New Times/Siena polls show Trump highly competitive in the six closest states carried by the president in '16:— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) November 4, 2019
Biden+2, Biden 46 to Trump 45
Even, Sanders 45, Trump 45
Trump+2, Trump 46, Warren 44
2016 result in these states was Trump+2, 48 to 46
Here's the highest-rated comment over at the NYT:
This is the most depressing article I’ve read in a while. The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying. Who are these people that like him? How can it be? Fox News, owned by a soulless Australian, is destroying this once great country.Second highest:
I simply cannot fathom this. How is this even possible? Also I live in Michigan and my sense is that Trump is deeply unpopular here. Are these polls using the same techniques that were used to predict a 97% chance of victory for Hillary? Perhaps the polls are wrong? I sincerely hope so because the alternative is unthinkable.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 275 of 275Good Lord, the guy I identify with was the same actor frozen to death in Bill Murray's Scrooged, a great film.
More anti Semitic blah blah from JFarmer. Yawn
yes - he's got a convincing "Vinny 'The Chin'" thing going on--
partly by design, partly legit brain damage.
"Polls are very clear that most of Trump's support come from people who are not well educated.”
If they were only better educated, it would be clear to the that it is for the good of the country that they be sold down the river.
Warren has been a giant stalking among midgets for a while now. But midgets are really short and outside of that element Warren is not a giant. She could have been a contender. She didn’t have to be a McGovern. It’s probably a credit to her as a person that she wouldn’t embrace an approach that might have given her a better shot at electoral success—maybe not, but it’s possible her authentic self asserted itself here. Anyway she hasn’t, and at the same time the rest of the field is diminished by her, because they’re already so small. This party needs an enema, after which they will have nothing, and their reconstitution may proceed.
When it comes to Trump, I am with Elvis Costello
“I used to be disgusted, now I’m just amused
Angels want to wear my red hat"
Murdoch is of course an American citizen not Australian. A gratuitous sneer at Australians, soulless doesnt require descriptor Australian.
His country of birth is surely irrelevant for woke, inclusive lovers of diversity people like NYT's readers.
I've denied you incredible flows of genieus for an incredicabale amount of time.
Why do'nt words spell wright no more?
Robert Cook said...
Trump or Biden? Biden or Trump? Either way, we get a moron in power, a stooge for the financial and power elites. Could we expect any different?
Yeah. Trump is behaving like a stooge for the financial and power elites.
Wanna tell us, cookie, what YOU would do differently from Trump???
Farmer: "It is not his competence I take issue with. It's his ideas."
Kushner likes Israel.
Its that simple.
By the time we reach the presidential debates, Biden will be begging to have someone empty his drool cup.
You all know that.
If the MSM treated Trump fairly, I wouldn’t vote for him if the Dems came up with a reasonable candidate. But I expect to vote for Trump because he does not deserve the treatment that he has received. I’m still waiting for the MSM to fairly report on Hunter Biden.
just wondering how much Bubba's ever-surfacing sexploits w/Epstein
will be a drag on HRC when she re-animates her necrotic campaign.
Or will Bubba "take ill" soon, and conveniently pass out of the picture?
not that they dont have their own steaming pile of crime, but...
is Bubba to HRC like Hunter is to Briben? (Bannon's "Pin/grenade")?
"The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying. Who are these people that like him? How can it be? Fox News... "
It's amazing how Leftists cannot understand. Fox News, they really think we are brainwashed. Trump is a baffoon, but he's not mitt Romney or a Leftist and frankly, from ,Nick Mulvaney w OMB and Navarro w China, I likey. I'm mngt consultant firm to gov contactors in DC... an amazing window into what Govt is. Every time some (default lib) complains about common sense-averse Govt action I qiup "and wait til they socialize medicine and this is the experience you can have for a pap smear... ". They grok, minds cracking some little bit, but quickly back to the shadows on the cave wall.
I was a default lib my whole life (until moving to DC and working) and though I would swear I had seen fox news...I never had watched a minute more than a edited clip of hannity or some nonsense. They have not even watched, esp not 6pm news or even Tucker. Anyway...
Holy fuck is she ever horribly skinny.
Audrey Hepburn, I think.
Not thick, ugly skinny.
My God how did people end up supporting this shit?
Oh I know, corn. Starches. Syrips Syryops. Sugar sugar.
Caros Vaarbas
It is disgusting. Shell of woman.
Holy fuck she was a holocaust survivor?
