That's how it looked at 7:01. (The official sunrise time was 6:48.) The temperature was 13° with a "feels like" of 6°, and it felt just fine, because we were running. Running! In snow!
And we've been working on a big house repair project. Spent time this morning on a "walk through" with various subcontractors. It's nearly all very functional, structural stuff, so it's time spent for a good reason, but nothing to blog about.
I do want to blog, but as always, it's about what interests me and has intrinsic energy for me, and that is not these impeachment hearings. I feel that the best I can do is snub them.
You know what would draw me in? If there were evidence of a pattern of Trump using his position for personal gain, not just collaterally, as he strives to do his job, but in a way that showed failure to understand what his job is or a deliberate misappropriation of the power we've entrusted him with. It's not enough that he's innovating with his own management style and it that makes ordinary people working with him feel anxious about chaos.
By the way, if you'd like to encourage my continued blogging — not that you can get me to blog about anything other than what interests me — you can make purchases through the Althouse portal to Amazon. That link is always at the top of the sidebar. I can make a few good recommendations, based on my new running-at-sunrise way of life. First, if you're running in snow and ice, these are the right thing to wear over your shoes. Second, I've been eating low-carb, and 2 things that have really helped me are this miso chicken bone broth and these expensive but fantastic crackers.
Don't worry, I'm not signing off for the day. I'm still in search of things to blog about, but all the articles seem to be about the impeachment hearings and I'm resistant to show-offy theater of the political kind.
I've been struggling with a calf issue for years. I tore a muscle one morning and now every time I get close to hittgin my running fitness goals, I re-injure it and have to take a month off before starting over again. The cold seems to make it worse.
you can make purchases through the Althouse portal to Amazon. That link is always at the top of the sidebar
Just did yesterday. Not asking for an "attaboy," but I suspect many of us use your portal because we appreciate the opportunity to comment freely.
"If anyone thinks I'm watching the impeachment hearing and is waiting for me to comment on it, don't. I'm not interested."
Then you are missing the hack democrat counsel actively coaching the witness in real time with his answers!!!
When I lived in CT, I often went running when it was in the upper teens, but even I would have sat it out if it were 13 degrees. You got some gumption, Althouse.
"You know what would draw me in? If there were evidence of a pattern of Trump using his position for personal gain, not just collaterally, as he strives to do his job, but in a way that showed failure to understand what his job is or a deliberate misappropriation of the power we've entrusted him with."
IOW, a legitimate offense.
"I'm not interested"
Nor am I.
that would be biden, he expressly conditioned the aid to the dismissal of shokin, all of that loan, and more were lost the following December, it was their lehman bros moment,
The shoe thing link isn't right.
"The shoe thing link isn't right."
Should be right now. Thanks.
You don't want to see who the next Fred Thompson will be? For shame.
Is it strange that the "arc of history" took Fred from politics to entertainment and back to politics?
Would it work that way for Adam Schiff? Is Law and Order still around and looking for a district attorney?
I must say, after having months for the dems and their fake witnesses to coordinate their Stalin show trial Q&A's, you would think that even a moderately competent dem/deep state liar could keep his answers straight!!
Even Shirley Temple at a very young age was able to memorize her lines quickly and not screw them up.
"... but even I would have sat it out if it were 13 degrees..."
It's not bad if you were running. If I were walking, I'd be sensitive and much more bundled up.
I do need mittens to keep my hands warm, and I had a balaclava to warm the air I breathed. Other than that, I had this jacket over a long sleeved T-shirt and some fleece-lined leggings.
I had a somewhat cold feeling in the upper body, but it wasn't unpleasant, though it would have bothered me if I'd been walking.
I've been meaning to try bone broth for my achy knees, but it's so expensive! Worth it though?
Looks like someone, who I won't name, shit on the open commenting.
Look, if you have been banned and are having your comments buried, at least have the f***ing decency to not comment at all.
Gluten and Grain free, Dairy, Soy and Corn free
Paleo friendly and Vegan
No preservatives or artificial colors
Non - GMO
I agree pretty expensive crackers that don't seem to have anything IN them.
Does iPhone really not word wrap on blogs like Althouse?
I'm about to send my second one back..this is a new 8 with the latest iOS.
Android 4evah!
I did a little running today too. Very little. I am not supposed to run a all with the new knee. But it really makes you articulate your legs better to keep it low impact so you get stronger.
I can't believe running 50 yards is gonna kill me.
