November 15, 2019

At the Invisible Sunrise Café...


... you can talk all night.

The photo was taken at 6:53 this morning. The actual sunrise time was 6:51.


Mark said...

The Star Trek episode with Marianna Hill at the mental hospital with the hypno-beam is on now.

The one with Sherry Jackson was on the other day.

Nonapod said...

Here's Black Crowes' frontman Chris Robinson on Howard Stern telling a story of Bob Dylan flipping off the Rolling Stones.

narciso said...

Oh never mind:

Jon Ericson said...

Can't say it on Twitter, so I say it here.

I hired Trump to fire people like Yovanovich.

narciso said...

A classic cover:

narciso said...

A change of pace:

Hagar said...

I did not watch the hearing, but did watch CBS News this evening and thought they made Ambassador Yovanovitch look really bad. Why did CBS do that?
If she has been ambassador to all these hotspots she listed, she surely cannot just have been the simpering twit she appeared as here?

And she openly declared herself to have been an enemy of President Trump and his policies in her interplay with Adam Schiff. This surely is not a well thought out strategy on the part of the Democrats?

stevew said...

It is remarkable how clear and crisp the smartphone photos can be. Think about what you would have had to spend 20 years or so ago for a camera that produces such great photos. And you don't have to mess around with film speed and f-stops and such.

I love these times.

P.S. James had a middling night in the final but still prevailed as champion.

le Douanier said...


le Douanier said...


Hagar said...

BTW, this change to "bribery" instead of "quid pro quo" confuses me. Do they mean to charge Trump with taking bribes or giving them? The situation in Ukraine is by no means clear anyway.

narciso said...

A friend wrote the libretto for this opera about her home towns founding

Drago said...

adSs goes with Tentacle-Porn Newsweek!



Reminder: Newsweek was "sold" (LOL) for the premium price of $1.

Yes, $1.

I know what you're thinking: who was so dumb as to overpay that much for that rag AND hire tentacle porn-boy to run it?

Ans: nobody cares anymore.

Except tentacle porn readers.....

Michael K said...

Peanut thinks someone reads his stuff,

le Douanier said...

"Can't say it on Twitter, so I say it here.

I hired Trump to fire people like Yovanovich."

Mark said...

BTW, this change to "bribery" instead of "quid pro quo" confuses me.

If that is what ends up in any articles of impeachment, it also opens it up to a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim.

mccullough said...

Changing to “bribery” is dumb. Biden’s kid got $3 million from Ukraine and $1.5 billion from China. That’s the bribe. Just making it easier for Trump’s message.

mockturtle said...

BTW, this change to "bribery" instead of "quid pro quo" confuses me. Do they mean to charge Trump with taking bribes or giving them? The situation in Ukraine is by no means clear anyway.

Right, Hagar. We all know that at no time has any US official ever bribed a foreign leader. Ever! Not with military aid, not with humanitarian aid, not with cold cash. This just doesn't happen! /s

le Douanier said...


They became worthless w/o Eichenwald.

Jon Ericson said...

The financial results for 2009 as reported by The Washington Post Company showed that advertising revenue for Newsweek was down 37% in 2009 and the magazine division reported an operating loss for 2009 of $29.3 million compared to a loss of $16 million in 2008.[20] During the first quarter of 2010, the magazine lost nearly $11 million.[21]...

The magazine was sold to audio pioneer Sidney Harman on August 2, 2010, for $1 in exchange for assuming the magazine's financial liabilities.[3][24]

Mr. Harman had agreed to assume more than $50 million in liabilities from The Post.

Drago said...

anti-de Sitter space: "Drag,
They became worthless w/o Eichenwald."

They are still worth about a buck on the open market, but now with even more Tentacle Porn!!

Newsweek: The New and "Improved" "News" Magazine For The Sophisticated Tentacle Porn Aficionado!!

mockturtle said...

PS: Nor with favored trade status...

le Douanier said...

Is this the thread where we jabber about the Weekly Standard sucking?

How about Air America? Is this the thread for that hot topic?

I gets all missed up.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

The Dow exceeded 28,000 for the first time today! :-)

narciso said...

Now what ever twist proclivities kurt has, the truth is not one of them, he straight up lied on that texaco story about the black marbles, i dont know what lie he made up with regards to enron, he made excuses for gitmo detainees after september 11th

le Douanier said...

