November 16, 2019

Politico chooses a head-on-a-platter photograph of Adam Schiff...

... for its "What Was Truly Unprecedented in This Week’s Impeachment Hearings?" article:

The head on a platter is a classic artistic theme....
According to the Synoptic Gospels, Herod, who was tetrarch, or sub-king, of Galilee under the Roman Empire, had imprisoned John the Baptist because he reproved Herod for divorcing his wife... and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip I. On Herod's birthday, Herodias' daughter... danced before the king and his guests. Her dancing pleased Herod so much that in his drunkenness he promised to give her anything she desired, up to half of his kingdom. When Salome asked her mother what she should request, she was told to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter....

The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus also relates... that Herod killed John... "lest the great influence John had over the people might put it into his [John's] power and inclination to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready to do any thing he should advise), [so Herod] thought it best [to put] him to death."
So did Politico (or the photographer) intend to liken Schiff to John the Baptist or just to a generic disembodied head?

ADDED: Speaking of disembodied heads, this is how my blog looked just after I published this post:


mccullough said...

The head of Alfredo Garcia

Mark said...

Or you can liken to photo to Schiff barely keeping his head above the water.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Bring me the head of Willy the Mailboy.

Leslie Graves said...

That's a very strange choice.

It seems, to me at least, to immediately have the optics of either "I am a kindergartner sitting at Dad's desk" or "I am in way, way, way over my head".

My feeling is it would have those optics for most people on first looking at the photo which is why it seems like a strange editorial choice to run it.

Michael K said...

What Politico really wants is Trump's head.

mccullough said...

Politico just wanted to hide Schiff’s 9-inch neck

Big Mike said...

I followed your link, Althouse. You actually read drivel like that? Or do you actually believe that Nunes and Stefanik and the other Republicans are engaged in a "counterfactual, logic-defying approach" to this inquiry?

Bob Boyd said...

I doubt they thought that hard about it. They probably just thought they were giving him 4 stars.

madAsHell said...

I'm reading the Seattle Times, and the impeachment inquiry is an impeachment..........we're going to get that Wascally Wabbit this time!!

Bob Boyd said...

I got another idea.
A bug-eyed Adam Schiff rubber head pencil topper!
You're welcome.

cubanbob said...

This clown car nonsense is going to fizzle in the House. If this is all the Democrats have the "moderate" Democrats won't vote to impeach. They aren't going to take one for the team. The question then becomes does the Senate start investigating the House Democrat witnesses? That could be a real nightmare for the Democrats.

stevew said...

Kilroy was here.

rcocean said...

That's actually a flattering picture. Normally Schiff has a bug-eyed look and appears to have no eyelids. With those crazy-eyes, he reminds me of Booker. IT must be a Democrat thing, are they both taking some kind of drug?

Yancey Ward said...

You may or may not know this, but among Schiff's many nicknames on the right is Pencil Neck (probably the least insulting of the nicknames, but still derisive). The photographer might well have been choosing photographs to minimize that aspect of Schiff's anatomy.

Michael K said...

This clown car nonsense is going to fizzle in the House.

I still see leftists who are convinced that Putin elected Trump. Those crazies may be a problem for Nancy, especially if they are donors like Steyer.

Wince said...

According to testimony this week, Trump appears to have cared more about an investigation of the Bidens and his own political future than about the welfare of Ukrainians—and, by extension, about U.S. national security.

Trump's priorities would "appear" that way if the aid itself were never really in question or linked to the request for investigation, wouldn't it?

narciso said...

the weak is generally pretty useless, who did they draw this time matthew walther, damon linker, there's their frum brooks guy,

narciso said...

oh it was politico, my mistake, it's a full row of chimps, I expected more perspective from naftali, who has served at the Clinton library,

Bay Area Guy said...

With Schiff, it should be "neck on a platter"

narciso said...

the Nixon library, need more coffee,

narciso said...

you note there isn't one single author, like a firing squad, you can't tell which are the real bullets, and which are the blanks,

Narayanan said...

