.@pattonoswalt made a tweet that showed Trump’s handwritten notes and the caption was simply “Morrissey voice:”.
— RuPaul Giamatti (@BenJamminAsh) November 21, 2019
Needless to say, I got inspired and put WAY to much effort into this. pic.twitter.com/heOiOhl90P
A Buddhist mantra for our time.
It's interesting how the left seizes on utterly trivial things, which then guides their lackeys in the Press to try to magnify them into big political things. And, then they scare a few "concerned" Romney/Pierre Delecto types to condemn or criticize whatever it is. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Back on Planet Earth, unemployment is down below 4%. Let me repeat that -- 4%. This means millions of Americans are working, feeding their families, watching football, getting ready for Thanksgiving and not giving a shit about handwritten notes.
“London is second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks. All of the attacks are non-white, and so they cannot be truthfully addressed by the British government or the Met Police or the BBC because of political correctness” - Morrissey
“The rhino is now more or less extinct, and it’s not because of global warming or shrinking habitats. It’s because of Beyoncé’s handbags” - Morrissey
“[Islam] is directly responsible for unimaginable cruelty to women, to atheists or apostates, to children, and to animals,” - Morrissey
That is priceless!!
Is that a leftie trying to belittle Trump?
Not working, it is fantastic. I hope Trump hears it. If he is not familiar with Morrissey or the Smiths he may not get it, but I bet he'd enjoy it.
Trump needs to get the royalties
The Ramones version I posted on the impeachment thread below is actually well done, and very entertaining.
How soon is Wow.
Thx for that.
Maybe that is the wrong way to look at things. Unemployment is under 4% and yet the Democrats are close to winning. They just won in Louisiana. Texas is turning purple. Virginia just became a one party state. No economy can stay at under 4% unemployment forever. What happens when there is a slight downturn? Or if Trump has a health scare?
Quite right, Ken. By any sane measure, Trump has been at least an okay president, far better than anything the Dems are putting up. And yet, while I expect Trump to win handily, the country seems to want the Democrats to gum up congress so he can't do what he was elected to do--drain the swamp.
Conservatives are fond of mocking the left by saying, "all they have to do is not act crazy, and they can't even manage that." But, as 2018 showed, they don't have to not act crazy.
The generic "Emo" one (sounded a bit like a Green Day ballad to me) was okay. The Ramones one was great. This is simply sublime; it's not quite Morrissey's voice (I mean, how could it be), but the aesthetic is dead on.
Ken B: Maybe that is the wrong way to look at things. Unemployment is under 4% and yet the Democrats are close to winning. They just won in Louisiana. Texas is turning purple. Virginia just became a one party state. No economy can stay at under 4% unemployment forever. What happens when there is a slight downturn? Or if Trump has a health scare?
Your pessimism isn't misplaced. (Though it's my understanding that, in Louisiana, a blue-dog D defeated a useless CoC drone - not something I'd cry about). However, Texas is purple and Virginia a lost cause because of changing demographics due to immigration, not because anybody "is giving a shit about handwritten notes".
Wow, just as a thought they would (well I didn't contemplate this exact manner), the President's words regarding the Ukraine issue resurface, in picture form plus in musical form with a musical tone that makes him feel like a persecuted, self-less, slightly melancholic figure. I'm starting to buy this Scott Adams, master of persuasion thing. I know the person suggesting idea and the person who made the song have no love for trump and wanted to poke fun at him, but it is hard to see and hear this without feeling he is a sympathetic figure, completely innocent of the charges against him. Emotionally of course, I'm confident people who already hold an antipathy to him can focus on that hate and figure out reasons to still hate him.
I just love it that TrumpWorld wants to make this an even bigger deal. Emphasizing the fact that Trump's supposedly (haha!) exculpatory "I want nothing" came at the very moment that Trump found out he had been caught trying to leverage dirt "news" on Joe Biden in exchange for military aid.
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public" is a line widely (but not precisely) attributed to H.L. Mencken.
In the era of Trump, we can say that Trump never lost any of his base by underestimating their intelligence.
