October 18, 2019

The perfect example of the kind of headline I don't click on anymore: "The gravitational pull of Donald Trump’s downward spiral."

I'm not even making a link for that. It doesn't matter. Headlines like that seem to be all over the place this morning. I just assume there's nothing there, that it's the morning pablum for Trump haters.

None for me, thanks. I could elongate this post with other headlines of that type, but it's too boring. The gravitational pull of Donald Trump’s downward spiral will have to stand in for them all.

There is something intriguing about it. It feels bland and predictable — I called it "pablum" — but it's trying so hard to express anxiety and dramatic action. That brings out the cruel neutrality in me.

ADDED: "The gravitational pull of Donald Trump’s downward spiral" made me think of "The world line of a deep space tube sock."

AND: Here's another headline this morning: "Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral." Sorry. No. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing DORAL!! And I'm not doing MULVANEY!!! That's hitting me as the jibber-jabber of fake news. If it's real news, they blew their chance. It's too late to DORAL!! me.

Trump may have a gravitational pull for some of you, but I choose to live my life as a free citizen, not helplessly orbiting Trump.

ALSO: Here's a beauty: "3 Art Experts Analyze That Historic Nancy Pelosi vs. Donald Trump Photo."


iowan2 said...

I've drifted away from the news. When ever I check back in, nothing new. Its like the soap the better half watches, with fast forward. When I do look up, still the same story, still fiction.

Tank said...

Downward? Tell that to the 20,000 deliriously happy Trump fans in Dallas last night.

Those are some happy, happy people.

David Begley said...

What will these people write and talk about when Trump wins 40 states?

stevew said...

Me neither.

When I read that sort of headline I think about the stages of grief. This is a Trump hater, writing for kindred spirits. The grief is that which they feel as a result of Trump being elected in 2016. That particular headline seems to indicate Denial or Bargaining, probably the former. Too bad if it is, that means there is a long way to go. Maybe reelection in 2020 will get them all to Acceptance.

It's kinda fun in a schandenfreude way to see this. Some of my friends and family are suffering so. No matter how much I tell them to let it go, that it just doesn't matter in their day to day life, they can't. Sad.

MadisonMan said...

Note how little news there is on Impeachment. So, off we go to another "horrible" Donald topic.

wendybar said...

Landslide is coming and I am so sick of eating all of this popcorn. There is going to be a flood in America from all the Progressive tears.

Mike Sylwester said...

The walls are closing in!

rhhardin said...

It's no longer an Althouse hot button, like they let you grab them by the pussy.

If clicks fall off, the story will change so they come back up. It's a business searching for an audience.

"Women found to be smarter than people imagined" would still get clicks.

Michael P said...

The gravitational pull of the morning pablum's downward spiral is apparently too weak to even attract a comment from Althouse on the mixed metaphor.

Michael K said...

I suspect there are a ,lot of stories like this that are not being told.

This poverty-stricken area, nestled amid the picturesque Appalachian foothills about 150 miles east of Cincinnati, continues to stand firm behind Trump. And rural Ohio very well could play a part in re-electing him, barring impeachment.

That is, unless the Democratic candidates somehow miraculously start talking about real-world issues like jobs and safety. Tuesday night would actually be a great time for them to start appealing to everyday Americans, when the candidates debate 125 miles north of here in Westerville.

I thought this would be a fun story to do.

It wasn't.

Here's why: Many of my family, friends, former teachers, coaches, classmates and church congregates — and all their friends — in this county of 30,000 people are Trump supporters, and I didn't want to put them out there, by name, for the trolls to feast on.

I still see comments around about how Trump's economy is not helping the poor. It's a lie.

rehajm said...

Indictments for lefties must be coming...

rhhardin said...

The news is reporting the first all-lesbian spacewalk.

Peter said...

I checked out the story. If the headline doesn't satisfy your morning craving for drama and anxiety, surely his conclusion will: Trump’s downward spiral, and its gravitational pull on the nation, is growing perilously deeper. And this much we know — he will get worse. He can only get worse.

