November 2, 2019

Trump in Tupelo last night: Beto "quit like a dog."

I didn't like that. In the category of dog rhetoric, I prefer the talk of the hero dog.


Jaq said...

Yeah, Trump likes to dance on people’s graves. It’s all part of the package.

Birches said...

Trump's right, it isn't easy. But some people have "it.". I saw a commercial for a new show starring ARod where he goes and helps washed up athletes financially and fitness wise and I thought to myself, "he could be another Trump." For as much as people hated ARod the player, they love ARod the retired player.

gspencer said...

Beto, humiliated, with his dog tail between his legs. Trump's comparison is apt.

R C Belaire said...

Ya get both the good and bad dog similes from The Trumpster.

gilbar said...

you have to give Beta O'Rourke credit though;
He was a drug addicted, cross dressing, drunk driving, bad bass playing LOSER...
* He married into one of the richest families in Texas
* He got elected as a congressman
* He was able to acquire TENS of MILLIONS of Dollars for a futile Senate race
* He was able to acquire TENS of MILLIONS of Dollars for a futile Presidential race

And he Did ALL THAT, without Ever giving up
on being a drug addicted, cross dressing, drunk driving, bad bass playing LOSER...

Are W said...

In my experience, dogs don't like to quit unless they find something better to do. Did Beto get a better gig?

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...

The truly tragic aspect of Beto's skulking away to devote himself towards confiscating his family's AR-15s is the loss of his substantive investment in sub-nasal plastic surgery and dental reconstruction to lend himself the Kennedy-esque lips and chompers that were clearly the greatest source of his political attractiveness.

gilbar said...

dogs don't like to quit, it's TRUE!
But; WHEN they DO quit; they quit we their tail down between their legs, like gspencer said

rcocean said...

Yeah Trump loves to diss dogs.

Quit like a dog
Died like a dog
Fired like a dog
Lied like a dog
Chocked like a dog

Fortunately, Dogs don't care.

Wince said...

Now that Beto is no longer a "potential political opponent" Trump can ask Ukraine to "dig up dirt" on him, or something like that.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

He paused before he did the simile, then he decided to go on with it. It was a poor decision and he would do well to get off the negative dog imagery. From what I see, dogs are damn near sacred in our culture these days and continuing to use this imagery will actually lessen his support. It seems crazy to think that after all the stuff he's said, but it will likely be something simple like this that finally erode his support enough to be taken down. I am not a dog nut but it gave me a bad feeling to hear him say that. Unnecessary.

Darrell said...

Bye Bye Beto.
I'm gonna miss you so
Bye Bye Beto
Why'd ya have to go?

AllenS said...

Beto was all bark and no bite.

Bob Boyd said...

Beto's been compared to worse. He'll get over it. And like a stray dog, he'll be back.
After all, like Hillary, who also always comes back, Beto was born to be President.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Beto ran
Beto ran far
Beto ran long
Memo runs farther
Memo runs longer
Memo runs harder
Beto didn't get the Memo
Get the Memo
Stop running
Memo 2020!

Jaq said...

I like Hillary better. “Standing up for democracy” by paying Russian spies for fake dirt on her opponent and sicking the FBI and CIA on him.

It’s a shame she isn’t POTUS.

Then there’s Elizabeth Warren

People working for health insurance will all get jobs working for other insurance companies! Because, you know, those companies will magically grow giant! I have these magic beans I plan to give auto insurance companies!

Jaq said...

Republicans are going to miss Beto, but he will live on in ads for some time to come.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Robert O'Rourke
The agnostic
Stayed up all night in his puppy pjs
Wondering if there really is a dog

(Borrowed from Gary Larson)

Rick.T. said...

As they say: “Sun don't shine on the same dog's ass everyday...”

Fernandinande said...

talk of the hero dog.

What did "Conan the hero dog" do that was heroic?

From what I read he chased the crazy guy and got a mild shock from an exposed wire along the way but wasn't injured by the explosion because he wasn't close to it and therefore not close to the crazy guy.

Shouting Thomas said...

