November 1, 2019

An impeachment trial would help Joe Biden — because Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Cory Booker would all face the obligation to do their job as Senator.

I'm reading "Could a Long Impeachment Trial Derail the Senators Running for President?" by Ed Kilgore (in NY Magazine).
An impeachment trial doesn’t allow for time off to do campaign events: The Senate rules require that once the trial begins, it must stay in session six days a week...

[T]he current Senate rules compel virtual silence from senators during the trial itself... [A]ll senators get to do is to send written questions to be posed by the House managers or the president’s attorneys, and then stand up and vote “guilty” or “not guilty” when the deal goes down.... McConnell … warned that senators won’t be allowed to speak because they are jurors....

[An impeachment trial] could be a boon to non-senators — particularly Joe Biden, who can bloviate to his heart’s desire about the lessons he learned on impeachment and all the issues involving Trump during his 44 years as a member or presiding officer of the Upper Chamber....

[F]or senators who want to be president, knowing that Mitch McConnell and his troops will get the final say on some of the most crucial questions of timing and procedure is like knowing that Satan gets one final shot at your soul right there at the Pearly Gates.
As noted 2 posts down, the Senate could just entertain a motion to dismiss, vote "yes," and avoid the trial altogether.

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Cory Booker could all just go ahead and vote a dramatic and outraged "NO!!!" and the motion would still pass, relieving them of the burden.

Maybe burdening those presidential candidates is a good strategy for the GOP, good enough to make the GOP want the trial. There are other reasons for the GOP to want to do the trial — to vindicate Trump and make the Democrats look as awful as possible. But one of the arguments the GOP is making now is that the congressional Democrats are not getting anything done because of their foolish pursuit of impeachment. That's a reason for the Senate Republicans to act fast and move on to something else. Yes, I realize the Democratic House will resist anything the Republican Senate passes, but that will bolster the characterization of them as "do nothing" Democrats.


Jaq said...

Yes, let’s focus on Biden’s corruption! That will help him!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is all for corrupt Hillary and her Strozk deep state. A gift for her - so she will repay them later.

Seeing Red said...

They shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

They have to recuse themselves.

Kevin said...

Why aren't they to be recused for having a conflict of interest?

Are we really going to let them vote to remove Trump for the "crime" of investigating the possible wrongdoings of a political opponent?

Has this never occurred to even one of the talking heads on TV, or journalists at a major media publication?

Jess said...

I doubt most congress critters have a clue on proceedings, and final ramifications. If they did, this clown parade would have never started.

Mike said...

If the Ukraine stuff really is a way to help Warren out at the expense of Biden and Trump, there's no way it gets this far. I think Pelosi is working overtime to figure out how to get out of a full impeachment trial but save face.

gilbar said...

i REALLY don't see this making it to an impeachment vote in the house;
but if it does, and if... the Senate could just entertain a motion to dismiss, vote "yes," and avoid the trial altogether.

This would just help the dem's who could/WOULD say: the fix was in!

IF (IF!) this makes it to the Senate, the Senate should spend a LONG TIME going over (and Over (and OVER)!) how The President isn't the criminal, the HOUSE is

Mike Sylwester said...

The Iowa Caucus will take place on February 3, 2020.

If Joe Biden has not dropped out before that event, then he will drop out on the following day.

Bay Area Guy said...

The impeachment "process" is a farce. It's a disgrace. If the shoe were on the other foot, I would never support it. Ken Starr's famous report had at least 11 instances of federal crimes, mostly involving perjury or obstruction of justice. Apparently, that didn't rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors" because they were mostly related to Clinton's covering up and lying about his adultery, in the White House, with Monica Lewinsky and various cigars.

Ok, I accepted that. Clinton survived and thrived.

Here, there are no crimes. The Russian collusion investigation was a hoax. Now, Pelosi and Schiff have moved on to a Ukranian phone call hoax, where, again, no crimes were committed. It's dumbshit low level bureaucrats lying about what was said in the phone call.

If anyone supports this farce, they are discredited. This includes Congressman, Senators, Presidential candidates, bloggers, writers and even lowly commentators on his blog.

Beasts of England said...

Why wouldn’t those Democrat senators have to recuse themselves from an impeachment trial? Why should they be able to vote to damage or and possibly remove from office their political rival in an election year?

gilbar said...

Mean while...
The S%P is at Record High Levels
Unemployment remains LOW(est!)
Job Hiring remains Solid

In the Immortal Words of Ronald Reagan "Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?"

traditionalguy said...

Brilliant work, Professor.

traditionalguy said...

I suspect Professor Althouse knows a lot about Constitutional Law.

traditionalguy said...

I suspect Professor Althouse knows a lot about Constitutional Law.