Drag is right.

Free internet porn killed Newsweek. So easy to get those tentacles. For free!

Probably same for WS and AA.

Michael K said...

Nancy is thinking about when it is time to pull the plug on this clown show,.

Mark said...

Is this the thread where we jabber about the Weekly Standard sucking?
How about Air America? Is this the thread for that hot topic?

Well, I tried to get it started with talk about hot Star Trek women in skimpy outfits, but no one followed up on it.

I guess you guys are all gay.

narciso said...

Teh weekly standard is dead, like the new york herald tribune, air america was aface hugger hive for franken hayes maddow

madAsHell said...

Jesus, Drago!! Don't wrestle with a pig in mud.

Hagar said...

The Bidens' doings is a whole different matter. Burisma being an energy company, they are probably paying for help in natural gas pipelines from Ukraine to the western Europe markets, which, of course, was/is also of great interest to the Ukraine government, and there no doubt is a great deal to unpack there, but that was in the Obama administration.
(Though Joe Biden is reported to have received $900,000 in lobbying fees since.)

The idea with Trump would be that either he is offering Ukraine armaments in return for information about the Bidens' doings, or Ukraine is offering the information in return for munitions.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Is that figure at the edge of the water Althouse, or a penguin?

narciso said...

From the other thread:

narciso said...

Also from the caucasus

le Douanier said...

"Nancy is thinking about when it is time to pull the plug on this clown show"

Will she choose before or after the public hears and sees the firsthand report re dude hearing DJT jabber about his pursuit re using American influence to get a foreign country to help with his reelect?

Hopefully she chooses before. Or else we'll all need to read how you and most others here support the opposite of what the Framers wanted. They realized that elections don't work if the Admin is using the Admin to subvert elections. Duh.

Hopefully Nancy will save you.

narciso said...

Both are from that region of the world
The latter could have done a better job than jennifer lawrence, in red sparrow.

Drago said...

adSs: "Will she choose before or after the public hears and sees the firsthand report re dude hearing DJT jabber about his pursuit re using American influence to get a foreign country to help with his reelect?"


narciso said...

Now she played a russian sleeper agent in black widow

Ken B said...

Yovanovich didn’t fire herself.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Yovanovich didn’t fire herself."

By her actions she most certainly did.

narciso said...

Actually no, burisma owns assets in cwntral asia, and italy of all places, geithermal assets. Actually burisma cut their supply of natural gas, as its russian master dictated.

narciso said...

Central asia, like kazakhstan where guiffea mined the uranium that went to eosatom.

narciso said...

Guiffra and rosatom, the russian state buclear combine.

narciso said...

Nuclear, autocucumber is particularly bad today.

le Douanier said...

Could have tentacles coming out of her wherever? That means ears, right?

narciso said...

Rachel nichols was one of the few good things in that trek revanp, as one of the orion slave girls.

mccullough said...

Masha had a tough job. She had to convince Ukraine not to be corrupt while Biden received a $3 million bribe from them to release aid.

Hagar said...

So, what could V-P Biden help Burisma get from the Obama administration?
Or is there someone else who needed something from the U.S. and had something Burisma could use? Besides the Ukrainian government?

mccullough said...

Biden refused to release the aid to Ukraine until they fired the head prosecutor for not going after corruption. For example, the lead prosecutor did not go after Burisma for paying millions to the coke-addled useless son of the US Vice President in order to maintain good relations with the US government and US businesses dependent on the US government.

narciso said...

The world is krisha, protection, from itchy creditors who might wonder where all that financial aid ended up, but they a five sided clover, intel finance eu clout and two anerican princelings.

narciso said...

The arabs call it basta, the chinese guanxi both mean connections or pull,

le Douanier said...

DJT refused to release the aid to Ukraine until they fired the head prosecutor for not going after corruption. For example, the lead prosecutor did not go after Burisma for paying millions to DJT's coke-addled, useless son in order to maintain good relations with the US government and US businesses dependent on the US government.

DJT = America First!

narciso said...

There was also corruption in the ukrainan defense ministry, under the previous administration.

narciso said...

I heard of basta from that terry novel i referenced earlier. Re even in syria.

narciso said...

Hayes i referenced earlier,

Ot brie larson is totally expressionless even in the king kong film.

mccullough said...