Cue the orchestra.

The Minnow Wrangler said...

Now imagine if you were actually a (luke-warm) Trump supporter. The leftists on Facebook demand that you defend the president's every action and utterance, which I feel no obligation to do. It just gets so tiresome.

Jeff Brokaw said...

None for me either. People should do more of this for their own mental and emotional health.

I made this call in 2015 and never looked back: assume 95% of “the news” is bullshit. The time and emotional aggravation you will save yourself is priceless.

The 5% that isn’t, well... that’s why we read news-based blogs, and what are you going to do about it anyway?

Laslo Spatula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeff Brokaw said...

These headlines remind me of that famous experiment where the mouse could press a bar and get cocaine, and did so over and over until it died.

Jeff Brokaw said...

This is going to sound like snark, but I’m serious: lots of Americans need an intervention to save their mental and emotional health from the toxicity of the daily news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

FAKE NEWS: Liberal Media Falsely Claims White House Admitted to Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine

CNN is a total joke.

Michael The Magnificent said...

The walls are closing in!

They are! William Barr and John Durham are closing in on the conspirators.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Soliciting pointers to fact based world scope news sites.

Pattern for past yrs has been Drudge > Instapundit > Althouse; inclusion of Lucianne every third cycle. Drudge is being drawn into the Orange Man Bad foolishness. Instapundit increasingly includes Babylon Bee references. I get entertainment elsewhere.

Looking for facts, not "news of the future" opinion, although well reasoned opinions welcome. Not interested in facts culled and stretched to make a point. (Yes that includes you Breitbart; entertaining and agreeable, but borderline fake).

There are serious fiscal, cultural, and political issues in this country ignored by common media in favor of easy Trump bashing. There are serious problems at outside US borders also ignored by common media.

Being on the border we find Mexico Daily News interesting - although as always read with critical reasoning.

Thanks - Hammond

Peter said...

That was the Boston Globe. Not to be outdone, the NYT is enlivening our breakfasts with this breaking news: Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President. Stop the presses!

gilbar said...

Dr K said...
I still see comments around about how Trump's economy is not helping the poor. It's a lie

and then, there's this poll:Elizabeth Warren tells voters economy not working for them – Most voters disagree

Sixty-seven percent of college graduates and 64 percent of those without a college education say the economy is working for them. So do 68 percent of whites and 61 percent of nonwhite people.
So do Americans of every generation: 63 percent of Generation Z and millennials; 69 percent of Generation X; 63 percent of baby boomers; and 69 percent of Greatest Generation and Silent Generation voters.

So do supermajorities in every region in the country: 60 percent in the West, 65 percent in the Northeast, 67 percent in the Midwest, and 68 percent in the South.

So do most voters in every type of American community: 63 percent of both big and small city voters; 64 percent of small-town voters; 66 percent of rural voters and 72 percent of suburban voters.

Supermajorities of EVERY group think the economy is working for them
The only groups who disagree, Marist found, are progressives (59 percent), Democratic women (55 percent) and those who are liberal or very liberal (55 percent.

Democratic women think the economy isn't working: FOR THEM
I "think" that's what they call: Two movies.

gilbar said...

Jeff Brokaw said...
These headlines remind me of that famous experiment where the mouse could press a bar and get cocaine, and did so over and over until it died.

I've been thinking about that experiment. I think it could cure our nation's drug problem
a) set up free clinics, where Anyone that want's to; can come in, sit down, and press a button. The button sprays a mix of drugs (THC, Fentanyl, Cocaine, etc) into their nose.
b) they can push the button as many times as they like
d) make it so that Every Time they push the button, the dose increases
e) film the bodies being taken to the compost heaps
f) pretty soon, people (the ones left) will decide that drugs are BAD

JohnAnnArbor said...

I saw a similar one saying Trump is "melting down."

They've been saying this on and off, mostly on, SINCE HIS CANDIDACY STARTED.