How to go shoppinging for a head?

Bay Area Guy said...

In addition to the Schiff impeachment clown show, let's not forget it's wretched twin sister, the Democrat campaign clown show.

Here is the great Matt Taibibi of Rolling Stone to remind us.

Deval Patrick’s Candidacy Is Another Chapter in the Democrats’ 2020 Clown Car Disaster

Opening graf:

Deval Patrick, former governor of Massachusetts and newly-resigned executive of Mitt Romney’s private equity firm Bain Capital, has entered the Democratic primary race, which is shaping up to be the biggest ensemble-disaster comedy since Cannonball Run.

Ouch. I liked Cannon-Ball Run!

mccullough said...

Cannonball Run was so good they made Cannonball Run 2.

narciso said...

so did I, but the sequel got very silly, burt Reynolds would trip up all the microagressions, if memory serves, didn't deval get a gig thanks to eichenwald's screed against Texaco,

steve uhr said...

Not ad money well spent.

I’ve decided this will be my last post and visit to the comments. Applause. A true win win.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

hopefully, Schiff will beheading to Gitmo

Paul Snively said...

The best telling of the John the Baptist beheading story is still U2's.

Rabel said...

It's meant to display judgment on high looking down on Trump.

The article, with no byline, is absurd.

narciso said...

like when Jackie chan, and roger moore, got into the mix, that was the jump the shark moment,

JayDee77 said...

I suspect what's also unprecedented about this shampeachment but completely unnoticed by these intellectual yet idiot fucks Politico rounded up from the nearest Qatari-backed Dem think tank is the fact that the DOW hit 28,000 ALL TIME HIGH yesterday.

Bilwick said...

The Thanksgiving after 9/11, my brother, egged on by me (he's tech savvy, and I am creative in my own way), photoshopped a version of the famous Norman Rockwell "Freedom from Want" painting, only with Osama bin Landen's severed head on the platter in the middle of the picture. At the office I was working in at the time, they had a special Thanksgiving-themed bulletin board, and I put the picture on the bulletin board. I couldn't believe some people were offended and tore it down almost as soon as it went up.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Not ad money well spent.

I’ve decided this will be my last post and visit to the comments. Applause. A true win win. "

Props get routed by reality. It's a very long process, the work of generations, but absolutely inevitable. Like Marx, I believe in History. Unlike Marx, I know it doesn't lead to dictatorship's of the masses.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Props, progs. What's the difference?

Jaq said...

"I’ve decided this will be my last post and visit to the comments. Applause. A true win win.”

It’s always better to never have your thoughts questioned. That way your conviction can grow. Of course you could gain confidence in your postions by successfully defending them, but that would take effort.

Jaq said...

The Impeachment Show bombed in New Haven. Sorry.

JAORE said...

What? No "stick a fork in him" comments?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

When this fails, whose head goes on the platter? Schiff’s or Nancy’s? I imagine there’s more than one Democrat pol hearing opportunity knocking.

Ann Althouse said...

I’m not choosing the ads. Some Google process serves them up.

Anonymous said...

Failed abuse of the legal system really brings up a lot of sad memories for steve uhr. Google him and you’ll see why.

Narayanan said...

Why not officially record Trump beheaded with sculpture from Kathy Griffin as Iconic Exhibit.

Iman said...

It's either Adderall or cocaine runnin' all around his brain.

Iman said...

You take Nancy, I'll take Elise
She's the sober one, without liver disease

Jaq said...

steve uhr was never able to understand that you are actually a liberal and mostly a Democrat. It’s probably part of the attraction of this blog, like Canadian comedians. They have that little bit of the perspective of distance when they look at Americans that gives their comedy a little edge.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

A heartfelt appreciation of Roger Stone's contribution to US politics.

Achilles said...

Clinton lied under oath. Just like Roger Stone.

But Bill is a democrat so there is a different set of rules for Bill.

Democrats just support a two tiered justices system. It is plain as that.

They are terrible people.

Jaq said...

It’s. nice to have ARM around to announce every time there is a squirrel at the bird feeder.