What's more interesting, I think, is Trump's tacit acknowledgement of how tough it is to withstand the torrent of criticism that he faces.

No president since Abraham Lincoln has been more reviled than Trump.

traditionalguy said...

Trumps knows Dogs come in all kinds . Their is a contrast between a 2 lbs Shih-tzu that jumps around and begs for treats, and then or runs and hides ( Beto), with a 100 lbs Belgian Malinois that loves racing into danger to save its beloved masters.

Our President loves racing into danger to save his beloved Deplorable masters.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Adding to gspencer and gilbar: It's all kind of in Plato's Republic. We love dogs for their spiritedness. If this is trained, they are loyal and very useful companions. Unfortunately, dogs can be loyal to very bad owners--they don't discriminate--and spirited people can be loyal to bad causes. There is nothing more abject than a dog that feels he has been beaten--there is no hope. The contrast to the "usual" spiritedness is what is so striking.

AllenS said...

Beto was not a lead dog.

When you're pulling the dog sled, and you are not the lead dog, the view is always the same.

h said...

No quit in these dogs:

John henry said...

I watched the speech last night. I didn't mind the dog reference particularly but I thought he paid way more attention to O'Rourke than he deserved.

Something odd I noticed him doing I'd not seen before: he kept smacking the side of the podium with his hand.

Is this new or had I just not noticed before?

John Henry

viator said...

Hero dogs don't quit.

Linda said...

I get the dog analogy — but enough already! Pick some other animal - we like our dogs!

Paco Wové said...

I suspect readering will be along shortly to inform us deplorables that O'Rourke remained strictly bipedal throughout his withdrawal.

tcrosse said...

Can't wait to hear what animals the other candidates quit like, assuming they ever quit.

Meade said...

"Beto was not a lead dog."

Truth-O-Meader rates this statement: TRUE. Beto didn't even lead in candidates who suspended their campaigns. That dubious honor goes to lapdog, Eric Swalwell.,_2020

Jaq said...

There once was a rich boy named Beto
Who’s quest was quite doomed from the get-go
So much lucre had he
And good looks, all could see
Yet he fell flat in is self writ libretto

Howard said...

Everyone knows that Trump hates dogs because everyone knows he's not a real man he's just a pussy with a big mouth and a aggressive attorney. that's why his deplorable fans love him so much because he is completely non-threatening to their own infantile regressed repressed nonexistent manhood

Jaq said...

h, just remember when you are reading the Washington Post that it’s just Brietbart of the right. How many false, wish casting stories do you have to read before you give up on a rag like that?

tcrosse said...

Howard's with H>er.

Seeing Red said...

nonexistent manhood



Meade said...

"their own infantile regressed repressed nonexistent manhood"

Male chauvinistic piggish oxymoron unwrapped from existing meaningless mixed metaphorical gibberish.

Like a dog woofing in a fevered dream.

gilbar said...

As a dog returns to its vomit, so Howard repeats his foolishness

Tank said...

Scott Adams: Trump should adopt the hero dog.

That would be great. Unlikely.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I'm delighted he wasted so much of the dumbocrat's money! He was like watching Pee Wee's Playhouse. Fools and their money. Lamentations of their women indeed!

Sebastian said...

"Right now is the time to take him seriously." Said Althouse.

Trump to Althouse: you were wrong.

Bob Boyd said...

Wow, Howard. So much emotion. Were you like, a huge Beto guy or something?

Drago said...

Howard is one of many leftists who told republicans they should be afraid of Beto.



BUMBLE BEE said...

Wow good dogs

Quite positive!

Jaq said...

Brevity is the soul of wit Howard. If it takes that long to get your thought out, maybe it’s not the zinger you’d hoped for..

rcocean said...


Beto was all bark and no brains.

rcocean said...

Maybe Beto can run for a Senate seat in Mexico.

Josephbleau said...

The reason Beto got out is that the party dressed him down telling him his rhetoric was scaring the children. Who will tell that to Warren? “Don’t scare Wall Street, the privately insured, and gun owners until you have more flexibility after the election.”

Lucid-Ideas said...