Not completely sure why, but I have always fucking hated Morrissey. I didn't like The Smiths, and I didn't like his solo offerings. Like spending an hour with a whiny, wilting flower
If the Trump team can somehow orchestrate getting this image and song, out onto the late night talk show's under the pretense it is making fun of Trump, this could be one of those linguistic kill-shots regarding the dems impeachment effort, that kill it off and seal the deal. Could you imagine people humming and singing this to themselves? "Tell Zelensky to do the right thing!" "I want nothing, I want nothing, I want nothing..."
he and danny strong, need to kicked in the backside hard, strong was a third rate player on buffy, that made himself into a fictiomentarian with recount, game change and the butler, which all carries left memes, and then pretended to be uberwoke with empire, a dreadful piece of filth,
The Smiths were great.
Oswalt can be quite funny... has been in the past. But his stridency, his dependence on the increasingly stupefying cannabis and on Doritos and the finger-staining Cheetos have left him a shadow of his past prominence.
I think you are underestimating the persuasive power of this song and image. As I mentioned before I think the musical tone associated with song makes Trump feel like a persecuted, self-less, slightly melancholic figure. If someone stands accused of something, and the audience's feelings of that person is that they are persecuted, self-less, and slightly melancholic, chances are they are going to be emotionally predisposed to think they are innocent of those charges.
Plus, the fact this is in music format has the added benefit that people will generally accept the message without question. For purposes of the narrator, or inner monologue, or the chorus, the lyrics of a song are generally just accepted as is. When Charlie Daniels sang about the devil going down to Georgia looking for a soul to steal, for the purpose of the story in that song, no one doubts it. When Trent Reznor hurt himself today to see if he could still feel, no one doubts it. People are primed to emotionally categorize the lyrics of songs as true. I think this emotional categorization as true, also plays an effect when people see an image of what they believe to be notes that were not meant to be shared with the public.
J. Farmer said...
Not completely sure why, but I have always fucking hated Morrissey. I didn't like The Smiths, and I didn't like his solo offerings. Like spending an hour with a whiny, wilting flower
Farmer shows up to make sure no one has any fun on this thread either.
Democrats are pissed Trump wasn’t asking for a “job” for one of his kids.
He actually wanted something for the country he serves.
Good thing for Democrats their voters don’t mind democrats skimming their tax dollars in corrupt schemes.
If they didn’t have supporters who were so stupid they would have to follow the laws we all do.
Farmer shows up to make sure no one has any fun on this thread either.
I do what I can :)
@Farmer: Morrissey makes me laugh much of the time. It's all so histrionic, but about half of it seems to be tongue in cheek:
Fame, fame, fatal fame
It can play hideous tricks on the brain
But still I'd rather be famous
Than righteous or holy, any day, any day, any day
But sometimes I'd feel more fulfilled
Making Christmas cards with the mentally ill
I want to live and I want to love
I want to catch something that I might be ashamed of
Funny, right? Or is it just me?
@The Vault Dweller:
When Trent Reznor hurt himself today to see if he could still feel, no one doubts it.
Funny you quoted that line. I was just watching the music video for Johnny Cash's cover.
Blogger J. Farmer said...
Funny you quoted that line. I was just watching the music video for Johnny Cash's cover.
That is in fact, the better version.
Funny, right? Or is it just me?
Ehh. Perhaps.
I was a big fan of The Cure, and Robert Smith famously hated Morrissey, so maybe it somehow rubbed off on me. On the other hand, in more recent times, Morrissey has come under attack for being critical of mass immigration and for supporting For Britain. So while he may be a bit of a self-important crybaby, he's at least honest about what's happening to his homeland. Have to respect that.
I like Farmer; he is one of the few on here anymore who offer information instead of snark, (and I mean conservative snark.).
I was imagining the voice of Sgt Schultz
@The Vault Dweller:
That is in fact, the better version.
Agree. I had The Downward Spiral as a teenager, but the song never made much of an impact on me. I had been a huge fan of Mark Romanek's work, and when I saw the video he did of the Cash version, I was blown away.
no that was colonel vindman yesterday,
there isn't enough conservative snark, there's enough liberal snark to fill supertankers in a row filling new York harbor,
Not working, it is fantastic. I hope Trump hears it. If he is not familiar with Morrissey or the Smiths he may not get it, but I bet he'd enjoy it.
Trump needs to get the royalties
At least a credit for the lyrics. Advance him on his way to EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony) status.
@ J. Farmer
Agree. I had The Downward Spiral as a teenager, but the song never made much of an impact on me
I really liked the whole album, but the song I routinely went back to was 'March of the Pigs', well that and 'Closer'.
I was into The Cure long before I was into Morrissey or The Smiths. I pretty much missed The Smiths when they were an active band and didn't catch up with them until much later, but I loved The Cure from, at least, The Head On the Door.