Jaq said...

"Clinton lied under oath. Just like Roger Stone.”

Lied and suborned perjury, just like Roger Stone. Clinton's suborning of perjury was recorded. And it wasn’t about a blow job, it was about sexual harassment of a campaign worker. Trump is the Democrats’ punishment for enabling the Clintons.

Jaq said...

Meanwhile RBG hospitalized for “routine emergency surgery”

Beasts of England said...

When the Notorious RBG lasses along to the great powerlifting gym in the sky, I hope Trump will nominate a true moderate to fill her seat. Someone anodyne; as a symbol healing our national political divide. I’d suggest Ted Cruz.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrat party is corrupt. Top to bottom. All for their corrupt queen - Hillary.


Nichevo said...

steve uhr said...
Not ad money well spent.

I’ve decided this will be my last post and visit to the comments. Applause. A true win win.
11/16/19, 10:45 AM

First, you're lying, I know you'll be back.

Second, you're wrong, we'll miss having you to kick around. In the words of Hannibal Lecter to Mason Verger,

No, Steve, I much prefer you the way you are.

Third, are you really such a little bitch that some auto rotated Google ad was the last straw for you?

Fernandinande said...

"Navajo families will not tolerate this lack of disrespect."

Darrell said...

I still see leftists who are convinced that Putin elected Trump

No they don't. They think they put enough lies out there, repeated by the "trusted" mainstream media, that "normies" think there is something to the charges. Lefties know it is all bullshit. Because they made up the lies. And they would love the Soviet Union controlling the US. The Commies can always regain power--or so they think.

Original Mike said...

Blogger steve uhr said..."I’ve decided this will be my last post and visit to the comments."

Just weren't persuadable, were we steve? Though I agree with Skylark (12:14pm), you didn't try very hard.

Michael K said...

Lefties know it is all bullshit.

No, not the LIVs on Facebook. I think they really believe this stuff,

My FBI daughter was over last weekend and really hates Trump. Didn't exactly explain why but I asked her if a 28,000 Dow Jones and 3% unemployment were evidence of competence and she answered "No."

Lucien said...

Appendectomy would be routine emergency surgery — die without it, but usually not technically challenging. Ditto tracheotomy. Pneumothorax?

Bay Area Guy said...

Further thoughts on the Schiff Impeachment:

It's a sham. A scam. A travesty. A clown show. A star chamber, quack-fest run by delusional fuckheads. A travesty of justice. A miscarriage of justice. A denial of justice. A Writ of Habeas Dork-us. In sum, it's a Schitt-show that needs to be shut down.

walter said...

Michael K,
Does she know/mention her coworkers views?

walter said...

"Stomach bug" doesn't routinely require surgery...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

'rumor has it' coughing up blood, gone by end of the year.


C'mon, man! Drop the Chalupa!

mockturtle said...

Try as I may, I cannot see any possible parallel between Schiff and John the Baptist.

mockturtle said...

My FBI daughter was over last weekend and really hates Trump. Didn't exactly explain why but I asked her if a 28,000 Dow Jones and 3% unemployment were evidence of competence and she answered "No."

Michael K, is your daughter typical of FBI agents today? This is upsetting.

Kathryn51 said...

Michael K said...

My FBI daughter was over last weekend and really hates Trump.

Actually, I think it's pretty easy to (1) hate (or strongly dislike, in my case) Trump and (2) question if good economic news is somehow evidence of Trump's "competence".

I would be more interested in what she thinks of FBI Director Wray and AG Barr - her bosses.

narciso said...

this is the kind of blank pages, that I have to go through,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

too bad Ambassador Stevens isnt able to console Yovanabitch.

...everyone at his post got also fired (on)

narciso said...

the army is the entire conference board in the godfather part 2

Gospace said...

Narayanan said...
How to go shoppinging for a head?

The entire Vorkosigan Saga would make great TV. Barrayar scenes easy to set up. Casting Miles would be the biggest challenge. Lots of choices for his cousin Ivan, and the challenge there would be deciding who best to fill it.