So a constant everyday reminder of ideal....
I'm too white: I hate me that I can't understand!
The Democratic Party is owned by an Austrian.
Did you mean Hungarian? If so, that person does not identify as of the Magyar nation.
Guildofcannonballs said...
"Okay my last post was incoherent."
Dude, I don't even know what to say.
Ms. Althouse, I thought this story from the NYTimes would be an interesting post.
I have long suspected the machines the police use are unreliable because they aren't kept calibrated by anyone with the actual technical capability. No matter what method is used, IR spectroscopy, chemical, or electronic oxidation of ethanol, regular calibration is an absolute necessity, not the mention the actual maintenance of the instruments themselves. The way the instruments are being used is scientism at its very worst.
I think as Americans we can all celebrate all those who leave the freakshow Satan inspired called San Francisco.
God Bless all those who try to subvert Satan.
The Trump Rally in Lexington, KY tonight was 80% repeat material kept interesting with an added 20 % on current events and some new bon mots.
As opposed to the above mention Biden goof, "Expodentially", Trump stumbled tonight and instantly turned it into something great.
He was going on about his healthcare plan will not turn people down for "preconditions" (something I'm actually against, BTW) but on a repeat he slurred it into "prephysicians". He realized it (and I'm working from memory here) said it again and turned it into pre physician meaning, not only will we cover it, but you can keep your previous physician. Keep your doctor!
He impresses me more each day.
I hope they all film their election night trauma again.
Youtube's been serving me up "Thug Life" videos exclusively Trump. What a blast he has had.
Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy issue since 1990,
Biden was probably correct about letting Iraq become three countries. Turkey won't have a Kurdistan tho.
Polls are very clear that most of Trump's support come from people who are not well educated.
Where "well educated" is a self-serving stand-in to describe people that have successfully pleased mostly fake moderate to hard left to Marxist professors with the answers those types of professors (who are often openly and highly biased grabbly socialists) wanted. The phrase "in an advanced state of indoctrination" also works in your sentence.
Biden scared away Corn Pop. Surely he can handle Trump.
Even 200 so far. With moderation.
I shall +1
"Warren" and "authentic self" in the same sentence and in relatedness? The writer displays impossible thickness.
**paragraph, not sentence.
We get it, J Farmer. You prefer (insert something here) and we heathens will never live up to your high standards.
Get it thru your head: America just isn't that into you.
You're not our preferred boyfriend.
Get a life.
Kushner likes Israel.
Its that simple.
Oh get fucked. You're a moron.
This country is heading for demographic catastrophe and the biggest question on your small mind is purity tests to a foreign nation. Utterly pathetic. You are totally emblematic of why sometimes I think this country deserves to sink.
America's Politico is the greatest ongoing send-up of a political commentator I can imagine. He keeps the same voice consistently, speaks with total self-assurance, and pulls something out of his ass and says this is what will happen. It's all pure speculation untethered to any analysis. You can be sure that if AP says it, it won't happen.
He and Titania McGrath are a comedic match made in heaven. You go, AP!
"I think the commenter over estimates Fox's influence on voters." Pete
Yeah, it ain't Fox. It's the reality shows. The one where a little extra shows up in your paycheck.
“This country is heading for demographic catastrophe and the biggest question on your small mind is purity tests to a foreign nation. Utterly pathetic. You are totally emblematic of why sometimes I think this country deserves to sink.”
Funny thing there though is that the demographic collapse is mostly in highly educated Dem elites. The redder the area, the more they continue to marry and have families. Up in MT, we have some some of the rarer religious sects. The Amish and Mennonites seem to have 4-5 kids, very much like many Mormon families do. But there is a Lutheran offshoot there that is serious about procreation - we had work done by a guy last summer who had, at the time, 16 kids, with a baby at home, and a half dozen grandchildren already. He was at least 20 years younger than I am, and by the time he gets to my age, and if his kids stay in their faith, I expect that they will need a meeting hall for family events.
One countervailing factor to your demographic collapse appears to be religiosity. Statistically, the more secular you are, the fewer kids you are likely to have, and the more religious, the more kids. It is an interesting demographic race. There seems to be a tendency to stray away from religious roots over the generations, but the more you do it, the less likely you are to breed. Much of Eurasia is much further along into demographic collapse than we are, as they become ever more godless. With, of course, the obvious exception of the Muslim Middle East, much of which has the opposite problem of breeding faster than it can increase production of food, keeping much of it dirt poor and hungry, while the rest of the world moves into the middle class and has to battle Type 2 Diabetes, instead of hunger.