And speaking of Robert Smith and Morrissey, I only just noticed how very "'80s pop band" Trump's hair is.
Howard said...
I was imagining the voice of Sgt Schultz
11/21/19, 2:56 PM
Speedy Gonzales for you. All your shit reads better that way.
that's a nominal libertarian, sanchez, who doesn't recognize this travismockasham,
Howard said...
I was imagining the voice of Sgt Schultz
All Democrats are imagining going back to the days when Obama’s “new normal” defined our economy. Permanently high unemployment. Stagnating wages. Immigration detention camps for kids and runaway illegal immigration. Manufacturing jobs gone forever.
Damn that Trump and his magic wand. Obama said those jobs were gone for good. Now working class wages are going up.
Most importantly he imagines his Democrat masters able to get their idiot scion kids board positions in foreign energy companies and siphon our tax dollars in kickback schemes unmolested by the likes of Donald Trump.
Bothering corrupt politicians like Romney and Pelosi and Biden is an impeachable offense in Howard world.
It takes imagination to make that so.
no speedy was a sharp character, much smarter than Sylvester, now his paisans weren't very impressive,
"I want nothing" came at the very moment that Trump found out he had been caught trying to leverage dirt "news" on Joe Biden in exchange for military aid.
Again, it's simply impossible to even attempt to engage with this level of stupidity and dishonesty.
I mean, the facts are right there in the transcript and people STILL peddle this bullshit.
nothing to see here:
guess who Fiona hill, worked for between her postings as political officer in Ukraine and the nsc, soros open society institute,
like the knight said in 'last crusade,' they chose poorly,
LLR Chuck: "I just love it that TrumpWorld wants to make this an even bigger deal. Emphasizing the fact that Trump's supposedly (haha!) exculpatory "I want nothing" came at the very moment that Trump found out he had been caught trying to leverage dirt "news" on Joe Biden in exchange for military aid."
I just love it when lefty hacks like LLR Chuck refuse to abandon already thoroughly debunked lefty lies!!
It just makes it all the more fun to point out how badly LLR Chuck's beloved dems are failing.
Just like him.
so david holmes 'remembered' the call, but forgot one of the subjects was the asap rocky matter, curious that,
Chuck said...
In the era of Trump, we can say that Trump never lost any of his base by underestimating their intelligence.
11/21/19, 2:17 PM
I know that being a smug incompetent is pretty much the NeverTrump brand, but underestimating their base is how every other politician running against Trump got uniquely humiliated and put a permanent end to their presidential ambitions. Disavowing the "intelligent" part of the base- like Frum, Goldberg, Vindman, and Kristol- got him the Presidency.
And they were never half as bright as they thought they were.
We are just about to the point where we can clearly see how this latest, long contrived, series of lies conjured up by all of LLR Chuck's lefty/media heroes are collapsing to the point where LLR Chuck's beloved dems will have to conjure up a new basis for their impeachment insanity.
Remember, this latest moronic and destructive ploy which is effectively the Hoax Russia Collusion 3.0 version.
So lets have some fun and start looking ahead!!
Remember this: the next criticism of AOC/Tlaib/Brother-marrying Omar/Pelosi/Schiff by LLR Chuck will literally be his first criticism of them.
But of course we all know that first criticism of the dems by LLR Chuck is actually never goin to happen.
For any reason.
And LLR Chuck sits in a corner staring at his navel wondering why no one will listen to him!
This might be crazy, but I thought the Founders wanted naturally "jealous" politicians to be a check on their opponents' corruption.
Isn't this good for the US, if Trump can out Biden Inc?
Nothing noths.
Trump's pronouns are indefinite.
In 1929 Heidegger gave his Freiburg inaugural lecture entitled ‘What is Metaphysics?’ In it he announced: Das Nichts selbst nichtet, ‘The Nothing itself noths (or ‘nihilates’, or ‘nothings’). This soon earned Heidegger fame as a purveyor of metaphysical nonsense. In his 1931 paper, ‘Overcoming of Metaphysics through Logical Analysis of Language’ Rudolf Carnap charged Heidegger with the offences of the whole metaphysical genre. His sentence has the same grammatical form as the sentence ‘The rain rains’ – a sentence which Carnap, or at least his translator, regarded as a ‘meaningful sentence of ordinary language’. But this harmless guise conceals severe logical blemishes. Heidegger treats the indefinite pronoun ‘nothing’ as a noun, as the ‘name or description of an entity’. (When he says ‘The nothing noths’ he surely does not mean ‘There is nothing that noths’ or ‘It is not the case that anything noths’.) He introduces the meaningless word ’to noth‘. He implies, and later affirms, the existence of the nothing, when the ‘existence of this entity would be denied in its very definition’. If all this were not enough, the sentence is meaningless, since it is neither analytic, nor contradictory, nor empirical. It is metaphysics, and metaphysics seriously damages our spiritual health.
