November 13, 2019

"It feels like people are getting a little exhausted from all the impeachment coverage and the hearings haven't even begun," the NYT podcast begins today.

"But I actually found someone this week who was excited to hear more," says the show's producer in a cute, coy way.

The show's host, Michael Barbaro, says "Really?" (with comical suspicion).

The coy producer offers to play a phone call with this presumably very interesting person. We hear the phone ring, so wait for it... then.... it's a kid. A third grader. They found a kid who's still interested, and I guess that's why they think we the listeners are ready to put up with another episode about the impeachment. There's a kid. Isn't that sweet? They get him to write out his 10 questions — see the photo of his handwriting with cute misspellings like "presidient" and "ceniters" — and they take him to the NYT office to get answers from NYT reporter Michael S. Schmidt.

It's a nice move, in terms of entertainment, but it's a clear demonstration of the problem anti-Trumpers have with the impeachment. They're only now getting around to the public hearings, and it should be an exciting threshold, but it all feels like very old news, and we're too bored to pay attention. I think there are millions of Americans who'd like to imagine an eject-the-President button Congress could push, but I don't think there are many who want to sit through hours of questioning low-profile characters about how they felt and what they thought about a telephone call for which we have a transcript.

How many people will tune in and watch these hearings? We'll have ratings soon, tangible evidence of how interested people are. I suspect most of us will wait and see what parts are clipped for our delectation. The most interesting thing about watching for me — and I'm not saying I will watch — would be to monitor the congresspeople to detect when they're trying to make a tweetable sound bite happen. Or maybe I could find something idiosyncratic and bloggable — something that no one else will clip because it doesn't serve either partisan interest.

Or maybe I could find a cute little kid to watch along with me and appropriate his adorable mutterings for our entertainment. That's the level the NYT is reduced to.

But they have to cover the impeachment. Me, I do what interests me, within the limits of my sense of morality, which excludes using children in politics. There's a link on that phrase because it's one of my tags. This is my 98th post with that tag.

ADDED: Meade reads the post out loud. When he gets to "Or maybe I could find a cute little kid to watch along with me and appropriate his adorable mutterings for our entertainment," he says, "Me!"


wendybar said...

I refuse to watch a show trial, where ONLY one side gets to question and pick witnesses. Circuses are being outlawed all over this country...It's time to call this one out for what it is. Adam Schiff's wet dream.

Robert Cook said...

I'm getting exhausted by it and I haven't paid a moment's attention to any of it.

rehajm said...

I have CNBC on this morning. Usually they're eager water carriers when lefties want to promote a theme (they have an 'examination' of Liz Warren's wealth tax eight times a day, for example). This morning there's not a mention of impeachment hearings. What's the significance of that?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Go ahead Meade, go with the adorable mutterings. I'm dying to see Athouse appropriate them for our entertainment! Lordy, would that get me spewing coffee on my monitor.

gilbar said...

so wait for it... then.... it's a kid. A third grader. They found a kid who's still interested

Did they give the kid's name? Was it one we'd recognize?

Phil 314 said...

We used to say “Okay, get it out of your system”.

In this case it seems to be ingrained in the system. Can’t get over it even when it seems to not be working.

Hagar said...

The Nikki Haley/Tillerson, Kelly thing is like a Rohrschach blot. What you see depends more on who you are than on what is actually there.

traditionalguy said...

I catch their drift. The Media Industrial Complex does not really want anyone watching the squirrely witnesses testify weakly. They've always wanted an excuse for their talking heads to Narrate their fictional cover story about Trump's True Crimes. It's a snipe hunt.

Temujin said...

Every network is queuing up for this spectacle. This is Adam Schiff's Oscar moment. Or not. I suspect Clown Show all the way. We'll tell you who you can call for witnesses. (no- not him, not him, not her, not him). And we'll tell you what questions you are allowed to ask of our witnesses (who aren't actual witnesses, but people who are sharing an opinion told to them by someone else who didn't actually see or hear anything, but heard about it from another person who mentioned that it wasn't illegal, but sure seemed unseemly.)

They have spent a few days setting the stage with pronouncements of their patriotism and their solemn approach to this Show. This...Clown Show. Will people notice if The View is pre-empted by The Clown Show?

donald said...

Still can’t walk for squat, so I’m gonna watch this morning at least.

stevew said...

"feels like people are getting exhausted"? Nah, I can confirm that other than the political fanatics people ARE exhausted by all the impeachment stuff.

The kid is a stand in for those of us that are exhausted and no longer paying attention, if we ever did, and they're using the kid to explain to us regular Americans that we should be excited for today's events.

Sorry to disappoint but I've got more important things to do today.

Automatic_Wing said...

You know a show is on its last legs when they start introducing little kid characters.

traditionalguy said...

DJT's appearance at the Economic Club of New York yesterday was a near perfect campaign event. It's worth the hour's time on YouTube. The circus impeachment show may be being aired by the Resistance for distraction purposes only.

RNB said...

I'm not bored. I'm disgusted. Gettin' on to furious.

Narayanan said...

If only one side watch then democracy will be killed in darkness.

yesterday thread was about not averting your eyes.

AllenS said...

I won't be able to watch, I have to wash my hair.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I'm sorta interested- but I'm hoping for a sound-bite that maybe sounds-bright.

Ya know when a great dramatic TV series has jumped the shark? Its when viewers can guess what happens next. Ruins the suspense and the cliff-hangers fall flat. Who cared if JR was plotting to double cross Cliff Barnes? He always does that. That's why serious drama shows only make it a couple of seasons.

But a comic TV series can survive past its prime, even when viewers know what is coming next. Lucy gets a job on the candy assembly line- you know exactly what will happen next. still funny cause we love Lucy. The laughs are the anticipation of how the coyote is gonna fall off the cliff this time.

So for today's comic series I'm just going wish for a couple of good zingers. I plan to evaluate them strictly at phrase value.

rehajm said...

It's Julia's* kid...