At a low enough temperature, I started to have problems with mucus overload as my body attempted to deal with the cold dry air. It really had nothing to do with being overall cold- I put out enough energy running to actually still sweat in my clothing.
The crackers are in my shopping bag (only NINE left in stock!) but after looking at the soups I have a question - what is it about these soups that helps you stay low-carb? Asking partially for my husband - he's Type 2 and finding it harder and harder to keep his numbers in check as we get older.
not that you can get me to blog about anything other than what interests me
The $1000 bribe is no longer enough?
As I've noted before, politics consumes perhaps one-twentieth of a sane person's attention and energy, so I would love to see house-repair details and hear whether that means you've chosen to stay in Madison or are prepping your house for sale.
Survival skills in the North Country Far. Wonder how far Duluth is north of Madison. And than there is International Falls that always got the coldest temp shoutouts. In the south we usually get frosty morns, but sunny days in the 30s.
In DC the hot air is rising inside the Pelosi TV production melting their TV make up.
It's not the cold, it's the humidity!
Like Ernest Prole, I would interested in home repair/remodel issues, but then I am a HGTV addict, too.
I will join you in not watching, even though I'm not at work today!
Also, you can have my share of the bone broth.
I've been meaning to try bone broth for my achy knees, but it's so expensive! Worth it though?
Make your own is my suggestion. Put the ingredients on when you get home from work, and 3 hours later you'll have a nice broth -- for today or whenever. If you have to brown the bones, do that one day, and then make the broth the following day, or do it on a weekend.
Making broth is one of the easiest things to learn how to do.
Were those "Jizz crackers"? Ha Ha
Trouble with yaktrax is when you hit dry pavement. We don't have any nice dirt trails around here. You have to drive to walk.
"...a deliberate misappropriation of the power we've entrusted him with."
See, for example: Blagojevich, Rod.
democrats are already knee deep in their own lies.
Now claiming to not know who the whistle-blower is.
They groomed him. He's a willing hack.
"I've been meaning to try bone broth for my achy knees, but it's so expensive! Worth it though?"
I am very wary of packaged soups (and so is Meade). This brand really tasted like something you'd be served in a restaurant and be very pleased with. I can't vouch for all the varieties within this brand, but I love the miso one that I liked.
I tried the beef bone broth and to me (with my lack of smelling ability) it was very bland. I put some bottled tamari in it and liked it.
We bought a lot of other varieties in this brand, so I'll be testing them too.
They're low carb & high protein. The miso has 50 calories, 11 grams of protein, and 2 grams of carb. This is really helping me stay in the low-carb approach to eating I've been doing for the last couple months.
Great photo, love the craggy trees.
I run in 4 or 5 5ks per year. These are all in support of some charitable cause. They are held in a city (Somerville MA or Portland ME) and feature a free beer or two at the finish. Running the whole way is not a requirement. I'm not a runner but started doing these with my two adult children a few years ago. Their lives have gotten very busy, with two children each, and so I'm generally running on my own now. I usually "train" for these events two or three weeks in advance. That consists of running every other day until race day. I start out with a mile and work my way up to the full 5k. I don't run the rest of the year, it's too difficult and no fun. I am impressed that you are running daily.
I've done the low carb thing since Jan 2004. Works great, for me.
One topic you might find interesting is the re-calibration of higher education and the growing interest in promoting the trades. At least I find that interesting.
with the exception of Hillary Clinton and the Bidens = Nobody is above the law!
"what is it about these soups that helps you stay low-carb?"
See numbers in my previous comment.
For me, it's one more low-carb thing to choose from, and it's got protein and some calories. If you want to be strict with yourself, it's a meal. Otherwise it's a good snack. Consider adding low carb crackers. Or put some leftover cooked chicken in it.
I'm told Samis low carb bread is the bees knees. I enjoyed the cinnamon raisin and it made the kitchen smell nice when toasted.
Available through the Althouse Amazon portal...
You have delivered the best summary and closing statement on this case/joke of an investigation. This is the best the Dem's could come up with to sabatoge Trump's reelection, complaining about him abusing power for political purposes? That's what they are doing!
I've been thinking that responsible people didn't want to reveal the extent of the corruption in the Obama WH because that disillusionment would be bad for the morale of the country, our Democratic brothers and sisters would be shocked and depressed, and that doesn't help anyone. But after all this BS, accusations of collusion with Russia and now this impeachment over a non-crime, I think some harsh medicine is required to right the ship.