Anyone who still believes that Fox News is not part of MSM just hasn't been paying attention. Likely, they've never watched that channel and are parroting the old Liberal line.
"That is not what made the US great. What made the US great were the people who created the country, and those things are the result of the people. We are rapidly replacing those people with a new people, and those new people won't give a damn about any of those things. Demography is destiny. The Anglo-Protestant core that is responsible for that greatness if being hollowed out in favor of a Latin American serfdrom with an East Asian and Jewish technocratic elite running things from their safely ensconced super zips. See Fritz Lang's Metropolis for a sign of what is to come."
J. Farmer--that is a very deterministic and pessimistic view of things. The US has always received and benefited from huge waves of immigrants who adapted themselves to the circumstances they found here and did well, particularly in subsequent generations. What may have changed is the way the new arrivals are treated and the expectations on the part of both new and old. People from all over the world who embrace the opportunities the US offers and the historic mandate of self-reliance do quite well. Those who arrive expecting a handout don't do so well. The average American continues to embrace those who arrive and want to rise.
J Farmer said
"This country is heading for demographic catastrophe ..."
By this J Farmer means that the proportion of Catholics is increasing due to the increasing number of Hispanics. Historically it can be shown that the ideals on which America was founded were forged in a specific Anglo-Protestant experience and that European Catholic empires (Spanish, French, Austrian) were the enemy for most of that time. For that reason some say a good Catholic can't be a good American. It was openly said of Kennedy in 1960. But the last enemy, the final forge, for the American Constitution, was the Anglo-Protestant empire of England under George III. And at that point the founding fathers reframed their Anglo-Protestant heritage in universal terms which have universal appeal. "All men are created equal." So that Irish Catholics like my ancestors were able to fight in the Civil War, helping to repulse Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, even though they had been bombed out of their house by nativists ten years before, even though they could not vote in New Hampshire where many lived, even though they were depicted as drunks, criminals, and low lifes by the Know-Nothing party. They understood America quite well, good and bad and chose to think the good outweighed the bad. And I think the Hispanics who are serving in the armed services by the millions think the same. I think Bill and Hillary, Anglo-Saxon Protestants by class, are more of a menace than Marco Rubio or Brett Kavanaugh.
The problem with Trump is that he is making the proles uppity.
J Farmers "demographic collapse".
Just want to add that although a good Catholic can be a good American, there is a kind of adeptness about how to do it that the Protestants have. I study them as "the glass of fashion, the mold of form" on how to do being a current American - both the religious ones like Mike Pence and the mold breaker, Donald Trump.
In Florida I live among many Hispanics and they are hard workers, religious, dedicated to family. I don’t know why Democrats think that they are a natural fit for their party, that little bit of extra melanin? Not to mention that Spanish language TV is full of pictures from the horror show that is the US border. My big problem with immigration is supply and demand for labor, immigration mostly benefits the owning classes, and the screening of immigrants for criminality and terror connections and anti American sympathies.
There was a woke liberal once who wrote that human trafficking really bothered her, but making a big deal out of it only encouraged racism.... In other words, she was admitting that she was racist since to her, the facts seemed to validate racism, her racism, I guess. In my mind, there are criminals of every race.
President Trump will eat Biden alive. But libtards gotta libtard
Further to America's Politico:
Remember when he said with total confidence that the next president would be Kamala Harris, last seen sinking below the horizon in Iowa? Before 2016, it was Hillary Clinton.
This is very subtle mockery of an American institution. It is comic genius. AP illustrates by example the death of the pundit.
That was a pathetic retort, J Farmer.
Next time, I expect you to bring a little more vitriol.
Leave your poor reasoning at home.
J Farmer said...
Jewish technocratic elite running things
uh huh.
The chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) tried to change the subject when he was asked on Spanish-language TV about Latino gains in President Donald Trump’s economy.The host, Patricia Janiot, said, “Mr. Perez, President Trump has achieved something important, especially for Latinos, which is to reduce the unemployment rate to historic lows. How then can the Democrats compete with a president that has been beneficial to Latinos on economic matters?” “The economic situation in the United States is excellent for the wealthy like Trump,” Tom Perez replied. “But the economic situation is still bad for our community, and that’s why we have to elect Democrats.”
Denial is the longest river in the world and Democrats are swimming in it... upstream.
