat them like clowns. Pure disdain might work, they are human scum afterall. I have it on good authority.
Damn, Left Bank. That was beneath your normal level of stupid. Be better at being stupid.
Come on!!
why the media doesn't want to touch this with a cattle prod,
Hard to imagine a bigger snake pit anywhere than The View.
Is it ok to simultaneously laugh, congratulate him, and hate them all? I think that's me.
Note to TrueConservatives: when you mock Trump supporters who use/overuse the "he fights!" excuse, know that this is the kind of thing they're talking about and some of it does work/resonate with non-Trumpsters--as proven by Professor Althouse here. It's not enough to build an ideology around, but it's not nothing!
Junior said it was the funniest interview he's ever done. He is his father's son for sure
I watched the highlights, Trump Jr. handled those harpies well.
That white mop-like appendage on the top of the literally ugliest (both outside and inside) woman on TV's head is no-way White cultural appropriation. It is just indescribably ugly.
As far as Left Bank of the Charles' comment is concerned I side with America's africans in the notion that 1 drop of black (Negro) blood, blah blah blah. So yes, blackface.
Maybe it goes on the other thread
It reminds me of the time DJT took on that heckler from Univision in Iowa in 2016.
"Why is Whoopi wearing the creature from Alien on top of her head?"
Ha! I told my wife it resembled her intricate macrame work when we were young hippies in the early 70s...
Ha - I was right.
It's illegal to say "Clinton" and "Biden" and "investigate"
Because, deep state authoritarian rice bowl money grubbing government whores get protection forever.
I mean, truly, this is not blackface. She looks like she has a tan?
Caryn Johnson changes her name to Whoopi Goldberg because her mother thinks she'll get more work in Hollywood if she pretends to be Jewish, but that isn't anti-semitic. Joy Behar puts on blackface for Halloween but that isn't racist. Two of the show's hostesses are unaccomplished children of senators but that isn't nepotistic. All of the women on the show have always been women-women, but that isn't transphobic. Whoopi said that raping a child isn't real rape, but that isn't #metoo-ism.
It certainly took some nerve for Trump Junior to get on that stage. Whoopi and Joy are hags of high caliber.
The View femo-idiots play Hillary Clinton's insane deprived lunacy tape about Jill STein and Tulsi being Russian assets - and they BUY IT.
"Antonio M. Haynes said...
I mean, truly, this is not blackface. She looks like she has a tan?”
Look at the hair.
Whoopi stated that Ted Danson donning blackface and eating watermelon while saying the "N" word repeatedly during a Friar's Club Roast for her wasn't racist but an "act of love."
Women were not permitted to join the club or eat in the Friar's Club dining room, where much of entertainment business was conducted, until they sued to do so.
In 1987.
Barbara Streisand was perfectly happy to be "roasted" at the Friars during the time women were not permitted to belong to the influential club. Barbara Walters has fond memories of the Club from the time when women were not permitted. Sarah Silverman, whose career consists of calling other people racist and her admittedly magnificent breasts, has no qualms about belonging to a Club that excluded women for much of her lifetime.
Things only seem to change. They really stay entirely the same. You're either an Eloi or a Morlock.
If Joy Behar didn't do blackface then why did libtards lose their minds over Megyn Kelly?
Why bother with that bitchfest?
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