I think you are just beginning running. Fantastic. I ran pretty consistently for 40 years but have lost my mojo and get bored at less than a mile. Wind is good. Knees are fine. Mojo vanished. Odd. Have taken up scull rowing and have found it challenging. Lots of technique. Lots can go wrong
Would love to read your musings on the dawn runs.
Request for grammar advice. Is there something wrong grammatically with this sentence? "She is scared of retribution from whom she calls the more radical women around her."
...and I had a balaclava to warm the air I breathed.
Recommendation? I do need something like that. Thinking of checking out those traction cleats, too.
I don't have a place for a decent-quality treadmill, and I loathe working out at a gym - bloody "forced (really shitty) music environment" drives me out of my mind (and probably puts my cortisol and blood pressure and other mal-stress indicators through the roof, which pretty much kills the whole health aspect of working out). So it's ice and snow for me if I'm to get any serious exercise in the winter.
Me too. Let me know when its over.
Could everybody please stop using the C-word. I find it racist and offensive. How the hell do you make a low carb c-word?
That headline is the canary in a coalmine. How can you impeach a president over an issue that few people care about even if it were true?
The whole thing is a nothingburger with cheese.
Here in Yuma it's only now getting cool enough to run. ;-)
You need a clear subject in the last clause - "from those whom"
Not watching. I predict it will be boring, but we will be told it was exciting with explosive testimony.
I'm waiting for Dunham.
You can make bone broth quickly using an Instant Pot purchased through the AA portal.
I’m not following a low carb diet but made some low carb coconut crepes this weekend. Husband was out of town and I wanted to play with a new recipe. Very easy to make if you have a small nonstick pan.
I used regular sugar and filled them with caramelized pineapple and whipped cream with a caramel drizzle.
We found that a small fresh whole chicken in the Instapot pressure cooker makes a great meal and leftovers for sandwiches. Throw it in, hat the buttons, and come back in an hour. Handy tool. Amazon has them.
"Trouble with yaktrax is when you hit dry pavement. We don't have any nice dirt trails around here. You have to drive to walk."
Right, and the Katoola spikes we use for hiking are even worse, if you come to pavement.
The only solution, if you want to run in winter, is to get yourself to a dirt or gravel path for running and only then put on the spikes. You can't just run around on the sidewalks on your neighborhood because the conditions are different as you get to each house's stretch of sidewalk (unless you go out really early and it snowed a lot during the night).
but in a way that showed failure to understand what his job is or a deliberate misappropriation of the power we've entrusted him with.
Trump had been thinking for a long time that "I could run the country better than these bozos" and Obama perhaps put him over the edge with razzing him at that dinner.
Anyway, I think going down in history as The Age of TRUMP is much more important to him
than any amount of money more than what he already has could be.
But yes, he runs the Presidency like he ran Trump's Far-flung Enterprises. It's what he knows and has been successful with.
Thanks, that's a striking picture. It reminds me of false color cross section photomicrographs of the retina my daughter used to make when she was a post-doc.
Ann, are you able to put those things in while standing? I have to sit.
Ordered them thru portal anyway. I have the other kind without cleats now.
Althouse said: For me, it's one more low-carb thing to choose from, and it's got protein and some calories.
Thanks for response and explanation. Maybe other followers are ordering the Miso soup today, because the 2-pack was gone by the time I decided to follow your advice. However, the crackers are on their way.
Thanks for the soup feedback. I'll have to give the Miso chicken soup a shot.
I'm on a low-ish carb diet nowadays. My general food strategy -- refined carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes) in moderation, limit sugars, look for higher fiber, don't stress about fats; 16:8 Intermittent Fasting. All of this coupled with a fitness routine. I'm below my "drivers license weight" now, the number I wrote when we moved back to California 20-ish years ago.
Impeachment hearings are OPEN??? To all, execpt, OF COURSE, those WASCAWY WEPUBWICANS?
(Thank you, Mr. Fudd!)
Has Blogger gone bananas?
The last half dozen comments, including my own, just showed up in my e-mail.
I was in the waiting room as my wife underwent outpatient knee surgery.
The hearings were on the TV. I suffered through a few minutes and then went out into the hallway to save my blood pressure.
“ Would love to read your musings on the dawn runs.”
Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll add more musings as I go.