Michael K said...

I would be more interested in what she thinks of FBI Director Wray and AG Barr - her bosses.

I know she thought Comey was "very nice." We avoid politics as I know she is a lefty. Her outburst last weekend was unusual.

She did comment that the DC office was very political. She is nearing retirement and plans to go into health care fraud investigation as a double dipper.

Michael K said...

Michael K, is your daughter typical of FBI agents today? This is upsetting.

I don't know. I thought after her comment about Hillary in 2016, she was politically neutral. I was wrong.

Jim at said...

I’ve decided this will be my last post and visit to the comments.

Why be a drama queen? If you want to leave? Leave. No reason to announce it.

Hagar said...

Bill Clinton's perjury was committed to deny Paula Jones, a U.S. citizen, justice in her claim for damages in her civil suit against him for sexual harassment.

And the President is the top official in charge of seeing that citizens obtain justice in the courts.

narciso said...

maybe miles teller, because he doesn't have conventional heroic looks, then again after fantastic 4 he might jinx the project,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

OP-ED: Donald Trump hunts Bitcoins of Joe Biden's team in Ukraine

Howard said...

Who does Steve Uhr think he is stomping his feet, taking his marbles and going home, Doc Mike????

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger Big Mike said...
I followed your link, Althouse. You actually read drivel like that? Or do you actually believe that Nunes and Stefanik and the other Republicans are engaged in a "counterfactual, logic-defying approach" to this inquiry?"

Althouse's choices of reading, including drivel of couresly, is why she garnered the greatest of all, me, to comment.

I understand this is a prize you wouldn't want, but some are driven further.

Narayanan said...

@Michael K, ...

My Q would be ...

How is FBI and Lefty different from Putin who was KGB.

Where Can he still fit into Right v Left.

World turned topsies oopsies.

Hagar said...

Fernandistein said...
"Navajo families will not tolerate this lack of disrespect."

Good catch on the language, but it is still a sad situation. The Navajos can expect no mercy to be shown by either the pueblos (traditional enemies) or the pseudo eco-warriors of the left.

narciso said...

I got the notion, from here:

I chose samizdat, as dissident, underground publications.

Narayanan said...

Was it bravado? Or Judge shopping by Mueller?
Could Roger Stone have slided with simple 5A?!

What happens on appeal?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Comments may puplish immediately, 'iffin my best guy Barney has anything to convey about it. It was many years ago, to me, he was a pup. Probably a drop in the pan for most here at the Althouse blog though. His ways of conveying are beyond our capability to understand, unless you just know.

And when you do, he will surprise you again, you goof, unless only strict confirmation that something could be taught was seen as The Thing to Teach.

In that, case, if you want a dog to confirm not expand dogly goodness, well, then, you've probably succeeded.

My hat has been off, however, had it been on I would have kept it.

Sure sure they need discipline I never said they didn't. But they need liberty to show all those they encounter what freedom is.

Crass, OH OH OH. What is it.... I heard the best thing on the radio today... Also heard "decimated" used by a good person as though she meant something much less than confirming 9/10's of what she heard.

I can't remember the word I want to use. I know kinda how to express what the word means, but it would be a long long trail of .... showing, to me, not you, that if I knew what I was talking about I would have the words, I would know them, to use precisely when/how/why.

Another infinite concept: Where is the extended, nuanced line to be drawn fairly, qlong with the question of What I do I (you) mean, I at 18 or I at 35 or I at whatever Frank sang about after 35, a very good year?

There are others, I will find those within my ability to find, if Althouse's commentators be with me that is. I can't do anything along-alone but wonder why the world is so lonely.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I would be more interested in what she thinks of FBI Director Wray and AG Barr - her bosses”

Interesting speech by AG Barr: Attorney General William P. Barr Delivers the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture at the Federalist Society's 2019 National Lawyers Convention. Definitely a deep legal thinker.

Guildofcannonballs said...

So the key is this: Even dummies know words mean many things, so why allow the idea they don't?