*Suspiciously, there's not much reporting of the fact Julia has come up missing...

Michael K said...

If moderation is off, Blogger just ate a comment.

whitney said...

Child abuse.

Jeff said...

The only way I'll watch the hearings is if they're featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Hagar said...

The cell phone brand T-Mobile is implementing workplace policies that force its employees, as well as customers, to use language addressing so-called “transgender” individuals, according to Breitbart.

Maoism without Mao - or is there a sort of "Illuminati" Maoist society among us?

Swede said...

The Dems are all in.

They can't stop this slow motion train wreck now, and they know it.

It is literally their only plan to defeat Trump.

They look at their presidential candidate field and know it's hopeless.

It's not even really an impeachment trial, it's a long, drawn out political commercial for Trump and he'll capitalize on it.

Anybody remember Russian collusion? The MSM isn't even talking about it anymore.

This will be part II, and it will enjoy the same success.

Mike Sylwester said...

Is the kid the nephew of Eric Ciaramella?

mezzrow said...

Meade is wise beyond his years...

Heartless Aztec said...

Meade - a man after me own heart.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Well, I do have to backwash my water pik and scrape my aquarium walls. So I guess I'll miss it. I'm just going to have to wait for Meade to be endearing and for Althouse to appropriate.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ringmaster Adam Schiff is a third rate politician, with a fourth class temperament, running a show trial with a script that could have been written by a second grader on a sugar high.

For political purposes, it's better not to pay too much attention to it. The Schiff and Pelosi crew (although I'm not certain that even Nancy wants to get too close to the stench) will mine the "testimony" for nuggets to flaunt. Of course the search for such nuggets reminds me of the old Reagan story about a kid who dug through a room full of manure because there must be a pony in there somehow.

Narayanan said...

Do R's have

From interweb
If you have moxie, you won't let a minor setback stop you from trying again, because you're a determined person who doesn't give up easily. Moxie describes someone with a fighting spirit.

narciso said...

So will be there any exploration of why vindman was being lobbied by naftogaz.

narciso said...

It looks like fox is the only network to air it live, among the regular nets.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Or maybe I could find a cute little kid to watch along with me and appropriate his adorable mutterings for our entertainment. That's the level the NYT is reduced to.

I would suggest the late, great Jack Mercer except for the two obvious problems.

narciso said...

Remember that spectator piece about ciaramellas radical roots at yale.

Wince said...

When he gets to "Or maybe I could find a cute little kid to watch along with me and appropriate his adorable mutterings for our entertainment," he says, "Me!"

Remember when they used big chairs to make an adult look like a kid?

Adult "Edith Ann" interviewed by her pool by Jane Pauley.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Also, I was at a friend's house yesterday and have fallen quite in love with the American Beautyberry Bush. I want to plant under bunches of trees when we get our place in the hill country.

narciso said...

The real news, but journolist

Jaq said...

Ha ha, the New York Times.... Check out this. whopper:

But there was less to the do-not-prosecute list than it appeared. The State Department dismissed it as “an outright fabrication.” Mr. Lutsenko changed his story and acknowledged that what he is quoted describing in Mr. Solomon’s report — “a list of people whom we should not prosecute” given to him by the ambassador — did not actually exist.

Yes, what he said was that State did not put the short list in writing. He sticks by his story that they told him to steer clear of Soros-Obama Administration funded NGO.

In an interview with The New York Times last month, Mr. Lutsenko blamed the confusion on the interpreter who handled his interview with The Hill. But he insisted that the ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, had in fact asked him not to target certain politicians and activists who worked with the embassy on its anti-corruption efforts.

Yes, he “insisted”!

dustbunny said...

Rejajm, I recently told a friend about The Life of Julia fiasco and she didn’t believe the Dems were stupid enough to produce anything that blatant. Has it been totally erased? Seems like someone somewhere saved the evidence.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Whether it's stupid or not depends on ratings. It's a business.

rehajm said...

Has it been totally erased? Seems like someone somewhere saved the evidence.

They're trying to other her. Wayback doesn't have her. She's 404ed most links...

some hope: Keeping Julia's memory alive

matism said...

Not unlike they did under Lenin and Stalin. But then those are the tribe's Messiahs...

Kevin said...

The kid is going to be disappointed when no actual whistles are blown.

narciso said...

tcrosse said...

None of this, even if it succeeds, is going to make Hillary president. Ever.

Lurker21 said...

If the kid's name is "Cousin Oliver" then we'll know that impeachment has jumped the shark.

Or if Adam Schiff drops out because he wants to stretch and grow as a Congressman.

Also, keep an eye open for Ted McGinley hovering in the background.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary revenge porn never ends. It's all for her. But wait!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Watching the media give any and all corrupt money grubbing democratics automatic immunity - proves the media are in bed with corruption.

iowan2 said...

I don't know anything about trying to find and create content for the public. Having said that, with only the 3rd impeachment hearings in the last 50 years today, I could come up with something interesting to examine. Bringing in the kids to provide amusement, tells me the masses are ignoring whats going on at this moment. Inside the Beltway types are all consumed. The rest of the 99.99% of the population is busy planning for that secular celebration that has nothing to do with a belief of a God of your choice, coming up two weeks from tomorrow.

Andrew said...

I agree with Swede above (7:01). This will all backfire, and Trump will emerge stronger than before. It's truly amazing to me that the Dems with their media allies have learned nothing since the election. How many times do they need to lose before they change their strategy?

I was a political junkie when I was a teenager. I remember watching the Bork hearings. I was a liberal at the time. And I was appalled at the way the Dems on the committee (including Biden) treated Bork. Then that was reinforced during the Thomas hearings, when I was in college. I came to really loathe the Democrats, which helped reinforce my "conversion" to being a conservative. My point is, I expect these pseudo-impeachment proceedings to have the same impact on many observers. The Dems already look like angry political hacks, and morons as well. That will be reinforced going forward. And eventually, sweet revenge will come in the Senate, as the Republicans get to dominate the proceedings, while Trump plays master of ceremonies. I'm looking forward to it. This will all coincide nicely with Barr, Huber, and Durham's investigations. I expect 2020 to be a bloodbath for the Dems on every level.

alanc709 said...

