October 27, 2019

The morning run.



Jimmy said...

Beautiful photo. I do miss fall on the mainland. Not winter though. The change from summer to fall is really wonderful.

AmPowerBlog said...

You're running? Not a long, leisurely Sunday morning stroll?

FullMoon said...

Very considerate of Trump to make the announcement early a.m. so as not to interfere with sports and news broadcasts.

FullMoon said...

L.A. Rams, triple reverse, completed pass, 55 yard touchdown.

Ann Althouse said...

The photo was taken about 20 minutes after sunrise, so the light was fantastic.

"You're running?" Post title refers to the 2 figures seen running in the photograph.

stevew said...

I like the light and colors of autumn better than those of spring. It is so easy to capture great photos - though you with your phone are exceptionally good at choosing great subjects. Winter vs Summer is a push for me, they are so completely different that they defy any head to head comparison. Winter around here is Ansel Adams all the time.

Was going to jokingly ask "how was your time?" in response to the title, but you preempted that at 1:22pm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Out fall colors were destroyed by super early swing cold-zaps. The city-treated ash trees in front were zapped and the leaves fell off before they had a change to change color. Usually they display bright yellow and it lasts for a week or 2 and it is glorious. Not this year.

James Clapper's perjury, and why DC made men don't get charged for lying to Congress

FullMoon said...

Press Briefing With Senator Lindsey Graham Reaction to Baghdadi Death….

Bay Area Guy said...

I love Fall!

tim in vermont said...

Broke: There is no deep state.
Woke: God bless the deep state!


Birkel said...

That's a better tunnel to run than the one al-Baghdadi chose.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Was going to jokingly ask "how was your time?" in response to the title, but you preempted that at 1:22pm.”

In fact, I do run sometimes but I never think of timing myself. That’s not my style..

MountainMan said...

Beautiful afternoon, too, here in East TN today. Leaves starting to look really beautiful. Took a walk around the mountaintop lake of our city nature preserve with my wife on Thursday and 5-mile hike on Friday with my older daughter to an old CCC fire tower on top of the mountain looking out toward VA. Love this time of year. Very nice photo, we got a few like that on Thursday that we shared on FB.

tcrosse said...

Too bad we don't have Smellovision.

stevew said...

"In fact, I do run sometimes but I never think of timing myself. That’s not my style.."


Very much a personal thing, for sure.

h said...

Recently I've been struck by how completely divergent are the views on impeachment. Here are headlines (you can easily find the links) from realclearpolitics over the last couple days.

The impeachment inquiry is falling apart. Newt Gingrich
A Clarifying week in the impeachment inquiry. (New Yorker with the subheadline "acts increasingly indicate that the President committed impeachable violations.")

These aren't (these do not purport to be) opinion pieces "Trump should be impeached because..." "Trump should not be impeached because...." These purport to be factual news.

I think the media on both sides have come to believe that real public opinion will be formed by repeated (repeated repeated repeated) repetition (repetition repetition repetition) of stories that claim "every one agrees with the author of this story."

I'm waiting for this approach to be applied to the sports sections: "The Redskins must win." "The Redskins obviously are favored to win for the following reasons." "Experts agree that the Redskins are the better team." "The Redskins won! The final score was Vikings 19-Redskins 9. Experts agree this was essentially a win for the Redskins." "Redskins continue to build on their victory over the vikings." "Redskins post-season appearance is now assured."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Honey-colored rising Sun
Sweet converse on a Morning Run
and the light poured in like butterscotch
And stuck to all my senses

Oh, won't you stay,
we'll put on a day
and we'll talk in present tenses*

*"Chelsea Morning" -- Joni Mitchel

tim in vermont said...

" Experts agree this was essentially a win for the Redskins”


Howard said...

The colours were pretty much over in Quebec, but were still going strong all up and down Vermont today. The rain made the tree trunks and branches almost black which created an interesting value and texture contrast.

Birkel said...

Howard is a Canuck?

Nichevo said...

Birkel said...
Howard is a Canuck?

10/27/19, 9:07 PM

He's not very American, is he. That probablu explains his cucky snowflakedom.