Ukraine is corrupt. Burisma is corrupt. The Bidens are corrupt.

These hearings have established this. The Dems should quit while they are behind. P

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Did anyone else see the Trump-Erdogan press conference? Not often you see something like that.

le Douanier said...

FullMoon said...

Jesus, Drago!! Don't wrestle with a pig in mud.

More like he is shooting fish in a barrel

mccullough said...

Obama pushed through Net Neutrality. Netflix was the biggest beneficiary of this policy change. Netflix then paid Obama $50 million.

Trump then repealed Net Neutrality.

Trump knows where the bribes went.

mccullough said...

Pelosi is scared that Trump is going after her graft rackets. So are Romney and McConnell.

narciso said...

Then we come to bohai investments and their tie with cgn and pilfered nuclear secrets to china, through their man allen ho.

narciso said...

You would think she wouldnt speak of rope, where theres been a hanging.

narciso said...

Although bertelsman just as well profited from the iran deal for a time.

mccullough said...

Bohai is just a front for China to funnel bribes to American political leaders like Biden and Kerry and others.

Xi is pissed Trump won. He’s not getting the return on his investment. Pelosi is trying to keep up her end of the bribe with this impeachment bullshit.

mccullough said...

Iran didn’t get the full $150 billion. 10 percent of it was broken off for The Swamp.

That’s why Trump revoked the Swamp’s deal with Iran.

mccullough said...

Kerry keeps up contact with Iran to assuage the mullahs that they will get the benefit of their bribes. That’s what the Mueller investigation and impeachment are about.

le Douanier said...

"More like he is shooting fish in a barrel"

If you study hard and practice for many yours, you too could become a master like Drago.

When I type truths that can't be refuted: direct quote it, and then add 'lulz' = Boom! Or, jabber about Newsweek and tentacle sex = BoomBoom!!

Yur not ready for that level. But, keep working at it.

Until then, just type that nobody should read the irrefutable things that I type. That's what the middle level folks do.

Carry on.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Well, I tried to get it started with talk about hot Star Trek women in skimpy outfits, but no one followed up on it.

I believe it was David Gerrold in The World of Star Trek who commented on NBC's odd censorship standards at the time. You could go all out with cleavage, but couldn't show underboob at all: "I guess they thought moss grew under there.."

narciso said...

Well huawei reputedly built up telcomnetworks for iran and in taliban vcontrolled afghAnistan not too mentio. Dodgy areas of africa.

narciso said...

Now the uk and germany cant get enough of huawei, an appendage of the chinese state apparat.

le Douanier said...


They do make a cool folding phone.

And re Chicoms: tic toc.

But don't worry, we're gonna win in the end cause of coal and such. F the elite blue majority!

narciso said...

As with the uk and cgn, they just want to be robbed blind.

narciso said...

Jaq said...

Did you see the shit shows Hillary cooked up in Libya and Syria? Not often you see blunders of that magnitude, the sheer scale of the refugee crisis actually destabilized the E.U. Thousands upon thousands drowned fleeing her tender ministrations. I am told tht the traffic on the River Stix was backed up for miles when she got through there. So if you are wondering, ARM, if it upsets me that Trump is not perfect? Well, we always have to consider the alternative, don’t we.

Now the democrats want to completely re-engineer the economy and turn the incentives upside down because they feel like there is some tiny percentage not benefiting from it. The only thing command economies are good for is fighting wars against smaller weaker nations, so once our economy has been destroyed, look for some savior to come along with a bright idea.

n.n said...

Dr. Helen Noel, "Dagger of the Mind".




n.n said...

Dr. Helen Noel in motion. She has a Sophia Loren quality.

stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken B said...

Drago doesn’t get jokes.

narciso said...

The joke is anyone would hire eichenwald with his track record,

Some people think shibumi is a bond pastichebut its more unique then that.
After someone died in the course of filmingthe eiger sanction (whichdan silvaliberally borrowed aspects of gabriel allon, he refused to Allow any of his
stories to be adapted, so he made his anti hero a neutral party like a protagonist from a spaghetti western

stephen cooper said...

narciso I love reading your non-narcissistic comments

here is what shibumi was (I am in a good mood tonight)

Tolstoy was a beta male, a real loser, but he had the good things in life - he was given millions as a gift from his parents, although a weak little man they let him pretend to be a soldier and God knows he bragged about that the rest of his life, his poor wife was flabbergasted when she read his diary, in which he described the hundreds of times he had paid poor decent young women to perform sexual acts on his disgusting selfish aristocrat body .....

shibumi is about what it takes to be the anti-Tolstoy

narciso said...