And it hasn't been true once.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

maybe better in a "Scotty" voice

"Captain! We're caught in the gravitational pull of Trump's Downward Spiral...

... and there's nooo stoppin' it !!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't get cancer in Britain. Survival rates for cancer in Britain under the state run system are terrible. Waiting to in line die. That's what the dems want for you.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump's Downward Spiral = TDS for short

Phil 314 said...

I assume the word “Trump” is forced into many headlines to garner clicks and eyeballs. I also assume it’s not political just business

Wince said...

What's months and years of carful investigation of Clinton-Obama-DNC-FBI-CIA electoral shenanigans compared to these biting headlines?

Ralph L said...

The news is reporting the first all-lesbian spacewalk.

Fortunately, because there's no scissoring in spacesuits, it's all about the relationship.

And at least two Democrats briefly escaped Trump's downward gravitational pull.

Susan said...

"Cue the orchestra. "

Darn! All I have is the world's tiniest violin.


Chris N said...

The economy is crucial for me because of money, and jobs, and gas prices, and having an opportunity to become something I’m not. My loved ones need food, shelter and those chances and those freedoms and I’m responsible for them.

I don’t place the ‘climate’ above these concerns, generally, but I do care about Nature, and conservation, and costs and benefits. My self interest, the health of my loved ones and those that matter to me come first, and to keep my principles intact, human suffering more broadly.
I think men and women are different, but I treat everyone in the workplace like I’d want to be treated. I go out of my way to have my principles stay intact and make bonds with people even when work conditions are hostile. People are people, and I’m one too.
I’ve had to watch as both the arts and sciences have often been ill taught and ill curated by many institutional folks following bad incentives and being cowardly in front of ideologues and radically violent adult children. Supposedly, these are ‘thought leaders.’ A few have been, but a lot haven’t.

Now that last part about the bad ideas and violence making its way through politics and people who want to make laws which govern me is occurring..

Fuck off, already, as you’ve helped make current situation what it is, and you can only follow the same logic and incentives and not accept your own part to play. And now you’re telling what to think and say without knowing many consequences of what you think and say, so double fuck off. You don’t deserve the authority and responsibility. And you keep feeding like irrational power hungry babies perpetually unable to deal with much of human nature, politics, nature, war, etc. so triple fuck- fuck fuck off.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Secret tapes reveal Jeff Zucker admitting he is obsessed with Trump, and is out to get Trump - all while CNN runs Fake Banners and rolls with fake news. Coincidence? I think not!

Chris N said...

I suspect Inga would like to go down in that spiral, and take everything with it, rather than re-examine many of her own assumptions, principles and motivations, as would many Trump zealots.

If there’s a way we can set up a mock government in a field, while zealots like this (ideological, partisan) fight over a paper mache mock up of a real government, I’m all for it.

Fernandinande said...

These headlines remind me of that famous experiment where the mouse could press a bar and get cocaine, and did so over and over until it died.

They were rats, and the effect is only present if the rats, which are social animals, are kept in solitary confinement.

"When inhabiting a “rat park,” they remarkably preferred the plain water. Even when they did imbibe from the drug-filled bottle, they did so intermittently, not obsessively, and never overdosed. A social community beat the power of drugs."

Peter said...

Don't ever say the MSM doesn't compete. Here's WAPO: Trump is in a tailspin — and dragging the country down with him

Must be a slow news day.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

So we went to the Trump rally in Dallas yesterday. The first time I had been to one. It was quite the experience.

We drove across the lake and parked in Rowlett to take the Dart train. With the rally scheduled for 7pm, the 1:10 train was standing room only. Everyone I could see was a Trump supporter going to the AA center. It was joyous.

That is really the best word for the entire afternoon and evening. Joyous.

We didn't go in the center. I am not comfortable in large crowds. But I braved it in the outside overflow area, and I'm glad I did.

As far as I have seen reported, the center had around 20,000 people and the overflow was larger. DPD estimated 30m,000 in the overflow.