Gusty Winds said...

The "something" being done by House and Senate Republicans (except for the Mitt Romney RINOs) is the protection of those who live in middle America and are fighting to preserve and defend themselves against coastal elites.

With all the stupid ideas the Democrats come up with (Green New Deal) who wants them to really do anything anyway? It's probably best for the country that they don't touch anything.

traditionalguy said...

“They never thought he would win” ,redux.

tim maguire said...

I don't know that there is a Senator-candidate they fear enough to tie them up in an impeachment trial. There are reasons to think Biden might actually be the Dem's best hope.

Derek Kite said...

Who wrote this? Is he off his meds or something?

This whole impeachment drive was started by the exposure of Biden's corruption. His numbers dropped off immediately. There was furious spin by his campaign and the media to change the subject.

So let's have Biden's corruption discussed every evening, and Biden prospers?

Are you kidding? This is one of these situations which reveals how far from reality this whole thing has gone.

Dave Begley said...

Have an impeachment trial. Make the Dem Senators sit at their desks. Watch the Presidents' lawyers carve up the case.


robother said...

The Democrats confirm their identity as the Dindu Nuffin party.

Brian said...

Seems we are starting to hear more and more stories about how a trial in the Senate would be bad, huh?

Wonder what the internal polls are now showing about this impeachment sham.

A Senate impeachment trial has only happened 2 times in history. Only once in the modern media environs. If the 98 trial was a media event, today's would be a media superstorm. Which side has the better showmanship? In 98 it was Henry Hyde, et. al and Bill Clinton.

Today it would be Jerry Nadler (et. al) and Donald Trump. I think I know which side would come out the better politically.

I expect that Trump may actually show up in the well of the Senate himself. Shutdown the government while the prosecutors are doing their case in chief. Make it the pre-eminent event of the entire globe. It will be the biggest stage of the world. And Mitt Romney will have to sit there like a lump on a log.

The bigger he makes the stage the more vindicated he is after he is acquitted.

PM said...

"Are You Better Off Than You Were (Just Four Short) Years Ago?"

Just for the record - the immortal words of Hal Riney, the writer of RR's "Morning in America" ad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary didn't kill Epstein - the Deep State did.

Who is the master of the Deep State?

n.n said...

mostly related to Clinton's covering up and lying about his adultery

Adultery was a character witness when voting. That said, Clinton lied about superior exploitation (e.g. #MeToo), and Republicans overestimated feminist support for women.

Brian said...

I doubt most congress critters have a clue on proceedings, and final ramifications. If they did, this clown parade would have never started

I think the ones leading it feel that if they don't go for broke they will be voted out by their base. And the horse may sing and Trump might resign.

Every time I hear a CNN analyst say that the GOP needs to go up there and say "Enough is enough Mr. President" I just laugh. Trump is not Richard Nixon.

johns said...

It is appealing to think that a Senate trial would allow the Rs to expose the awfulness of the Ds' case. Somehow these hopes never seem to come to fruition. The Hillary Clinton emails, now that was really going to show her corruption, except that is not how it was covered in the MSM. The Mueller report, now that was going to show that the Russia conspiracy was a hoax, except that is not how it was covered in the MSM.
If there is a Senate trial, I will have to up my blood pressure meds, because it will be ugly. I can write the MSM coverage now.

DarkHelmet said...

"because Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Cory Booker would all face the obligation to do their job as Senator."

It just struck me in a new way that those five jokers are currently senators. Yes, I knew it before, obviously, but think about it: In that one sentence we have 5% of the U.S. Senate listed. And they are all appalling people.

How has our republic survived at all given the very low level characters we elevate to great power? It's a bloody miracle.

CWJ said...

I find it highly ironic that this "problem" exists solely because the trial is so close to the normal election for President. That alone should demonstrate the absurdity of impeachment at this late date.

n.n said...

a CNN analyst say that the GOP needs to go up there and say "Enough is enough Mr. President" I just laugh. Trump is not Richard Nixon.

It's debatable whether Nixon chose wisely, but it seems quite clear that Trump will not take a knee in order to prove that he is not a warlock. Respect my civil rights and allow... nay, enable due process. Mr. Schiff, show me the evidence!

Robin said...

Couldn't the senators just recuse themselves from the Senate trial and stay on the campaign trail. After all, as long as they are still running they have a pretty clear conflict of interest since removing him from office could possibly increase the likelihood they end up in his office.

Gretchen said...

Doesn't every Senator who is a candidate have a direct personal interest in impeaching Trump? Each Democrat running for the party's nomination must recuse themselves.

If they believe Trump can't ask a foreign government to look into wrongdoing by a possible political opponent, then certainly they cannot participate in looking into wrongdoing by the President.

