November 17, 2019

"Oh, this is civility bullshit. That's how you know they know they've lost."

I can tell you the exact second in this video where I said that out loud. It was 2:07:

"Civility bullshit" is my longstanding tag for calls for civility that are bullshit because they're not really about the value of civility, the neutral principle. People are seeking a partisan advantage, and these calls come when the harsh speech is helping the other side and they want their opponents to tone it done. When they think incivility is working for them, they forget all about civility.

By the way, I love the neutral principle, civility. I oppose the hypocritical, partisan invocation of the value, and I call bullshit.


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The Crack Emcee said...

And yes - it does hurt - it hurts a lot.

You guys are hurtful people.

Birkel said...

Remember when we all took a vote to give a shit?

FullMoon said...

"...... except I saw Oprah promote that shit for almost a decade on her old show.."

Whoa! I saw a few partial Oprahs, accidentally. But a whole decade? That's dedication.

Drago said...

Same Old Crack: "I was a Republican once. Right here on this blog. You guys talked me out of it. Just being who you are."

A "loss" that will echo throughout the Ages.

Without Crack, how will the republicans close the political gap in CA?!!!

(Trick question! Reparations will never be agreed to so it cannot really be a "loss")

Drago said...

Same Old Crack: "You guys are hurtful people."

Typical racialist jackass takes time out from proclaiming others are personally guilty of mass murder and genocide (yes Crack, we havent forgotten) to decry "hurtful" posts.


Michael K said...

Without Crack, how will the republicans close the political gap in CA?!!!

(Trick question! Reparations will never be agreed to so it cannot really be a "loss")

Hilarious. Everybody knows Crack is a bullshitter.

Whine for us, Crack

Michael McNeil said...
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Michael McNeil said...

Because he [Bill Maher] sees the Left eating itself and he is on the menu.

Another person, it turns out, who is now on the Intersectionalist menu is Hillary! Clinton.

It seems that the two female Clintons were recently in Britain pushing their new book, and on being interviewed by the Sunday Times of London, were asked the question (as Legal Insurrection put it): “whether or not a person with man parts and a beard should be considered a woman if that’s how they identify.”

Well, Chelsea had no qualms in immediately responding “Ye-esss. Yes…” to that, but her mother, 71-year-old Hillary wasn't quite so sanguine. As the latter admitted: [quoting…]

“I think you’ve got to be sensitive to how difficult this is,” Hillary said. “There are women who’d say [to a trans woman], ‘You know what, you've never had the kind of life experiences that I’ve had. So I respect who you are, but don’t tell me you’re the same as me.’ I hear that conversation all the time.”


It takes one aback hearing seeming sense coming out of Hillary's mouth, but this “outburst” naturally has the “transgender” community in an uproar — who have concluded that Hillary is that epitome of reactionary consciousness, the (gasp!) “TERF”*.

As one trans activist put it in response: [quoting…]

Hillary stans need to come get their "queen" because TERF talking points will not be tolerated in 2019, sorry (not). Also, transgender issues are not new; TERFs are just mad that their assault on human rights is now a losing strategy for them. Too bad.


Thus we see: budding intersectionalist war between Hillary (et al.) and the transexual community. Must be time to break out the popcorn….

*As Legal Insurrection explains: “TERF stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. It’s used as a derogatory term in transgender circles, but it’s actually another name for feminists on the left who oppose certain transgender rights on the basis that they effectively nullify women’s rights.”

(What!? What about those Facebook memes which grandly declare: “Nobody's gaining their rights can harm anybody else's rights!” No? You mean, that's not true?)

I wonder if Althouse could be considered a TERF….

And what about gays? TERF's or no, they can't be happy about what would otherwise be a generation of young gay boys transformed by meddling parents and cultural fads willy-nilly into transexual “girls” long before puberty would arrive! That's so-called personal “choice”?

Birkel said...