"The least objectionable option" isn't much of a campaign slogan.
Farmer: "This country is heading for demographic catastrophe and the biggest question on your small mind is purity tests to a foreign nation. Utterly pathetic. You are totally emblematic of why sometimes I think this country deserves to sink."
You brought up Kushner and your "Jewish technocratic elite", but yeah, I brought the subject up out of nowhere!
Thanks for playing. There ought to be a parting gift for you somewhere.
@Bruce Hayden:
Funny thing there though is that the demographic collapse is mostly in highly educated Dem elites.
I was not talking about fertility. I was talking about the ethnic makeup of the country.
@Amadeus 48:
The US has always received and benefited from huge waves of immigrants who adapted themselves to the circumstances they found here and did well, particularly in subsequent generations.
Please tell me at what point in American history did immigration result in the amount of non-Europeans outnumbering the amount of Europeans. Why do you think the US and Canada went such a different route in terms of development than the rest of the Americas?
By this J Farmer means that the proportion of Catholics is increasing due to the increasing number of Hispanics.
Partly yes. But that is not my primary concern. My primary concern is racial, not religious. But on the subject, is their a majority Catholic nation in the world that you would like the US to emulate?
In Florida I live among many Hispanics and they are hard workers, religious, dedicated to family. I don’t know why Democrats think that they are a natural fit for their party, that little bit of extra melanin?
Is there a majority Hispanic country in the world that has elected a government you would like the US to emulate?
J Farmer said...
Jewish technocratic elite running things
uh huh.
Why'd you cut the sentence there and leave out "with an East Asian and Jewish technocratic elite running things?" Go read Michael Young's The Rise of the Meritocracy and then read Charles Murray's The Bell Curve and you'll understand the point more clearly. Here is a condensed version: Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians have, on average, higher IQs than other groups. Hispanics and subs-Saharan Africans have, on average, lower IQs. Pop quiz: what do you think the country will look like once Hispanics make up a plurality of the population?
Reminds me of a Simpsons episode where they had to track someone to Branson, MO.
It featured a vacation brochure entitled, "So You've Settled for Branson".
You brought up Kushner
Yeah, I brought up Kushner because he exerts a huge influence on the president, has an office in the West Wing, and is a New York democrat. As someone with supposedly conservative leanings, I would think that would be a cause for concern. But of course you aptly demonstrate how easily so called conservatives turn into blubbering social justice warriors when the question of Jewish people are involved. Oh my god, you criticized Jared Kushner. Jared Kushner is Jewish. Therefore you must hate Jewish people. If you critiziced Obama, and I said, "Oh, you must have a problem with black people," how compelling would you find that argument, dipshit?
and your "Jewish technocratic elite", but yeah, I brought the subject up out of nowhere!
I actually said "East Asian and Jewish technocratic elite," and yet you didn't accuse me of being a Sinophobe. Curious.
"The way the collusion worked in 2016 was the Carter Page, a witting secret agent of the Kremlin, would travel back and forth between Washington DC and Moscow. Page would deliver to Putin super-secret information about which states are the "battlefield states" and therefore should be targeted by the Facebook ads."
Why would Putin need Carter Page in order to acquire that information? I can tell who the battleground states are simply by reading the NYT.
What color is the sky in your world, Mike?
“In Florida I live among many Hispanics and they are hard workers, religious, dedicated to family. I don’t know why Democrats think that they are a natural fit for their party, that little bit of extra melanin? Not to mention that Spanish language TV is full of pictures from the horror show that is the US border. My big problem with immigration is supply and demand for labor, immigration mostly benefits the owning classes, and the screening of immigrants for criminality and terror connections and anti American sympathies.”
Same here in the Phoenix suburbs. One of the interesting aspects is that they all have side gigs. Brother of our next door neighbor paints for a living, but put in their, then our, back yards in pavers. When we let the weeds get a bit out of hand (as happened over the last 2 months for us in MT this year), we will get a constant stream of gardening offers - business cards in the front door, etc. Last spring someone noticed the body damage to my Audi, pulled up by me, and offered to fix it for a fraction of what a real body shop would. And, of course, he had tools in his car. The job he did wasn’t perfect, but was much more realistic than all the body shops were telling me they needed to do. I was quite happy.