What struck me most of all was that every single person I saw was smiling. Every one. Smiling and laughing and enjoying themselves. Contrast that to the gloom and doom the Democrats are trying to sell.


Unknown said...

Fortunately, because there's no scissoring in spacesuits, it's all about the relationship.

Scissor me timbers!

Michael K said...

Don't get cancer in Britain. Survival rates for cancer in Britain under the state run system are terrible.

Thirty years ago I was at a surgical conference. One speaker was a British cancer surgeon,. He said that all women with breast cancer die of it. Maybe that was true in the NHS at the time but not here. I'm not sure much has changed there.

Iman said...

“ Even when they did imbibe from the drug-filled bottle, they did so intermittently, not obsessively, and never overdosed. A social community beat the power of drugs."

Who woulda thought rats could be recreational drug users?!?!

Fernandinande said...

Trump may have a gravitational pull for some of you, but I choose to live my life as a free citizen, not helplessly orbiting Trump.

Coulda fooled me; there are 25 "Trumps" on the main blog page, and 7 in this post.

Kevin said...

“The poor messaging was rampant in Tuesday night’s Democratic primary debate. Every candidate agreed Trump needed to be impeached, but couldn’t articulate why.

“When the Mueller report came out,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren said, “I read it, all 442 pages. And when I got to the end, I realized that Mueller had shown, to a fare-thee-well, that this president had obstructed justice and done it repeatedly. And so at that moment, I called for opening an impeachment inquiry.”

“It’s not just that he obstructed justice with the Mueller Report,” Sen. Bernie Sanders added. “I think that the House will find him guilty of — worthy of impeachment because of the emoluments clause.”

Joe Biden entered the fray. “I said from the beginning that if, in fact, Trump continued to stonewall what the Congress is entitled to know about his background, what he did, all the accusations in the Mueller Report, if they did that, they would have no choice — no choice — but to begin an impeachment proceeding.”

“He’s been selling out our values,” Sen. Kamala Harris explained. “He’s been selling out national security. And on this issue with Ukraine, he has been selling out our democracy.”

“I’m still waiting to find out from him how making that call to the head of Ukraine and trying to get him involved in interfering in our election makes America great again,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar said. “It doesn’t make America great again. It makes Russia great again.”

Does Klobuchar think Ukraine is still part of Russia? The two nations have been on the knife-edge of war for years, yet somehow working with one is collusion with their enemy?“


Ray - SoCal said...

Anti Trump seems to only be able to focus on one story at a time.

Justice having Mifsuds cell phone is huge.

I’m surprised at the radio silence on impeachment, but my guess was the anti trump forces pivoted to using the Trump abandoned the Kurds.

Probably the polls are also very anti impeachment.

And Trump / Gop media campaign against impeachment is working - Fundraising numbers seem to indicate this.

And perhaps the Dems leadership wSnts to reduce their stress level. Jerry Nadlor had a health scare. Cummings just died. I guess Schiff is in ok health, he’s younger.

Scott Patton said...

"... I choose to live my life as a free citizen, not helplessly orbiting Trump."
Sounds like libertarian talk.
I thought I saw it poking out its freedom loving head more than a few times in the past.
Might soon need a "libertarian Althouse" tag.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Ferdinand - thanks for that clarification. Very good to know!

h said...

When in college I roomed with a philosophy major who took courses in logic. When we would get into arguments about politics, etc., he would sometimes accuse of using the "proof by repetition" approach. I hear that phrase ringing in my ears these days as I hear anti-Trumpers talk about impeachment.

Freder Frederson said...

How is the self-dealing of holding the G-7 at Doral (and Mick Mulvaney declaring that the details of the contract are none of our fucking business) fake news?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Biden has escaped the gravitational pull.

Wince said...

Tucker Carlson once had a guy on his show who said those experiments that lock a rat in a cage with a drug delivery bar only work when you have one rat locked alone in a cage with only a drug delivery bar for stimulation.

Put the rat in an environment with other rats and the rat miraculously isn't so susceptible to the addiction.