I will day all the racialist aspersions do fit nicely with the "civility bull shit" theme of the post.
Stop hurting my feelings.
And give me money.

Francisco D said...

Having CVrck back is almost as much fun as watching my Chicago Bears play.

Gahrie said...

Like I said, living with people with no appreciation for issues surrounding American slavery - the single most long-running issue in this nation - is worth reparations

If I thought reparations would succeed in getting Crack and the other race hustlers to shut up and disappear, I might actually support it.

However the very next day they'd be back out complaining that it wasn't enough money, that money doesn't wash away sin, that persistent systematic racism in fact means that the gravy train er reparations must go on forever.

Birkel said...

My modest plan involves everybody in North America owing me rent forever because of what people did a little more than 500 years ago.
And I promise not to ask for anything else.

Iman said...

"I got three white friends who became cops. I don't need a lecture. But you know what? They don't patrol their neighborhoods, they patrol mine, and that makes all the difference in how shit goes down. I know their assumpsions. These are guys who used to hang out in restaurants to harrass the Mexicans working in the kitchen. Great guys, right? Now with guns and impunity. "

Sounds like you need to do a better job of picking your friends. Guys who like to hang out in restaurants to harass people working in a kitchen don't sound like the kind of people who could pass the psychological screening process.

You say you don't need a lecture but you seem to be a guy who needs to get his heart and head in a better place.

mockturtle said...

Christ is the answer.

Milwaukie guy said...

The most persistent systemic racism in America is the public education system in the big urban blue areas. They are Democratic strongholds with radical unionized teachers that fail to teach their kids to any decent standard of reading, writing and 'rithmetic, the three fucking R's.

The victims are mostly POC kids. That is racism straight up.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey Crack I've called the WAAAAAAAmbulance for you. Same thing Same way stupefaction.

Rusty said...

Just because I don't care about you and your problems doesn't mean I don't care about minorities.
Do something besides whining.

The Crack Emcee said...

Iman said...

"Sounds like you need to do a better job of picking your friends."

One of those guys came from a prestigious family and became Mayor of the richest zip codes in California. Another's father recorded many of the "Classic Rock" hits on the radio today. Maybe you guys should stop being in denial about the nature of humanity - including white guys. You seem pretty aware of it when it comes to blacks.

"Guys who like to hang out in restaurants to harass people working in a kitchen don't sound like the kind of people who could pass the psychological screening process."

You'd think, wouldn't you? Yet all three did, including the guy who used to beat his girlfriend and throw Japanese killing stars in the war. I shit you not. He requested to patrol my hometown.

"You say you don't need a lecture but you seem to be a guy who needs to get his heart and head in a better place."

You guys make a lot of silly judgements about my mental state based on silly blog posts. You know this country fucked-up racially, yet you still try to gaslight blacks that we're seeing things:

YOU are the problem.

Birkel said...

Problem? No. If you'll submit your rent check for being on my continent, we can go back to being friends.

I wonder when you'll recognize or realize my point(s).

mockturtle said...

I wonder if, like LLR, Crack comes here periodically to get roundly thrashed. It confirms his closely held suspicions.

The Crack Emcee said...

mockturtle said...

"I wonder if, like LLR, Crack comes here periodically to get roundly thrashed. It confirms his closely held suspicions."

God, you guys don't listen: I don't need to come here to have my suspicions confirmed. Just when I'm online.

Nichevo said...

mockturtle said...
I wonder if, like LLR, Crack comes here periodically to get roundly thrashed. It confirms his closely held suspicions.

You mean, he doesn't come here to hunt, does he?

Iman said...

“ One of those guys came from a prestigious family and became Mayor of the richest zip codes in California. Another's father recorded many of the "Classic Rock" hits on the radio today. ”

Let’s have some names...

Bilwick said...

If "liberal" statists want to promote civility, they could dial back the coercion. I find pointing guns at people--even State guns--very uncivil.

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