"Lurker21 said...
If the kid's name is "Cousin Oliver" then we'll know that impeachment has jumped the shark.

Or if Adam Schiff drops out because he wants to stretch and grow as a Congressman.

Also, keep an eye open for Ted McGinley hovering in the background."

I tried posting almost exactly the same thing you did, but Blogger ate my comment. Maybe if Adam Schiff had someone as cute as Marcia, Marcia, Marcia....

roesch/voltaire said...

Yes what could we possible learn from low profile career civil savants who are experts in the field? Just more fake facts from never Trumpers.

tcrosse said...

"So, what did you think of today's testimony, Lambchop?"

narciso said...

Ah galactica 1980, they still air it, instead of burn it with fire

tim maguire said...

I'm getting exhausted by the impeachment propaganda. I'm still waiting for the coverage.

narciso said...

Robbie rist was in that show, which mercifully they didnt let glen lardon near it.

Jack Klompus said...

"Yes what could we possible learn from low profile career civil savants who are experts in the field?"

Why are the commenters that use pretentious avatars of philosophers typically the ones who post the most inane drivel?

Bruce Hayden said...

“I'm not bored. I'm disgusted. Gettin' on to furious.”

I kinda almost jumped right over the disgusted.

Don’t usually give money to politicians, since they mostly use it to feather their own nests, through incestuous deals while in office. But this coming election is different. I will be contributing generously. And, I will ramp back up purchases of guns, ammo, and accessories (esp “standard” sized magazines).

The Dems cheated to retake the House last year for just this purpose - impeaching Trump. Sorts spent tens of millions buying election officials ay the state and municipal level so that they could cheat with their ballot box stuffing. Then, they spent many millions more in campaign advertising. They then hired Lawfare staff to redesign House committee rules to disenfranchise Republicans, so that they couldn’t impede their star chamber impeachment hearings run in secret sessions in the House basement. Today’s hearings are heavily stage managed by Schify’s and his Lawfare accomplices, with the MSM planning extensive coverage of the spectacle.

And what is Trump being impeached over? A perfectly innocuous conversation with the Ukrainian President. The absurdity, that probably keeps the Dems up at night rolling in laughter is that the meat of their case is that Trump would personally benefit throug re-election by getting the Ukrainians to investigate the actual quid pro quo of Biden threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian govt didn’t fire the prosecutor starting an investigation of the company that had hired his son for hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Biden had been instrumental in billions in extortion, benefiting his son, and Trump is being impeached for having the Ukrainians look into it. Except, of course, he never even mentioned the Biden’s, nor even investigating them in that call.

Topping it all off, it very much looks like this whole thing is another CIA operation by Brennan against Trump and those supporting him. So far, it looks like the major witnesses against Trump are mostly Brennan protégés. Surprise. Surprise. He was recently caught in video gloating in public. Probably more than the cheating by the Dems to get here, and their continued cheating to pull it all off, the blatant level of distain by Brennan and his CIA, thumbing their noses so publicly at the Presidency, to which they owe their Constitutional loyalty and from which they derive the entirety of their legitimacy, is what so sickens, and enrages me. The Deep State is alive and well, thumbing their noses at the rest of us, because there appears little that we, or even the President, can do to their usurpation of power.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"It’s three full years since President Trump was elected.

Among those who predicted he could never win the election — or that he might have been conspiring with Hillary Clinton all along, worked for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, would crash the U.S. stock market his first week in office, would ban all Muslims, would send illegal immigrants home en masse on buses and trains, and would start a nuclear war — there have been real concerns.

But to others, there are different concerns that have borne out. We continue to get evidence of an orchestrated effort among government insiders and the well-connected to take down President Trump at all costs. The public evidence indicates that the effort was hatched even before he took office."

The curious timeline for taking down Trump

According to hiveminders and leftwing cultists - that's all conspiracy. No - it's a reality totally ignored by the corrupt-D press.

rcocean said...

According to the radio, The public witnesses are only those that help the Democrats, Schiff denied all public hearings to those positive for Trump. I'm not sure, what all these witnesses add, when we have the transcript of the Trump's call. If Vindman is called, I will interested to see if the R's try to grill him on who he talked to, and if the Whistleblower Leaker Eric Ciaremella's name is mentioned.

narciso said...

Well george kent, didnt seem particularly concerned about corruption issues even in 2018

rcocean said...

BTW, I haven't heard from Lynee Cheney, guess she's not interested in the impeachment, as opposed to telling Trump who the President should let into the Country and what to do in Syria.

Bay Area Guy said...

Let the Farce begin!

Gahrie said...

within the limits of my sense of morality, which excludes using children in politics.

But includes killing children before birth.

Howard said...

It appears that the NYT staff is a little slow uptaking the pulse of the body politic. No one really cares except for the spittle flickers who don't have lives.

rcocean said...

I think the R's should just boycott the hearings at some point. There's no point in participating in a farce.

dustbunny said...

Thanks rehajm!

Gahrie said...

Yes what could we possible learn from low profile career civil savants who are experts in the field? Just more fake facts from never Trumpers.

Yet another Lefty who has moved on from denying that the Deep State exists to defending the Deep State as our saviors from Orange Man Bad.

Michael K said...

The Deep State is alive and well, thumbing their noses at the rest of us, because there appears little that we, or even the President, can do to their usurpation of power.

That is the most serious issue in all this. We have already had one example of their immunity to consequences.

Five years ago, Brennan’s CIA ignited what should have been a constitutional crisis when it was caught illegally spying upon the Senate Intelligence Committee, which was compiling a massive report on the CIA torture program. After 9/11, the CIA constructed an interrogation regime by “consulting Egyptian and Saudi intelligence officials and copying Soviet interrogation methods,”

The left opposed this program at the time but nobody got punished except one poor dope whop admitted it was wrong.