Working for all sides, that was the feeling in the 70s, now the twist that the intelligence agencies might go after israeli commandoes might have been crazy in 1979, but not as much as they had actually hired a terrorist as a source.

stephen cooper said...

narciso - well yeah

narciso said...

Well there is that aspect, but tolstoy was the nephew of the russian interior minister not a nice fellow to be charitable (the jews particularly had a brief against his uncle along with ignatiev

narciso said...

The russian orthodox church was considered oppressive to his fine sensibilities late in life he discovered there was real faith, he had an epiphany.

narciso said...

So in gomorrah on the bay, the courts tell daleiden the real obscenity is relating the sacrifices to moloch, oh stephen cooper there has to be a great judgement.

stephen cooper said...

remember tolstoy was often tempted to suicide.

Southey wrote a poem about people like that { Thalaba the Destroyer )

as far as I can tell, God is not fond of people who hate the Jews, unless they repent

poor Leo and his pal Fyodor were just ordinary people and God forgives ordinary people even when they do not repent (I HOPE)

I never believed for a second that Leo and Fyodor were decent people
Decent people are expected to repent of their sins

only the aristocrats of the soul are not expected to do that

and little Leo and little Fyodor were just money-grubning writers, au fond, every body knows that

which is a good thing ..... nobody expects such people to really care about what they have done

we just like to see losers in life like that be happy with their "achievements"

we wish the best for everyone
because we care

stephen cooper said...

narciso don't worry about judgment


can you imagine waking up every morning next to someone who does not love Daleiden for what he has done for


Gregg said...

Schiff: "Look at this tweet here. Take a good look at it. Isn't this a mean tweet? You are totally intimidated by this awful, vile tweet, aren't you now?

Witness: "Why yes, I think I am !!"

stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

Ok, I'm back from drinking beer with my guy friends. We started real early - at 5:00 pm. As you get older, 3 hours of drinking is plenty. No need to overdue it. One of my pards is going through a divorce. Age 53. 3 teenage kids. I don't envy him, but I give him support. Problem: he and wife became "roommates" way too early.

Anyway, about Schiff's impeachment inquiry:

A farce. A hoax. A kangaroo court. A clown show. I am embarrassed for these self-righteous goofballs who think it's ok to nullify 63 million votes. Pathetic. They should be ashamed of themselves. First, the Russian hoax, now the Ukraine hoax. They really need to shutdown this nonsense.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Way to ruffle their Fur, Elise!

...Kudos to Ms. Stefanik

buwaya said...

I am once again afflicted by the old person get up early thing.
My long multi-stage jetlag is over I guess. I hope.
Weather is exactly like Seattle. So be it.


Drago said...

Ken B: "Drago doesn’t get jokes."

Sure I do. Your Syria "analyses" always leave me in stitches!

Original Mike said...

28,000, baby!

buwaya said...

Energy is power.
Thats what made Britain top dog, ultimately, more accessible coal than anyone else in a position to use it in the 19th century. France was way behind the 8-ball because it had little coal, and Germany was always short. Spain and Italy had next to none, hence heavy industry was a long time coming. Italy ultimately figured out Alpine hydro, so it got somewhere thereby. Spain had no such options.

Accessible energy has changed forms over time, but the sine qua non is that you must have it.

China has energy problems. The US, potentially, is vastly better off, if it chooses to be. The only problem there is your fellow Americans. There is no substitute for stuff, things - metals, chemicals, manufactures.

Kathryn51 said...

Mark said: "The Star Trek episode with Marianna Hill at the mental hospital with the hypno-beam is on now."

Hubby and I are watching right now (West Coast) - H&I (Heroes and Icons) - the channel for Boomers

Kim Darby was on last night - one of my favorite episodes.

narciso said...

mockturtle said...

Buwaya observes: There is no substitute for stuff, things - metals, chemicals, manufactures.