Yancey Ward said...

They just won't attend the trial, if it is conflicting with their campaign needs.

Earnest Prole said...

One of the arguments the GOP is making now is that the congressional Democrats are not getting anything done.

And that's supposed to be a bad thing?

narciso said...

yes Richard burr has been mark warner's poodle, in this whole matter of the last three years,

Yancey Ward said...


The trial would be televised- no real way around that, no matter how much the media might hate Trump. Schiff and company don't even want the hearings of today televised- that is a big tell, and those hearings would have a fraction of the audience and media coverage an actual Senate trial would have.

bleh said...

This is why the House is unlikely to actually impeach him before the election. It would give the Senate GOP way too much power to make Trump's case to the nation during the election campaign. Sure, they could outright dismiss the case. But they could also permit Trump to put on a showy defense, and the news networks would either have to report on all the favorable evidence and testimony marshaled in his defense or just pretend there's no impeachment. There's no chance John Roberts will interfere in that. And given how the House has handled the "inquiry" thus far, the Democrats would have no leg to stand on if they criticized how the Senate GOP managed the trial.

I think the Democrats knows this and are trying to figure out how they can prolong the process in the House.

Francisco D said...

I think Pelosi is working overtime to figure out how to get out of a full impeachment trial but save face.


An impeachment trial would be like the Kavanaugh hearings. The Dems thought that CBF would derail the nomination because women who have honestly been sexually assaulted would identify with her. Only the crazies and the moms who pay peripheral attention to the DNC Media bought the hoax.

In both cases, evidence or lack thereof is not a factor for Dems. It is all about the optics. I suspect Trump can manage those optics pretty well.

Yancey Ward said...

In fact, if the House continues to not actually act, I would start the trial in the Senate Judiciary Committee without the House- start calling all the same witnesses plus more for open testimony right now- nothing is preventing it.

Jake said...

Biden might have to testify if there’s an impeachment trial. Will that help his campaign?

Susan said...

I am surrounded by liberal Democrats at work all day. Because they get all their information from the MSM they "feel" that what is going on in the House is an impeachment process. But they are concerned about the secrecy of it all. To a person they all believe Trump is guilty as hell of something although it varies from person to person what that might be. All of them, however, think the Biden's traded on Joe's office for money. So specifics about Good Old Joe and vagaries about Trump.

Wince said...

Presumably the Democrats want this to drag out at least until after the Durham/Horowitz bombs drop.

readering said...

Senate Republicans have one agenda, confirm Article III judges. Running out of appellate openings and nominees so focusing on trial judges. Big wup.

Mountain Maven said...

More exposure will hurt Biden; more gaffes and senior moments.

hombre said...

A better question: Will the impeachment trial disrupt the re-election campaigns of 20+ Republican Senators.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Just for the record - the immortal words of Hal Riney, the writer of RR's "Morning in America" ad.

Wrong campaign. Reagan asked the better off question in the 1980 campaign. Maybe the debate. The answer was "no."

1984 the answer was "hell yes!" And Reagan won 49 states.

Lurker21 said...

Biden could use the extra time to catch up on his napping.

But so much of the talk at the hearings/trial will be about the Bidens that it's hard to see how Joe benefits.

Clearly the impeachment drive is intended to remove Trump from office, but the idea that it was intended to advantage or disadvantage one of the competitors isn't convincing. Biden is collateral damage, but I don't think he was an intended target. That's too much overthinking.

Andrew said...

Something I'd like to see: The current Ukrainian government - the President, other high ranking officials, and anyone investigating the previous regime's corruption - coming to the United States for a week and volunteering to answer any questions from all parties. They should bring a few boxes of documents and say, "These are declassified. Have at it."

Anonymous said...

"If there is a Senate trial, I will have to up my blood pressure meds, because it will be ugly. I can write the MSM coverage now."

I disagree. I think Trump is itching for a trial. He is going to unload on the Democrats, and with McConnell in charge nothing will be off limits: Russia, Mueller, Biden, Page and Stroke, Steele dossier, FISA warrants, you name it. The media will not be able to spin it, since it will be on TV and radio all day every day, and people will be glued to it. Remember the Clarence Thomas hearings?