Well it's tough.

Because it's the system.

Because if you don't allow it, you are nothing. And you never were/weren't even that. Others too, need encouragement.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The great men and women who have contributed legally to our system, heavily flawed, ought be shown gratitude and hospility and nothing short.

Our hats, if we were to be a hat wearer, would be off.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Maybe it was just a case of the photographer being vertically challenged. As we know, the media is deeply committed to hiring people with all kinds of handicaps.

The stars do give him a menacing look. I, for one, am intimidated.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Narc's great utility involves subtext.

Some might use that xertain word.. it starts with a p....

Subtext PALIMPinmsSET


omething close to that, I could but wont' duck duck it. I got this one, and will be happy.




Josephbleau said...

I read a speech by an active judge about how Trump is bad. Now I read a speech about constitutionalism by Barr. Why would attorneys say anything outside of court that would colour their persona before a judge?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why spell a name wrong?

Because those who need to know either way.

So why spell a name right?

Because some guy, who didn't know nothing about nothing okay, well, this guy, he says, and, you know, like, I'm not making this up here okay, like, I'm not just here to bullshit and make shit up okay, so, like, you know some guy who, he didn't know nothing okay, he didn't know nothing alright, but, you know, this guy, this fucking guy, well, he just, he never spelt anthiun' ight 'cause 'e could not even spell antthing, ever.. But one thing.

Trump. His son became the President of the United States of American, the greatest country the world has ever imagined possible.

We all thank God.

narciso said...

thanks, one is reminded in that line from Barcelona, where the blunt brother, the navy one, is talking about subtext and he's focusing on text, of course the text, the narrative they offer doesn't make sense,

One is reminded that the left warfare against republican policies, goes even farther back to the 50s. Mario lazo relates it from the native side, earl t smith and even paul bethel from the American side, in a certain carribean country, the company station was largely in support of the local insurgent, the chief assistant secretaries, were likeminded, the ambassador the aforementioned smith was in support of the regime, they largely believed Herbert Matthews of the times, who was easily fooled, like those covering the so called arab spring half a century later,

Guildofcannonballs said...

Iowa is a great program with amazing history including the great Barry Alvarez among many others greatness was thrust upon if not inherent in.

Michael K said...

Who does Steve Uhr think he is stomping his feet, taking his marbles and going home, Doc Mike????<

I dunno. Maybe you should follow. Cut down the noise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amb. Yovanovitch: No one in the Obama Admin raised the issue of Burisma or Hunter Biden with me.

Also Amb. Yovanovitch: They used the issue of Burisma and Hunter Biden specifically to prep me for my confirmation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Masha" said she was sad and hurt because Trump made her move out of "my house."

By "my house," she meant the US-owned ambassador's residence. Not -her- house.

narciso said...

well why mess up the narrative, don't you think,

narciso said...

gossip only runs one way:

Narayanan said...

Barr at Federalist Society ===>>> preaching to the choir or evangelizing?

I get feeling he is Sessions with more money.

Narayanan said...

@ BleachBit-and-Hammers ...
Need to keep in mind different perspective of "issue"

USA is giving her job after interview - confirmation.

So Obama Preps her for how to Glide over it.

In Ukraine she smother the issue from coming up. Block visas for their investigation.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Neither was wrong both are right, albeit diffent/not-the-same:

"Iowa is a great program with amazing history including the great Barry Alvarez among many other's greatness was thrust upon if not inherent in."

Guildofcannonballs said...

You can take and leave, take and leave, repeatably but remains the fact: none of us have any clue about us or the world beyond us much less God.

So more humble appreciation of God is, could be, a start.

A start beyond sober hatred labeled cruel nu\.

narciso said...

The new interim leader in Bolivia is promising

narciso said...

oh that's interesting

Birkel said...

I think it is an enormous problem in a polite society that guys like Adam Schitt go their entire respective lives without getting the shit kicked out of them. There's not nearly enough of those Harvard educated schitts who have taken as ass whoopin' so they know better than to open their smart mouths.