But the only official who went to prison was John Kiriakou, a former CIA operative who publicly admitted that the CIA was waterboarding.

Another attempt by Blogger to delete a comment.

Howard said...

Rcocean: A boycott is risky but possibly very successful. From your mouth to Trump's gut.

narciso said...

Kirikaou gave up the names of his associates to the gitmo detainees lawyers

Howard said...

The details don't matter, it's the theater that scores points.

narciso said...

Doubtful,egyptian interrogation techniwues are not subtle.

narciso said...

Techniques, like hanging you on a rusty hook in the cell.

Birkel said...

The lack of an articulated crime might also be a bit of a problem.

Anonymous said...

r/V: Yes what could we possible learn from low profile career civil savants who are experts in the field?

It's uncanny what autocorrect can sometimes discern and reveal about a posters world view.

Rory said...

Jeffrey Dahmer was from eastern Ohio, and when he hit the fan a Pittsburgh TV station punished a reporter by sending him up to the Dahmers old neighborhood to get the local angle. Turned out everyone had either not known or had forgotten the Dahmers, or didn't like reporters, so the guy ended up interviewing a ten-year old kid on a bike, who opined that the whole thing was creepy.

And they put it on the air.

gilbar said...

Birkel said...
The lack of an articulated crime might also be a bit of a problem.

What The?
Trump Beat Hilary! you do NOT get a MORE impeachable offense, than that!

I Callahan said...

Yes what could we possible learn from low profile career civil savants who are experts in the field?

I didn't elect low profile civil "servants" (I love your Freudian slip there). Their job is to do what the president directs, NOT tell me they know better.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I'm certainly not going to waste my time watching a show trial featuring disgruntled partisans conducted by a pathological liar. I'll also go one step further and ignore the totally predictable breathless DNC media reports of today's fake "bomb shell" news stories.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Annie C. said...
Also, I was at a friend's house yesterday and have fallen quite in love with the American Beautyberry Bush. I want to plant under bunches of trees when we get our place in the hill country.

Why? They volunteer.

RMc said...

The Life of Julia fiasco

Fiasco? It got Obama re-elected, didn't it?

chuck said...

"ceniters" is a pretty sophisticated misspelling for a kid. Maybe he meant centaurs?

Beasts of England said...

Here’s hoping the Republicans in the House make this process as painful as possible for Schiff’s insane clown posse. Mentioning Eric Ciaremella’s name would be a good start.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browndog said...

Another attempt by Blogger to delete a comment.

I've been having trouble all morning.

Jaq said...

"Howard said...
The details don't matter, it's the theater that scores points.”

Even Howard knows they have no case and this is all about abuse of the power of impeachment.

Mike Sylwester said...

Skylark at 7:27 AM
Ha ha, the New York Times.... Check out this. whopper: But there was less to the do-not-prosecute list than it appeared. The State Department dismissed it as “an outright fabrication.”


The New York Times, October 6, 2019 -- page 16 (emphasis added)


.... Shortly after taking up her post in 2016, the American ambassador to Ukraine, Marie I. Yovanovitch, went to meet the new prosecutor general, Mr. Lutsenko, in his office -- and complained that his deputies were stained by corruption, according to two Ukrainian officials familiar with the encounter.

The ambassador then pressed Mr. Lutsenko further, the officials said, asking him to stop investigating anti-corruption activists who were supported by the American Embassy and had criticized his work.

Mr. Lutsenko said he snapped at Ms. Yovanovitch that "no one is going to dictate to me" who should be investigated, prompting the ambassador to storm out of the meeting.

"This moment was, how shall we say, not very positive," recalled Larisa Sagan, Mr. Lutsenko's assistant at the time. "There were always difficult relations with the U.S. ambassador."

[end quote]

That is what The New York Times itself reported. The NYT article did not include any denial by Ambassador Yovanovitch that she conducted herself thus at her meeting with Ukraine's General Prosecutor Lutsenko.

Jaq said...

Thank you Mike Sylvester

Sebastian said...

"The most interesting thing about watching for me . . ."

is to find a different soap opera angle.

Oh, well.

narciso said...

I related the stephen mcintyre threads, that shows this narrative is bogus, vigel is trying to duranty his own reporting.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

No enthusiasm for watching the hearings you didn’t think should be held? How surprising. I think one should watch if only to be able to recognize who Trump is mimicking and get all the jokes during his upcoming exoneration tour. Or will it be his unjustly convicted tour?

Anonymous said...

Blogger rcocean said...
I think the R's should just boycott the hearings at some point. There's no point in participating in a farce.

I think there's good political fodder to be made from asking a question, having Schiff say "you can't ask that", and then making commercials out of it. Ditto for calling witnesses. Force Schiff to play the Star Chamber wannabe in public.

Browndog said...

Mentioning Eric Ciaremella’s name would be a good start.

He is a central figure in NSC/Ukraine policy.

Ask the witnesses what they know about his role. When Schiff says you can't use that name, ask him why.

Howard said...

I know no such thing mr. Skylark if that is indeed your real name. I haven't been paying any attention to any of the details of this case. what is interesting to me is the psychological impact it has on so many people in so many different political stripes ridiculous nonsense seriously

Howard said...

That is an excellent strategy as well Phil. I think the trick will be for the Republicans not to appear to be overly defensive or rattled in any way they must appear confident at this whole issue is one big nothing Burger. I think though if they play the victim card too hard that will backfire

Ken B said...

No one got exhausted with Watergate. The hearings got good ratings. The reason is that there was substance to Watergate.

Tommy Duncan said...

We have the transcript of the call which was released by the White House for all to see.

Unless the Democrats plan to play a recording of the call backward to reveal a hidden meaning, I can't see what they plan to present as evidence of a quid pro quo.