As you said, they tend to be fairly religious - not being RC, I hadn’t noticed that the houses in the subdivision all had iron crosses in fake windows as design elements. My RC partner pointed this out to me, and it’s religious aspects. But you step in a lot of their houses, and you know that they are religious. RC religious, with what us Protestants call iconage, candles, etc. The reality is that after four centuries of often bloody conflict, the Protestant/RC strife is rapidly disappearing. I have lived with an RC for 20 years now, my kid is following in my footsteps, and their mother, whose grandfather fought on the Protestant side in the “Troubles”, is married to an RC. (Thus, my kid would wear both orange and green on St Patrick’s Day growing up. Luckily none of their friends understood the importance of the orange).
I also appreciate their emphasis on family. After three years in this house, we have, of course, met much of the extended family of our neighbors. All good people.
I can think of a lot worse alternatives than having religious, family oriented, Hispanics living next door. It was funny though last summer. Somehow our garage door was up, and we were 1200 miles away in MT. The woman next door called my partner immediately. Her husband and I might wave to each other, and that is it. He makes his presence known whenever I talk to his wife. But the two women are free to talk to each other as much as they can. It was weird how it went down, but we really did appreciate that she called immediately, then called the police, and stayed over here until the police made sure everything was locked up tight again. Good people.
Drago said...
Farmer: "This country is heading for demographic catastrophe and the biggest question on your small mind is purity tests to a foreign nation. Utterly pathetic. You are totally emblematic of why sometimes I think this country deserves to sink."
You brought up Kushner and your "Jewish technocratic elite", but yeah, I brought the subject up out of nowhere!
Thanks for playing. There ought to be a parting gift for you somewhere.
He later says 'I dinged East Asians too.' But he didn't call them scumbags and bimbos.
J. Farmer's problem is that he thinks he can be insulting and still pretend to polite conversation. But as for insults he has no stones to throw. And he can dish it out, but he can't take it.
He also thinks that no one can, or is allowed to, draw inferences from his remarks, and can only parse his words like the computer he wishes he could be. Like the ostrich with its head in the sand, he can't see us, so by his ruleset we can't see him.
J. Farmer is a little bit insular. He would protest, saying he's traveled. But he travels cocooned by his own amour propre, his character armor. Travel has not improved him.
I hear a lot of unrealistic whining from him but no help, just gloom and doom. If things got better here, it would probably annoy him. I'd say to have crowns for convoy put into his purse, but he's assured us that he's rich enough to see himself out.
"Great Slave Lake"
I just Google Satellited that and Fort Resolution, the only town on the lake, doesn't even have one house with an outdoor pool.
"Ronald Reagan turned California red which allowed it to turn itself into a third world shithole with South America levels of inequality and electric service. He is not to be emulated."
Ronald Reagan hasn't been in office for more than 30 years. Currently, California is a one-party state (Democrats). You do the math.
So if they ride out Biden as the chosen one til the others are pure also-ran material and the Hunter corruption stuff takes hold, the poor slob who gets stuck holding the nomination bag will be going out like Humphrey after Johnson bowed out.
Tough luck.
He later says 'I dinged East Asians too.' But he didn't call them scumbags and bimbos.
I don't consider it dinging to say that a group with higher innate intelligence will be over represented in a meritocratic society.
But he didn't call them scumbags and bimbos.
I didn't call any group "scumbags and bimbos." I called one man a scumbag and one woman a bimbo. The fact that Kushner is Jewish is incidental, just as the fact that Obama is black is incidental to any criticism of him.
J. Farmer's problem is that he thinks he can be insulting and still pretend to polite conversation.
I made no such claim. I am imperfect.
He also thinks that no one can, or is allowed to, draw inferences from his remarks, and can only parse his words like the computer he wishes he could be. Like the ostrich with its head in the sand, he can't see us, so by his ruleset we can't see him.
Feel free to draw any inferences you wish, and I will continue to point out how off the mark they are.
J. Farmer is a little bit insular. He would protest, saying he's traveled. But he travels cocooned by his own amour propre, his character armor. Travel has not improved him.
I am talking about the country, and you are talking about me. Notice the difference. Think whatever you wish about me. You are a non-factor in my life. I'll concede any character flaw you wish to assert. Now tell me why I am wrong.
I hear a lot of unrealistic whining from him but no help, just gloom and doom.
Are the demographic trends I describe right or wrong? If so, perhaps you can tell us what kind of society you think this will be when its a multicultural majority minority country. What about my predictions do you disagree with?
If things got better here, it would probably annoy him.
Wrong. But the good thing about being a pessimist is that you're never disappointed.