The fact that it will keep the Democrat senators from campaigning, and no one will be paying attention to Iowa or New Hampshire, is just a bonus for Trump.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Today's CNN Headline:

We now know exactly how Donald Trump is going to try to get reelected


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The MSM is the Democrat party propaganda arm.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

this looks like a trump love fest site skipping over facts and hooking up on delusion.Democrats have sent over 400 bills to the Senate where Moscow Mitch refuses to bring up.Life long republicans calling trump out on corruption and graff.Ignorance seems bliss on some sites> oh well thats how the ball spins on internet world..grandkids will bring truth instead of lies back to the top...Office of presidency has been stained hopefully to recover in decades after this corrupt organization and 30% of the SVENGALI MIND RA FOLKS GO BACK UDERGROUND AMAZING WHAT THE 1ST BI RACIAL PRESIDENT COULD PRODUCE HUH?..dont believe what you see or what your ears hear,just believe me! where have we heard that before? check GOOGLE for answer...and they asked how could that ever have happened? YoUr viewing it LIVE!!! BUT THOSE emails!! did you notice republicans had to release Clinton was vindicated,,bet this group didnt see that or chose not too..IGNORANCE OF ISSUES DOES SEEM TO PRODUCE BLISS IS SOME CORNERS HUH?

cubanbob said...

Unless there is something that no one in the public knows about the Democrats must be completely crazy to continue on this path. What would a Senate trial get them? Three of their four currently leading nominees stuck in the Senate while this travesty is in full display the other being crossed examined during the procedures. All of the witnesses the Democrats used to bring this action will be shredded in the cross examination and the witness that that were exculpatory will be subpoenaed and examined. In the end what will happen is that the Democrats will have been shown to be conspirators to a number of felonies on live TV. Then the DoJ will have a field day conducting criminal investigations.

Michael K said...

Blogger hombre said...

A better question: Will the impeachment trial disrupt the re-election campaigns of 20+ Republican Senators.

Good point. I think a few will have to choose if they are willing to commit to Trump. Like Romney.

rcocean said...

This article is incorrect about McConnell controlling the process. 51 Senators control the process for a trial. All shcumer has to do is get the RINO Sisters, Mittens, and 3-4 other grandstanding Republican "Mavericks" and Schumer will control the impeachment process.

Kevin said...

What happens when the Impeachment Trial becomes how Trump and the Republicans use the time to explain to the country what happened in the Ukraine and how it ties to the origins of the Mueller Report?

Instead of a one-day news dump which can be quickly covered in the next day's news, the Democrat campaigns will all have to stop and the country will be focused on Defense Counsel's calling of witnesses over a protracted period which spell out all the dirty details?

The Dems may have just unleashed the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

Roughcoat said...

Shame, ye Democrats. Shame! You will regret this. You will pay for this.

gilbar said...

Jake said...
Biden might have to testify if there’s an impeachment trial. Will that help his campaign?

Ummm, Jo Biden has Already dropped to FOURTH place in iowa; i don't think he HAS a campaign

Jaq said...

It’s pretty clear by the statements of the Democrats who voted for impeachment yesterday that their position is that they really didn’t vote for “impeachment." So I have to think that if something real doesn’t come out of this it isn’t even going to get out of the House.

Beasts of England said...

I look forward to Trey Gowdy questioning (under oath) Ciaramella and Biden during the Senate trial...

Kevin said...

Kellyanne Conway: Sub-creatures! Trump the Trumparian, Trump the Deep State Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the Traveller to the heartland on Air Force One has come! Choose and perish!

Chuck Schumer: What do you mean, choose? We don't understand!

Conway: Choose! Choose the form of the Deep State Destructor!

Nancy Pelosi: Oh, I get it. Real cute! [to the others] Whatever we think of- if we think of J. Edgar Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover will appear and destroy us, okay? So empty your heads, don't think of anything. We've only got one shot at this.

Conway: The choice is made!

Pelosi: Whoa! Hold on!

Conway: The Traveller has come!

Pelosi: Nobody chose anything! [turns to Schiff] Did you think of anything?

Schiff: No.

Pelosi: [to Jerry Nadler] Did you?

Nadler: Everyone knows my mind is totally blank.

Pelosi: I didn't think anything. [All three slowly turn to look at Maxine Waters]

Waters: I couldn't help it. It just popped in there.

Pelosi: [sternly] What? What "just popped in there?"

Waters: I- I- I tried to think...

Schumer: Look! [They all look over one side of the roof]

Waters: No! It can't be!

Pelosi: What is it?

Waters: It can't be!

Pelosi: What did you do, Maxine?!

Nadler: Oh no! [They all see a giant cubic white head topped with a sailor hat]

Waters: [sighs, resigned] It's impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment.…

Left Bank of the Charles said...

So Republicans should not vote to dismiss and instead stretch the trial out as long as possible, is that the new strategy being proposed?

Obviously Joe Biden will need to be held in Washington as a material witness.

William said...