Do we really care how some State Dept underlings "felt" when they heard about it third-hand?

gilbar said...

i see that Ann Coulter (like Farmer?) has decided that since
Perfect is the enemy of good
That she would make her side, with the Perfect, and Demand Trump's Ouster
Here's a direct quote:
Since President Trump has only given me, MOST of what i wanted; but Not ALL
The country would be far, Far, FAR better with democrats running it, instead of Trump
Um, because....

Okay, i might have paraphrased her, a little bit; but not as much as i did Farmer's intentions

Bob Boyd said...

The judge and the prosecutor are the same guy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Skylark and Sylvester are onto something here. The Rs should have plenty of questions for ambassador, then that illustrates the different approaches to corruption among the Obama and Trump admins. Also it shows why every R president should just clean house wholesale on Inauguration Day and start clean with as few Deep State holdovers as possible. This D fiasco just might end with a sort of “civil service reform” that unfolds in ways that helps future R presidents.

gilbar said...

Tommy Duncan said...
Unless the Democrats plan to play a recording of the call backward to reveal a hidden meaning

So, you Admit; that IF you play the recording backwards, Trump is Clearly heard saying:
I buried Paul Manafort

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Sylwester said...

If the fired Ambassador Yovanovitch testifies at the impeachment inquiry, the Republican Congressmen should ask her to name all the Ukrainians she forbade General-Prosecutor Lutsenko to investigate.

Perhaps she never put her list into writing, but she should be able to remember how many forbidden-to-be-investigated Ukrainians were on her oral list, and she should be able to name all of them now in her testimony.

Bob Boyd said...

Unless the Democrats plan to play a recording of the call backward to reveal a hidden meaning...

I used to have a J. Giles Band album. One track had a guy supposedly speaking a foreign language, but it was gibberish. If you played that gibberish backwards it said, "It doesn't take a genius to tell the difference between chicken shit and chicken salad."

I think that sums up the impeachment circus pretty well.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Phil said...
Blogger Annie C. said...
Also, I was at a friend's house yesterday and have fallen quite in love with the American Beautyberry Bush. I want to plant under bunches of trees when we get our place in the hill country.

Why? They volunteer.

I did not know that, thank you!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Holy shit Papa Murphy's sent me the gold 50% off promo 'gain!

This time, I will wipe them out of salads!

Ain't nothin' gonna stop me!

Bob Boyd said...

Holy shit Papa Murphy's sent me the gold 50% off promo 'gain!

don't forget to say, "No anchovies please"

Linda said...

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin' around

Can’t help but think of this REO song whenever I think about the hearings. I did just turn on to see some of it, not sure how long I will watch.

Mike Sylwester said...

Why are we supposed to believe that General-Prosecutor Viktor Shokin was corrupt. Do we have even one example of his alleged corruption? He never has been charged for any corruption, even though nine months have passed since his removal.

Ukraine's President and Parliament apparently did not think Shokin was corrupt. They kept Shokin in his position until Joe Biden used $1 billion of US taxpayers' money to extort them to remove Shokin from his position.

Shokin has been replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko. What has Lutsenko done differently during the past nine months?

* What investigations has Lutsenko initiated that Shokin had avoided?

* What prosecutions has Lutsenko accomplished that Shokin had stiffled?

Even after Lutsenko had assumed office, our US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was storming into and out of his office declaring hysterically that his office still was corrupt. Our Ambassador Yovanovich was demanding (according to the NYT) that Prosecutor Lutsenko stop all investigations of Ukrainians "who were supported by the American Embassy".


The American public needs to see all the State Department's documents detailing exactly how Shokin was corrupt.

Without any such evidence being released, it is reasonable to assume that Shokin was fired because he was bothering the Burisma company -- and, in particular, bothering its completely unqualified but extraordinarily well-paid Director Hunter Biden.

Mike Sylwester said...

There is no reason to assume that the US Embassy in Ukraine -- headed by the hysterical partisan Marie Yovanovitch -- ever would investigate the Ukrainian bribing of Joe and Hunter Biden.

That US Embassy never would investigate any such matter. Never, ever.

That is why Rudy Giuliani had to investigate.

MadisonMan said...

People aren't interested in Political Theater. Because they know that is what the Impeachment Hearings are. It's too bad Democrats have staked so much (everything!) on this roll of the dice. I don't think it will end well.

narciso said...

but burisma was extraordinarily well connected to joshka fischer, the green former foreign minister, associate of the baader meinhof, to a member of the osce delegation, who is a wet tory, probably a remainer,

Mike Sylwester said...

Exactly what crimes was Ukraine's General-Prosecutor Viktor Shokin failing to investigate and prosecute?

Name just one such crime.

Shokin's alleged corruption is a total mystery to the US public.

He had the confidence of Ukraine's President and Parliament.

He was fired by Ukraine's President and Parliament only because Joe Biden used $1 billion of US taxpayers' money to compel them to fire Shokin.

Now that Shokin has been replaced, what crimes are being investigated and prosecuted that were not investigated and prosecuted under Shokin?

The US public does not have a clue.

In these circumstances, it's reasonable to assume that Joe Biden got Shokin fired because Shokin was threatening to investigate the Burima company and Hunter Biden.

The US public needs to see all the State Department's documents about this matter.

Beasts of England said...

Nunes’ opening statement was perfect in content and tone.

Iman said...

When you resort to the REO Speedwagon card, Linda, you're up Schiff Creek sans paddle.

narciso said...

wheels within wheels

narciso said...

heh coronello,

Skeptical Voter said...

In his 8:37 post Bushman of the Kohlrabi said the hearings would be presided over by a "pathological liar". My question of Bushman is, "Why are you going easy on Adam Schiff?"

Adam in his zealous pursuit of the Great Orange Whale is fully as deranged as Ahab was in pursuit of Moby Dick. Adam has been untethered from reality for quite a while now.

tommyesq said...

The most interesting thing about watching for me — and I'm not saying I will watch — would be to monitor the congresspeople to detect when they're trying to make a tweetable sound bite happen.