I felt very motivated to do something more after I got a fasting glucose blood test result that put me just over the line for “pre-diabetic.” I had always been under. Could have just been a quirk, but it really motivated me to eat low-carb and lose some weight that I’d been trying more to lose (casually and unsuccessfully). I’ve lost more than 10 pounds (in 2 months), with eating differently and running in the morning. The run is only 1.5 miles, and it’s about seeing the sunrise, something I thought I just wanted to do now and then. But it was a great motivational force once I started. Really, I didn’t think I could run, but I made it about going to see the sun rise, and I just combined running as much as I could and falling back on walking. I got so I could close up the walking segments into running the whole way. Now that I know I can do that, I don’t indulge myself by switching to walking.
“ Ann, are you able to put those things in while standing? I have to sit.”
Haven’t tried. I tend to put them on before I get out of the car, and I do sometimes walk on a little concrete before I get to the dirt path.
Dear AA,
5 more comments to this post has showed up in my M/S Office e-mail basket.
Please make Blogger stop this!
Thank you.
Hager you might have accidentally checked the box that’s says, “Email follow-up comments to ...”.
Sorry, Hagar.
No. I know of no such box. But after Blogger not picking up a comment 3-4 times, I thought, what the heck, and checked the I am not a robot box, and then this began.
What did the candy say when it crossed the road?
I'm peach mint.
I miss running. Throughout my high school years (cross country and road races) and then well into my 30s and 40s. The 'high' is real.
Sadly, old age kicked in and a hip needs replacing. The doc says the arthritis is hereditary, but I'm guessing thousands of miles pounding the pavement didn't help.
I miss running.
I know exactly how you feel, Jim. I gave it up at age 48 because I looked at both of my parents and their arthritic joints- hips and knees, and they had both put them through less stress than I had done by running every other day for 20 years. I didn't have any problems with the knees or hips at the time, but I decided to play it safe and change to aerobic exercise that had far less impact on the joints. Probably my most common dream these days is dreaming of doing a long run on a cool dry day- I was that addicted to the high.
The other Jim checking in on running: I gave up running on pavement about 20 years ago, at 45. I switched to exclusively trail running, to reduce the pounding. So far the knees are holding up.
The experience is different, because it's a lot of work maintaining footing and balance, more of an upper body workout. And, the location really matters: part of the high is being alone in some glorious wilderness.
The problem is the mildly catastrophic injuries, dramatic falls if you get the footing wrong and a long trudge out of wherever I had gotten to. Sometimes out of action for month or 2, and I miss it.
Of course, if you saw me running you might think I just walk funny.
My wife couldn't run a half a mile when she took it up. Then she was at 1.5 miles and then three. She ran 9 marathons before she dialed it back to three miles a day . You are embarking on something addictive. Good addictive.
Cold weather mucus, joint issues:
Serratiopeptidase promotes a healthier inflammatory and immune system, supporting joint health, protecting connective tissues of the ligaments and tendons. It also thins mucus, helps your lungs and respiratory system to function more effectively, helping to promote your overall well-being.
Hyaluronic acid + krill oil, pharmaceutical-grade collagen
...probably all available thru the Althouse Portal
For the woman who commented above that her husband is struggling to keep glucose down due to Type 2: have you tried intermittent fasting? I'm having very good results with weight loss and blood sugar levels by eating one-two times per day, as close together as possible. Typically I get pretty hungry around 2 pm and then hold off as long as I can until I eat, maybe at 3:00. That meal is a moderate portion of all-protein/fat foods, such as today's sliced pork loin with melted provolone. I want to have an evening meal and relax and enjoy with husband, so that's when I have carbs in the form of salad and/or veggies. Today it was spaghetti squash with marinara sauce and an Italian sausage link. My appetite is down and I'm not thinking about food all day. Fasting glucose this afternoon before I ate was 85.
Are those the same crackers that Althouse has recommended before? Or are these a new type of cracker that she is promoting?
Anywho, maybe there should be a tag for crackers that Althouse prefers.
BTW, re-wiring/plumbing/insulating is a no fun re dough expense. Likewise anything that doesn’t upgrade the hideous kitchen. At least we can hope that Meadhouse has subs that are whipped into shape.
Replying to Hagar who wonders why comments show up in his email. I wonder if you inadvertently clicked the box that says email follow-up comments to [hagar email]. I made this mistake at another blog, thinking I would only get comments that were responding to me personally (or my comment specifically). But what i got was every single comment responding to anyone about any topic. It was a small specialized blog, and the comments petered out quickly, but I learned my lesson.
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