Fortunately if Schitt gets his way he may get to grow up.

mockturtle said...

Per narciso's link at 7:58: Nothing like having allies, eh what?

narciso said...

Qatar is not an ally, anymore than turkey is, even they host us as Al udeid airbase

mockturtle said...

Narciso, here she is shown making the notorious OK sign: New Bolivian President Therefore she must be a white supremacist. ;-D

mockturtle said...

Qatar is not an ally, anymore than turkey is, even they host us as Al udeid airbase

In reality, that is true. But being in NATO makes Turkey an 'ally'. Which is one good reason they should never have been admitted. And we should not consider any ME nation other than Israel an 'ally', including Qatar, SA and Kuwait.

narciso said...

Thats why the usual suspects are stirring up trouble, and sputnik is backing them.

Birkel said...

Michael K's daughter is precisely like all the Leftist Collectivists I know.
Evidence that all of the bad predictions are wrong? Inconsequential.
Evidence that policy prescriptions of Obama failed? Big whoop.
Evidence that policies of Trump are working? Accidents or luck.

They are willfully ignorant because of politics.
They believe in their own goodness.
Nothing will sway them otherwise.

(Apologies to Michael K if I overstepped.)

Big Mike said...

Official residence of the US ambassador to Ukraine

Yeah, I can see why Masha was upset at leaving it. Still, if you can't work with your boss and your customer (Volodymyr Zelensky) neither likes you nor trusts you, then it's really past time to go.

Big Mike said...

(NB: The State Dept brochure about the ambassador's residence is from 2011. However I don't believe the residence has been moved to another building.)

Ken B said...

Severed heads? Is this another football thread?

Big Mike said...

Closely related to this topic, I see that Bill Maher now, belatedly, realizes that Civil War II is perfectly possible, and he wants his side to learn to get along with Trump followers. He also acknowledges that the people from flyover country are not motivated by ignorance after all, though he continues to err by claiming that we’re motivated by “hate.” Almost right. The emotion is anger, and perhaps once he realizes why people are angry ... who am I kidding? He’s spent his whole career pissing off people from flyover country. He’s not going to change.

Skeptical Voter said...

That is not the head of John The Baptist on the platter. It's more like Chuckles The Clown.

But let's get back to John the Baptist--at least as he is played in Strauss's opera Salome.
Both John and King Herod in the opera realize that their world is changing and the music and their voices both display great fear.

Chuckles --er Schiff in this case--also has fear. The shape of the world is moving under his feet and the upsets him. It may simply be the water draining from the swamp but the bug eyed pencil necked geek is doing all he can to preserve his world the way he wants it.

narciso said...

Thats an intriguing notion, but john soet if knew his mission, herod did not really

Nichevo said...

Guildofcannonballs said...
Why spell a name wrong?

Guildy, I know your heart's in the right place, but fuck me, you're annoying!

Michael K said...

Michael K's daughter is precisely like all the Leftist Collectivists I know.

She is a government employee and has been all along. She is scrupulously honest but has never worked for herself. When she was waiting for her Bar exam results in California, she worked as a bank teller and was held up twice. Both times she got a bonus for giving the robber the "bait pack" of money which blows up once he gets outside the bank and covers him with red dye.

She passed the Washington and CA Bar exams on first try but describes herself as a "plodder." I think that attitude is common in government employees, one reason I think there should be fewer of them.

I did not get into her reasons, if any, that she dislikes Trump so much. I was a bit surprised she was so vehement as she told me she would not vote for Hillary in 2016. I think the FBI grapevine knew Hillary was dirty.

Francisco D said...

She is scrupulously honest but has never worked for herself.

There is something to be said about working for yourself.

In the last 30 years, I worked either for myself or on a commission basis - no guaranteed salary. It made me think about what I had do in order be more effective and to increase income. When one is salaried, there is often an "us against them" mentality and not so much of a sense of individual responsibility.

The problem is increasingly that insiders always have a financial pipeline if they play the game. Trump is fucking with their game.

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