That would be every time they speak - everyone in Congress has already made up their mind, and none are actually seeking to uncover the truth, but instead merely to present their argument.

narciso said...

a full duranty,

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

Mike Sylwester, WHAT is With you, and all these Facts?

Don't You KNOW? That democrats have explicitly Chosen TRUTH over Facts?
And, the TRUTH IS;
the purpose of being in Government; is to Line the pockets of Democrats?

Mike Sylwester said...

If the Ukrainian President and Parliament had defied Joe Biden's demand that Shokin be fired and if Biden subsequently had stopped the $1 billion, then how many Ukrainians would have died because of the Ukrainian Government's shortage of aid money?

What would the human cost have been in Ukraine because of Joe Bidens' withdrawal of the US taxpayers' $1 billion?

How many Ukrainian men, women and children would have been injured or even killed because Joe Biden prevented that money from reaching Ukraine?

JAORE said...

"Yes what could we possible learn from low profile career civil savants who are experts in the field?"

In my working life I [humble brag to follow] was considered one of the national experts in my field. Despite this, my superiors sometimes failed to take my advice on a subject.

Oh the horror!

Guess what, it was THEIR call. I could, and did, try to dissuade them from their course of action. Failing that I STFU.

rhhardin said...

I flipped it on for ten seconds. Some swamp guy expert explaining what our foreign policy ought to have been.

MayBee said...

I'm here for Yancy and Mike Sylwester's commentary on this.

Bay Area Guy said...

To get excited, I need an ACTUAL burglary (or comparable crime) and an ACTUAL witness to Presidential misconduct like John Dean.

All we have is Ukranian gibberish that nobody understands.

Big Yawn.

Michael K said...

Blogger deleting comments may be more of a problem with Firefox than Chrome.

More of the Goolag.

MacMacConnell said...

Nunes' opening statement was spot on. I wish the House Dems would just spare us and vote for impeachment so we could move on to the Senate. In the Senate all the witnesses including those Shiff has nixed will be cross examined, including the "wistleblower" and Hunter"crack pipe" Biden, all on television. The Dems will shit their pants.

Original Mike said...

"How many people will tune in and watch these hearings?"

I watch a lot of hearings. I ain't watching this one.

Bay Area Guy said...

This hearing reminds me of my first date in high school with the lovely Laurie P.

There, too, much to my regret, nothing happened.

narciso said...

Well we know how many ukrainians died
because they werent supplied heavy weaponsfor 3 years.

Michael said...

At what point does Schiff slap on water skiis and jump a shark?

Bay Area Guy said...

If this were junior high, someone would give Adam Schiff a well-deserved wedgie.

Wince said...

Mike Sylwester said...
If the Ukrainian President and Parliament had defied Joe Biden's demand that Shokin be fired and if Biden subsequently had stopped the $1 billion, then how many Ukrainians would have died because of the Ukrainian Government's shortage of aid money?

It's worse. Remember, the Obama admin NEVER sent lethal aid to Ukraine. According to Carl Rove Obama wouldn't even deliver that non-lethal aid directly to Ukraine for fear of antagonizing the Russians. The non-lethal aid was dropped off in Poland and ferried to Ukraine.


I love, I love the fact that the Democrats are now decrying the president’s decision not to move aid, lethal aid, rapidly to Ukraine. After all, the previous administration, a Democratic administration, did nothing to send lethal aid to Ukraine — and the non-lethal aid they refused to fly into Ukraine on C-130s because they didn’t want a U.S. “military” presence in Ukraine. So they dropped [it] off in Poland and citizens had to take that non-lethal aid and put it in the back of their little vehicles and trucks and convey it to Ukraine. So this president at least had the guts to give the Ukrainians the lethal aid to stave off the Russian attempt to subvert that country.

Video at link...
Rove’s comment begins on the video at about 8:00. It is actually worth viewing. Rove’s sincere and justified indignation comes through.

Karga said...

I don't know if anyone mentioned this but it was inevitable the Democrats had to find their Greta...

Mary Beth said...

They're trying to other her. Wayback doesn't have her.

And yet, it does.

That's the same link I posted as a comment on this blog back in April when there was a post that mentioned "Life of Julia".

Mike Sylwester said...

US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch stormed into and out of the office of Ukrainian General-Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko, demanding that he stop all investigations of Ukrainians "who were supported by the American Embassy" (according to The New York Times).

However, there is no written list of the forbidden-to-be-investigated Ukrainians (according to The New York Times).

Let me spell it out.

The forbidden-to-be-investigated Ukrainians were secret agents of the CIA. Pretending to be "anti-corruption activists", these CIA agents go around and find Ukrainian citizens who can be compromised and then can be compelled to collect information and do secret acts for the CIA.

Ukrainian General-Prosecutor Lutsenko was supposed to allow the CIA to run rampant in his country. Lutsenko has to allow it, because he and his country are owned and controlled by the USA.

In 2010, Ukraine had elected Viktor Yanukovych to be its President. According to the European Union's election observes, Yanukovych was elected fairly.

Yanukovych was not owned and controlled by the USA. He wanted to improve Ukraine's relations and cooperation with its neighbor Russia.

In 2014, Yanukovcy was removed from office after a relentless campaign that was manned by Ukrainian zealots but was supported and guided by the CIA. The CIA's successful effort to remove Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine was similar to the CIA's still unsuccessful but relentless effort to remove President Donald Trump in the USA.

The current Ukrainian Presidential Administration knows that it too can be removed by the CIA. That's why the Ukrainian President and Parliament had to obey the orders of Joe Biden and Marie Yovanovitch. The Ukrainian Government does not dare to interfere with the USA's secret ownership and control of Ukraine.

Howard said...

Ann: please get some photos uploaded STAT. I'm getting carpel tunnel finger scrolling past Mike Sylwester's in depth reportage from Infowars

Michael K said...

Mike Sylvester has a point about Ukraine. I'm tending to agree. I suspect that is why the phone call has replaced the Russia Hoax.

Darrell said...