I don't know if this will work out for the Senators or the Dem Party, but it will definitely be a ratings boost for the news networks. The Dem Party has allied themselves with the news media. The news media will act in ways that favor the news media. The Dem Party might want to re-think their alliance.....The news media has very little historical awareness of their many flaws and, since the media doesn't advertise their mistakes, neither does the general public, but those mistakes were huge......Maybe people will get wise. There have been several tv shows and movies about the sexual misdeeds within the Fox News organization. The subtext of these dramas is why are there no dramas about figures like Weinstein or Lauer or Moonves. Am I the only person on earth who has caught on to the bias involved?

wendybar said...

Keep on dreaming RADICAL Anti American Democrats....Keep on Dreaming. If Trump goes down, and is kicked out...YOU get Pence...Can't get any more Conservative than him!!!

Jaq said...

Arguments about illegal immigration are reported as arguments about immigration.

Arguments about due process are reported as arguments about process.

A scandal about Biden openly taking graft turns into a scandal about accusing Biden of graft.

A scandal about Katie Hill using her position to have sex with staff turns into a scandal about revenge porn.

The problem Republicans have is that Democrats are in control of the language.

PM said...

Biden, then, the focus of this "mess" is ultimately the calm in the center of the tornado. Whattaworld.

Jaq said...

[A] New York Times/Siena College poll released Wednesday showed that voters in six key swing states oppose impeaching and removing President Trump, 52 percent to 44 percent.

Yeah, Impeachment will help Biden!

rhhardin said...

How stupid is the audience supposed to be that this plan is playing to. I assume women.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

You'd have to ignore Biden's on-the-record history w/r/t the last impeachment proceedings to so cavalierly assume he will have complete freedom to bloviate on the subject (in contrast to the current Senator's need to be more circumspect).

Reporters have such short memories!

It's all moot, though, since this is only an issue if the Media gives a fair accounting of the Dems positions/statements...and in the context of an impeachment trial against Trump there's just no chance the Media will be anything other than cheerleaders for the Left.

WisRich said...

I'm in the camp that those Dem Senators running to replace Trump should in no way be allowed to vote on removal.

If they were smart, they'd recuse themselves.

Big Mike said...

The person an impeachment trial would help most is Donald J. Trump.

Freder Frederson said...

"I think Trump is itching for a trial. He is going to unload on the Democrats, and with McConnell in charge nothing will be off limits: Russia, Mueller, Biden, Page and Stroke, Steele dossier, FISA warrants, you name it."

And why is any of that relevant.

Beasts of England said...

’Republicans should not vote to dismiss and instead stretch the trial out as long as possible...’

The trial should be as thorough as necessary. There is no proscribed time constraint.

Jaq said...

All of this transparent bullshit has only served to ramp up the energy of both bases. It’s supposed to be dispiriting to conservatives, but it it’s such obvious bullshit that it has the opposite effect and just creates anger and motivation and fosters unity.

This is Nancy’s “Picket’s Charge."

madAsHell said...

The only thing that can help Joe Biden is Dentu-Creme!!

Yancey Ward said...

"this looks like a trump love fest site skipping over facts and hooking up on delusion."

Hi, Inga!!!

gilbar said...

WisRich said...
If they were smart, they'd recuse themselves.

Assumes Facts, No in Evidence
I know, i know; Rich said "IF" but i just love saying that :)

Tom said...

The GOP can always time the trial to take place between a month before Iowa until the SC primary. Not campaigning properly in those primaries would be most devastating and would only take a month. If McConnell is sure he had the votes to protect the president, it makes sense to take care of the other senate business and optimize the impeachment farce to cause maximum pain to its proponents. In fact, give them what the want, good n hard. The Iowa primary is Feb 3 and the SC primary is Feb 29 - let’s take the LEAP!

To avoid this strategy, the House would need to avoid the impeachment vote until end of February and that’s way too long for the public’s patience and the argument gets stronger to simply let the voters decide.

I have to imagine that Biden is Trump’s preferred candidate. Biden is a corrupt, creepy towards women, misstatement machine. His shear existence in this race means America is okay with some of Trump’s odd behavior because they’d get weirder from Biden. Trump’s kid never sat on a Russian controlled gas company - Biden’s kid set on a few collecting big checks. Trump’s never swam naked in front of his female secret service detail. Biden did it all the time. Trump doesn’t have photographs of him creepily touching women and kids - Joe’s Garbage Pail Kid’s name would be Bad Touch Biden. And as many stupid things as Trump says, he can’t keep up with tapestry of nonsense Biden weaves a daily basis. Finally, Trump hasn’t lost a presidential race. Biden has thus far lost two.

hstad said...

AA, sorry, I disagree with this comment: "... But one of the arguments the GOP is making now is that the congressional Democrats are not getting anything done because of their foolish pursuit of impeachment..." Your assumption that lawmakers actually pass most of the laws which benefit this country is wrong. I welcome when lawmakers are not in session - no mischievous and self serving results. That's why I love Texas, where their sessions only last for 90 days. Remember, the Federal Register only recorded 4k new laws in 1993 but recorded over 93k new laws in 2016. That's not healthy for the body politic.