At Instapundit there's a quote from someone saying "His vanity fair cover done by Annie Liebowitz was the high water mark of his campaign"

Anyone ever seen the movie American Psycho? About a 1980s yuppy insane serial killer in New York?

There's a scene in the back of a cab where Bateman's girlfriend is talking about planning their wedding:

"...and at least a hundred dozen roses. Who would we get to shoot the wedding? Ah! Liebowitz...we'll get Annie Liebowitz!!!"

Now I'm willing to give him some benefit of doubt that was coordinated and planned by his trustfund baby wife, but for fuck's sake Robert...could you at least try a bit harder to pull one over on us rubes next time? THE MAGAZINE'S FUCKING NAME IS VANITY FAIR!

I don't know how people this supposedly so intelligent can be this tone-deaf. And I'm not necessarily talking about the candidates, but their armies of post-grad staff as well who should be saying "ixnay on the iebowitzla."

After his girlfriend asks Bateman's thoughts in the back of the cab about getting married he says he couldn't take the time off work and that it wouldn't be normal, responding that it "he wants to fit in."

Absolutely right Robert. You sure do you sad programmed little puppy.

Danno said...

Beto should have known. You either run with the big dogs (like Trump) or you better stay on the porch.

Michael K said...

Howard is off his meds again. When Trump is re-elected, that will be the last we see of Howard. Just like Garage Mahal.

Michael K said...

I watched the speech last night. I didn't mind the dog reference particularly but I thought he paid way more attention to O'Rourke than he deserved.

Beto is going to be the star of lots of GOP ads next year.

"Hell yes, we're coming for your guns !"

Browndog said...

I think this lady broke Beto.

He thought he was in a safe space, Newtown, talking about taking everyone's guns away.

She completely undressed him.

Lyle said...

It helps perpetuate hero dog and Trump's taking out al Baghdadi.

Qwinn said...

Well if he'd said "quit like a pussy" we'd never hear the end of it.

Ken B said...

I think he should have followed up on Skylark's post and sung Just a Gigolo.

n.n said...

There are different classes of dog. There are working dogs. There are hunting dogs. There are guardian dogs. There are dogs carried in purses, on short leashes, hand fed and pampered, without real world experience, who quit and run away with their tails between their legs at the first hint of a challenge.

Birkel said...

Beto is a loser.

Birkel said...

Good point, Michael K. Trump has to elevate Beto to make his craziest statements useful next year.

Big Mike said...

I prefer the talk of the hero dog.

As do I, but Beto is no hero.

Big Mike said...

@Michael K., I always felt that garage mahal (watch capitalization!) was honest and sincere, though completely misguided and thoroughly ignorant. Howard is just snarky. And an educated fool.

mockturtle said...

[moved from other Beto thread] Beto has a BA in English Lit and no career outside of politics. No accomplishments whatever. Zip. Unless marrying money counts as an accomplishment.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm glad that goofball Beto is gone, too.

But the idiot Texas skateboarder provides a tale of political caution.

What explains his meteoric rise? How did he get so close? (At least in the Tex Senate race)

The Leftwing Holy Grail is to turn Texas blue, just like they turned Cali blue. If accomplished, they got an electoral college lock. To turn Texas blue, ya gotta continually agitate the minorities, import illegal aliens and ya gotta poison the minds of the youth. The Dems are doing this. Quite effectively, I'd say.

I've been in California nearly 50 years. I've seen the political sea change. I've lived it. Don't be like California.

RichardJohnson said...

Beto could have been a Congressman for thirty years, as he had a safe seat. He got some rough schooling when he tried to rise above his level of competence. Granted, he was not particularly competent as a member of the House of Representatives, but as he had a safe seat, he didn't need to be particularly competent to hold on to it.

mockturtle said...

Don't be like California.

This is a great rallying cry, B.A.G. In fact, DON'T BE CALIFORNIA! would be a good multipurpose campaign slogan for every state but California. Actually, even California. ;-)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump: Sun Tzu

Beto: Shih Tzu

Lurker21 said...

Beto was kind of like a puppy, wagging his hands (instead of his tail) and desperately looking for attention.

