October 13, 2019

Okay, everybody lean back, stretch out your neck, and push your chin up toward the sky.

That's the pose of the moment:


What does it mean — for Judy, for the Joker, and for all us?


It means: I don't know what the hell is going on in this crazy world and I've got my problems but — damn you all — I am here and I am moving forward! I turn my face toward the heavens and I soak up  inspiration! Energy! Lunacy!

Or something.

Try it, when you're running low. You can do it Judy-style, with fingers splayed across your clavicle, as if to pledge allegiance to your own ego. Or you can do it Joker-style with fists flung sideways as if to say "O, universe! Take me! I'm yours!"


Unknown said...

They're emulating Obama's famous chin in the air pose!

rcocean said...

The Mussolini pose.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Judy Garland - Be A Clown/Once In A Lifetime


Dave Begley said...

The movie poster is a big thing in the business. Right now I don’t know what it would be for the sure-fire Oscar winner “Frankenstein, Part II.”

J2 said...

It's the inverse of the "have a beer with Elizabeth Warren" image.

Kay said...

I don’t know if I’d ever see it, but the Judy Garland movie looks interesting. I’m trying to resist paying attention anything and everything about this new Joker movie, but I’m pretty certain I’ll watch it eventually. But how could there ever be another Joker after Cesear Romero’s?

tcrosse said...

Things are looking up.

Ann Althouse said...

I gave up trying to use my "Batman" tag for Joker. There's a new tag, "Joker," and I applied it retrospectively. Click and enjoy 16 posts.

Yesterday, I used my "knitting" tag for crocheting, because I don't like tag proliferation, and it's close enough that it works as a group, like turtles and tortoises or frogs and toads.

But there's just too much Joker and he's important culturally. Going back and adding the tag made me see a lot of things from many years grouped together — the Aurora murderer, the Obama poster — and that's really the best of tagging.

Ann Althouse said...

It was interesting to see the things a search for "joker" turned up that were not about the Joker character.

There's Steve Miller's song, "The Joker," and there's Dylan's character who says to The Thief: "There must be some kind of way out of here." And just various people over the years I called a "joker."

traditionalguy said...

Bust the tape and win. Americans are winners again.

Michael K said...

Obama did the same pose. Hilariously photoshopped into a Louis XIV painting.

Ralph L said...

Judy needed a better-tempered clavicle.

Narr said...

"I'm a joker, a smoker, a midnight toker." SM Band was a little too mellow for me, believe it or not.

Obama Chin! Great name for a band, or a song. He also had that Black-church finger lift thing; Trump reminds me a bit of a would-be conductor, with his little hand dips and rises.

As little interest as I have in Batman, it dumbfounds me that intelligent people will follow the mythology so far.

Guten Morgen, Althouser!

Rory said...

I'm not sure if I could watch a movie about Judy. I can watch all sorts of unsavory people perform, but find it hard to watch video of entertainers who were obviously troubled. Judy, Liza, Patty Duke, even people like Rosanne Barr and Robin Williams who were excessively needy. Probably, the better Zellweger is the less I'd be likely to like the movie.

Kay said...

I think the Joker card may have its origins in the Fool card of the Tarot deck. Interestingly enough, the Fool card is supposed to be representative sort of an everyman kind of character, not something flamboyant or even “foolish.”

narciso said...

I don't like the nihilism of the joker, and that there is no countervailing force, yes he unintentionally gives rise to batman, but that's inferred,

walter said...

Movies running neck and neck.

Wince said...

"Keep your chin up, kid."

Wasn't that an old idiom meaning...

Stay cheerful in a difficult or unpleasant situation. Don’t lose courage. This term has replaced the older British keep your pecker up, current there since the 1840s, when pecker actually was defined in a dictionary as meaning “courage” or “resolution.” The latter did not catch on much in America, where “pecker” is also slang for “penis,” changing the meaning entirely. Keep your chin up, however, has been a cliché for some time; it certainly was by the time P. A. Taylor wrote, “You have to keep your chin up” (The Six Iron Spiders, 1942).

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I’m doing it now — feels good!

Wilbur said...

Saw the poster. At first I thought "Who's Judy?"

Then I thought "Who's Yehudi?'

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Kay said...
I think the Joker card may have its origins in the Fool card of the Tarot deck."

Actually, the character of the Joker can be traced to a minor Victor Hugo novel and a 1020's silent movie:

"The concept for the character was based on a Joker card sketch by co-creator Jerry Robinson; however, it was Conrad Veidt's character Gwynplaine from the 1928 film The Man Who Laughs that is credited with being the primary inspiration for the Joker's design, notably the character's perpetual grin.

Co-creator Bob Kane confirmed the inspiration in a 1994 interview with journalist and fellow comic writer Frank Lovece: "[The Joker] looks like Conrad Veidt — you know, the actor in The Man Who Laughs, by Victor Hugo. Finger had a book with a photograph of Conrad Veidt and showed it to me and said, ‘Here’s the Joker.’"


Fernandinande said...

Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird.

It's a plane.

It's a man dressed like a bat!

Known Unknown said...

Jesus, Begley, have you even written a page of this opus? Unless J.J. Abrams his lurking on Althouse, give it a rest.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

It's a very popular pose with authoritarian types: Socialists, communists, fascists, all standing arrogantly with their chins in the air, looking over the heads of their audiences. Looking into the Future! It was very popular in the U.S. executive branch from 2009-17. We saw it here a couple of days ago in Warren's "Grab A Beer (Or Whatever) With Warren" sidebar contest/fundraiser ad. Another authoritarian wannabe.

tcrosse said...

Raise that chin and offer your throat to the knife.

Jon Ericson said...

Throw out your hands!!
Stick out your tush!!
Hands on your hips
Give them a push!!

MadisonMan said...

When you walk through a storm, hold your chin up high.

Narr said...

Tambor, as Malenkov, does the chin thing well in the Death of Stalin, as he poses for his official photo as the new boss.

Good call, Clyde

Big Mike said...

Well, lunacy comes from looking at the moon (Luna).

traditionalguy said...

Garland had her one big dose of Dragon Energy. She revealed it in her version singing The Battle Hymn of our Republic. Sweet little girl she was not.

Bill said...

It's a declaration of fabulousness! Or something.

Maillard Reactionary said...

I choose "Or something".