I'm waiting for the people to rise up and hang the coup members from lamp posts for the Holiday season--Democrats in red and Deep Staters in green.

JAORE said...

So far I'm hearing, "Those bastards didn't do what I want. I know this because I can read minds and/or other mind readers told me the FACTS, the facts I tells ya".

Lot's of dates and details (a good liar knows this game) to add credibility.

But also a lot of, "I heard from (someone not in the room) or I learned that (from unspecified sources)" or "They used non-traditional channels" - the REAL crime here.

Mike Sylwester said...

Howard at 10:14 AM
Mike Sylwester's in depth reportage from Infowars

As far as I remember, I never have accessed Infowars ever in my whole life.

MountainMan said...

Skeptical Voter said... "Adam in his zealous pursuit of the Great Orange Whale is fully as deranged as Ahab was in pursuit of Moby Dick."

And if I recall correctly how that story ends, the whale wins.

MayBee said...

The guy Bill Taylor is a huge bore. If this is what Dems are going to hang impeachment on, they are going to need the media to carry a lot of water saying he has "gravitas".

Mary Beth said...

The comments on the podcast link about made me gag. Everyone is so thrilled that an 8-year-old is so interested in this while I'm sitting here thinking that the kind of TDS that his parents must have to get a kid interested in this must border on abuse. It doesn't matter whether your obsession is getting Trump, climate change, or snake handling. Creating an environment where a child acts out your obsession is wrong.

Michael K said...

My wife has turned on the 2017 Rose Bowl game on the TV. A comment on the Democrats' and Howard's big production.

The question is how long the networks will stick with low ratings.

eric said...

Schiff says he doesn't know who the Whistleblower is.

How is that possible when the Whistleblower met with his staff?

Anonymous said...

"In the Senate all the witnesses including those Shiff has nixed will be cross examined, including the "wistleblower" and Hunter"crack pipe" Biden, all on television."

One of the reasons I predict that the House will not vote out articles of impeachment.

narciso said...

McIntyre, has been a good primer on this, relying on contemporary news papers, social media, other records, Solomon has provided documentation,

Yancey Ward said...

Jack Klompus asked:

"Why are the commenters that use pretentious avatars of philosophers typically the ones who post the most inane drivel?"

It seems to be part of the Progressive Troll 101 Manual. It isn't just here at Althouse- I see it everywhere where the commentariat is right-leaning/dominated. It is so pervasive a theme that I am only half-joking about it being in a manual somewhere. The only other explanation is that progressives are, for whatever reason, convinced it adds gravitas to their inanity- a sort of argument from authority that is particularly pathetic in nature.

pacwest said...

"they are going to need the media to carry a lot of water saying he has "gravitas".


Bob Boyd said...

One of the reasons I predict that the House will not vote out articles of impeachment.

I was just about to ask, does anybody else think the Dems won't impeach? As soon as they impeach, they lose control of the process and of what comes out.

Having said that, I still don't trust the Republicans. There's a lot at stake. It's not necessarily just Democrats who were involved in the whole FISA/Russia business.

traditionalguy said...

It sounds like a bunch of career diplomats peeved that Trump was sending Rudy Giuliani to defend Trump from Impeachment Hoax #1. Who does that jerk think he is... the real President or something. That is Obstruction of Impeachment Hoax #1 in the First Degree. So we move right along to Impeachment Hoax #2. And if he defends himself from Hoax #2, that will be Obstruction of Impeachment in the First Degree. Joseph Heller couldn't have written the Dem's script any better.

MayBee said...

We are supposed to believe that Biden wanted all these investigations and that was good, but Trump ONLY wanted Biden investigated. I don’t hear anyone talking about the investigations Biden wanted going forward. Bill Taylor in all of his yammering doesn't mention them.

It sounds to me like a bunch of bureaucrats running around trying to keep Zelensky from making statement about corruption in Ukraine and possibly mentioning the Bidens.

narciso said...

no one really wants to investigate burisma, because that would involve privat bank and kolomoisky,

Iman said...

This William Taylor seems to be a true asshole.

stevew said...

The IG Report (Horowitz, right?) is now rumored to be dropping by Thanksgiving and will include criminal referrals. Meanwhile the impeachment kabuki continues to stumble along with just enough new stuff and events to sustain keeping it on the front page of newspapers and as the lead on the news shows. The IG Report release keeps moving, and the rumors of its contents continue to escalate. Are Pelosi and Schiff somehow using impeachment to delay and distract attention from the IG Report? If so, why is that working?

Yancey Ward said...

Browndog wrote:

"He (Eric Ciaramella) is a central figure in NSC/Ukraine policy.

Ask the witnesses what they know about his role. When Schiff says you can't use that name, ask him why."

I think they will do just this, I know I would.

Howard said...

Fair enough Mike, you just seem to channel similar conspiracy theories.

narciso said...

I second the motion.

MayBee said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
Browndog wrote:

"He (Eric Ciaramella) is a central figure in NSC/Ukraine policy.

Ask the witnesses what they know about his role. When Schiff says you can't use that name, ask him why."

I think they will do just this, I know I would.


If Schiff doesn't know who the whistleblower is, why would Erick Ciaramella not be mentioned?

Yancey Ward said...

For Bob Boyd

Iman said...

The pencil neck, bulging, googly eyes and rosy cheeks of Schiff are a little unsettling.

robother said...

After 3 years of "the plot thickens," they've got nothing but glop. The pudding isn't merely over-egged, its nothing but rotten eggs.
Even Avenatti has lost interest in this striptease.

Anonymous said...

Having said that, I still don't trust the Republicans. There's a lot at stake. It's not necessarily just Democrats who were involved in the whole FISA/Russia business.

True enough, but right now, the Dems have more control over the narrative than they ever will again. There's only so much anyone can do to poke holes in it, and it requires a certain amount of skill to do so (which I'm not confident anyone in the House has now that Gowdy is gone). But it will still fail in the Senate regardless, and it will allow Trump's people to go on the offensive bigly.