Paul said...

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Cory Booker could not vote due to professed bias (they hate Trump) and conflict of interest (running for office.)

I fact no Democrat Senator should be able to vote for their professed hate of Trump.

Dude1394 said...

Keep it in session throughout the campaign. Just keep bringing in pro trump witnesses for a year. Take that impeachment trial and shove it Pelosi.

Jaq said...

"Life long republicans calling trump out on corruption and graff.”

OMG, she went there!

Jaq said...

"And why is any of that relevant.”

Because it goes to the heart of the movtivations of this impeachment.

I see Schiff already saying today that he isn’t going to allow any witnesses or. lines of questioning that cast doubt on the credibility of his witnesses. So much of this relies on the judgement of witnesses like Vindmen, so yes, their judgement is relevent.

rcocean said...

In case you haven't noticed, neither the Republican Senate nor the Democrat House wants to "Get things Done". Turkey Mitch ans his gang only care about the Big Donors and $$$. And that's taken care of in the budget appropriations. So, they don't care if the House spends all its time on impeachment.

Nor do they care if the Senate wastes 6 weeks on a trial. The Senate has plenty of free time. They ain't doing nothin'.

rcocean said...

The whole point of the impeachment Process is to stymie Trump's agenda and put him on the defensive. Make trump spend his time NOT getting impeached. Mission accomplished.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Cory Booker Don’t have a chance in hell of winning anyway, so maybe, just maybe, they get a boost from a great performance at the show trial. I doubt it, but they ain’t gonna win otherwise so this is all mental masturbation.

As for the others, Warren and Sanders, if they win we’ve gone socialist anyway so god help us all...

Lance said...

Robin @ 11:48 points out that Warren et al have a perfect excuse for sitting out any impeachment trial.

Or they can jet to DC, give a quick floor speech condemning Trump, then resume campaigning. They can even say there’s no need to vote since Republicans will acquit regardless.

Or they can just go right on campaigning. They’ve already chucked their legislative duties in favor of fundraising, why concern themselves with a pointless impeachment trial?

pacwest said...

The impeachment inquiry is not just theater. The Dems have hired a bunch of anti Trumpers from Lawfare to run the inquisition behind closed doors (much like Weissman in the Mueller farce), and pass damaging information (cherry picked and out of context) to Nadler which can be used in the House impeachment proceedings which they will bring to a vote before the Repubs have much of a chance to rebut. And, my understanding is that 2/3 of the Senators PRESENT at the vote is what it takes for a guilty vote, not 67 Senators. This leaves room for lots of shenanigans in the Senate.

That's my guess at their plan. The whole thing is basically Mueller #2. But they'll get it right this time.

Ken B said...

Klobuchar might actually get noticed. That would be a plus for her.

ga6 said...

no trial s for brains just announced that the star whistle-tooter does bot want to testify...

Kevin said...

Every time I hear someone on TV tell us "Impeachment is a political act", it gets to the point that this isn't about crimes, due process, laws, or procedure.

It's a political act because the party pursuing impeachment is treating it as one.

Kevin said...

Klobuchar might actually get noticed.

Her staff would seem to benefit from her being forced to sit quietly and not interact with them.

narciso said...

a different perspective on the featured witness,

Kit Carson said...

1st: readering said...
"Senate Republicans have one agenda, confirm Article III judges. Running out of appellate openings and nominees so focusing on trial judges."

with enough immigration where the immigrants vote 9 to 1 for progressives, the judicial branch will no longer matter, the courts will become completely political and predictable with one party rule. also, senate republicans know this so are big on judges while they work hard to achieve large scale immigration --the judges are just cover for their immigration plans.

2nd: the senate sets the rules for impeachment trials. only 2/3 of those PRESENT are required to convict. senate repubs, who do not like trump or his supporters, could agree to a small group to judge the trial. the vote could be, say, 21 to 10.

narciso said...

debunking much of the chaff they've been throwing around the last few weeks,

narciso said...

and that ignores the good colonel being lobbying by burismas no. 1 client,

Anonymous said...

"And, my understanding is that 2/3 of the Senators PRESENT at the vote is what it takes for a guilty vote, not 67 Senators. This leaves room for lots of shenanigans in the Senate."

The math actually works in Trump's favor. Assume 53 R and 47 D. Conviction requires 67 votes, or 20 R to cross over. And that assumes no Ds vote to acquit, and I think there would be one or two.

Now assume 6 D recusals. Now there are only 41 D, and they need 63 total (67% of 94) - so they actually need 22 R to cross (net).