Some people called Robert Francis "Beta" as though he weren't the alpha dog, but that "alpha" talk has gotten tired and annoying. Guys who have to talk that way aren't the "alphas" they think they are.

Beto had a safe Democratic seat, but it wasn't safe for him. It was only a matter of time before a real Hispanic (Mexican? Chicano? Latinx?) took it back from him.

And Old Congressman Beto? What would that look like? Can you even imagine? Not a pretty picture.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

From rock star to rock bottom

In just about 12 months, Beto O'Rourke went from Democratic rock star to political rock bottom.

During his 2018 Senate race, the former Texas congressman was fundraising like a top-tier presidential candidate. Beloved by Democrats across the country for his youthful energy, his passionate stump speeches became viral sensations.

His obvious political skills in his home state did not translate on to the national stage, however, where a lack of campaign organisation and an inability to stand out on a crowded debate stage cost him dearly.

Mr O'Rourke's relatively thin CV, which wasn't a concern for Democrats when he was facing conservative stalwart Ted Cruz in Texas, was also a liability in a match-up against senators and a former vice-president with extensive experience and in-depth policy knowledge.

Some presidential hopefuls can run unsuccessful campaigns and end up with an elevated stature among party faithful - with more political prospects than when they began. Mr O'Rourke, whose campaign started high and trended only downward, was not so fortunate. He may have a second act in national politics, but his 2019 effort will be an experience he will have to overcome, not build on.

Narayanan said...

Blogger RichardJohnson said...
Beto could have been a Congressman for thirty years, as he had a safe seat
Would he have been "Worthy enough" to join "Squad Girls"

Jaq said...

I have a “lit” degree. There are two good uses for it, to create bullshit, or to see through it.

Yancey Ward said...

Beto's problems as a candidate for anything are manifest. However, the attempt to pass himself off as Hispanic was the only clue you actually needed.

Nichevo said...

Howard said...
Everyone knows that Trump hates dogs

Feel better? Don't forget to wipe. And please light a match, your stench of desperation permeates the room.

Nichevo said...

John henry said...
I watched the speech last night. I didn't mind the dog reference particularly but I thought he paid way more attention to O'Rourke than he deserved

Pounding on Beto is good. Use his crapulence against him and those who sent him. I'd wish he would use a wider vocabulary...but navigating Scylla and Charybdis every night, sometimes you're going to double clutch on a word. He might have preferred to say bitch rather than dog, but decided to work clean. Unfortunately he hasn't got Aaron Sorkin in his pocket writing his lines ahead of time.

Yancey Ward said...

The funniest thing Trump could have said about Beto would have been along the lines of, "I didn't even realize he was running."

mockturtle said...

Trump: Sun Tzu

Beto: Shih Tzu

Well played, ICTA! :-D

Beasts of England said...

’Trump: Sun Tzu
Beto: Shih Tzu’

Very nice!! That comparative will have future uses, as well.

gilbar said...

from our Beloved Professor Althouse's favorite news site:
Nation Surprised To Learn Beto O'Rourke Was Running For President

rcocean said...

Beto was a Gamma.

rcocean said...

BTW, I LOVE that Trump danced on the grave of an asshole that viciously attacked him over and over. I am so TIRED of the Republcian "I'm just like Jesus - I turn the other cheek". In fact, I'm beginning to understand that "I don't return fire when D's attack me" is NOT because they're "Christian Gentlemen" - its because they are secretly like their Liberal Democrat Attackers. Or they consider these attacks aren't directed at the REAL them. Just the parts they're playing for the public. Look at Pierre Delecto. Look at Bush II. Look at McCain.

All the liberal reporters called McCain a racist asshole in 2008, but did McCain ever fire back? Did he care? No. Because he knew they were attacking McCain the FAKE REPUBLICAN. Not the REAL Johnny McCain.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@Mock, @Beasts
oh, shucks guys! Thanks!
You're both Tzu-per in our books!

Josephbleau said...

If you are truly well educated, you don't obcess about your school or your degree; you let your friends and enemies do it.

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