The media with this constant barrage is trying to put people in rat cages alone and dependent on what they sell.

What the Trump rallies accomplish is to free his supporters of their MSM-assigned cages.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Jeff Browkaw said: This is going to sound like snark, but I’m serious: lots of Americans need an intervention to save their mental and emotional health from the toxicity of the daily news.

I am seriously afraid that you are correct. The mental health of many of the rabid anti-Trump people is something that while we might feel a bit of schadenfreude, we should also be SERIOUSLY afraid of what they might do.

They have lost their grip on reality, on what is or should be normality in reacting to Donald Trump. The seriously unhinged thinking reminds me of the schizophrenic homeless bum talking and arguing with the imaginary people in his head. That person is about to lash out and harm everyone around him in his own self imposed delusion of warped reality.

The left like the Anti-fa types are so sure that they are absolutely right and that everyone else is wrong, evil and needs to be punished. They will do anything ..I mean anything...to get their vision/delusions to become a reality.

We have seen this play out many times in history and generally it results in mayhem, rioting, wars, civil wars and death.

These people need an intervention and it is likely to not be one that is peaceful.

I am seriously afraid.

h said...

Fernandistein and Annie C make important and complementary points: The downward drift into depression and hatred is found by isolating yourself from real people and reading a computer screen in your basement. Get out into the real world and people (not just Trump people, by the way) are smiling, joyous, and filled with good wishes for you. Walk along a local hiker/biker path and smile and greet everyone you meet; you'll be amazed at the responses.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden and Clinton get away with international family enrichment schemes.

Trump cannot discuss corruption of democrats on the phone without a deep-state Nazi listening in.

narayanan said...

Did not Icarus take advantage of gravitational pull to fly close to the sun.

Was that downward or upward?

depends on your cosmology I suppose.

What if Icarus can avoid scorching by sun - we shall find out November 2020

66 said...

Did you consider pabulum?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Left Bank of the Charles said: "Biden has escaped the gravitational pull."

So also Elijah Cummings.

Beasts of England said...

’That is really the best word for the entire afternoon and evening. Joyous.’

The few minutes I watched of it looked like good clean fun!! And that’s the difference in the two parties at the moment. A Trump rally is a festival. CNN’s climate and tranny marathons were grievance revivals. How dare anyone feel joy when you’ve ruined Greta’s life or used the incorrect pronouns...

Freder Frederson said...

One speaker was a British cancer surgeon,. He said that all women with breast cancer die of it. Maybe that was true in the NHS at the time but not here. I'm not sure much has changed there.

Instead relaying a story from thirty years ago (which is probably bullshit anyway, the "British cancer surgeon" is probably one of the monkeys that frequently fly out of your butt), you could have used the internet to look up the actual cancer survival rates by country

Drago said...

Bundy Case Liar Freder: "How is the self-dealing of holding the G-7 at Doral (and Mick Mulvaney declaring that the details of the contract are none of our fucking business) fake news?"

Internal White House staff deliberations are privileged communications which is why every president fights to protect those discussions.

However Mulvaney explicitly said the cost numbers would be released so everyone can run around and check on them.

Mulvaney also explicitly stated Doral would be doing this "at cost" and thus will cost the American taxpayers around 50% less than any other venue.

At cost : No Profit
Saves taxpayer money
Lying lefty heads go Fullb'Splodey!!

It is my belief that Trump did this not only because the Doral complex is perfect for this sort of thing but it also literally sets up moron leftists like Freder to argue for higher taxpayer expenditures on accommodations!!

And here we are!!

Stable genius.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Biden has escaped the gravitational pull."

Free-fall looks that way.....

Mark O said...

Media credibility did not survive Trump.

Seeing Red said...

It’s a shame because there’s so much to report on in the world.

It’s like he’s their Dom and all they can focus on is his....tap.

stevew said...