If you want to understand the flop sweat panic that has induced known lefty liar and Racist Poster LLR Chuck to reenter the fray at Althouseblog, all you have to do is pull up last nights Dem Debate and the reason for LLR Chuck's flailing and gnashing of teeth becomes all too obvious.
LLR Chuck's Klown Kar Kandidate dems have reached a point of absurdity so vast that all the left wing polls that LLR Chuck so adores are showing Trump beating them all like a drum!
This is why LLR Chuck can't stay away.
His pals on Team Dem are in trouble. Bigly.
what does any of this have to do with intelligence, either kind, any advancement of us national interests?
Me, on the Althouse blog in 2012, criticizing Rashida Tlaib years before the rest of the nation ever heard of her:
Nobody believes you Chuck.
You are on their side.
Just like Mitt and Burr and Murkowski.
I look forward to seeing how much money Romney and his friends were making in Ukraine.
I was imagining the voice of Sgt Schultz
LOL! So was I.
Except I was thinking of John Banner representing the DNC/MSM complex saying about Hunter Biden and Burisma, "I see nothing, nooothiiinnng," as he frantically shakes his head.
Politico just did a fresh story where they completely ignore the fact that Sondman said the above words and eviscerated their story. Also, it looks like Democrats will have the power to veto subpoenas. So the "whistleblower”'s involvement in the crap out of Ukraine will be covered up.
"I want nothing" came at the very moment “ So before that, he had said absolutely nothing to Sondman? But still Sondman knew what Trump wanted? He didn’t just “presume”?
"I want nothing."
When I was driving once I saw this painted on a bridge...
"I don't want the world, I just want your half"
They don't need me here, and I know you're there (don't need me)
Where the world goes by like the humid air (world goes by)
And it sticks like a broken record
Everything sticks like a broken record
Everything sticks until it goes away (it goes home)
And the truth is, we don't know anything (don't know)
Ana Ng and I are getting old
And we still haven't walked in the glow of each others majestic presence
Listen Ana hear my words
They're the ones you would think I would say if there was a me for you
You fucking fucktards can't resist fucking up the blog by posting comments about banned non persons.
Fucking cuckly yentas
Blogger Howard said...
You fucking fucktards can't resist fucking up the blog by posting comments about banned non persons.
Fucking cuckly yentas
So, can I pencil you in as agreeing that the Ramones version of Trump reading his no quid-quo-pro note is the best meme, and it made you smile and put you in a good mood?
Thanks Browndog, that was perfect
I love how it’s a “weird hand scrawled denial” rather than a quote of testimony given under oath by an impeachment witness.
Howard: "You f***ing f***tards can't resist f***ing up the blog by posting comments about banned non persons."
"banned non persons" who somehow keep posting under their usual blog profiles.
Again, as always, Howard is using all of his limited set of words incorrectly.
P.S. Fen, come back, all is forgiven!
I have always fucking hated Morrissey.
Meat is Murder was pretty good.
The cow chorus cracked me up.
speedy was a sharp character
the one you got to watch out for is Slowpoke Rodriguez.
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Hello everyone i Am williams pater and i am from USA i am here to give my testimony about an herbal doctor called Dr,olu I was heartbroken because i had very small penis,not nice to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but could not offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to email him on his email i saw on the internet,(drolusolutionhome@gmail.com ) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal product for Penis Enlargement, Within three weeks of me use it, i began to feel the enlargement, " and now it just 4 weeks of using his products my penis is about 8 inches longer, and i had to settle thing out with my ex girlfriend , i was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my performance in bed and i now have a large penis.thanks to DR OLU for is herbal product. you can also reach him with emsil drolusolutionhome@gmail.com though is..number WHATASPP him today on this number [ +2348140654426 ]
(And glad I basically scrolled to the bottom to try and ignore that Howard twat).
I agree with Browndog: his Ramones version is well done, and the Poisonous Dwarf's version is lame-o.
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