I was not talking about fertility. I was talking about the ethnic makeup of the country.
Can you enlighten how these two things are not directly and consequently related?
Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians have, on average, higher IQs than other groups.
Got evidence re the former? I understand them to be high middling but not on par with the latter or N. European nations. Trust you've heard Jordan Peterson's claim is supported by rubbish.
“I used to be disgusted, now I’m just amused
Angels want to wear my red hat"
He din rhyme too good.
Yeah, I brought up Kushner because he exerts a huge influence on the president, has an office in the West Wing, and is a New York democrat.
He could be a translator of sorts with the needed wiring and training to assist Trump in dealing with his enemies, opponents, and friends that run the banks, the so-called reserve banks, MIT's economics department, the media, the movie studios, Saturday Night Live, Teva Pharmaceuticals, the abortion funding and execution complex, the endless feckless wars in the Mideast, the Ciamiarella-Vindman axis of the CIA ... what else?
Ronald Reagan hasn't been in office for more than 30 years. Currently, California is a one-party state (Democrats). You do the math.
You got pretty close but need to abort the landing and circle back. Any idea what Reagan "accomplished" all those few years ago that made CA a one party state? With 55 freaking electoral votes? Don't be smug, especially while whiffing.
just as the fact that Obama is black is incidental to any criticism of him.
Surely it was the preachy half-white part that was most annoying. And the whole Marxist bag man part. And the whole empty suit uh uh uh uh um uh part.
Dr. Squid said (about Mayor Pete):
“And I would prefer any of the other three, with whom DJT will mop the floor.”
You assert that Mayor Pete is a closeted radical. I submit that his radicalism is not very closeted at all—he has said some outrageous things about Christians, attacked VP Pence viciously even though they had been friendly before, and he has rubber-stamped every radical platform position that has been forwarded by his socialist primary opponents.
He has said things that are every bit as authoritarian as Harris and Warren and Sanders. Trump will tear him to shreds with the voters that matter.
Mayor Pete is attractive to academics, media types, and leftist progressives. He will not take back voters that Hillary lost to Trump. He will definitely not attract anyone remotely conservative. But he may be just the one to prevail in the horse-apple-throwing contest that is a Democratic primary. Bring it on.
YoungHegelian Said:
“When my liberal friends ask me how to get an easy introduction to the Right, I tell them to just read Instapundit for a month or so, and follow the links. That'll take them to Althouse, to the Federalist, to Powerline, & a plethora of other sites. Rarely is my advice followed up on. It's not like they do it and then say "Well, that was nonsense", they just don't even try.”
Isn’t that the truth. On the rare occasion that a conversation with a Progressive leads to even a sliver of an opening, I’ll ask them if they’ve ever read “The Road to Serfdom.” None of them have. I then recommend it to them, and assure them they could read it in an afternoon. Later, I’ll check in and see if they’ve troubled themselves to read even that. The answer has been in the negative 100% of the time.
For the record, I have read “Justice As Fairness.” I’m happy to report that I survived, but the experience is not recommended.
Is there a majority Hispanic country in the world that has elected a government you would like the US to emulate?
I’m not a regular to this page, especially the comments section, so I don’t believe I’ve encountered your buffoonery before. Yet I believe I have already managed to ascertain the entirety of your analytical considerations: race and religion. How excellent. Brilliant even.
Here’s the thing: the U.S.A. Is not an Anglo-Saxon nation now. It was not one in 1776. It is a credal nation, one where anyone of any race or creed can be American simply by choice. The nations you disparage by inference for their racial and religious characters are not dysfunctional, to the extent they may be, because of the racial and religious make-up of their populations. They, like every nation in the world so far, fall short of the U.S. in the respect of our Constitution, the rule of law, the culture.
You are apparently a demographic determinist. That b.s. doesn’t fly here. There is nothing about an immigrant population That precluded their becoming productive, entrepreneurial, self-reliant, family-oriented, and patriotic Americans.
No, the least American population in the U.S. is the American University-educated progressive who was born in the U.S., is from a prosperous family, and is likely white.
Is there a majority Hispanic country in the world that has elected a government you would like the US to emulate?
I’m not a regular to this page, especially the comments section, so I don’t believe I’ve encountered your buffoonery before. Yet I believe I have already managed to ascertain the entirety of your analytical considerations: race and religion. How excellent. Brilliant even.