Right. Digital technology alone cannot produce bridge supports, pour pavement for roads or manufacture medications. All of these necessities require raw materials and the know-how to turn them into usable products.

mockturtle said...

Way to ruffle their Fur, Elise!


mockturtle said...

GOD LOVES US ALL, says Stephen Cooper.

Than why did He say, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

Crazy World said...

Cheers Bay Area Guy 10:34 good stuff

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

as you probably know--

Yancey Ward said...

I see people mentioning Marianna Hill from the TOS. I hadn't realized she was in "Dagger of the Mind". Where I know her from is "The Godfather Part II"- she played Fredo's wife.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, Narciso- I finished reading Yovanovich's testimony just a few minutes ago- that opening statement was definitely perjury on the account about Biden, and it is particularly bad because it was a prepared statement, not something she just uttered in the heat of the moment.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

"All of my old friends look like doctors. All of his look like you." - McCoy to Shaw

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

I see people mentioning Marianna Hill from the TOS. I hadn't realized she was in "Dagger of the Mind". Where I know her from is "The Godfather Part II"- she played Fredo's wife.

She was a bit of a chameleon. She was also the loose woman that Clint Eastwood forced himself on in High Plains Drifter.

eddie willers said...

Sherry Jackson on Star Trek.

Make Room For Daddy's Girl!

Mark said...

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) asked Marie Yavonavitch, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, about the Obama State Department's coaching, about which Yavonavitch had previously testified.

"The first time you personally became aware of Burisma was actually when you were being prepared by the Obama State Department for your confirmation hearings," Stefanik began. "You testified that in this particular practice Q & A with the Obama State Department, it wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption, it was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?"

"Yes it is," Yavonavitch replied.


That's judgment of acquittal right there. At the very worst, what Trump asked for -- asking Ukraine to look into the matter -- was nothing more than what the Obama Administration had already looked into.

Yancey Ward said...

"She was also the loose woman that Clint Eastwood forced himself on in High Plains Drifter."

Wow, you are correct. I haven't seen the movie in a long time, though.

narciso said...

Heres a twist

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Thats robertobrien refusing to meetwith contes foreign minister demaio

Matt Sablan said...

"And she openly declared herself to have been an enemy of President Trump and his policies in her interplay with Adam Schiff."

-- That explains why she was fired. Try being an open enemy of your boss at work. Not a "friendly rival" or someone with "different ideas," but "enemy."

Matt Sablan said...

"Do they mean to charge Trump with taking bribes or giving them?"

-- Yes.

Matt Sablan said...

"Will she choose before or after the public hears and sees the firsthand report re dude hearing DJT jabber about his pursuit re using American influence to get a foreign country to help with his reelect?"

-- Will they let him to take over part of their country for photo ops, like at say, the Bradenburg Gate?

rehajm said...

I caught the two minutes where in regards to the newly released transcript Schiff called for the release of thousands more documents. He sure made it sound like they know they don’t have anything to move on.

Jaq said...

"Do they mean to charge Trump with taking bribes or giving them?"

Good question. We will focus group that today!

Breezy said...

Nunes highlighting that she has no relevant info re the fake Ukraine “quid pro quo” should have triggered her dismissal from further questioning. WTH have we come to? Impeachment article for firing someone you have every right and reason to fire? She’s not even fired, just reassigned.

And Chris Wallace has lost his marbles, btw.

Rusty said...

Buwaya observes: There is no substitute for stuff, things - metals, chemicals, manufactures.
Yes. "Give me two pieces of steel and a hammer etc. etc."

The usual suspects whine and mock and believe the impeachment proceedings are going their way. in the meantime; Dow over 28,000.
Winning is good.

mockturtle said...

ICTA: I was referring to the context in which the Apostle Paul was using it. God does play favorites. In the same chapter [Romans 9] he states: Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

stephen cooper said...

mockturtle - "God loves us all" is present tense in English.

The hatred of Esau, which you quoted from one of the earlier books of the Bible, is linked to a specific despicable act of Esau's, in the past tense.

You make a good point - God does, in fact, probably hate us while we do despicable acts, but for God the present tense is generally presumed to be beyond and past the present moment, without forgetting what has happened, except in God's following act of forgiveness (which is what we want for ourselves and those we care about) or condemnation (which is what we want for those who harm others and refuse to repent for that).

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