Mrs. stevew's mom, my MIL, is a devout Democrat and avowed anti-Trump person. While at her Cape house this past weekend she produced a real estate assessment of her property. What I think those in the business call a Comps Analysis. She encouraged me to review it so I did, and then asked her what I thought was a natural question, are you planning to sell the place? Maybe, she said. So I asked a follow-up question, you love this place, you love being here in the summer and away from the FL heat (her main home), why are you considering selling? Well, she replied, I could use the money. Oh, says mrs. stevew, are you running short? No, came the reply, my finance guy says everything is good and the market is strong, but there is so much anger and polarization in America that I'm afraid it is all going to go away.

She's 87, soon to be 88, and in excellent health. Unfortunately she's watching too much news and reading too many inflammatory posts on FB and emails from her far left friends. Mrs. stevew, her sister, and her brother are planning an intervention by way of a review of her finances with the hope that they can reassure her and coax her in off the ledge.

Todd said...

Too late, you will be MADE TO CARE!

RNB said...

"Sweet Meteor Of Donald"

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Annie C brings up a very important issue. The difference between the messaging of Trump and the Democrats.

Trumps message and his supporters are Joyous. Optimistic. Energetic. Forward looking. Trump's message is a positive one. WE, together, can do this. Make America Great Again. We are a team. Trump is leading the charge, but WE the people are the reason and the strength.

The Democrats on the other hand have a message that is negative. Doom and Gloom all the time. Their message is that THEY and they alone will have to FIX us. In order to do that they want to micromanage our lives. Give us LESS and tell us we deserve it because WE are the Problem. Take away things from us in order to force us into the mold that THEY have decided we must have.

Doom and gloom. Guilt for being who you are. Or. Pride and positivity.

Be ashamed of who you are and be punished. Or. Be strong and proud of your accomplishments.

Go backward or go forward

Then the Dims wonder why people would choose Trump's message?

Michael K said...

you could have used the internet to look up the actual cancer survival rates by country

Cancer surgeon Freder weighs in on a topic, like most, that he knows nothing about.

Seeing Red said...

Oh, says mrs. stevew, are you running short? No, came the reply, my finance guy says everything is good and the market is strong, but there is so much anger and polarization in America that I'm afraid it is all going to go away.

I don’t even understand what that means. Will deplorables be coming for her assets with pitchforks?

If anything, the Dem debates should give her a clue as to who is angry and what they’re coming for.

Marc in Eugene said...

I thought this would be a fun story to do. It wasn't.

I read that essay by Jason Williams earlier because it was linked at Instapundit (and because when I was growing up the Cincinnati Enquirer was the available daily newspaper). Good story, honest analysis.

What caught my attention, however, was his use of congregates as a plural noun meaning 'members of a church congregation'. The last OED date for that noun use is 1587. But since there are all sorts of survivals from the 17th c onward in the Appalachian region, perhaps it really is in use. Or maybe it's just an editor's oversight. I await a response from Mr Williams on Twitter.

Calypso Facto said...

"Biden has escaped the gravitational pull."

To quote Chris Stapleton, "falling feels like flying till you hit the ground ..."

TestTube said...

"Trump's unmatched sleaziness"

Trump's sleaziness is not only matched, it is exceeded in every area, by the politicians that surround him, the journalists that rail against him and the celebrities that sneer at him.

I voted for Trump thinking that he would basically be Hillary Clinton, only somewhat less sleazy. The fact that Trump is actually addressing some GOP promises, nominating good judges and sp on, is a plus.

GOP and Democrats alike have had thirty months to come up with someone better than Trump, from a long list of candidates. And so far, have failed spectacularly.

Todd said...

Fernandistein said...

"When inhabiting a “rat park,” they remarkably preferred the plain water. Even when they did imbibe from the drug-filled bottle, they did so intermittently, not obsessively, and never overdosed. A social community beat the power of drugs."

10/18/19, 8:13 AM

Was that experiment in any way related to the one(s) where a rodent population was given a "perfect" habitat with no wants or cares, ample space, and ample food-water? Every repeat of that experiment ended the same way, population stagnation, digression, and die-off.