I don't anticipate any recusals, but it would weaken the likelihood of conviction if there were.

narciso said...

you notice how real journolists don't get attention,

Anonymous said...

"senate repubs, who do not like trump or his supporters, could agree to a small group to judge the trial. the vote could be, say, 21 to 10."

Sure it could.

effinayright said...

Kit Carson said...
2nd: the senate sets the rules for impeachment trials. only 2/3 of those PRESENT are required to convict. senate repubs, who do not like trump or his supporters, could agree to a small group to judge the trial. the vote could be, say, 21 to 10.

yeah. And the 63 million people who voted for Trump are gonna sit by passively and allow those game-playing repubs and dems to engage in Banana Republicanism. Those Deplorables who voted the Senators in will be sure to vote them in again.


narciso said...

I know it's camelbert's late night gunk

Beasts of England said...

’senate repubs, who do not like trump or his supporters, could agree to a small group to judge the trial. the vote could be, say, 21 to 10.’

I can’t see why anyone would be upset by that...

narciso said...

in other news,

narciso said...

as you can see the noise to signal, has been quite high of late, lets review, for three years the Obama administration didn't allow Ukraine military access to heavy weaponry, much like the kurds, they fought admirably, but there was a certain amount of corruption even in military procurement, this was in the thick of the Donbass offensive, now this administration did supply Ukraine with said weapons, and there may have been a delay of perhaps a week or two, in time for the new defense minister appointed to zelensky to find his bearings, and this is the source of impeachment, never mind the 1-7 billion dollars in lost us and imf aid, in the last few years.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Mountain Maven said...
More exposure will hurt Biden; more gaffes and senior moments.

Can't remember what state he's in, what year it is, who was President before Trump, plus his "Ukranium 1" scandal-- And a whole year's worth coming up!!

His latest: wants to join the Paris Peace Accords, a treaty to end the Vietnam War signed in 1973.

Herr Pluggs von Sniffengroper is going to have to find a new source of squirming, young female napes to nuzzle.

narciso said...

as he spelled out in earlier segment, this was all from fusion's trick bag, going back to the spring of 2016

effinayright said...

WisRich said...
I'm in the camp that those Dem Senators running to replace Trump should in no way be allowed to vote on removal.

Yes. After all, they're participating in an investigation of their political rival.

(see how easy it is to use their bullshit against them?)

Mark said...

How does it help Joe Biden when the central question of such a trial is a request that the Ukraine government look into Joe Biden's corrupt extortion of the previous government for the benefit of his son??

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

wouldn't it be cool if we had one good honest democrat who was running for president who would come out against this Soviet Schitt show?

Bay Area Guy said...

Good link, narciso.

Vindman is a lying sack of shit, and God knows how many of these assholes have wormed their way into the military officer corps or the State Department, or the CIA.

TrespassersW said...

Yes, I realize the Democratic House will resist anything the Republican Senate passes, but that will bolster the characterization of them as "do nothing" Democrats.

Well, given that the Democrats have done virtually NOTHING other than pursue impeachment, them shedding the "do nothing" characterization will be about as hard as Wile E. Coyote avoiding being accordioned by the anvil or falling off the cliff.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

oops! We forgot-- more JOE BRIBEN/China action

Senate investigators in late October intensified their scrutiny of an acquisition by a Chinese firm tied to Hunter Biden of an American manufacturer of anti-vibration technologies with military applications.

Jaq said...

Per narciso’s 3:17 post of a twitter account from a guy who served with Vinter kind of puts a different spin on that uniform he was wearing.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Bolster is a good word. Thanks.

Jaq said...

Hunter Biden of an American manufacturer of anti-vibration technologies with military applications.

It’s not as bad as Clinton giving them missile tech because the launches for the satellites his largest contributor, Bernie Schwartz kept exploding on the pad.

BTW, Bill, that was a good thing for us!

StephenFearby said...

Comment on Wapo spin re:

White House official corroborates diplomat’s account that Trump appeared to seek quid pro quo

[Same article not behind paywall] :

Real Clear Investigations juxtaposes links to both the WaPo and Federalist accounts. The dueling conclusions are summarized as follows:

NSC Official Morrison: I Back Envoy's Quid Pro Quo Account
Leonnig et al., WP

NSC Official Morrison: Nothing Illegal In Trump-Zelensky Call
Sean Davis, Federalist

Important parts from the Federalist piece are given below, from which readers can decide if the Federalist spin is more believable than the WaPo spin:

NSC Official Tim Morrison To Schiff: ‘I Was Not Concerned That Anything Illegal Was Discussed’ In Trump-Ukraine Phone Call

Tim Morrison, a former National Security Council official under Trump, told Rep. Adam Schiff in testimony today that he was never concerned that Trump discussed anything illegal in his July 25 phone call with the Ukrainain president.