Here’s the thing: the U.S.A. Is not an Anglo-Saxon nation now. It was not one in 1776. It is a credal nation, one where anyone of any race or creed can be American simply by choice. The nations you disparage by inference for their racial and religious characters are not dysfunctional, to the extent they may be, because of the racial and religious make-up of their populations. They, like every nation in the world so far, fall short of the U.S. in the respect of our Constitution, the rule of law, the culture.
You are apparently a demographic determinist. That b.s. doesn’t fly here. There is nothing about an immigrant population That precluded their becoming productive, entrepreneurial, self-reliant, family-oriented, and patriotic Americans.
No, the least American population in the U.S. is the American University-educated progressive who was born in the U.S., is from a prosperous family, and is likely white.
Got evidence re the former? I understand them to be high middling but not on par with the latter or N. European nations. Trust you've heard Jordan Peterson's claim is supported by rubbish.
Richard Hernstein has a long history of discussing this issue. Gregory Cochran as well. I would direct you to their work. There is a long discussion on the issue of selection for intelligence among European Jewry. That is also why there is an obvious split between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.
Here’s the thing: the U.S.A. Is not an Anglo-Saxon nation now. It was not one in 1776.
See Eric Kaufmann's book The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America.
The nations you disparage by inference for their racial and religious characters are not dysfunctional, to the extent they may be, because of the racial and religious make-up of their populations. They, like every nation in the world so far, fall short of the U.S. in the respect of our Constitution, the rule of law, the culture.
I don't disparage them. I wish them well. I simply recognize that they are not America. Why do I love America? Because it's my home. There is nothing magical about the dirt and air here. America is America because of the people who built it. You replace those people with a different people and you will get a different place.
Yes, America is a credal nation. But here's the rub. What do you think will happen once the majority of the population no longer agrees with that creed?
Dave Begley @ 3:39pm:
Except for your stupid unicameral legislature.
As soon as Reynolds v. Sims is overturned and sanity prevails, we'll all go back to state Senate seats per county, and then where will Nebraska be? ;-)
J. Farmer,
"See Fritz Lang's Metropolis for a sign of what is to come"
WTF? WTF'nF???
However, Metropolis may actually be an encouraging note, because if you ignore the massive technical and artistic accomplishment, the film's story line was completely ludicrous, and showed as much contact with the coming reality as does Handmaid's Tale.
And holy cow:
" The fact that Kushner is Jewish is incidental,"
OK, for certain values of "incidental", I guess.
"Dude, I don't even know what to say."
Well, you could certainly say "What's that word 'last' doing in there???"
It is a credal nation, one where anyone of any race or creed can be American simply by choice.
Incorrect. Nation:
Origin -
Latin nasci
Latin nat - born
Latin natio - birth
Old French nacion - birth (from "naissance")
Middle English nation
As is common, a modifier in front of a perfectly useful word corrupts and usually inverts its meaning. There can no more be a credal nation than there can be credal consanguinity. The American Nation is not the same group as those people issued citizenship papers by the central government.
@Kirk Parker:
the film's story line was completely ludicrous, and showed as much contact with the coming reality as does Handmaid's Tale.
Right. The notion of the wealthy and elite living in segregated enclaves oblivious to the working class drudgery that makes their lives possible is wackiness. That certainly doesn't sound like any society I know of. But if you prefer your satire with a little less German expressionism, then read Michael Young's The Rise of the Meritocracy.
OK, for certain values of "incidental", I guess.
Let me see if I can make this clear: I dislike Jared Kushner because of the policies he advocates. If he was Episcopalian or Japanese or Muslim, I'd have the same exact opinion of him because my opinion has nothing to do with his ethnic background. I quite liked r Yoram Hazony's book The Virtue of Nationalism even though he's...gasp...a Jew. And I'd have the same opinion of the book regardless of the ethnic background of the author. Here's a little Logic 101: the character of a person making an argument is completely irrelevant to the validity of the argument.
The bit about 'incidental' is mocking you, because you're the one that brought up Israel and Jewishness.
@Kirk Parker:
The bit about 'incidental' is mocking you, because you're the one that brought up Israel and Jewishness.
I said nothing about Israel, and the only comment I made about "Jewishness" was that Jews, along with East Asians, would form a technocratic elite in an increasingly diverse (i.e. more Hispanic) society. And my evidence for this is Richard Hernstein.
J. Farmer, did you think Google or any other search engine would serve up useful results? Got a specific link or two to support your specific claims?
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