One suspects that like the rodents, man is not built for "utopia".

narciso said...

no it did not, I look at it like 'the blank pages' phenomenon, from 'they live' alternately some of the candidates might be black lectroids, re the lithgow references,

Earnest Prole said...

It’s the new way to say “the walls are closing in” and “it’s the beginning of the end.”

Jim at said...

I've said it before. I'll say it again:

Leftists are the most miserable people on the planet. They thrive on misery. It's a drug in which they cannot get enough.

Best part? They deserve it.

Jim at said...

How is the self-dealing of holding the G-7 at Doral (and Mick Mulvaney declaring that the details of the contract are none of our fucking business) fake news?

And how how will it impact you in any, fucking way where the G-7 is held?

Why do you care so much?

RMc said...

And now Hillary is insisting a female Dem prez candidate is being “groomed by the Russians as a third-party candidate.” (Oh, and Jill Stein was “a Russian asset”, too.

This woman’s gone right off the rails, hasn’t she?

readering said...

I assume WH photographers don't qualify for Pulitzers, or even IP protection. Too bad.

Freder Frederson said...

And how how will it impact you in any, fucking way where the G-7 is held?

Because it is illegal, unconstitutional (two separate emoluments clauses) and unethical for the president to profit personally from his office.

Cancer surgeon Freder weighs in on a topic, like most, that he knows nothing about.

At least I present statistics (and if you have any to contradict the link I provided, please present them) rather than your recollection of what some "British cancer surgeon" said thirty years ago. And even if he said what you claim he said, you should have thought to yourself, "that doesn't sound right at all".

Internal White House staff deliberations are privileged communications which is why every president fights to protect those discussions.

I don't want the internal deliberations, I want the bid documents, which should be public record. Who bid, how much were the bids.

However Mulvaney explicitly said the cost numbers would be released so everyone can run around and check on them.

Mulvaney also explicitly stated Doral would be doing this "at cost" and thus will cost the American taxpayers around 50% less than any other venue.

When these documents are actually produced, then I will believe it. This White House has a history of promising documents that they never deliver.

And whether or not Doral is the low bid (and I will call bullshit on the 50% lower cost even before the documents are produced), it is a direct conflict of interest for the president to participate in the division. And the real, pertinent, number is the difference what the club would bring in on a typical week in the middle of June and what it stands to make from the G-7. I guarantee you nobody is going to release those numbers.

Cost in the resort business is a very fluid number. What is the "cost" of an unoccupied room versus renting it out at a deeply discounted rate? What if you have 24 tee times available and you only book half of them, has the cost per round doubled? How about having your restaurants guaranteed to be full so you know with much more accuracy how much staff and food you need?

stevew said...

@seeing red

"I don’t even understand what that means."

Me neither, and thought it might be impolite to ask if she meant the confiscatory taxes Warren will need to impose to implement her 51 plans.

Seriously, mrs. stevew, her daughter, plans to ask her, politely and in a non-threatening way, to list the boogeymen she images are coming for her assets. If nothing else we want to ease her mind.

Milwaukie guy said...

Somewhat OT: While watching the MSM Trump, Trump, Kurds, Kurds, Impeachment, they didn't have time to do any news, not even as cool end-of-the-hour human interest. If you haven't checked out the Instapundit tip on the Dutch famers' revolt, you need to get over there right now. Big tractors on the march. Army called out. The war of the urban gentry against the rural masses proceeds.


Nichevo said...

How about having your restaurants guaranteed to be full so you know with much more accuracy how much staff and food you need?
10/18/19, 2:39 PM

Fredo, how about you saying something worth reading?

I want you to know that "Fredo" is a kindness. It's hard for me to fully express my detestation for the character played by Gustav Fröhlich.

(The actual man was not so awful, how can you despise somebody who mighta slapped Goebbels?)

(Not sure what that LandesschĂĽtzen-Regiment was up to though. Goog/wiki is hazy but I'm seeing icky stuff about Belarus (Byelorussia) and the 286th Security Division.)

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