In order to move it out of the House, some number of Dems in red districts will have to take one for the team. They have 17/18 surplus votes, but roughly 30 members from districts that Trump won. They have to get a dozen members to roll the dice. Which ones?

Unless Schiff is a great deal smarter than he's shown any evidence of being so far, and has something up his sleeve, I suspect Nancy will tell them to stand down.

MayBee said...

1. Obama gave Ukraine no military aid
2. Biden threatened monetary aid if Ukraine didn't get rid of a prosecutor who wasn't going after corruption
3. They got rid of that prosecutor
4. Did the corruption Biden want investigated get investigated?
5. Congress passed monetary aid for Ukraine
6 Trump approved military aid for Ukraine
7 Trump pushed for investigations of corruption

I want to know how Trump is more responsible for Ukraine's woes than Obama, and if any of the people backing Biden have kept tabs on whether the corruption he was supposedly concerned about what addressed. Because it sounds to me like Taylor et al just wanted aid to go to Ukraine but don't hold Obama and Biden responsible at all

narciso said...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

questions that occur to us

iowan2 said...

I will interested to see if the R's try to grill him on who he talked to, and if the Whistleblower Leaker Eric Ciaremella's name is mentioned.

Schiff, as he oft does, stepped on his own dick this morning. From his seat as Chairman, explaining the rules, made a big point of denying any knowledge at all about the identity of the whistle blower. He also said if Republicans asked any questions that might reveal the identity of the WB he, Schiff would direct the witness not to answer.

We are now wondering how he, Schiff could counsel the witness, not knowing the identity of the WB

Yancey Ward said...

Iowan2 wrote:

"We are now wondering how he, Schiff could counsel the witness, not knowing the identity of the WB."

LOL! The man is a f***ing moron.

narciso said...

his lips are moving, this is a travesty of a mockery of a sham,

Anonymous said...

"Point of order, Mr. Chairman. If I mention the name of a White House staff member, past or present, and you don't know who the whistleblower is, how am I going to know not to mention that person's name? Are all staff members' names off limits? Or just Eric Ciaramella?"

narciso said...

he met with taylor, three months ago in the Ukraine, it's such a sham,

chuck said...

>>The pencil neck, bulging, googly eyes and rosy cheeks of Schiff are a little unsettling.<<

True, true. They needed Robert Redford, they got Igor.

Bob Boyd said...

@ Phil

Makes sense.

Bay Area Guy said...

As daytime TV, not very interesting. I've seen more exciting re-runs of Oprah.

MayBee said...

Who met, narc?

Bob Boyd said...

The pencil neck, bulging, googly eyes and rosy cheeks of Schiff are a little unsettling.

Will somebody please give that goofy fucker his thyroid pill.

Drago said...

Howard: "Fair enough Mike, you just seem to channel similar conspiracy theories."


Yes, a fanboy of the Russian collusion hoax, dossier hoax, emoluments hoax, 25th amendment hoaxes, kavanaugh gang rape hoax etc etc etc etc lectures others on "conspiracy theories".

Without irony.


narciso said...

Schiff and ciaremella, and his staff met Ukrainian officials (the old guard) via the atlantic council,

MayBee said...

They are making the case that Ukraine is very dependent on the US for help. How does that make the Bidens look good? VP Biden in charge of Ukraine, his son on the board of a known corrupt company in the Ukraine.

MayBee said...

thanks narc. Crazy.

Original Mike said...

"It seems to be part of the Progressive Troll 101 Manual. It isn't just here at Althouse- I see it everywhere where the commentariat is right-leaning/dominated. It is so pervasive a theme that I am only half-joking about it being in a manual somewhere. The only other explanation is that progressives are, for whatever reason, convinced it adds gravitas to their inanity- a sort of argument from authority that is particularly pathetic in nature."

Or, there's only one guy.

FullMoon said...

The details don't matter, it's the theater that scores points.

Soundbites for MSM. They will all be using the same clips and terminology.

Yancey Ward said...

Ciaramella is an NSC employee who is supposed to be a Ukraine expert. The very fact that he isn't planned to be a witness before the Schiff Star Chamber actually tells you everything you need to know, doesn't it? I mean, it is confirmation by inference.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Mentioning Eric Ciaremella’s name would be a good start."

Anyone else notice that the guy's last name begins with CIA?

narciso said...

the usual suspects,

Jim at said...

It boggles my mind all the networks have cancelled their daytime programming to cover this farce.

The whole thing is insane.

MacMacConnell said...

Iman said...
"The pencil neck, bulging, googly eyes and rosy cheeks of Schiff are a little unsettling."

I always imagine Shiff in a SS uniform from central casting.

Howard said...

Phanboi of what Drago. I'm not wasting time studying any of the bullshit that seems to turn your crank

Sam L. said...

Ah ayam no wayz tahred. But then, I ain't a-watchin' this here silliness.

Drago said...

Howard: "Phanboi of what Drago. I'm not wasting time studying any of the bullshit that seems to turn your crank"


Sorry Howie. I don't think your attempt to pawn off you and your pals serial whackjob conspiracy theories over and over again onto conservatives now is going to play out any better then your team's attempts to shift democrat culpability for slavery, Jim Crow and segregation onto republicans.

But, you know, I guess it doesn't hurt to give it a good college try.....

Francisco D said...

I'm getting exhausted by it and I haven't paid a moment's attention to any of it.

I'm with you, Cookie.

Well I have paid some attention, but far less than usual, far less.

alanc709 said...

This impeachment farce reminds me of butchering chicken. You can cut off the head, but that doesn't stop the chicken from flailing around for a while. Schiff seems like a headless chicken, to me.

narciso said...

in other news:

Nichevo said...

Howard said...
Ann: please get some photos uploaded STAT. I'm getting carpel tunnel finger scrolling past Mike Sylwester's in depth reportage from Infowars

Wait wait wait. Smedley Butler's bastard ass-baby is now decrying allegations of dirty work by the United States in foreign countries as conspiracy theories? Have I got this right?

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