'...Morrison also pointed out key factual inaccuracies in testimony provided by William Taylor, a State Department official who works in the U.S. embassy in Kiev, Ukraine. Morrison said that, contrary to Taylor’s claims, Morrison never met with the Ukrainian National Security advisor in his private hotel room. Morrison also said Taylor falsely claimed that Ambassador Gordon Sondland demanded a public statement from the Ukrainian president committing to investigate Burisma, a controversial Ukrainain energy company that paid Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter millions of dollars to sit on its board. “My recollection is that Ambassador Sondland’s proposal to [Ukrainian National Security Advisor Andriy] Yermak was that it could be sufficient if the new Ukrainian prosecutor general — not President Zelensky — would commit to pursue the Burisma investigation,” Morrison testified.'

The differences could easily be sorted out if Adam Schiff released the transcript of Morrison's testimony. But that would be too much to expect from Schiff if the transcript disputes the case he is trying to prove.

Michael K said...

Working my way through the the Lee Smith book on the coup.

Interesting. I did not realize the Iran Deal team set up the nexus with the compliant press. Individual reporters are named and examples are provided of them accepting national security leaks as a form of grooming.

Good book.

narciso said...

oh yes, he and mike doran, from the tablet piece, fleshed out the extent of ben Rhodes echo chamber, which included elements of the old journalist, they had jay Solomon taken out on account on his contacts with azima, just like they've done a similar thing with bill gertz,

narciso said...

chuck said...

Satan gets one final shot at your soul right there at the Pearly Gates.

Not an easy shot. Hitting that tiny thing would be like shooting the stem off a cherry at 100 yds. The bigger worry is that Saint Peter will never find it.

elkh1 said...

An Impeachment trial would show why Trump was supposed to commit an impeachable offense by talking about Biden's son, and how Biden used the power of his office to stop an investigation of the company where his son sat on the board.

Yeah, right, an Impeachment would help Joe Biden, making him a shoo-in, I suppose. NYT is really brainlessly partisan.

Bunkypotatohead said...

McConnell allowed the Kavanaugh hearing to turn into a circus.
There's no reason to think he'd have a better command of this trial.

It's so demoralizing to see this bunch of imbeciles in action.

minnesota farm guy said...

I suspect that McConnell is prepping for a vote on a motion to dismiss. By the time impeachment gets to the Senate I believe that even the Dems will be happy to have it over. The phone call is the crux and it is anything, but damning. Most of the testimony has been by people who have policy differences ( somehow think they are superior to the elected president) with Trump. The longer the "facts" in the case are in front of the public the more they are going to ask" Where's the beef?". Also the longer Schiff continues what is clearly an "unfair" process the more disgusted the public will become. Republican sentiment is unshakeable and will continue so.

Ken B said...

For years I have heard the Left rail about the CIA , the NSA, and so on. Now the idea is to let them, in secret and unchallenged, use the intelligence committee to drive an impeachment. And few lefties are protesting.

Paul said...

"And, my understanding is that 2/3 of the Senators PRESENT at the vote is what it takes for a guilty vote, not 67 Senators. This leaves room for lots of shenanigans in the Senate."

Uh no. Since the Senate is held by Repblicans then THEY will decide when to vote. That is Mitch. Thus they will wait till Dems just can't make it.. bummer. Even if Romney votes for impeachment it still will no work.

They have no way to get Trump convicted. N..O..N..E.

It's all a show trial to smear Trump as much as they can. And us Taxpayers are footing the bill.

Meanwhile.. The wall is being built, troops coming home, economy is up.

Jaq said...

Funny how two polls came out the same day, one suggesting that impeachment is giving the R’s a real chance at taking back the House, R’s need around half of the Trump districts Nancy won because of the bullshit Mueller persecution to do that.

And another saying that Republican support for the Prez is collapsing. Well, that second one is in the Washington Post, so we can only imagine the kind of massaging that poll underwent. Rassmussen shows a disapprove spike when the narrative broke, that quickly dissipated. So I am going to say that the WaPo poll is BS unless corroborated somehow.

Rusty said...

wendybar said...
"Keep on dreaming RADICAL Anti American Democrats....Keep on Dreaming. If Trump goes down, and is kicked out...YOU get Pence...Can't get any more Conservative than him!!!"
They will get blood in the streets.

viator said...

Biden is toast thanks to DJT.

Drago said...

Ken B: "For years I have heard the Left rail about the CIA , the NSA, and so on. Now the idea is to let them, in secret and unchallenged, use the intelligence committee to drive an impeachment. And few lefties are protesting."

Its Fen's Law for as far as the eye can see...and beyond.

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